Jul 2, 2020
RISK: Global Domination - SMG Studio

We were close to getting this out in June but slipped a few days to allow for extra QA.


- Spain, added to the Countries & Continents Pack. (Big thanks to IbaiLlanos!)

- Streamlined friend and game invites (YASSSS!!!! Thanks for patience everyone while we fixed this)
- See who is online and check out their profiles

- New Emotes collection UI in-game
- Crying, laughing and rage General emotes (The three basic emotions all RISK players need)

- Different in-game text messages each week nominated by our Discord community. (we're closing in on 40k members now!)
- Your stats button settings remembered between games (Can't think of anything funny to add to this one)
- Set your preferred avatar colour in your profile (So we can finally tell the people who ask all the time to shut up about it :)
- Exit button added to home screen (Steam exclusive feature!! Woooo)
- Bug fixes, memory optimizations and map improvements! (We posted about them before but we really did massage and tweak every map to make them better)

This update was a combination of some quality of life, some major fixes and new stuff. The 2.7 update is already underway and we'll have more info and an ETA on that when we're closer.

If you're enjoying RISK then drop us a review, or a follow on Twitter or Facebook (ewww 😂)

RISK: Global Domination - SMG Studio
Update! We have a winner, it's Northern Europe!

Update for JULY!

OK looks like the instructions were a little unclear, sorry. Turkey was already a LOCK! We wanted to know the 4th

But we have narrowed down the 4th option to the following.

  1. South America, focused on Argentina and the Falklands
  2. Scandinavia with Denmark + Balticum
  3. India
  4. Indonesia + Philippines

Original post below.
We want to know what YOU think should be turned into an official RISK map for an upcoming pack.

We have already planned;
  • Turkey (because it's one of the top countries on Steam for RISK)
  • Japan (because Japan is awesome)
  • New Zealand and Australia (because that's where we live)
  • and ???

We want your help with the ???

Spain map is coming in the next update (ETA First week of July now) as a free update to the Countries and Continents pack so we've got that covered already.

Comment with your suggestions!
If the period in time is important add that too. Add as little or as much reasoning as you like. Mmmm delicious reasoning.

We already have a small poll going on Discord with Ireland beating out Mexico by a fair margin. But wanted to open up the suggestions a little wider before we lock in a decision.

🤩 Think of the fame and the glory of seeing your favorite place become part of the official RISK canon🤩

You can tell your grand kids: "Yes your mother's right, it was me on the Steam forums back in 2020 during the great lock-down. I remember it like it was yesterday... I suggested a country, still can't believe no one thought of it before me, I just typed it out on a noisy mechanical key board, clickety-clack!, the universe applauded the suggestion, SMG listened (i mean how could they ignore it) and it was made.

If only it was on Reddit because I would have gotten so much Karma...

That's actually how I met your grandmother. She saw my suggestion and fell in love instantly. 43 years we've been together. We still play RISK together daily, I really got my money's worth by going premium back in 2019.

Greatest day of my life kids. Greatest day."

That could be you!!
RISK: Global Domination - SMG Studio
No longer will Steam users have to feel inferior to their emote wielding, mobile playing enemies.

Steam users will be able to purchase and use them from the next update.

We have more emotes coming but for now it's just The General.

Look at him all smug!

Shout out to TopSpin for the awesome animations!

Jun 4, 2020
RISK: Global Domination - SMG Studio
The art team went back through all the previous maps to tidy them up.

A cleaner outline, better centering on the map, more spacing on the territory for the pucks (#teampuck!) a nip/puck if you will?

While for some it's minor, we wanted to ensure players on all devices (mobile and PC) get a highly readable map.

Here's a few of the alterations. We'll have them all done for the update at the end of June.

And don't worry if they look the same, just trust us they are better ;)

RISK: Global Domination - SMG Studio
Here's a quick sample of some of the stuff we're working on in M̶A̶Y̶ June! (edit: it's now June) for future updates.

Community Chat Expression
Good news everyone! "THE DICE HATE ME!" will be back.
Second, it will be the first entry in what we call the "community expression", a rotation system in which we will have one chat line, changed weekly, that is elected from community suggestions.

Feel free to post your suggestions below or on Discord. - as long as they are not offensive and family friendly, they have a good chance to become part of the rotation!

New Spain Map
We were tagged in a few times on this tweet so decided to follow it up by making the maps. Coming in the June update to the Countries & Continents map pack!

If you'd like a map made by us it's simple. Just get 10k+ likes to a tweet asking for it.
(Map updated to V1.3 after feedback from Spanish players.

RISK Memes
This is why most people dont know where NZ is on a map.
Also the RIsk Discord is now responsible for 97.63% of the words RISK Memes.

This problem with NZ and maps got to the point the NZ government made a campaign about it and singled out RISK! I mean this was back when NZ had nothing else to worry about.

Las Vegas Map
Coming as a free update to the US Cities map pack is Las Vegas.
Recreate the historic Battle of the Buffet from the comfort of your computer.

Much more coming
Next week we'll go through some of the new UX for the game which will overhaul the single player campaign, friends list and lots of other elements.

if you want to see more regular news from us smash that like button below :)
RISK: Global Domination - SMG Studio
I love the smell of updates in the morning!
Version 2.5 is now live and rolling out across the various platforms.

It’s a big one! And just the start for what we have planned for 2020+

Note: You may have trouble inviting friends to games if they are on the old version.


Update: 🍏MAC users can now play on Steam!!! 🍏 (Thanks for patience!)

Countries & Continents map pack DLC
Four new original maps chosen from community requests.
  • Africa
  • Brazil
  • Russia 2010
  • Canada eh! (We can finally tell that one guy on Facebook who's been asking everyday for 6 months for it!)

New improved UI
Just the start of the improvements of the interface of the game.

New camera and UI settings options
You can now change the size of the territory count puck (we're calling it a puck from now. OK? As sounds better than oblong... even though oblong is a funny sounding word, let us know in the comments that you read this and if you're Team Puck or Team Oblong) and tweakable screen panning.

Ok before we continue you might still be thinking Oblong is the way to go. But when the pucks get too close on the map and I it gets fiddly to click and tap, I call it a Cluster Puck. Cluster Oblong.... nahhhh
Also if players have any reports of Cluster Pucking, please open a support ticket!
So anyway #teamPuck

Stats button: continents, players and cards.
  • Your territory card locations. Control these for an extra +2 troop bonus.
  • Continents and bonuses
  • Player troop and territory counts
For a strategic edge, try playing with both territory card locations and player info turned on.

- Tap opponent avatars to view their profile
- Improved AI after taking over for a player Edit: Whoops! hahah I typed this up quickly and honest mistake :)
- Various bug fixes (Big bugs, small bugs, bugs that we found by accident and bugs caused by ourselves when we fixed the other bugs, silly bugs and bugs that we swore we fixed previously)

Coming Soon:
Lots more to come in 2020 and beyond. We’ll also be updating the US Cities, Zombie and Pirate packs to have 4 maps total over the coming months.

Join the Community:
Join the community on Discord with 16,000 others to discuss ideas, enter tournaments and play friendly games. Or follow us on Facebook with the other 100,000 people for special intel on new updates and maps.

Thanks for playing and supporting us and we hope you and your family are safe. The SMG team has been working from home safely for the last 6 weeks. We've seen a large increase in players during the lock-downs and hope that playing and taking over the world is helping keep your mind off the news.


P.S See you on the battlefield

RISK: Global Domination - SMG Studio

EDIT: Sale will go live 10am April 9th PST. Sorry the "news" is set to Aussie time :/

We've discounted the Pirate Pack for a week and showing off the 4th map we'll be back-filling into the pack. If you already own the pack this will be added when we do the update.

Note: We'll be back-filling all packs with less than 4 maps (Pirate, US Cities, Zombie) over the next few months. It's a thank you to those who supported us and also trying to ensure value with the packs.

BONUS: We want your help deciding which map pack should be on sale next!
The map pack with the most wishlist's will be discounted next. So head to the DLC store page and wishlist all the packs you want to see on sale next. Could be 1 or more.

RISK: Global Domination - SMG Studio

We just hit 10,000 members on the community Discord server.

To put that in perspective that's more people than the population of Tuvalu! Yes Tuvalu!!!

Besides chatting with other players, joining tournaments, reporting cheaters, fan art and everything in-between, we've also become the #1 RISK Meme supplier to the world!

Here's a small sample of the servers contribution to the world of RISK Memes.

It's free to join so come be part of the community.
RISK: Global Domination - SMG Studio
We hear you!

Although we are very happy about the positive feedback we get for the game itself, we have noticed that some of you are not satisfied with the restrictions for free users. Complaints about "Pay to Play" are coming up.

Let us explain:

We do not have any purchases that can be "consumed", you cannot pay to recharge your tokens and then spend them again. This would be the easiest way to cash in, but we don`t want that. We are not a gaming Behemoth fishing for whales in the F2P world, we are a small Indie studio in Sydney trying to bring our RISK game to Steam. On popular request. With an option for all current mobile players to keep their account and purchases, and for the new players to have them on PC as well as all their phones and tablets (yes, multiple).

The only thing we offer regarding the tokens is the Premium DLC, which grants not only unlimited games (for many sporadic players just a nice side effect) but also 6 additional maps and 8 avatars. Steam users cant watch ads, the only other token:revenue stream we have on mobile.

The total you can spend on the game if you buy everything, is still less than what "heavy users" (not whales!) spend on average in an F2P per month. The cap for what we can earn is quite low, and still we need to pay our development team, office and of course for the RISK license. It`s a delicate balance to keep the wheels spinning and developing the game further.

However, we understand that Steam is a different world, and so we have decided to implement those new rules as long as you play on PC / Steam:

  • Scenarios don`t cost tokens anymore. Go crazy, play our Mini-Campaigns as often as you want.
  • Custom Single player, local coop and friends play is down to 5 tokens per game
  • Global Domination is down to 10 tokens per game
  • Total tokens per day is now 25 (after you exhaust the initial 200, which will recharge while you play, too)

What does that mean?

Now you can play - after you spent all the initial allocation - unlimited scenarios and a minimum of 5 single player games or 2-3 multiplayer games per day. Likely more, because we expect you to win some tokens back by finishing a few of your games as winner.

However, if you like the game, support us and go Premium and / or look at the map packs we have to offer. Toss a coin to your developer...

RISK: Global Domination - SMG Studio
We told you we'd announce the date when we were ready to launch and that date is Feb 19 2PM PST. That's just couple of days away!

Enjoy a new trailer we put together and don't forget to Wishlist to be notified as soon as we hit the "LAUNCH" button. Or join the community Discord to discuss with other RISK fans.

All purchases from mobile will be carried across via your RISK account and visa versa. You can play against anyone on any device.

We're excited to expand our RISK game to Steam as it's been a long time coming.

Thanks for supporting us and get ready for more updates, new maps, new features and modes in 2020+
