Blazing Sails - WixZ
Ahoy lads!

Tonight we're dropping a small hotfix making some adjustments to the new repeater, a backpack bug fix and.. a preview of something new and terrifying. Keep an eye out for some really skinny pirates!

Patch notes:

Repeater tweaks:
  • Reapeater knockback (recoil) reduced from 10 to 3
  • Repeater aim down sight weapon position lowered so firing no longer overlaps the crosshair
  • Repeater fire sound optimized which should cause less audio cutoff issues

Bug fixes:
  • Backpack upgrades are now carried over when respawning after death

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Blazing Sails - Captain Boldbeard

It's time for another update! Do you hate the feeling of having to shoot one measly bullet before having to reload? No more! We've added a new weapon called "The Repeater". This crazy automatic rifle is sure to bring even more chaos during boarding and land combat.

We've also added backpack upgrades so that your pirate can hoard even more loot without the need to return to your ship.

Lastly, we've added a rarity glow to the weapons so that you can see at first glance how good the weapon is you want to pick up. This should also prevent you mistaking a Blunderbuss for a Bomb Launcher! ;)

Here are the full patch-notes:

New weapon:
  • Repeater has been added (A twelve shot automatic pirate machine gun)

Backpack additions:
  • Backpack upgrades added (Each upgrade adds +250 carry capacity, you can install 2 upgrades max)

Loot additions
  • Weapon loot is now colored by it's rarity (white, green, blue, purple and orange)

TNT bow mount changes:
  • Mounting a barrel to the front of your ship now initiates the same cooldown as dropping a barrel from your inventory

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed missing pants mask on female body type that caused naked pirate booty
  • Nearly full crew banners (3/4) now appear orange instead of red
  • Fixed a problem that caused sail colliders to absorb projectiles
  • Fixed a bug that caused client server hosts to not be able to transfer items from containers
  • Fixed some LOD issues with the masts and sail pulleys

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Blazing Sails - Captain Boldbeard
Ahoy mateys! The time is finally upon us. The female pirate has arrived and is ready to kick some pirate bum! Like mentioned before you'll be able to use all unlocked customization on both bodytypes. Along with this we've also added 2 extra female voicetypes!

Because it's easter this weekend we also took the opportunity to add some special easter-themed event items, just to get your started you'll get a free unique easter sail emblem on game startup!

We've also added a few new LEGENDARY and EPIC items to Blazing Sails (some event and some normal ones). These will be quite a bit more challenging to unlock so have fun trying to collect 'em all pirates!

Here are some of the new items we've added:

Without further ado, here are the full patch-notes scallywags:

New pirate body settings:
  • Female body type added
  • "Body type" renamed to "Physique"
  • 3 physiques added for female (scrawny, average and strong)
  • 2 new female voices added

Visual improvements:
  • Gold and silver materials improved to be much more shiny
  • Flintlock firing pistol animation improved (used to go sideways when shooting)
  • Right to left melee swing 3rd person animation improved

In-game UI improvements:
  • Compass now shows team members direction
  • Compass now shows own ship direction
  • Compass now shows marker direction
  • Compass visuals adjusted to fit new indicators
  • Scoreboard no longer flickers
  • Pop up when clicking on player in scoreboard giving the following options: go to steam profile, open chat through steam and add as friend on steam

Score system additions:
  • Pumping water now also grants score points

Teleport compass improvements:
  • Compass needle now points to closest teleport pad

  • The profanity filter now also works on ship names

Damage effect rework:
  • Red damage overlay now shows from which direction you got hit

  • Dragon pistol moved from tier 4 to tier 5

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug that caused the teleport screen effect to get stuck when being killed while teleporting

New cosmetics:
  • Easter Pattern Sail Emblem
  • Flower Pattern Sail Emblem
  • Easter Chick Sail Emblem
  • Easter Egg Sail Emblem
  • Angry Bunny Sail Emblem
  • BattleDrank Sail Emblem
  • Fire Phoenix Sail Emblem
  • Cut Throat Sail Emblem
  • Solar Phoenix Sail Emblem
  • Black Bunny Ears
  • Pink Bunny Ears
  • Yellow Bunny Ears
  • White Bunny Ears
  • Purple Bunny Ears
  • Red Bunny Ears
  • Green Bunny Ears
  • Blue Bunny Ears
  • Silver Bunny Ears
  • Gold Bunny Ears
  • Grey, Gold and Red Commander's Bicorn
  • Green, Silver and Black Commander's Bicorn
  • Brown, Blue and White Commander's Bicorn
  • Red, Gold and Black Commander's Bicorn
  • Blue, Gold and White Commander's Bicorn
  • Dark Blue and Black Commander's Bicorn
  • White and Gold Commander's Bicorn
  • Green and Dark Grey Commander's Bicorn
  • Red, Black And Yellow Commander's Bicorn
  • Purple, Dark Grey and Yellow Commander's Bicorn
  • Black and Gold Commander's Bicorn
  • Brown, Dark Grey and Cyan Commander's Bicorn
  • Yellow Bird Nest
  • Orange Bird Nest
  • Green Bird Nest
  • White Bird Nest
  • Loose Bun Hair
  • Messy Bob Hair

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Blazing Sails - Captain Boldbeard

Hope you enjoyed the Iceberg Ahead show mateys! For the folks that didn't get the opportunity to watch live or would just like to re-watch the Blazing Sails stuff, here are the goods:

As you can see we've been working hard on implementing the female pirate, which will be introduced to the game soon!

Like with the already-implemented male bodytype, you'll be able too choose between 3 types of physique as well.

Along with this we've also been busy implementing female voicetypes so you can blast out those voice commands like a true lady-pirate. Or would you just like to have a feminine voice with a buff male body? That will also work! Blazing Sail is all about customization and we're excited too see what you pirates come up with for your characters!

Hope you're excited scallywags! We're looking forward to releasing this update!
More news about this will be shared very soon!

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Blazing Sails - Captain Boldbeard
Ahoy mateys,

Our publisher, Iceberg Interactive will host a live event tomorrow that will include some very exciting Blazing Sails news! The show begins tomorrow (March 30th) at 19:00 CEST! Make sure you're watching scallywags, you won't regret it! You can find your regional time on the Steam sidebar to the right.

You can catch it live tomorrow, but make sure you set a reminder by smashing that bell:

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Blazing Sails - Bull The Bitcher
Hi there pirates!

It's update time again. We've got a few things for you all this week. The long awaited player reporting feature has been added. Pirates aren't the kindest souls, let's admit. But even pirates agree on certain lines that shouldn't be crossed. Spoiling the fun for others or spouting extreme profanity should not go unpunished. And thus, we will from now on review your reports and take actions accordingly to keep the seas as adventurous and fun as possible for everyone sailing on them. Actions may range from warnings all the way to server bans depending on the gravity of the offense.

Next to that we've got some new teleport effects, some more status icons and a brigantine buff!

Full patch notes:

  • You can now report players with one of 7 reasons
  • You can also enter some extra information text

In-game UI:
  • Added status icons for swivels, water pump, cork, teleporting and on ship
  • New ship icon (ship count top right) and on ship status indication icon
  • New player icon (in crew member UI top left and player count top right)
  • Status icons now turn red when on an enemy ship or when using enemy cannons, steering wheel, masts, capstan, swivels, ...
  • Flag banner UI is now screenspace making it easier to read
  • Added two crossing swords and a short animation to the prepare for battle screen

Teleport effects:
  • Added screen effect when teleporting
  • Added a white transition flash when the actual teleport happens

Gameplay and balancing:
  • Brigantine water levels now rise 30% slower making it a bit stronger
  • Entering enemy crows nests now takes 4 seconds instead of 1 second

Special flags:
  • Blackbeard flag added (we'll do a big country flag pass soon)

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the anchor to automatically drop each time you use the steering wheel
  • Fixed a bug that caused projectiles to not deactivate when hitting a player making it possible to hit two or more players with one projectile
  • Disconnects due to a server being in spawn selection will now show the correct disconnect popup message
  • Flag banners no longer show any text when the match has started
  • Fixed a bug that caused the compass sound to play when loading into a game
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes cut off some of the compass teleporting sounds

Like this update? Let us know on Discord!

Blazing Sails - Captain Boldbeard
Ahoy mateys!

As some of you have might have already suspected, our full release has been pushed a bit further back than we originally intended. Mainly because we don't feel comfortable with fully launching right now. And let's face it: there's still quite some stuff that a fully released game should have. Like a solid progression system, more QoL, overall stability and more.

But like a wise old buccaneer once told me: "A delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is forever bad"

That being said we can't begin to express how thankful we are towards you pirates! Many of you have shown a lot of patience and passion towards our game and that really motivates us to keep developing Blazing Sails into the ultimate PvP pirate game.

We're always very excited to share our latest updates, monitor your feedback and make changes/improvements accordingly. Let's keep this going!

Now, without further ado here's PART 2 of our Early Access Roadmap:

Check out a high-res version here

As you can see the long requested female pirate character option will be added soon™ along with some very handy backpack upgrades. Gone are the days of being stuck at sea with only a bunch of sweaty guys. With the backpack upgrades you'll be able to bring some more plunder as well for the special occasion.

So instead of adding multiple small features we've decided to mainly focus the next big update around one MAJOR addition. Adding the female character was a lot of work for us since we also needed to adjust all outfits to fit both body types. (So yes, bearded ladies will be possible!)

Of course, in case you didn't notice the additions in the far left corner of the Roadmap; more QoL, extra additions, bugfixes and other improvements is something we'll keep focusing on as well throughout Early Access.

See you on the seas pirates!

Like this Roadmap update? Let us know on Discord!
Blazing Sails - Van Spekkegem
Ahoy matey's!

We be droppin 'nother small update for ye all today introducing a brand new type of flag you can fly atop your main mast. You can now fancy up your ship with a selection of predefined full spectrum colored flags. We'll be adding a lot more of them in the coming weeks but to start of we've provided country flags for the countries Blazing Sails has sold best in so far, the classic and always stylish skull and crossblades, some historical flags and more! So it's time to represent. Let fly the colors!

We've also added some cool quality of life improvements such as more crew information on top of the flag banners, a handy and informative popup showing the reason you got disconnected from a server and vote kicked (ex) crew members can no longer rejoin your crew to annoy you and your team.

Full patch notes:

New Flag type:
  • Special flag type added (currently flown on the main mast but will be changeable later)
  • Special flags are predesigned full color flags
  • First set of country flags (13) added of the Blazing Sails best selling countries
  • 7 other special flags added
  • Currently all special flags are free and none steam items but in the future we will also add unlockable special flags (steam items)

Disconnect improvements:
  • You now get a popup with the reason why you were disconnected from a server
  • As a server admin (on client hosted servers) you can now specify a reason when kicking players

Team vote kick improvements:
  • Players can no longer rejoin a team after being vote kicked out of it

Flag banner improvements:
  • Flag banners now show the amount of players in the crew, the crew name and the ship type

In-game UI tweaks:
  • Heal effect now appears behind the HUD so HUD information remains better visible while healing

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a loot crate spawn on Trident

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Blazing Sails - Captain Boldbeard
Ahoy Mateys!

We’ve got something very exciting lined up for tomorrow: The King of the Pirates Tournament!

10 top Twitch streamers will captain teams of three players each in a knock-out tournament. The winning captain will be crowned the first ever King of the Pirates - and their team will forever be enshrined within the game itself.

We're also having a special 25% discount on the game all week - so you can get in on the fun for yourself as well!

There will also be a television highlights special courtesy of our official broadcast partners GINX Esports TV - follow them on Twitter to find out exactly when and where!

THE TOURNAMENT Starts Saturday March 13th (Tomorrow) - 09:00 PST / 12:00 EST / 18:00 CET
Follow all 10 captains on Twitch to watch the action LIVE!

Additionally you pirates can try to predict who will win via this pick’ems form!

If you can predict all pools correctly + the winner of the finals you’ll win an emblem pack containing all the EXCLUSIVE emblems from the participating streamers + 4 copies of Blazing Sails. Of course, only one form is allowed per person and all forms must be sent before the tournament starts.

Good luck Scallywags!

Talk to us on Discord!
Blazing Sails - Captain Boldbeard
Ahoy mateys!

We all know the feeling of desperately steering away from danger while you wonder what your seadog crewmates are up to. Well, no more! In this update, we've added crew status icons so you can always see what those scurvy no-good landlubbers are doing. Their icon will change based on their activities, like shooting cannons, steering, etc.

You can now also tell which sewer dwelling rat is trolling the team by voting to drop at Trident when there's four chests in Bandit Bay, because your voting knives are now colored!

In-Game UI:
  • Crew status icons added which show what a crew member is doing (shooting the cannons, manning the sails, steering, manning the capstan or repairing) More states will be added soon such as pumping, teleporting, on the ship or on land, ...
  • Knives in the spawn selection screen are now colored with the player colors

Teleportation rework:
  • Teleportation amulet replaced with a magical compass with audio and visual charging effects (actual teleporting effects will be added as well soon)
  • You can now view another player's teleporting progress

Ship bell:
  • New bell model and animation added

Streamer mode:
  • Streamer mode has been further implemented into the actual game hiding playernames

  • Half barrel projectile damage increased from 25 to 30
  • Dual quad barrel flintlocks projectile damage increased from 14 to 15
  • Deadzone damage no longer causes sprint to be blocked

Pirate customisation:
  • Added 6 new skin colors
  • Added 6 new tattoo colors

Bug fixes:
  • Music should no longer cut off when too many sounds are playing at the same time
  • Fixed a bug that caused the primary fire to no longer work sometimes when clicking and selecting a command from the command wheel
  • Fixed a bug that allowed blocking after switching weapons even if the block cooldown was not finished yet
  • Voice chat should no longer stick anymore when spamming the voice chat button
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "empty" click to no longer work when trying to fire an empty weapon

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