Sea of Thieves: 2024 Edition - MrJordanAP
Every month brings the proprietors of the Pirate Emporium fresh shipments of goodies from beyond the Devil’s Shroud, while every Season also brings pirates new rewards to aspire to by raising their Renown. But you may ask yourself, how do these shiny ship liveries, wicked weapons and the like actually get made? Not within the lore of Sea of Thieves, but outside it – how do these cosmetics go from an idea in someone’s head to something you can hold in your (digital) hands?

Well, knowing you love a peek behind the curtain, we talked to various teams at Rare to track the journey of a cosmetic item – from its initial concept to its eventual appearance in the game, whether that’s in the Pirate Emporium, Plunder Pass or the reams of free rewards available for climbing the progression levels of a Sea of Thieves Season.

Naturally, we had to pick a suitable candidate for this inaugural behind-the-scenes feature, and it only seemed right that the fan-favourite Snowbound Ship Lantern – ‘The Orb’ to its ardent admirers – should be our first subject. Not only did it capture the hearts and minds of players, it provided some unique challenges for our crack team of artists and animators to bring to life…

Let’s start at the very beginning with the concept phase. The Snowbound Ship Lantern was to be one of the rewards earnable within Season Five, which ran over the Christmas period, inspiring items that evoked a wintry feeling. So a lantern that doubled as a snowglobe was a compelling idea from the outset, but it was always going to be a challenge, as Principal Concept Artist Victoria Hall recalls:

“Having a snowglobe was a natural fit for a seasonal item, but when we pitched it to the other teams, we weren’t sure if it would be technically possible. After discussing it with the Tech Art team, they managed to produce a version that worked!”

The concept work was done by Senior Concept Artist (and snowglobe enthusiast) Ine T'Sjoen, who remembers its creation with great fondness:

“The Snowbound Ship Lantern has been one of my favourite items to work on. Who doesn't love snowglobes? When the idea first popped up, we knew it would be a bit outlandish, because we've never put images inside lanterns before. It was a bit of a gamble to pitch it, but we knew it had the potential to delight a lot of players. Which is what concept art is all about: putting some wild ideas out there. I was so happy when the Tech team was on board to try make it happen. But I never expected people to be so fully drawn to The Orb. Even I underestimated how much our players love snowglobes!”

So we had our concept, and we knew it would be one of the Seasonal rewards that players could earn for free by playing the game and raising their Renown – but what are some of the other deciding factors for progression rewards? We talked to Louise Roberts from Rare’s in-house Production team:

“As the Snowbound Ship Lantern was being delivered to players through Seasonal progression, we had a very wide target audience for this one, and wanted it to serve as something that would encourage players to work their way through Season Five to earn it. We tend to have a bit more fun and go a bit more ‘out there’ with these reward items, as they’re slightly different to items for which players have to make the decision to part with their hard-earned gold.”

With the concept and its place within Season Five progression’s track locked down, we moved on to the task of getting this frosted lantern in-game. Creating the 3D model came next, a task managed by Hannah Smith, Joachim Coppens and others on the Sea of Thieves Environment Art team. As we found out from chatting to Principal Environment Artist Andy Betts, the modelling stage was surprisingly free of hurdles:

“The Snowbound Ship Lantern looks awesome, but that’s mainly down to the VFX it uses. From a 3D creation perspective, there was no real difference between this and other lanterns that the 3D teams have made. They all use an effect of some sort to show off the glowing nature of a lantern, so we just ensure this area is a clean canvas, so to speak, to allow our Tech team to do their work. On this particular lantern we just needed to make sure the glass had some surface detail, and the rest was up to the VFX team.”

As mentioned by both Victoria and Andy, the next test would be turning a standard lantern into a snowglobe – complete with falling snow, bobbing ship and a unique frozen glow. Thankfully, our Tech Art team aren’t ones to back down from a challenge. As we heard from Lead Technical Artist Andy Catling, there were so many other features to consider when creating The Orb, turning it into a real challenge from a VFX standpoint:

“This was probably the most complex shader we’ve used on a lantern. Most of our lanterns use projection effects in the shader to give the illusion of something inside the lantern. For the standard lantern, that’s just an animated flame texture, but for this lantern we really went to town, using ray-traced intersections with multiple planes to build up the layers of the snowglobe scene.

“The layers were animated using sine waves to give the subtle rocking motion of the ship and waves, and we used refraction from the glass to bend the ray-trace. For the finishing touch, we added multiple projected layers of swirling snow. The lantern is also quite unique in that we added additional logic to reflect the motion of the player in the movement inside the lantern material. For this, we tracked velocity and increased the agitation of the snow and other elements accordingly.”

Andy’s collaborator on The Orb, Technical Art Intern Emmett Green, brings up another consideration:

“As with our other lanterns, we needed to change the colour based on Flames of Fate. We have pre-set colours to switch between, but the default needed to be blue without muddying any of the others. We used vector length to figure out when the Flames of Fate value colour was closer to black and switched to blue instead, all while constraining the Flame of Fate colours to a tighter value range, as some were much brighter than others.”

Great – our lantern with all its bespoke effects was rigged up with the lighting working correctly in-game. Next thing to do was formally name it! The lantern had a placeholder name throughout this whole process, so as it went into the monthly text tracker alongside the other items, it was the turn of our Editorial department to weave their word magic and create something that fit within the Sea of Thieves world. For Season Five it frequently fell on loremaster Chris Allcock to conjure up names and descriptions, and as the Season had a snow and ice theme, there was already a rich pool of ideas to draw from:

“Most items come as part of a set, so how long their descriptions take to write depends on how quickly you can latch onto what makes the set unique and interesting and think of ways to play with that – for example, Season Five introduced the Bell Brigade set, which was themed around smartly dressed soldiers but also the holidays and keeping warm in winter, so there was a lot to pull from and the set was finished pretty quickly. Rewrites are relatively infrequent because we're all experienced professionals, and because I have no qualms about setting Smiley the Ravenous Crocodile on anyone who dares question my wordly wisdom.”

Once the Snowbound Ship Lantern was in-game, all we had to do was wait for you rapscallions to get your hands on it. Obviously, we had no idea that this festive lantern would transform into The Orb, leading to our surprise, delight and fear when the community started a mini-cult around it. For Andy C, seeing people take an item he helped make and run with it was a thrill:

“It’s really great when players appreciate something you’ve worked on, especially when there has been so much work put into making it. I would often spend quite a bit of time looking through Twitter for people posting about this lantern.”

And his Tech Art team colleague Emmett agrees:

“It was incredibly fun to see so many players form the ‘All hail The Orb’ chant, and I saw that someone even made a parody Twitter account for it – that kind of thing really makes me feel like we’re contributing to the player experience!”

As Producer Louise enthuses, seeing players respond positively to an item that the team themselves really enjoyed creating is what makes all the work worthwhile:

“The Orb was a favourite throughout its development in the art reviews, it’s a lovely thematic item and the team really brought it to life. I didn’t initially know about the plans to use it for the lore teasers and raid stream, which I think added massively to its significance to the community!”

Back at its birthplace on the Concept Art team, Victoria agrees:

“We had no idea the community would find such an affinity for it! We always thought it would be a cool idea though, so it was a pleasure to see it received so well.”

And thus ends the story of The Orb’s creation – from its initial concept as a normal Seasonal reward to becoming the figurehead for a cult of winter prognostication. However, a couple of questions remain. Yes, we know how The Orb physically came to be in the game, but what does it want? Who created it within the world of Sea of Thieves? Has The Orb used its mysterious powers to make us write this article about it? We tried to reach Chris for an answer, but all we received was this hastily scribbled note:

“I heard it has a mysterious connection to ghostly sunken ships…”

Want more? Rummage through our News section for announcements and insights, check out the What’s New section for release notes on every update and get some Sea of Thieves in your feed every day by sailing over to some of our many channels: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, TikTokand the official Forums and Discord server. We’ll see you there!
Sea of Thieves: 2024 Edition - MrJordanAP
With Season Six well underway, and the seas frothing with activity following the launch of ‘The Shrouded Deep’ Adventure and Legend of the Veil Voyage, the team have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of these fixes in today’s release, update

For more information on the currently active Adventure and the Legend of the Veil Voyage, see the previous release notes. For a refresher on all the new content that arrived at the start of Season Six, check out the launch release notes!

Fixed Issues

‘The Shrouded Deep’
  • All crew members who aid in summoning the Shrouded Ghost will now unlock the Deed within the Adventures menu.
Legend of the Veil Voyage
  • Larger crews will no longer gain Athena’s Fortune Emissary Grade progression at a faster rate when completing quests within the Legend of the Veil.
  • Ancient iconography used across the Legend of the Veil Quest Book pages and cosmetic rewards has now been adjusted.
Known Issues

‘The Shrouded Deep’ Server Migration
  • Crews who migrate across servers after placing an enchanted Megalodon effigy on the Ritual Table may find that the effigy is not present on the destination server.
‘The Shrouded Deep’ Defeated Megalodon Rewards
  • Following the defeat of the Shrouded Ghost or another summoned Megalodon, rewards may remain beneath the surface, requiring players to swim down and retrieve them.
Reduced Server Performance
  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.
Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues
  • Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.
Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection
  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.
To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation
Download size:
Steam: 4.21 GB
Sea of Thieves: 2024 Edition - MrJordanAP
It’s official, we’ve set the date – Sea of Thieves’ next Community Day will happen on Saturday, May 14th, mere weeks from now! We’re extremely eager to share a spectacular smorgasbord of boosted rewards, in-game items and activities to excite even the coolest of pirates.

Hot on the heels of our first Community Day in January, Season Six’s celebration comes supercharged with even more ways to get involved. So if you want your whistle whetted, stick with us as we run through what’s in store.

Teamwork Makes the Theme Work
As we did for the last Community Day, we’re putting in-game rewards in your hands – so get your tweeting thumbs at the ready and prepare to work together to raise the Community Emissary Grade once more! Hop onto Twitter from 10am UTC on Saturday, May 14th and use the hashtag #SeaofThievesCommunityDay to play your part in helping all players rank up their rewards. You’ll have 24 hours to get your tweets in, so make sure you get involved before 10am UTC on Sunday, May 15th to make a difference.

Of course, the hashtag isn’t just for boosting the Community Emissary Grade – it’s also the place we want to see your favourite stories, events, ideas, art, clips and screenshots shared. We were so into those sweet, wholesome hashtag vibes last time, so more of that please. We hope Season Six’s Community Day inspires you to go even bigger and bolder, and we’ll be eagerly following the hashtag to see what you all get up to! We’ve even got you covered if you don’t have any screenshots to hand – just head to our Community Hub on the day to score a shiny-looking share card for all your tweeting needs.

Ramping Up the Renown
For Season Five Community Day there was a fixed boost on Renown, but for Season Six that’s what finds itself controlled by the Community Emissary Grade – with hashtag usage potentially boosting the multiplier to a massive 3.5x the usual Renown raised! That’ll help you scale those 100 levels of Season Six at lightning speed, unlocking rewards at each level from cosmetics to Ancient Coins. So if you or your crewmates are still working your way along that Seasonal progression path, this event is the perfect reason to round them all up and set sail. Log in and check your progress here!

And remember: hitting level 100 is nice, but the flower crown is at level 96 – and we all secretly know that’s the cosmetic that really matters here. If it’s gold and reputation you’re after, no need to worry on this front either as the event comes bearing double helpings of both from the get-go.

Raise Your Glass (and Your Flag)
To toast the Sea of Thieves community on this special day, players logging in between 10am UTC on Saturday, May 14th and 10am UTC on Sunday, May 15th will find the stunning, spring-coloured Season Six Community Day Flag added to their Flag Box. That’s not all you’ll get for joining in during this 24-hour period, either – the Wing Flap Emote will also be winging its way to the Vanity Chests of participating pirates. Be sure to climb your mast and equip the flag for your Community Day sessions, we want to see them all flying high! But don’t jump off the mast thinking the Wing Flap Emote will save you – it looks fun, but it won’t make you fly.

The Wind in Your Sales
We heard you liked sales, so we’ve locked in two for you for this Community Day. The Pirate Emporium will be running some tantalisingly tempting discounts on some of our most popular items, so for 24 hours only, all our (non-Collector) pets will be half-price, and all pet outfits will be a mere 99 Ancient Coins – perfect if you’re thinking of picking up a pooch, parrot or kitty companion. We’ve also got some stunning savings to be made on the Dark Warsmith Costume, ship set and weapons, plus a whole host of emotes will have their prices snipped for the day.

Not to be outdone by the Pirate Emporium, the Rare merchandise store sale will be returning too. Knock 30% off your Sea of Thieves shopping list by using discount code COMMUNITYDAY at the checkout to ensure your discount is applied! We’ll also be launching another one-day-only Community Day T-shirt to commemorate this Season’s event, so you’ll need to be quick if you want to bag this piece of special swag.

You’re the One Hat I Want
We’re bringing back the mega hat drive once more! Community Day gives us another opportunity to sing the praises of some presently unsung community heroes – so starting from right now, we’ll be taking nominations via the #BeMorePirate hashtag on social channels for those deserving of the Hat of Unfeasibly Glorious Fame.

Whether you’ve performed an astonishing feat on the seas and would like us to tip the hat in your direction, or you’d like to shout out a crewmate or friend who embodies the Be More Pirate mantra for less specific but no less worthy reasons, we’ll take nominations all the way up to the big day. So if there’s something or someone you’d like to draw our attention to, tell us about it on Sea of Thieves social channels such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram (the more info the better) with the #BeMorePirate tag. We’ll be watching!

Twitch Drop (It Like It’s Hot)
Yes, there’s more! We’ll once again be running Community Day Twitch Drops for all our sailors who like to stream. During the same 24-hour timeframe – May 14th to May 15th, 10am UTC – the Gilded Phoenix Banjo will be available to viewers who tune in and watch any participating streamer play Sea of Thieves for at least 20 minutes.

Prepare yourself by heading to our Twitch Drops page if you’ve yet to link your Twitch and Sea of Thieves accounts, and make sure you follow Sea of Thieves on Twitch before the big day. We’ll be hosting a special Community Day broadcast live from our on-site tavern too, so stay tuned to our social channels for more information on our streaming shenanigans!

I Get By With A Little Loot From My Friends
We’re not ones to shy away from the Strawberrybearded elephant in the room, so we just want to say: this time, we’re going to be ready for you. We’ve battened down the hatches and will have our crew ready to patch any leaky holes. Rest assured we’re doing everything we can to ensure as many of you as possible can enjoy the day.

It's always been our intention for Sea of Thieves Community Days to be about much more than the gold and the glory – they’re about coming together and saluting each and every one of our brilliant and spirited sailors. We throw these events to celebrate all of you and to share the love in as many ways as possible. So spread the word and set your sights on Sea of Thieves on May 14th – it promises to be a heck of a party!

Sea of Thieves: 2024 Edition - MrJordanAP
Two epic stories are waiting to unfold in Sea of Thieves as its third time-limited Adventure, ‘The Shrouded Deep’, and the long-awaited Pirate Legend Voyage, Legend of the Veil, are playable from today! These connected stories both involve the Veil of the Ancients, a magical artefact that can grant its user the ability to travel between the living world and the spectral Sea of the Damned.

In ‘The Shrouded Deep’, players join forces with Belle and famed Megalodon hunter Merrick, and attempt to summon that great pale leviathan – the Shrouded Ghost. Be prepared for a monster hunt that’ll live on in legend as you seek to liberate the Veil of the Ancients from the belly of the beast. Then in the Legend of the Veil Voyage, Pirate Legends are called upon to help the Pirate Lord awaken the mask’s latent power by finding Veil Stones hidden around the Sea of Thieves.

As with our previous Adventures, we gave players a glimpse of ‘The Shrouded Deep’ in a special cinematic trailer, setting up the high-stakes action that’ll unfold during this in-game event. As the third Adventure acts as a season finale for this story arc, it runs for three weeks instead of two, giving players more time to experience the dramatic conclusion.

Ghost of a Chance
Thanks to a key piece of information discovered during previous Adventure ‘Forts of the Forgotten’, Belle has deduced that Captain Flameheart’s plans hinge on a mystical treasure: the Veil of the Ancients. With this long-lost relic rumoured to now reside in the stomach of an elusive Megalodon, Belle has sought out Merrick to help hunt down the near-mythical monster. While certainly a capable duo, these two may have bitten off more than they can chew…

For those wanting to get right up to speed with the unfolding story, check out our latest Adventure Awaits story primer on the Sea of Thieves website. Every Adventure is preceded by one of these articles, so if ‘The Shrouded Deep’ is your first foray into our time-limited narrative events, you can easily catch up on the story so far through previous primers.

Legends Wanted
Following on from the events of ‘The Shrouded Deep’, the Legend of the Veil Voyage sees you working with the Pirate Lord on a three-part quest in search of the Veil Stones (and maybe some Athena’s Treasure along the way). This Voyage is designed for replayability with the first two stages chosen at random, while the finale is always the same – a climactic naval battle in the heart of a supernatural storm, as you attempt to take down an imposing Ghost Garrison!

While the Legend of the Veil is meant primarily for players who have reached the heady heights of Pirate Legend, crewmates who have yet to reach this milestone can still tag along with willing Pirate Legends and experience this multi-stage odyssey for themselves. Need a quick reminder of how to achieve Pirate Legend status? Just prove your mettle by reaching rank 50 with at least three of Sea of Thieves’ Trading Companies.

There’s a monster hunt afoot – blow that hunting horn and face whatever lies in ‘The Shrouded Deep’ today! This time-limited Adventure runs from April 21 to May 12, while the Legend of the Veil Voyage is a permanent addition to the game for Pirate Legends.

Find Out More
For more information on the latest Sea of Thieves update, including full release notes, visit the Sea of Thieves website. This update is available for free to all Sea of Thieves players who have bought the game on Steam. Simply download and install the latest Sea of Thieves update to get access.

New to Sea of Thieves? Find out about the latest free content updates on our What’s New page and pick up some tips from our Pirate Academy, which provides invaluable information on topics ranging from sailing to swordplay as you prepare for your maiden voyage. Learn more about Sea of Thieves here, or join the ongoing adventure at where you can embark on an epic journey with one of gaming’s most welcoming communities!
Sea of Thieves: 2024 Edition - MrJordanAP

With Season Six underway, the team have been working on new Adventures, new Voyages and additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of these features in today’s release, update

For a refresher on all the new content that arrived at the start of Season Six, check out the launch release notes!

It’s time for Sea of Thieves’ third time-limited Adventure, driving the grand story of its people and pirates ever onward into a confrontation with a beast from the deepest legends! Play your part from April 21st...

‘The Shrouded Deep’ (April 21st – May 12th)
  • Following the revelation that Flameheart is seeking the Veil of the Ancients – kept safe within the belly of the fabled Shrouded Ghost – Belle has joined forces with Merrick, the hunter whose shanty once woke Megalodons across the Sea of Thieves. Now they need the help of other pirates too...
  • Larinna knows where Belle and Merrick were last seen. Speak to Larinna to begin ‘The Shrouded Deep’, then set sail to learn more about an Adventure involving Megalodon hunts, rituals, shanties and summons, where working alongside other crews will help you even the odds!
  • Crews who defeat the most elusive of beasts during this time-limited Adventure can expect some high-value treasure, and even the chance of a Chest of Legends surfacing from the deep. Pirates who fully complete the Adventure will also earn an exclusive Title and a cosmetic reward to serve as a Memento of their quest!
Legend of the Veil
Following the events of ‘The Shrouded Deep’, this new multi-stage Voyage summons the Sea of Thieves’ hard-bitten Pirate Legends to help Belle and the Pirate Lord restore the lost Veil Stones to the Veil of the Ancients!

Legend of the Veil Voyage
  • Legend of the Veil is a new Voyage designed for Pirate Legends, combining the lore and cinematic flourishes of Tall Tales with the variety of other Voyages to create a highly replayable experience. Purchase this Voyage from the Pirate Lord in the Pirate Legend Hideout before voting on the Captain’s Table to begin.
  • The Pirate Lord calls upon the support of Legends to retrieve the Veil Stones and keep them from nefarious hands. He will offer players guidance and make an appearance when each Veil Stone is retrieved, placing it into the Veil of the Ancients.
  • Each Voyage will play out differently, providing crews with a mixture of experiences, orders and locations. Players will encounter clues penned by Sudds, Belle and even the Servant of the Flame, before the Voyage eventually culminates in the dramatic siege of a Ghost Garrison.
  • Items of Athena’s Treasure can also be claimed as players progress through the Voyage and uncover the mysteries of the Veil.
Legend of the Veil Commendations and Rewards
  • Within the Athena’s Fortune Reputation tab, new Commendations have been added for players who help the Pirate Lord safeguard the secrets of the Ancients.
  • The vendors in the Pirate Legend Hideout now offer a range of new cosmetic rewards unlocked by the Legend of the Veil. Players can earn the Pirate Lord Pegleg, Servant of the Flame Hat and Cutlass, and the Veil of the Ancients Pistol, Blunderbuss, Eye of Reach and Cutlass.
Expanded Athena’s Fortune Ranks and Rewards
  • Pirate Legends can now continue progressing through the Athena’s Fortune Trading Company up to rank 30. As players climb the ranks, they can unlock access to ancient rewards from the Legendary Shipwright: the Veil of the Ancients Flag, Hull, Sail, Cannons, Capstan, Wheel and Figurehead.
  • Reaching the prestigious rank 30 with Athena’s Fortune will unlock access to the Veil of the Ancients Costume.
  • With the original Legendary Weapons becoming exclusive following the closure of The Arena, a new set of weapons fit for Pirate Legends has now been made available. The new Legendary Fortune Pistol, Blunderbuss, Eye of Reach and Cutlass are now available from vendors in the Pirate Legend Hideout, unlocked by progressing through ranks 20-30 in Athena’s Fortune.
Outpost Cosmetics
Shrouded Ghost Figurehead
  • Pirates who have previously defeated the elusive Shrouded Ghost in the wild will soon be granted access to a special figurehead in the Shipwright’s Chest to celebrate this chance encounter.
  • After ‘The Shrouded Deep’ Adventure ends on May 12th, any player who meets and defeats the Shrouded Ghost in the wild will also unlock access to this exclusive figurehead.
Fixed Issues
  • Larinna now offers new Letters of Recommendation for purchase.
  • Players who have enabled Virtual Keyboard while playing on console will now find that text chat continues to function as expected when switching to Steam.
Pirate Emporium
  • Purchases of the Demolition Delights Bundle from the Microsoft Store will now provide access to the Misfire Makeup in addition to the previous content: Barrel Bombardier Costume, Weapon Bundle and Tankard, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops.
Visual and Audio
  • When attacking a Megalodon with a cannonball, the appropriate hit audio effect can now be heard.
Performance and Stability
  • Improved server performance when groups of Phantoms arrive during an encounter.
Known Issues
‘The Shrouded Deep’ Defeated Megalodon Rewards
  • Following the defeat of the Shrouded Ghost or another summoned Megalodon, rewards may remain beneath the surface, requiring players to swim down and retrieve them.
Reduced Server Performance
  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.
Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues
  • Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.
Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection
  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.
To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation
Download size:
Steam: 4.77 GB
Sea of Thieves: 2024 Edition - Christina_Rare
Megalodons! Almost every sailor has heard the stories, but for those scoundrels who sail the Sea of Thieves, the Hungering One and its kind are much more than fearsome fables. Thanks to events that unfolded during ‘Forts of the Forgotten’, however, crews will soon need to battle these beasts if they’re to safeguard the future of the Sea of Thieves.

While we arm the cannons and prepare to buff bite-marks out of our hulls, let’s cast our minds back to the last Adventure and see why this unexpected hunting trip is of such vital importance…

Wonda-ing Free

Across Flameheart’s Sea Forts, the prison cells have fallen silent and the Jailors who guarded them have been sent back into the void. This is all thanks to the valiant efforts of pirates acting on Belle’s behalf, fighting through Phantoms to release the inhabitants of Golden Sands Outpost from imprisonment.

Conversations with those captives soon revealed that the Reapers’ devious ambitions were centered on Wonda, resident weaponsmith of Golden Sands and known to be just as skilled at her craft as her sister Wanda, who had formerly served at Flameheart’s side.

Attempting to coerce Wonda into taking her sibling’s place, the Servant of the Flame chose to lay innocent lives on the line. Had Belle not intervened, Wonda’s stubborn refusal to surrender seemed destined to end in a binding ritual, sealing the prisoners’ souls away in Enchantment Vessels – possibly forever.

Veiled Threats

When talking with Wonda after her release, pirates picked up on a strange rumour she’d overheard from Phantom guards: namely, that Flameheart has somehow captured one of the Ancients, a mysterious people that once inhabited the seas we sail today.

Unlikely as it may sound, this ghostly gossip certainly holds meaning for Belle. Flameheart’s need for a skilled warmonger, a surplus of Dark Relics and his renewed interest in the Sea of the Damned all seem related to an artefact Belle names as the Veil of the Ancients. An artefact last seen disappearing into the maw of a near-mythical Megalodon…

The Hunter, Called

With an inkling of Flameheart’s intentions, Belle has set her sights on Stephen’s Spoils, seeking to recruit the most experienced hunter on the Sea of Thieves. ‘Merry’ Merrick has led a quiet life since the events of The Hungering Deep, but his experience is sure to be invaluable when it comes to cornering the legendary leviathan known as the Shrouded Ghost.

The stakes are high. Retrieving the Veil of the Ancients would allow Flameheart and his followers free passage to and from the Sea of the Damned as they please. Crews will, of course, have a vital part to play in calling forth the Shrouded Ghost, and will need to band together in anticipation of the battle ahead. Once the Killer Whale has been located, Belle will rally pirates, sending them far and wide to complete the summoning ritual – a task packed with perils of its own...

‘The Shrouded Deep’ surfaces on April 21st, and serves as a prequel to the new, Pirate Legend-exclusive Legend of the Veil Voyage – which arrives on the same day, offering lore-hungry crews the chance to experience both stories in a single sitting if they so choose. Pirates willing to seek the Killer Whale and fight alongside Merrick will be rewarded with an exclusive Memento, and have until May 12th to land the catch of a lifetime. It’s time to start practising your shanties…

Adventures Ahead: ‘Forts of the Forgotten’
Adventures Ahead: ‘Shrouded Islands’
Sea of Thieves: 2024 Edition - MrJordanAP
It’s hard to miss Larinna, especially now that she’s taken to beckoning you over whenever a new Adventure awaits. What some players might have missed, though, is that the Bilge Rat leader’s tumultuous arrival on the Sea of Thieves was first chronicled in the Athena’s Fortune novel, initially released in 2018 (and now available as a delightful audiobook).

That story charted the adventures of two crews separated by history, shining a light on the first days of the Sea of Thieves as seen through the eyes of Ramsey – or the Pirate Lord, as he’s more commonly known today – and providing context and lore for the plunder and places you experience yourself when exploring, like Cursed Chests and the fabled Shores of Gold.

Since then, the likes of Madame Olivia and Sir Arthur Pendragon have taken the spotlight in their own expanded universe stories (including comics and tabletop RPGs) but a second full novel has always been a popular request. Well, lore-hungry fans can now don their narrative napkins in anticipation of Heart of Fire, the new novel published by Titan Books that shares its name with a Tall Tale because we like to confuse wiki editors.

When the chance came to take up my author’s pen once more and dream up the story for a second novel, it seemed sensible to once again focus on the mysteries of days gone by, exploring events that players couldn’t just sail out and experience for themselves. Having already elaborated on the origins of the Gold Hoarder, it was pretty obvious who needed to play the villain this time around…

Yes, as the name rather heftily implies, Heart of Fire details the rise and fall of Captain Flameheart, pulling back the curtain on the events that led to him being defeated and deprived of a physical form, almost 10 years before pirates (with a little help from Pendragon) unwittingly revived him. The story portrays Flameheart in all his skeletal glory, wreaking havoc on the waves aboard his flagship, the Burning Blade.

I was also very keen to retain the two-crew structure from Athena’s Fortune, since it allowed me to explore a range of perspectives and show how different pirates perceive the same thing in different ways. This time around, of course, I also had a living game world full of players and my own experiences to take inspiration from, so I decided to tackle the eternal question – what makes peaceful exploration and adventure fun for some pirates, while others are drawn towards the thrill of combat?

From there, the core story structure was born: two ships separated not by history, but by different views on what it means to be a pirate on the Sea of Thieves, finding themselves on opposing sides as a result. For the crew that would stand against Flameheart, I was drawn to Eli Slate and the crew of the Morningstar – firstly because we’d glimpsed them briefly during the Tall Tales, but secondly because Slate is a very different kind of captain to Ramsey, and I thought he’d make a good foil for Flameheart.

The second crew are new characters in the lore, drawn together by circumstance, but also by a shared belief that the arrival of trade and commerce is eroding the freedom of the pirate life, just as it did elsewhere in the wider world. This crew’s vocal opinions have left them pretty much outcasts, and they make the decision to join with Flameheart and restore what they see as true freedom to the Sea of Thieves. As someone who tends to avoid conflict in the game, this was a great opportunity to get into the head of a very different, but no less important, kind of player.

Finally, there’s the reason both these ships are setting sail: rumours of a weapon capable of defeating Flameheart once and for all. Their crews become embroiled in a race to find this mysterious power and claim it for themselves, which (because this is Sea of Thieves) naturally leads to the kind of epic, ocean-spanning voyages you’d expect as their two vessels hurtle towards an inevitable confrontation. And through it all, the Burning Blade is nearing…

I’ve done my best to pack Heart of Fire with the kind of revelations about the Sea of Thieves, and the people who dwell there, that fans have come to expect – while still making sure that readers who aren’t as familiar with the game aren’t left scratching their skulls. It’s given me the chance to answer some of our fans’ burning questions (while raising plenty of new ones) and cast Captain Flameheart in a whole new light, ready for future events.

I’m thrilled to be able to talk about this new novel at long last, and if you’re as excited about Heart of Fire’s upcoming release as I am, good news – it’s set to be released on August 16th, and the ability to pre-order a copy is just a click or two away. Happy reading!

Preorder links:
Sea of Thieves: 2024 Edition - MrJordanAP
Spring has sprung, the grass is riz in the fields around Rare HQ and we’re in full swing with a new Season in Sea of Thieves. March saw no end of excitement as we launched Season Six, kicked off our latest Adventure with ‘Forts of the Forgotten’ and celebrated the game’s fourth anniversary! Yes, we did get your card, it’s gone right on the mantelpiece. Now don your flower crown, join us in the meadow and let’s dance merrily as we regale everyone with March’s escapades.

Content Update
As you can imagine, Season Six and the sudden appearance of Flameheart’s Sea Forts provided the largest update this month, with the Season’s arrival bringing with it the usual accoutrements of a spring-scented Plunder Pass, new goodies in the Pirate Emporium and an in-depth set of release notes to dive into. We did notice that the hatches and cranes at the Sea Forts were in need of an oiling after their arrival from the Sea of the Damned, so we followed up with a quick hotfix at the launch of our second time-limited Adventure for good measure.

Speaking of which, we put out the call to Adventure once more this month, with ‘Forts of the Forgotten’ sending players to break the captured denizens of Golden Sands Outpost out of some dank jail cells. Finally, a way to put that mysterious Prison Cell Key to use! If you missed the boat on our previous Adventure ‘Shrouded Islands’, be sure to check out the latest Adventures Ahead primer, which will bring you up to speed on all the latest events in our unfolding seabound saga.

News and Features
With muckrakers spinning sleaze and scandal about what goes on in Flameheart’s Sea Forts, you can count on the diligent reporters of our nautical news desk to jump on the News Sloop and find you the important stories from across the sea.

March saw us celebrating our fourth anniversary – they grow up so fast, don’t they? We marked the occasion with all sorts of fun, ranging from a Gold & Glory Weekend to a commemorative eyepatch and sales in both the Pirate Emporium and our official merch store. There was also a lovely banana cake – we definitely sent you all a slice, it must have gotten lost in the post…

For the bibliophile buccaneer, we officially revealed both the cover art and the title of the upcoming second Sea of Thieves novel, Heart of Fire. While Flameheart may not be floating ominously above the water at the moment, you’ll soon be able to have him lurking in your library and judging your taste in literature.

On International Women’s Day, we published a special article championing the fearless female freebooters that help make our community such a wonderful place – with a piece of commemorative #IWD2022 artwork starring just a few of the inspiring women you’ll meet during your adventures on the Sea of Thieves.

In our spring theatre season, the Community and Creator Stage saw two more guests join us as we chatted to Race of Legends First Mate Kaitzu and the keg queen herself, Octagon Ron. We’re glad to inform you that no pyrotechnics were employed in either performance. And with Easter bonnet time rapidly approaching, another batch of eight Hats of Unfeasibly Glorious Fame were shipped to some of the most creative of corsairs. We’ll be nearing a whole year of hat distribution soon, which means we may have to award ourselves a hat, causing some kind of infinite hat recursion loop.

Right at the end of the month, our new series of behind-the-scenes articles tracking in-game items From Concept to Cosmetic kicked off by digging into the creation of the Snowbound Ship Lantern – better known to many as The Orb. If you enjoyed that, we’re glad to hear it as we have more cosmetic-based explorations in the pipeline.

Okay, places everyone, we hope you’ve all been practising. Let’s take it from Bar 46, ‘Anthem for a Round-Up’. 5, 6, 7 and…

Videos and Streams
VII-DEEEE-OOOOOS. AND STREAMS! Back row, much better this month! The release of a new Season and a new Adventure meant that we were rushed off our feet in the pirate TV studio. Season Six came with its usual combo of announcement trailer and Deep Dive, full of juicy details on the creation of Sea Forts. Fun fact – it’s not a trumpet that you can hear in the Spanish-inspired music for Season Six, it’s a Flumpet! For more jaw-dropping facts, read our Deep Dive write-up on the Deep Dive video.

To tee up the next chapter in our unfolding Adventures narrative, ‘Forts of the Forgotten’ received its own cinematic trailer, alongside a quick gameplay run-through to prepare you for the trials ahead. We really hope we didn’t banish those two guards from the cinematic while completing the Adventure – they seem like alright blokes.

Ahead of our anniversary, a new episode of SoT News set up the celebratory fun while revealing ‘Forts of the Forgotten’ and recapping our 24-hour GameBlast ’22 stream. If you’re looking for the latest official SoT Podcast to listen to while folding laundry or cooking tea, that managed to make it into March too. Discussion topics included Adventures, Mysteries, bin covers, graffiti art – everything you’d want from a podcast and a packet of crisps.

For those who prefer their entertainment live, avid stream viewing would see you rewarded with some new arsenal additions in March, with this month’s Twitch Drops doling out Twilight Hunter weaponry. We also found a dented flagon, two butter knives and a dog-eared copy of Weaponsmith’s Weekly. Expect them in a giveaway sometime soon.

Social Channels
Despite the slight disruption caused by Forts being dragged from one realm to the next, our social channels remained a steadfast place for content for the corsair about town. As well as blowing out the candles on our fourth anniversary cake, we offered up a Pancake Day menu, celebrated 100k Instagram followers, asked aesthetically-minded pirates what painting they’d hang in their Sea Fort, bid a bittersweet farewell to The Arena and paid tribute to our favourite head in the sky. Gone, but not Fort-gotten. No? Please yourselves.

You can always rely on our stalwart hashtag triad for a constant flow of intriguing tidbits. #TriviaTuesday was there to provide kernels of knowledge on topics like the Flame of Souls, the Reaper’s Heart pets and captured weaponsmith Wonda. For the fashionistas among you, #SoTGear continued to serve the hottest looks, spotlighting bold items like the Sunshine Parrot set, Azure Ocean Crawler gear and Gilded Phoenix Sails.

For a bright spring month, March’s first #SoTShot contest was rather gloomy as we tasked pirates with sailing through the fog and capturing atmospheric Misty Moments. We cleared the air with the next one, looking for the jolliest Fort Frolics you could frame – a shark steak on every hob in the Homestead room as a minimum. Meanwhile March’s #SundayVibes posts offered good starting points, showing off locations like Royal Crest Fortress, Ancient Gold Fortress and even the spectral echo of a Fort, just before it was wrenched into the land of the living.

We hope you’re enjoying frolicking in a flowery field as April progresses – we’re hard at work here keeping everything ship-shape on our ongoing Adventure cruise. To keep abreast of every development as it happens, you’ll want to be following our social channels. If you need reminding, you can find Sea of Thieves on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch and TikTok, as well as on our official Forums and Discord server. We’ll all be capering around a maypole by the time the next round-up arrives, so join us for a Morris dance and to hear us recount April’s happenings as a folk song. Pay no attention to the giant wicker pirate we’ll also be constructing.

Previously in 2022:
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: February 2022Sea of Thieves Round-Up: January 2022
Sea of Thieves: 2024 Edition - MrJordanAP
Roll up, roll up! As part of our week of Legendary fun, we’re pulling back the curtain and giving you all a tantalising look at Legend of the Veil, a brand new Voyage exclusive to Pirate Legends that’s coming to Sea of Thieves very soon. But don’t worry, while today’s video follows the same format as our other Seasonal Deep Dives, it doesn’t reveal everything – we don’t want to spoil all the surprises before it launches later this Season.

As the video features a multi-disciplinary group of Rare staff members discussing their work on Legend of the Veil, for the purposes of this article we tracked a couple of them down afterwards to get some more thoughts and feelings on what promises to be an epic three-stage Voyage. But first, let’s watch!

As this Voyage sees players finally interacting with the Ancients – the enigmatic civilisation who left a lasting mark on the Sea of Thieves – their theme had to be suitably grand, but still with an air of mystery. As we heard from in-house Musician Chloe Kwok, it took some revisions to get the theme of the Ancients just right:

“Making the new music for this Voyage was super fun, as we were able to conjure up a new theme for the Ancients which appears in all the new banners, cutscenes and approach music. It was a challenge to try and get the theme to sound ‘Ancient-y’. But also good. But also ambiguous. Yet it had to have its own unique sound – so that was also a challenge. However, we got there in the end, using pipes and some choral underlay to bring the Ancients’ theme to life!

“We’ve also added another music layer onto the Soulflame Captain battle music, so it now contains the Sea of Thieves theme as you reach the climax of the battle, which hopefully gets your heart pumping.”

One key feature of this Voyage is its dramatic finale where you have to destroy ghostly emplacements during a supernatural storm, in the final fight against an imposing Ghost Garrison. As you fire at these structures with your ship’s cannons, masonry will crumble and fall. This environmental destruction required multiple teams working in tandem, says Lead Environment Artist Andrew Finch, with the final result being a thrilling new gameplay experience:

“I’m really proud of how satisfying the destruction of the environment is. As Environment Artists, we always want to create exciting, dynamic spaces. We developed this tech with one of the Tall Tales from Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life, so we were able to build on that and push it even further.

“Having the world react to what the player does adds so much life to the scene. It was a huge cross-disciplinary effort to get that ‘wow’ factor of the Ghost Garrison exploding and crumbling away, mixed in with the atmosphere, lighting and weather effects. It makes for a visual treat for everyone.”

With new Pirate Legend content being something that’s often requested by the community, Chloe hopes that the Legend of the Veil Voyage delivers what players want:

“I hope the players do enjoy the Voyage, as it’s been widely asked for a very long time and this update shows that we are listening! Also, watch out for the final sea battle because the environment looks absolutely epic!”

For Andrew, it’s the variety of new environments that he hopes players enjoy. From haunted islands to sunken shipwrecks, Legend of the Veil aims to provide players with some fresh surroundings to explore on their nautical adventures:

“The shipwrecks provide a very dramatic backdrop – huge Galleons connected with intertwining debris; they look so impressive. Navigating these spaces, solving clues while dodging sharks and finding air vents to breathe will lead to fast-paced exciting gameplay that I’m sure players are going to love.”

The Legend of the Veil Voyage forms one prong of this year’s three-pronged plan to expand Sea of Thieves’ evolving world with engaging narrative content. For those intrigued to find out more about Adventures and Mysteries, the other two prongs in our trident of excitement, you can find out more in the most recent episode of the official SoT Podcast! If that doesn’t entice you enough, there’s an electrifying discussion about wooden bin stores that simply can’t be missed.

Our Legends Week frolics continue apace, culminating with in-game celebrations this weekend such as Gold & Glory multipliers, a login gift for Legends and free Athena’s Fortune Fireworks for all players! You can also take a look at this week’s Legendary stats article for a shiny infographic and in-depth statistical breakdown of what makes a Pirate Legend, and check in on the Sea of Thieves Community Hub and News pages this weekend for even more content showcasing some of the bold followers of Athena’s Fortune. Enjoy!
Sea of Thieves: 2024 Edition - MrJordanAP
April is set to be an eventful month on the seas, and it begins with this update that closes the book on ‘Forts of the Forgotten’ while stocking the Pirate Emporium with some volatile new finery – not forgetting the latest list of fixes, improvements and balances. First, freshen your memory of Season Six’s introductory features back in March with the official trailer!

Release notes from the Season’s launch are still available for browsing, but what have we crowbarred into this initial April update? Find out below...

Pirate Emporium
April’s Emporium restock explores the pirate idea of recycling, with Gunpowder Barrels recklessly repurposed into Barrel Bombardier cosmetics. The latest emote offerings include another monthly freebie, and Season Six’s Plunder Pass is still in stock too!

Season Six Plunder Pass
  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Six rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Six can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Spring Blossom ship set, the evolving Forest's Blessing Costume and other items of upcoming Emporium stock, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium or Steam Item Store.
Barrel Bombardier Ship Collection
  • Blaze a trail across the seas with the volatile Barrel Bombardier ship cosmetics! In addition to the main Barrel Bombardier Ship Bundle, an explosive Collector’s Figurehead and Collector’s Sails can be purchased separately.
  • A Barrel Bombardier Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a discount.
Barrel Bombardier Costume
  • Don't stand near an open flame in this soot-stained outfit festooned with wicks, fuses and all manner of flammable material! The costume contains three variants: base, with goggles and with a new hairstyle.
  • While wearing this hazardous outfit, players can perform the Flaming Fuse Emote – look out!
Barrel Bombardier Weapons
  • Handle these four weapons, crafted from Gunpowder Barrels, with extreme care.
Barrel Bombardier Tankard
  • Celebrate a demolition job well done with a sooty swig from this tankard.
Wave After Wave Emotes
  • With this pack of four distinctly different waves, your arms are sure to get a workout.
Blighted Cannon Flare
  • A Cannon Flare is now available for another fan-favourite Pirate Emporium ship set – check out the ominous orange illumination of the new Blighted Cannon Flare!
  • Players who already own all items in the Blighted Ship Bundle will soon find the Cannon Flare added to their inventory as a gift from the Emporium owners.
Freebie Fire in the Hole! Emote
  • After laying a clever trap, retreat to a safe distance and get ready for the boom!

Legends Week
  • The week-long celebration of the one million Pirate Legends milestone in Sea of Thieves ends with a special Gold & Glory Weekend: from April 8th-11th (10am BST), Legends earn double gold and rep on treasure handed in to the Mysterious Stranger, while April 10th offers a day of more traditional Gold & Glory boosts to gold, rep and Renown for all players.
  • Pirate Legends can also earn a free Silvered Legendary Eyepatch by playing this weekend, while all players can temporarily claim free Athena’s Fortune Fireworks from the Merchant Alliance.
  • Make savings in the Pirate Emporium’s celebratory weekend sale too!
Twitch Drops
  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Six with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn more items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.
Gameplay Improvements

Improved Harpoon Aim Assist
  • Harpoons now have an improved aim assist when launched at loot, making players more likely to snag the targeted treasure instead of just striking the nearby sand.
Outpost Cosmetics

Emerald Imperial Sovereign Clothing Set
  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Emerald Imperial Sovereign clothing set, available to purchase for gold.
Nightfall Hunter Clothing Set
  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Nightfall Hunter clothing set, available to purchase for gold when moving up through the Grades of the Hunter of Cursed Captains Commendation. Players tuning in to Twitch Drops during Season Five may have already earned items from this clothing set under their previous Twilight Hunter name, and will retain access to those items under their revised Nightfall Hunter name.

Fish Name Narration
  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ while fishing will now find the name of a fish is narrated as it surfaces. While this is enabled by default, this specific narration can be disabled using ‘Narrate Fish Nameplates’ in the in-game language settings.
Emote Narration Control
  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ now have the ability to disable emote narration specifically from the game settings to reduce audio overload.

Thai Language Support
  • Sea of Thieves now supports Thai localisation across the entire game. Players can now select Thai from the in-game language settings.
Fixed Issues

  • The Sea Dogs Reputation tab will now be visible for players who have at least one fully completed Commendation at any Grade.
  • Players can no longer bypass the limping restriction of a broken leg by using auto-move.
  • Snakes and pigs have been demoted from Sea Fort Captain status and now award the correct Seasonal Renown.
  • Ammo Pouches dropped by skeletons will now disappear from islands after a crew leaves.
  • Players will no longer find Pondies at Black Water Enclave.
Sea Forts
  • The map in the Sea Forts’ living quarters now displays ships flying the Reaper’s Mark flag in addition to Reaper Emissaries.
  • Players are no longer able to cause Sea Fort treasure to respawn in the Treasury by getting themselves under the environment.
  • Inactive Sea Forts no longer show a raised flag.
  • Players are no longer able to sell the Sea Fort Keys to Trading Companies in exchange for gold and reputation.
  • Players using the Sea Fort barrel winches should no longer experience camera stutter when rotating mechanisms.
  • Traitor’s Fate Fortress no longer has a bobbing barrel in the bunk room.
  • The Treasury door now sits correctly on its hinges.
  • The Storeroom Door Key no longer shines through doors when viewed from a distance.
  • Within Old Brinestone Fortress, the lower-level grates should now prevent players swimming through when closed.
  • Players can no longer walk up the Sea Fort walls in some locations.
  • Detaching from Sea Fort cannons should no longer cause players to safe teleport.
  • Players should no longer be able to find a way into the dock pillars inside the Fort and move inside the geometry.
Sunken Kingdom
  • Sunken Kingdom Commendations requiring players to complete Siren Treasuries now correctly unlock when completing the required criteria.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players should no longer fall through the floor when moving through the corridor from the armoury to the well.
  • Players can no longer access the Treasury vault within the Treasury of the Secret Wilds prior to it becoming unlocked.
  • Players should no longer become stuck in trees on Ashen Reaches.
  • Within the Pirate Legend Hideout, players should no longer be able to push through the environment and appear in the sea.
  • Players should no longer be launched up into the air when pushing in between rocks on Plunder Outpost.
  • Players should continue to be able to move freely after jumping onto trees at Morrow’s Peak Outpost.
  • While exploring Plunder Outpost, players should no longer discover a floating patch of grass out in the bay.
  • While exploring the Pirate Legend Hideout, pets should no longer become blocked by invisible barriers when leaving the waterfall cave entrance.
  • Treasure can no longer be placed in locations within The Reaper’s Hideout that prevent any player from accessing it.
Visual and Audio
  • Swimming onto a beach and sprinting out of the water should no longer cause player animations to show their arms stuck to their sides.
  • Within the Reputation tab, Commendations with Doubloon rewards now display their currency counts correctly.
  • The Athena’s Fortune symbol on the Legendary Wheel is finally symmetrical.
  • The Sea of Sands, Cronch, Dark Warsmith and Lodestar Cutlasses now display a trail when used.
  • Killing small animals while they are running will no longer cause them to slide across the ground.
  • Repairing a damaged Spring Blossom Wheel will now visibly show the attached wooden poles.
  • The ‘Disable Centered Text’ setting now correctly affects all locations where text can be centered throughout the UI.
  • When the Lunar Festival Costume is equipped, the glowing eye effects are now consistently seen when emoting or when viewed by other players.
  • Players equipping a Bilge Rat or Admiral Dress now have the correct shoulder pieces displayed.
  • Players using the Japanese language setting will now find Order of Souls Bounty Maps no longer have overlapping text.
  • When multiple ships are nearby, players should now see all figureheads on ships within range.
  • With a HDR-supported setup, the HDR Calibration Settings page no longer causes UI elements to overlap when returning settings to default.
  • Sea of Thieves error messages are now displayed in the language chosen within the game settings.
Performance and Stability
  • Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.
Known Issues

Letters of Recommendation
  • Players will find themselves unable to purchase new Letters of Recommendation in this 2.5.1 April update. Fear not – Letters of Recommendation will become available for purchase later this month.
    Reduced Server Performance
  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.
Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues
  • Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.
Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection
  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.
To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation
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Steam: 6.49 GB