rFactor 2 - marrs
The first Ferrari in rFactor 2 is no doubt a real milestone, it underscores our dedication to the evolution of ‘simracing’ for those that want the best and most accurate experience. We know you share that same excitement and anticipation, so with that we very proudly welcome the Ferrari 488 GTE to join the grid.

With the official 24 Hour of Le Mans right around the corner, it is time for us to welcome the newest addition to the grid. With its 4,0-l-V8, the Ferrari 488 GTE will be a true contender for the win in the GTE class.

Read all about it here:
rFactor 2 - marrs
We’re proud to once again bring you great AAA Formula E content. Straight off the release of Berlin, released just last week, we’re on a roll so… no sleep til Brooklyn! And also, there's a big update to Zandvoort.

Read all about it here:
rFactor 2 - marrs
Yes, it’s still a bit too early for our monthly roadmap, but it is about time to announce Build 1118, which comes around two and a half months after our previous update. Why did it take so long, you might ask? Because we needed to take some time to complete some bigger tasks, such as overhauling our package management system, deploying the first step of our graphics improvements and integrating our brand new broadcast overlays. All in all, this is a considerable update with a mix of improvements, fixes and new features. On top of that, we are also proud to release a brand new track, the Berlin E-Prix Track, which is on sale in our store right now.

Read all about it here:
rFactor 2 - marrs
The weather along the Dutch coastline this weekend was rather typical for May. The sun and clouds both fight for attention. Trying to make their presence felt to the people on the beaches below. But this was not supposed to be a normal weekend. An enormous amount of people would have flooded the area, cheering for their favorite driver, enjoying the fast cars that would have graced the beautiful track of Zandvoort. Then everything changed.

What could not continue in the real world, most certainly can in the virtual world. We therefore decided to release on this day the brand new 2020 layout of Zandvoort, for everybody to enjoy in rFactor 2. For free!

Read all about it here:
rFactor 2 - marrs
This evening, after another extremely busy and exciting day at the virtual office, I had dinner, walked my dog, and finally sat down behind my desk. I put on some music to start writing the roadmap update for this month. It's a bit different from our regular ones...

Read all about it here:
Apr 15, 2020
rFactor 2 - marrs
Nearly all of our current motorsport stars have one thing in common when it comes to their career, they all started their path of racing in little karts battling for every centimeter while throwing it sideways into the next turn.

This is probably the purest and, if you listened to interviews of these stars, the most thrilling form of motorsport. Unfortunately, even that joy has been taken away from us in the current situation but thanks to KartSim and the #StayHomeStayKarting initiative, there is something amazing coming up!

Read the full post here:
rFactor 2 - marrs
This is probably one of the tougher roadmap intros to write. On the one hand we would love to go on and on about the growth we are seeing in simracing. How amazing it feels to see simracing on TV and being talked about everywhere. On the other hand we all know where the growth is coming from, the absence of our beloved motorsport, and why this is. So let us start with saying that we hope everyone out there stays safe and healthy. It’s important in these days to keep calm and try everything to help the world to get through this.

Read our full roadmap here, and stay safe:
rFactor 2 - marrs
This year, February gifted us 29 days to work on the roadmap, but look at us, we did it in 28! It was a busy month nonetheless and once again, we are happy to show what’s new in your favourite sim. As you probably all saw already, we released a patch with the new HAM feature for VR but it obviously isn’t the only “newcomer” to rFactor 2. In this months roadmap you will find something from basically every part of the game, overlays for the broadcast of your favourite league, updated textures for our content and also code improvements here and there. All packed for you in little stories to ensure that you can enjoy roadmap day. And don’t forget about our competitions, with the BMW Sim M2 CS Racing Cup 2020 already underway and the GT Series waiting for green light, there is much so look forward to.

Read all of it here:
rFactor 2 - marrs
As part of our recent promise to put out updates more quickly, here's another one! This week we have a handful of updates to both the new UI as well as graphics and physics content updates.

Code fixes includes a fix for some micro stuttering some people were experiencing (especially in VR) as well as a memory leak in the showroom. We also added network settings to the new UI so you can configure your available bandwidth.

Content fixes include physics updates to the BMW M2, and graphics updates to the classic McLaren M23, MP4/8 and MP4/13 open wheelers and Nordschleife, plus a small update to the Porsche GT3 Cup car.

Read all about it here:
rFactor 2 - marrs
The first update of the new UI public beta is here! Although it’s taken a bit longer than anticipated, we’ve addressed a lot of issues as you can see from the changelog below. We held off on this release for a bit longer than we anticipated, as we felt we had to get a number of problems fixed in this next update. Going forward we anticipate we can get roughly two updates per month done for the new UI, with smaller fixes and added features, and also addressing a few other issues in every new build. Below the changelog below we’ve added some known issues and work in progress, This is not an exhaustive list but should cover what we’re currently looking to release in the next updates or are working on for a later update. As always we would like to give a big thanks to you, the rFactor 2 community, for the detailed reports and feedback.

Read all about the detailed changes here: