Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer
Hey, everyone!
This is our seventh dev blog and where we'll be talking about the direction we're going to be taking with Skul: The Hero Slayer.
Currently, our scheduled date for the major Skul reformation update is in early February.

Our apologies for the delay in both the blog and the update.
SouthPAW has grown tremendously over the past year through your support and as such, we are facing new quests that surpass our current capacity. We're grateful to everyone for getting us here, but it is true that the team is just not big enough to cover everything.
We're actively recruiting new members and transforming our environment to set a smooth working pace and continue polishing Skul.
The team may be under pressure now, but we believe we're right in the middle of another milestone that'll push us forward to become a greater team of developers. Rest assured that we're working hard to achieve this milestone and make Skul a fun and lovable game.

So first, let's talk about what everyone's been waiting for: the skulls.
A diverse pool of skulls defines fun in Skul.
Including the Awakened ones, 100 skulls currently exist in Harmonia. We realize some of these skulls have flaws, big or small.
Not only that, but there are also skulls that can be really fun to play, given the right change in mechanics.
These are the reasons why we're working on skull reformation- in order to mitigate the flaws and amplify the fun.
Let's walk you through what kind of changes are coming.

1. Skulls that were designed early in the game were comparatively weak or inefficient and were not as fun

Yaksha's stomping skill is quite unique.
You can stomp on your enemies with normal attacks or by using skills; on your fifth use, you can deal great damage with Yaksha's giant foot.

Yaksha was a huge character, originally, but we downsized it a bit throughout development.
Despite the change in physique, we kept the idea of Yaksha brutally stepping on its enemies. The concept was maintained when developing its passives and skills.
We were satisfied with how we conceptualized Yaksha's skills in the game, so the character hasn't seen much change since its appearance in Harmonia.
However, after the addition of far more interesting skulls, the signature Yaksha stomp ended up being more bland than unique. Yaksha couldn't quite provide an exciting gameplay experience.

We decided to be bold with Yaksha.
The concept we originally had in mind wasn't just stamping feet, it was the idea of brutally crushing the enemies with a massive and menacing physique.
Wait, it doesn’t look that intimidating?

The new Yaksha uses power stacks to open the Domain of the Wicked. Within the realm's boundaries, evil spirits reign the world.
Yaksha returns to its true form, Rakshasa, in the Domain of the Wicked. As Rakshasa, its basic attacks and skills are stronger.
Yaksha doesn't just stomp around anymore- you can now use its ability to open the Domain of the Wicked and swing a giant club at your enemies.

2. Skull's mechanism wasn't uniform through the Awakening process
In Skul, Awakening means to obtain the true power of the skull’s owner.
Awakening wasn’t part of Skul’s development plan; we’ve implemented it through our players’ feedback during Early Access.
This is why early skulls that were already made before the Awakening feature were difficult to design when we had to create Awakened levels for them, since they were made without taking upgrades into consideration.

We had an especially hard time designing the Awakened skulls for the Ent Skull.
The concept at the moment is that each Ent Skull has the characteristic of its matching Ent enemy found in the Forest of Harmony.
Due to this exceptional design, the Ent Skull’s attack type and play strategy continued to change with each Awakening, which wasn’t the direction we meant to take.
Through the reformation, we’re going to define a single play style for the Ent Skull and allow its Awakened skulls to build up on that style.

We’re going to focus on shaping the new Ent Skull into a melee fighter regardless of its type.
It pounds on the ground as it advances, and can enlarge its body part to reach enemies that are standing slightly farther.

The Ent Skull will be able to plant grass using seeds.
When you use a skill while standing on the grass, you’ll receive helpful buffs such as shorter cooldown times or the activation of stronger skills. Different buffs are available depending on the Awakened level.
The grassy area is not big, but you can plant multiple patches around the map. Where you plant and how you plan to use the seeds will be strategically important.

3. Sometimes, enemies and other aspects of the game made it difficult to use the skulls to their full potential

We put a lot of thoughts into balance each time we design a new skull.
Three main elements we take into account for each skull are concept, fun, and efficiency.
We found that if we focus on just one or two elements of the three, by the end of the development it makes the skull feel rather incomplete.

The Ghoul grows in size and strength by devouring its enemies.
We designed the Ghoul’s skills and passive with this concept in mind, which led to quite a disappointment in terms of efficiency considering Skul’s gameplay mechanics.

As the Ghoul, you grow in size and receive stat bonuses by acquiring flesh chunks or Swallowing your enemies.
A big body means increased attack range, but it also means a huge hitbox in favor of the enemies. This worked as a double-edged sword for Ghoul players.
Allowing your enemies to land hits on you is a huge risk in roguelike or roguelite games like Skul. Keeping your health bar full is of utmost importance.

All of the Ghoul’s skills require you to defeat the enemy.
This is useful against a mob of enemies, but becomes a huge pain during one-on-one battles.

The new Ghoul can “digest” the chunks of flesh it has. Digesting uses up all the flesh chunks you’ve got; you’ll restore some health and return to your normal size.
In addition, chunks of flesh have a chance to drop each time you hit your enemy, which will help you fight adventurers and stage bosses.
We hope this will help make playing the Ghoul less challenging and, in turn, encourage our Ghoul lovers to tackle melee fights against powerful enemies.

Last but not least, Throw Hook is now a basic attack.
In Skul, where you can only have up to two skills, deciding which skills to make “essential” always comes with much contemplation.
Skulls with essential skills will have much less skill combinations, so we try not to lock the skills down as essentials.
We made Throw Hook an essential skill only to realize that it was a poor choice.
There aren’t many reasons to make Throw Hook an essential skill.
We still do, however, think that Throw Hook is an interesting and fun technique, so we decided to turn it into the Ghoul’s basic attack.

4. Some were simply not as good in terms of efficiency or control

The Water Skull uses up moisture, which is obtained via basic attacks, to attack and strengthen its skills.
This means basic attacks are crucial in using the Water Skull, but short range and slow attack speed unfortunately had a negative impact on the Water Skull’s efficiency and controls.
Additionally, the waves you can create with moisture have shown the adverse effect of pushing your enemies back. This inconveniently relocated the enemy at unwanted times.

Our goal with the Water Skull is to improve the efficiency of its basic attack by increasing the attack range and speed.
We’ve also changed the waves so that they will no longer push the enemies around.
The idea of tides creating knockback makes sense, but in all reality, did not provide a satisfying gameplay experience.
The new Water Skull’s waves now focus on dealing swift damage.
The longer your battles are, the more powerful your Water Skull will become. The skull’s increase in power will be visible to the eye when fighting in smaller areas.

5. Combining physical and magic attacks (hybrids) didn’t work out sometimes
We’ve categorized the attacks to physical and magic in Skul.
So-called hybrid skulls came into play because we wanted to create skulls that utilize both physical and magic types.

Piercing Shot is the only magic attack the Hunter has. Any other attack by the Hunter deals physical damage.
Since it’s inefficient to buff your magic attack only to use Piercing Shot, the skill was absolutely useless to Hunter users. As such, we changed Piercing Shot’s attack type to physical.
Like so, we’re going to switch the attack types of various moves accordingly, and continue to research new ways to make hybrid skulls fun to play.

That’s all for today!
Problematic skulls aren’t the only ones changing through our upcoming reformation update.
We’re constantly trying out different ways to help you enjoy Skul even more.
The skulls we’ve shared with you today are only a part of what we have planned. Many other skulls will see changes, whether they be big or small.
We’ll continue to do our best to ’balance the fun’ and make each and every skull fun to play.

Thank you all for your continued love and support.
Nov 25, 2021
Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer

Hey everybody!

Voting for The 2021 Steam Awards has started!
We're shooting for the winning space under Outstanding Visual Style and would greatly appreciate your support. Each and every one of your votes means a world to us.

Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer
You can finally enjoy Skul on Switch, XBOX, and PS4 starting at midnight on 21st October.

Thank you for your continued support and love for Skul: The Hero Slayer!
Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer
Hello Skul Squad! Are you enjoying swapping some skulls?

Today, we would like to spend some time to give you an update on what SouthPAW devs have been up to since the last update.

Skul on Switch / XBOX / PS4

We have been continuously working on the porting process of Skul to Switch, XBOX, and PS4 so the players could enjoy Skul anywhere, with any gadgets.

We have been working on the porting process with Blitworks, who are experts in high-quality game porting. We believe in their successful experience in porting Divinity Original Sin 2, Rogue Legacy, and many others. We are almost at the last step of the porting process, and are carefully estimating when would be the best time to release the game.

We aim to release the console version at about mid-October, and we will make sure you know when we fix the date.

Skull Reformation

We believe that every skull’s action needs to be fun to play with and that every one of them should perform just as strong as the others with each play style and item combination.

But with about 100 skulls in Harmonia, we are aware that some skulls don’t come up to the expectations.

To achieve our aim, we are analyzing and reviewing every one of our skulls for the reformation. Hopefully, the system is going to be implemented in the game by the end of the year.

The main problems that we aim to address are as follows:
  1. Skulls developed from the very beginning with lower performance and mechanisms than the ones developed later.
  2. Skulls lacking consistency in mechanism with their Awakening process.
  3. Skulls that cannot fully uncover their potential due to in-game aspects, including enemies.
  4. Skulls with low specs or bad controlling experience.

We are actively developing the skulls with the features above, aiming to introduce more detailed information on reformation through the next Dev Blog.

And we are going through an experimental phase with applying crowd control on the Boss phase.

It is an experimental tryout as it hugely breaks away from the basic game design. So we are doing much research and trials to develop a new amusement for our players.

We have not fully decided on implementing crowd control in the Boss stage. We want to test it out as much as possible so Skul: The Hero Slayer can provide more exciting experiences.

Every Skul development has one very basic condition: It should be fun.

We aim to make every single skull and its systems have their unique fun, so the players could have more to enjoy while playing Skul.

Hard Mode

We are aware that many players have already become veteran hero slayers of the Demon King’s castle, and they long for challenging quests to conquer. For this, we are working on developing the hard mode.

The original roadmap shows that the hard mode is supposed to come out in Q3. However, we thought it would be best to come out in 2022 Q1 to deliver a perfectly polished version after the skull reformation update. The schedule for the contents that aimed to come out in Q4 will also be adjusted to come out after the hard mode update.

While we are fully aware of the users’ expectations on the Hard Mode contents, we ask for your generous understanding in adjusting the schedule to deliver our best.

The hard mode of Skul doesn’t mean a simple increase of power and HP of Carleon soldiers. We are going through various trials and errors so we can provide you with new and exciting experiences.

The initial plan for hard mode focused on making levels simply more difficult for the players.

We tried constantly changing the patterns of the enemies, changing the map system mechanic to randomly level up the difficulty, trying to create new hardship for the players. We even tried to weaken the player.

However, we quickly concluded that this is just not ‘Skul Style.’

The very core of Skul is the player, and the new content should be there to provide a new experience for the player.

Therefore, we blew away the weakening system. The pattern change system was also discarded as it completely ignores the players’ learning process, ruining the intuitive experience.

Instead, we are focusing on developing brand-new enemies for the hard mode, and implementing a new level-up aspect for the players to stand against the more difficult levels.

We will have new enemies for each chapter.

They will have more threatening patterns than the original enemies and the new and the old will blend to provide a fresh combat experience.

As for the new abilities to deal with the powerful new enemies, we are trying to reduce the effect of RNG compared to the original level-up contents.
The players will control and design the new level-up aspect to tackle the hard mode, along with the original skulls, items, and essences.

You can match the controllable elements to the RNG elements, or you can create synergy by matching RNG elements to the controllable elements.

One thing is for sure: the way you play Skul will be greatly intensified, and you’ll be able to try your way on the new enemies without restrictions.

In this way, we expect Skul Hard Mode to not just stop at being a hard mode. It will be another aspect that further expands the Skul story.

After polishing the existing content through the skull reformation, we expect to present cool and fun hard mode content.

We hope you will continue the journey of Skul with us, sharing your experiences and stories along the road.

Thank you.
Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer
This hotfix (Release 1.3.2) fixes the bug that switching some levels of Grave Digger would not raise any tombstone.

Hello Skul Squad!

This update (Release 1.3.1) improves some VFX that affected gameplay and resolves some bugs in the previous build.

From now on, players will be able to enjoy the action without any visibility issues. We’ll keep polishing those effects and thank you guys again for sharing your feedback!

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed bug where the achievements could never be achieved with The King, Overload or Saviour
  • Fixed bug where Saviour’s skill ‘Macbeth’ would call upon 3 Macbeths
  • Fixed bug where The King would get the same skill when talking to Dark Priest
  • Fixed bug where the treasure chest animation would not properly start when opening the chest with The King
  • Fixed bug where walking animation would not change when The King acquires a random scroll
  • Fixed bug where Overload’s skill ‘Heaven-Earth Slam’ would deal much higher damage than normal
  • Fixed bug where some projectiles from certain skills would deal damage at incorrect locations

  • Fixed bug where the required number of hits to destroy the Kobold’s ‘gold vein’ and Naias ‘ice flower’ would be much higher than normal
  • Fixed bug where the player could not jump down when transforming into Harpy
  • Fixed bug where spear attack would occasionally switch its direction when activating Centauros
  • Fixed bug where the damage reducing effect would not properly be applied when activating Ogre
  • Fixed bug where Max HP would increase when transforming into Slime
  • Fixed bug where the status icon would show as Demonomicon when acquiring Kobold
  • Fixed bug where the generation rate of the gold vein was incorrect when killing enemies with Kobold
  • Fixed bug where Phantom’s skill ‘Phantom Magic’ would deal when using other kinds of dodge buffs
  • Fixed bug where the attack from the Magic Tech Turret would occasionally affect much lower hit than normal
  • Fixed bug where Flame Dragon’s attacking effects would not match its VFX in time
  • Fixed bug where Ifrit’s effect ‘Firestorm’ would have much more hits than normal
  • Fixed bug where Spinks’s effect ‘Poison Gas Trap’ would show its VFX at incorrect locations

Other Bugs
  • Fixed bug where Magical Slime would not randomly duplicate items when rescuing it
  • Fixed bug where the gunpowder cart would not explode when bumping into Dang-Ka People in Dang-Ka Knight Map
  • Fixed bug where the minimap would not properly show in Dark Market
  • Fixed bug where Adventurer Warrior would cancel the casting and use his special move when attacked by the player

Grave Digger
  • Reset y-axis move as 0 when using skills in the air with different levels of Grave Digger
  • Fixed problem where the player would not find spirits when entering maps and preparing for switching different levels of Grave Digger
The King
  • Changed VFX for [Wave of Denial]
  • Changed VFX for [Blood Sword]

  • Increased the reducing cooldown when recovering the spear: 10s → 15s
  • Changed VFX for the end of the flying spear
King Dwarf
  • Increased the hit of turret attack when activated: 3 → 4
  • Polished charging VFX for turret attack when activated
  • Adjusted the turrets that cover the player and enemies when activated
  • Increased the contact damage when activated
  • Changed VFX for the attacks when activated
Raven Lord
  • Increased the damage of activation
  • Adjusted VFX for Raven Soldier and the explosion
  • Fixed problem where Imp’s jump attack would not deal damage until landing
  • Increased the explosion rage of Imp’s Fireballs
  • Changed explosion VFX for Imp’s Fireballs
Shadow Knights
  • Increased the activating damage and range
  • Changed the activating animation
  • Increased the explosion damage of Ice Flowers when activated
  • Adjusted the Ice Flowers that cover the player and enemies when activated
Mana Golem
  • Increased the activating damage
  • Increased the speed of cooldown: 150% → 200%
Evil Eye
  • Increased the activating damage
  • Increased the activating damage
  • Polished the electrocuting animation
  • Adjusted VFX that cover the player and enemies when activated
  • Added flare VFX when activated
  • Adjusted the turrets that cover the player and enemies when activated
Flame Dragon
  • Adjusted the Flame Dragon that covers the player and enemies when activated
  • Changed the disappearing animation for VFX
  • Changed the appearing animation for Gryphon when activated
  • Adjusted the Ifrit that covers the player and enemies when activated
  • Changed the landing animation when transforming into Slime
  • Changed the VFX of the activation
  • Changed the disappearing animation for Suonisio
  • Changed the disappearing animation for Succubus
Weapon Master
  • Changed the disappearing animation for Weapon Master
Other Changes
  • Fixed problem where Magical Slime would appear in Chapter 1
Developer comment: Magical Slime can be made full use of when the player has already acquired different items during several chapters. Therefore, we brought out this temporary solution and will add some special rewards to it when the player bumps into Magical Slime with an empty scroll.
  • Fixed problem where some objects in the event maps would not properly show in the minimap

Text Corrections
  • Fixed issue where Barlog’s cooldown was incorrect: 30s → 20s
  • Fixed issue where Phantom’s activating damage type was incorrect: Physical → Magical
Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer

Hey Skul Squad,

Are you enjoying the new update? :)

Well...we have some more great news for you! We’ve joined forces with the legendary Motion Twin to create the “Off With Your Head” Bundle!

Both games can be purchased with an extra 10% discount through the bundle (even if you already own one of them). Not only that, but Skul will be available at 25% off for the duration of the summer sale too.

Last but not least, we’re also introducing another bundle with Blade Assault that is aptly named “The Bone & The Blade”. It will be available at 15% off, so check it out!
Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer
Hello Skul Squad,

Here come two new skulls (the Stone Monkey and Grave Digger!) to take part in the assault of Carleon Castle.

The Stone Monkey beats up Carleon soldiers with its clones while the Grave Digger calls upon different spirits to unite the Legion of Death.

Also, the Prisoner will finally get his original form back.

With the help of completely new Quintessences, skulls will continue their way to the Carleon Castle.

Along those same lines, the Quintessences had some issues with balancing and/or didn’t have stunning effects, so we decided to work on overhauling every Quintessence in this patch. We’re also planning on a huge update for skulls, so don’t miss it!

Last but not least, we also added new special event maps and NPCs. Please see below for more detailed information.

*This patch will reset the Auto-Saved data in the previous version.

  • New Skulls
    - Stone Monkey
    - Grave Digger
Stone Monkey
Rarity: Common
Type: Speed

A monkey demon born on a rock at the top of a mountain in the East.

Grave Digger
Rarity: Common
Type: Power

Well, apparently some drab guy with a coffin was fighting some spirits.

  • Added ‘The King’ (Upgraded ‘Prisoner’)
The King
Rarity: Legendary
Type: Speed


  • Reduced incoming damage caused by each survival scroll for ‘Prisoner’: 10% → 5%

  1. Changed status icons for some item effects
New Quintessences
  • Common
    - Steel Golem
  • Unique
    - Wisp
    - Hareubang
    - Phantom
    - Banshee
  • Legendary
    - Balrog

  • Changed VFXs for every quintessence
  • Changed effects for every quintessence
  • Deleted stat bonus for every quintessence in the previous version
  • Deleted ‘Pegasus’

Overwhelming size and incredible power. It feels like the end of the world.

Developer Comment: In this update, we focused on both balancing and maximizing the effectiveness of quintessences during gameplay.

  • New NPCs
    - Halfling Girl
    - Magical Slime
    - Odd Dark Priest
    - Frivolous Dark Priest
    - Cynical Dark Priest

Developer Comment: Most of the priests who worked in the Demon Temple were kidnapped by Carleon. Now you can rescue them to change your skills more often.

Do you want to compare our height???

  1. New Special Event Maps
  2. Quintessence Sanctuary
  3. Dangerous Chest

Developer Comment: The Unknown Boy is now back in-game.

Other Changes
  • The master of Quintessences will appear more often in the Black Market
  • Added animations for every dish

Developer Comment: The food looks tastier, doesn't it?

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed bug where the Prisoner’s damage decreasing effect from Survival scroll would not properly work on some attacks
  • Fixed bug where the Evil Druid’s buff ‘Greed’ would not disappear after starting a new game
  • Fixed bug where the enemies with ‘Freeze’ or time-controlled status would still hit by the player
  • Fixed bug where Carleon Commander’s soldiers would appear at incorrect locations
  • Fixed problem where the item ‘Elder Ent's Gratitude’ would not save its current barriers during Auto-Save
  • Fixed problem where the background image would not properly display in Chapter 1
  • Fixed problem where the player would jump onto the elevator in the first map of Chapter 4
Text Corrections
  • Fixed issue where the description for the Prisoner’s skills was incorrect (English)
Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer
We've fixed a black screen issue in Title Screen (Release 1.2.4) through a hotfix on 5/19.

Hello Skul Squad,

This update (Release 1.2.4) fixes some bugs caused by the ‘Auto-Save’ system update.

Also, you’ll be happy to hear that the rescued Demon King will always appear in the castle from now on (as long as you’ve saved him of course).

Please see below for more detailed information.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed bug where the Evil Sword: Kirion would duplicate after using ‘Auto-Save’
  • Fixed bug where both the Clone Stamp and Prince’s Box would have different inscriptions after using ‘Auto-Save’
  • Fixed bug where maps would provide different rewards after using ‘Auto-Save’
  • Fixed bug where the Demon King would not appear in the castle after defeating the First Hero
  • Fixed bug where the bomb-moving recruit would stop when stunned in Dang-Ka Knight maps.
Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer
This hotfix (Release 1.2.2) fixes the bugs listed below.

1. Fixed bug where the Fox Hunter and Ogre Peddler would keep dropping the same skulls/items over and over again.
2. Fixed issue where the timer wouldn't run when in the Demon Castle, Black Market, "Awaken" Map or on the first map of each Chapter.
3. Made the lighting more uniform in the Demon Castle.

Hello Skul Squad,

This update (Release 1.2.2) fixes some bugs that affected gameplay and at long last….. we finally added an ‘Auto-Save’ function!! We’d like for you to play Skul whenever and for however long you want without worrying about losing progress.

Please see below for more detailed information.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed bug where some of the control settings would not work in the Menu or Inventory
  • Fixed problem where a skull’s current item status would not properly show in 21:9 aspect ratio
  • Fixed bug where the Adventurer would not show up in Chapter 4
  • Fixed bug where a black screen would appear in place of the Title Screen
  • Fixed bug where a black screen would appear and the game wouldn’t be playable in some cases

  • Added ‘Auto-Save’ System
    - You can now quit mid-run and come back later to pick up where you left off.
  • Increased the loading speed when switching from the Title Screen to in-game maps
  • Improved the screen transition when switching maps
  • Increased the loading speed when switching maps and chapters
Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer
Hey Skul Squad,

It’s been a while since our last Dev Blog, right? ;) Hope you all are doing well!

This Dev Blog will focus on our development schedule for the rest of this year. We can’t wait to build upon what we have so far and make Skul an even more thrilling experience for everyone.
It’s also important to mention that a lot of these decisions were made based on your feedback, even from the Early Access period. We hope the proposed changes/additions are to your liking.
Without further ado…

Here are the proposed changes!

Updates Planned for Q2

“Continue where you left off” Auto-Save Function
Many of you have been asking for this feature for a long time, so we’re currently developing it.
No more need to worry about having to quit mid-run because of some other engagement and losing all of the progress you made. We want you to be able to play Skul whenever or for however long you want.

Add New Skulls & Improve Existing Ones
When it comes to improving existing skulls, we aim to make some of the less fun or difficult to use skulls more accessible and exciting to play with.

Add New Quintessence & Improve Existing Ones
Considering that Quintessence are closely tied to a player’s growth and gameplay we’ve spent a lot of time looking into how to make them even more meaningful and fun to use. And we think the future changes should do just that.

In addition to that, we also plan on adding another field NPC and “special event maps” to boost the replayability even more.

Launch Switch, PS4 and Xbox One Versions This Summer

You’ll finally be able to enjoy playing Skul on other platforms this summer.
And you may not have seen this yet, but earlier today we revealed some gameplay footage from the Switch version in the Nintendo Indie Showcase! All three console builds are pretty far along in development and just need some more optimization and polishing. If all goes well, we may be able to launch them in June. Fingers crossed!

You can check out the video for yourself at the link below.

**Starts at 16:15

Updates Planned for Q3

We think that you and Skul are getting pretty OP, so we’ve decided to add a New Game+ mode (hard mode)! Let’s see if you can complete the challenge in your own special way.

Updates Planned for Q4

For this update, we’ll be focusing on adding several QoL features such as a stat interface and index for skulls, items and Quintessence.

We’re also currently looking into adding more options for permanent player progression and how to better utilize the Witch Trait system.

Food will also be improved to make it more dynamic and fun.

Please keep in mind that depending on the situation we may have other updates that aren’t currently listed. For example, we would love to do another character crossover!

We’ll do our best to continue to improve Skul and make the best version of it that we can.

Please stay tuned for more updates.

Thank you!
Skul Team