Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment
Like everything else in the wasteland, the religions there also suck.

Never go into a major battle without first considering a sacrifice...

Your raiders are an unruly and superstitious lot, perhaps offering some water or meat might appease the gods enough to inspire your army to fight a bit better. Sacrifice a bit of beer (sacrilege!) and they might take the offering even more seriously.

However, the option also exists to sacrifice captive workers or of your own raiders, in order to further boost your followers fervor on the battlefield, successfully awakening their blood lust and violent nature. These sacrifices offer significant combat boosts that can make the difference in capturing that settlement you have your eye on.

As well, after battle, you will have a chance to loot either scripture pages which will amplify the duration of bonuses received after a sacrifice, or holy relics which will provide permanent boosts and modifiers to out-of-combat stats.

Hope you enjoy this update!

And remember: in the wasteland, do unto others before they do unto you.
Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment
As requested, number of new male and female raider portraits have been added to the game. Some of them are looking a bit...rough, as a raider might look in the post-apocalypse.

Like ol' Fanny here:

Believe it or not, she's even uglier on the inside...

Here's a preview of a few more "beauts" that have been added:

These can be accessed for your leader with all newly-generated games. As new recruitable raiders are generated in existing games though, you may soon see them there as well.

Oh, and I also fixed a bug where the occasional animal (Battle Dog or War Pig) was greeting player parties when they arrived at settlements.

Hope you enjoy!

Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment
Caravans and wasteland locations now have tamed animals amongst their ranks - you fight them of course, but you can also recruit them into your own ranks as well. They smell and don't always follow orders very well, but on the plus side, you don't have to pay 'em and they won't drink any of your beer...

If you want your very own Battle Dog or War Pig, settlements will sometimes have them available to recruit. As well, winning victories against caravans will result in the odd animal defecting to your side.

Unfortunately, hippos cannot be recruited. They're too damned ornery and big for that.

Hope you enjoy!

Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment

Numerous updates and changes have been made to the game, lots of them based on the fantastic feedback by the community.

These are the updates of 1.1.7 - 1.2.1:

  • Raider leader can now take up to three raiders as spouses (it's the wasteland after all). Each spouse provides a random stat bonus to the leader.
  • If your party is within a certain distance to your hideout or captured location, the location will detect this and you can now move resources and garrison to it (you no longer have to open the location with your party entering the tile)
  • Suicide vests cause only half damage to friendlies when triggered and full damage to enemies
  • Settlements replenish ammunition faster
  • Radio icon added to units with radios (garrison and formation screens)
  • Item mods now shown on extraction screen
  • Base garrison capacity without barracks increased by 5 (now 10 for locations and 15 for bases).
  • Blood Plumber is now one-time use instead of countdown
  • Additional description added to party accessories
  • Enemy raiders in hideout get levels boosted when vigilance levels increase
  • Shields lost to shield hook are re-equipped again after combat
  • Adjusted stat comparison of helmets, armor, and shields to reflect potential perk bonuses
  • Added claymore mine portrait to garrison screen
  • Attacking and defeating raider party no longer increases vigilance
  • Operation screens close after quick load
  • Fixed bug where capturing carpenter would sometimes cause buildings to no longer be built.
  • Fixed bug with settlements uprising even with merciful occupiers law in place
  • Fixed bug where more than one law can be selected when using quick save and quick load on the law screen
  • Fixed small bug with friendly units not using throw rocks when out of ammo
  • Fixed bug where Colossus and Headbanger perks were sometimes going away after combat
  • Fixed bug where player Bruticians were not healing friendlies during auto-combat
  • Fixed bug where AI was using Blood Plumber multiple times during combat

More to come.
Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment

Roadside traps have been added and can be built with saltpeter and a Siege Factory building. Activated accessories have had their abilities increased as well.

That and more have been updated with v1.1.5 yesterday and v1.1.6 today:

  • Roadside traps added - these can be constructed from saltpeter with a Siege Factory
  • Taser now uses countdown instead of one-time use
  • Increased medical kit healing
  • Increased other passive accessory bonuses
  • Mounted/unmounted units now update on roster screen
  • Item modification icons added to Raider inventory and Market screen item boxes
  • Added tooltip to item name label in markets and raiders screen to show item type
  • Fixed bug where hideout name was reverting back to default after renaming and then reloading a save
  • Fixed fear bug with hostage execution
  • Fixed rubber tooltip bug on resources screen
  • Fixed bug where some perks were not resetting
  • Fixed bug where Merciful Occupiers law blanked out leave button instead of raze
  • Fixed bug where space bar would sometimes stop working if leaving back to menu from combat and then reloading
  • Fixed bug where Risky Business was also applying a penalty to hitpoints as well

More to come.
Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment

Smaller update yesterday. Player can now rest to reset all their stamina, leader strength is increased on game start now, and numerous tooltip and information additions.

That and more have been updated with v1.1.3 and v1.1.4:

  • Inspiration changed to Breather, recovers all stamina on use
  • Increased player leader stat range during character creation
  • Class icons added to all garrison screens
  • Decreased cost of adding to Block stat
  • Slavers now sell small amounts of ammo
  • Side bar now has level icon if raider has perk or skill points to spend (only if auto-level is turned off for that raider)
  • Increased Regulator strength slightly
  • Fixed Taunt bug where enemy melee in range sometimes did not attack taunter
  • Fixed bug with Longhouse affecting hitpoints on all raiders rather than just leader
  • Tooltips for consumables provided with more information with regards to party and non-hideout use
  • Tooltip added to chips icon explaining chip-split and raider morale mechanics
  • Tooltips for raider stats adjusted to show assignment costs
  • Tooltips for combat status effects adjusted to show more information
  • Fixed label alignment of Perk costs that was slightly covering up Perk boxes
  • Fixed error on Brewer description
  • Equipment owner name is updated when raider name is changed
  • Fixed bug with Fear reporting when executing hostage
  • Fixed bug where shift-click did not work for selling ammo at settlement
  • Fixed bug with resetting Perks (if you have used Reset perks in the past, please reset again to fix any potential errors associated with this)

More to come.
Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment

Last update featured auto-resolve for combat for v1.1.0.

Smaller update today. Player can now reset their raider perks and I have added more information to the Formations tab (weapon rollovers, raider classes, and health status icons). Plus fixed a bug where unarmed raiders were sometimes causing the battle screen to freeze.

That and more have been updated with v1.1.1 and v1.1.2:

  • Reset button added to Perks screen
  • Fixed a large bug where unarmed raiders in combat prevented combat from starting
  • Raider status effects (diseased, injured, permanently injured sick) have been added the formations screen
  • Raider status effects (diseased, injured, permanently injured sick) have been added the garrison screens
  • Shift click added to Resources\Black Market screen
  • Fixed bug on resource screen where meat and beer had their hover descriptions swapped
  • Fixed bug where weapons on the raiders inventory screen was showing stamina cost beside the ammo icon
  • Tooltip added to text in header banner in addition to icons
  • Clicking on chip icon in raider screen opens ledger window

More to come.
Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment

Large update today, some of the most important being an Auto-Resolve option for combat has been added as well as a game speed toggle.

That and more have been updated with v1.1.0:

  • Auto-Resolve combat added - this quickly simulates combat, allowing the player to watch
  • Game Speed toggle added to game in order to speed up or slow down time
  • Landsail increases carry weight of party
  • Map zoom out range increased
  • Perk heal abilities now require a longer cooldown
  • Arena screen only has 3 fighters against now instead of 4 for level 20 raiders
  • Adjusted fear tooltip so that the the first word is no longer cut off on certain resolutions
  • Tooltip added to Recruit button if no capacity for recruit or cannot afford
  • Tooltip added to Arena button if fight pit not built
  • Tooltip added to raider level bar to show maximum level
  • Tooltip added to Loot window for resources, defectors, and camels
  • Tooltip added to Loot window for taxes and resource production
  • Side alert added to remind players if they have hostages
  • Fixed bug with Red Cliffs event where captives were not removed from party

More to come.
Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment

Second day of updates and patches, per requests from the community. Keep 'em coming!

The following changes have been made with v1.0.3 and v1.0.4:

  • Surrender button now added to combat (except for duels or arena fights).
  • Each time Staunch Bleeding fails, the chances of success next time increases by 10%
  • Julius Caesar bust treasure piece adds an additional 2 slots to party instead of 1
  • Having more units in either party or garrison will not allow garrison window to close - in place of old way where transfer button would fade out if either was at full capacity thus not allowing transfers of units.
  • Fixed error on Herald description
  • Fixed error on Pass The Mop bonus description
  • Fixed error with Building construction countdown in hideout on rare instances going below 0
  • Added tooltip to Arena button if Fight Pit not built

More to come!
Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment

Heck of a day today. Thanks everyone for the support and feedback, it's truly appreciated.

Per requests from the community, the following have been updated with v1.0.2:

  • Revised Pause System to stay paused when closing a window (if player has paused game)
  • Brutician perk heals now usable on party members
  • Unit classes now show up on unit panels during combat
  • Arms Dealer garrisons are now level 25
  • Fixed error on start up screen where the wrong character gender was applied to the portrait
  • Fixed spelling error on Raiderpedia Crafting entry
  • Laws screen opens to Wheel instead of Adopted Laws
  • Resource screen now has arrows instead of plus signs for buttons
  • Garrison screen now has arrows instead of plus signs for buttons
  • Added Weapon, Armor, and Helmet types to tooltips
  • Fixed Succession tooltip on Setup screen

More to come!