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The votes have been counted, and today Anton Rayne has been elected the fourth President of Sordland. His four year term in office will commence on December 4.

President Rayne must decide where his priorities lie. The tasks ahead include stimulating the economy to pull Sordland out of the two year recession, advance foreign relations and heeding the cries to reform the constitution.

Tune in to the following announcement on the Sordish Broadcasting Corporation as they cover the presidential election:

As the presidential race was called, Anton Rayne had this to say: “My fellow Sords! Sordland is struggling to recover from a difficult past: bloody coups, a civil war, and a decade of tyranny has left our country in a delicate state. I will do everything in my power to lead Sordland to repair.”

President Rayne’s party, the United Sordland Party, won the election, earning a total of 130 seats in the Grand National Assembly. The People’s Freedom and Justice Party won 70 seats, making them this term's opposition. Led by Frens Ricter, The PFJP have been steadily increasing in popularity among the Sordish population, advocating for a more democratic constitution.

The National Front Party led by Kesaro Kibener won 40 seats in the Assembly, the best results in their history, becoming the third biggest party in Sordland. Finally, the Independents represent 10 seats in the National Assembly, led by Mansoun Leke, a Bludish politician and previously the leader of the Workers Party of Bludia.

Our new President is faced with many challenges ahead, and the choices he will make will impact our great nation forever.

Visit Sordland Today to keep up to date on Sordish news before the President-elect's inauguration:
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Early voting for the 1953 presidential election is in full swing, causing Sordland’s two primary political youth organizations to clash as the election is gearing up.

The Red Youth, Sordland’s socialist youth organization is pushing for a reformist president. It was founded in 1923 by revolutionaries who were inspired by the communist revolution in United Contana. The group has alleged connections to a number of insurgent attacks against the Sordish government, as they aim to spread their malenyevist ideas into our republic.

After a fight broke out between the two groups outside the Maroon Palace, a Red Youth member had this to say: “We have not yet recovered from the damage caused by President Soll’s time in office. We need a president who can instill change in Sordland, and push our nation towards a brighter future! Vote!”

Opposing them is the Young Sords, the Sordish right-wing nationalist youth organization. The party has close ties to the National Front Party, and is considered by some to be their militant wing. “The Red Youth and malenyevism are a plague on Sordland. We cannot be silenced and demand a president who can bring order to our broken nation.” A spokesperson for the Young Sords said.

The group rose to prominence during the late Sordish Civil War, when its members engaged in urban guerrilla warfare with left-wing activists and the Red Youth. The Young Sords are considered to be responsible for most of the violence and killings in this period. These days, the members reject its violent past and claim it to only be a cultural and education foundation.

There’s also rumors that the Presidential candidate Anton Rayne was a member of one of these youth organizations during his time at university, though we have yet to confirm if this is true.

There’s still plenty of time to cast your vote for the candidates in the 1953 election. The USP are once again the front runners, with Rayne leading by 16.5 points in the national polls. It’s predicted that the Workers Party of Bludia and the Communist Party of Sordland will not earn enough votes to cross the 10% threshold into the National Assembly.
  • Anton Rayne - United Sordland Party
  • Frens Ricter - People’s Freedom and Justice Party
  • Kesaro Kibener - National Front Party
  • Fetih Ejall - Workers Party of Bludia
  • Denis Stahler - Communist Party of Sordland
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Well respected Sordish politician Lucian Galade has been selected as Anton Rayne’s chief strategist should Rayne be voted in as President of Sordland in the upcoming election.

Prior to this promotion, Galade worked as an advisor to the Interior Minister during Tarquin Soll’s last term as president. As a member of the USP since 1937, Galade is one of the most experienced members of Rayne’s cabinet. He is well respected as a successful strategist, and is regarded to be an expert on law and media.

Galade is already a core member of Rayne’s cabinet, working closely with the presidential nominee as Rayne was voted in as chairman of the USP. He was one of the first supporters of Anton Rayne’s candidacy, so it’s not surprising that Rayne has chosen to reward Galade with such an important position.

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Oct 23, 2020
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Dictator Tarquin Soll has been out of the Maroon Palace for four years, and yet we must continue to hear about his inane ideology of Sollism in our politics today.

As the founding ideology of the Republic of Sordland, President Soll pushed his three fundamental pillars of Sollism: Republicanism, Nationalism and Statism. After the 1950’s, the connotation changed as Sollists were seen for what they truly were: puppets of Tarquin Soll with no real ideology beyond greed for power.

This fascism persecuted the Bludish minority as ordered by Soll himself. Old Guard politicians and judges who were appointed by Dictator Soll continue to uphold and preserve his autocratic values. The Old Guard make up a large majority of the current USP, though they continue to deny the term and its existence as an urban myth.

How much longer must we be forced to deal with totalitarian leadership?

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There has been a surge in popularity for Malenyevism among the Sordish youth. Malenyevism is the communist theory as advocated by neighbouring country’s United Contana revolutionary Leon Malenyev.

This dangerous ideology is responsible for causing socialist revolutions in countries like Valgsland during the Century of Revolutions. Whilst Sordland's own revolution was able to topple a brutal monarchy, Contana was splintered apart and suffered from dozens of regional wars, allowing Leon Malenyev’s communist ideas to tear through the country and take hold.

Now, almost 50 years later, we still cannot be freed of the sickly plague that is Malenyevism, as it continues to plant the seeds of communism in nearby countries. We can only hope that the new leadership in the USP can condemn this malignant ideology.

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Influential media tycoon Konrath Koronti has been rushed to hospital today, and been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. The Sordland Today sends its thoughts and prayers to Konrath Koronti and his family.

Konrath Koronti is the founder, CEO and majority shareholder of the Heart of Sordland Conglomerate, the multi-industry corporation that owns the Sordland Today and the Sordish Broadcasting Corporation.

Marcel Koronti, Konrath’s eldest son and board member of the HOS Conglomerate, made the following statement. “My father is a strong man, and we have complete faith he will make a full recovery from his illness. He believes in victory, no matter the cost in all aspects of his life and business, and his own health is no different. We thank you for your support. A Morgna wes core.”

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It’s an exciting day for businessman Walter Tusk, as he has just become the eighth richest person in the country whilst celebrating his 65th birthday.

Tusk is the spokesperson of the Lotherberg Group, publishing the well-known newspaper, the Ekonomists, and he is a major shareholder of Sordish steel company, Bergia Steel.

Tusk began his career as an engineer. He established several small businesses with his friends from college, including restaurants, a car wash, and a cigarette importation enterprise. He went on to form a lucrative production company specializing in machinery and electrical wiring, earning millions of Sordish Ren.

He is credited for his contributions into the Sordish energy industry, and is considered to be the most important businessman in Sordland.

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With Anton Rayne’s appointment as leader of the USP and upcoming presidential candidate, the USP have announced their Vice Presidential nominee: Petr Vectern.

While his public persona is charismatic and he’s known for his laidback brand of politics, we have it on good authority that soon-to-be Vice President Vectern is nothing more than an alcoholic and a womanizer.

His family is familiar with controversy. Petr’s own wife, Evelyn Vectern, was recently involved in a scandal due to her pro-government articles while working as a journalist at Holsord Post. The Holsord Post is one of the most prominent pro-government newspaper outlets in the country, and it’s shocking to see someone condemned by the outlet for pushing their bootlicking boundaries too far.

Sordland should be disappointed with the lack of integrity shown by the USP. Rayne has shown his true colours by selecting his schoolboy best friend as his VP, who has not held a higher position than a Member of the Assembly before becoming the second most powerful man in the country. Simply disgraceful.

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The United Sordland Party has today announced that Anton Rayne, a Member of the Assembly, has won the USP Congress vote and become the new face of their party. Anton Rayne became the youngest Member of the Assembly for the USP in 1931, and has been slowly rising through the ranks during his time with the party.

With the presidential election looming in the distance, we’re surprised to see the USP chose to remove their most economically versed minister, President Ewald Alphonso, from the leading position of Chairman. Rayne is yet to publicly announce his priorities and election promises, though Sordland waits with bated breath to see Rayne’s plan to bring us out of economic recession.

As well as the economy, a key issue going into the election is Sordland’s potential constitutional reforms. The people of Sordland and opposition parties have been clamoring for changes to the constitution President Soll implemented in 1929. While effective at the time, there have been debates that Sordland has grown and the constitution as written is no longer relevant to the people of today. Different sections of the constitution are under scrutiny, including presidential term limits, the immunity of Supreme Court judges, and Sordland’s electoral threshold. Anton Rayne has not stated if he supports or rejects any potential constitutional reforms, and we’re eager to see where he stands on the issues.

The choices that Anton Rayne will make ahead of this election will define Sordland and our people’s future.

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The United Sordland Party, when first founded in 1929 by dictator Tarquin Soll was the only political party in the Republic of Sordland. They’ve done their best to keep it that way 25 years later, thanks to their undemocratic 10% election threshold.

This means any political parties that receive under 10% of election votes will not be granted seats in the Grand National Assembly. This is the very reason why the United Sordland Party holds a majority of the seats in the Assembly, and has since 1929. It is also the reason why the largest ethnic minority of Sordland is nonexistent in Sordish politics.

They may describe themselves as ‘a modern democratic party, faithful to the founding principles and values of Sordland,’ but we see them for what they really are: power hungry.

With this election, The Radical publicly asks the USP: How can you call Sordland a democratic country without true representation in the Assembly?

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