Feb 22, 2022
Destiny 2 - AlmightyEvent
The Witch Queen has stolen the Light. Her Hive army charges across the battlefield, gnashing at your armor before succumbing to the power of your fireteam. The Ghosts of your vanquished foes hover silently, an ominous portent of a battle with no end. In a matter of moments too short to catch your breath, the horde rises before you and charges again. 
Eyes up, Guardian. 

Fight for the Light
Armed with Light-suppressing technology shared by Empress Caiatl, we will stand against the Witch Queen’s growing army. And in the face of unimaginable odds, we will Triumph. For even though the Lucent Brood may rise, Guardians never fall.

Red Alert
The H.E.L.M. has been upgraded with the tactical tools needed to face a new and unrelenting enemy. Plan your psionic special operations and gain the advantage in the war for the Light.

PsiOps Battlegrounds
Battle through the Witch Queen’s army on multiple destinations. Cut through the horde, make your way to her Hive lieutenants, and stop the unstoppable.

Synaptic Spear
Unlock mods to customize your playstyle and utilize the Spear’s Light-suppressing technology to enter the minds of the Witch Queen’s Hive Guardians.

Void 3.0
In this complete redesign of the Void subclass, players can now harness the power of the Aspects and Fragments system introduced with Stasis to customize their Void Guardians like never before. To weaponize the unknown. To gaze into the Void.

Exotic Quest 
Investigate Psionic anti-Caiatl propaganda emanating from a bunker on Mars and unlock the Exotic wave frame Grenade Launcher, Dead Messenger.

Legendary Weapons 
Lift new armaments of honor and strike fear into the heart of the Lucent Hive.

Seasonal Armor 
Become the tip of the spear and the unbreakable shield in the war for the Light.

Season Pass
Gear, XP, rewards! Get the Season Pass and instantly unlock the new Exotic Machine Gun, Grand Overture. Also get XP boosts that speed up Seasonal ranks and reward track unlocks.
Exotic Machine Gun
The question, “How many missiles should it fire?” was shortly followed by the answer, “Yes.”

Universal Ornaments
Collect the new Seasonal set and prove that you can hunt Lucent Hive in a swamp and still look good.

Purchase the Season of the Risen Silver Bundle and receive the Mental Manifestation emote along with 1,700 Silver (1,000 + 700 bonus Silver) which you can use to purchase Seasons, cosmetics, and more! Visit the Seasons tab in-game to use your Silver and buy Season of the Risen. To unlock your new emote, speak with Master Rahool in the Tower.

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This week at Bungie, we are but days away from the launch of The Witch Queen.

We’re finally here. The last TWAB before The Witch Queen. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been touching on new systems arriving on February 22, picking through some quality of life changes for the rituals you engage with, and even spending some time with the team in a full-length ViDoc to set the stage for what’s coming. We have a few topics left to cover, but only a few days stand between you and the next chapter of Destiny 2.

Hit the jump for the full TWAB!
Destiny 2 - dmg04
This week at Bungie, we showed off a heck of a lot, including more Void 3.0 goodness. We’re also setting some Legendary Campaign expectations alongside a special tribute to our heroes.

What a week so far, and we still have just a little more time to go before The Witch Queen finally arrives later this month. A lot of new info has dropped this week with an enticing new ViDoc and the breakdown many have been asking for regarding Void 3.0. Feeling like the rest of us and can’t wait to jump right into the next chapter of the Destiny 2 story? We get it. While we can’t (would love to, but can’t) gift the community with an early drop, there is an interactive experience available now that centers around Savathûn herself and getting to know the enemy up close and personal

Curious? As you should be! Feel free to mosey on over to that special experience right here (After reading this TWAB, of course; we’re bonding).

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This week at Bungie, we’ve got a lot going on.

Hello, and welcome to another installment of This Week at Bungie, our weekly source of news and chatter from around the studio. Nothing too wild happened this week, right? Just your normal Monday morning announcement of BUNGIE JOINS SONY INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT (“SIE”).

Well, okay. That is kind of a big deal. If you haven’t heard much about it, well, we’ve joined Sony Interactive Entertainment! There’s a lot to unpack here, and we highly recommend reading through our announcement article from Bungie CEO Pete Parsons and our Destiny 2: Our Shared Vision article from the development team.

In the realm of Destiny 2, we don’t expect you to notice much of a change in your day-to-day adventures as a Guardian. We aren’t going to make Destiny 2 platform exclusive. We’re committed to a Destiny that you can play on your platform of choice, and that has the same great game experience regardless of what device you are using. We’re going to continue developing amazing new worlds for multiple platforms, and we’re more than excited about what potential this unlocks for us. If you haven’t read the FAQ in our update from the dev team, please do so!

So, with that said, what else is going on? Well, it’s February for starters. We’re less than three weeks away from the launch of The Witch Queen. Did you see that we hit one million pre-orders? Did you hear that, Savathûn? One million Guardians would like a word...

We also had a kickass gear trailer go live on Tuesday. Have you seen it yet? Well, even if you have, we’re going to embed the video right here for you to go through the carnage frame by frame, hunting for new info.

You may have noticed there was a quick little glimpse into weapon crafting at the top of that video. Well, let’s take a moment to walk through it. No, not just the video, but crafting as a feature. After, we’ll follow the TWAB tradition of digging into the nitty-gritty of sandbox balance patch notes in a quick preview. (Just kidding, this TWAB is already over 6,000 words. Nothing about it is quick.)

Let’s dig in.

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“Hey Guardian, come here often?” You can’t see it, but I’m totally doing a very alluring eyebrow wiggle but in exo; it’s fantastic. Anyway, it’s our weekly chance at a TWAB-tastic good time and maybe a few more hidden Easter eggs for those that liked finding them in previous blog posts. But alongside bad jokes and cute secret messages, we actually do have real game things to discuss. We’ve got some Ritual Reputation changes, an HDR setting revamp, an update on BattlEye, and absolutely nothing to do with Telesto. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into things!

Hit the jump for the full TWAB!
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This week at Bungie, we’re sweeping up some blues.

Time’s been flying by, hasn’t it? Including the article you’re reading today, just five TWABs stand between you and The Witch Queen. We don’t (yet) have the technology to enter a hyper-sleep that can bridge these gaps, but we do have the power to set some expectations on topics we’ll be covering between now and then.

This week, we’ll be talking about Power, blue drops, Gunsmith reputation, some shifts in Exotic sources, and more. Over the next few TWABs, we’ll be talking Vanguard rep, Gambit reworks, weapon crafting, and Void 3.0... but not necessarily in that order. Don’t forget the patch note previews and additional weapon tuning details. It’ll be a fun time, and hopefully we’ll give you some things to chew on each week. We may even have a trailer or two to share with you before launch. If you haven’t been on social media in the last week, you might have missed some bite-sized snippets of story...

So, let’s kick things off with Power, and where your Guardian will stand when it’s time to embark on The Witch Queen’s campaign.

Hit the jump for more!
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This week at Bungie, we are pondering our Orbs … of Power!

We’re back, baby! TWAB is alive and well and we’re excited for what’s next with the upcoming launch of The Witch Queen. Just one more month to go before we learn more about Savathûn’s influence and what that means for Guardians and our beloved Osiris, in addition to some nifty additions to gameplay such as crafting and pokey-pokey Glaive goodness. While we do want to share some news with our players, we also want to keep some secrets because there are a few unique surprises on the way that we want you to experience for yourselves.

Also, can we just take a moment to appreciate the latest trailer for The Witch Queen that showcased Savathûn’s Throne World? Because I don’t know about you, but I’m still screaming in excitement and the entire team here at Bungie can’t wait to see your reactions to what’s next. It’s going to be a wild ride, so buckle that metaphorical seatbelt, friends.

Before you dive into the latest trailer below, we did want to offer a small warning to players: spoilers are coming. Be aware that the weeks leading up to the launch of The Witch Queen will include information that those averse to spoilers might want to avoid. Just be careful out there, Guardians!

If you'd like to hear more about upcoming changes to armor mods and more, check out the Bungie Blog!
Destiny 2 - Cozmo_BNG
Late last week, an article posted by IGN reported on stories and experiences from several current and former employees here at Bungie. Our CEO, Pete Parsons, responded to the contents that were shared within the article and laid out the significant changes we’ve made and areas in which we will continue to improve. We are nowhere near where we want to be, but we are committed to continue working towards diversity, equity, and inclusion in our studio and the community at large. We believe that an inclusive and diverse team that prioritizes work and life harmony will make Bungie the best studio it can be. 

As we celebrate 30 years of creating worlds that inspire friendship, it is also important to recognize and own our mistakes. Any good we’ve done can’t be leveraged to explain away or justify the people who were hurt by inaction. We will learn from our past, not brush it aside—we have to do and be better.  
Thank you to all the brave individuals who helped shed light on these instances of mistreatment. Since the publishing of the IGN article, we have heard additional stories of poor experiences at Bungie. We intend to investigate all future incidents should new information come to light.  

Thank you for your support over the past 30 years, here is to 30 years more.

Dec 14, 2021
Destiny 2 - AlmightyEvent
Spread Cheer

This is the perfect time of year to show our new Eliksni and Cabal friends that our life is not just struggle and strife. Meet Eva Levante in the Tower, discover new quests, and join Zavala and Saint-14 in the gift-giving spirit. Perhaps you’ll get a gift in return. 

An Ice Surprise

The Vapoorwill Spin Exotic ship, Fractic Spiral Sparrow, and Zephyr Legendary Sword make their dawning debut alongside new unlockable upgrades that provide bonus rewards and improved Dawning weapon drops. 

Shine Bright

What do you get for a Guardian who has it all? How about an ornament set so stunning that even your enemies will fondly recount their ill-fated Dawning duel with the devastatingly dashing defender of Light. 

To New Friends

"Even a master strategist like Caiatl will never see this coming,” Zavala thinks, as he tucks her gift under his arm and exits the HELM, leaving the War Table littered with Cabal units and crumbs. Striding through the courtyard on his way to the hangar, he joins Eva at her Holiday Oven to watch Saint-14 carefully add another cookie to an already overflowing tray—the Eliksni children really like those Ether Puffs. 

High above them, as if drawn by the sound of laughter and smell of baked treats, the first snowflake of the season drifts towards the Tower. 

The Dawning has begun. 

Destiny 2 - Cozmo_BNG
This week at Bungie, we’re celebrating our 30th anniversary!

As you may have noticed, we held back a lot of what we had planned for 30th. There were a lot of questions about when the trailer would go live, but we saved it until just a few hours before launch to keep the spoilers to a minimum and the surprise and delight at max volume. If you haven’t got a chance to watch it or just want to rewatch it because it’s really awesome, here you go!

Three decades is a long time to be making games. Everyone at Bungie loves getting to create things to entertain our community and we’ve had a blast finally watching everyone jump in and experience 30th Anniversary this week. Thanks for joining us to celebrate with a ton of new items and experiences in the game.

There is cool content to buy with the pack, but everyone is able to participate, with plenty of free content to go around.

Go to Bungie.net to read the full TWAB.