Counter-Strike 2 - (John Walker)

Exciting news! Steam Charts is proud to announce it’s to be an Epic exclusive! From now on you can read your favourite article about the top selling games on Steam exclusively on the Epic Store!

But don’t worry, long-term readers – you’ll still be able to read the articles right here on RPS, after just one year. Everyone’s a winner!


NBA 2K20 - Valve
NBA 2K20 is Now Available on Steam!

2K continues to redefine what’s possible in sports gaming with NBA 2K20, featuring best in class graphics & gameplay, ground breaking game modes, and unparalleled player control and customization.
NBA 2K20

European video game age-rating organisation PEGI has said it's "very aware" NBA 2K20 may get "too close for comfort" to teaching players gambling after it received a complaint about a controversial casino trailer.

Earlier this week, publisher 2K released a trailer for NBA 2K20 on YouTube that highlighted casino-style elements in the game, such as a slot machine mini-game and a wheel of fortune mini-game.

The trailer, which also highlighted the game's loot box systems, was roundly criticised. 2K later unlisted the video, which has received 16,000 dislikes. Comments include: "This looks and sounds like I'm watching a casino ad," and, "This is legit gambling. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore."

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NBA 2K20 - (Alice O'Connor)

It’s quite clear that many games with loot boxes are cribbing from the design and psychology of gambling machines, but it’s rare to see this as brazen as in NBA 2K20. For the MyTeam mode (similar to Fifa Ultimate Team) of their next b-ball ’em up, they’re going all-in with slot machines, pachinko, and even a spinny prize wheel. Players can’t pay money to play these but they are meant to add an extra thrill and engagement to a mode which does sell packs of character cards. That’s mighty bold considering parent company Take-Two are trying to convince governments that loot boxes are nothing to do with gambling.

