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Lileas Graf, the mayor of Holsord from 1948 to 1952, has been selected to serve as Minister of Interior of Sordland in the new Rayne administration.

Mrs Graf has been a member of the United Sordland Party since its formation in 1929. Prior, she was a sergeant in the Women’s Army Corps and the mayor of Arvory from 1940 to 1947

A favourite of Soll’s, Graf’s policies on urban planning and public education transformed Holsord’s economy and boosted her popularity in the capital. She is credited for the economic booms in both Arvory and Holsord.

As one of the most influential supporters of the president-elect’s, she is currently one of the central figures in the United Sordland party. We are saddened to lose Lileas Graf as our mayor, but watch on with pride as she steps into the Rayne administration.

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Anton Rayne’s cabinet of ministers has been announced ahead of the presidential inauguration.

Three women in the cabinet marks the largest number of women in a presidential cabinet in Sordish history. Anton Rayne’s dedication to diversity in his cabinet is impressive, and we can only hope that the women selected are worthy of their positions. One notable minister is Lileas Graf, who has been a member of the United Sordland Party since its formation in 1929, and was a sergeant in the Women’s Army Corps before she began her political career. A favourite of Soll’s, Lileas is respected as an expert on urban development and police relations, and has been an influential supporter of Anton Rayne’s candidacy. 

Iosef Lancea is another long serving member of the USP. He was a captain during the Sordish Civil War and served under the command of Colonel Tarquin Soll before his presidency. Lancea has been very critical of President Ewald Alphonso’s policies during his term.

Other interesting choices from Rayne is Symon Holl, who was a big supporter of the free market reforms of President Ewald Alphonso. Gus Manger the only member of the cabinet who managed to retain his position from the Alphonso administration. Deivid Wisci would continue to open our borders to immigrants and believes we have opposed the Bludish people. Ciara Walda only became a member of the USP once Anton’s candidacy was announced, and was previously an independent MP.

Anton Rayne's full upcoming USP cabinet:
  • Petr Vectern - Vice President
  • Symon Holl - Minister of Economy, Commerce and Energy
  • Gus Manger - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Lucian Galade - Chief Strategist
  • Lileas Graf - Minister of Interior
  • Deivid Wisci - Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Iosef Lancea - Minister of Defence and Security
  • Ciara Walda - Minister of Education, Technology & Research
  • Paskal Beniwoll - Minister of Health, Social Affairs and Labour
  • Nia Morgna - Minister of Justice and Law
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The People's Freedom and Justice Party are once again the USP’s opposition, led by Frens Ricter. This election marks the highest number of votes the PFJP has received, Ricter citing their “calls for change” as the reasons for the rising number of votes.

Frens Ricter has been Chairman of the PFJP since 1949, and missed out on his first opportunity to take the majority away from the USP. Ricter has been in contention to Soll since the former president saved Sordland from the Military Coup in 1929.

He has called our current constitution, the driving force behind our republic “undemocratic,” and labeled Soll as a “dictator.” Yet, his strong ideals did not stop him from becoming a major shareholder of the construction company, Taurus Holding, despite his role in government. Ricter needs to get his priorities sorted, and pray that Anton Rayne will be merciful to the hypocritical politician.

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This really ought to go without saying, but apparently when it comes to Sordland and the USP, everything needs to be spelled out. No Justice of the Supreme Court should be entitled to absolute immunity.

Insignia of the Supreme Court

Orso Hawker is the prime example of why Justices should not be immune. Many of his decisions incorporated controversial policies of Tarquin Soll, including the ruling that the Bludish Freedom Party entering the elections was unconstitutional, effectively removing the Bludish identity from politics.

While slightly better than the current Chief Justice, Heron Garaci’s brother in law is none other than General Luderin, who caused the Sordish Civil War in 1927, and murdered countless citizens. Justice Garaci was implicated in the coup, but investigations were mysteriously dropped during Tarquin Soll’s term as president. He became infamous for his obstructionist methods against President Ewald Alphonso and his policies.

Isabel Edmonds is somewhat of a trailblazer in the Supreme Court. She is the youngest person to serve in the High Court of Appeals and first woman to serve in the Supreme Court. While she’s spoken out about the “oppression of the Sollist state apparatus” numerous times, her socially conservative and anti-communist views don’t do her any favours.

After all, if a president can be impeached, why can’t a Justice?

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Get to know the new First Family of Sordland ahead of the presidential inauguration!

Upcoming First Lady of Sordland, Monica Rayne was born in Lachaven. She met Anton during their university days, through mutual friend and Vice President-elect Petr Vectern. She has a degree in sociology and has worked as a social worker, with Magnus Cartus, and with the Sordish League of Women. What a busy woman! Let’s hope this forward thinking lady is up to her First Lady duties, and isn’t too distracted by all her other roles.

Anton and Monica have two children together, Franc and Deana. This is the first time there will be presidential children in the Maroon Palace! Franc is 16 years old and beginning to prepare for university. All of Sordland will be watching closely as the First Son takes steps towards adulthood, and if he’ll follow in his father’s footsteps. What big shoes to fill! Boys all across Sordland might wish the President could help them with their studying.

Little Deana is a precious young girl, only 8 year old, attending elementary school in Holsord. We expect she’s thrilled to soon be living in the Maroon Palace, the perfect home for a little princess.

The Rayne family are expected to be shining examples of Sordish values during their time in the Maroon Palace.

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The USP’s progressive posterboy, Albin Clavin, is making noise for constitutional reforms with the election of Anton Rayne.

Clavin briefly tried to run for the next candidate of the USP with a self nomination, but did not get the support in the congress, leading to the candidacy of Rayne.

He rose to significance during the Alphonso administration and was instrumental in the passing of the free market reforms, which ultimately resulted in the recession of ‘51. Clavin’s controversial speeches in the Grand National Assembly labelled him the face of “a new generation” of the USP.

While the USP is in desperate need of a new generation - among countless other things, we are happy to see at least one USP member call for much needed constitutional reforms.

Will Rayne endanger his own presidency by heeding Clavin’s call for reforms?

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While neighbouring countries have been sending their congratulations to President-elect Anton Rayne, many can’t help but question the preparedness of the upcoming government for the ideological threats looming in the distance.

The world’s superpowers, Arcasia and United Contana are locked in a fierce global ideological battle Sordland is not ready for; but may not be able to sit on the sidelines either. Arcasia pushes towards an excessive capitalism, burgeoning the financial centre of the world. While United Contana and the blight that is Malenyevism is determined to keep spreading.

Both countries are responsible for revolutions around the globe, contributing to what our contemporaries are calling the Century of Revolutions, and there’s no reason to believe they won’t stop until Sordland has joined them. They continue to support smaller nations: United Contana with funds, and Arcasia with their industry.

If this threat wasn’t enough, it’s believed that Rumburg is contending to become the third global power. The constitutional monarchy sits on Sordland’s border, the threat of aggression too close for comfort.

We can only hope Anton Rayne is up for the challenge.

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Nov 5, 2020
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The votes have been counted and Anton Rayne has been elected president! His term will begin on December 4th. Watch our release announcement trailer here:

The development journey of Suzerain that began many years ago is coming to an end. We are very excited to share what we have worked on for so long. It is an emotional journey for the team who have put their heart and soul to this and managed to get it across the finish line. A special thanks to Fellow Traveller and everyone who has supported us every step of the way.

Let’s talk about what we have accomplished in October. This month saw the game near scene completion all the way up to Turn 11 (the last game turn) with one of the ending scenes and the different epilogues being actively worked on moving into November. Our design implementations are complete. Special shoutout to Tung who has led the effort and brought it to the finish line.

Chief Justice Orso Hawker is preparing the inauguration ceremony for Anton Rayne.

A final effort is being made on finishing the news, reports and some misc narrative support content for the later turns. This helps ensure the player experience has the narrative feedback on their choices that make the game feel alive. This work will end soon, marking the game fully content complete!

Meanwhile, we have also begun testing the game with voluntary testers to make sure the most critical bugs are taken care of for release. Our special thanks to the more than dozen people who dedicated their time to help us find issues so we can increase the quality of the game at launch. Our development team has already made nearly a hundred fixes and many more improvements are still to come.

Our Original Soundtrack Composed by James Spence has also made its way to Steam!

So what is next in November? More testing, more bug fixes and the final implementations of narrative support. There will also be the final balancing passes after collecting data from the testing runs. We are ensuring that all the numbers that are being calculated in the background add up to meaningful content changes. The last ticket item will be the Steam achievements design and supporting our marketing campaign for the release.

Want to see the latest version of the game? We are going to be a part of the upcoming Escapist Indie Games Showcase! There will be a livestream on November 12th at 8pm CET / 11am PT, where you can directly ask questions to the developers. You'll be able to watch the livestream on their Twitch or YouTube channel. The Suzerain demo will also be available throughout the festival so if you never had a chance to check it out this will be a perfect time to do so.

This is our big moment and if Suzerain appeals to you in any shape or form we would love it if you shared the game with your friends and wishlist it on Steam. See you next time at the launch of the game! The Maroon Palace is waiting for you on December 4th.

Want to keep a closer eye on the development? Sign-up to our newsletter to get the latest breaking news for Suzerain.

Share this game with your friends and head over to our Steam page to wishlist Suzerain.

Thank you and see you next time citizen, Glory to Sordland!
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The votes have been counted, and today Anton Rayne has been elected the fourth President of Sordland. His four year term in office will commence on December 4.

President Rayne must decide where his priorities lie. The tasks ahead include stimulating the economy to pull Sordland out of the two year recession, advance foreign relations and heeding the cries to reform the constitution.

Tune in to the following announcement on the Sordish Broadcasting Corporation as they cover the presidential election:

As the presidential race was called, Anton Rayne had this to say: “My fellow Sords! Sordland is struggling to recover from a difficult past: bloody coups, a civil war, and a decade of tyranny has left our country in a delicate state. I will do everything in my power to lead Sordland to repair.”

President Rayne’s party, the United Sordland Party, won the election, earning a total of 130 seats in the Grand National Assembly. The People’s Freedom and Justice Party won 70 seats, making them this term's opposition. Led by Frens Ricter, The PFJP have been steadily increasing in popularity among the Sordish population, advocating for a more democratic constitution.

The National Front Party led by Kesaro Kibener won 40 seats in the Assembly, the best results in their history, becoming the third biggest party in Sordland. Finally, the Independents represent 10 seats in the National Assembly, led by Mansoun Leke, a Bludish politician and previously the leader of the Workers Party of Bludia.

Our new President is faced with many challenges ahead, and the choices he will make will impact our great nation forever.

Visit Sordland Today to keep up to date on Sordish news before the President-elect's inauguration:
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Early voting for the 1953 presidential election is in full swing, causing Sordland’s two primary political youth organizations to clash as the election is gearing up.

The Red Youth, Sordland’s socialist youth organization is pushing for a reformist president. It was founded in 1923 by revolutionaries who were inspired by the communist revolution in United Contana. The group has alleged connections to a number of insurgent attacks against the Sordish government, as they aim to spread their malenyevist ideas into our republic.

After a fight broke out between the two groups outside the Maroon Palace, a Red Youth member had this to say: “We have not yet recovered from the damage caused by President Soll’s time in office. We need a president who can instill change in Sordland, and push our nation towards a brighter future! Vote!”

Opposing them is the Young Sords, the Sordish right-wing nationalist youth organization. The party has close ties to the National Front Party, and is considered by some to be their militant wing. “The Red Youth and malenyevism are a plague on Sordland. We cannot be silenced and demand a president who can bring order to our broken nation.” A spokesperson for the Young Sords said.

The group rose to prominence during the late Sordish Civil War, when its members engaged in urban guerrilla warfare with left-wing activists and the Red Youth. The Young Sords are considered to be responsible for most of the violence and killings in this period. These days, the members reject its violent past and claim it to only be a cultural and education foundation.

There’s also rumors that the Presidential candidate Anton Rayne was a member of one of these youth organizations during his time at university, though we have yet to confirm if this is true.

There’s still plenty of time to cast your vote for the candidates in the 1953 election. The USP are once again the front runners, with Rayne leading by 16.5 points in the national polls. It’s predicted that the Workers Party of Bludia and the Communist Party of Sordland will not earn enough votes to cross the 10% threshold into the National Assembly.
  • Anton Rayne - United Sordland Party
  • Frens Ricter - People’s Freedom and Justice Party
  • Kesaro Kibener - National Front Party
  • Fetih Ejall - Workers Party of Bludia
  • Denis Stahler - Communist Party of Sordland
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