Sep 28, 2020
Left 4 Dead
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Reoriented some of the new HUD images - Updated several nav meshes based on feedback - Fixed a bug where a door model was lacking prop data - Fixed spontaneous muzzle flashes on certain rifles when playing online - Adjusted knife's attack delay - Fixed c10m3 versus survival tank spawn issue - Fixed stuck spots on a few survival maps - Various other fixes to the nav mesh from feedback - Fixed a typo in one of the new shotgun sounds - Fixed material sorting issues with skin mods on Molotov world model Achievements: - Only award "Fat Ninja" for a direct vomit attack, not a boomer explosion. - Fixed "Golden Freeman" not awarding pickups on dedicated servers. - Award survival medals to the entire team, including dead players. - Fixed "The Big Ten" and "Supreme Survivalist" not unlocking on dedicated servers. - Only award "The Last Frontier" on the Last Stand campaign. - Don't award Survival achievements in Versus Survival and vice-versa Survival: - Waterfront - Removed cars outside the playable area to prevent infected from getting stuck. - Generator Room - Increased ZombieDiscardRange. - Church - Removed Laser Sights. - Streets - Swapped the Military Sniper and the Ammo Pile spawns around. - Warehouse - Removed mortar bags from under some stairs. - Cold Stream Junkyard - Removed Laser Sights. Versus Survival: - Made it so the plane crash will trigger if the countdown timer reaches 0 on Runway. - The Save 4 Less store door will now open when the timer reaches 0 on Gun Store. - The alarmed door will now open when the timer reaches 0 on Warehouse. Tank Run: - Updated finales so rescue timer won't appear in Scavenge finales (you need to collect all the gas cans). - Fixed The Sacrifice finale not working properly. - Two Tanks will now spawn at once during the non-Scavenge finales.
Sep 26, 2020
Left 4 Dead
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed some materials and models that were causing errors in workshop content. - Reduced CS weapon spawn chance. - Safe room intros will now continue regardless if anyone leaves the safe room. - Fixed some witch call-outs - Lit Bill's cigarette Last Stand Junkyard - Reduced intensity of horde spawned from generators. - Versus Mode: Added an ammo pile near the mechanic shop. - Versus Mode: Added a fire axe spawn to the safe room. Last Stand Lighthouse - Reduced intensity of horde during the Scavenge event.
Sep 25, 2020
Left 4 Dead
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed voice data overflow on servers. - Fixed carried prop collision to not interfere with bot movement. - Fixed laser-sighted weapon spawn exploit in the gun shop. - Reduced some ambient dialog frequency.
Sep 25, 2020
Left 4 Dead
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Prevent a server crash when using voice chat. - Prevent gas can tunneling. - Fixed an animation bug with weapon melee. - Updated localizations - Updated Rocket Dude mutation.
Left 4 Dead
The Last Stand Community Update has been released! Visit for all of the details. Summary of the more than 1000 changes across the entire game: - Fixed an exploit that could lag or crash a server by spawning infinite pistols. - Rate-limit commands to prevent client command DOS attacks against servers. - Fixed the ability to bypass the damage filter on the gas station's rolling door by going idle. - Fixed avoiding damage from the charger by toggling in/out of idle while being body slammed. - Fixed clearing the boomer screenspace effect by taking a break. - Fix griefing exploit where a survivor would fire the grenade launcher and then switch to spectator to skip the friendly-fire check - Record the team of a vote caller at the time the vote is called, so if the caller disconnects the other players can still have their votes checked against the caller's team. Fixes team-based votes locking out new voters if the caller disconnects. - Build a map load command on the server instead of directly executing the command that's received as part of the server reservation packet. Fixed potential server takeover exploit. - Fixed SI ghosts playing jump landing sounds - Prevent players from joining the survivor team as a character already occupied by a human player. - Marked "voice_all_icons" (used for testing) as a cheat command. Clear the voice state whenever the value changes so voice bubbles don't stay visible when switching between cheat enabled/disabled games. - Marked cl_survivor_light_* cvars as cheats. - Made survivor_teammatefocus_* convars replicated, so they can still be used as a legitimate way to play but are forced to be consistent for all clients. - Removed a three-second window where an infected player could force a faster transition from the observer state to the ghost state by pressing a key. - Don't spam open/close door client commands while the door is in the process of opening or closing. - Fixed spawn areas permanently excluded from spawn set when a survivor dies, idles, or changes character. - Fixed mobs unable to spawn if survivors stand in specific areas during a finale. - Always restore the default pain pills decay rate when the director resets. - Fixed the L4D1 survivor gestures not playing on dedicated servers. - Allow SI to destroy breakables in finale areas during survival and scavenge modes once the round begins. - Fixed breakables sometimes failing to unblock the nav when they break. - Don't stumble the charger if the charge attack starts while already in contact with the victim. - Fixed L4D1 survivors not selecting their canonical preferred weapons when scavenging. - Allow survivors to pick up ammo while fighting a tank or in close combat if they are less than 40% full. - Bots will use pills only if health < 50 - Bots consider health to be critical at < 30 (was 40). This means real health must be < 5 before a bot will use first-aid over a full temp health buffer. - Fixed a few cases where specials may choose to wait in an ambush position when the game mode says they should be assaulting the survivors - If a chase path that's trying to lead the target fails, fall back to a non-leading path. Leading paths that run off a cliff aren't always handled properly and can cause the target to be treated as unreachable. - Revised the logic for fitting both tank and witch spawn locations into the flow. Previously they would frequently collide and the witch would get culled; now they should always find some combination of spawn locations that fit the within the map constraints. - Fixed the director's "arc value" not always handling campaigns shorter than five maps correctly. - Allow competitive achievements (versus, scavenge) to also be earned in Versus Survival. - Incapped survivors are counted as escaped if they're in the rescue vehicle. - Enabled CS weapons for all players - Viewmodels use the skin value of the world pickup model, same as gas cans. - When a weapon is holstered, transfer the current skin to the addon model. - Clear the viewmodel fire layer when performing a melee attack to fix the stuck helping hand bug. - Fixed the mp5's melee shove canceling its reload animation. - Turned on boomer gibs by default, except in low violence mode. - Restored burn skins for infected - Fixed witch kills getting recorded as common zombie kills in the stats. - Increased "ammo_shotgun_max" from 56 to 72 - Removed "Single Player" option from the main menu carousel. - Enabled the "Private Game" option in lobby permissions. - Added a rematch vote to the end of versus survival matches. - Fixed voice chat not working in lobbies. - No vote cooldown in singleplayer modes - Allow "Change all-talk" vote in versus survival mode. - cl_downloadfilter defaults to "none" - Fixed genericpanellist not drawing panels when they extended beyond both the top and bottom of the frame. - Suppress warnings about func_orator not having a model AND MORE - Hundreds of fixes and tweaks to animations, models, dialog, map layouts and exploits. SCRIPTING AND MODDING - CHANGES - Run mapspawn_addon.nut for all active addons after the base version runs. - Run scriptedmode_addon.nut and director_base_addon.nut for all active addons after the base version runs. - Support for new population file overrides for the base game mode. So the load order is now "population.txt", "population_.txt", "population_.txt", which each script optionally overriding place definitions from the previous files. - Any time the addon load order changes, both the director and the nav mesh immediately refresh their population data. Fixes campaigns using the wrong populations and errors from precaching the wrong models. - Func_nav_attribute_region and point_nav_attribute_region will remove attributes if the spawn key "remove_attributes" is set to true. - Allow scripts to force the witch bride spawn, regardless of the variant setting - "InterceptChat" can return false to prevent sending the message to other clients. - "DamageType" field of "ScriptAllowDamage" is now read/write, so it can be used to change the damage type. - Fixed being unable to create subdirectories in /left4dead2/ems - New game event "player_left_safe_area", called every time the first survivor leaves the start area regardless of map number, restarts, etc. - Added the userid of the offending player to "triggered_car_alarm" game event. - Fixed script funcs SetContext and SetContextNum not recognizing that a duration of zero means 'forever'. To avoid breaking existing scripts, the 'forever' parameter is now -1. - Track convars set from script so they can be reverted when the session ends. - New gender "police", can spawn & drop tonfas like the riot control commons, but doesn't have the protective gear. - Added a new keyfield "weaponskin" to item and weapon spawners to set the skin of the spawned item or weapon. Supported by "weapon_item_spawn", "weapon_melee_spawn", "weapon_scavenge_item_spawn". - Removed spurious parenthesis from "ToKVString" and "_tostring" script functions - Director now calls into an optional script function "GetCustomScriptedStageProgress" during FINALE_CUSTOM_SCRIPTED stages. The function should return a value from 0-1 to indicate the completion percentage of the stage. The default time-based completion percentage is passed in as a parameter. - Added weapon spawners and configurable spawner entries for CS weapons. - NEW FUNCTIONS CBaseEntity GetMaxHealth SetMaxHealth GetModelName SetModel( modelname ) CBaseAnimating GetAttachmentBone, Get the named attachement's parent bone index GetAttachmentOrigin, Get the attachment id's origin as vector GetAttachmentAngles, Get the attachment id's angles as p,y,r vector GetBoneOrigin, Get the bone id's origin vector GetBoneAngles, Get the bone id's angles as a p,y,r vector LookupActivity, Get the named activity index LookupBone, Get the named bone index LookupSequence, Looks up a sequence by sequence name or activity name SetSequence, Set a sequence by id ResetSequence, Reset a sequence by id. If the id is different than the current sequence, switch to the new sequence GetSequence, Get the current sequence id GetSequenceActivityName, Get the activity name for a sequence by id GetSequenceName, Get a sequence name by id GetSequenceDuration, Get a sequence duration by id GetBodygroup, Get a bodygroup by id GetBodygroupName, Get the bodygroup id's name FindBodygroupByName, Find a bodygroup id by name GetBodygroupPartName, Get name by group and part SetBodygroup GetModelScale SetModelScale, (scale, change_duration) Changes a model's scale over time SetPoseParameter, (id, value) Sets a pose parameter value CBaseFlex GetCurrentScene, Returns the instance of the oldest active scene entity (if any). GetSceneByIndex, Returns the instance of the scene entity at the specified index. PlayScene, Play the specified .vcd file. LookupAttachment IsSequenceFinished CTerrorPlayer DropItem, Make the player drop an item/weapon SwitchToItem, Make the player switch to an item/weapon SnapEyeAngles, Sets the view angles GiveItemWithSkin( itemname, skin ) CTerrorWeapon GetMaxClip1 GetMaxClip2 GetDefaultClip1 GetDefaultClip2 Clip1 Clip2 SetClip1 SetClip2 GiveDefaultAmmo Reload CDirector GetGameModeBase GetMapName GetSurvivorSet ResponseCriteria GetValue, ( entity, criteriaName ) - returns a string GetTable, ( entity, table ) - returns a table of all criteria HasCriterion, ( entity, criteriaName ) - returns true if the criterion exists CBaseTrigger Disable Enable IsTouching, ( entity ) Global DebugDrawBoxAngles, Draw a debug oriented box (cent, min, max, angles(p,y,r), vRgb, a, duration) ClientPrint, Print a client message PrecacheSound EmitAmbientSoundOn, Play named ambient sound on an entity. StopAmbientSoundOn, Stop named ambient sound on an entity. GetSoundDuration, Returns float duration of the sound. Takes soundname and optional actormodelname. SetFakeClientConVarValue, Sets a USERINFO client ConVar for a fakeclient ScreenShake, Start a screenshake with the following parameters. vecCenter, flAmplitude, flFrequency, flDuration, flRadius, eCommand( SHAKE_START = 0, SHAKE_STOP = 1 ), bAirShake ScreenFade, Start a screenfade with the following parameters. player, red, green, blue, alpha, flFadeTime, flFadeHold, flags PrecacheModel IsModelPrecached IsSoundPrecached IsDedicatedServer GetListenServerHost HasPlayerControlledZombies "AllowFallenSurvivorItem", optionally reject items from spawning on the fallen survivor. ShouldPlayBossMusic - SCRIPT ENTITIES "script_func_button" - spawn a func_button from script via extents. "script_clip_vphysics" - structured the same as other script-based trigger entities. "script_nav_attribute_region" - uses extents instead of brushes. - RESPONSE RULES - Added survivor criteria "InRescueVehicle", set to 1 when the vehicle has arrived and the survivor is inside. - Added "NumberOfTeamAlive", "NumberOfTeamIncapacitated", and "NumberOfTeamDead" to the set of response rules global criteria. - MISSION KEYS - Added a mission key "allow_boss_mix" to the "versus_boss_spawning" block to bypass a restriction on having both a tank and a witch in the first and last maps of a campaign. - Created variant keys to set a different character model HunterVariant SmokerVariant BoomerVariant BoometteVariant SpitterVariant JockeyVariant ChargerVariant WitchVariant
Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead 2: The Last Stand Community Update is shipping September 24th, and we're celebrating with a free weekend!

Grab your friends and tackle the zombie horde in over twenty new survival arenas, four new scavenge arenas, and a campaign based on The Lighthouse survival map. New achievements, melee weapons, animations, dialog, competitive balance adjustments, and other surprises round out this official update for Left 4 Dead 2 created by the community, for the community.

Take a look at the new trailer here.

Left 4 Dead
It has been many years since the infection first hit. Radio silence, no sign of life, nothing but lingering hopes... CEDA is not going to save us. But there is hope! A few brave souls have continued the fight against all odds, and soon we can all benefit from their resilience.

"The Last Stand" is an update for Left 4 Dead 2, created by the community, for the community. Additional details will be coming soon.

Until then, check out the teaser trailer and prepare to make your Last Stand.

Left 4 Dead
An update has been released for the Left 4 Dead 2 Authoring Tools. - Fixed the Workshop Manager failing to display any workshop item with an ID too large to fit into 32 bits.
Apr 26, 2019
Left 4 Dead
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed a potential remote code execution exploit. Reported via HackerOne.
Apr 26, 2019
Left 4 Dead
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead. - Fixed a potential remote code execution exploit. Reported via HackerOne.