Verdun - Blazy013
The time is finally here...Verdun is receiving a massive FREE EXPANSION!
Not only are American and Belgian squads being added to the game, there are also new German soldiers, a whole new night region called Champagne, horrendous gore, a new Co-op game mode, animations upgrade and over 40 new weapons, along with new abilities and additional equipment.

Check out the new trailer here:

With this expansion we offer more diverse historical battles in an immersive environment. Soldiers are confronted with more WW1 situations such as fighting during the night, offensive battles, more varied squads and a host of new weaponry that calls for careful tactical maneuvering. The realistic WW1 atmosphere has been strengthened with a new animation blending system, dismemberments, more blood, more corpses and a whole new region; Champagne.

This expansion was promised from the release and we all hope it was worth waiting for… Enjoy, let’s meet in the trenches!

PS The developers will be streaming their movements through the trenches via Steam and upcoming Saturday (March 26) at 3PM EST/ 8PM GMT.

PPS For more details check the changelog
Verdun - Blazy013
The time is finally here...Verdun is receiving a massive FREE EXPANSION!
Not only are American and Belgian squads being added to the game, there are also new German soldiers, a whole new night region called Champagne, horrendous gore, a new Co-op game mode, animations upgrade and over 40 new weapons, along with new abilities and additional equipment.

Check out the new trailer here:

With this expansion we offer more diverse historical battles in an immersive environment. Soldiers are confronted with more WW1 situations such as fighting during the night, offensive battles, more varied squads and a host of new weaponry that calls for careful tactical maneuvering. The realistic WW1 atmosphere has been strengthened with a new animation blending system, dismemberments, more blood, more corpses and a whole new region; Champagne.

This expansion was promised from the release and we all hope it was worth waiting for… Enjoy, let’s meet in the trenches!

PS The developers will be streaming their movements through the trenches via Steam and upcoming Saturday (March 26) at 3PM EST/ 8PM GMT.

PPS For more details check the changelog
Mar 13, 2016
Verdun - Leo
Welcome back to another Brief Verdun Community Development Update. We are working very hard on the launch of the upcoming expansion pack, 10 days remain!

This week we’d like to show once more the US Marine squad in game. The focus of the marines ingame will be brutal weapons such as the m1897 trench gun and the m1903 springfield as well white phosphorus strikes.

A U.S marine squad taking cover behind a knocked-out FT-17 tank on the Marne. Note the use of the American 30-06 springfield and chauchat. The officer can be seen wearing an overseas cap

More Champagne
The last few weeks have seen testing on the champagne map where we polished the gameplay and glitches. The map has proven itself to be quite different from the other maps in terms of gameplay already with a much greater focus on defensive teamwork (holding off all the communication trenches) and close quarters.

Overview of the vast, deep trench network constructed on the champagne front. The whole terrain has a gentle sloped curve and is modeled after an actual location on the champagen front.

One of the nicer parts of the map is the destroyed forest. Which has several unfinished and shallow trenches, in contrast with the deeper trenches in the German sector.

The gore system was quite a tough nut to crack and we’ve been developing it for quite some time now. The dismemberment system has come a long way since the first version, as well as the new blood system. In the past few weeks we’ve been polishing it and will be universal next week.

We’ve also expanded the system to become more dynamic, not all soldiers die instantly, some who have lost limbs remain…

The dismemberment system in action, soldiers who are not instantly killed remain on the field, crying out.

All of these elements add to the immersion of the game, making the game less ‘clean’ and shows more of the hardship and reality of the trench war.

Screenshots of the Week

“Canadians assault a trench, Artois, 1915”

That will be all for this week. Be sure to check in next week for more information and media about the upcoming content update. In the meanwhile sign up here.
Mar 13, 2016
Verdun - Leo
Welcome back to another Brief Verdun Community Development Update. We are working very hard on the launch of the upcoming expansion pack, 10 days remain!

This week we’d like to show once more the US Marine squad in game. The focus of the marines ingame will be brutal weapons such as the m1897 trench gun and the m1903 springfield as well white phosphorus strikes.

A U.S marine squad taking cover behind a knocked-out FT-17 tank on the Marne. Note the use of the American 30-06 springfield and chauchat. The officer can be seen wearing an overseas cap

More Champagne
The last few weeks have seen testing on the champagne map where we polished the gameplay and glitches. The map has proven itself to be quite different from the other maps in terms of gameplay already with a much greater focus on defensive teamwork (holding off all the communication trenches) and close quarters.

Overview of the vast, deep trench network constructed on the champagne front. The whole terrain has a gentle sloped curve and is modeled after an actual location on the champagen front.

One of the nicer parts of the map is the destroyed forest. Which has several unfinished and shallow trenches, in contrast with the deeper trenches in the German sector.

The gore system was quite a tough nut to crack and we’ve been developing it for quite some time now. The dismemberment system has come a long way since the first version, as well as the new blood system. In the past few weeks we’ve been polishing it and will be universal next week.

We’ve also expanded the system to become more dynamic, not all soldiers die instantly, some who have lost limbs remain…

The dismemberment system in action, soldiers who are not instantly killed remain on the field, crying out.

All of these elements add to the immersion of the game, making the game less ‘clean’ and shows more of the hardship and reality of the trench war.

Screenshots of the Week

“Canadians assault a trench, Artois, 1915”

That will be all for this week. Be sure to check in next week for more information and media about the upcoming content update. In the meanwhile sign up here.
Verdun - Blazy013
The free expansion of Verdun is scheduled for release on the 23rd of March!

This expansion will include a new map, a new game mode, new squads, new weaponry, new animations, night battles, and… many more! So save the date and make sure to attend a whole new WW1 Verdun experience on the 23rd. Ooh and don’t worry, we will continue teasing you in the meantime…

For those that haven’t got a hold of a Verdun Steam key yet, be sure to participate in our Verdun centenary activities. There are just a few more days left. More information about these activities can be found here:
Verdun - Blazy013
The free expansion of Verdun is scheduled for release on the 23rd of March!

This expansion will include a new map, a new game mode, new squads, new weaponry, new animations, night battles, and… many more! So save the date and make sure to attend a whole new WW1 Verdun experience on the 23rd. Ooh and don’t worry, we will continue teasing you in the meantime…

For those that haven’t got a hold of a Verdun Steam key yet, be sure to participate in our Verdun centenary activities. There are just a few more days left. More information about these activities can be found here:
Feb 26, 2016
Verdun - Leo
Welcome back to another Brief Verdun Community Development Update. Behind the scenes we are still very busy and on track with the upcoming expansion pack.

Test build
We’d still like to invite you to join up and experience the awesome new content. Sign up for the testing group here. Upon joining the test group, we issue game keys for the installation of the testing build, upon downloading you can then provide feedback within the group itself. The testing is done using a separate game build, so you can still play the current live build when testing is quiet.

This week one more teaser from the new gamemode that will be part of the content update:

"Fighting off waves of Ai enemies with your squad in, here a large number of “Poilu” crosses the green fields of the aisne towards our ditch-turned defensive position. Also in view, the new scope visuals"

On the Champagne front
We’d like to share more teasing material of the upcoming ‘champagne’ map with you. We put quite a lot of effort in making this map different from the others. One of the aspecs is that there is a lot more ways to flank enemies inside of their own trench lines. Melee weapons will be more powerful and surprise tactics possible.

"Nocturnal allied trench raid in the champagne sector. The night map will feature plenty of dark corners to hide in and sneak upon the enemies."

Screenshots of the Week

“Carnage on the western front, 1915”

That will be all for this week. Be sure to check in next week for more information and media about the upcoming content update. In the meanwhile sign up here.
Feb 26, 2016
Verdun - Leo
Welcome back to another Brief Verdun Community Development Update. Behind the scenes we are still very busy and on track with the upcoming expansion pack.

Test build
We’d still like to invite you to join up and experience the awesome new content. Sign up for the testing group here. Upon joining the test group, we issue game keys for the installation of the testing build, upon downloading you can then provide feedback within the group itself. The testing is done using a separate game build, so you can still play the current live build when testing is quiet.

This week one more teaser from the new gamemode that will be part of the content update:

"Fighting off waves of Ai enemies with your squad in, here a large number of “Poilu” crosses the green fields of the aisne towards our ditch-turned defensive position. Also in view, the new scope visuals"

On the Champagne front
We’d like to share more teasing material of the upcoming ‘champagne’ map with you. We put quite a lot of effort in making this map different from the others. One of the aspecs is that there is a lot more ways to flank enemies inside of their own trench lines. Melee weapons will be more powerful and surprise tactics possible.

"Nocturnal allied trench raid in the champagne sector. The night map will feature plenty of dark corners to hide in and sneak upon the enemies."

Screenshots of the Week

“Carnage on the western front, 1915”

That will be all for this week. Be sure to check in next week for more information and media about the upcoming content update. In the meanwhile sign up here.
Feb 21, 2016
Verdun - M2H_Matt
Today it is exactly 100 years since the Battle of Verdun took place (February 21 1916 -December 18 1916). One of the longest and most costly battles in human history with over 300 days and 300 nights of fighting and more than 976,000 casualties. It’s time we look back to this horrendous war, honour the fallen and remind ourselves to have respect for humanity.

Read more about the Battle of Verdun here:
Remember the lost ones, share on social media one of the #WeShallRemember images

We will also be gifting 300 Steam key’s, make sure to share our Verdun Centenary post #WeShallRemember within 300 hours.
Feb 21, 2016
Verdun - M2H_Matt
Today it is exactly 100 years since the Battle of Verdun took place (February 21 1916 -December 18 1916). One of the longest and most costly battles in human history with over 300 days and 300 nights of fighting and more than 976,000 casualties. It’s time we look back to this horrendous war, honour the fallen and remind ourselves to have respect for humanity.

Read more about the Battle of Verdun here:
Remember the lost ones, share on social media one of the #WeShallRemember images

We will also be gifting 300 Steam key’s, make sure to share our Verdun Centenary post #WeShallRemember within 300 hours.