May 24, 2021
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

The beta officially ended this morning - hope you had fun while it lasted. Thank you for participating in the Going Medieval Beta Test!

We have created this survey to gain more insights into your playing experience. You are among the first to play Going Medieval, so your feedback is particularly valuable:

If you are unsure about a question, feel free to skip it. Help us where we are into the game development and pros and cons of Going Medieval.

We appreciate your awesome support and thank you for being with us on this awesome journey!

Going Medieval will be launching into Early Access on June 1st. The launch price will be £19.99 / €22.99 / $24.99 and we'll also be launching with a 10% week-long launch discount!

See ya soon peeps!

Foxy Voxel Team

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community:
Follow us on Twitter: @going_medieval
We are on TikTok, too:
See the trailer for the game here:
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

We’re happy to let you know that you can start playing the beta for Going Medieval RIGHT NOW! You should be able to head on over to the Steam page now and sign-up for the beta to receive access!

Keep in mind: Beta is live from now May 21st – May 24th 9:00AM BST.

Once you’ve had a good chance to dive into the game, we’d love to hear your opinions by filling in our survey here! ! We love hearing what you have to say about Going Medieval, and we want you all to know that you’re key in shaping the game throughout Early Access and beyond!

If you want to talk to the devs and other like-minded people, head over to our Discord server and post your screenshots, comments, questions there. If you encounter a bug in our game, do not hesitate to report it with the F10 command.

This is all for now! Enjoy our game!

Foxy Voxel

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community:
Follow us on Twitter: @going_medieval
See the trailer for the game here:
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

We have so much exciting Going Medieval news to share - so sit down, grab a brew and let’s get started.

Release Date
We can confirm that Going Medieval will be launching into Early Access on June 1st! This means you have just under one month to wait until the game will be available - so start blueprinting your castle designs, sharpen your weapons and let the countdown commence.

We can also confirm the launch price will be £19.99 / €22.99 / $24.99 with a 10% discount.

Pre-launch Beta
We promised the community we would be hosting one final beta before launch and we can now let you all know that our pre-launch beta will be happening from May 21st 9:00AM – May 24th 9:00AM BST. You can sign-up for the beta on the Steam page right now - everyone that signs up will get access to the beta during this period, yay!

To top this all off, your progress from the beta will carry across to the final Early Access version of the game on June 1st, so you will not need to wait very long before you can pick the game back up and continue building the most glorious settlement!

So much exciting news in one post, huh? If you’re interested in finding our main hub for all community chatter, head on over to the Going Medieval Discord channel now.

Thank you all so much for the support so far, we cannot wait for you all to dive in and show us your in-game achievements. It’s really not much longer now until you get to jump in and help us shape the game during Early Access 😊

Foxy Voxel Team

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community:
Follow us on Twitter: @going_medieval
We are on TikTok, too:
See the trailer for the game here:
Apr 23, 2021
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

We would like to share some important things before we get to bigger announcements in May. With that being said, here is what is new in our game.

Localization Update
We are happy to say that once Going Medieval launches in Early Access, it will support all of these languages:

English | Simplified Chinese | French | Spanish | German | Russian | Japanese | Portuguese - Brazil | Korean | Polish | Turkish

If there is a language you want to see on this list, do express your opinion on Steam - we will consider adding more languages in the future.

People love achievements, right? Beyond guiding players on how the game functions and its features, there is a sense of fulfillment when you see that achievement window pop up. Right now, we have 31 of those in our game. Here is how they look:

Some of them are super easy to get, some will require more skill and patience. Can you guess what some of them are? More of the achievements will come as the game develops and new features are introduced.

Some buildings received alternative versions
Some of the buildings received additional variations. For example, if players lack in limestone bricks to build a blacksmith forge - they'll be able to create one by using clay bricks. And it will have a different texture! Everyone will have different materials at their disposal and it’s important to cater to their playstyle.

Also, our Discord community demanded fences and we’ve added that, too. They don’t do much and are easily penetrable by enemies, but with them your crops look much sweeter.

Do you have a suggestion for our medieval colony sim? Head over to our Discord Server and let us know!

Deconstruction visuals have been upgraded
We’ve improved visuals when it comes to deconstructing buildings. Now, everything pops out and is more dynamic. Look at those bricks flying away:

And that is everything for our April update. On the other hand, the May update is coming very soon so expect some super awesome announcements in that one! Stay safe everyone!

Foxy Voxel Team

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community:
Follow us on Twitter: @going_medieval
See the trailer for the game here:
Mar 18, 2021
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

First off, we would like to extend a major thanks for the amazing community response we’ve received during the making of the game. With that being said - we have very exciting news for you:

We’ll be revealing the Going Medieval Early Access Release Window soon!
We're happy to let you know that we are very close to locking in a release date for Going Medieval on Steam Early Access. We cannot wait to announce the release date, and once we have finalized it we’ll be posting about it on all of our social channels, Discord, and of course, our Steam page! When do you think we’ll be releasing the game? Let us know in the comments. 😄

In the meantime, we have a few other things to share with you that we are also very excited to show off!
We are at the London Game Festival!

The full program for this year's London Games Festival has just been announced and Going Medieval will be participating in the show. Going Medieval has been chosen as one of the 40 games to be included in the show's first 'Official Selection', which represents quality, innovation, and diversity. The event is entirely online with 10 days of free talks and video programming available online.

The festival runs from 19th March to 28th March and Going Medieval will be presented via a dedicated showcase site when the show starts.

Developer Gameplay Walkthrough!
To celebrate this today’s news, we’ve prepared a developer gameplay walkthrough video that will give you an introduction to the core features of Going Medieval and what our medieval colony sim is all about, this video is showcased to you by Vladimir Zivkovic, Co-Owner/Developer of Going Medieval / Foxy Voxel.

More Bug Fixing
Our community recently had the opportunity to play a closed beta of our game. We would like to say a big thank you to the players who participated in the Closed Beta during this period. Your feedback was tremendously helpful, and we are grateful for your continued support - we are putting all of our efforts on bug fixes from the feedback and reports you shared with us.

In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be sharing where we are with the localization, what other features we’ve implemented, as well as overall progress of the game.

In the meantime, be sure to check our Twitter for more news, gameplay videos, and feature showcases. And our Discord Server to chat with like-minded Going Medieval fans, as well as being a key place for all game updates, news, and announcements!

Until next time,

Foxy Voxel Team
Feb 25, 2021
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

February is all about quality-of-life updates. But don’t worry, there are some new features here and there too! For example:
You can plant trees now! 🌲

Settlers are able to plant trees and they don’t cost a thing, but they do take a lot of time to grow, so bear that in mind. Players will have to think upfront about where they want to do this, as their settlement will naturally expand over time whilst playing & building.

Coal is a new type of resource! ⛏

Marked with a distinct black color of the ground, coal can be used as a fuel instead of wood or sticks, but don’t forget it is also the only fuel that can be used for making steel.

Players can make custom Heraldry symbols now! 🛡

As long as the file image is a .png, players will be able to place it in the //StreamingAssets/HeraldryCustomSymbols and use it in our game. And that’s not all! We’ve also gone ahead and added a bunch of new symbols for when you create your own Heraldry from scratch.

Animal behavior improved! 🦊🦌

Animals will now try to avoid the settlers. They may pass through the player’s settlement, but they will not stay there for the long term. Nor will they enter the rooms as they did before.

Settlers idle behavior is also improved!

When they have nothing to do, settlers will aim to stay close to the source of warmth like a complete room or campfire/fireplace. This will matter a lot once the winter kicks in and they have spare time.

And now let’s talk about the bug fixes and QOL updates:
  • mining logic received an upgrade - the situations where settlers would fall into the holes that they dig should be avoided now
  • settler that had killed an animal will also take its carcass to the stockpile now
  • prioritization function received an additional polish
  • fixed a lot of spelling mistakes and issues regarding text presentation
  • fixed issue when some buildings would be marked as “unreachable”, when in fact they could be
  • fixed bug where two settlers would sleep on the same hay sleeping spot
  • fixed issue where setters were able to build through the trunk of a tree
  • fixed issue where the light of the torches and braziers could be seen throughout the walls
  • fixed bug where notification panel didn’t properly update
  • fixed bug where pressing the ESC key during the loading screen of any save would result in errors being displayed
  • fixed bug where using the pause option for any product would corrupt the pause/resume button
  • fixed bug where a wrong item description for all of the inventory slots would appear upon resuming the game
  • fixed bug where merlons could be built on empty spaces
  • fixed bug where products would grow near the designated field area
  • fixed bug where the number of research resources do not properly update after using the “Reset” option
And that is all for the February update folks! In the meantime, be sure to check our Twitter for more gameplay videos and feature showcases. And be sure to join our Discord Server to chat with like-minded Going Medieval fans and as is a key place for all game updates, news, and announcements!

Until next time,

Foxy Voxel Team
Going Medieval - ObvItsAmy
Hey everyone,

If you are part of our Discord you may have seen we have a closed beta coming up!

We will be hosting a small closed beta from February 22nd (12:00 GMT/ 13:00 CET) until March 1st (12:00 GMT/ 13:00 CET), we are looking for a select bunch of people to jump into the latest beta version of the game and spot any bugs, issues & of course provide feedback.

The discussion for this closed beta will be taking place on Discord primarily, so if you haven’t already joined us there head on over now!

Do you have time to jump in from Feb 22nd? If so, fill in our sign-up form now:

As said above this beta will be focused on bugs, issues and feedback - as it is in beta we will expect to see various bugs within the build.

Note: We will be closing the form on Thursday 18th February, but we also have a number in mind which we’d like to reach for this beta, if we hit that before hand we'll close the form.
Also the reason we are asking for Discord usernames on the form is so we can add you to the private closed beta discussion channels once it is live :)

Thanks everyone :)
Jan 28, 2021
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

We are now in the new year and of course, we wanted to give an update on what we’ve been up to!

Event feedbacks have been upgraded
We did two things regarding the event system presentation.

We’ve added information that displays next to the player choices when the event needs the player to choose something. This way, the players can see what the outcomes of their choice are. This also makes the events a bit more interesting and lets the player plan out his decisions.

After a raid, the player will get a status report that will tell you if they won or lost, how many enemies you killed, as well as other handy info.

Environmental Events have been introduced
Depending on the season some kind of environmental event will happen from time to time. Right now, we have four of them in the game and each will test your settlement differently.

Hailstorm - Happens in the spring and autumn. While active, it deals damage to the plant life and lasts for about half of the day. The player has no way of fighting the hailstorm except to harvest the crops as fast as they can before the hailstorm destroys the plants.

Thor's hammer - Happens most often during the summer and autumn. Heavy rain pours and lightning strikes on the map randomly destroying buildings, trees, villagers & piles. The player has no means of fighting the event - they can protect the settlers by putting them inside so the lightning can’t strike them.

Heatwave - Happens sometimes during the summer. Several days the temperature rises to very high degrees and the player must battle the heat. To do this, it’s suggested that the villagers sleep during the day while it’s the hottest. Sewing summer clothing will also help, and having villagers work within cool rooms (underground or nicely insulated rooms) is also one of the ways they can deal with the heat.

Cold snap - Appears sometimes during the winter. The temperature falls well below -20 degrees for a couple of days. To deal with this event, the player will have to make settlement rooms warm and their villagers well dressed.

Animal pack events are in Going Medieval
Right now we only have the wolf pack as an event. These animals are territorial creatures and they’ll mind their business where they are located. But they’ll start killing other animals and by doing this they rob the player’s villagers of a food source. If players choose to fight these animals and succeed in defeating them, they’ll be rewarded with their meat and pelt.

We have a basic photo mode now

A very simple photo mode has been added to the game. Players can take screenshots and the photo is saved to the player’s folder within AppData.

Additional order changes

Behavior and order customization is majorly improved - we’ve implemented different visuals, dragging functionality and individual selecting now works as intended. We’ve also implemented additional customization options (depending on the order) - what level/type of building does it affect.

Stockpiles can be expanded or shrunk

Upon selecting the stockpile zone, you’ll be able to expand it or shrink it as you see fit. The only limitation here is if you try to split one stockpile into two separate areas with no connecting markers - in that case, the zone with fewer stockpile markers will disappear.

And the other things we did:
  • Higher mood reward - When the villagers have a higher mood, they’ll get a bonus in global works speed (will work on everything a bit faster), XP gain amount (every action will give more XP), and the chance to produce a rare quality item is higher
  • Time passage is better formatted/worded
  • New tutorials were added and additional info to existing tutorials
  • Exiting tutorials reworded because of some changes to gameplay
  • Added several new system sections in the almanac that can help the player
  • Added many new pieces of information to the almanac
  • The prioritization of the task received an additional polish
  • Hunters are now able to bring dead animals to stockpile after killing them
  • UI received a significant overhaul in font change and size
  • The button graphic has been changed
  • Additional tooltips are added and tied to specific info
  • Enemy health and behavior received additional optimization

And that would be all for this month. The next update will come sooner.

In the meantime, be sure to check our Twitter for more gameplay videos and feature showcase. And be sure to check our Discord Server as that is the best place to be regarding all of the game updates and announcements.

Until next time,

Foxy Voxel Team

Dec 17, 2020
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

As we get closer to the year’s end, we’re introducing some new features and improvements. Behold:
Introducing Starting Narrative

When you start a game, you’ll be able to choose one of the three different modes:
Peaceful - builder mode that doesn’t have enemy attacks.
Standard - classic mode that evenly balances environmental events with enemy raids.
Survival - aggressive mode that frequently tests your combat skills.

Within every mode, you’ll be able to choose one of the 5 difficulties - Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Difficult, Hard. Game difficulty changes things like starting mood, enemy health, animal retaliation chance, wound severity amount. But that is not the end, because:

Basic Modding - Scenarios

Scenarios will determine the start of your game. Beyond the two existing ones, you’ll be able to create your own. Apart from required fields such as Scenario name, description, narrative and villager number there can be other starting conditions controlled, such as Starting Resources and Equipment, Unlocked Technology, and various villager constraints ( Age, Height, Weight ranges, Chance for Gender, Religion and Perks roll, Default starting clothes and Overrides for all villager stats start values). There are some limitations here, but you will have A LOT of control.

World Map is here

That’s right. A Basic, procedurally generated world map which shows players’ village location and surrounding villages is here. You can see your settlement on the map, along with the surrounding villages. The world map also shows Region influence - a stat that combines wealth, raid results, etc. As your influence grows, its representation will expand over the World Map. There is still much to be done here, but this is a good start.

We’ve added Historical Records

The new window can be toggled via the top right button, next to the Almanac. Once selected, it opens two tabs:
  • Statistics tab: Left part shows various graphs for different stats such as Population, Wealth, Food, Mood, and Influence. The right panel is reserved for other statistical data.
  • History tab: This tab logs all events like villager banishments, deaths, and other important happenings.
Make a place for Graves

You, our community suggested it and we implemented it - Graves are a new building type where villagers and enemies can be buried. You can look at it as a stockpile that accepts only carcasses (RIP). There are different types of graves in the game - unmarked and normal graves can be placed on the ground tiles only, while a sarcophagus is costly and can be built anywhere.

A ladder is a thing that exists

Ladders have also been requested by the community. Comparing ladders to stairs - they cost less, take up less space, and climbing them might be slower - but they get the job done!

Combat user experience has been improved

We have been mostly working on UI improvements, adding indicators for targeting, some positioning experimentations, and added many animations (we have much more to come too). Here is the list of things we’ve done:
  • Cracking graphics are added to buildings as they lose health. Removed health bar from buildings
  • Fixed problem where drafted villagers would ignore draft order sometimes
  • Arrow miss particle is not shown anymore for melee attacks
  • Enemies now target buildings properly
  • Reworked formation forming when a player chooses to move multiple drafted workers at once
  • Multiple villagers can go through nodes with other villagers on them, but they can’t pass nodes with enemies on them
  • Enemies now have quicker reactions (eg: if the enemy is attacking a building, and one of the villagers hit him, the enemy will focus on those villagers)
  • Faster game speed is enabled while raids are active
  • Removed 'right-click attack' menu for villagers
  • When hit by a ranged villager attack, enemies will try to approach villager while seeking cover
  • Enemies now start charging instantly, when hit or missed during the initial walking period
  • Drafted villagers inside the building won't blindly focus on the closest enemy anymore. The enemy will be focused on only if there is a clear line of sight
  • Villagers can now attack while standing inside open doors.
  • Elements above villagers/enemy heads (health bar, name, combat charge, etc...) do not overlap/glitch anymore.
  • Improvements to right-click equip order. Fixed a bug where an order would get ignored sometimes, and it now works while the game is paused.
  • Fixed pathfinding bug where some beds would become unreachable if built too close to other beds. This caused a bug where villagers would sleep on the ground, even though the bed existed.
  • Disabled thought bubbles while villages are drafted
  • The game now utilizes more CPU threads on systems that have them.
  • Multiple optimizations, and general code improvements
And that would be all for this year. Happy holidays and see you next year with more exciting Going Medieval news. Stay safe people!

Foxy Voxel Team

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community:
Follow us on Twitter: @going_medieval

See the trailer for the game here:
Nov 20, 2020
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

As we get closer to winter, it’s time to warm ourselves with a couple of new features. Check out what we’ve been working on below:

Rooms have types now

To build a specific room type, players will need to create certain production (buildings/furniture/decorations) within it. Once they are created, that room will get certain production buffs.

Example: If you make a kitchen out of a certain room - then the stove in it will produce food much faster.

Sweet, right? To maximize the potential of their settlement players will have to consider what and where they will build things. But that’s not all, because…

Rooms have temperatures, too

To create a room, players will have to put walls on four sides, a roof (or ceiling), and a door. If there is one hole in that construction - it stops being a room.

Every object in the game now has a thermal model. Production buildings and decorations (like torches) now have heat emission and will heat up the room they are in. Depending on the type - walls/floors/roofs now have different isolations, and the size of those rooms will also play a role in processing temperature.

To put it lightly - if the players do not want their food to rot quickly they’ll want to put them somewhere cold. But on the other side - when the winter comes, villagers will want to be warm… You get the idea.

Introducing Leisure hour type

Last time, we introduced religion. That, along with other activities will fall into the “Leisure hours”. During that time, villagers will prioritize things like food, entertainment, religion, and drinking. It’s not all about the work, right?

Cheers to the alcohol introduction

Alcohol is added as a resource type and with that, the need for alcohol is implemented. Some villagers will have the need to drink ale or alcohol every couple of days (some more often depending on perks). If they don’t drink, they’ll get negative mood modifiers.

Upon drinking alcohol, villagers will get drunk and this makes them work slower and walk slower. It also means they will make more mistakes (botched harvests, etc), but they’ll get nice mood modifiers. Also, if they drink too much and/or eat raw meat, they’ll vomit, nice...

Traps are here

Right now, we have only one type of trap, but it is a good starting point. It's a 1x1 building that gets activated when an enemy steps on it and inflicts damage. Once activated and used, the villager will have to come to it to reactivate it for the next battle. There is also a chance of trap misfiring, so this is not a bulletproof solution for battle scenarios.

Dismantle Items - it’s all about recycling

The player can now order villagers to dismantle items by setting up dismantle productions in production buildings.

This is a nice way of solving the problem of too many items dropped by enemies - and it was something that was suggested by our beta players, thank you for your feedback!

Dismantled items give a fraction of resources back, this all adds up and the player can get resources like steel and gold even without a smelting station.


And that would be all for the November dev blog update! If you haven’t checked out our previous dev blogs you can do here:


Head over to our Discord server to chat with us and play our Going Medieval inspired meta-game! Pick your loyalty in the #choose-a-side channel and talk to the peeps there!

Also, we recently restarted our special #going-on-a-journey story set in medieval times. Our series is written and chosen by you, the community - so while you wait for the game why not choose your own adventure!

Thanks for continuing to support us on our development journey. Talk to you soon!

Foxy Voxel Team

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community:
Follow us on Twitter:
See the trailer for the game here:
