Fractured Veil - samzenpus
Keep Your Distance
While we’ve spent a lot of time thinking of ways to encourage people to play together, this week we’ve come up with a few ways to keep them apart. We’ve added three different types of barricades to the crafting menu to help players protect themselves and their constructions.

Our first offering is your standard wooden spike barricade. The pointy parts do damage and should be rotated to face potential threats.

Next we have metal barricades which in addition to doing damage have a slowing effect on anything trying to pass through.

Last but certainly not least, we have good old concrete barricades. Made famous in thousands of movie car chases, concrete barricades are an excellent place to take cover from gunfire and arrows.

Stepping Up
Good news #Builders! We added thatch to our spiral stair family this week. They offer a beautiful and economical option to the metal stairs in the game currently.

In addition to the new material, we fixed an infinite loop bug that could be triggered when removing and re-adding spiral stairs. Just remember to make sure that nobody breaks the bottom stairs or you could be in for quite a fall.

We also fixed a bug with the scroll wheel not working when the construction tool was equipped and made sure middle click now works when placing items like campfires and chests. We had some fun solving a problem with rotation of foundation stairs and since we noticed players having a tricky time using them, we increased the size of door locks. Now they show up on both sides of door frames as well.

Some of you were having problems loading and assigning group permissions for totems, but you shouldn’t anymore. We added messages for filling your totem up with resources to prevent decay when you place one the first time and when you upgrade part of your house the first time. We even added UI icons for wood, stone and metal doors this week to make it easier when you’re in upgrade mode.

Not Just Another Pretty Face
We’ve increased the number of teammates you can have in a group. Now you and 19 of your closest survival buddies can run for your lives through the jungle.

The various posters in buildings should now be pulled from a group of random images (even if the total number of images isn’t that big right now). We’d love to get some more in the mix including any of your pets. Head over to our #pets channel and upload an image so we can brighten the apocalypse with a picture of your furry or scaly friend.

We added a few more vehicles across the map including this tanker truck in the industrial pit as a reminder to never trust your GPS after the fracture.

We added some storage tanks outside the thorcon to help make the neighborhood more interesting and offer players places to hide as well.

How Dry I am
We’ve heard from many of you that water was too hard to come by while you’re exploring the jungle so we added another water source to the game. You can now craft or find these rain catchers across the map providing tarp flavored water to those in need.

We also made some transition improvements to where our big river hits the sea to make it look more natural.

Leaving the Lights On
Finally, we did some torch tweaking, changing where they attach to window frames and adjusting their light radius. They offer the perfect amount of light to creep around the house now.

We updated our placeable Lantern too, giving them brighter and more realistic flames. You can see below how well the light up a room compared to torches.

Community Fixes
Mahalo to our testers who help us every week find what’s not working and what can be improved. Your feedback is hugely important to us so keep it coming! Here’s everything you found and we fixed this week.
  • schism - Mutants in thorcon
  • [uRxP] Visseck - Stuck on zipline
  • ProfessorSnubs - sulfur is transformed to sawtooth axes on crash and other strange transformations
  • Players spawning in with bleeding tag
  • Azshire the Great - Sink holes in 3x4 by rivier
  • Gubbleduzz - various crashes
  • Azshire the Great - Floating plants in greenhouse
  • Pistoling - Upgrading any thatch foundation does not detect whether the player is inside the structure.
  • Players unable to revive other players
  • [uRxP]Lavim Base is decaying even with Totem full of resources
  • When in menus only let the player use "WASD"
  • [uRxP]Maashadar - melee weapons will not damage mutants
  • KingPin - animals are not damageable unless they are running away from you
  • Azshire the Great - Can’t use scroll wheel when tool is out
  • gundy - No light coming off of construction torches
  • Aazlor - items drug into inventory from floor disappear
  • [uRxP]Lavim - After server crash/restart base reset back to thatch
  • Azshire the Great - once I hit the ceiling and couldn't build, screen went super bright, even when at the bottom on ground.
  • Zaccsi - Make Smelters Craftable
  • Elliot - Buildable traps around players houses such as spike traps, barbed wire, etc
  • Varien and Larry - Escape not working, make it close any open menu

If you want to learn more about Fractured Veil check out our Discord server and to see a complete list of updates and fixes visit our Reddit page.
More About Fractured Veil
Fractured Veil - samzenpus
Getting Your Steps In
Another week - another dev update!

For all of the #builders in our community, we’re happy to report that we’re continuing to make improvements to our construction system. A number of you suggested we add stairs that you could use with half walls in your structures. Well, it may take you twice as long to get your steps in, but we adjusted the spiral staircases to match up with half walls!

Don’t worry, the spiral stairs are now stackable for diehards looking for a full stair experience. While we were at it, we added the ability to place spiral staircases on triangle and rounded foundations and fixed some structural integrity bugs.

We fixed an issue with upkeep information not showing in the totem UI.

We fixed a crash we found in our recent playtests, and one when pinging, you are free to ping again. We also worked out an issue with fall damage so players won’t die when falling from heights of a couple of inches anymore. Giant leaps can still be fatal, however.

Home Improvements
We added craftable smelters so players can start purifying their ore in the comfort of their own home, and we made torches upgradable to lanterns for those of you looking for a non-medieval light source in your base.

Where Did All the Neighbors Go?
Players arrive in Maui after the fracture and our goal is for you to ask, “Hey, where did everyone go?” or “What happened here?” while wandering around the island.

We’re building a shantytown across the river from the power plant for future exploration and eventually, clues about those who came before.

And a few hoop houses have been constructed in the area so that survivors can grow and secure the rare Kükenroot for future generations.

So Long Floaty Butcher
As much as it hurt our hearts we nabbed one of our favorite bugs ever this week. We fixed an issue with the AI spawner that would cause AI to show up where something new had been added with often hilarious results.

Sadly, mutants will no longer be found inside walls, trees, and rivers, underneath buildings or rocks, or straddling a deer suspended above the water.

Like Tears in the...Ocean
We lowered the ocean floor depth and fixed swimming to allow players to do a little diving in our beautiful blue waters. We even added coral and various types of seaweed to accompany the tropical fish you can find swimming around the numerous structures that extend into the ocean.

Here Comes The Sun
Post-processing work continued this week with a focus on sunrise and sunsets. Our goal is to make the game as immersive as possible through our lighting and environments. Here we are showing off our sunset tool while sowing chaos in the native bat population.

Community Fixes
We want to thank our testers who help us every week find what’s not working and what can be improved. Your feedback is immensely important to us so keep it coming! Here’s everything you found and we fixed this week.
  • zaccsi - deer running into the water
  • schism - Want to build stairs on stairs, stairs on round pieces, stairs on triangles
  • Azshire the Great - Door sometimes disappearing when entering code
  • Zaccsi - Mutants spawning under a house

If you want to learn more about Fractured Veil check out our Discord server and to see a complete list of updates and fixes visit our Reddit page.
More About Fractured Veil

Fractured Veil - samzenpus
Construction updates
We’re excited to share some new attachment upgrades this week. After doing some playtesting, we heard feedback that some aspects of the construction system could be improved, so we got to work. Right now you can only upgrade doors but soon players will be able to upgrade any attachment in their house from torches to LED lamps, rickety chairs to thrones, on and on.

We added some other building options to make your apocalypse shack a home this week including half round walls and thatch doors.

And for those with more elegant tastes, metal spiral staircases.

Tech Improvements
This is the first week on the brand new server, this hardware is amazing, we are on literally the fastest per thread server CPU in the world, the Intel 10700K, this has at least doubled our player capacity.

We will be upgrading to a 10900K as soon as server motherboards are available. We’ve made improvements to the login system that should now allow dozens of people to login simultaneous instead of hanging the client.

There have been huge AI improvements, we have tested with over 500 AI attacking a player and the server handles it like a champ.

AI can now step up higher so you can’t keep the hordes at bay by making a slightly elevated front step and we worked out some player persistence problems that were causing performance issues.

Since You Axed
We added a couple of new axes this week. The first is a new metal axe that looks more like something you’d find at the end of the world than its previous iteration. It is perfect for chopping down trees (which no longer momentarily disappear when chopped down.)

The second is a more hefty 2 handed saw-blade tool of destruction.

Progress is being made on building out the area around the Thorcon power plant to make the safe zone a bigger and better place.

And we’re continuing our work on post processing for day and night. Here’s a look at daybreak on the beach before

And after

It’s the Small Things
When you’re playing any game, the animations can have a big impact on taking you out of the immersive environment. If something feels off, it can be distracting. So that’s why we improved all of the first person harvesting animations. Our place holder machete animations are gone now as well!

We’ve also made some tweaks to campfire and torch animations. No longer will there be a 1 second delay when you need that fire!

Lastly, we fixed the animations on our Trophy Collectors. You can clearly see the heads they throw flying through the air again before exploding in a cloud of poisonous gas.

Community Fixes
Mahalo to our testers who help us every week discover what's not working and point out what needs fixing. Your feedback and ideas are hugely important to us! Here’s everything you found and we fixed this week.
  • Schism3110 - Construction floor keeps rotating the wrong way
  • Azshire the Great - Totems are no longer preventing decay
  • ryan - Can’t damage foundations
  • rombing - Materials Missing on tree stumps
  • Grant - fire icon never leaves
  • zaccsi - persistence performance issues
  • nubkid - getting hung on loading
  • Elliot - Can’t interact with anything, see log
  • Aazlor - Construction torch issues

If you want to learn more about Fractured Veil check out our Discord server and to see a complete list of updates and fixes visit our Reddit page.
More About Fractured Veil

Jul 30, 2020
Fractured Veil - samzenpus

The Places Between Places
There’s no doubt that discovering a new building or big landmark in a game can be exciting. As players of survival games ourselves, we know how fun it is to explore a large structure, looking for hidden loot or whatever else may be living inside. It’s one of the reasons we’ve spent a ton of dev time making our Comm Tower, Thorcon Power Plant, and Veilstation great places to explore. We also thought getting there should be just as much fun.

Are We There Yet?
We’re always going to be adding more stuff (closed-alpha means we can keep testing / adding / breaking), so for the roads more and less traveled, as well as the little stops in between, we wanted to give exploration fans reasons to get excited.

This week we focused on improving some of those in-between areas and our diorama system. The system automatically places interesting things to see and loot to scrounge along the trails, paths, rivers, and roads, basically everywhere players commonly travel going from place to place.

Whether it’s an old pool table salvaged from the ruins and the losers from the last West Maui 9-ball tournament,

a kitchen table and knife set repurposed as an emergency medical station,

or a make-shift shrine, there are plenty of reminders on the island of the thriving Maui that existed before the fracture. All signs point to the ingenuity of the handful of survivors who made it through the cataclysm.

Travel Insurance
All that stuff is great, but players can make great tactical use of many of the items they find along the roads, rivers, and beaches as well. Taking shelter behind a barricade is a great way to decrease your profile and avoid getting shot.

Even a car door can provide a little cover in a pinch

and if you need a place to hide there are very few options as good as jumping in the back of a truck (as long as you don’t mind a few bodies.)

Hitting the Road
It’s not all scrounging for canned goods and hiding on the road. The bodies strung up on street lights are good for target practice and look especially spooky at night.

The gas tanks and discarded fuel containers you find scattered around the map can help make every encounter a one-shot kill.

Getting There Is Half The Fun
There’s a lot of traveling and exploration in survival games and we want to make sure that our paths not only tell a story, but offer players something useful and interesting along the way.

If you want to spend your time ambushing players from the back of a truck, blowing up mutants with explosive barrels, or just taking in a sunset while looking for supplies, our diorama system has something for everyone.

Beta Keys
The end of our systems update is in sight and we know how eager many of you are to get in the game. We appreciate your patience! We’ll be handing out new testing keys again soon. As always, a big mahalo to our current testers who help us find bugs and provide great ideas for the game. We love your feedback!

Here’s a list of everything you found and we fixed since the last play session.
  • Aazlor - Outline on the building part that is going to be upgraded so you can see what you are upgrading
  • Eldisty - Can’t see other players muzzle flashes/bullets and there are no sounds
  • nubkid - AI hitching once more than 60 were spawned
  • Maikowl - AI on constructed pieces
  • Schism3110 - Mutants should not be able to open doors with padlocks or totems
  • zaccsi - AI Sliding
  • Azshire the Great - Spawned in God Mode
  • Larry - Server crash when building

If you want to learn more about Fractured Veil check out our Discord server and to see a complete list of updates and fixes visit our Reddit page.
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Fractured Veil - samzenpus

Building a Base
There’s no doubt that building something is one of the best parts of a survival game. Whether it’s a bridge, a look-out tower, or a communal base for stashing loot and security, a good construction system can really draw you into a game. We’ve done a big overhaul to our construction system recently, and this week we completed metal, the last (for now) of our building material options.

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
Building a little hut in the woods can be fun, but if you pool your resources with others you can build something big very quickly.

We’ve spent a lot of time refactoring the construction system, making huge improvements in performance, and this week we added metal as our 4th building material option. It may be the most durable but the other materials available have plenty to offer players too.


While it may not have worked out too well for the first little pig, building a base out of dried grass is a great option in Fractured Veil. Thatch may be the weakest material but it is also the cheapest in terms of resources required to build. In a relatively short time, you and a few friends can build a sprawling beach base with a great view of the water and shoreline.


A little stronger than thatch and absolutely beautiful, wood is a favorite around here because of how good it looks with the jungle as a background. We’ve included decals and markings inspired by traditional Hawaiian designs. It even looks great illuminated by the light of a drone.


It takes a lot of rock pounding to construct, but a stone structure can take a beating. It’s not just the durability that makes stone a good building material, it is as pretty to look at as it is strong. With totem inspired poles and Hawaiian designs etched in the rocks themselves, stone is a great material for a house or an outpost guarding a stream.

Last but certainly not least is our newest option. Metal is the most durable material currently and the most time consuming to collect.

A collection of siding, diamond plate, old pipes, scraps and empty cans (even SSHAM, Lahaina's favorite processed meat product) metal building materials look the most like something you’d be able to buy at a post-apocalyptic home improvement store.

We’ve made sure to add a number of decorations and accent pieces to the collection of metal bits to provide a cohesive feel with the other building material.

With the completion of our metal construction materials, causal players and those who hate to logout alike have great looking options to stake a claim to a bit of Lahaina and build a home base.

Beta Keys
The end of our system updates is right around the corner. In truth, we’ll be testing and building for many months to come but the window allowing us to let new testers in the game is almost open. As always, a big mahalo to our testers who help us find bugs and provide great ideas for the game. We love your feedback!

Here's a list of everything you found and we fixed since the play session last week.
  • Schism3110, scud, and zaccsi - Can’t place foundations, intersection issues
  • After server crashes multiple issues with players until killed
  • Server crashes after attacking building
  • Aazlor - issues with upgrading the L stairs from thatch to metal, shape/direction changes

If you want to learn more about Fractured Veil check out our Discord server and to see a complete list of updates and fixes visit our Reddit page.
More About Fractured Veil

Fractured Veil - samzenpus
Building A Better Beach
Maui is famous for jaw-dropping beaches and turquoise waters and making the shoreline its own special place is something we've worked on since the very beginning of our development. This week we completed work on a tool that will help us bring our beaches to life and give players great new places to build and explore.

Beach Diorama Tool
The new beach diorama tool allows us to quickly and efficiently generate a number of different objects and scenes along the shoreline.

Placing these reminders of the world that existed before the Fracture used to take us hours of setting up by hand before the tool was completed.

The new system even allows us to add loot and props to structures nearby.

We know how much fun it can be to explore new areas and find those special spots, hidden away until you search for them. There are many unique places and lots to see along our shores now.

Bits of the world frozen in time since the collapse of civilization dot the beach.

There are structures to check out for shelter, water, or maybe a surfboard or two.

The numerous wrecks along the beach are perfect for exploring any time of the day, even the middle of the night.

Beach Houses
It may be a bit further away from resources when compared to building a house in the jungle, but building on the beach has some great benefits. Not only is the ocean a beautiful looking backdrop but it can act as a natural barrier to help you avoid danger. It doesn’t matter if you’re building a stone fortress on a sandbar

or a simple grass shack, there’s plenty of open spaces for players to build on along the beach.

Natural Highway
With the new beach diorama tool in place, players can fully enjoy one of Maui’s most iconic features. Traveling along the sand can be a good way to investigate some of the more dangerous parts of the island, with a clear path of retreat if you need it. We want the beach to be a place for you to meet up with other players, scrounge for resources, and an interesting place for you to explore with an occasional reminder of what life used to be like on the island.

Beta Keys
The end of our refactor is almost here. It’s true that we will be in a state of testing and building for months to come but we are narrowing in on a window when we can open the game up to new testers again. Mahalo to our current testers who help us find what needs fixing every week and providing great ideas for the game. We love your feedback so keep it coming!

If you want to learn more about Fractured Veil check out our Discord server and to see a complete list of updates and fixes visit our Reddit page.
More About Fractured Veil

Fractured Veil - samzenpus

Digging Our Caves
Early in development, we focused a lot of our efforts to bring the lush wilds of Maui to life and do justice to the beautiful Lahaina sky. This week, we’re excited to share updates on hidden places and the area’s beneath your feet because we know it's fun to explore and discover new areas in places you’d least expect to find them.

The Fracture
Since the collapse of Veilcorp’s global teleportation network wiped out civilization and most structures on the island, every now and then survivors need to seek out shelter underground. We’ve focused on three different subterranean areas for players to explore at this point in our development, with more to come down the Lahaina road.

The Thorcon Sub-Basement
With a literal welcome mat at the entrance, the sub-basement is probably the easiest of the underground areas to find.

This area is deserted (for now) and filled with machinery that has continued working for decades without any human interaction. Our goal is to eventually introduce enemies and other threats to player’s health and safety, as well as resources and loot.

The Sewer Shelter
Probably the hardest to find, the entrance to the sewer area is hidden in an old industrial area overrun by mutants.

Obviously someone spent a lot of time working down here. They even pieced together a respawning bed.

The Cave
We were talking about bringing in some new elements to the world and immediately one of our developers mentioned a cave system. He wanted to give players the excitement of 1.) trying to find it and 2.) building anticipation and anxiety as players went further and further in. Would they be able to navigate it right away? Or get lost?

These are the types of questions we are asking during our weekly playtests. Having a new player come to the entrance (we’re not telling where it is) and not knowing what they will find makes us giddy.

Featuring twisting tunnels, mutant markers, and bioluminescent fungi the cave is the most untouched new area. The entrance to the cave from the outside world is one of the most beautiful spots in Lahaina.

Keep it Moving
More than just a place for a subterranean fun-run, these spots give players a reason to explore the map in addition to helping us naturally guide their movements to new areas.

We want to send players to discover rare items, find resources and crafting plans, complete quests, all while providing a possible place for an instance type experience down the road.

Beta Keys
It’s been longer than we expected to get these major system updates done and to be honest, once they are finished, the world is still under construction. We’ll be testing features and new systems for many months ahead, but hopefully, we’re narrowing in on the window when we can open up the game to new testers.

Mahalo to our current testers who help us find what needs fixing every week and providing great ideas for the game. We love your feedback so keep it coming! Here's a list of everything you found and we fixed since the play session last week.
  • Aazlor - Spawned with stamina I had at death
  • Zaccsi - Need icon to show that you are burning
  • Larry - Big Bob AI clips out

If you want to learn more about Fractured Veil check out our Discord server and to see a complete list of updates and fixes visit our Reddit page.
More About Fractured Veil

Jul 2, 2020
Fractured Veil - samzenpus

Aloha State of Mind
Since our game is set in Maui, from day one of development we’ve spent countless hours fine-tuning and balancing the performance of the sky and weather systems.

Nothing immerses you in the environment like a stunning sunset or breathtaking sunrise. It’s enough to make you forget there are mutant hoards waiting around the corner, ready to kill you.

TrueSKY Update
It’s been a couple of years since we’ve updated our systems and this week we implemented a massive TrueSKY update to our world and it’s never looked better.

Here Comes the Sun
More than just creating a pretty sky, the new weather system covers the lighting that comes from the sun, and the underlighting from ambient light simulating sunlight bouncing around.

It allows us to have multi-layered 3D clouds and super realistic weather. The sun diameter is now bigger during sunrises and sunsets.

Rain Keeps The Island Green
We know that fans of survival games notice when there aren’t any changes to the weather, so this update means more than just better-looking rain. This new change allows us to optimize weather patterns and times of the day.

Night Sky
We can now fully utilize the weather in the game making it another obstacle players need to overcome with rain and temperature, or an ally helping you avoid danger with the cover of night.

Max Settings
Besides all the tactical and aesthetic benefits, this update has also cleared up years worth of backlogged bugs and provided huge performance improvements. Here’s a look at one of our weather tests while we were fine-tuning the Lahaina sky and playing around with max settings.

Beta Keys
There's only a couple of weeks of rebuilding and updating work to be done before we're ready to hand out keys again. We know that many of you are eager to explore the wilds of Lahaina and we appreciate your patience while we make some of our foundational systems better. Mahalo to our testers who help us every week discover what's not working and point out what needs fixing. Your feedback and ideas are hugely important to us! Larry, we fixed that dying while reloading bug you found during last week's play session.

If you want to learn more about Fractured Veil check out our Discord server and to see a complete list of updates and fixes visit our Reddit page.
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Fractured Veil - samzenpus
Updates, Fixes, and Improvements
  • Doubled the default VOIP replication volume
  • Implemented steam token authorization
  • Updated AI movement tracing to increase FPS
  • Reduced the replication and movement costs of AI
  • Base Items are now shown in the inventory's character preview
  • Ensured that all AI damage related properties such as their hit sound struct were properly set in the client-side version of their AI Module
  • Updated to the newest version of TrueSky and implemented new day/night and weather features
  • Implemented saving/removing of world item attachments at drop/pickup time
  • Fixed bug resulting in empty character name
  • Fixed a bug where the pan would hit with the wrong side when doing a blunt attack
  • Fixed animation props not being displayed in the inventory's character preview
  • Potentially fixed a bug where dead AI would be in their idle stance when logging in near them
  • Fixed sequencing of assignment of uniqueid at login time
  • Fixed a bug where connecting clients would start streaming tiles near a Player Start that was often never relevant
  • Fixed unnecessary replication that was occurring for each instance of an AI
  • Potentially fixed a few areas where VOIP initialization could fail due to the order in which a character and the world state was replicated
  • Fixed death animations
  • Fixed a bug where AI would get stuck floating above the ground
  • Fixed TrueSky bug causing it to look strange in native resolution
  • Added message when you first harvest wood
  • Resource stack size increased from 500 to 1000
  • Movement no longer cancels crafting queue
  • Adding Cave levels to Lahaina

We'll be in refactor mode for a few weeks yet and won't be handing out keys until we've rebuilt and improved some of our systems. We know many of you are eager to explore the wilds of Lahaina and we appreciate your patience while we make some of our foundational systems better. A big mahalo goes out to our testers who help us every week discover what's not working and point out what needs fixing. Your feedback and ideas are hugely important to us! Here's a list of everything you found and we fixed since the play session last week.
  • Aazlor - Queued up a bunch of crafting, then tabbed out, then came back in broken
  • nubkid - You can craft while moving
  • Azshire The Great - When drinking a soda with the inventory open there is no mesh
  • Add text widget when first harvesting wood from a tree
  • Larry - can't drag weapons into hotbar
If you want to learn more about Fractured Veil head over to our Discord server.
More About This Game
Fractured Veil - samzenpus
Updates and Improvements
  • Added types for bank persistence transaction stack
  • Updated construction objects
  • Burning a body will now remove its Death Point of Interest. This will prevent new cannibals from being spawned for the body and will also prevent existing cannibals from eating it
  • Reworked how the player's movement speed is calculated
  • Interact bar scroll time reduced
  • Enabling performance debugging in the Game State will now display the number of AI near the player on the hud
  • Finished bank persistence refactor
  • AI hitboxes can now optionally have their collision disabled on dedicated servers
  • Disabled firing a weapon while menu is open
  • Disable ADS while opening menu
  • Left VOIP debug logging in the engine code to help debug voice failures
  • Players Stats now propery visible after pressing O
  • Increased the default VOIP volume by 5x
  • Polished Veil Station surroundings
  • Updated caves
  • Advanced placement of beach dioramas
  • Sewer Level moved out past the ocean
  • New switch and teleporters added to Thorcon Maint B
  • Added teleport switch in Underground
  • Add driftwood on beaches
  • Updated foliage in 1x7
  • Teleporters setup to and from the sewers to and from the industrial pit
  • Revive room in Sewers greatly expanded to house eventual boss fight

  • Fixed several inventory persistence bugs
  • Fixed various stored proc and code bugs with bank persistence
  • Fixed bug with max crafting button
  • Fixed bug with interact button
  • Fixed a bug where the player would not face the intended direction after being teleported
  • Fixed a bug where a player could get stuck in the throwing/zooming state
  • Significantly reduced the distance that a burning body can damage a player
  • Fixed a bug where a weapon's reload animation would fail to play if the player attempted to ADS while their fire animation was still playing
  • Potentially fixed a crash that could occur when adding a pending inventory update to an item that was being destroyed
  • Potentially fixed a bug where voice replication was failing due to the replicated player's Unique Net ID not matching the IDs in the Voice Talker array
  • Fixed bug with splints not coming off
  • Fixed the voice audio settings not actually affecting the VOIP volume
  • Fixed a bug where cannibals would be spawned for deer and other smaller animals
  • Fixed a bug where players could get stuck on the edges of sleeping bags

We're still in refactor mode for a few weeks. As a result, we won't be giving out new beta keys for a little while yet. By focusing on rebuilding game systems we hope to provide the best experience possible for our new players. We know that lots of you are excited to jump in the game, but this work will allow us to respond more quickly to your input and gives us a more stable base to grow with the community. A usual, a big mahalo to our testers for helping us find what's not working and pointing out where we need to upgrade. A special shout out to Maikowl for being the first to find the button to the Thorcon underground area during last week's session. Here are your ideas that we implemented and the bugs that you found last week that we fixed.
  • Zaccsi - Switch tools and right click immediately after switching, stuck in throwing anim
  • bloodpickle - The player is not slowed when their leg is broken in ADS
  • steelcrusher - Speed up switching items/Weapons using scroll wheel
  • Zaccsi - Make it so you don't get burned while trying to burn a body
  • Elliot - Max button doesn’t work then it crafts without seeing
  • Zaccsi - Mutants shouldn't be able to eat burning mutants
  • Sombrefou and Eldisty - Adjusted distance of voice channel
  • Elliot - Interact button can’t be pressed to close again
  • Aazlor - Body on top of bag spawn and can’t move
  • Schism3110 - Can’t walk over bedrolls
  • Running out of VRAM
  • Larry - Reload while in ADS is broken
  • zaccsi - Tab and ironsight issues
  • Larry - Can’t take leg splint off
  • nubkid - Can fire while in the menu
  • Schism3110 and nubkid - Push to talk doesn’t work
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