Jul 4, 2022
OverDrift Festival - OverDriftCrew

- 2 new world locations:
* Quiet Town
* Old Touge Road

- 2 new cars:
* 1989 TUREL 33

- Improved Physics: more angle, more stability, more backwards
- Increased rewards for Daily Boxes, Weekend Gift and Drift&Speed Cameras
- Goosiest YT, CToretto, Wazzup and Smokey Wolf logos are on vinyls and can be placed on cars
- The time of recovery to road in case of an accident has been increased from 5 to 10 seconds
- Special chat sounds for joining and leaving players from the server
- Text pointers of locations on the world map
- Initial car for new players in custom red/black livery
- Many small improvements and many bugs fixed

SCUM - Beda
Happy Monday, we are back with more content for you all! This one has a lot of info so read it carefully before returning to the island!

To start off we have went more in depth with our fishing environment. As any well experienced fisherman will tell you there are more conditions on what fish you want to catch. So it makes sense we add that to SCUM as well. So now there are multiple ones you have to take into consideration when going fishing including:
  • Time of day.
  • Size of the body of water.
  • The bait you use.
  • And the quality of the line.

We prepared these nifty little charts for you so you don't have to think about it too much and can just glance at them. A picture is worth a 1000 words after all.

Here is another big one. We have completely reworked the way you can gain Strength and Condition attributes. The previous system was outdated and a lot of new features implemented did not affect it so we decided a bit of a revisit on it.


Previously CON gain was tied to the velocity of prisoners movement only. This has been completely changed. CON gain now depends on multiple parameters:

  • Action difficulty.
  • Weight load.
  • Terrain: Uphill/Downhill.

So let's take for an example you are sprinting (high difficulty action) on a flat terrain with no weight. We can take that gain rate and say it's base gain rate and let's say it's value is 1. Then if we add weight, with clothes/gear on your prisoner the CON gain rate will rise depending on the weight value. And if you start running uphill you will add more gain rate depending on the steepness of terrain.

This applies to all movement stances: walk, jog, run, limp, crawl, crouch, swim etc.

Alright so let's cover the CON gain in vehicles now as well. Some vehicles require the prisoner to use his body to move. This influences the CON gain as well. On rowboats and bicycles the gear has no effect on the gain because the prisoner is sitting down, and the action difficulty decreases when you already have inertia so it's easier to pedal/row. The rest of the parameters follow the movement gain logic.


Strength gain works similarly to CON gain. The difference is that STR gain is more influenced by weight load while CON gain is more influenced by task difficulty parameter. STR gain also differentiates itself from CON in one important aspect: it is influenced by existing STR attribute.

That means if you are STR lvl 1 and you are running with 20kg on you, you will have more STR gain than a character with STR lvl 2 as you need more weight to increase muscle mass the stronger you are.

We do have another POI to introduce as well. Are you need in some medical supplies? Some of those highly sought clean bandages? Well the new hospital is your next destination my friend! Located in the B0 sector and long abandoned it will surely give you the creeps while you are looking for those anti-biotics.

  • Fixed the bug where you could not activate voicelines while in vehicles.
  • Fixed the bug where setting unlimited trader stock in server settings would completely disable any purchases.
  • Fixed the bug where player would not get teleported back to starting position when logged out in the middle of events.
  • Fixed the bug where player corpses would sometime disappear too soon.
  • Fixed the bug where player would spawn naked if relogged when character was unconscious.
  • Fixed the bug where mushrooms would disappear if picked up with full inventory.
  • Fixed the bug where burying would complete instantly.
  • Fixed the bug where some items would not get damaged when force unlocking containers.

  • Foot abrasions can now develop bleeding effects and infections.
  • Inventory panel will now be hidden when selecting new face for plastic surgery.

Lawn Mowing Simulator - CosmicRaccoon
The Summer Sale is still shining bright! But only until July 7th!

Don’t miss out on this sun-sational discount! Enjoy a 25% discount off Lawn Mowing Simulator and the The Ancient Britain DLC!

Fancy a visit to the Dino Safari park? Admission is 10% off! Only until July 7th!

Lawn Mowing Simulator – 25% off
Ancient Britain DLC – 25% off
Dino Safari DLC – 10% off

Oh, and for of you Steam Deck owners out there, we’re happy to announce that Lawn Mowing Simulator is now Steam Deck Verified! Now that’s Mow-bility!
Jul 4, 2022
Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game - cheesetor
The Main leaderboards show players who claimed at least one of the supporter packs. The F2P leaderboards show players who didn’t claim any of these. Different from earlier seasons, both leaderboards are exclusive. This means that F2P players don’t show up on the main leaderboards anymore.

Players have to select a season before loading their season character. This means that it is possible to play two seasons at once with a PC and a mobile phone (Android only – iOS still in development).

In the Cross-Play category, players can play the same season character on both PC and mobile. It’s not recommended to play this category on two devices simultaneously as progress might be lost.

To prevent a progress gap between players in case of server issues, players will be kicked after certain circumstances, e.g., no response from the server. Make sure to have a stable internet connection so you won’t be kicked out of the season game.

Daily rewards can only be claimed once per day in the Cross-Play category.

Once the season ends, you will be able to salvage your season character into your main game for attractive rewards.

Tuesday, July 5th, 18:00 UTC – Sunday, July 31st, 18:00

Win Indicator
Highest Pyramid Floor

In case of a tie, the next column in the leaderboards will be taken as the win indicator.

Season Settings
  • All leaves are worth +800%
  • Trade base duration lowered to 15 minutes (default: 2 hours)
  • Trade refresh duration lowered to 2 minutes (default: 5 minutes)

  • Guild resource: Honor. Honor can be earned by claiming daily rewards or by defeating area bosses. Claiming supporter packs will reward some honor, too.
  • Everyone can create or join guilds which cost some Honor. Guild owners can kick members but they won’t be able to leave their guild.
  • Guilds can be upgraded by investing Honor. The investment count is capped depending on the season settings, for example, 20 investments per day, 400 total guild investments per day.
  • The higher the guild level, the better the upgrades.
  • Guild upgrades are applied automatically.
  • Certain upgrades are unlocked after reaching a higher guild level, for example, +1 max pet at guild level 10.
  • Honor can also be converted into season gems.

Important Note
The use of any macros/autoclickers/cheat engine is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent ban across all current and future seasons.

More Info: Online Season #5
Jul 4, 2022
General War Memories - jtggame
During this event, your in-game purchases will become even more enjoyable. The event is limited in time, don't miss your chance to get additional rewards.

* Now we will launch (in the game) an event of 4-5 days, each time before the date specified in the description.

Best regards, JTGGame Team!
Jul 4, 2022
General War Memories - jtggame

Now you have a unique opportunity to get up to 300% benefits.
BUT it is important to remember that the amount of the bonus received expires after 48 hours and the received coins disappear, have time to get and have time to spend them. Good luck!

Best regards, JTGGame Team!
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

This is update is huge. First of all we added Missions 13 & 14 with New Balance. They were completely reworked and now it feels differently. We added final graphics and animations as well. They look incredibly beautiful now.

Mission 13 introduces global cold mechanics. Each tower on the level except Ice Shamans is freezing. It decreases tower attack speed. There is a lot of bonfires on the level. Player should fire them up to warm his towers. It is easy to manage while there is a few towers. The second path opens in later waves. So player should prove his management skills to keep all towers working.
Finally, the huge Mammoth Mutant appears as a mini-boss in the last wave.

Mission 14 has a very long single circular path with several entrances to it. There is a lot of spots where towers can hit different parts of the path. Strong waves of enemies appear from first waves. Tons of monsters attack from 4 sides in the last waves. This missions have TWO special features. First is a great sleeping ambulocetus. Player needs to break the ice with Axe Tower. After that player can control it to damage all mobs in front of ambulocetus with high damage. Very useful pet.

Second feature is Yellow Plant. It activates on Wave 10. It shoots fetuses on the road. Mobs are getting a special power buff when were hit with it. It slightly heals them, adds extra health and raise their resistance. So, a little dodo with 125hp transforms into super little dodo with 525 hp and 20% resistances.

New mobs of World #5 and their abilities
  • Yeti and BigYeti are basic mobs of World #5. They have nothing special except high status resistance. They are almost invulnerable to slow movement effects.
  • Mammoth is a tough unit with average movement speed.
  • Armadillo is an armored unit. It has 2 phases. First phase of it have high resistance to spear damage and stone vulnerability. Second phase have stone resistance and spear vulnerability.
  • Dodo and Dodo Micro are fast but fragile units.
  • BoneTrack is a big and tough machine made by yeti. It has 16'000 hp and protected from spear attack and slow movement effects. But it gets extra damage from magic and stone attacks. Also, it lands 9 yetis upon death.
  • JumpHair is a basic mob of Mission 14. Improved version of it has better stats and uses jumps instead of walking. And it stuns all nearby towers on each jump.
  • YetiSummoner appears in Mission 14. It is a weak unit which summons skeletons of dinos. The longer they live, the more skeletons they summon. Skeletons get double damage from stone attacks.
  • Stags appears in Mission 14. It has improved version of Fly ability (StegoFly from World #2). When one stag flies up it forces other stags to fly up as well. So prepare to defend against big and sudden packs of horned animals.
  • Sloth mob is a rare mob. It has high resistances and have an aura of stink. Other mobs are trying to pass Sloth as soon as possible, so they increase their movement speed. Also aura affects towers, so they attack slower.
  • Finally, a big mini-boss Carrier appear in the last wave of Mission 14. It acts as a Carrier from SC2, it summons 6 small birds which flies around and stuns nearby towers.

New towers and skills
World #5 is very tough. Basic mob has 475 hp. Stronger mobs can have 16'000 hp. It is very important to unlock Level 4 towers if you want to pass it. 5 of 6 Level 4 towers are already released.
  • Added Level 4 Vodoo Shaman tower. It has the highest attack damage in the game.
  • Added Level 4 Axe tower. It has the highest attack speed in the game. Also, added a gold ability for it and other 2 mini-skills
  • Added a skill which unlock new spell. Battle Totem. Player can place it on ground to boost attack speed of all nearby towers.
  • Added almost full Barricade branch. Several skills increases its durability, spell recharge and amount of charges. Very useful now spell.
  • Added 4 mini skills to Woman branch. They increase amount of food they provide and others decrease their meat cost.
New tooltips
Since we are adding new abilities for towers but icons and animated descriptions are not ready, we decided to add text tooltips for them now. A lot of players asked about adding text. We intend to keep no text feature in the game, but maybe these tooltips will be available as an option.

What we do next?
We have added 14 of 15 missions of New Balance. New Balance missions feels much better. So after we add 15 Mission, we will remove Old Balance missions. Also we are going to add Ape Tower Level 4 and its mini-skills.

There will be groups of skill in end of each branches in the skill tree. For example, a final skill in Spear branch will add critical strikes to all towers in Spear branch.

We will add more abilities to each towers. Each tower will have 1 passive ability, 2 purchasable abilities in Level 3 and purchasable Ultimate ability in Level 4. Woman towers also will have similar abilities.

Fear spell will available as a 5th spell of the game. Also, all other spells will get special upgrades. For example, Spike trap becomes Poison Spike trap and etc.

Our artist is finishing drawing of final cutscene. We are going to add them all very soon (without sounds for now).

Animations of all monsters of the game are ready. We are going to add them one by one in future updates. Also, we made a cool system for special effects. Now, mobs of different sizes will have effects of different size as well.

Play with us,
APICO - ellraiser
Hey Beekeepers!

I think this is technically the first "real" dev log we've had for APICO on Ko-Fi since moving all our devlogs over from Guilded! (Which, if you've missed those you can still read all of them here, starting with the first one from when we moved APICO over to GMS2!)

Now that things are starting to settle with APICO since the release I've been able to actually take a break, as well as start to have a think about the first of the 3 planned content updates - I Can't Beelieve It's Not Butter(flies)

Read the full devlog here:
The Ascent - maia.blyth-kubota

The Summer Sale is still live, but not for long!
You got sunburn didn’t you? And now you need to get indoors and recover… Well we’ve got you covered! (Unlike someone with a certain lack of sunscreen…)
Don’t worry, we all make mistakes, but there’s one mistake you can avoid right now, and that’s missing out on the 60% discount on The Ascent!
That’s not all, we’ve got multiple discounts running, but hurry, July 7th is quickly approaching!

The Ascent – 60% off
The Ascent – Original Soundtrack – 50% off
The Ascent – CyberSec Pack – 25% off
The Ascent – Cyber Warrior Pack – 25% off
Winds & Leaves - TREBUCHET
Get ready!

Join us July 14 - 18 right here on Steam for one of the largest digital expos about audio and music in games. Featuring concerts, deep-dives, and mashups from 70+ developers from around the world, prepare your eyes & ears for a unique event!

Starting at 10am PDT / 7pm CEST, a 4-day live show from July 14 to 17 will stream showcasing all the wonderful content made just for Save & Sound.

You will discover the creative process behind the creation of the procedural music of Winds & Leaves, composed by Vibe Avenue! Join us on our melodic journey!

Don’t miss out on updates!

Set a reminder to be notified when Save & Sound will go live!

The show will be streamed on the Save & Sound website. Check out all the games part of the event on http://saveandsound.io
