Love of Magic Book 2: The War - droidproductions

Act XIII: Air & Darkness is now complete, and available on the Beta branch of Book 2. This is the 2nd out of 5 (or possibly 6) Acts in Book 3, and opens with the player arriving in Kyoto. Expect epic, fun and erotic times, exploring Akane's homeland. Adds another 20 days of primary storyline, lots of side content and returns some options from Book 2 that were missing in the opening act of Book 3.

The main theme for Act XIII is of course Mab, the Queen of Air & Darkness. Spend some time with this mysterious and volatile character, and explore the origins of the Fae.

Finally, it advances the main storyline by 20 days. Go on a date with Emily, flirt with Katie and cozy up with your Chosen.

With that done it's time to start work on Act XIII+. Act+ updates are a 'world expansion' sprint, focused on adding side quests and optional content. Act XIII+ will focus on the King's Dragon, adding content that can be played across much of Book 3. Friends will visit, good times will be had, and Jenny's Book 3 Questline (You Raise Me Up) will be completed.

A reminder that there are 3 build branches for this game:

Default: Just Book 2, for people who prefer to play just the complete game.
Beta: Which contains the latest complete Book 3 content as well (In this case Act XIII).
Development: Which contains the bleeding edge content (bugs and all), as I develop it.

As always, hope you like it. If you want to do beta testing I totally recommend joining the Discord (

Oct 22, 2022
Wormhole Adventurer - Adiefallguy
- Fixed the issue of incorrect pixel perfect camera size when going from windowed to fullscreen, and vice versa.
- Corrected a spelling error in Exploring space missions.
- When docked and viewing missions, complete ones now show green and incomplete ones show orange.
Oct 22, 2022
Further Still: Survivors - ArcaneInput
  • New Weapon: Hatchets / Blessed Hatchet
  • Fused Weapons Added: Bolt Blade / Clash.
  • You can now lock your faced direction separately from the direction you're moving in. Hold R2/Shift to do so, it will help to turn on the facing arrow indicators in the options menu.
  • Controller Support is moving along. I am hoping the change I'm putting in now will make most controllers work 90% of the time. It's missing some QoL that allows quicker navigating through menus and visual indicators. If you cannot use a controller I would love that feedback - please let me know in the properties under Further Still: Survivors > Properties > Controller that you aren't overriding and aren't using "Steam Input".
  • Countless small tweaks and bug fixes


A few days ago we hit 1 month in Early Access. I might not have kept up the updates on the Steam page showing the updates because it has been rapid fire. During this time I've added:

  • The Fuse weapon system
  • The Weapon trait upgrade system
  • Added enemy debuffs & weapon traits
  • The Gambler NPC
  • The Nether level
  • The Power system - 20+ Powers
  • 8 Weapons + 7 Morphs
  • Countless UI changes and additions
  • 10 Items
  • 10 Mage Spells
  • Rebalances/reworked difficulty curve

And I'm probably forgetting a lot. The point being that there has been a decent clip at which new stuff is being added, fixed and iterated on.

Even looking at the screenshots in the Steam screenshot carousel shows off a ton of visual changes and overhauls. It's quite interesting how much the core game has changed over this short period.

What's been exciting is that this level of workload seems to be easily sustainable and I see it continuing. I already have a couple half done systems that I feel will really round out the whole game loop and get the game closer to looking like a complete experience... and not just a web game.

I am incredibly thankful for everyone who has played the game, left a review or feedback or reached out in some way to offer advice, ideas or some kind words.

Next month I hope I have something a little bit more inciteful to share alongside a huge list of improvement and additions to the game!
Oct 22, 2022
Overloop - geovizz
Tune in to see us play through the Overloop!
Exiori - Team Syukino

Welcome to the long awaited Exiori Chapter 4 (The Truth).
It's been awhile and I am proud to say that this long hill climb is
over. This game is now 50% complete. We are now at the half-way mark!

The second half will be a lot easier to make and SHOULD come out much
quicker than the first half. Given that life is kind.

But, it will still take some time especially Chapter 5 due to those planned areas.
Chapters 6-8 should be easier to make as most of the ground work should be laid out by then.
Still, it will take some time.

Thank you for your support in Exiori and please look forward to more content in the future!

What is new:

-The NSFW character questlines are here!
Have fun interacting with your favorite characters, learning more
about them and then... well. You know the rest ;3.

-The story has continued, two new worlds are introduced.
Nerfelo (Falnarion Tactics Series) and Alcornagia (Solenars Edge Series). Fight your way through them and say hello to some familiar faces that are featured at the ends of Solenars Edge II: Aurora of The Seventh Dawn and Falnarion Tactics II.

-Blood Magic is now a thing and will be used by certain
characters with Blood type weapons and skills. Blood is now
a new element. Most Blood type things cause Bleeding which stacks
up to massive damage.

-The level cap for the main characters has risen from level 60 to 70.
You can now get stronger than before.

-Added in more Frinkle Pages to find.

-Added in a Developer Room which is basically a place to test out battles with almost any character you want, alive or dead. You can also view the NSFW stuff here in a gallery type thing.
You need to finish all of the NSFW quests in order to unlock it.
You must beat chapter 4 and get the airship before you can access the dev room.
Once you've done that, interact with the fireplace.

-You can now interact with the prayer statue and obtain blessings
from it in Teseldaima.

-Gruntrotto is now available.

-Changed the overworld music for Teseldaima.

-Airship is now unlocked for use at the end of the chapter.

-Palmu Village is now available.

-Mooshroom Forest is now available.

-The final Soul Gem can now be utilized.

-Added in more character bios.

-Krosuji now has a revival skill that he can have from the
start of the game; Defibrillator.

<Already mentioned, but still added earlier in this Chapter>

-The last of the Euclyca flashbacks are now complete.
No more will happen going forward in the game's story.

-Utalia Temple is now accessible.

-The Kraken Arena is now unlocked.
You must talk to Aren in his home before you can access it.
Complete all ranks of the Arena to unlock the Demonic Heart as
well as the Blood Scythe for Temi.

-More playable characters for moments in the story.

-Other hidden goodies.


-Buffed the ATK of the Blood Scythe slightly.

-Nerfed a boss at the start of chapter 3, slightly.

-The skill Well Done no longer gives Earth Attributes to the
target, but has a chance to cause Burn instead.

-Temi's map sprite has a tail now, which was missing before.

-Fixed some wrong skill animations.

-Mitsu's LB has been changed from Total Eclipse to Total Eclipse Nightmare. Same thing, just a name change.

-Nerfed Yukami's Ult; Send to Heaven, as it was way too strong.

-Fixed a problem where a future cutscene would show up in Oroon Cave too early if you went there with Lumina in Chapter 0. Due to this fix, the cutscene may play again in Oroon Cave if you are going through the area. On a new playthrough, this won't be an issue. If this happens on your continued one, then just skip it.

<Already mentioned before, but still added in this chapter>

-Added in some equipment and revival items to the Mooshroom shop keeper in the Hundred Acre Hood. (Make sure to use Pooh's Pure Intentions skill to revive if you don't have items in that area).
Hint: Use your Limit Breaks like crazy and try to get them quickly if you are fighting a tough enemy.

-Lumina now tells you to look for the Obeskia Herb bushes when you first interact with the rock if you aren't supposed to yet. This will help people that are confused and don't know where to go.

-Certain state skills like buffs and debuffs, now have an animation to accompany them while they are active. Just like in Euclyca.

<Last call>

If you would like to add in a custom character in Exiori. You may do so by requesting one. There are only a limited amount of slots for characters and it will cost you money via paypal. This has been done before as Nino, Halcyone and Ibuki are custom characters that have been paid to be in the game. Once chapter 5 is released. No more custom characters will be accepted. This is limited time offer. *Offer limited to only four people*.

Thanks for being here. -Syukino.
Rikki Kuu - The Anger
  • torpedo trail made slightly more prominent.
  • torpedo indicators simplified to colored distance markers only, for now.
  • torpedo full acceleration now held for 75% of the travel phase.
  • armed torpedoes will now thrust-vector towards drones they choose nearest to their line of sight.
  • torpedo acceleration profile changed, larger torpedoes = longer ranged & faster.
  • torpedo damage profile changed, large torpedoes will only do 2x more damage than smalls, roughly.
  • torpedo rotational dampening has been greatly lowered, launch spin will matter a lot now.
  • the camera chases the drone more closely now, should be harder to push the drone you're piloting off-camera.
  • camera zoom step doubled, 4 zoom stages in & out now allowed.
  • camera starting view angle increased 50%.
  • enemy difficulty lowered considerably, reaching wave 5 should be attainable with most drone designs now.
  • enemy designs now have shield boosters, greenhorn & yellowdog have been given more firepower.
  • bugfix: shield module wasn't correctly textured outside of the drone builder.
  • bugfix: shield module selection hitbox in drone builder was too small.
  • bugfix: shadow banding should be less frequent but unfortunately still present sometimes when a new world is generated - regenerating the world / starting another attempt usually fixes it, we're still looking into a permanent solution.
Oct 22, 2022
TAKIBI - programodamaki
TAKIBI has been updated as follows!
Fallen leaves can now be collected by clicking and holding.
The morning is shortened and the night is lengthened.
The number of items that can be collected has been generally increased so that there is more room for more items.
Fixed a bug that prevented points from being obtained.
BLACK STIGMA Playtest - Black Stigma
Thank you very much for participating in the BALCK STIGMA alpha test!

The survey you fill out in the game will be used to provide a better gaming experience.
We are also waiting for your valuable comments through Discord.
* DISCORD: https :/

We ask for your participation and interest even after the alpha test.

The announcement of the winners of the event held in the alpha test will be announced on November 1 (Mon).

We are preparing a more interesting BALCK STIGMA, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

thank you

BLACK STIGMA - Black Stigma
Thank you very much for participating in the BALCK STIGMA alpha test!

The survey you fill out in the game will be used to provide a better gaming experience.
We are also waiting for your valuable comments through Discord.
* DISCORD: https :/

We ask for your participation and interest even after the alpha test.

The announcement of the winners of the event held in the alpha test will be announced on November 1 (Mon).

We are preparing a more interesting BALCK STIGMA, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

thank you

Oct 22, 2022
Community Announcements - 晨霜攀黛瓦