SpeedRunners - Casper van Est

Since the start of this year we've been working with Discord to get Voice Chat support in SpeedRunners. Now finally, after the update tomorrow, Discord Voice Chat be available in-game for everyone!

For those of you who don't know yet: Discord is a free chat client that can best be described as a mix of IRC and TeamSpeak. You don't need to install the client to use voice chat in SpeedRunners, but we still recommend getting the Discord Client and joining the SpeedRunners Community Discord Server. It's a great way to meet other players and to find opponents for exciting matches.

So once again: voice chat will work even if you don't have the Discord Client installed. You don't need a Discord account or anything like that either. It will simply work when you enable voice chat in-game!*. This will allow you to chat with your opponents while in-game or in a lobby. Voice chat is disabled by default, and obviously muting is also an option.

We hope you enjoy the update tomorrow; please let us know what you think of the ranking updates and the voice chat support on the forum!

*Except for Max and Linux. On these platforms, you will actually need to install the Discord Client if you want to enable voice chat.
SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk

Since the start of this year we've been working with Discord to get Voice Chat support in SpeedRunners. Now finally, after the update tomorrow, Discord Voice Chat be available in-game for everyone!

For those of you who don't know yet: Discord is a free chat client that can best be described as a mix of IRC and TeamSpeak. You don't need to install the client to use voice chat in SpeedRunners, but we still recommend getting the Discord Client and joining the SpeedRunners Community Discord Server. It's a great way to meet other players and to find opponents for exciting matches.

So once again: voice chat will work even if you don't have the Discord Client installed. You don't need a Discord account or anything like that either. It will simply work when you enable voice chat in-game!*. This will allow you to chat with your opponents while in-game or in a lobby. Voice chat is disabled by default, and obviously muting is also an option.

We hope you enjoy the update tomorrow; please let us know what you think of the ranking updates and the voice chat support on the forum!

*Except for Max and Linux. On these platforms, you will actually need to install the Discord Client if you want to enable voice chat.
Apr 10, 2017
SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk
Before the weekend, we announced the new (beta) ELO Ranking System.

Today, we will discuss the upcoming changes in more detail. The main news is that we will be introducing seasons. Think of these as similar to how the current league system works, but within a limited timespan. This means you will be competing against other speedrunners to see who is the fastest runner during a certain period of time. At the end of a season, you will be awarded a badge that represents the league you finished in. We're not entirely sure yet on the specifics, but we're planning on running a couple of these seasons each year, for instance by having a Halloween Season or a Christmas Season. You'll be able to get a badge for each of the seasons you participate in.

Soooo what's so special about badges? Well, aside from being a nice collectible overview of your past achievements, you can pick one that will pop up over your character when you perform a taunt. This way you can show off your past achievements, like that you've participated during a special event, or that you finished in the Diamond League during one of the seasons, in-game!

While we're excited about this new idea, there could very well be some issues with how we've set everything up. So, the first season in this new ranking system will be a Beta Season - meaning some rules and variables might change mid-season. This season will run for a month; from April 13th until May 14th. The badges that you see up here are exclusive for the Beta Season; you can only get one of these badges by playing ranked matches in the specified timeframe. Other seasons will have different badges, with specific badges for each season. To be eligible to get one of these you have to play at least 15 placement matches. After those matches, you are placed in a league that suits your skill level. You can then advance in leagues just like before, by beating opponents and winning matches. Finally, when the season ends we'll be handing out badges based on what league you ended up in!

'What happens to my current ranking score?' you might ask. Obviously, we don't want to simply throw away all the hard work you've put into getting into one of the top leagues. When the ELO update goes live you will automatically receive one of the badges that you may have already noticed on top of the previous announcement; they represent your current ranking in the 'old' ranking system. Also, after the Beta Season ends, we will revert back to the 'old' ranking system (your score is frozen in the meantime) while we evaluate the results of the beta test.

But wait, there is more! If you reach the top-level Diamond tier by the end of this beta season will also get this hyper-cool exclusive trail!

Tomorrow we'll have some more info on how all of this will come together!
Apr 10, 2017
SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk
Before the weekend, we announced the new (beta) ELO Ranking System.

Today, we will discuss the upcoming changes in more detail. The main news is that we will be introducing seasons. Think of these as similar to how the current league system works, but within a limited timespan. This means you will be competing against other speedrunners to see who is the fastest runner during a certain period of time. At the end of a season, you will be awarded a badge that represents the league you finished in. We're not entirely sure yet on the specifics, but we're planning on running a couple of these seasons each year, for instance by having a Halloween Season or a Christmas Season. You'll be able to get a badge for each of the seasons you participate in.

Soooo what's so special about badges? Well, aside from being a nice collectible overview of your past achievements, you can pick one that will pop up over your character when you perform a taunt. This way you can show off your past achievements, like that you've participated during a special event, or that you finished in the Diamond League during one of the seasons, in-game!

While we're excited about this new idea, there could very well be some issues with how we've set everything up. So, the first season in this new ranking system will be a Beta Season - meaning some rules and variables might change mid-season. This season will run for a month; from April 13th until May 14th. The badges that you see up here are exclusive for the Beta Season; you can only get one of these badges by playing ranked matches in the specified timeframe. Other seasons will have different badges, with specific badges for each season. To be eligible to get one of these you have to play at least 15 placement matches. After those matches, you are placed in a league that suits your skill level. You can then advance in leagues just like before, by beating opponents and winning matches. Finally, when the season ends we'll be handing out badges based on what league you ended up in!

'What happens to my current ranking score?' you might ask. Obviously, we don't want to simply throw away all the hard work you've put into getting into one of the top leagues. When the ELO update goes live you will automatically receive one of the badges that you may have already noticed on top of the previous announcement; they represent your current ranking in the 'old' ranking system. Also, after the Beta Season ends, we will revert back to the 'old' ranking system (your score is frozen in the meantime) while we evaluate the results of the beta test.

But wait, there is more! If you reach the top-level Diamond tier by the end of this beta season will also get this hyper-cool exclusive trail!

Tomorrow we'll have some more info on how all of this will come together!
SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk

For almost 3 years now we've been running the same old ranking system. The system has been great for us. It has given some memorable moments from when the first player hit Platinum League. Or when Metanet01 got into the unobtainable Diamond League. This remained a feat replicated by only 8 other players to this day. Other than that the system also served as a skill indication, providing much better skill-based Match Making.

While the system has been good to us, it also has multiple issues. It feels a bit grindy and it could be better at representing current player skill.

The new ranking system
In order to solve the issues with the current system we've been testing a new ranking system for a while now in secret on the ranking server. This is an ELO based system. We are now almost ready to start a public test with the ELO system.

As it stands we're aiming to introduce the new system on Thursday April 13th 2017. It's not quite ready yet, so there is a slight chance we may not make that, but things are looking good right now. We're planning to run the new system for a month until May 14th. For the duration we are running the new system we will freeze your current score. After May 14th we will revert back to the current ranking system. At that point you can start playing in the current ranking system where you left off on April 13th.

But that's not all we have planned!

On Monday we will reveal more about why you might want to join the ELO Beta Season.

SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk

For almost 3 years now we've been running the same old ranking system. The system has been great for us. It has given some memorable moments from when the first player hit Platinum League. Or when Metanet01 got into the unobtainable Diamond League. This remained a feat replicated by only 8 other players to this day. Other than that the system also served as a skill indication, providing much better skill-based Match Making.

While the system has been good to us, it also has multiple issues. It feels a bit grindy and it could be better at representing current player skill.

The new ranking system
In order to solve the issues with the current system we've been testing a new ranking system for a while now in secret on the ranking server. This is an ELO based system. We are now almost ready to start a public test with the ELO system.

As it stands we're aiming to introduce the new system on Thursday April 13th 2017. It's not quite ready yet, so there is a slight chance we may not make that, but things are looking good right now. We're planning to run the new system for a month until May 14th. For the duration we are running the new system we will freeze your current score. After May 14th we will revert back to the current ranking system. At that point you can start playing in the current ranking system where you left off on April 13th.

But that's not all we have planned!

On Monday we will reveal more about why you might want to join the ELO Beta Season.

SpeedRunners - lukeburtis

Come and watch the launch event of the Weird and Wonderful bundle on Steam, where we'll be playing all the games in the bundles amazing line-up!

SpeedRunners - tinyBuild

Come and watch the launch event of the Weird and Wonderful bundle on Steam, where we'll be playing all the games in the bundles amazing line-up!

Oct 25, 2016
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinybuild

You can run, but you can't dodge a well executed freezeray. Enjoy ScreamRunners this week!

*you can disable these effects in options
Oct 25, 2016
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinybuild

You can run, but you can't dodge a well executed freezeray. Enjoy ScreamRunners this week!

*you can disable these effects in options