Feb 1, 2021
Rebel Inc: Escalation - ndemic_harvey

  • Added leaderboard button to Challenge selection screen
  • Challenge Selection UI now reloads when the weekly challenge reset
  • Fixed bug when viewing leaderboards for Southern Desert
  • Weekly Challenge end-screen now shows challenge type
  • Fixed an issue where flee missions would loop, resetting combat progress each time
  • Fixed rare issue where challenges would sometimes have less tactics than intended
  • Tweaks and improvements to UI
  • Scroll bar on the expanded news view can now be used to scroll through news history
  • Improved logic for Sniper Support player tactic
  • Improved zone-selection logic with Social Distancing Rebel Tactic
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic Samuel

Weekly Challenge is out now! In this new game mode, you can compete for high scores across two separate challenges in Standard and Brutal difficulties. Each challenge features a region with preset governors, advisors, tactics and features. These unique challenges are refreshed every week and can be replayed as much as you like in that time. We’re looking forward to seeing your scores!

Be sure to discuss best tactics and approaches with the community in the steam forums or on our discord.


Advisor images have been improved and updated. Check them out in all their full-colour glory!

We're hard at work on custom scenarios and multiplayer - Keep your eyes peeled here and on our social feeds, or join our community in Discord

  • Added New Challenge Mode
  • Added Speedrun localisations
  • Updated advisor art
  • Fixed issue where Azure Dam peace negotiation chances and progress were much harder than other maps in campaign
  • Balanced some perks for campaign and challenge mode
  • New game end-screen art
  • Various bug fixes and improvements
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic Samuel
We wanted to give everyone a little look at the upcoming Weekly Challenges update! In this new game mode, there are two regions with preset governors, tactics, features and more. These unique regions will be refreshed every week - letting everyone in the community work out the best strategies and compete to see who can do them best!

The update will be out very soon but if you can't wait, you can play the beta right now by joining our discord or visiting the beta steam forum.
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic Samuel

Seasons Greetings! We come bearing gifts.

Time to prove you’re the best in the world with Speed Run mode!

What is Speed Run mode?

In Speed Run mode, you will fight against time itself!

Rushing peace deals? Endless corruption? Widespread PR? No tactic is too bold to beat the clock – every second counts.

Challenge yourself to become the best, compete with your friends and take on the world through global leaderboards for each map.

We can't wait to see who's fighting for those number 1 spots!

2021 will be a big year for Rebel Inc: Escalation – we're hard at work on custom scenarios and multiplayer - we can’t wait to share more information with you. Keep your eyes peeled here and on our social feeds, or join our community in Discord https://discord.gg/ndemic

The Ndemic Creations Team


Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic Samuel

It’s been an incredible first year for Rebel Inc: Escalation. Watching the community’s positive response to the various maps, governors and campaign updates has been absolutely fantastic. Seeing the game grow and reach new audiences has been very special.

To celebrate our one year anniversary on Steam, we’re releasing an update today with lots of new player and insurgent tactics as well as a series of new map features adding further variety to your campaigns! On top of this, there’s some tweaks and improvements to gameplay and UI.

Player Tactics
Several exciting new tactics are now available to the operation including...

On The Job Training
When Coalition soldiers withdraw, they’ll leave a national unit in their place.


If insurgents are adjacent to a garrison, they will always attack it. As such, insurgents become more predictable and easier to defend against. Combine with Trip Wires for an explosive surprise!

Insurgent Tactics
It’s not just your operation that’s got a range of new tactics. There’s a series of updates for the Insurgents too, including...

Fanatical Fighters
A new type of fighter has entered the battlefield with significantly increased strength. However, their fanatical nature means that they will never retreat!

Social Distancing

The insurgents have learned some new tricks! Now when hit by airstrikes they’ll scatter and run to neighbouring regions.

Map Features
On top of the tactics there’s a series of new map features to mix up play, including...

Oil Survey

The soldiers are here to stay! Especially when there’s all this oil laying around unguarded... This feature allows your troops to remain indefinitely in a region.

Soviet Bunkers
Insurgents have discovered a network of abandoned Soviet bunkers and dug in. They are much more resilient than before, needing multiple airstrikes to be destroyed.

Amphibious Support
New equipment now lets your soldiers support their comrades across rivers.

All this and much more is available now in the Anniversary Update! (see the full change log below)

Future Updates
Thank you for your continued support throughout our first year on Steam. With the big campaign update released - we are now hard at work designing multiplayer and custom scenarios for Rebel Inc: Escalation. These are very big, complex updates so we don’t have a release date yet but will share more information as soon as we can.

The Ndemic Team

Full Changelog
11 new Player Tactics:
  • Propaganda Team - Gain reputation when insurgent camps are destroyed
  • Fiscal Windfall - Gain funds when urban zones stabilise for the first time
  • Overwatch - If insurgents are adjacent to a garrison, they can only attack the garrison
  • Advanced Warfare - Significantly increase soldier combat strength
  • Private Military Contractors - Coalition unit deployment time is extended with funds instead of reputation
  • Personal Teleporters - Soldiers instantly travel across regions
  • On The Job Training - Coalition soldiers leave a national unit when they are withdrawn
  • Development Roadmap - No concerns
  • Government Takeover - Insurgent camps become garrisons when destroyed
  • Coordinated Fireteams - Soldiers can support while fighting
  • Committed Coalition - Coalition soldiers never withdraw

3 new Insurgent Tactics:
  • Violent Ambushes - Deployment of coalition soldiers costs significantly more reputation to extend
  • Social Distancing - Small groups of insurgents run to neighbouring regions when hit by airstrikes
  • Fanatical Fighters - Insurgents have significantly increased strength, but cannot flee

10 new Map Features:
  • Unreliable Funding - Income is significantly more inconsistent
  • Concrete Shortage - Garrison initiatives are unavailable
  • Budget Deadline - Income stops after 10 years
  • Catacombs - Caves are located in some urban zones
  • Amphibious Support - Soldiers can support across rivers
  • Advance Development - Some civilian initiatives already funded
  • Scouts - Soldiers scout intel in neighbouring zones
  • Soviet Bunkers - Insurgent camps take multiple airstrikes before being destroyed
  • Inaccessible Terrain - Garrisons cannot be built in remote zones
  • Oil Survey - Coalition soldiers never withdraw

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed some popups so the "confirm" option is now correctly positioned on the left side button
  • Various minor gameplay tweaks
  • UI tweaks

    Known Issues
  • Combat reset bug (we’re working on it).
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic Samuel

Time for another update, more Map Features, Player and Insurgent tactics coming to Campaign mode!

Player Tactics
Windfall Tax
To the victor, goes the spoils! With the Windfall Tax, Stable zones will provide significantly more income.

Modern Warfare
Time to upgrade to modern equipment! New vests, weapons and vehicles all increase soldier combat strength.

Map Features

Regional Watchdog
Corruption has been a problem here for decades but recent efforts to stamp it out are showing signs of success.. These regions already have anti-corruption teams present.

Advisory Role
The Coalition has decided to take a step back from direct combat operations and focus on providing support to the National Military. Coalition soldiers are significantly weaker in combat, but provide much stronger support to National soldiers.

Soft Target
Intelligence reports suggest that Insurgents are now prioritising attacks on key Operation targets such as HQs and Embassies.

Suggested by Gary

Insurgent Tactics

Relentless Assault
The insurgents have noticed that the Operation doesn't respond well to constant and frequent attacks and changed their tactics accordingly. Insurgents will attack more frequently.

In addition to these new Map Features and Tactics, there's more fixes and improvements;

  • Added New Map Features and Tactics: Windfall Tax, Modern Warfare, Regional Watchdog, Advisory Role, Soft Target and Relentless Assault to Campaign mode
  • Player Tactic: Deficit Funding: Fixed issue where the buy button was disabled when the player did not have the funds to buy it
  • Insurgent Tactic: Recruitment Drive: Fixed issue where insurgents would only attack stable zones with this tactic
  • Improved the Campaign progress display to show the number of the map you are about to play, rather than the number of maps completed
  • Fixed issue where losing the final map in Campaign mode would still result in player being awarded the relevant shield for winning a Campaign on the selected difficulty
  • Removed reputation check when selecting “Subtle Pressure” from the "Foreign rival supporting insurgents" decision
  • Prevented a slow peace progress warning from showing after a peace deal is signed
  • Fixed text issues where they would overflow on some lines in certain languages, text now auto scales appropriately
  • Changed the names of pages and speeds in keybinds menu to be consistent
  • Improved uniformity of screen names in a few places (eg.. statistics -> stats screen)
  • Special outcomes of <0.5% chance will now say their probability is ‘<1%’ rather than ‘0%’

We hope you enjoy these new additions, and there are lots of Map Features, Player and Insurgent tactics still to come!

The Ndemic Creations Team

Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic Samuel

The Localisation Update
We've been hard at work on translations for Rebel Inc: Escalation and now Campaign mode has been updated with translations for these languages:
  • German
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Turkish

We've also included an assortment of fixes, balance changes and improvements:

  • Localisation: Campaign mode and more has been localised in all key languages
  • Insurgent Tactic: Ambushes: Ambushes can no longer occur before the start of the insurgency
  • Map Feature: National Surge: Fixed issue in Campaign mode where 5th National replacement soldier did not have reduced cost when playing with the Warlord governor
  • Map Feature: Priority Concern: The increased speed of unmet concern severity buildup now stacks between Mega-Brutal and the 'Priority Concern' Map Feature, in addition severity of concerns increased by this perk
  • Significantly increased the chance that a zone builds initiatives that meet its populations primary concern, the chance will increase over time
  • Fixed rare issue where zones with a concern at 0% effect would not rollout initiatives of that type
  • Adjusted reputation reduction from lack of stability in Campaign mode, particularly decreasing the benefits given when playing Brutal and Mega-Brutal
  • Fixed bug if the player forfeited on the Campaign loss screen, it would show the previous Campaign's stats instead
  • A variety of fixes and improvements found through extensive testing

Thanks for your support and there's more cool updates coming soon!

The Ndemic Creations Team
Jun 25, 2020
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic Samuel

Hello, we've been intently listening to your feedback, and today we're releasing a huge balance update for Campaign! This update focuses on reducing the impact of randomness on difficulty and makes the game less punishing at lower difficulty levels. It also contains a huge number of fixes and balance tweaks.

Here is what's in the update:

  • Insurgent Tactic: "Sleeper Cells" Insurgents no longer attack before the Insurgency has started
  • Map Feature: "Military Illiteracy" now only increases the costs for National soldiers
  • Specialists are now much stronger, collect intel faster, clear caves faster in their specialist zones, and are no longer weaker when in their non-specialist zone. Specialist and tank depots now provide less funds when rejected.
  • Increased the fund and reputation bonus given to the Operation when previous maps are stabilised in Campaign
  • Adjusted reputation impact on budget for Casual and Normal difficulties
  • Reduced the loss of Reputation related to Stability based on difficulty and certain Map Features
  • Map Features that make initiatives more expensive have a reduced impact on cost
  • Removed randomisation of initiative costs in Campaign
  • Slightly adjusted starting hostile populations for Distant Steppe and Black Caves in Campaign to make them more consistent with other maps
  • Significantly flattened the rate of cost increase for starting construction as the dam degrades, in Azure Dam
  • Improved cave positions in Azure Dam
  • Fixed a garrison position in Azure Dam that made it appear on the border between 2 zones

We're extremely grateful for your feedback and hope you enjoy this new update.
Please continue to provide us with your thoughts in the Steam Forums or on Discord, we read everything!

The Ndemic Creations Team
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic Samuel
It's time for another exciting Rebel Inc: Escalation update!

New Tactics and Map Features

We're adding more Tactics and Map Features to Campaign. These can now appear in your campaigns:

New Map Features

Military Tradition

Regions can have a proud military tradition and you will be able to train national soldiers faster!

Regional Survey

Some regions have been thoroughly surveyed and had reconnaissance performed in advance of your arrival, providing you with full intel at the start.

Suggested by Turduckin2287

Subprime Exposure

The year is 2002, the market is up and your international financiers have invested in mortgages, meaning greatly increased income for many years! Until 2007 that is...

Pure Minds

In some regions you can dedicate the education system to rooting out corruption, encouraging reporting and dissuading the next generation from skimming off the top.

New Tactics

Counter Intelligence

Your undercover operation is yielding results. Agents are able to disrupt the Insurgents by preventing them using their most recently adopted tactic for the rest of the Campaign.

Suggested by K 2

Armoured Division

A tank has become available and can join your Operation immediately. The cavalry is here!

Remember, if you have any ideas for features or tactics - let us know in this form and if your concept is used, we'll credit you in the update!

  • Added four Map Features and two Player Tactics
  • Judges Striking: Can no longer happen in Mega Brutal, Map Feature prevented players from being able to buy anti-corruption initiatives.
  • Visual road placement improved, logic for road visuals as they upgrade also slightly improved
  • Fixed issues where some animated elements would freeze and remain indefinitely if other animations were triggered before they got destroyed
  • Fixed news headline for stabilizing regions event
  • Added in-game link to update news and changelogs

We're glad to see everyone has been enjoying the updates to Campaign mode and we've got more coming soon!

The Ndemic Team

Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic Samuel
We're back with another update, new tactics and map features, fixes and improvements. Let's dive in!

New Tactics and Map Features

In the first of many updates, we're adding more tactics and map features to Campaign. These can now appear in your campaigns:

New Map Features

Black Market

Regions can make use of the remains of destroyed Insurgent Camps, gaining funds for your operation.

Charity Watchdog

Regions can have an established history of working with charities. This watchdog ensures a significant reduction in the amount of corruption caused by charitable activities.

Thanks to Nick Mance for suggesting the concept.

Armed Supporters

People are pleased that their zone is stabilised and they want to keep it that way, banding together to keep the insurgents out, by force if necessary.

Thanks to FriendlyFriendly for suggesting the concept.

New Tactics

Expectation Management

You've made promises to the international community and they trust your judgement, even when things are unstable, you won't lose reputation.

Combat Simulation

Feel like you could have done better if you just had one more go? Now you can! Get one chance to retry a map.

Combat Recruitment

The Insurgents have gotten more confident and if your troops flee, the insurgents gain new recruits and become stronger. Reconsider that retreat!

We have a lot more cool stuff planned here - watch this space!
If you have any ideas for features or tactics - let us know in this form and if your concept is used, we'll credit you in the update!

Balance Changes
  • Local Agitators: Slightly reduced the speed that insurgents attack
  • Sleeper Cells: Insurgent tactic now activates based on how many zones insurgents control, less zones means it's more likely
  • Fuel Shortages, Weak Supply Chains: No longer require soldiers to walk from the HQ on first deployment, this still remains as normal in Brutal and Mega Brutal difficulties
  • Split and Run: Insurgents are now slightly weaker when Split and Run is active
  • Extended Deployment: Slightly increased the deployment time of coalition soldiers when Extended Deployment is active
  • Decreased odds of major map features being selected multiple times in a single campaign
  • Decreased insurgent strength on casual in Main Game and Campaign
  • Further decreased insurgents strength when peace disabled
  • Decreased the frequency of caves, especially in maps with many remote zones
  • Improved the consistency of random variance in budget on Brutal and Mega Brutal
  • Not possible to get 3 star tactics in Mega Brutal
  • Now a very low chance to get 2 star tactics earlier in Campaign mode

General Changes:
  • Added visual improvements to communicate rarity of tactics
  • Adjusted the frequency of tactics being offered to the player by rarity.
  • Maps appear in order played on end of Campaign mode screen
  • Campaign name fix for load screen
  • Changes to Campaign mode unlock: Campaign available if you have already played a Campaign before or have beaten any level on any difficulty
  • Fix for issue where save games disappeared if you press the Create Campaign button and then press cancel on the popup
  • Fixed bug where Operations are rewarded $0 when a nearby region is stabilised in Campaign mode
  • Improved Campaign decisions
  • Fixed bug in Campaign mode where the Morale Boost tactic could spawn a duplicate soldier withdrawal decision under certain conditions
  • Fixed save and quit popup wording
  • Zone overview now shows the correct security level

Thanks again for your support and feedback on Campaign mode! We'll be bringing out more cool updates soon!

The Ndemic Team