Gunslingers & Zombies - Live Motion Games
Hello Gunslingers

Today, a few words about opening locks in doors or chests.

At various stages of the game, it will be possible to meet closed rooms or chests. Then it is useful to have some lockpicks in your inventory.

There is a chance for opening each lock, which depends on the skills of our characters and equipment.
Therefore, for people who like to open everything in their path, we recommend improving the lockpicking skill

How do you like this option in the game? Do you like to open different locks and game chests?

Best regards
Gunslingers & Zombies - Live Motion Games
Hello Gunslingers

As you can see we are experimenting and the game will have a lot of change. Change that will be positive!

In today’s entry we want to show you our experiment - we haven't decided yet what about worlds? We want small ones? Medium sized? Or maybe large ones?

The Possibilities are endless! If we could manage to create all types - can you imagine what opportunities it opens before us? We could create small sized mines! We could create medium sized cities and what more importantly - large prairies!

Imagine cows running wild during a zombie outbreak! Imagine trapped survivors inside cities and the mines! Will the plague of the undead affect greed and gold mining?

As you can see - the story is going on its own! Ideas are countless as are possibilities!
Share your thoughts and opinions in the comment scetion!

Make a guess in the comment section!

Best regards
Apr 30, 2020
Gunslingers & Zombies - Live Motion Games
Hello Cowboys!

Our friendly team is publishing their game "Train Station Renovation" today and would like to share some information with you.

As you may know it - this day is today! Today we will release our game - Train Station Renovation! Early access will contain the first ten levels and all tools you already could seen!

Today we will launch livestream and you will be able to buy our game and play! Today we will launch livestream and you will be able to buy our game and play! We start at 6 p.m. CEST (12:00 p.m. EDT, 4 p.m. GMT)

Our official channels, where the stream will be live:


Our giveaways we promised will be available on our official Discord Channel! Make sure you will drop in and take the surprise with you!

1. Enter Train Station Renovation store page and choose “Community Hub” over the logo and game description
2. Choose “Follow” on the TSR Community main window on top.

Check out their social media to find more contests!

Best regards
Gunslingers&Zombies team
Gunslingers & Zombies - Live Motion Games
Hello Gunslingers

In today entry we want to present you a new menu in our game!

As you can see above - we tried to capture the classic view from westerns with a little zombie apocalypse just around the corner! Shady zombie figures, ready to shoot gunslinger. All this while setting sun! Can there be anything more related to the wild west and zombies? What do you think - what was our inspiration to create this menu? What movies and posters?

Make a guess in the comment section!

Best regards
Gunslingers & Zombies - Live Motion Games
Hello Gunslingers

This may be unexpected for you to see this news, but we want to share it with you!

We are excited and we hope you are also as excited as we!

Firstly we want to thank you for your patience! We feel we need to reward you this time you were waiting for the release game! For doing so, we are going to make some contests!

Second thing we want kindly to remind you that you can play a demo version of our game! If you didn’t - try it now!

And the last thing - Train Station Renovation - First Job will be available next week! We are preparing something special for that occasion, so stay tuned and follow us here on steam and social media!

About Contests

1. Enter Train Station Renovation store page and choose “Community Hub” over the logo and game description
2. Choose “Follow” on TSR Community main window on top.

As you can see above we want to give you a discount for the game on the launch day! If we hit 6k people in our group!

Check our social media to find more contests!

Best regards
Gunslingers & Zombies - Live Motion Games
Hello Gunslingers

In today's devlog we want to present you with more environment!

As you can see, this large obstacle is something that in the future could be an orientation point ro be a bigger size - as a mountain!

What do you think? Would you like to be able to climb up on that mountain using a rope? Would you like to shoot or see the view from the top?

Share with us in the discussion section!

Best regards
Gunslingers & Zombies - Live Motion Games
Hello Gunslingers

Another week, another part of assets has been added to the game. This week we will cover the guard tower! As you can see it would be the perfect place to get a strategic advantage!

We could spot any threat before it would have even a chance to take us by surprise! But this raises a question - why would someone build a guard tower in the middle of nowhere? Or maybe it isn’t somewhere or nowhere? Maybe it is built for a purpose? Let’s try to tell an interesting story!

Why would someone build that kind of structure? Because it was something important! What would be important so much, to build that kind of tower? Maybe it was… a gold mine! Gold heat is very important for the vibe of the wild west - even with infection of zombies!
Would you like to venture some indoors like mines? Would greed be the top over threat of zombies that would swarm inside? What are your thoughts?

Share with us in the discussion section!

Best regards
Gunslingers & Zombies - Live Motion Games
Hello Cowboys!

Last time we talked about fighting the Zombies, and today we want to talk about the environment. We added some of our cool buildings into the game itself so now you can see what is their scale!

Let’s take this one picture:

As you can see, all rocks, grave and the entire environment is scaled quite well - if you are a really good observant you may spot bones - they look like they are fitting into the body- not too large, not too small.

Tree, maybe not green, but still tall and fitting scenery. That makes me think - what could be the story there presented? Can this tree tell something as a speechless witness of some kind of event? After all we have grave there, some bones around. What do you think could happen there? Who died under this tree? Was this someone good, was this someone bad? And why aren't the bones in the grave? Someone was visiting the final rest place and got killed? Or maybe someone got lost and the bones around and grave itself is not connected?

What do you think? Share your opinions in the comment section!

Best regards
Gunslingers & Zombies - Live Motion Games
Hello Cowboys

Today we want to present to you our first attempt at adding enemies and how the system of combat works.

In this dry desert in the town between nowhere some strange person was slowly moving towards the living. First...Second...Third...Countless! What we could do? We start shooting at them! They were already dead - we could only try to send them to their grave once more!”
Our combat system is presented as a turn strategy game. We want to keep it and we are trying to achieve that by Giving player Action Points that he can spend for moving and shooting targets.

Each action costs a certain amount of Action Points. For example - We want to move our gunslinger closer, to get a better chance to hit. We didn’t spend all of our Action Points so we can shoot at him! After that, we have one or two AP left, so we can try to run away from the horde of zombies to get another chance to hit. Zombies will come closer, because they have their own Action Points pull. They won’t be stopped by a single bullet! Can we outrun the horde of zombies? Well if we will make smart moves - like running and shooting - yes. But also some help from fellow companions would be a great assistance. What would you do in that kind of situation? Would you run by and shoot the targets? Dig up somewhere? Or maybe you would call for the assistance? After all, zombies can be sent to their graves once more… If you will have enough ammo.

Tell us in the comment what you would do in this situation!

Best regards
Gunslingers & Zombies - Live Motion Games
Hello dear Gunslingers!

In today's devlog we want to share with you something new!

As we can see on this screenshot, there is a desert and what is more important is the
camp between the rocks. This is a very detailed place and tells us a story.

As we can see, there is a packed tent and campfire. There were some survivors.
Campfire and packed tent indicate that someone left - there is not a single body
laying around - but someone had to leave in a hurry. Why in hurry? Because there is
still a packed tent! Did you notice that there wasn’t any fight around the camp? What
do you think, did someone survive the hot desert? Did someone manage to run to the
nearest city? And what more important - why someone escaped in a rush? Give it to
your imagination and our story in the comment section - we wonder how this story
would end if you were the narrator!

Thank you very much for following our work on the game and we hope that soon
we will be able to share with you more content implemented in our game.[/b]

Best regards