All Quiet in the Trenches - Totally Not Aliens
We will be exhibiting All Quiet in the Trenches at the Indie Arena at Gamescom from next week. So with 0.7.3, we are now bringing a few improvements to the battle, as well as the first two tutorial levels, in addition to further bug fixes.

We wish you a continued good experience!

Improvements / Changes:
  • Added a new UI element that shows the danger of rifle fire when changing troop actions or providing cover fire
  • Improved system for determining whether a soldier is on an area or the open field
  • New tasks are now slightly highlighted until you click on them
  • Several balancing and display changes in the tutorial levels

  • Removed the requirement to exceed a certain danger level for cover fire
  • Allowed 'Tactical Movement' in addition to 'Retreat' when flanked
  • Prevented 'panic' when troops are in melee or flank positions (too many sources of error for now)
  • Increased aggressiveness of the French NPC troops in the 'Defence into Attack' battle
  • Some minor NPC behaviour balancing in battles
  • Some minor map adjustments regarding movement paths

  • Improvements to highlight camera
  • Increased turn rates for soldiers by a bit
  • Increased fire rate for suppression and flanking
  • Adjusted rifle fire target positions
  • Added a small trail for rifle fire

  • Changed professions for Kohn and Mencke (we went over the information of all the soldiers, as we are printing small cards with the soldiers for Gamescom)
  • Increased Pedersen starting fitness
  • Hotfix for the possibility of getting stuck when forced to move (we'll think of a better solution at some point)
  • Fixed a rare occasion where NPC troops would get stuck in an area and never move
  • Fixed inability to loot in a specific area
  • Fixed problem where separated soldiers would sometimes be shown in wrong areas
  • Fixed weird camera behaviour when all currently moving soldiers become separated or wounded
  • Fixed display of wrong attributes when troop position changes due to having no active soldiers
  • Fixed grenades sometimes rotate when still hold in hand
  • Fixed new soldiers not appearing in project detail window when acquired via Karrsbruck favor
  • Fixed wrong text when hovering over flanking action
  • Fixed that the tutorial window overlaps the notification for a task
  • Fixed soldier name not being displayed correctly in 'Eating Rats' story (EN)
Once Human - Once Human
Dear Metas,

We received your feedback, and taking into consideration the online sign-up statistics, we've decided to make the Hard PvE scenario, Manibus, available earlier. In the future, we will also arrange scenarios on different difficulty levels according to our players’needs.

For North America, we added
PvE: Voidbringer, Balance, and Hard
Schedule (PDT): Available on August 21, 2024 at 07:30

For Europe, we added
PvE: Voidbringer, Balance, and Hard
Schedule (UTC): Available on August 21, 2024 at 07:30

For Japan, we added
PvE: Voidbringer, Balance, and Hard
Schedule (JST): Available on August 20, 2024 at 07:30

For South Korea, we added
PvE: Voidbringer, Balance, and Hard
Schedule (KST): Available on August 20, 2024 at 07:30

For Southeast Asia, we added
PvE: Voidbringer, Balance, and Hard
Schedule (SGT): Available on August 21, 2024 at 07:30

For Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, we added
PvE: Voidbringer, Balance, and Hard
Schedule (CST): Available on August 20, 2024 at 07:30

There are differences between scenarios on different difficulty levels. Here's a breakdown of how it is.

Compared to the Normal Difficulty, the Manibus and Evolution's Call scenarios on Hard Difficulty differ in these ways:
1. Survival Challenges:
The Pollution Zone in the open world is larger, and all Pollution Zones have significantly higher Contamination.
Players lose Energy and Hydration twice as fast, and the duration of Full Energy and Hydration is shortened.
2. Combat Environments:
Monsters' stats, sensitivity, movement speed, and attack frequency are increased.
The monsters that spawn in the Territory Purification mode will be changed, with the difficulty raised.
3. Rewards:
The number of Starchroms you can obtain within a season is slightly raised (by about 8% to 9%).
①The number of Starchroms you can obtain by completing the seasonal objectives of each chapter is raised by 20%.
②The number of Starchroms you can obtain by purifying Eclipse Cortexes and Chaotic Cortexes is slightly raised (each Whisper Purification reward yields 10 more Starchroms, but the total cap remains unchanged).

*Other than that, the number of Starchroms you can obtain elsewhere remains the same as that on Normal Difficulty.
Typing with Jester - Netnip
Changelog Version 0.2.2 :

  • options menu reworked
  • added resolution selection in options menu
  • additional window mode resolutions added (2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x) (max value based on desktop resolution)
  • added borderless fullscreen to resolutions
  • version number only visible in main menu and options menu
Aug 18
Steel Symphony - Blackout Nearos
- Rapier Missile Damage Type: EMP -> Explosive
- Rapier Missile Velocity: 0.084 -. 0.064
- Ammobliterator Damage: 120 -> 95
Notice: EA Version & Free Trial Version support Chinese languages only. We will try to add more languages in the future.

If you find any bug or have any opinion while playing, please send your feedback here. Thank you!

Solutions to two common problems
Gamepad doesn’t work or some buttons of gamepad don’t work
This game currently only supports Xbox controllers or controllers using XInput. After an update patch is installed, button bindings might be wrong. It shall be corrected by clicking [Reset to the defaults] in the end of [Options][Controls].
Stuck at the loading screen after creating the clan
Time zone is changed by some programs, leading to the failure of creating the save data. Turn off [Set time zone automatically] in system settings, manually switch to another time zone, and switch back to the local time zone once the save data is successfully created.

·新增脱离卡死(ESC 系统选项 脱离卡死)


Aug 18
Crocotile 3D - Ninja Sprout
v.2.4.0 (August 18, 2024)
  • Added: "Backface Culled Vertex Selection" option in Edit > Settings > Edit Mode (Enabled by default). It allows vertices being clickable/draggable if tiles are facing away from camera. If camera-based selection is disabled, vertices are clickable/draggable regardless of the setting.
  • Added: Sine interpolation modes for animation keyframes can now be used. This is useful for a piston style of motion for example.
  • Added: "Edge (strict)" option in the Extrude section of the Transform panel. This option is located in the Edge mode dropdown list. It will make extrusions from edges be more strict and directed perpendicular to the face normal. Though this may cause misaligned vertices due to not averaging the directions between edges.
  • Added: Default keybindings are now shown in Edit > Buttons panel. This should help users restore keybindings to their original values if they want.
  • Added: "Rotate Left Separately" and "Rotate Right Separately" actions in the UVs panel context menu. This will rotate each selected UV part separately and not as a group.
  • Added: "Rotate Left Separately" (Alt+Q) and "Rotate Right Separately" (Alt+E) keybindings available while UVs panel is focused. You can also rebind these actions in the Edit > Buttons panel.
  • Added: "Invert Selection (vertices)" and "Invert Selection (faces)" actions as well as keybindings. You can access these in the Edit mode context-menu under the Vertices and Faces submenus. The bindings can also be set in the Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode panel, and can also be pinned.
  • Improved: How To and Localization pages now can switch quickly between current language being edited and English if you press F8.
  • Fixed: Clicking vertices of backface culled tiles (tiles facing away from camera) wouldn't reposition crosshair if camera-based selection was enabled. "Backface Culled Vertex Selection" setting must also be enabled now (It is enabled by default).
  • Fixed: Vertices weren't draggable from behind (if tiles faces away from camera) if camera-based selection mode was disabled.
  • Fixed: Importing gltf/glb models would cause duplicate tilesets if they already existed in the project.
  • Fixed: Audio files previously loaded would still play if a new scene was loaded.
  • Fixed: "Push Group Against" would push the entire tile if at least one vertex or edge was selected. Now it correctly pushes only what is selected.

Remember to report any bugs you may encounter!

Check the Gallery to see creations by Crocotile users:
Also, there is a Discord server where Crocotile users can chat:
Watch youtube videos demonstration Crocotile 3D: Youtube channel
Consider supporting via Patreon!
Vector Bias Playtest - wiseandevilgames
Mini Bosses added for level 2 (Underground Facility), and level 3 (River)
Aug 18
Run Higher - holy-mask-games

- Play Run Higher
TinkerTech Playtest - dylanpdx
- Fixed several issues related to AIM Blocks
HUNTERS: Uprising - WR | Robin Hood
Update 0.030J - Preview / Default branch
BuildID: 0.030J

Main Changes:
*Hello friends,*
*the time has come and we are finally releasing newest update for the pre-alpha testers to play with and help in testing of course. This update took us longer than we expected but introduces quite a lot of new stuff and is very important for the future of the game. Please do test the build as much as you can and help us find all the bugs and problems that can occur before another big update. Important thing is even balance changes that we will base on your suggestions. So do tell us how you feel about the new systems and if you think they are setup correctly or not! You will find all changes written below as always :)

Technical Changelog:

  • Added currency - money to the game - you can find money in dead zombies, characters or loot boxes
  • Added new inventory UI and new icons
  • Added descriptions for items
  • Added upgrades to the working stations - stash, and crafting stations
  • Added stamina, energy, food and thirst systems (they do work together and affect each other as in real life, make sure you take food and drinks with you to the zone)
  • Added new military locations to the zone
  • Added new road to the military location
  • Added destroyed buildings
  • Added new map to the tablet
  • Added filters to vendors in safe house zone
  • Added buy / sell function
  • Added visual changes to the crafting stations after updates
  • Added Self revive for solo players (if youre playing solo you can revive up to 5 times, every time you revive, your overall health pool declines by 20%)
  • Added loot to all animals (meat)
  • Added secure container
  • Added food / drink system - drinks or food have always number of uses on them and they are random
  • Added new icons for tablet
  • Added magazine system for guns
  • Added bullets / shells for guns
  • Added crafting of poison and fire bullets / shells
  • Added guns, ammo, attachments, food, drinks etc. to the safe house so players can pick
  • Added new river
  • Added new sounds
  • Added decay system to the foliage (during the match in the zone foliage is dying through the whole day, before sundown everything is bleak and dying)
  • Added new hand accesorries
  • Added canted sights system

  • Changed optimizations on AI
  • Changed behaviour of Werewolf - will be a bigger threat
  • Changed shooter behaviours
  • Changed animations for eating / drinking
  • Changed animations for AR / AK guns
  • Changed a lot of car models
  • Changed the look of most of the locations
  • Changed inventory system with stats
  • Changed stamina system
  • Changed roads, bridges in safe house zone

  • Fixed bug with PDA after vaulting
  • Fixed small audio issues
  • Fixed spatial loading and spawning of BOSS AI
  • Fixed PDA bug when no items
  • Fixed AI sliding
  • Fixed small fixes
  • Fixed shooter collisions
  • Overall fixes to the new systems

Known Issues:
  • Flickering of the hand (tied to animation and movement)
  • Tilted camera (jump to fix)