Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

A lot of different things can be found in this update. Let’s start with the simplest one:

You can banish villagers now

Villagers can be banished now. Maybe you are not satisfied with their contributions to the settlement, perhaps they are slowing things down, or just looking at them makes you nervous. If you choose to do so there will be a prompt text that asks you, ‘are you sure about that decision?’. If the answer is yes, the selected villager will take some food and leave the settlement. Other workers will have a mood penalty because of this...so keep that in mind. We hope you are happy with this addition to the core gameplay features. Also, while we are talking about moods…

Additional Mood effectors are added

In previous updates, we talked about how villagers will have different moods. Those with a very low mood will disobey the player’s schedule and try to satisfy needs on their own. If the mood reaches 0, a villager will disappear from the settlement.

Now with the changes, everything modifies your villagers’ mood! We mean things like sleep quality, performing passionate jobs, deaths of the fellow villagers, and much, much more!. A villager will get mood modifiers from different beds, for example, sleeping in the rain, on the ground, and so on. If they are doing the job they love, this will also affect their mood. We added thought bubbles when a mood modifier hits, so keep an eye out for these. You’ll want to keep them in a really good mood because...

Raiders are here!

Look at those raiders! When they attack, you’ll get an in-game announcement (see March Update for this). Depending on the progress of your settlement, they might have different goals: killing villagers, destroying buildings, or simply stealing food. But they can bring firepower...and so can you because...

Trebuchets are in the game!

Any worker can be manned for some trebuchet actions. At this point in development, they use limestone as ammunition. So we will see how that goes.

That is everything for this update, we hope you’re enjoying seeing the ongoing development of Going Medieval!

Foxy Voxel Team

Also, if you haven’t joined it yet now might be a perfect time to visit our Discord and become part of our community here: http://discord.gg/yHKcJat
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
Find us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZHxPbauqvg

Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings Medievalists!

We want to talk a bit about archery in our game. It is super essential for us that we make archers fun factor of our game, but avoid feeling over overpowering them. So this is what we did.

Attack switch

Archers now attack with fists when an enemy is near them (2m). This will make them less OP, but also - it would be pretty silly to attack a person up close with shooting arrows.

The environment can block arrows in their path

Arrows now have a chance to hit certain objects when the trajectory is through them (trees, bushes, constructions, merlons). A broken arrow icon pops up when an arrow hits something along the way. NOTE: if something is 2m in front of the archer, it will not be taken into the equation for obstacle hit chance. This is to prevent your archers on walls from hitting merlons all the time.

High ground matters

Workers with ranged weapons can now target and shoot targets from other levels (from a cliff, wall, platform). "It's over Anakin," some might say.

"Arrow to the knee" is super effective

Enemies and workers will slow down (for a minor time) when damaged. This is implemented so the enemies will run away a bit harder if hit by an arrow. When an arrow misses a target, it will check a radius of a few grid spaces and run the calculation again for targets in that radius. This is to simulate potential friendly fire and bad archers getting a hit when firing on a group of enemies that are next to each other.

So yeah, show some love for your archers, and we’ll see you soon!

Foxy Voxel Team

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/goingmedieval
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
Find us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZHxPbauqvg
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

Time for a proper update:

Research tree and research queuing

You saw this little tab before, didn’t you?

Time to explain it a bit in more detail. Selecting this tab opens the research panel (shown in the gif above). Do you want to learn new things? You’ll need books for that! That’s right! Books are the main resource for this tab. You can produce them via the research table that you create within the game. Convenient, right? Well, like any other resource in this game, it can be lost due to a player’s misplacement. Yup. Leave it out in the open, and the rain will destroy them eventually. It makes sense to put them inside the buildings, right? True, but don’t put them near the fire, you know how that goes. And if you want to learn all those nodes, you’ll need a LOT of books - you see, since the books are not “spent”, you’ll have to manage them properly. The short story is - love your books, and they’ll love you back.

The event system is working

So your village is doing good? Others will want to join your little utopia (or cannibalistic cult if that is their/your thing). Regardless, you’ll have options to accept or reject them, as you are in control.

Buuuut, you’ll attract enemies too! But don’t worry, we have a proper alert for that too!

That’s it for now, we’ll have more to say in a couple of weeks! Thanks!

Foxy Voxel team

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/goingmedieval
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
Find us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZHxPbauqvg
Mar 3, 2020
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Don't worry, you'll get your regular monthly update soon, but our community is growing, and we want to address that.

Twitter rises slowly, but surely!

We’ve passed 300 followers on Twitter! Twitter is a great place to be since there are all sorts of short videos from the game we are posting there. Also, our devs pop in there from time to time with some nifty gifs. Check this video of Somerhild struggling to hit a deer with a bow:

Somerhild giving her best

Discord is rising super fast!

There are more than 1000 members on our Discord Server! Those patient people support us from the very start, just like you. While more things will happen there eventually, for now, you can jump into #going-on-a-journey and #going-on-a-journey-discussion to experience a unique medieval story in which you decide an outcome by voting. By discussing it, you’ll get experience points! If that sounds interesting to you, head over to GM discord server here:

Going Medieval Discord Server

And last but not least - you, the Steam audience. Your likes, comments, and questions showed us that what we are doing makes sense, that we are on the right path. We will continue to work on Going Medieval and make it great because you deserve it.

Thank you once more, you wonderful medievalists!

See you in a week or two with a regular update!

GM team.

Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists! Onto new updates, shall we?

Hunting Gameplay Loop

Hunting is ready, but it will require some balancing. Let’s take bows as an example - workers with higher marksmen and animal handling skills will be better hunters. Marksman skill will give them higher DPS and better precision along with the ability to equip themselves with better bows. Animal handling will lower the chance of the animal retaliating against the hunter, and also reduces the chance that the animal will flee if the hunter misses (also, higher animal handling will give a higher chance of dealing critical damage to… you guessed it - animals).

RTS worker control

Player can take control of any worker like in a real-time strategy game - they can move him/her to any given location, order them to equip a specific item, or point where to attack if that is your thing. Selecting a worker and right-clicking on a piece of equipment or food will give the player a menu of actions.

Worker jobs are improved

Crafting jobs have been split into several different types depending on the skill set and production type. AI of the workers is polished now for these situations. Sequence prioritization and planning are evident and fully functional.

That’s it for now, we’ll have more to say in a couple of weeks! Thanks!

Foxy Voxel team

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/goingmedieval
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
Find us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZHxPbauqvg
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists, and happy holidays! Let’s start the new year with what we did since the last update:
Weather system

The weather system is in the game, and it works nicely! The weather events we now have in place are rain, fog, and snow. We'll easily add more in the following months. Here are some fun facts on the weather system within Going Medieval:
  • Weather events have a random appearance chance (those are adjustable per season - so don’t expect snow during summer)
  • It will influence global temperature and with that, it will affect your workers (some examples: fog will lower their precision, while rain will lower range of some weapons (we are looking at you, rangers))
  • You’ll be able to pause the game and see the raindrops and snowdrops clearly! You know what that means - the game is THAT optimized in the current state (look at those sweet, sweet raindrops)

Construction UX progress

We've added “ruler" elements to building placement to make the experience a bit easier for the player - the rulers indicate where the player has hovered and where the construction has snapped. Also, we've managed to implement some grid graphics to make it a bit easier to understand the 3D space.

And while we are on the subject of constructions…

Building construction VFX
We managed to implement a shader effect that makes the buildings rise from the ground along with the particle systems and dynamically generated foundation elements like scaffolding. Look at it go:

That’s it for now, we’ll have more to say in a couple of weeks! Thanks!

Foxy Voxel team

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/goingmedieval
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
Find us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZHxPbauqvg

Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

We’ve been quite busy, so here is the latest update:

Map generator
The player can now choose map sizes. The combination of ground type and topology brushes defines a map type. At the moment, the valley is the map type that’s fleshed out the most. Each voxel generates as a different ground type by a rule set that is controlled by a biome/map type. We can now control how many (and which) ground types will be created at a certain biome type.

Prop placement
Props are all objects that we can place on the map (resources piles, vegetation, stone, clay, etc.), and their position controls with randomized brushes. The amount of props spawned is proportional to the map size and can be controlled by biome type. And as a bonus, here are the latest resources we’ve created:

Worker’s daily schedule
We have added the worker’s daily schedule - this way, the player can determine the type of each hour in the day. At the moment, the player can choose from 3 different hour types - WORK, SLEEP, and ANY. This is one of the most significant features for interacting with workers, and that gives us the ability to set different priorities to workers’ goals. If we choose ANY hour type - the worker will prioritize goals like fulfilling his/her social and comfort needs. If everything is fulfilled, the worker will search for available jobs. If the worker is starving, he will search for food even if the hour type is set on sleep or work.

Finalized combat animation
After numerous animation tests, we finally decided on how to present them. Here is a sneak peek for some of them.

We'll post more things soon! Until next time,

Foxy Voxel team

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/goingmedieval
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
Find us on Youtube:


Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

We haven't had Devlog in quite some time, right? Well, we are super busy, but we do have a lot of good things to report! Here we go.
Reworked building system
The Building system is now in its complete form - the player can now place a beam between two walls and use them to build the second floor of the construction. Beams inherit the stability of the weakest of the two walls. If one of the two walls gets destroyed - the beam will be destroyed as well.

Stat and Attribute system reworked
We have rewritten the stat and attribute system for workers, animals, and almost every object in the game. This means that we can easily add stats like a need for recreation, need for social, etc. Thresholds and triggers support these stats - meaning, when these thresholds are met, they will trigger specific effects.
Effector system reworked
Effectors add to equipment and resources - equipping a plate armor will trigger an effector that will change the movement speed attribute of the worker. Consuming a lavish meal will trigger an effector that changes the mood of the worker, but this effector only lasts for a few hours. This Effector system easily gives us the option to add things like potions (if we wanted), poison effects, etc.
Worker Mood system
Workers now have different mood modifiers. With a very low mood, they'll disobey the player-given schedule and try to satisfy their needs on their own. Don't let it reach zero - if that happens, the worker will leave your village.
Flora system
Young plants are now growing next to their kind. We control how many of these grow daily, and biome type influences this. Below a specific temperature, a growing process will stop. This is how it will look in-game (video is sped-up for demonstration purposes)

We'll post more things soon! Until next time,

Foxy Voxel team

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/goingmedieval
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
Find us on Youtube: https://youtu.be/eZHxPbauqvg
Going Medieval - Moazi
Hello Steam!

We are coming to Gamescom 2019! We'll be showcasing our game at Indie Arena Booth this year. If you are in Cologne from 20th to 24th of August, please drop by our booth and say hi. We'd love to meet you and present our game to you.

Also, if you are a journalist, please contact us at contact@foxyvoxel.io so that we can fit in your schedule and show you all about our idea and development.

See you there!

Foxy Voxel team

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/goingmedieval
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
Find us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy_rW95WtmA

Going Medieval - Moazi

Hello everyone! How are you?

We’re just letting you know that there’s the Going Medieval Discord (and it has official Discord server status, fancy!). If you’d like to follow the game development from the very beginning, discuss all things medieval, and be the first to know super exciting news, you are very welcome: https://discord.gg/goingmedieval.

Also, we've added roles! As time goes on, these roles will be used in fun ways so everyone can find a place for themselves in these medieval times. You’re about to pick one of the following sides:


With that choice, you'll be able to go to all other channels and discuss the game like the usual, AND, you'll get access to one more unique channel for your group - a channel for people who made the same choice as you.

We are waiting for you, medievalist: https://discord.gg/goingmedieval.

Until next time,
GM team

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
Find us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3pCVNMb0DM