War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

The patch number of the beast marks an auspicious occasion for our fans in a number of countries over on the continent! At long last we’re in a position to update our unsupported but not forgotten European languages, and bring them in line with the English, French, German, and Chinese localisations.

You can read our full announcement post here.

European Languages Return!

As announced in our previous post, and in today’s announcement, we’re proud to reveal that the discontinued European languages are now updated and back in the game, and we’ll be continuing their support into the future! We welcome your feedback!
  • Updated previously deprecated European Languages to include all the game’s text updates since Patch 1.0.1:
    • Spanish
    • Italian
    • Polish
    • Russian
  • Added subtitles in various pre-rendered cinematics throughout the game for the above languages

Gameplay Changes


  • Can no longer pass through Possession Doors

Spirit Worker
  • Can no longer pass through Possession Doors

  • Constructs may no longer be placed inside shrines or Dungeon Cores


  • Now has an effect if used twice on the same defence.

AI Improvements
  • Workers will no longer attack anything except rival Workers, regardless of how high their chances are to win. This is to keep them on task when working near low-threat objects such as doors.

Mutator Changes
  • Extra Workers granted by increasing the default minimum Worker amount no longer grant mana when sacrificed in the Dungeon Core
  • Undiggable walls can no longer be tagged
  • Wall tooltips will now update to correctly reflect if undiggable walls is enabled

Performance Optimisations
  • Improved the performance of Worker scouting behaviour
  • Optimised unit behaviour to significantly reduce “garbage” created on unit spawn

Game Text Updates
  • Clarified the mutator behaviour on tooltips for disabling Fortified Walls, and disabling the ability to dig them out, in relation to certain Aspects (prompted by a user forum issue)

Visual Changes
  • Small improvements to Slaughterpen lights
  • Increased brightness of Slaughterpen slightly

  • Gold Piles will now be placed up to 17 tiles from where they are dropped in the Vault, rather than 5
  • Achievements for My Pet Dungeon unlockable themes are now listed in level order on the unlocks screen

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that allowed units to teleport into walls/map border

  • When a Dungeon Core is claimed, the gold it held now correctly enters the new owner’s Vaults
  • The Garrison buff will no longer incorrectly stack for multiple activated props
  • Aureate Monoliths now correctly update the minimap after use
  • Removed Last Stand from Templar abilities list as the ability had been disabled for some time

  • Fixed an incorrectly rotated “corridor” on My Pet Dungeon level Ponygrasp

  • Highlight effect on the Dwarven Dungeon Core should no longer present with visual artifacting
  • Garrison prop range corrected, now more representative of actual range
  • Corrected a minor clipping VFX in the Spirit Chamber

  • Removed duplicate line from War for the Overworld Level 3
  • Fixed some errors caused by missing audio on War for the Overworld Level 3
  • Arcane Chunder now correctly uses the Chunder voice
  • The Arcanist boss should now correctly play her post sleep voice-over
    Necromancer, Gnarling, and Chunder all now issue battle cries when in the Arena
  • Gave Duke and Duchess missing voice-over from their base unit
  • Vampire now correctly plays his eating voice-over when in the Tavern

  • Fixed missing VFX and SFX for Lightning and Shockwave spells for clients
  • Fixed missing animation and effects on Bombards for clients

  • Made "fortified wall" a proper noun on tooltips for Siege Shrine, Underminer, and Augrum Wall (consistency issue)
  • Fixed a tooltip typo for the Ember Demon Rally Flag
  • Fixed the time limit on the War for the Overworld Level 5 timed achievement, so that it now correctly reads 23 minutes, not 18 (in Simplified and Traditional Chinese)

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

The patch number of the beast marks an auspicious occasion for our fans in a number of countries over on the continent! At long last we’re in a position to update our unsupported but not forgotten European languages, and bring them in line with the English, French, German, and Chinese localisations.

You can read our full announcement post here.

European Languages Return!

As announced in our previous post, and in today’s announcement, we’re proud to reveal that the discontinued European languages are now updated and back in the game, and we’ll be continuing their support into the future! We welcome your feedback!
  • Updated previously deprecated European Languages to include all the game’s text updates since Patch 1.0.1:
    • Spanish
    • Italian
    • Polish
    • Russian
  • Added subtitles in various pre-rendered cinematics throughout the game for the above languages

Gameplay Changes


  • Can no longer pass through Possession Doors

Spirit Worker
  • Can no longer pass through Possession Doors

  • Constructs may no longer be placed inside shrines or Dungeon Cores


  • Now has an effect if used twice on the same defence.

AI Improvements
  • Workers will no longer attack anything except rival Workers, regardless of how high their chances are to win. This is to keep them on task when working near low-threat objects such as doors.

Mutator Changes
  • Extra Workers granted by increasing the default minimum Worker amount no longer grant mana when sacrificed in the Dungeon Core
  • Undiggable walls can no longer be tagged
  • Wall tooltips will now update to correctly reflect if undiggable walls is enabled

Performance Optimisations
  • Improved the performance of Worker scouting behaviour
  • Optimised unit behaviour to significantly reduce “garbage” created on unit spawn

Game Text Updates
  • Clarified the mutator behaviour on tooltips for disabling Fortified Walls, and disabling the ability to dig them out, in relation to certain Aspects (prompted by a user forum issue)

Visual Changes
  • Small improvements to Slaughterpen lights
  • Increased brightness of Slaughterpen slightly

  • Gold Piles will now be placed up to 17 tiles from where they are dropped in the Vault, rather than 5
  • Achievements for My Pet Dungeon unlockable themes are now listed in level order on the unlocks screen

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that allowed units to teleport into walls/map border

  • When a Dungeon Core is claimed, the gold it held now correctly enters the new owner’s Vaults
  • The Garrison buff will no longer incorrectly stack for multiple activated props
  • Aureate Monoliths now correctly update the minimap after use
  • Removed Last Stand from Templar abilities list as the ability had been disabled for some time

  • Fixed an incorrectly rotated “corridor” on My Pet Dungeon level Ponygrasp

  • Highlight effect on the Dwarven Dungeon Core should no longer present with visual artifacting
  • Garrison prop range corrected, now more representative of actual range
  • Corrected a minor clipping VFX in the Spirit Chamber

  • Removed duplicate line from War for the Overworld Level 3
  • Fixed some errors caused by missing audio on War for the Overworld Level 3
  • Arcane Chunder now correctly uses the Chunder voice
  • The Arcanist boss should now correctly play her post sleep voice-over
    Necromancer, Gnarling, and Chunder all now issue battle cries when in the Arena
  • Gave Duke and Duchess missing voice-over from their base unit
  • Vampire now correctly plays his eating voice-over when in the Tavern

  • Fixed missing VFX and SFX for Lightning and Shockwave spells for clients
  • Fixed missing animation and effects on Bombards for clients

  • Made "fortified wall" a proper noun on tooltips for Siege Shrine, Underminer, and Augrum Wall (consistency issue)
  • Fixed a tooltip typo for the Ember Demon Rally Flag
  • Fixed the time limit on the War for the Overworld Level 5 timed achievement, so that it now correctly reads 23 minutes, not 18 (in Simplified and Traditional Chinese)

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest Greetings Underlord,

With the Chinese language release successfully completed, we’ve not stopped for a moment immediately moving to address any issues that have been reported to us. The release itself has been fantastic and we have to thank our community for the incredible reception and support we’ve seen.

We hope our continued support and the features, improvements and fixes below help to demonstrate our commitment to delivering the best experience possible and that we can repay all the dedication shown by our community over the many years of WFTOs life!

We also have great news for anyone affected by the startup loading issue where the loading bar would freeze, by working with our partners at GOG.com we have identified the cause and have moved to fix the third-party DLL that was causing the issue. Hopefully this should now be resolved and you should be able to play the game. We’d love to receive feedback on this to confirm!

Read on for the full patch notes!

Gameplay Changes
  • It is now vastly easier to grab gold piles from vaults
  • Toned down the Cultist debuff stacking effect which previously allowed a stack of three cultists to one shot a level 10 unit
Blood Money
  • Gold Statues can now be claimed
    • On Neutral ground will remain with their previous owner
    • When the tile below them is claimed the statue will become owned by the new tile’s owner
    • Gold Statues can be dropped on allied tiles to transfer ownership

Audio Changes
  • New Audio setting “Unit Voice Volume” added, separating it from the primary SFX slider

Visual Changes
  • Units dropped into Tavern Spitroast now fall in and play and SFX while being mulched
  • The Dungeon Core in the menu scene plays now a pulsating VFX as intended
  • Made some improvements to the Foundry textures

Map Editor Changes
  • The “Paint Gold” tool in map editor now places gold piles on ground tiles, in addition to vaults or wall blocks
  • Vaults in map editor which have had gold added (via “Paint Gold”) no longer spawn loose gold piles when removed
  • “Paint Gold” can remove gold from vaults and tiles

Level Changes
My Pet Dungeon
  • The MPD Tutorial video now has Spanish, Italian, Russian and Polish subtitles

Miscellaneous Improvements
  • Several improvements to game text
  • Removed some walls in the Main menu to reduce clipping on camera transitions
  • Removed unnecessary logs which could eventually cause the game to slow down

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with a GOG Library causing an loading error which prevented some users from starting the game, becoming stuck on the loading screen

  • Fixed an issue where the Oculus slimy SFX continued playing even if it has been killed (until fully rotten) or transformed into a golden statue

  • Fixed an issue that made a loaded skirmish map incompletable when it was saved a split second before the win condition was met

  • Fixed an issue that made Garrison duplicate its buff on blocks in range each time it was reactivated
  • Fixed an issue where the Beast Den would never be upgraded if a non-upgraded Beast Den was removed before upgrading
  • Fixed an issue where the Garrisons active state ring would not show after saving and loading
  • Fixed an issue which would made prisons with a certain non rectangular diagonal layout (stair like) spawn rats into the map origin (location 0,0,0) rather than into the prison, after many months of listening to walls and yelling “They’re in the frakin ship!”

  • Fixed an issue where units would not be removed from minimap when not killed by a normal attack (eg. tortured)
  • Fixed an issue where dropped units never have shields again if "Always show" is selected for shields in the options menu
  • Fixed an issue which caused log spam when a flying unit was fleeing too low over chasm, probably causing the game to lag for a moment

Map Editor
  • Fixed map editor placed doors were logically closed but visually open when they were set to open and “Disable AI Control” was selected

  • Fixed an issue which made artefacts not disappear from the artefact panel after being used when they were already present in a save game

  • Fixed an issue where the menu scene would not transition to the correct part of the menu dungeon after the Load button was clicked


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest Greetings Underlord,

With the Chinese language release successfully completed, we’ve not stopped for a moment immediately moving to address any issues that have been reported to us. The release itself has been fantastic and we have to thank our community for the incredible reception and support we’ve seen.

We hope our continued support and the features, improvements and fixes below help to demonstrate our commitment to delivering the best experience possible and that we can repay all the dedication shown by our community over the many years of WFTOs life!

We also have great news for anyone affected by the startup loading issue where the loading bar would freeze, by working with our partners at GOG.com we have identified the cause and have moved to fix the third-party DLL that was causing the issue. Hopefully this should now be resolved and you should be able to play the game. We’d love to receive feedback on this to confirm!

Read on for the full patch notes!

Gameplay Changes
  • It is now vastly easier to grab gold piles from vaults
  • Toned down the Cultist debuff stacking effect which previously allowed a stack of three cultists to one shot a level 10 unit
Blood Money
  • Gold Statues can now be claimed
    • On Neutral ground will remain with their previous owner
    • When the tile below them is claimed the statue will become owned by the new tile’s owner
    • Gold Statues can be dropped on allied tiles to transfer ownership

Audio Changes
  • New Audio setting “Unit Voice Volume” added, separating it from the primary SFX slider

Visual Changes
  • Units dropped into Tavern Spitroast now fall in and play and SFX while being mulched
  • The Dungeon Core in the menu scene plays now a pulsating VFX as intended
  • Made some improvements to the Foundry textures

Map Editor Changes
  • The “Paint Gold” tool in map editor now places gold piles on ground tiles, in addition to vaults or wall blocks
  • Vaults in map editor which have had gold added (via “Paint Gold”) no longer spawn loose gold piles when removed
  • “Paint Gold” can remove gold from vaults and tiles

Level Changes
My Pet Dungeon
  • The MPD Tutorial video now has Spanish, Italian, Russian and Polish subtitles

Miscellaneous Improvements
  • Several improvements to game text
  • Removed some walls in the Main menu to reduce clipping on camera transitions
  • Removed unnecessary logs which could eventually cause the game to slow down

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with a GOG Library causing an loading error which prevented some users from starting the game, becoming stuck on the loading screen

  • Fixed an issue where the Oculus slimy SFX continued playing even if it has been killed (until fully rotten) or transformed into a golden statue

  • Fixed an issue that made a loaded skirmish map incompletable when it was saved a split second before the win condition was met

  • Fixed an issue that made Garrison duplicate its buff on blocks in range each time it was reactivated
  • Fixed an issue where the Beast Den would never be upgraded if a non-upgraded Beast Den was removed before upgrading
  • Fixed an issue where the Garrisons active state ring would not show after saving and loading
  • Fixed an issue which would made prisons with a certain non rectangular diagonal layout (stair like) spawn rats into the map origin (location 0,0,0) rather than into the prison, after many months of listening to walls and yelling “They’re in the frakin ship!”

  • Fixed an issue where units would not be removed from minimap when not killed by a normal attack (eg. tortured)
  • Fixed an issue where dropped units never have shields again if "Always show" is selected for shields in the options menu
  • Fixed an issue which caused log spam when a flying unit was fleeing too low over chasm, probably causing the game to lag for a moment

Map Editor
  • Fixed map editor placed doors were logically closed but visually open when they were set to open and “Disable AI Control” was selected

  • Fixed an issue which made artefacts not disappear from the artefact panel after being used when they were already present in a save game

  • Fixed an issue where the menu scene would not transition to the correct part of the menu dungeon after the Load button was clicked


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

Following our update last month we’ve been hard at work returning to the world of War for the Overworld, and beginning to pile in on the upcoming Patch 2.0 and Expansion 4. While we work on these we have a few more items of news to announce, not least that there are currently big discounts across WFTO content, to coincide with our new patch!.

But first of all we have a big announcement for a growing portion of our community!

China Release, Dragon Worker Skin, and New Sale!

We’re happy to announce that for the past few months we’ve been working on a Chinese localisation of the game. This work is now complete, and as of today we have officially launched WFTO in China, with both simplified and traditional localisations!

      People of China, meet the people of Kairos!

As such, we’d like to issue a very warm welcome to all our Chinese fans, who have been extremely patient as we worked towards localising the game. We hope that it was worth the wait! We’d also like to thank the community translation teams, who handled the Chinese translations until now (these of course are still available as well).

When loading into the game you’ll now find the new language selections in the Options menu. If your computer has either simplified or traditional Chinese selected as its default language, the game should load into that language automatically. The whole game has been completely translated from start to finish, but please let us know if there’s anything missing!

To celebrate the Chinese launch, our perky mascot, Stumpy the Blood Imp, has donned a delightful new costume, to show his appreciation to all our Chinese fans!

        Enter the Dragon

Any player who launches the game between now and the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations (February 2018) will unlock the Dragon Worker skin for use in game. Once the celebration has passed, the skin will then only become available to unlock during future Chinese New Year festivals. So don’t miss your chance to grab this awesome new skin!

But that’s not all we’re doing to celebrate the new release! From 5th to 18th of October there will be big discounts across all WFTO content on Steam, GOG.com as well as a number of other partners, not least a 70% discount on the base game!

Patch 1.6.4 Now Live!

And still there’s more! We’ve spent the last few weeks working on a few new features, improvements and fixes to help further enhance your experience in WFTO. As such, Patch 1.6.4 is now seeing the light of day, and it’s certainly not insignificant!

You can of course read the full patch notes here; but to give you a brief taste, here are the headlines:

  • Added 14 new Skirmish and Scenario maps

  • Significant performance improvements which should yield positive results especially on lower specced GPUs, up to 25% gains in FPS and reduced Stutter.
  • Dozens of changes and bug fixes

European Languages Return

With all this talk about the Chinese localisation, we’re sure there are many of our fans wondering about the existing and deprecated European languages - namely Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Polish, which we’ve unfortunately been unable to maintain since the original launch.

We’ve talked at length about this decision in the past, but the long and short of it is that the initial localisations were handled by our physical publishing partner, who graciously arranged and paid for the localisations. After release, no additional funds were apportioned for the maintenance of these languages, and upon making our cost assessment, we could not justify continued support for all languages at the time.

We’ve never been happy with this state of affairs, and we know that this feeling is reflected across our fan base. We’ve always wanted to return to the deprecated languages, and now we’re finally in a position to do so.

So we’re proud to announce that at long last we’re once again working with our localisation partners, to return official and complete support to Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Polish languages. This process will be commencing hot on the heels of the Chinese release, though it is a substantial undertaking (WFTO is a surprisingly text-heavy game) - we will update you on progress over the coming months.

We’d like to thank all our fans for their patience in waiting for these localisations. We know it has been a difficult road, and we’re sorry for the delay in returning these to active status. We’d also like to thank those that have stepped in with community translations - these will of course be going nowhere, and will still be available from the Steam Workshop, should you prefer to use them.

So, that just about wraps up our update. Don’t forget the big discounts that are now available on WFTO content for the next two weeks. Until next time, Underlord: Keep it evil.


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

Following our update last month we’ve been hard at work returning to the world of War for the Overworld, and beginning to pile in on the upcoming Patch 2.0 and Expansion 4. While we work on these we have a few more items of news to announce, not least that there are currently big discounts across WFTO content, to coincide with our new patch!.

But first of all we have a big announcement for a growing portion of our community!

China Release, Dragon Worker Skin, and New Sale!

We’re happy to announce that for the past few months we’ve been working on a Chinese localisation of the game. This work is now complete, and as of today we have officially launched WFTO in China, with both simplified and traditional localisations!

      People of China, meet the people of Kairos!

As such, we’d like to issue a very warm welcome to all our Chinese fans, who have been extremely patient as we worked towards localising the game. We hope that it was worth the wait! We’d also like to thank the community translation teams, who handled the Chinese translations until now (these of course are still available as well).

When loading into the game you’ll now find the new language selections in the Options menu. If your computer has either simplified or traditional Chinese selected as its default language, the game should load into that language automatically. The whole game has been completely translated from start to finish, but please let us know if there’s anything missing!

To celebrate the Chinese launch, our perky mascot, Stumpy the Blood Imp, has donned a delightful new costume, to show his appreciation to all our Chinese fans!

        Enter the Dragon

Any player who launches the game between now and the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations (February 2018) will unlock the Dragon Worker skin for use in game. Once the celebration has passed, the skin will then only become available to unlock during future Chinese New Year festivals. So don’t miss your chance to grab this awesome new skin!

But that’s not all we’re doing to celebrate the new release! From 5th to 18th of October there will be big discounts across all WFTO content on Steam, GOG.com as well as a number of other partners, not least a 70% discount on the base game!

Patch 1.6.4 Now Live!

And still there’s more! We’ve spent the last few weeks working on a few new features, improvements and fixes to help further enhance your experience in WFTO. As such, Patch 1.6.4 is now seeing the light of day, and it’s certainly not insignificant!

You can of course read the full patch notes here; but to give you a brief taste, here are the headlines:

  • Added 14 new Skirmish and Scenario maps

  • Significant performance improvements which should yield positive results especially on lower specced GPUs, up to 25% gains in FPS and reduced Stutter.
  • Dozens of changes and bug fixes

European Languages Return

With all this talk about the Chinese localisation, we’re sure there are many of our fans wondering about the existing and deprecated European languages - namely Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Polish, which we’ve unfortunately been unable to maintain since the original launch.

We’ve talked at length about this decision in the past, but the long and short of it is that the initial localisations were handled by our physical publishing partner, who graciously arranged and paid for the localisations. After release, no additional funds were apportioned for the maintenance of these languages, and upon making our cost assessment, we could not justify continued support for all languages at the time.

We’ve never been happy with this state of affairs, and we know that this feeling is reflected across our fan base. We’ve always wanted to return to the deprecated languages, and now we’re finally in a position to do so.

So we’re proud to announce that at long last we’re once again working with our localisation partners, to return official and complete support to Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Polish languages. This process will be commencing hot on the heels of the Chinese release, though it is a substantial undertaking (WFTO is a surprisingly text-heavy game) - we will update you on progress over the coming months.

We’d like to thank all our fans for their patience in waiting for these localisations. We know it has been a difficult road, and we’re sorry for the delay in returning these to active status. We’d also like to thank those that have stepped in with community translations - these will of course be going nowhere, and will still be available from the Steam Workshop, should you prefer to use them.

So, that just about wraps up our update. Don’t forget the big discounts that are now available on WFTO content for the next two weeks. Until next time, Underlord: Keep it evil.


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest Greetings Underlord,

As part of the unleashing the huge undertaking of supporting an entirely new language we’ve developed a large number of fixes and improvements to your game! Want to know more about the aforementioned language? Read here! Otherwise, read on for all the awesome changes that have come in Patch 1.6.4!

Chinese Language Support

As of today War for the Overworld is now available in Traditional and Simplified Chinese, you can read our full announcement here.

Special Worker Skin - Dragon Worker

To celebrate the Chinese release we’ve unleashed a special worker skin upon the world.

The Dragon Worker has a very special unlock condition, upon logging into the game between now and Chinese New Year (In February) you will be treated to a special achievement and find the new worker already available in game.

Should you miss this window it will be available again every Chinese New Year!

New Maps

Once again we’re introducing a number of new maps all loving crafted by our excellent team of volunteer QA members. As always a huge thank you to them for their time and efforts, be sure to give them a pat on the back if you see them.

Localisation & Community Translations

  • Cutscenes now showing subtitles on all cinematics
  • Improved reliability of game loading into the correct language

Performance Optimisations

We’ve implemented a number of significant performance optimisations which should greatly enhance game experience, especially on lower end GPUs. We’re really pleased with these improvements and of course we’ll continue to keep seeking opportunities to further improve the performance of the game.

  • Numerous Performance Optimisations with up to 25% increased FPS and reduced stutter:
    • Implemented a new deferred renderer
    • Optimised Unit Shields
    • Improved Minimap Performance
    • Refactored a number of older scripts for to improve performance in newer Unity versions
    • Improved Animations to reduce memory & rendering load
    • Improved Floating Emoticon performance
    • Optimised dynamic battle music performance
    • General pathfinding performance improvements
  • Huge vaults now build and destroy much faster

Sound Changes

  • Vastly improved battle music system to improve reactivity in combat
  • Sound Effects volume slider now affects more sounds
  • Spirits now play an appropriate death sound
  • Added an attack sound to the Archon
  • Improved Audio Levels during cutscenes

Visual Changes

  • Piggy Projectiles in the tavern are now appropriately flambeed
  • Improved image quality of Floating Emoticons and Unit Shields
  • Improved Animations when units eat piglets in the Slaughterpen
  • Added a new Kasita Hand and Pickaxe
  • Improved Cutscene Quality
  • Added Warden Work Animation
  • Added VFX on Juggernaut Work
  • Traing dummys in the Barracks are now more reactive to hits
  • Improved menu transitions
  • Improved visuals on the Wormhole potion
  • Brightened the Walls, Floor and Tiles of the Mira theme to bring them in line with the rest of the theme
  • Improved Alchemy Lab lights
  • Updated the main menu
  • Chunders now play work animation
  • Skarg plays sleep animation
  • Fixed brightness of the campaign map
  • Realigned torture chamber vfx

Multiplayer Changes

  • The minimum character limit for creating a lobby in Multiplayer has been reduced to 1

Level Changes

Lockshackle (My Pet Dungeon)

  • Beasts will no longer become angry on this level

Skirmish Maps


  • Replaced Artefacts of Greater Sin with Artefacts of Sin


  • Added extra outer defenses for the Empire
  • Changed inner water areas to use Empire Water tileset
  • Changed Wooden Bridges to Empire Granite Bridges
  • Changed Artefacts of Greater Sin back to Artefacts of Sin (unintended change)
  • Set Destroyable setting of Empire Gateways to True so they can no longer be captured.


  • Moved the Core of all players closer to the middle of the continent, distance between players is now equal
  • Fortified path between players with Augrum Walls

  • Tweaked central area, now with more building space and gold!

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Upgraded to Unity 5.4.5p5
  • Updated game credits
  • Tutorial videos are now played from a local file rather than streamed
  • Port Forwarding Advice link now takes players to the updated Userecho Article
  • Clicking on the Port Forwarding Advice link will no longer revert the player to the main menu upon return
  • Gold Statues can now be dropped on allied ground and thus transferred into an Ally’s control

Bug Fixes


  • Possessing a Piglet that gets placed into an Oven will no longer soft lock the game
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to seize on startup, this only affects the GOG version


  • Double clicking buttons on the main menu will no longer cause them to disappear


  • Fixed an issue which prevented dynamic battle music from playing


  • An Empire owned tile will no longer appear next to the player’s Dungeon Core on Lagoon (Sandbox)
  • Ghouls now correctly follow necromancers on Snowhope (MPD)
  • Rhaskos’ Dungoen on Hell’s Deep (MPD) is now correctly revealed by Revelation
  • Optional Objective on Hell’s Deep (MPD) now correctly required Rhaskos to be defeated to complete
  • Home Realm can no longer be restarted as intended
  • Incorrect number of Democorns will no longer be present after reloading Ponygrasp (MPD)
  • Volcanic Bridges on Lavafall and Caldera now correctly have lava beneath them instead of Water
  • Reported Map Size should be consistent in all menus now
  • Fixed an exploit which allowed access to locked MPD levels without owning the DLC
  • Fixed map editor placed beast den for a single faction showing black incorrect tooltips


  • Fixed an issue wherre Garrisons in range of a Posession door never activated
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in defences being buffed multiple times by a garrison
  • Prevented tavern getting stuck when a table was deleted.
  • Tavern table now has correct amount of need satisfiers
  • Fixed an issue where Inhibitor’s would no longer be owned by the Empire if the Empire player had a Dungeon Core that was destroyed


  • You can no longer cast a number of Warband associated abilities (Such as Add to Warband or Peaceband) on the Warband icons. Preventing such things as accidentally adding all units to the Peaceband


  • Added handling of units in walls on map load that got there from saving under extreme lag conditions
  • Fixed workers refusing to mine golden rats and piggies
  • Fixed up the frostweaver animsation and prevented the passive ability triggering the hit animation
  • When you mine Walls as a possessed worker, your workers will now correctly claim the tiles
  • Fixed an issue that prevented workers from collecting gold/defence parts
  • Neutral Vampires should no longer die in Prisons


  • Titan Sin Summoning cost increase now also increases the excess Sin Cap to allow late-game summoning after all aspects are researched


  • Prevented Siege shrine effect persisting after level change


  • Alchemy Artefact now correctly works for clients
  • Improved Forge spell reliability in MP for clients
  • Fixed an issue that caused some defences and constructs to never build in MP
  • Fixed Unit mood constantly showing as “Content” for clients

Visual Fixes

  • Fixed the orientation on the Temple Guard’s shield
  • Corrected an issue that caused some parts of the Archons neck to be split
  • Evil Arcane Portcullis is no longer incorrectly rotated
  • Fixed a number of broken team colour instances on Theme ceilings
  • Possession door projector added
  • Fixed rotated tile in mira theme water
  • Fixed founders theme core floating
  • Fixed projector wall not being the right size when building aureate monolith
  • Removed red tiles in Empire Sanctuary
  • Ally & Enemy Titan canceled icon improvements
  • Fixed golden statues returning to their original after save & load
  • Fixed Canceling selection of a min. 3x3 room leaves a blue mark in prop place
  • Prevented an issue which could cause the menu to animate off of the screen
  • Adjusted team colouring for Dwarf floor tile


  • Numerous Text & Translation fixes


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest Greetings Underlord,

As part of the unleashing the huge undertaking of supporting an entirely new language we’ve developed a large number of fixes and improvements to your game! Want to know more about the aforementioned language? Read here! Otherwise, read on for all the awesome changes that have come in Patch 1.6.4!

Chinese Language Support

As of today War for the Overworld is now available in Traditional and Simplified Chinese, you can read our full announcement here.

Special Worker Skin - Dragon Worker

To celebrate the Chinese release we’ve unleashed a special worker skin upon the world.

The Dragon Worker has a very special unlock condition, upon logging into the game between now and Chinese New Year (In February) you will be treated to a special achievement and find the new worker already available in game.

Should you miss this window it will be available again every Chinese New Year!

New Maps

Once again we’re introducing a number of new maps all loving crafted by our excellent team of volunteer QA members. As always a huge thank you to them for their time and efforts, be sure to give them a pat on the back if you see them.

Localisation & Community Translations

  • Cutscenes now showing subtitles on all cinematics
  • Improved reliability of game loading into the correct language

Performance Optimisations

We’ve implemented a number of significant performance optimisations which should greatly enhance game experience, especially on lower end GPUs. We’re really pleased with these improvements and of course we’ll continue to keep seeking opportunities to further improve the performance of the game.

  • Numerous Performance Optimisations with up to 25% increased FPS and reduced stutter:
    • Implemented a new deferred renderer
    • Optimised Unit Shields
    • Improved Minimap Performance
    • Refactored a number of older scripts for to improve performance in newer Unity versions
    • Improved Animations to reduce memory & rendering load
    • Improved Floating Emoticon performance
    • Optimised dynamic battle music performance
    • General pathfinding performance improvements
  • Huge vaults now build and destroy much faster

Sound Changes

  • Vastly improved battle music system to improve reactivity in combat
  • Sound Effects volume slider now affects more sounds
  • Spirits now play an appropriate death sound
  • Added an attack sound to the Archon
  • Improved Audio Levels during cutscenes

Visual Changes

  • Piggy Projectiles in the tavern are now appropriately flambeed
  • Improved image quality of Floating Emoticons and Unit Shields
  • Improved Animations when units eat piglets in the Slaughterpen
  • Added a new Kasita Hand and Pickaxe
  • Improved Cutscene Quality
  • Added Warden Work Animation
  • Added VFX on Juggernaut Work
  • Traing dummys in the Barracks are now more reactive to hits
  • Improved menu transitions
  • Improved visuals on the Wormhole potion
  • Brightened the Walls, Floor and Tiles of the Mira theme to bring them in line with the rest of the theme
  • Improved Alchemy Lab lights
  • Updated the main menu
  • Chunders now play work animation
  • Skarg plays sleep animation
  • Fixed brightness of the campaign map
  • Realigned torture chamber vfx

Multiplayer Changes

  • The minimum character limit for creating a lobby in Multiplayer has been reduced to 1

Level Changes

Lockshackle (My Pet Dungeon)

  • Beasts will no longer become angry on this level

Skirmish Maps


  • Replaced Artefacts of Greater Sin with Artefacts of Sin


  • Added extra outer defenses for the Empire
  • Changed inner water areas to use Empire Water tileset
  • Changed Wooden Bridges to Empire Granite Bridges
  • Changed Artefacts of Greater Sin back to Artefacts of Sin (unintended change)
  • Set Destroyable setting of Empire Gateways to True so they can no longer be captured.


  • Moved the Core of all players closer to the middle of the continent, distance between players is now equal
  • Fortified path between players with Augrum Walls

  • Tweaked central area, now with more building space and gold!

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Upgraded to Unity 5.4.5p5
  • Updated game credits
  • Tutorial videos are now played from a local file rather than streamed
  • Port Forwarding Advice link now takes players to the updated Userecho Article
  • Clicking on the Port Forwarding Advice link will no longer revert the player to the main menu upon return
  • Gold Statues can now be dropped on allied ground and thus transferred into an Ally’s control

Bug Fixes


  • Possessing a Piglet that gets placed into an Oven will no longer soft lock the game
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to seize on startup, this only affects the GOG version


  • Double clicking buttons on the main menu will no longer cause them to disappear


  • Fixed an issue which prevented dynamic battle music from playing


  • An Empire owned tile will no longer appear next to the player’s Dungeon Core on Lagoon (Sandbox)
  • Ghouls now correctly follow necromancers on Snowhope (MPD)
  • Rhaskos’ Dungoen on Hell’s Deep (MPD) is now correctly revealed by Revelation
  • Optional Objective on Hell’s Deep (MPD) now correctly required Rhaskos to be defeated to complete
  • Home Realm can no longer be restarted as intended
  • Incorrect number of Democorns will no longer be present after reloading Ponygrasp (MPD)
  • Volcanic Bridges on Lavafall and Caldera now correctly have lava beneath them instead of Water
  • Reported Map Size should be consistent in all menus now
  • Fixed an exploit which allowed access to locked MPD levels without owning the DLC
  • Fixed map editor placed beast den for a single faction showing black incorrect tooltips


  • Fixed an issue wherre Garrisons in range of a Posession door never activated
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in defences being buffed multiple times by a garrison
  • Prevented tavern getting stuck when a table was deleted.
  • Tavern table now has correct amount of need satisfiers
  • Fixed an issue where Inhibitor’s would no longer be owned by the Empire if the Empire player had a Dungeon Core that was destroyed


  • You can no longer cast a number of Warband associated abilities (Such as Add to Warband or Peaceband) on the Warband icons. Preventing such things as accidentally adding all units to the Peaceband


  • Added handling of units in walls on map load that got there from saving under extreme lag conditions
  • Fixed workers refusing to mine golden rats and piggies
  • Fixed up the frostweaver animsation and prevented the passive ability triggering the hit animation
  • When you mine Walls as a possessed worker, your workers will now correctly claim the tiles
  • Fixed an issue that prevented workers from collecting gold/defence parts
  • Neutral Vampires should no longer die in Prisons


  • Titan Sin Summoning cost increase now also increases the excess Sin Cap to allow late-game summoning after all aspects are researched


  • Prevented Siege shrine effect persisting after level change


  • Alchemy Artefact now correctly works for clients
  • Improved Forge spell reliability in MP for clients
  • Fixed an issue that caused some defences and constructs to never build in MP
  • Fixed Unit mood constantly showing as “Content” for clients

Visual Fixes

  • Fixed the orientation on the Temple Guard’s shield
  • Corrected an issue that caused some parts of the Archons neck to be split
  • Evil Arcane Portcullis is no longer incorrectly rotated
  • Fixed a number of broken team colour instances on Theme ceilings
  • Possession door projector added
  • Fixed rotated tile in mira theme water
  • Fixed founders theme core floating
  • Fixed projector wall not being the right size when building aureate monolith
  • Removed red tiles in Empire Sanctuary
  • Ally & Enemy Titan canceled icon improvements
  • Fixed golden statues returning to their original after save & load
  • Fixed Canceling selection of a min. 3x3 room leaves a blue mark in prop place
  • Prevented an issue which could cause the menu to animate off of the screen
  • Adjusted team colouring for Dwarf floor tile


  • Numerous Text & Translation fixes


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

We have a short and sudden announcement today regarding the pricing of War for the Overworld for several regions around the world, as well as our pricing strategy moving forward. This is all part of our continuing efforts to be as transparent as possible in our business practises, and should in no way reflect on any company other than ourselves.

We’re making this announcement today to make it clear why certain actions are being taken and because we didn’t want you, our customers, to be caught off guard.

What’s This All About?

As you may be aware, regional prices on Steam are advised by Valve, and yesterday we received an email informing us that they had updated their pricing matrix.

The changes have introduced several new currencies into Steam’s systems to offer a better customer experience for these regions. They have also adjusted existing prices to better reflect the strength of those currencies against the US dollar, and the local purchasing power of those regions. As such, with the exception of the USD, which prices are based off, and the Euro, which remains unchanged, all other currencies in the matrix now have new advised values. Items have either increased or decreased in price from their current standings, in most cases by relatively minor amounts.

As this is the first major change to advised regional pricings for many years, we have considered the advised changes carefully, weighing up the repercussions for both ourselves and our customers. We’ve considered how this works into our continued support of WFTO and our future as a company, as well as how it may affect your lives.

From this careful deliberation we have decided not to follow the advised changes to the letter. Rather, we will only be adopting the advised prices where the relative cost of the game in local currencies has decreased compared to previous values. We will not be increasing the price of the game for any region.

Why No Increase?

As a business we recognise the need to maintain appropriate levels of pricing, as the strengths of various currencies and buying powers across the world fluctuate; the advice offered by Valve in this regard is both appropriate and fair.

It is a fact that many economies are in very different positions to where they were years ago, when these prices last changed, and that in most cases the price of video games has not risen in line with inflation, despite increasing development costs. Simply put, Valve’s advice is something that we expect many publishers to follow, and we believe that for the good of the industry this is a sensible action.

With that said, Valve also advised developers to “always do what’s best for your players”, and this is something that resonates strongly with us. As a team of not just dedicated developers but also gamers and consumers, we want to ensure that the game can continue to reach a wide audience who will enjoy it for years to come.

As a British-based developer, we know firsthand what it’s like to live in a country where the economy is in flux due to recent political changes; we know what it’s like to feel the squeeze of a currency weakening, and we don’t want that to be a barrier to the enjoyment of our games.

Furthermore, we do not wish latecomers to feel as though they are punished, especially as WFTO is now an ageing game - one which is still supported and developed, but ageing nonetheless. We do not believe it would be as fair on those affected by price increases as it might be for a new title.

We also believe in pricing our products based on our perception of what is fair for the work we’ve dedicated to them, and for now we do not feel that there is a need to increase any prices to achieve this.

The Future

With all this said and done, we plan to review our pricing at least once a year, and we can’t say what will happen when we do so. We cannot rightly say that price increases will be off the table if we feel they are appropriate, though they will always be carefully considered; and regardless of any changes, we’ll be sure to inform you appropriately. Rest assured that we would never ever increase the price of any of our products without giving you a window of warning.

It should also go without saying that we will of course follow Valve’s guidelines for any future titles, and as such you can expect the next expansion to use the advised pricing structure. But as always we will aim to ensure that our prices are not only fair for our team but also our fans.

And of course we’re always happy to receive feedback from you on any of these matters. It’s important to us that you feel your voice is heard, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch through any of our channels. Now, after that incredible wall of text, here’s the nitty-gritty of the changes:

Reduced Regional Prices

The pricing of all WFTO products in the following currencies has been reduced to reflect the new pricing matrix. We have submitted the pricing changes and expect them to be approved by Valve within the next few days, so if you're amongst the following currencies keep your eyes peeled for reduced prices in the near future.

Edit: These changes have been approved by valve now and should be live.

  • Indonesian Rupiah
  • Malaysian Ringgit
  • Philippine Peso
  • Singapore Dollar
  • Thai Baht
  • Korean Won
  • Indian Rupee
  • Chilean Peso
  • Peruvian Nuevo Sol
  • Colombian Peso
  • South African Rand
  • Hong Kong Dollar
  • Taiwanese Dollar
  • Saudi Arabian Riyal
  • Emirati Dirham
  • CIS Territories USD Regional Price

New Currencies

The following local currencies are now supported by Steam, and as such these regions have new prices in line with the pricing matrix. As above we have submitted the changes to allow these currencies and expect them to be approved in the coming days and weeks. The actual time will depend on Steam of course.

Edit: These changes have been approved by valve now and should be live. However we can not confirm this and if you do not see your currency it is likely that Valve has not officially launched them yet and may be waiting for more developers. If that's the case there's no timescale for the launch but we'd certainly expect them this year, probably in the coming weeks.

  • Vietnamese Dong
  • Ukrainian Hryvnia
  • Australian Dollar
  • Polish Zloty
  • Argentine Peso
  • Israeli New Shekel
  • Kazakhstani Tenge
  • Kuwaiti Dinar
  • Qatari Rial
  • Costa Rican Colon
  • Uruguayan Peso


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

We have a short and sudden announcement today regarding the pricing of War for the Overworld for several regions around the world, as well as our pricing strategy moving forward. This is all part of our continuing efforts to be as transparent as possible in our business practises, and should in no way reflect on any company other than ourselves.

We’re making this announcement today to make it clear why certain actions are being taken and because we didn’t want you, our customers, to be caught off guard.

What’s This All About?

As you may be aware, regional prices on Steam are advised by Valve, and yesterday we received an email informing us that they had updated their pricing matrix.

The changes have introduced several new currencies into Steam’s systems to offer a better customer experience for these regions. They have also adjusted existing prices to better reflect the strength of those currencies against the US dollar, and the local purchasing power of those regions. As such, with the exception of the USD, which prices are based off, and the Euro, which remains unchanged, all other currencies in the matrix now have new advised values. Items have either increased or decreased in price from their current standings, in most cases by relatively minor amounts.

As this is the first major change to advised regional pricings for many years, we have considered the advised changes carefully, weighing up the repercussions for both ourselves and our customers. We’ve considered how this works into our continued support of WFTO and our future as a company, as well as how it may affect your lives.

From this careful deliberation we have decided not to follow the advised changes to the letter. Rather, we will only be adopting the advised prices where the relative cost of the game in local currencies has decreased compared to previous values. We will not be increasing the price of the game for any region.

Why No Increase?

As a business we recognise the need to maintain appropriate levels of pricing, as the strengths of various currencies and buying powers across the world fluctuate; the advice offered by Valve in this regard is both appropriate and fair.

It is a fact that many economies are in very different positions to where they were years ago, when these prices last changed, and that in most cases the price of video games has not risen in line with inflation, despite increasing development costs. Simply put, Valve’s advice is something that we expect many publishers to follow, and we believe that for the good of the industry this is a sensible action.

With that said, Valve also advised developers to “always do what’s best for your players”, and this is something that resonates strongly with us. As a team of not just dedicated developers but also gamers and consumers, we want to ensure that the game can continue to reach a wide audience who will enjoy it for years to come.

As a British-based developer, we know firsthand what it’s like to live in a country where the economy is in flux due to recent political changes; we know what it’s like to feel the squeeze of a currency weakening, and we don’t want that to be a barrier to the enjoyment of our games.

Furthermore, we do not wish latecomers to feel as though they are punished, especially as WFTO is now an ageing game - one which is still supported and developed, but ageing nonetheless. We do not believe it would be as fair on those affected by price increases as it might be for a new title.

We also believe in pricing our products based on our perception of what is fair for the work we’ve dedicated to them, and for now we do not feel that there is a need to increase any prices to achieve this.

The Future

With all this said and done, we plan to review our pricing at least once a year, and we can’t say what will happen when we do so. We cannot rightly say that price increases will be off the table if we feel they are appropriate, though they will always be carefully considered; and regardless of any changes, we’ll be sure to inform you appropriately. Rest assured that we would never ever increase the price of any of our products without giving you a window of warning.

It should also go without saying that we will of course follow Valve’s guidelines for any future titles, and as such you can expect the next expansion to use the advised pricing structure. But as always we will aim to ensure that our prices are not only fair for our team but also our fans.

And of course we’re always happy to receive feedback from you on any of these matters. It’s important to us that you feel your voice is heard, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch through any of our channels. Now, after that incredible wall of text, here’s the nitty-gritty of the changes:

Reduced Regional Prices

The pricing of all WFTO products in the following currencies has been reduced to reflect the new pricing matrix. We have submitted the pricing changes and expect them to be approved by Valve within the next few days, so if you're amongst the following currencies keep your eyes peeled for reduced prices in the near future.

Edit: These changes have been approved by valve now and should be live.

  • Indonesian Rupiah
  • Malaysian Ringgit
  • Philippine Peso
  • Singapore Dollar
  • Thai Baht
  • Korean Won
  • Indian Rupee
  • Chilean Peso
  • Peruvian Nuevo Sol
  • Colombian Peso
  • South African Rand
  • Hong Kong Dollar
  • Taiwanese Dollar
  • Saudi Arabian Riyal
  • Emirati Dirham
  • CIS Territories USD Regional Price

New Currencies

The following local currencies are now supported by Steam, and as such these regions have new prices in line with the pricing matrix. As above we have submitted the changes to allow these currencies and expect them to be approved in the coming days and weeks. The actual time will depend on Steam of course.

Edit: These changes have been approved by valve now and should be live. However we can not confirm this and if you do not see your currency it is likely that Valve has not officially launched them yet and may be waiting for more developers. If that's the case there's no timescale for the launch but we'd certainly expect them this year, probably in the coming weeks.

  • Vietnamese Dong
  • Ukrainian Hryvnia
  • Australian Dollar
  • Polish Zloty
  • Argentine Peso
  • Israeli New Shekel
  • Kazakhstani Tenge
  • Kuwaiti Dinar
  • Qatari Rial
  • Costa Rican Colon
  • Uruguayan Peso


– Brightrock Games Team

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