Adore - Cadabra Games

Hi, Adorers!
We have been listening closely to all community feedback and the most asked feature is a way to keep your creatures between runs.
We were a bit reluctant about that in the beginning because it could break a pillar of a good roguelite: Every run feeling different.
Gladly we found a way to merge the best of the two worlds and we are really excited for you to play and test it on June 30th!

Shrine of the Adorers - Creature Collecting System

To keep your creatures, you start with one slot and can use your fragments to unlock new ones.

Between runs, you will not lose the level and traits (curses & bonds) of your creatures.
They are Permanent. But the blessings of Draknar(synergies) that your creatures receive during the run, will dissipate. This will keep things fresh for each run!

Besides that, you can only leave the temple with one or two creatures. That depends if you want to spend all your Essences.

During the run, you can also use the Shrine to deposit or get your creatures(costs 1 Essence).

And of course, now you can rename your creatures! <3

Trait System

Every creature now feels different! You can have two Dommus, but each one of them will have unique traits.
The traits have two types: Bonds and Curses.

Bonds are strong ties that grow between you and your creatures. The more you use them, the higher is the chance of your creature creating a bond with you.

Leech: The creature's attacks have a chance to recover health.
Blessed: Chance of not spending stamina when summoned.
Agressive: Increased attack speed.
Voracious: Increased damage against one type of creature.
Swift: Increased movement speed.
Greedy: Chance of dropping extra gold from killed creatures.
Accurate: Critical attack chance.
Energetic: Special energy increases faster.
Healthy: Heals more from healing effects.
Tough: Increased max health.

Curses: If you expose your creature to the world of Gaterdrik, that is under a big curse, it increases the chance of 'infecting' your creature.

Sluggish: Reduced attack speed.
Fragile: The creature receives more damage.
Unified: The adorer receives damage when its creature gets hit.
Weary: Has a chance of spending all your stamina to summon.
Lethargic: Special energy increases slower.
Weak: Reduced attack damage.
Slow: Reduced move speed.

- Purify Creatures: You can clean the curses using the Purify totem on the temple. After you leave the creature purifying, it will remove the curses gradually while you are playing.

Thank you very much for all the feedback!

Don't forget to join our community:

Draknar bless us all.

Adore - Cadabra Games

Hi, Adorers!
This will be our biggest update so far. We have 4 new creatures, a brand new map, new items, a trait system and a creature collecting system, where you will be able to keep your favorite creatures with you.

The Major Update is coming at the end of June.

For today, we'll talk about the creatures!

New Creatures!

Obyx [Arcane]

Obyx can create insane combos opportunities with his gravitational arcane powers. A great choice if you are looking for crowd control.

Special Attack: When his orb hits a target, it creates a gravitational energy that sucks together all foes in the area.

Obyxs are incredible creatures, both for their unique diet habits and for their supernatural abilities. Its restrictive and differentiated diet is totally based on minerals and stones, from the most common to the rarest ones. For this reason, it is usual to find reports of Obyxs always hanging in rocky mountains, abandoned mines, caves and even wandering around, looking for new minerals.

Despite being a tireless crusher and devourer of any rock or mineral, Obxys are obsessed with one in particular: a precious mineral known as Dranita. This rare mineral is responsible for charging the source of its arcane abilities, as it has special properties from the early days of the planet, on a time when Draknar still used to walk through the immensity of Gaterdrik.

For the Obyxs, finding Dranita is a simple but exhausting task. Their connection with the arcane mineral is so powerful that they sense the vibrations from the smallest of the stones, so they use their powerful jaw to open paths crushing dirt, gravel and hard rocks. Frequently living in small groups, they usually do not have great difficulties in finding incredible mineral deposits and then living nearby for long periods.

Now, for the Established Realms, finding Dranita is an almost impossible task, especially in quantities relevant enough to craft something useful. The rare mineral is found in many different locations, without any pattern, this means that it could be found in large rocky mountains or even in a hot and arid desert. This is not to say that humans never found a bit of it. The few reports from small sources of Dranita found was followed by furious Obyxs protecting their greatest treasure, using brutal arcane forces to ward off invaders, using gravitational fields to drag them away straight to precipices or throwing huge rocks on their heads.

One of the greatest fears of the Adorers is that one day the Established Realms will be able to find a deposit of Dranita without protection from the Obyxs.

Dommu [Nature]

Dommu is a support creature designed to keep your other creatures healthy. But she also has great damage potential if used in certain situations. That's because her orbs pierce the target.

Special Attack: When summoned, it creates a huge magic area. If any of your creatures are inside the area when they deal damage, it will heal a percentage of their health.

Each being carries within them a spark of Draknar, the god of Gaterdrik. However, for some reason unknown to the Adorers, this connection occurs differently with the Dommus. These magnificent creatures are not directly connected to divinity, but to Gaterdrik, and such connection begins on the day of their birth. The moment that they are between life and death.

As the females approach the last week of gestation, the herd gathers to start a relentless search for a Solar Glade in the middle of the dense forests they inhabit. Upon finding the sacred site, the females lie on the ground, all very close to each other and stay there until their foal are ready to born. Males, on the other hand, work on two fronts, some go in search of food, while others stay around to protect them from possible predators. Something that has not been reported yet, as if the other creatures respect this sacred moment.

When the day finally comes, the sun bathes the clearing with all its heat and the calf is ready to come to life. The female gets up and starts walking around the clearing until finally the calf is born. The fragile calf falls to the ground very weak as if it is struggling to live, gradually with a colossal effort, it manages to get up, but its strength is not enough to keep it standing for a long time. So, the parents, admired by the effort of their child, begin to perform what the Adorers calls the Ogham dance. A sacred ritual in which it is possible to hear the heart of Nature.

Their parents begin to surround him, marching and shaking their heads from side to side in a slow and rhythmic movement. Gradually, a small greenish cloud begins to come out of their horns and envelop its foal. In the middle of the dense cloud, the horn of the newborn Dommu, which still has a central opening, begins to suck the entire green cloud created by its parents. After the cloud is completely consumed, the male and the female both approach the calf, now completely healthy and strong, lower their heads so that their calf can touch his horn on theirs and thus end the sacred dance.

Some Adorers believe that, in the very distant past, the Dommus were spiritual creatures who broke through the barrier of plans just to live in Gaterdrik, as they admired their grandeur and beauty.

Nira [Nature]

Nature Team now has a real dps creature. Nira doesn´t have huge direct damage, but don't mess with her poison, it can melt the health of her foes down.
Also, she has great mobility between attacks, it can be hard for the enemy to catch her.

Special Attack: Each attack inflicts poison status.

Niras are simple creatures with no refinement, either from their way of life or to their ability to defend the den and their group. Despite being poorly organized, Nira usually lives in large groups, always close to the vast orchards of Ookoo, using the thick roots of this large fruit tree as a base for their burrows.

Like almost everything in Gaterdrik, there is a divine balance between the Niras and the Ookoo trees. While the Niras offer extra protection against humans who want to collect Gaterdrik's wonderful fruits, the Ookoo trees offer them a safe and abundant in resources environment for the creatures to spend a lifetime.

The abundant food supply and protection is what guarantees the perpetuation of the Niras. Without the benefit guaranteed by the Ookoo trees, they would certainly be extinct. This would be due to two factors, first, their lack of ability to get food. Niras are disorganized and terrible at catching small insects. The second factor, perhaps the most relevant, they spend more than half of their lives without any mechanism of defense, thus needing older Niras and protection of trees.

During the first part of their life, the Niras still don’t have the fatal tail that makes them so feared by those who wander in Gaterdrik. Instead, there are a few long and loose threads that start from their forehead to the end of their backs, as if it were a type of hair that protects their entire back. Then, through instinct, Niras start rubbing their backs against the roots of Ookoo, and thus the sap that comes out of the tree unites all these threads, creating a thin and solid carapace over time. While this carapace is being created, a thin stinger, which is very similar to a strand of hair, breaks from the top of its head and begins to tangle with the other strands along with the carapace and being exposed at the end.

Once their tail is finished and the carapace hardens, Nira can finally venture into the vicinity of the den, defend itself against the onslaught of other creatures and deal with overly curious humans.

Looking from a distance, they may not seem very intimidating, but an adult Nira must be respected since, in the second half of life, they become one of Gatedrik's most lethal creatures. Even after being defeated, a single touch of your stinger can kill an adult Breor in full form. Humans, on the other hand, avoids the orchards of Ookoo, and when they find one, they end up setting fire to it since until today nobody has been able to create or discover an antidote to get rid of certain death that comes with finding one.

Zhoraz [Beast] | Demigod

Our first new Demigod creature is a Beast. We won't spoil too much about him here. Good luck!

In forgotten times, when demigods walked peacefully through Gaterdrik, Zhoraz was known as the purifier. His responsibility was to control plagues and maintain the balance necessary for life to flow exactly as Draknar had planned.

After some eras taking care of the habitats, its function had to be adapted as the Great Capitals began to advance inside Gaterdrik, creating huge walls, war enclosures, small villages and even mines to collect resources to supply the insane war of humans. After seeing all the devastation they were causing to his home, Zhoraz was overcome by a relentless fury, initiating an onslaught that would mark the history of both creatures and humans.

The big capital Tenéios was the first to feel the power of the demigod. With so much sadness and anger inside of him, Zhoraz condensed everything he was feeling and made the biggest leap in his entire life towards the gates of the capital. When he hit the ground, it triggered an incandescent area of fire that turned the gates into ashes.

Then, running like a huge reptile, he entered the city charging with its huge fangs against the war machines, destroying them with great ease. The soldiers who tried in vain to fight back using their muskets, which did not pierce his thick skin, started to retreat and evacuate all the population. All the buildings of Tenéios were taken down by Zhoraz and the capital ended up devastated.

This overpowering attack initiated a movement known as the Established Realms, where all the Great Capitals ceased their wars for power, terrain and wealth, and focused all their might on Gaterdrik. This war would go on for years and mark not only history, but also the whole planet.

Thus, outside of Gaterdrik, Zhoraz became known as an apocalyptic legend that brings pain and suffering wherever it goes. But inside his home, he is still known as the Purifier.

In the next post, we'll share more about the Creature Collecting and Trait system! Stay tuned.

Don't forget to join our community:
Jun 14, 2020
Adore - Cadabra Games
Bug fixes

- Fixed when the game would stay in the same difficulty after restarting it and selecting a different difficulty
- Fixed when the game swapped to a higher difficulty after selecting the regular difficulty using the controller
Jun 8, 2020
Adore - Cadabra Games
Bug fixes

- Fixed when the player used the map teleport while entering a new area
- Fixed when the player used the essence fountain while dodging
May 28, 2020
Adore - Cadabra Games
Bug fixes

- []Community Effort[/b] ] - Fixed some situations where the player, his creatures or the enemies would die randomly. The problem was caused by Frogma leaving invisible attacks on the ground.
May 13, 2020
Adore - Cadabra Games
Bug fixes

- Fixed when the Special Attack hint didn't activate in tutorial.
May 9, 2020
Adore - Cadabra Games
Bug fixes

- Fixed when the player couldn't unlock the last mechanic after restarting the game.
May 6, 2020
Adore - Cadabra Games
Bug fixes

- Fixed when Frogma's lava ground dealt damage after its deactivation
- Fixed when Scrah didn't attack an enemy close to it
- Fixed wrong capture button image in controls menu
Apr 6, 2020
Adore - Cadabra Games

- [Community Suggestion] New customized cursor.

Bug fixes

- Fixed when the player died and the game resolution changed to the default one.
- Fixed when the creature boss died and there was an infinite fragment drop.
- Fixed when the Frogma lava ground stood in front of him after recalled and invoked again.
- Fixed player not surrendering after losing all his creatures to B'Koro.
- Fixed the creature's button in the creature's panel that wasn't activating on mouse click.
Apr 2, 2020
Adore - Cadabra Games
Bug fixes

- Fixed when a creature died and its synergies could still be activated
- Fixed when a creature died and its death animation didn't play
- Fixed Zarkee freezing its animation right after finishing an attack
- Frogma lava ground initial damage reduced from 3 to 2
- Frogma lava impact damage increase reduced from 1.5 to 1