20 ships will be available in stock at 3 pm server time.
Dec 31, 2020
Night of the Dead - jackto
Alpha Hotfix #025

Game patch

Change environment lighting (increase contrast)


Add Graphic Options - Detail Mode
Graphic Optimization - Map resource, building, props
(If you have any issues, please email us at

Amazing Frog? - fayju

!********** NOTE **********!
Amazing Frog? V3 continues it development on this separate app and remains free for owners of Amazing Frog?
!!********END NOTE ********!!

Happy new year! Long time since I wrote one of these... Here is the short version:

On Xmas Day we put a new Amazing Frog? "V3" update out. This was a MASSIVE milestone for us and one that we wish we could have reached sooner. Also, just now, we put another update out with some more UI options better train and car impacts and a bunch of bug fixes.

Now the longer version..

It's taken much more time that we had hoped to get comfortable with "V3" - Or as I now like to call it "Amazing Frog?®" We had worked with V2 ( "Legacy" ) for many years and as some of you may know it was build in a very old version of Unity. We tried for many years to bring the Amazing Frog? Legacy version into newer technologies, alas we never felt we could recapture the essence of the Amazing Frog? gameplay. We came close last year with the "halloween V3 beta" but while preparing the next update for last New Year we just felt there were too many holes and neither Hal or I was comfortable with how it played. So throughout 2020 we started again. (When I say started again Its never really from scratch, but we rebuild and restructure)

We wanted to get the core systems more reliable and scalable and maybe I will talk about that in a future blog like the why of F.A.P.S. Our goal has always been for Amazing Frog? To be an online multiplayer game, but for this to happen the underlying structures of the game needed to support this. It will not be too evident yet how the new underlying systems work in this new version of Amazing Frog? , but it is going to help us massively in further development. The bottom line is that you will now begin to see much more frequent updates as we begin 2021. With more updates I expect I will find more time to write more Blogs (unlike now when it is about to strike midnight at the end of 2020 and I am putting this blog together on my Mac in the kitchen )

So rather than go into too much detail about the how and what of Amazing Frog? I'll just try and answer some of the questions that have come our way.

What about V2 content and save files?
We really had to think of them as separate, the beta last year shared save data with V2 and it just caused too many headaches and issues. These were mainly development problems, but ultimately the biggest reason why they will remain separate is because the saved data historically has been one of the most difficult obstacles to over come when adding new content or more specifically new systems. The way the "skins" work in V2 is not how frog customisation works in the new version where we have items of physical clothing. Also by retaining and supporting legacy saved data from 6 years ago it can impact progressive gameplay in a way that is extremely restrictive to how we can develop new gameplay systems in the future. This is one of the main reasons why they are separate.
 What will be the frequency of Updates?
They should be more frequent now. If you have played the xmas update this year then you will know that although the world is newer many Amazing Frog? "Usuals" are not present yes, there are only the VROG cars no sharks or alligators, no guns. Basically many of the features we need to redesign, rebuild etc. I would say though, just because there are no sharks today doesn't mean they won't be there very soon. So watch out! We really wanted to put something out at Xmas and many things we held back as they require just a bit more work or need more consideration on how we integrate them to gameplay. I will try and announce updates better this year as now we have this first version we can be more organised about it. Sometimes we may just put a small update out, but there will be big updates like flight school or the sewers which I will try and make a song and dance about and other which will be just about items and expansions.
 Are you still going to update V2?
Most likely, yes. We had a bunch of stuff we started for V2 last year and I would like to finish it off.We even had some new costumes but had not completely decided on how you could unlock them, But from this point forward V2 (or Legacy) will not be as high priority as the new version.

Whats the news of other platforms?
I am sorry that I have not made the Mac version yet. I will make one tomorrow and see if it's stable and upload it as soon as possible. After I do this blog hopefully I will be reacquainted with how the Steam Dev portal system works and find a way to post smaller announcements about updates. I haven't had the time yet. Its been annoying how Legacy has not been working on the new OSX software, but Steam Mac version is high on my list. IOS and Android. We get a lot of requests for Android and I did have a version from Legacy back in April, but I could only get it to run in 32bit which made if inferior to the iOS version. I am pretty certain I can pull a mobile device version from what we are working on now, but I need more time as my focus right now is to flood the Steam version with more content and updates. Consoles and whatever - yeah one day but it's a bit out of our reach at the moment as we are still actively developing.

Will There be multiplayer?
Yes Ok? Yes... but not before it's ready and its taking me a me quite some time. We also have lots of other things to implement. It's worth noting, that one of the main reasons for the complete code rewrite this past year was to facilitate Multiplayer at the core. I hate how long its taking me but there you go.

Where is the Day night cycle?

Honestly surprised no one found that.. was doubting we should put it in the game because the zombies were not ready yet.

Happy new year all.  Thanks for being a part of Amazing Frog?

The Wonderful 101: Remastered - PlatinumGames
Happy New Year 2021! We hope you're having a great holiday, and to help make it even greater we're releasing the next Wonderful Code! Enter "ORIGINALHEROES" to unlock three blasts from the past:

  • Wonder Red (Emeritus)
  • Wonder-Future
  • Wonder-Daddy

Check out more Wonderful Codes down below:

Unlocks “Wonder-Bayonetta"

Unlocks "Wonder-Jeanne" and "Wonder-Rodin"

Unlocks "Wonder-Captain", "Wonder-Scarf", and "Wonder-Gramps"

Unlocks "Prince Vorkken", "Chewgi", and "Immorta"

Unlocks "Wonder-Red" (Emeritus), "Wonder-Future", and "Wonder-Daddy"

Vol.6 ??????????
  (Coming soon)

Vol.7 ??????????
  (Coming soon)

Be on the lookout for more Wonderful Codes!
Dec 31, 2020
Starfighter General - goodnewsjimdotcom
Happy incoming 2021! Exciting things to look forward to! Hey, ever wanted to make a game?

2021 is going to be an exciting year for my gaming company. First we're going to massively recruit basically everyone who wants to learn unity even if they don't know coding or art. We'll be world building lots of planetary orbital zones. If you're interested, reply.

After this MMO is released in 3 months or so, I will continue to provide support and content updates as long as I live, maybe passing the Chocolate Factory along if it goes on long enough. Next will be another mmo, based off Tekken/Virtual Fighter style fighting world, 6 months later.

Then we'll release the Buem Box, a Linux gaming console.

2021 looks exciting. I hope you guys stay along for the ride. Remember, you can earn 150 triderium if you give people your referral code found under your Command Center descriptor and entered under settings: See Screenshot.
Dec 31, 2020
TwilightStar: Heart of Eir - Keep it Knightly
2020 has been the year that has shocked us, tried, and tested us all. It’ll be a year we will never forget for all the trauma, human injustices, and worry we now carry behind our masks day-to-day.

That said, it hasn’t all been bad- seeing many unite and overcome together. Listening and learning to one another to fight further injustice and realizing we are all stronger than we believed.

Just remember, each and everyone one of you is amazing. If you have a dream, reach for it. If you have yet to find your goal, keep searching- If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that- life is too short to be anything less than who you indeed are.

Studio 2020
As a studio, we came a long way in 2020, and so has our debut title, TwilightStar: Heart of Eir. But our successes are also your successes because without you, the community, we wouldn’t have gotten to where we are today.

This year alone, we have partnered with Nvidia- to add raytracing magic to our game and that extra sparkle to the players.
We were successfully funded on our first round on Kickstarter- allowing us to bring the best efforts, mechanics, and visuals to the game.

Game(s) 2020
Our initial pre-alpha version of TwilightStar: Heart of Eir has had a complete overhaul in everything from the environment and level design to battle mechanics, largely thanks to the success of our first round of Kickstarter. Not only has Heart of Eir had a complete overhaul, but so too has Realms, the built-in as well as a standalone card game to accompany the TwilightStar series.

Looking forward to the year 2021, it’s going to a busy one for DragonClaw Studios and an exciting one for the community and us!

Studio 2021
One of our goals for 2021 is to work with other Indies within the community, whether established or getting started, offering insight where we can- We want to stand for more than just our products and services and the inclusivity of all within the industry.

We will also be looking to start the second part of our Kickstarter campaign, likely to be the end of Spring. Due to the impact, Covid-19 had across the world, and other events-It didn’t seem the right time. Though we also needed to further power development to make sure it remained on track. We understood that so many of our followers didn’t have the ability to back the project during this tough time which we took to heart and decided to split it.

Along with being more present within the industry itself and the Indie community, we aim to be more active with development live streams, development blogs, and more!

TwilightStar: Heart of Eir 2021
TwilightStar: Heart of Eir came along way in 2020, but it’ll go even further in 2021, all the way to release in Q4 2021.

The immediate New Year focus will be around the new, duel battle system, in which you can select and engage with either/or- modern action combat or traditional turned-based.

Character development will be taking a large focus too. Characters have and are undergoing a deep rework to give the characters the best possible look for their personality, combat types, and how they affect the story as it unfolds. Furthermore, we’ll be diving deeper into character companionships, which ties directly into combat as we look toward multi-character attacks based on relationship affinity.

Sanctuary, formerly known as Narith Atoll, will also be one of the other areas we will focus on (so you can build a community until your heart is content), among many others.

TwilightStar: Arcadia 2021
What happens after we release TwilightStar: Heart of Eir? In 2020 we began work on a prototype for a magical survival, fantasy RPG with a vast open-world with dynamic ecosystems and creatures to match them.

Once Heart of Eir is released, we will be spearheading the pre-alpha development of Arcadia. Throughout the year, we shall be looking to expand further the team working on Arcadia, and hopefully, we will be joined by many of the Heart of Eir team too!

Thank you for an amazing year of development, here is to the next and to the release of our debut title!

Want to join the conversation with the community and developers? Join our Discord!

Shadowforge - Gibi
Shadowforge now has a website. Here it is:

You can also share your images created with Shadowforge on it's website and...

Documentation is included on it's website!
Dec 31, 2020
Eggnog Incorporated - Pineapple
Patch 1.3

New Feature
  • Added a new weather type
  • Added voiceline explaining power outage
  • Robot has his own sounds, amazing!

Bug Fixes
  • Made the collision detection on floppy disc and key more generous

  • Choices will matter...even more...
  • Doctor Wafer and some of his associates will make an appearance.
  • New art for trays
  • Two new audio tracks!
Airmen - Airborne Games
The UI improvements continue to arrive this update adding a persistent notification center to the TAB menu. A combination of notifications that came though the chat, center screen popup, or old side screen popup have been moved into the new notification center. The old side screen popups have been reworked to look like the new notification center and now anything that appears there will hang out in the notification center until 5 new popups appear to flush it out.

Join us on Discord for public playtests Friday at 12pm ET, Saturday at 3pm ET, and Monday at 7pm ET.


Major Features
  • Reworked the notification popups.
  • Added a persistent list of the previous 5 notifications to the TAB menu in expedition.
Minor Features
  • Changed some chat and center screen popups to use the new notification system.
  • Decreased cowardly quarry maximum flee range.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed harvest contracts always requesting drop off at copse.
Dec 31, 2020
Shaype - SinkingShipstudiosLA
  • Fixed ragdolling while flinching.
  • Temporarily removed stat scaling from combatants.
  • Bug from holding RMB / LMB at same time and releasing in certain order.
  • Fixed sensitivity not dropping from swinging / blocking.

  • Added on click swing / block. Old hold and release method in options.
  • Double click equip added.
  • Added 1h crossbows use for AI.
  • New materials added on armor.
  • Added LMB click to unsheathe.
  • Increased base energy regen per tick to 15.
  • Meshes added for Bolt Quiver, Bullet Pouch, Light Armor, Heavy Shield
  • Added 2 angle description to shields