Atlantica Global - VALOFE KR

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This post is written in both English and Simplified Chinese.
Atlantica Global - VALOFE KR
Atlantica Global - VALOFE KR
This article is written in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Simplified Chinese.

Welcome to the second series of Know your game! Today we will check on the Class B Range mercenaries that will help you on your journey to end-game!

So let’s start and delve on the Class B Range mercenaries!

She holds the balance of magic in her hand. She can silence her enemies or shield her allies.

The Empress is a mercenary who has high [Dexterity] and [Magic Defense]. She carries a Bow for her weapon. An Empress is an excellent tactical mercenary. She can protect your allies from magic attacks and silence enemies. She can shoot any single enemy, including flyers in a single attack. She can use [Empress’ Blessing] to shield her allies and [Empress’ Curse] to silence her enemies.

Class B: Marksman Mercenary – Can attack one opponent from a distance. On top of her attack being able to attack anyone in a formation, her two magic makes her a far more deadly mercenary as she can shield her allies from deadly magic and can prevent her enemies from using magic.

Skills / Magic

Empress’ Blessing – Empress' Blessing shields allies from all magic.
Empress’ Curse – The Empress' Curse prevents enemies from using magic for a certain period.

Demeian Guardian
She combines Atlantian magic with Akademeian technology to make the world a better place.

The Demeian Guardian is a mercenary who has high [Dexterity] and carries a Cannon for her weapon. A Demeian Guardian can easily wreck havoc upon enemy formations with her attacks and weaken enemy formations while supporting her allied formation. Her attack bombards an area dealing damage to enemies adjacent to the target. [Demeian Tactics] grants her allies bonus to Accuracy and Evasion Rate.

Class B: Bombadier Mercenary – Can inflicts splash damage on your enemies. Her attacks can bombard an area can easily break enemy formations. [Flashbang] can easily hinder a vital mercenary in an enemy’s formation and [Preemptive Strike] can weaken enemy ranged mercenaries’ effectiveness.

Skills / Magic

Demeian Tactics – Demeian magic flows through your Formation, boosting allies' Accuracy and Evasion Rate (AoE).
Flashbang – Disorient your enemies with a flash of blinding light, decreasing their Action Power.
Preemptive Strike – Ranged enemies suffer decreased Attack Power, Multi-Hit rate and Accuracy (AoE).

The fastest gun in the west and completely devoted in pursuit of justice

The Sheriff is a mercenary who has high [Dexterity] and she carries a Rifle for her weapon. A Sheriff is ideal for very aggressive formations. Her attack can hit all three enemies in a single column. She can use [Revolver Rush] to barrage an enemy formation.

Class B: Rifleman Mercenary – Can attack opponents in a column from a distance. She is an offensive beast and can easily break enemy formations and especially if combined with an aggressive formation.

Skills / Magic

Arrest – Ties the enemy up with rope.
Revolver Rush – Damages the enemy with a wild barrage from her revolver.
Steady Stance – Increases the caster's Multi-Hit rate and Attack Power.

She steals her enemy’s strength to restore her own with her vampiric powers.

The Vampire is a mercenary who has high [Dexterity] and [Intelligence]. She carries an Instrument for her weapon. A Vampire is one of the best healers around while having a good set of magic that keeps her on the offensive. Her attack can hit two enemies in a line in a single attack. She can heal her allies in a formation with [Dawn Harmony].

Class B: Maestro Mercenary – Ranged shots against two foes in a line. She is a valuable mercenary for her ability to heal allies with [Dawn Harmony] and [Dusky Elegy] for weakening an enemy’s [Magic Defense] making them very vulnerable to your allies’ magic.

Skills / Magic

Dawn Harmony – Raises the Attack Power, Accuracy and Critical rate of allied Spear mercenaries (AoE).
Dusk Elegy – Play Dusk Elegy to greatly lower the enemy's Magic Defense and absorb the enemy's Health continuously.
Vampiric Thirst – Steal Health from the enemy during a basic attack. The activation rate depends on the skill level.

So, found your favorite mercenary so far? If not, there’s going to be more mercenary guides! So stay tuned for more Know your game posts!

See you all soon!
VALOFE Atlantica Global Team
Atlantica Global - VALOFE KR

We have an important and unfortunate news to announce regarding Atlantica Global and we’d like reach out to all you in our community to give share you a little information.

Regrettably, we need a little bit more time to meet our expectations and we want to ensure that we’re doing our best to deliver players the highest possible quality experience for everyone. In order to meet our standards and meet the expectations of our community, we’ve made the decision to push the release date to May 14, 2020. We’re sure this news is just as disappointing to fans and new players alike waiting for the game, as it is to us. Rest assured we are doing the best we could to further polish and conduct quality testing for the game.

Expect to see more regular updates about the game as we get closer to the new release date.

We’re really looking forward seeing everyone set foot in the world of Atlantica Global. We truly appreciate your patience, understanding and continued support.

Atlantica Global Team
Atlantica Global - VALOFE KR
This article is written in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Simplified Chinese.

Welcome to the second series of Know your game! Today we will check on the Class B Melee mercenaries that will help you on your journey to end-game!

So let’s start and delve on the Class B Melee mercenaries!

A deadly duo of master and puppet that unleashes a curse upon the enemy and manipulating allies

The Puppeteer is a mercenary who has high [Strength] and wields a Power Saw for her puppet’s weapon. A Puppeteer can easily null all magic casted on an enemy and can manipulate her ranged allies to act again. Her puppet’s attack can strike up to three enemies in a single row. She can use [Bloody Strings] to sacrifice an ally to tremendously power up her puppet.

Class B: Berserker Mercenary – Melee strikes against a row of enemies. She can devastate enemy formations with her attack, Support her range allies by allowing them to act again in the timers of desperation, can sacrifice an ally to empower her puppet.

Skills / Magic

Bloody Strings – Use powerful puppetry magic to control and curse the enemy, nullify all Magic cast on them, except Purify spells.

Curse of Strings – Use powerful puppetry magic to control and curse the enemy, nullify all Magic cast on them, except Purify spells.

Empowering Control – Takes control of allies using puppetry powers, increasing their abilities. Allows Stunned characters to lose their Combo Count.

An exorcist that uses charms to give his allies a boost and to devastate his foes

The Taoist is a mercenary who has high [Strength] and wields a Spear for his weapon. A Taoist can disable and weaken enemy formations while supporting his allied formation. His attack strikes against two foes in a line. [Burning Essence] and [Empowered Aura] supports his allies while [Spirit Echo] and [Vital Seal] is designed to hinder and weaken his enemies.

Class B: Dragoon Mercenary – Melee strikes against two foes in a line. He can disable enemies with [Vital Seal] and [Spirit Echo] slows down enemies. An ideal frontline tank with with magic skills that helps his allies and weakens the enemy for easy pickings.

Skills / Magic

Burning Essence – Increases Action Power, speed and Accuracy. When the spell ends, replenishes Health.

Empowered Aura – Empowers other Spear wielders, restoring Health and boosting Multi-Hit rate every turn (AoE).

Spirit Echo – Calls upon the spirit of the spear to deal extra damage and decrease Action Power.

Vital Seal – Decreases Action Power and seals physical and magical attacks. At higher skill levels, decreases Defense and gives a small increase to Magic Defense. Works on bosses.

A ruthless and swift fighter that slice and dices her enemies with her excellent sword skills

The Pirate is a mercenary who has high [Strength] and she wields a Sword for her weapon. A Pirate is ideal on sword-centric formations and her set of skills always puts her on the offensive. Her attack can only strike one enemy in a single attack. She can use [Toxic Sword] to both damage and drain her target of Action Power.

Class B: Knight Mercenary – Can attack enemies in a row at close range. She has extremely low defense but she makes up for it for being very useful a in sword heavy formations, can easily weaken enemies with her attacks and her other skills makes her viable even for a diverse formation.

Skills / Magic

Toxic Sword – Causes damage at a certain rate and the enemy who's been attacked will be poisoned. This magic is not affected by charms or increased weapon skill. Drains monsters, including bosses, of Action Power.

Blood Vengeance – Deal severe damage to one enemy, in exchange for damage to one of your own mercenaries at random.

Crimson Blade – Summons the Crimson Blade to damage enemies.

Marauder’s Edge – Increases Attack Power and Multi-Hit Rate in Swords of Formation (AoE).

Trained for war for his entire life with his spear and shield, his War Cry can crush even his mightiest foes

The Spartan is a mercenary who has high [Strength] and he wields a Spear for his weapon. A Spartan is viable on spear heavy formations and he can weaken enemies. His attack strikes against two foes in a line. He can use [War Cry] to demoralize his enemies with a mighty yell.

Class B: Dragoon Mercenary – Melee strikes against two foes in a line. He is ideal to have on spear heavy formations and his [War Cry] helps with weakening his enemies.

Skills / Magic

Sparta – Raises the Attack Power, Accuracy and Critical rate of allied Spear mercenaries (AoE).

War Cry – Weaken your enemies' morale with a mighty war cry.

A conqueror of kingdoms. Leader of warriors. She is the fiercest of the Huns.

The Tarkan is a mercenary who has high [Strength] and extremely high [Defense]. She wields an Axe for her weapon. A Tarkan can easily overpower enemy formations by herself with her set of skills and attacks. Her attack can strike up to three enemies in a single row. Her [Cleaving Blows] skill makes her a deadly force on each attack she makes.

Class B: Reaver Mercenary – Can attack enemies in a row at close range. Her high [Strength] and extremely high [Defense] not only makes her an ideal attacker but also an ideal frontline tank. Her set of skills makes her offensive output an unstoppable force, thus making her a really and deadly killing machine.

Skills / Magic
Cleaving Blows – Gives basic attacks a chance to deal additional damage and weaken enemy defenses. Has a higher chance to trigger at higher magic levels. Cleaving Blows affects a full row, even if Attila attacks an opponent in an outer column of a row and doesn't physically hit all 3 characters in that row.

Tarkan’s Will – Goes into a rage, boosting Attack Power, Multi-Hit rate, Accuracy, Critical and Action Power. In TBS, boosts speed.

Unstoppable – Iron-clad will allows the user to hit harder and resist Stun spells.

Combines magic and melee prowess to become the perfect second-in-command of any formation

The Warlord is a mercenary whopossesses a really powerful set of magic and skills and he wields a sword for his weapon.Combining his melee prowess with his magic makes him an absolute terror for his enemies. Hisattack can only strike one enemy in a single attack. He aids his allies with [Rally] and [Demoralize] can make bosses easier to defeat.

Class B: Knight Mercenary – Can attack on opponent at close range. Offering various skills and magic allows the Warlord to support his ally, debuff bosses and do an AoE attack.

Skills / Magic

Rally–Seals the Magic of the enemy leader and drains Mana from him. Also decreases Attack Power, Defense, Critical Rate and Multi-Hit Rate.

Demoralize – Boosts the main character's attack, defense, critical, and intelligence. Passive Magic not increased by Charms or Equipment.

Thunderbolt Slash –Smite the enemy (front row) with bolts of thunder.

So, found your favorite mercenary so far? If not, there’s going to be more mercenary guides! So stay tuned for more Know your game posts!

See you all soon!
VALOFE Atlantica Global Team
Atlantica Global - judge_bao
This article can be viewed on the following languages: Spanish, Portuguese, English and Simplified Chinese.

Let’s take a look at Atlantica Online’s major game features, to prepare you for the battles ahead!

Main Classes

There are 3 different races in the world of Atlantica. Scion of Atlantis, Atlantian, and Hero.

Scion of Atlantis

• The most flexible race with different main class. Recommended for beginners because you can choose which class you play that suit your game style.

Melee Class

Reaver (Axe Main) - With a sweep of your axe you strike an entire row of enemies. Your action power and defensive level against magic is low compared to others, but with your high vitality, you excel at withstanding enemy's physical attacks.

Berserker (Power Saw Main) - With a mighty swing of your blades, your attacks strike both your target and the enemies on either side of him. This is an offensive character with high attack power.

Dragoon (Spear Main) - The reach of your spear allows you to strike two enemies in a column with high attack power.

Ranged Class

Marksman (Bow Main) - With a bow you become a master sniper, able to strike any one target in the enemy formation with high damage, and you deal even more damage with the right arrows.

Bombardier (Cannon Main) - Wielding a heavy cannon with ease, you bombard the enemies with your cannonballs, striking your foes in a cross pattern. You have high vitality. With high accuracy, you excel at knocking entire groups of enemy’s unconscious at the same time.

Rifle (Gun Main) - Ready, aim, fire! The bullets from your gun tear through the enemy defenses, hitting an entire column of foes. The enemy in front absorbs most of the damage, but you can increase your attack power by equipping special bullets.

Maestro (Instrument Main) - Your normal attacks damage two enemies in a column. Compared to other magic-using characters, you have strong physical defense due to your ability to wear light armor. You also have high Action Power for a magic-user, giving you a definite edge in battle.

Magic Class

Mage (Staff Main) - Your foes may scoff at your low vitality and defensive level, but as a mage you have the ability to master a wide variety of spells. You can also equip an Orb, which increases your Attack Power and Intelligence.


• Hero race has only one class which is Celestial Hunter. A master of trick shots, your arrows can hit three enemies with a single attack. When it comes to damaging your prey, there are no greater masters; whether you're casting a spell to lower enemy defense or hitting hard with a counterattack, you know how to hurt your foes.


• Atlantian race is an upgraded version of Scion of Atlantis. They are the masters of each class focus on powerful attacks.

Melee Class

Blademaster (Dual Sword Main) – With sword on both hands, you deal damage to your target and everyone around it. Your [Static Shield] spell hurts anyone who attacks you, while [Direct Current] channels lightning through your basic attacks.

Ranged Class

Stormcaller (Whip Main) - A terror on the battlefield, you wield your whip with deadly precision. Your physical attacks can hit a row anywhere in the enemy formation, but your true power is revealed when you reach Apotheosis: You transform into a literal goddess of lightning after you've built up your energy.

Magic Class

Battlemage (Staff Main) - A terror on the battlefield, you wield your whip with deadly precision. Your physical attacks can hit a row anywhere in the enemy formation, but your true power is revealed when you reach Apotheosis: You transform into a literal goddess of lightning after you've built up your energy.

Mercenary System and Recruitment

• You can recruit mercenaries in various ways: hiring them outright, performing a recruitment Quest, buying them from the Market, winning them as an event reward, buying them from the Item Mall.

• You can find Mercenary Recruitment quest lines in game in the quest log's Sub Quest > Recruit section.

• There are also Legion mercenary. They are 3 Legions compose of different powerful individual mercenary.

Diabolic Legion

- The Diabolic Legion (aka Dark Legion) is one of 3 Legions in Atlantica Online. Legion Skill is Bane of Demons. If 3 or more mercenaries from a single legion are active in your formation, and you have set your Main Legion (set this in the Legion Info window) to that legion, the Legion Skill for that Legion becomes active.

Shadow Legion

- The Shadow Legion (aka Shadow Corps aka Beggar Corps) is one of 3 Legions in Atlantica Online. Legion Skill is Might of Descending Dragon. If 3 or more mercenaries from a single legion are active in your formation, and you have set your Main Legion (set this in the Legion Info window) to that legion, the Legion Skill for that Legion becomes active.

Shaolin Legion

- The Shaolin Legion is one of 3 Legions in Atlantica Online. Each legion has a number of mercenaries as members. Legion Skill is Luohan Formation. If 3 or more mercenaries from a single legion are active in your formation, and you have set your Main Legion (set this in the Legion Info window) to that legion, the Legion Skill for that Legion becomes active.

Crafting System

• Crafting is the ability to make new items from component items. There are dozens of craft skills available to learn and no limit to how many a single player can learn at once. Craft skill ability is measured by a player's craft skill level, ranging from one to 140. The higher a craft skill level, the more items a player can craft from that discipline.

• To begin crafting a specific crafting skill you first need to either learn it from a player who has achieved "Artisan" status in that skill, or you need to buy the first level from an NPC.

• To begin crafting you need to first open the Skills window (My Info->Skills) and select a crafting skill.

• When you click on a particular skill you will see each item that you can currently craft. When you click on one of the items you will see what materials it needs and how many you have. Once you have the materials required to craft you can hit the Craft button.

• To acquire different crafting skills you have to go to Artisan District. There are variety of NPC to choose which crafting skill you want to learn.

Battle System

• When you move your cursor over a monster the icon will change into a Sword. When you Left-Click on a nearby monster you will enter Battle Mode. You also can join a battle with a monster that is already in battle with another player if you belong to the same Guild or Nation as that player or are friend.

• When right-clicking on the monster, it displays the number of monster objects, its level and battle array. (Available only when using a Patrol License).

- Right-Click on a monster and select 'Details', you can view its level and Battle Formation. (Available only if using a Patrol License)

If the monster is already in battle with another player, you will also see the option to 'Observe' which will allow you to watch the battle without participating in it.
The color of a Monster's Name is based on the level difference between your character and the monster:

- If the monster is 10 or more levels below your character's level, its name will be Dark Blue.
- If the monster is 7 or more levels below your character's level, its name will be Light Blue.
- If the monster is close to your character's level its name will be White.
- If a monster is 4 or more levels above your character's level, its name will be Orange.
- If a monster is 7 or more levels above your character's level, its name will be Dark Orange.
- If a monster is 10 or more levels above your character's level, its name will be Red.

• During your turn, you can act by choosing one of the following options:
- Attack - Deals physical damage to the enemy.
- Search - Gets you items by searching the dead. You won't always get treasure from the fallen, though.
- Guard - Blocks against enemies' attacks and decreases damage by a certain amount.
- Move - Changes a mercenary's position in your formation.
- Wait - Causes a mercenary to do nothing. This does not use their action power.
- Magic - Orders the mercenary to use a spell they know. You can learn one magic spell per upgrade. The highest magic level is between 40 - 80, depending on the spell and upgrade status.

• Time Limit - Both you and the enemy alternate turns to attack. Each turn is up to 30 seconds. For PVP, the number of active mercenaries is increased by one each turn. The first player can use one mercenary, the next player gets two, then the first player gets three. A maximum of 5 mercenaries can act each turn.

• Mercenary Formation - When a mercenary or character's position is a disadvantage during battle, or when you try to change the battle array of your mercenaries for strategy, then you can change mercenary's position. There are 2 ways of doing this:

During Battle
On the battle menu at the right side on the bottom, if you click the move button (shortcut key D), and move to the desired position, the mercenary will move to that position, Mercenaries' action power is consumed when they change positions.

Outside of Battle
You can select Formation from the My Info menu at the top of the screen. Click the mercenary and click the position that you want it to move to. It will then move to that position.

• Action Power - Action Power (Or AP) is a measure of how many actions a mercenary can take per turn. Generally, each turn restores 25 - 150 action power depending on a mercenary's class.

In battle, action power is consumed with each action taken:
- Attack - 100 Action Power
- Search - 50 Action Power
- Guard - 50 Action Power
- Move - 50 Action Power
- Wait - No Action Power
- Magic - 50 or more Action Power (Depends on the magic skill)

A mercenary must have 100 action power for you to choose an action to perform. Magic also requires 100 action power to start but the amount subtracted is depended on the magic skill and its level.

When your action power is negative, you must recover 100 action power in order to move again.

• Battle System Video link (Credits to the Owner) -

Individual / Guild / Nation Dungeon

Individual Dungeon

• Individual Dungeons, aka Indy Dungeons aka Indies, are dungeons that are only accessible to players who use a key to access that dungeon and members of that player's party.

• Individual Dungeons have cooldown (CD) periods, during which they are inaccessible (usually 20 hours). You can view your dungeon cool downs in your Character sheet (Alt+N) under the Dungeons tab. You can gain Dungeon Points by completing Individual Dungeons.

• Individual Dungeons are usually limited to a formation of 6 characters (Main Character + 5 Mercenaries). If a player has more than 5 mercenaries but does not manually disable at least 3 mercenaries when starting a battle in an Individual Dungeon, mercenaries will automatically be disabled at the start of each fight, starting with the lowest level mercenary and working up, until the limit is satisfied.

• Individual Dungeon Preview (Credits to KaosPolos of Sikyon) -

Guild Dungeon

• Guild Dungeon is a special type of time-limit dungeon that can only be opened and entered by a Guild member, usually a Guild Leader or Guild Chief Officer. It's usually comprised of multiple floors with many mobs to kill, and since requirements for clearing tend to be rather high, squad preparation is a must.

• Once the dungeon is opened, an instance is created which lasts for two hours and is only accessible to members of the guild that opened it. A certain guild level is required to in order to use the access keys. Monsters in Guild Dungeons scale to the level of the highest Main Character in the current Party when Combat starts.

• Reward Boxes for completing Guild Dungeons are mailed to the Guild's Leader upon dungeon completion. The leader can then choose to distribute those boxes as he/she sees fit. They are typically split up evenly among participating players.

• Guild Dungeon Preview (Credits to Ladu from Argos) -

Nation Dungeon

• Nation Dungeon is a special type of time-limit dungeon that can only be opened and entered by a Nation Officers or Leaders. It's usually comprised of multiple floors with many mobs to kill, and since requirements for clearing tend to be rather high, squad preparation is a must. Like Individual Dungeons and Guild Dungeons, there's a cool down period once a dungeon is closed, regardless of it ending in victory or defeat.

• Some nation dungeons cannot be attempted with a full 9-character party, and so some mercenaries must be disabled by each player. Nation Dungeons reward players with Nation Tokens and Star Stones. Monsters in Nation Dungeons scale to the level of the highest Main Character in the current Party when Combat starts.

• Reward Boxes for completing Nation Dungeons are mailed to the Nation's King upon dungeon completion. The king can then choose to distribute those boxes as he/she sees fit. They are typically split up evenly among participating players.

• Avalon Nation Dungeon Preview (Credits to the nation ExcaliburforMysteria) -

Titan Grand Championship

• Is a cross-server, seeded, single-elimination tournament. The tournament is open to players of division eight and above from all servers simultaneously and is held on the communal Titan server enabling cross-server competition between all participants.

• It is held twice a week on Sunday at 3 A.M. and 3 P.M. PST (11 A.M. and 11 P.M. UTC).

• Titan Grand Championship Preview (Credits to Alchemist); Final Match between Tirandill (ATNA 2019 AOWC Qualifier Champion) vs faris10 (ATNA PvP Veteran) -

Real Economic System (Market)

• Market is a central place for buying and selling items across all towns on a given server. The goods and items listed on Market are available for purchase from any town. Market can be accessed via the Town Menu in any town.

• Buying - There is no tax for purchasing goods. When you buy something from the market, it uses the gold you have on you to pay for the item. If you do not have enough gold, you need to take more out of your bank account or earn more gold to pay for the item.

- You can buy items from the market on the 'Buy' tab. You can find items for sale by category (e.g. Armor, Medicine, Crystal) or by just typing part of the item's name and clicking 'Search'.

Crafting Materials - On the market's 'Buy' tab, if the item listed can be crafted, the Material form will list the materials to craft that item, so that you can see which you already have and how many and you can easily jump to the market listing for each of those materials.

• Equipment with Slot and Star Stones (Gem) - You can use the 'Special' button on the 'Buy' tab to search for equipment that already has Star Stones equipped. This button opens the 'Star Stone Ability Details' dialog.

- Here you can set criteria to filter equipment search results to only show those with Star Stones that meet your criteria. For example, Star Stones with Strength bonuses.

- Remember to close the 'Star Stone Ability Details' dialog after doing a specialized search, or it will apply the filter to your next search and the search will probably return nothing.

• Selling - You can list as many items or stacks of items for sale on the market as you have slots available at the top of the 'Sell' tab. You get 12 sell slots until level 90, then 1 more every 10 levels.

- Select and item or stack of items in your Inventory (you can reduce the quantity in the Qty form to sell a partial stack) and click the Register button to register the item for sale on the Market. You can only sell one stack at a time of stackable items.

- There is a tax for listing an item - this tax may vary from 1% and up. If there is a controlling guild in the town where the item is listed, 50% of the listing tax will go to that guild. So, if you are in a guild that owns a town, you should try to list items on the market while in your guild's town.

- Once an item is sold, you will get a notification in your Notes and the money will be deposited in your bank account.

- The maximum price for a single item is 9,999,999,999,999 gold (10 T-1) gold.

- Over time, an unsold item that remains listed will automatically have its listing price gradually reduced.

- If you have an item that surpasses the maximum price limit, you can sell it directly to other players via a Trade.

• Market Rate - The market in each town has a % rate it charges for putting items on the market. That fee goes into the town and the town's controlling guild can take out some of that gold. The controlling guild can also start the starting market rate. Most towns set their fee to 1%.

- Higher value items automatically get higher market fees assessed. Items of value over 1,000,000,000 are assessed at 2%, over 10,000,000,000 at 3% and over 100,000,000,000 at 5% (this is the top rate).

- Rome and Antillia, which cannot be controlled by guilds, have their market rate at 2%.
• Fixed Item Price - Some items are so crucial to the game's economy that they are offered by the game itself for a fixed amount of gold and in infinite quantity
- For example, Growth Vial (I) and Growth Vial (II). Every single character needs many Growth Vials and Growth Vial (II) is one of the materials to craft the higher level Growth Vials.

Lots for things to digest right? That’s it for now, and see you again for advance guide for other hardcore features of the game! Hope this article helps you on deciding your path in the future!

Stay strong Atlantians!
VALOFE Atlantica Team
Atlantica Global - VALOFE KR
This article is also available in Spanish, Portuguese and Simplified Chinese language.

Welcome to the first series of Know Your Game! Today we will check on the Class C Magic Mercenaries that will help you on your journey from low to mid level (or retain them forever!).

So lets start and delve on the Class C Magic Mercenaries!

A mercenary that possesses great magic to support her allies and cause havoc on her enemies.

The Oracle is a mercenary who has high [Intelligence] and specializes in magic that supports her allies. She wields a staff for her weapon. An Oracle can heal her allies and can turn her allies berserk to increase their attack power and combo rate. Her attack strikes a single target in a single attack. She can use [Healing] magic to recover her allies’ health.

Class C: Mage Mercenary – Magic attacks against a single target. Her magic allows her to support her allies with [Healing] and [Seth’s Will] while being on the offensive with [Vortex].

Skills / Magic

Healing – Heal your team by surrounding them with the power of life.

Seth’s Will – The mercenary fills your party with the will of Seth, making them turn berserk, but also increasing their Attack Power and chance for Combo Rate.

Vortex – The mercenary damages all opponents by surround them with a vortex of dark elemental Magic (AoE).

A mercenary that holds sovereignty over all matters of ranged combat.

The Princess is a mercenary who has high [Intelligence] and wields a staff for her weapon. A Princess specializes into buff and debuff of ranged mercenaries making her ideal for allied ranged-centric formations and countering allied ranged mercenaries. Her attack strikes a single target in a single attack. She can use [Family Signet], [Imperial Signet], [Royal Signet] and [Tribal Signet] for debuffing enemy ranged mercenaries.

Class C: Mage Mercenary – Magic attacks against a single target. Her Signets is a menace against enemy ranged mercenaries reducing their effectiveness.

Skills / Magic

Family Signet – Decreases enemy Bows' Attack Power (AoE).

Imperial Signet – Decreases enemy Cannons' Attack Power (AoE).

Princess’ Order – Increases your Ranged mercenaries' Defense and recover Health every turn (AoE).

Royal Signet – Decreases enemy Gunners' Attack Power (AoE).

Tribal Signet – Reduces the effectiveness of enemies' Instruments (AoE).

A mischievous mercenary with knowledge of the ages and that rains a fiery devastation from the heavens upon her enemies.

The Witch is a mercenary who has high [Intelligence] and excels with her offensive magic to devastate enemy formations. She wields a staff for her weapon. A Witch can easily devastate enemy formations and even counter enemy mages. She can use [Mana Drain] to drain a target’s MP and [Meteor Strike] to rain a fiery destruction on an entire formation.

Class C: Mage Mercenary – Magic attacks against a single target. She can burn and drain her enemy’s MP with [Mana Drain] and [Mana Recharge] and can be on the offensive with [Meteor Strike].

Skills / Magic

Mana Drain – Steal the opponents Mana to recover the Witch's.

Mana Recharge – Recovers your allies' Magic Points.

Mana Trap – Drains Magic Power over time (AoE, DoT). Casting Mana Trap on Brutal Will or Seth's Will triggers Mind Breaker, destroying the will spell.

Meteor Strike – Damage Enemies in range by summoning powerful meteors from the sky (AoE).

So who's your favorite Class C Magic Mercenary? Each of them can be used for PvP or PvE, the choice is yours!

Stay tuned for more Know Your Game posts!
See you all soon!

Atlantica Global Team
Atlantica Global - VALOFE KR
We added Spanish, Portuguese and Simplified Chinese language for this article!

Welcome to the first series of Know Your Game! Today we will check on the Class C Melee Mercenaries that will help you on your journey from low to mid level (or retain them forever!).

So lets start and delve on the Class C Melee Mercenaries!

Beast Trainer
A mercenary with high vitality and summons creatures

The Beast Trainer is a mercenary who has high [Vitality] and she wields an Axe for her weapon. A Beast Trainer can endure attacks and tank damage in the frontline for your other mercenaries. Her attacks strike all enemies in a single row. She can use [Beast Summon] magic to deal damage to an entire formation.

Class C: Reaver Mercenary – Can attack up to three opponents in the same row at close range. She commands an army of creatures to fight while atop her tiger. She breaks enemy defenses with her axe and can endure enemy attacks with her high health.

Skills / Magic

Beast Summon - Summons beasts to inflict damage on all opponents in a formation.

A mercenary with ability to disable opposing staff mercenaries and providing support to allied staff mercenaries

The Exorcist is a mercenary who specializes in disabling opposing staff mercenaries and buffing your own staff mercenaries. He wields a sword for his weapon. An Exorcist is vital in anti-mage formations and supporting staff-centric formations. His attack can only strike one enemy in a single attack. He can use [Mana Burn], [Mana Seal] and [Seal Staff] to easily deal with enemy staff mercenaries.

Class C: Knight Mercenary – Can attack on opponent at close range. A menace in PvP and he can use his magic to disable and counter opposing staff mercenaries.

Skills / Magic

Mana Seal – Drain’s an enemy’s magic points and converts it into damage.

Seal Staff – Prevents staff-wielding enemies from using skills.

Mana Burn – Decreases the attack power of staff-wielding enemies.

Speed Cast – Increases your staff mercenaries’ attack power and slightly regenerate health at the start of each combat phase.

A versatile mercenary that weakens his enemies and protects his allies

The Punisher is a mercenary who is versatile who can un-stun an ally, deal AoE damage and debuff opposing bow users. He equips a Power Saw for his weapon. A Punisher can easily fit into various formations. His attack strikes all enemies in a single row. He can use [Broken Arrows] to debuff an opposing bow-wielding enemy.

Class C: Berserker Mercenary – Can attack enemies in a row at close range. He tears his enemies apart with his power saw. He weakens his enemies and protects his allies.

Skills / Magic

Broken Arrows – Decreases attack power and vitality bow-wielding mercenaries and seals their magic.

Power Saw Raid – Jump dive into an enemy dealing damage on the enemy formation.

Sacrificial Awakening – Using his own health, removes a stun from allies.

Lady Knight
A mercenary specialized in tanking damage

The Lady Knight is a mercenary who has high [Defense] and she wields a Sword for her weapon. A Lady Knight can tank damage in order to protect allies behind her. Her attack strikes only one enemy in a single attack. She can use [Light Slash] magic to deal high damage to one enemy and can be combined with Oracle’s [Vortex] to make it explode into a mighty [Divine Slash]

Class C: Knight Mercenary – Can attack on opponent at close range. Sworn to protect with her sword and shield, she can tank damage on the frontline to protect her allies in the rear of the formation.

Skills / Magic

Light Slash – Slashes the enemy with a sword of light. When combined with the Oracle's Vortex, it explodes into a mighty Divine Slash.

Northern Viking
A mercenary that freeze enemies with his magic

The Northern Viking is a mercenary who has high [Strength] and [Defense] and he wields an Axe for his weapon. A Northern can easily disable an enemy’s mercenaries with his magic. His attack can strike up to three enemies in a single row. He can use [Broken Arrows] to debuff an opposing bow-wielding enemy.

Class C: Reaver Mercenary – Can attack enemies in a row at close range. He can disable enemies in a formation by freezing them with his magic which makes them easy pickings for his allies. His high [Strength] and [Defense] makes an ideal frontline tank.

Skills / Magic

Deadly Strike – While on the verge of death, strike a blow of desperation. Puts a strain on his action power, delaying his turn.

Freezing Axe – Releases a blast of ice that freezes an enemy for some time.

Ice Ridge Axe – Locks up enemies in an ice ridge by drawing power from the core of the Earth.

So who's your favorite Class C Melee Mercenary? Each of them can be used for PvP or PvE, the choice is yours!

Stay tuned for more Know Your Game posts!
See you all soon!

Atlantica Global Team
Atlantica Global - VALOFE KR

Dear Adventurers,

We have important and unfortunate news to announce regarding Atlantica Online and we'd like to share it with you today.

In order to meet our standards and meet the expectations of our community, we've made the decision to push the release date to April 23, 2020. The game is already at the stage where it is completed and playable, but to ensure we're delivering the best possible experience for the players, there are still work to be done. We know fans and new players alike waiting for the game will be disappointed upon hearing the news about the delay, but rest assured that Atlantica Online will live up to our standards and polish.

Expect to see more regular updates about the game as we get closer to the new release date.

We're really looking forward seeing you in the world of Atlantica Online. We truly appreciate your patience and understanding.

VALOFE Atlantica Team
Atlantica Global - VALOFE KR
This article is available in Spanish, Portuguese and Simplified Chinese language!

Welcome to the first series of Know Your Game! Today we will check on the Class C Range Mercenaries that will help you on your journey from low to mid level (or retain them forever!).

So lets continue and check on the Class C Range Mercenaries!

A mercenary that boosts his allies and can silence enemy musicians

The Hwarang is a mercenary who specializes in buffing his allies and silencing instrument wielding enemies. He wields a bow for his weapon. A Hwarang can help leverage his ranged allies and in desperation can turn the tides. He can shoot any single enemy, including flyers in a single attack. He uses [Hwarang’s Aura] passively support his ranged allies in the formation and in times of desperation he can sacrifice his own life with [Hwarang’s Fury] to boosts his allies attack power.

Class C: Marksman Mercenary – Can attack one opponent from a distance. He provides passive support to range allies and in times of desperation, can turn the tide of the battle.

Skills / Magic

Hwarang’s Aura – Increases Ranged mercenaries' Attack Power and Combo Rate (AoE).
Hwarang’s Fury – Increases Allies' Attack Power by sacrificing himself when Health falls below certain level. The Hwarang who uses this magic will lose his life.
Seal Instrument – Decreases the Attack Power and action power of enemies' Instrument mercenaries and blocks their Magic (AoE).

A mercenary that uses his machines to fight along with him

The Inventor is a mercenary who specializes in disabling opposing staff mercenaries and buffing your own staff mercenaries. He wields a sword for his weapon. An Inventor’s attack can hit all three enemies in a single column, including flyers and his summoned machines also helps in keeping everything in the offensive. His attack can hit all three enemies in a single column. He can use [Summon Machine] to call for reinforcement.

Class C: Rifleman Mercenary – Can attack opponents in a column from a distance. The combination of his gun and his summoned machines makes him a decent stunner and makes looting easier.

Skills / Magic

Summon Machine – Summon the inventor's invention.

A mercenary that lacks magical prowess but he more than makes up for it with his rifle skills

The Janissary is a mercenary with high [Dexterity] and is a good shooter. He carries a rifle for his weapon. A Janissary has good potential for stunning enemies in a formation and he can he can power up his attack to easily plow through enemies. His attack can hit all three enemies in a single column. He can charge and power up his attack with [Shooting Stance.]

Class C: Rifleman Mercenary – Can attack opponents in a column from a distance. His gun makes him a formidable mercenary and [Shooting Stance] can even further make him a terror.

Skills / Magic

Shooting Stance – Gets into a shooting stance so that you can damage an enemy drastically on your next turn.

A mercenary that causes disarray on enemy lines with Smoke Bombs and sets up for a devastating shelling from his mighty cannon

The Cannoneer is a mercenary who specializes in devastating enemy formations and he carries a cannon for his weapon. A Cannoneer is a good stunner, can easily devastate enemy formations with splash damage and he can reduce enemy accuracy. His attack bombards an area dealing damage to enemies adjacent to the target. He can use [Smoke Bomb] to lower enemy accuracy.

Class C: Bombadier Mercenary – Can inflicts splash damage on your enemies. [Smoke Bomb] lowers enemy accuracy and his attack allows him splash damage enemy formations.

Skills / Magic

Smoke Bomb – Decreases enemies' Accuracy with a smoke bomb (AoE). Casting Princess' sealing magic on top of Smoke Bomb Triggers Bomb Attack.

Dark Archer
A mercenary is an excellent sniper and can send her arrows flying to any enemy on the battlefield

The Dark Archer is a mercenary who specializes in disabling enemy magic and sniping specific targets from enemy formations. She wields a bow for her weapon. A Dark Archer is can easily snipe specific targets with her attack, hit a formation with her skill and cause a debuff to prevent the target from using magic. She can shoot any single enemy, including flyers in a single attack. She can use [Multi Arrow] to hit an enemy’s formation and [Silence] for preventing magic skills from the target.

Class C: Marksman Mercenary – Can attack one opponent from a distance. Her [Multi Arrow] is an excellent skill for hitting multiple targets in a formation and [Silence] can easily disable deadly mercenaries.

Skills / Magic

Deadly Shot – A strike of desperation while on the verge of death. The attack puts a strain on your Action Power, delaying your next turn.
Multi Arrow – Powerful arrows will fly into the enemy's Formation and hit the targets. Increases the Combo Count of targets.
Silence – The mercenary silences the opponent, preventing them from using Magic skills. Also lowers Defense and Attack Power of the enemy.

A mercenary with ability to use her musical craft for offense and support

The Minstrel is a mercenary who specializes in supporting and debuffing enemy formations. She wields an instrument for her weapon. A Minstrel has a set of interesting mix of skills that can fit any formation. Her attack can hit two enemies in a line in a single attack. She can use [Hallucination] to disable a target’s magic.

Class C: Maestro Mercenary – Ranged shots against two foes in a line. Her set of skills are useful as she can disable mercenaries which may pose a biggest threat and support her allies.

Skills / Magic

Hallucination – Makes the enemies hallucinate and unable to use magic.
Salvation – Removes continuous magic from allies. Restores a random amount of Health.
Seal Power Saw – Decreases Attack Power and magic defense of the enemy's Power Saw mercenaries and seals their Magic (AoE).

A mercenary who sees visions of the future and a menace against melee mercenaries

The Prophet is a mercenary who specializes in breaking enemy melee mercenaries and buffing her allied melee mercenaries. She wields a bow for her weapon. A Prophet can reduce enemy melee mercenaries’ effectiveness making her ideal for anti-melee formations. Her attack can only strike one enemy in a single attack. She can use [Broken Spear], [Rusty Axe], [Shattered Axe], and [Sundered Power Saw] to reduce enemy melee mercenaries’ combat effectivity

Class C: Marksman Mercenary – Can attack one opponent from a distance. An ideal and total menace against melee mercenaries and buffs her allied melee mercenaries for further strengthen the advantages of the formation.

Skills / Magic

Broken Spear – Reduces the effectiveness of enemies' Spears (AoE).
Concentrate – The mercenary enhances the physical damage and accuracy of allied Melee mercenaries, and regenerates their Health (AoE).
Rusty Axe – Reduces the effectiveness of enemies' Axes (AoE).
Shattered Sword – Reduces the effectiveness of enemies' Swords (AoE). (AoE).
Sundered Power Saw – Reduces the effectiveness of enemies' Power Saws (AoE).

So who's your favorite Class C Range Mercenary? Each of them can be used for PvP or PvE, the choice is yours!

Stay tuned for more Know Your Game posts!
See you all soon!

Atlantica Global Team