PC Gamer
the best free online games

Free games are excellent, especially when you don't even have to wait for them to download and install. Webgames promise instant delight. They can deliver a quick thrill and a punch line and then let you get on with your day. But there are deeper experiences out there as well. Did you know, for example, that you can play Doom in your browser? In fact, you can play whole RPGs, explore intricate works of interactive fiction and wage space-war against your friends. Within, you'll find our hundred favourite browser games the best free online games in the world. Enjoy.

We've divided up the list along genre lines. Where there are more than 20 in a category, we've broken them into two parts to make it easier to scan. If you have any great browser games you'd like to suggest, let everyone know in the comments.

Page 2: Action
Page 3: Puzzle - part one
Page 4: Puzzle - part two
Page 5: Platformer
Page 6: Adventure games - part one
Page 7: Adventure games - part two
Page 8: Score attack
Page 9: RPG
Page 10: Comedy

Compiled by Phil Savage, Tom Sykes, Tom Senior


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Thanks to its shareware past, the entirety of the first (and best) episode of the first Doom is playable in your browser. I shouldn't need to give you a rundown of what to expect here: it's Doom. There are demons, doors, switches and keycards, all placed around a sprawling Mars base full of corridors and secrets. The only downside to this browser-based resurrection is that it doesn't support mouse-look, so, on top of a quality FPS, you're also getting a history lesson in how cumbersome shooter controls could be.

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The Seven Day FPS competition was created to keep first person shooting interesting. Entrants were given a week to create eccentric, experimental, and high-concept ideas, without a theme to restrict them. It was the perfect breeding ground for a game like SuperHot, which took the tired FPS cliche of Bullet Time and, through a simple twist on the formula, created something completely new. To quote the game's opening, it's about time .

The elevator pitch is equally pithy: time moves when you do. Stand still and the scene freezes. Walk, strafe or aim, and it starts back up. Instantly it transforms the focus of the men-shooting genre. Playing SuperHot isn't about reflex and reaction, it's about precision and choreography. It's these same principles that underpin every action film, but that games frequently miss in the panicked throes of real-time firefights. It s short but, thanks to Kickstarter, a full, commercial release is also being worked on.

Dojo of Death
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A dojo seems like an eminently sensible place for fighting to break out, although it must be hell getting all that blood out of those nice wooden floors. Dojo of Death, then. It's a one-button, entirely mouse-driven little timewaster about a guy fond of chopping people to bits. Not a butcher, no, but a hyper-quick ninja beset from all sides by enemies. Click in the direction you happen to be pointing at to dart forward with your sword drawn and slash any baddie ninjas into ninja ham. Occasionally baddie bow-wielding ninjas emerge from the adjoining room, who can turn you into fine paste from far away. Dojo of Death is endless, and tough, and like many of the best endless-tough games, your first instinct on death will be to retry. And retry. And retry again. It's unlikely you'll remember it a week from now, but at least it kept you from finishing that super-important spreadsheet and that's really all you could ever want from a browser game.

The Last Tango
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The winner of the New Mexico Game Jam, The Last Tango is a game about rhythm espionage survival. I'd have called it Dance Dance Execution, but the principle remains the same. You play as two spies, dancing through a variety of deadly locations. They'll pirouette past traps, dodge under attacks, and take down enemies with an elegant twirl. And a gun.

Each move is performed to the beat, so as the levels get more complicated, you'll queue up actions and watch as they're gracefully executed. Step right, shoot left, step left, spin, shoot up and to the right, get decapitated by a ninja. As the dance becomes increasingly hazardous, timing and order become essential for success.

Rhythm Doctor
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Part of this year's IGF Student Showcase, Rhythm Doctor takes the style and irreverence of rhythm games, but features a much stricter margin of error. Your job as a trainee doctor for the NHS is to hit a button on every seventh beat of a patient's heart rate monitor. That button press will only register if it's within 0.02 seconds of the target, so precision is key.

Each patient introduces a different quirk to the rhythmic counting. Certain beats may be silent, forcing you to keep your own time. Other times, multiple blips will appear. To further complicate matters, some patients contain boss viruses. An early one distorts your connection to the monitor, forcing you to keep perfect time as the music warps, skips and rewinds.

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In rhythm games, the music is both your adversary and your reward. That principle is taken to the extreme in Soundodger, where the notes fire a wave of spikes towards your cursor. Get hit and the music distorts skipping forward a few seconds like a speeding record. You lose points for this, which is a shame, but the greater punishment is destroying the excellent soundtrack, featuring songs from composers like Disasterpeace and Lifeformed. If you like the free game, an expanded version is available on Steam.

Brawlin' Sailor
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Major Bueno are back! Brawlin' Sailor is another beautiful/hilarious short story of a game, this time traversing into sidescrolling beat-'em-up territory. There's no challenge to the combat; you're playing for the story, which takes about five glorious minutes to see through.

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Like a number of free horror games, Silhouette doesn t rely on high-tech visuals to generate its scares. It s a two-player killer vs. victim game set in a dark house. Control shifts between the knife-wielding killer and their unarmed victim, allowing for turns of real-time movement that shorten as the killer and the victim draw closer together. The increasingly fraught pacing does a great job of inspiring mounting panic in both players, toying with the same manipulative patterns seen across horror cinema, from the Jaws soundtrack to the murder famous murder scenes of Psycho. An effective horror experiment that s worth a go if you can get a couple of horror fans around your keyboard.

My Friend Pedro
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My Friend Pedro provides a compelling case for why you shouldn't follow the advice of a talking banana. It's a 2D action platformer with a heavy debt to Max Payne although mercifully, this hallucinating protagonist is less prone to questioning his worth as a human being. Instead, he leaps, flip and rolls about each level, using his slow-mo ability to avoid bullets and unload an unnervingly accurate volley of return fire. It's a short game, but one packed full of opportunities to show off your balletic bullet time skills.

Ratz Instagib
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Ratz Instagib is a browser-based mulitplayer shooter that distills the pinpoint aiming and unlikely acrobatics of Quake and Unreal Tournament into their purest, simplest form. There is one weapon in the game: a railgun of unlimited range that kills anything in one hit. Also you're all rats for some reason.

The setup means that everyone meets on an even playing field. The only guarantee of success is to be better at hitting a small and speedy target than that target is at hitting you. In a map full of FPS experts, lives can last for seconds as you desperately cull as many players as possible before a laser pierces your tiny frame.

Pale Machine
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A playable music video from Ben Esposito, one of the Arcane Kids, and musician bo en. Interaction in these happy few minutes is limited to tilting objects with the arrow keys or stretching your fingers well, stretching somebody's fingers with the keyboard, but it's just enough to make you feel part of this bouncy, brightly coloured world.

Pandemic 2
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We're always being asked to save the world, so it's nice when we're given the chance to destroy instead. In Pandemic 2 you design and unleash an virus, parasite or bacterium, and watch as it spreads through the world. The trick is to create a disease that can infect as many people as possible without being detected. As soon as there's even the hint of a problem, hospitals will spring into action, borders will close, and Madagasca will become an impenetrable haven for the last remnants of humanity.

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GeoGuessr builds a compelling game of investigative orienteering by using Google Maps' Street View to drop you randomly into the world, then asking you to locate yourself. Sometimes it's obvious a sign or street name allowing you to hone in on your temporary home. Other times you'll be stranded in a barren landscape. Sightseeing has never been so competitive.<adv
Ichabot Crane
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You're a robot. With a detachable head. And in the ga...well, you get the idea. What distinguishes this wonderful puzzle game from the dozens of similar first-person puzzlers doing the rounds is how you use that head to advance. Left-clicking chucks it out in front of you, at which point the perspective switches to that of the robo-bonce now sitting on the floor. In a stroke of genius, you can head-hop forward with repeated left clicks, while simultaneously moving your headless robo-body with WASD. It's beautiful. It's also the closest I've ever come to being Bender from Futurama until work on my robot exoskeleton is finished at least.

It s minigolf, only taken to a charming extreme. In Wonderputt, you re skipping over lily pads, avoiding UFOs, and putting across asteroid craters. The presentation is delightful. You can see the entire course at the start, but with each successful hole it shifts and alters, revealing new sections and transforming in unexpected ways. It takes the simple fact that mini-golf is fun, and enhances it through a lavish series of cutesy animations.
I Am Level
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Oh wow, this is wonderful. I Am Level is a Spectrum-style game with some canny enhancements there's a Metroidvania-like world structure, alternate costumes and even a leveling system but at its core this is a ruggedly old-fashioned platformer with one hell of a chiptune soundtrack. The twist here is that it's also a pinball game; you're tilting the levels, and activating paddles, rather than moving the game's spherical hero directly.

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You move a single icon in on an grid, solving tile-based combat challenges to progress to the next stage. What makes Ending stand out from innumerable other puzzle games is its randomly-generated roguelike mode, where you explore a dungeon that works on the same principle.

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Holy wow. Kingdom is a tower defence game, sorta - but before you take to your keyboard to moan about that, you should know that it's one of the loveliest I've played in a long time. You're a king on a kingly horse trying to survive for ten nights in a small village/camp in the wilderness. To help you in your quest to continue existing, you can employ wandering vagabonds by dropping money at their feet - then give them a weapon/tool by supplying the appropriate stall. This is all a lot of fun, but I love Kingdom for the astonishing pixel art, sound design and atmosphere, and I have a feeling you'll love it for those very same reasons too.

They Love You
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It's adorable top-down puzzle game time. They Love You is another "play as a cube navigating through a maze past some obstacles" game, of which about 300 seem to be released every day. So, what makes this one special? Partly it's the simple but deceptively clever concept. Partly it's the character and charm that exist in the basic shapes. Mostly it's because it's absolutely infuriating.

Desktop Tower Defence
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A moreish maze-building game that turns a tiny patch of desk into a warzone. Increasingly powerful creeps swarm in from the left. Slow them with ice rays, blast them with missiles and craft a long intestinal catacomb of death out of gun turrets to ensnare and destroy them.

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With its clean, evocative art style and strangely ICO-esque ambient sound design, Ditto is a bit of a departure from Nitrome's usual day-glo arcade games. Your catty, triangular little hero has a shadowy doppelganger, who emerges when you're parallel to a big orange mirror thing in the middle of most screens. Said doppelganger mimics every action you take only in reverse.

Puzzles, as you might imagine, involve keeping track of the goings-on in (at least) two parallel worlds; to succeed you'll need to frequently switch your attention from one to the other, taking advantage of the occasional inconsistency to clamber your way into the next stage. Smart, challenging, atmospheric, bally adorable stuff.

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Untrusted is an ascii game about reaching the exit though there is a little more to it than that. These exits are blocked off initially, the only way to remove or reposition them being to delve into the source code and reprogram the game. If you don't know anything about programming (like, er, me), this bit may prove rather difficult, but even despite my code-hating brain I managed to fumble my way through some of the game. This is not only a seriously clever project, it may also be a great way to get started with Javascript, should you be looking to wade into those codey waters.

Where is my Beard
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I generally keep my beard just under, and on, my chin, which makes it easy to find when a puzzle game asks me to locate it for reasons that are best left unscrutinised. In Where is My Beard you have to make a bunch of unbearded shapes more hirsute, by engineering it so that they touch bearded ones face fungus being contagious, as you know. You do this by dropping them into the scene and pressing the play button; if you've aligned said shapes correctly, they'll bash into each other with PHYSICS and set off a wonderfully beardy chain reaction. Not one for pogonophobes, obviously, but for everyone else this is a lavishly illustrated slice of hairy silliness.


Puzzle Script
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Puzzle Script isn't a game so much as an open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine , but it's already been used to make a bunch of interesting games, including a Closure demake, a couple of Sokoban titles, a more cerebral version of Pac-Man and loads more. My favourite so far is Dungeon Janitor, which sees you desperately trying (and most likely desperately failing) to mop up a particularly troublesome puddle of slime.

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You re a square floating in a black void, and there are three types of objects in the environment: stars, which stick to you; cuboid objects which do nothing, and jellyfish-like creatures which move towards you and electrocute you on contact. Then, very quickly, you meet another square like you, only smaller. It s sleeping. You poke at it, and it wakes up and hoots at you. Hello! He then follows you around, tooting curiously at the objects you find, and experimentally butting at them. Companion is a five-minute experiment and a successful demonstration of how to build a relationship between a player and an NPC.

Neptune's Pride
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More of a strategy game than a puzzle game, really, but the excellent Neptune's Pride doesn't quite slot into the other sections but still definitely deserves a mention. Essentially, it's How To End A Friendship In One Easy Strategy Game. The action is simple: move ships to conquer planets, then build an economy on those planets. The glacial pace ensures that as you set nefarious plans in motion against your best friend, they have hours to marvel at your cruelty.

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Reprisal is an RTS god-game. You hover around a square island, indirectly controlling your subjects by placing waypoints and using totems to control the elements with earth-changing powers. If your immediate reaction is so, it s Populous then... well, yes. It s called Reprisal for a reason. It s a stylish pixel art tribute, with a great chiptune soundtrack underneath.

No-one Has To Die
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You play as a courier, making an innocent delivery to an almost certainly evil corporation when a fire breaks out. As automated systems lock you alone in the reception, the building's IM chat fills with staff members stuck on the floors above.

Being the only person with direct access to the building's safety controls, it's your job to seal off doors, activate sprinklers, and direct the members of staff away from their certain death.

Here's the thing: despite the title, in every level someone has to die. The crux of the game revolves around that choice and the narrative-heavy chat logs that precede each mission help you to decide what you want to do.

Ir/Rational Redux
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Ir/rational was originally released by Tom Jubert, writer for the Penumbra series and the upcoming FTL, back in 2009. It's now back in reduxed form, which seems to mean it's been given a coat of graphics and sound, and has found its way onto Newgrounds.

What haven't changed are the puzzles. You're presented with a series of statements and must pick logical arguments to fill in the blanks. The trick isn't whether the answer is true (in one early puzzle you prove the existence of god), but to work out why that answer is true, through the twisted circular logic you're given.

You Must Escape
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You Must Escape s graphics are representations of sound. When you're not moving, the screen is black. Take a step and lines emanate from your position, bouncing off the otherwise invisible walls. Early on, the puzzle is simple: make noise to map out the level and find the exit recognisable by its thicker white lines. Hold and release space and you'll send out a louder wave, necessary for tracing a route through more complex levels.

Before long, You Must Escape pulls its most effective trick. Red lines denote danger, either in the form of a static trap to avoid, or a creature that will hunt you. Your problem is that, if you can 'see' a creature, it's because you've sent out lines of noise that let it hear your location.

Naya s Quest
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Naya's Quest was made by VVVVVV and Super Hexagon creator Terry Cavanagh. In case you were wondering: yes, it is bastard hard, just less stressful on your reflexes. It's an isometric puzzle-platformer about a girl and her pilgrimage to the edge of the world. As you're walking through the harmless opening screens, you pick up a scanning device. When activated the world vanishes, leaving only a cross section of the tiles directly horizontal and vertical to your position. At first the purpose of the scanner isn't clear. That is, until you reach the dungeon leading to the edge and start walking across an apparently solid bridge. Halfway across, and Naya falls into the void. Damn you Cavanagh!

Lamp and Vamp
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Lamp and Vamp was created for the Procedural Death Jam - a competition designed to promote the "Procedural Death Labyrinth", a slightly less hideous term for "roguelike-likes". True to form, it's both randomly generated and contains death, or at least, undeath. You play a vampire trying to reach the safety of his coffin by moving one hex-tile at a time. In your way are patrolling villagers, and holy-water-hurling priests. You ll need to carefully use your abilities to safely make it home.

Nothing To Hide
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If you're tired of scurrying into dark corners, away from human contact, Nothing To Hide might be for you. It's an anti-stealth game in which your job is to be seen at all times. Currently a demo, the developers plan to expand it into a full and open source game. You play as Poppy Gardner, daughter to the sinister head of a dystopian surveillance state. Trapped in a state of constant paranoid nervousness, you decide to help your father's social media popularity by running away to Canada. The only problem is that you must stay in state of the autonomous security eyes, or risk being taken down by anti-criminal sleeping darts.

The Very Organized Thief
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The Very Organized Thief spawns you in a house that's not your own, carrying nothing but a torch and a list of items. If you hadn't guessed from the title, your job is to rob things. Both the larcenous list and the location of its items are randomly generated each time you play, meaning you'll need to carefully explore the house to find what you're after.

In most cases, it's easy to intuit where the items will be. A blender, for instance, will reliably live in the kitchen. Others are more cryptic, like the gold bar that you're always asked to find. To aid you in your search, you can pick up items, open draws and lift lids. You may be organised, but nothing says you have to be tidy.


N 2.0
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It s all about the replays. After hundreds of attempts in which your walljumping ninja is sliced by lasers, burst by missiles and crushed by thwomps, you get a replay of your successful run to the level exit, in which you seem to dodge each threat with psychic reflexes. There are hundreds of levels, and thus hundreds of opportunities to feel so satisfied.

Meat Boy
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It lacks its paid-for older brother s flashier features, but the original Meat Boy is a chunk of PC platforming history. The series fantastic controls at once crisp and squishy, ping-ponging Meat Boy bloodily off the environment with each leap and slide got their start here, and the first set of vertically-scrolling levels offer a stiff challenge. Very much worth upgrading to Super Meat Boy once you re done.

Pause Ahead
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Here's a novel idea: a 2D puzzle platformer with a time-bending twist. Okay, so Pause Ahead might not be original in concept, but it's proficient in execution. You must make your way through the difficult trap filled levels, completing them within the time limit despite a control scheme that seems unsuited to twitch acrobatics. Why it works is that with a tap of the Shift key you freeze time, rendering you unable to course-correct, but keeping your momentum. At the most basic level, that means running towards an approaching buzzsaw, freezing time and skidding past. As long as time's not moving, you'll pass through the danger unharmed. Hit a wall, however, and you'll lose your speed. If you're hovering over an obstacle when you resume, you'll instantly be killed.

Escape Goat
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Ian Stocker's excellent Escape Goat is now available in browser form, should you want to play the goat-based puzzle platformer without having to download or pay anything for the privilege. (Of course, you should consider buying the game's recently released Steam version if you like what you see.) Either way, you'll be playing a smart, witty puzzler with one hell of a soundtrack, and the cutest mouse companion you'll ever met.
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Sometimes I'm in the mood for a silly-physics-based kissing game, an experimental first-person wanderer, an exquisite text adventure or an unassuming robot-based platformer featuring a Game Boy colour palette and an infectious chiptune soundtrack. I suspect most of the words I've supplied to descriptions of other sidescrolling platformers would apply equally well here, but at the risk of repeating myself, Shybot is a mechanically exact jumping game with an adorable main character, set in a fairly sizeable, open-ended world. There will always be a place in my heart for one of those.

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In Atum, you play as a person sitting at their desk playing a side-scrolling 2D platformer. That desk is littered with detritus; everything from magnets and batteries to cigarettes and the lighter that lit them. Meanwhile, the white silhouette in the screen inside your screen keeps running into a variety of seemingly impassable objects on his way through this extremely meta puzzler.

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There have plenty of games riffing off Terry Cavanagh's VVVVVV, but OWWW is probably the oddest, and definitely the only one to be set in Terry's mouth. I like to think of it as retribution for VVVVVV's bastard hard Veni, Vidi, Vici section.

You must explore the teeth and atriums (yes, really) of the oral dungeons, flipping gravity to avoid spikes as you navigate to each screen's key and unlock the exit. Each level has critters that move across the screen, but instead of hurting you, you can flip onto them to be carried past hazards. Delightfully weird and expectedly difficult.

Bubsy 3D: Bubsy Visits the James Turrell Retrospective
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Don't worry, Bubsy the '90s gaming C-lister isn't about to make a comeback. Instead, Bubsy 3D: Bubsy Visits the James Turrell Retrospective is a weird art-platformer by Zenith creators Arcane Kids. It's a punk edutainment game, in which the titular cat-thing takes a trip to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Using a deliberately awkward control scheme, you jump and glide your way across floating platforms, moving towards the museum and receiving hints from the talking frogs.

Spin Spin, Episode 1
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It's happened again! Someone's let the indie platformers out of their cage and they've started breeding. Spin Spin plays like the lovechild of And Yet It Moves and VVVVVV, taking the former's world-rotating mechanic and latter's clean, spike-filled presentation.

You play as Spin, trying to get back to his girlfriend after he fell down a hole, the klutz. He can't jump, but can turn the world clockwise or anti-clockwise to navigate through the deadly maze. Crucially, this can only be done once per fall, with the direction locked until Spin lands on solid ground.


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Samorost and its sequel are adventure games as Moomin creator Tove Jansson might have made them. Its patchwork art is made out of photographs of logs, plants, old cans; its white, handanimated main character speaks in whoops and illustrations; and it all takes place on asteroids in space. With no inventory, it s your job to solve puzzles by poking and prodding this world to reveal charming animations. Its creator went on to make the paid-for point-and-click Machinarium, but I prefer this.

Electric Tortoise
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This Phillip K Dick-inspired tale consists of a short conversation with a robot it's literally a single scene, told from the perspective of some sort of futuristic, Almost Human-style cop. You're questioning a suspect about a murder, a process that involves little more than selecting options from a menu. Differences from a typical text-based game are slight, but effective: you can look around the room a bit, while selecting responses means literally craning your neck around to the floating conversation window. The game itself is another sort of window, one into a fleshed-out, thoughtful science-fiction world.

The Domovoi
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The Domovoi takes the form of a storyteller interacting with his audience. A friend is giving you the first performance of his latest work a new tale, with real heroes - and asks for help in working out the details. As his folk story unfolds he'll occasionally stop, bringing you out of the fiction to ask what should happen next.

The story is about a domovoi: a hairy house-dwelling creature of Slavic folklore. He's been charged with protecting his master's house, while said master is away fighting to protect the village. It's as he deals with various intrusions that you're asked to interject with the creature's responses and actions. Your responses won't wildly change the narrative, because The Domovoi explores the relationship between audience and performer. And in this tale, that performer has a specific agenda.

Humanoid 47
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It says a lot about a game when you feel compelled to hit the screenshot key every time you enter a new room. It says: 'this game looks freaking incredible', but also 'I'm pretty sure what colour palette my nightmares will be presented in tonight'. So yes Humanoid 47 is another one of those static, puzzle-heavy adventure games, but it's one of the more striking I've encountered: a garish world of mechanical parts, startled heads, and whatever the hell that thing just was.

All I Want Is For All Of My Friends To Become Insanely Powerful
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All of Porpentine s Twine adventures are worth investigating, especially the one about Ke$ha, but AIWIFAOMFTBIP walks the middle-ground of her two extremes. It s part cyberpunk body-horror, part empowerment fantasy, delivered as a stream-of-consciousness tale about an all-invasive feeling of oppression. As always, Porpentine s clipped sentences paint an evocative world that makes the story s resolution all the more effective and heartwarming.

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I've played a few of these 'guess the bad guy' games over the last year or so, and Noir might be my favourite because, well, because of all the noir. It's essentially any bit from Blade Runner where Deckard has to identify a replicant, spun out and squished down into a small-scale, vaguely cyberpunk game. Citizens will clue you in on the location and identity of the skinjobs you're tasked with tracking down, and you'd better pay attention as a single civilian casualty will mean an instant game over. Unlike the other entries in this innovative new sub-genre there doesn't appear to be any random generation at play, but even though you might only go through it once, Noir offers a good few minutes of atmospheric, investigative adventuring.

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A sci-fi horror of sorts, putting you in the role of the creature, something that's been done before in fiction, but never (as far as I'm aware) with this level of thought and imagination. It's a beautifully written game, highlighting once again just how wide the gulf in quality is between even the best mainstream game stories and the cream of the IF crop. Admittedly I did find Coloratura a hard game to settle into, as it puts you in the role of a truly alien entity that shares few of our thought processes, emotions or drives.

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The aptly named Paradise is a piece of sandbox interactive fiction: a limitless, user-created space you can wander around, and add to, as you see fit. Starting as a ghost, you're unable to move until you inhabit the body of a nearby object, though this is as simple as typing become a teapot/fireplace/angry-looking thing (delete as contextually appropriate), before using that vessel to enter another player-created room. The beauty of the written word and it's a beauty captured perfectly in Paradise is that words are slippery, and open to interpretation, so if you want that fireplace to talk or that angry-looking thing to be the entrance to a nineteenth-century carousel, you only have to forge the association while you play. What are words, after all, if not vessels for meaning? Meaning that's always evolving, even as misguided word sheriffs try to keep it fixed.

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Cyberqueen vomits you out of a sack into a malignant, sentient ship and gives you your first choice: flail , scream or breathe . There are heavy lashings of System Shock in this superbly written work of interactive fiction that has you wandering the halls of the vessel, trying to escape the machinations of its omnipresent guardian. The Twine interface paces the text to good effect, and it s more easily navigated than traditional IF builds like Anchorhead. Cyberqueen is an evocative and sinister piece of work that ll appeal to those who haven t tried interactive fiction before.

One Chance
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This browser game uses cookies to prevent you from ever replaying it: you ve quite literally got one chance to see this brief point-and-click adventure through to the end. It s set in a future where all life on Earth will be extinguished in six days: what you choose to do, who you choose to spend time with, and whether you accept your fate or try to fight it are the questions you re asked to answer. What could be a cheap gimmick is actually very effective: it s rare that a game asks you to really live with your decisions.

Will Love Tear Us Apart
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There are few more horrifying prospects than that of being made to re-explore the intricacies of an irrevocably broken relationship again and again. Will Love Tear Us Apart harnesses the theme s of Joy Division s hit to create a strange and disturbing experience in which you must treat with a hideous, swollen partner on a hopeless quest for reconciliation. The sparse line art evokes an empty, angst-ridden world as the game evolves from one phase to the next. It s a human communication breakdown abstracted into an interactive form. A fascinating experiment that demonstrates how fertile human relationships can be as inspiration for nightmarish horror scenarios. It s free, to, and you can play it in your browser at the link above.

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flOw s minimalist appeal and dynamically adjusting difficulty curve has hooked hundreds of thousands. Use the mouse to guide a creature through an evolutionary mire, gobbling up smaller animals to grow, and hitting red blobs to swim deeper. When you eat, you evolve, but you can see large predators moving through the gloom on the levels below, waiting to swallow you whole. Serene yet addictive.
The Republia Times
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You re the editor of a newspaper in a totalitarian state. Each day you must choose which stories to run and how much space to give them, impacting your paper s popularity and the government s approval with the general populace. Smart, cynical, and there s a great twist near the end.

Life in the West
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What if you lacked self-censorship? What if you posted every stray thought that entered your head? What if you were Kanye West? That's the premise of Life In The West, a short strange HTML5 game by Davey Wredon, creator of The Stanley Parable.

You log into Kanye's Twitter account, then, when "Inspiration" hits, rapidly mash your keyboard to auto-complete such immortal tweets as "I make awesome decisions in bike stores!!!" The quicker you finish, the more Kanye points you're awarded, which can be spent on following new accounts. In the manic rush of keyboard spamming and follower clicking, it's easy to miss the best part of Life In The West. The feed at the side is telling a story about a man's spiralling descent into madness.

Olav & The Lute
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An enigmatic adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world, with a cracking central mechanic. Rather than combining objects with other objects, you're affecting the world with a (presumably) magic lute, by plucking at its colour-coded strings. It's a bit like Ocarina of Time, and a lot like LOOM; to open a door, for example, you'll pluck a certain combination using the game's moderately fiddly interface. Olav & Lute is a short, stark, striking adventure it's also one you can download and play offline.


Play it online here.

And now for something completely different, and totally ace. Westerado is a beautiful action/adventure/gratuitous western game, and stop me before I wax lyrical about the era-appropriate instrumental soundtrack. After banditos kill your family, you have to track down the responsible parties - or, instead, you could just shoot everyone in the face, foes and family alike. Westerado gets bonus points for making you unholster and cock your gun before you fire (and a million bonus points for letting you shoot the hats off bad guys). Little things, but they add a lot to the surprisingly fluid, sudden, tense combat. Between shootouts you'll solve problems, ride your horse, and stand in the breeze admiring the astonishing soundtrack. Westerado play it now.

Fishy Waters
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Not every game has to contain spikes and grisly death, and I may have found the polar opposite of Maddening Relapse in Fishy Waters, a delightful adventure that has you plundering a lake of its piscine inhabitants in order to honour the memory of your departed father. (He was gobbled up by a whale in the opening cutscene.) You'll roam the waters on a small fishing boat, collecting and selling fish in order to upgrade your equipment or to access new parts of the lake. It's not quite a game you'll give yourself over to, but Fishy Waters should make for a calming comedown after you've skewered yourself on a spike pit or fallen down a hole for the umpteenth time.

Jaws: The Text Adventure
Play it online here.

Spielberg's seminal film classic Hook Jaws makes for a pretty good text adventure, as it turns out. He (or she, I can never remember) is a simple beast, so you don't have to remember a ton of different parser commands while you swim around an island searching for damp fleshy humans. The main one is EAT, understandably; as in the films, Jaws is an especially hungry sort, the aim of this terrifically nostalgic adventure being to fill its vast stomach with bits of meat.

Gods Will Be Watching
Play it online here.

Of all the survival titles doing the rounds these days, Gods Will Be Watching seems like the least selfish of the lot. By which I mean it's not a game about keeping one person alive but rather a whole group which is a lot harder, and more strategic, than one guy scrabbling around in the dirt. In this beautiful one-screen adventure game, you have to survive for 40 days on an alien planet. Luckily you have a doctor, a soldier, a psychiatrist, an engineer, a robot and a dog with you imagine if you'd been stranded with the intergalactic equivalent of Made in Chelsea. Survival is ruthless at any moment you can choose to kill anyone at the camp. Well, there is rather a lot of meat on a human being. Er, so I'm told.

Guilded Youth
Play it online here.

Submitted for the Interactive Fiction Competition the same one that brought us last week's Living Will Guilded Youth is an evocative, brief adventure, (mainly) revolving a creepy old house. While the story could easily stand alone, the game shows what can be achieved with just a light sprinkling of artwork, in this case from the talented Matt Hammill.

I won't say much more, because I don't want to spoil it, but this is a wonderful piece of fiction that gave me the same sense of nostalgia for the early days of the internet as Christine Love's exceptional Digital: A Love Story. That should be all the praise you need to give Guilded Youth a go, even if you've never played any Interactive Fiction. Actually, especially if you've never played any IF.

Daymare Town 4
Play it online here.

The main Daymares are more traditional adventure games, set in a surreal, beautiful world and with no handholding in their puzzles whatsoever. You'll need patience to overcome 4's obscurity, but you'll be rewarded in spades with yet more atmospheric, mysterious scenes and memorably unusual characters. An HD, full-screen version of Daymare Town 4 can be yours for $5 it's a bit of a pixel hunt, so if you enjoy the game, that may be worth a look.

Journali re
Play it online here.

A beautiful, bleak, surreal adventure set in one of the most architecturally interesting game worlds I've come across. No Future contest entry Journali re is silent and wordless, universal and alien it also has a dancing minigame. Reminiscent of Jack King-Spooner's stuff and if you haven't yet had the pleasure, please rectify that immediately.

Play it online here.

Horror games owe a significant debt to one Howard Phillips Lovecraft, and not just because he's long dead and his work is out of copyright. Plenty of games have included references to his unique brand of cosmic horror, but Anchorhead is more inspired than most, drawing from several of his novels and stories to tell the tale of the a married couple who have inherited an old mansion in a creepy New England town. The sedate exploration of the game's opening segments eventually give way to tense, turn-limited puzzles as you struggle to stop an ancient, possibly world-ending ritual from being completed. No pressure then.

Relive Your Life
Play it online here.

In my first life I was humiliated by an albino bear for the benefit of a jeering Vegas crowd. My second life looked more promising. I was rich, popular, admittedly a bit of a tool, but still a success. That all changed when I missed a drive-by high-five with Kramer from Seinfeld, and wound up being tormented by an old pervert.

Relive Your Life is an interactive narrative punctuated by some incredibly basic minigames. From mashing the X key in a sperm fight to decide your gender, to typing out sentences or matching button prompts. None of them are taxing, but crucially you'll want to go back and deliberately fail them.

A Grain of Truth
Play it online here.

A Grain of Truth is a browser-based HTML5 point and click adventure that stands out because of the fantastically weird world that developers the Rudowski brothers have built. You play as Myosotis, a story trader travelling the Endless Plains to hear the tales of the enigmatic Wiseman.

The plains are a lonely and atmospheric setting, in which you'll encounter a handful of characters and strange locations. A pirate ship mounted to the back of a giant beast catches clouds to make bedding, boulders hover in the sky, and a huge cracked rock holds the promise of intriguing discoveries.
Depression Quest
Play it online here.

Depression Quest is a moving Interactive Fiction story about the difficulties of living with, and attempting to deal with, depression. Created with Twine, you're given a series of common scenarios, and a selection of possible actions to deal with each. Depending on your character's current level of depression, certain actions inevitably the most healthy or social ones will be crossed off, often forcing you to make knowingly destructive choices for lack of alternatives.

As a way of putting yourself in the mindset of someone battling the illness, it's a startlingly effective idea. Attempting to make even the most minute progress towards lightening your anxiety is a real struggle, and the smallest of things can fuel a heartbreaking downward spiral.

Play it online here.

Bee is an interactive tale by Emily Short, about a home-schooled girl who hopes to become the national spelling bee champion. Rather than the standard interactive fiction text parser, Bee is in the style of a choose-your-own adventure book. You pick from a selection of actions or thoughts, then watch the story unfold along the path that you are shaping.

The strength of the format is that you're always aware of the person at the centre of the story. Rather than the lead character acting as a cypher for the player, the choices you're presented with are always through the filter of her own preconceptions, with you as the nagging voice that questions, or reaffirms, these beliefs.

Play it online here.

Moonlight is an interactive short story by Jonas Kyratzes. It starts at a party, and a conversation you have with Stephen Fry, before your choices escalate into some wonderfully weird locations and encounters.

The writing is excellent. It's frequently whimsical, but pulled off with such a light touch that it never becomes annoying. The offhanded surrealism creates frequent memorable sentences, like the brilliant Doctor House is a very grumpy building that walks with a crane and heals other buildings by diagnosing their structural weaknesses. Also, Alan Davies is a strobile.

Endless, Nameless
Play it online here.

Adam Cadre s back after an 8 year absence from the Interactive Fiction community. His previous text adventures, including the excellent 9:05, have been great starting points for newcomers. Endless, Nameless is not that. It s deliberately old-school, both in setting and delivery. You begin in a tavern in a fantasy town, and soon get put on a quest to kill a dragon to the south. There are trials, fights, spells and a difficulty curve that makes it easy to write your way into a corner.

There s a reason it's (seemingly) so hard. Endless, Nameless is also about the fictional bulletin board that hosts the game, and through a couple of unexpected turns, it creates a deep adventure that s fair, even when it s not.


Play it online here.

Hexagon is essentially Super Hexagon s Hexagon mode, in its entirety, for free. The premise is incredibly simple: you rotate an arrow around a circle and try to thread a path through a pulsing neon hexagonal maze. As an exercise in focus, reflexes and pattern recognition, it s every other arcade game triple-distilled: a quick, high-yield dose of flashing lights, pounding music and inevitable crushing failure.
Play it online here.

The game that invented the endless runner, and also the game that proved that it is impossible to jump through a window if you are actually trying to do it. I love Canabalt for its atmospheric, low-key sci-fi visuals and Danny Baranowski s amazing soundtrack.

Catlateral Damage
Play it online here.

Cats are jerks. They're also adorable, and better at personal hygiene than dogs, so for now our two species can maintain the uneasy truce. Luckily, there's a cathartic antidote to their antics in the form of Catlateral Damage. Originally created for last August's 7 Day FPS challenge, its developer has since worked on the first-person feline simulator in preparation for turning it into a full game.

You play as a cat left alone in a room full of stuff. There's DVDs, toys, books and expensive electrical equipment, all neatly placed on shelves and tables. That simply won't do. Your job is to knock as much of it on to the floor as you can manage in two minutes.

Play it online here

Astrovoid is a twin-stickish shooter with a great feel to the controls, a whole lot of screen shake, and a soundtrack that does that neat dampened-sound/am-I-in-a-nightclub-bathroom thing when you die. Another neat thing that happens when you die is that your little jetpack hero drops a giant ball bearing (or something), which will bounce around killing enemies in your wake. Your score that giant number in the centre of the screen isn't finalised until the ball stops moving, adding an element of Breakout to the tail-end of each heart-racing run.

Maverick Bird
Play it online here.

Of the many Flappy Bird tribute games, Terry Cavanagh's Maverick Bird is among the best. It has the same concept, featuring an endless course of randomly generated hazards. Tap up and you'll jump in mid-air, tracing an arc that makes it difficult to neatly pass between the obstacles. The difference is in the presentation. Instead of an awkwardly flapping bird, you play as an abstractly hopping diamond. Instead of cheerful Mario pipes to avoid, it's a variety of pulsating, colour-shifting shapes. It's a brash, vibrant game, with an art style and soundtrack reminiscent of Cavanagh's Super Hexagon.
Typing Karaoke
Play it online here.

I'll admit that I'm not au fait with typing tests, but I'm willing to guess that the line this is how I roll, animal print pants out of control doesn't usually feature. Step forward Typing Karaoke, in which you type out the lyrics to various songs before the singer has finished singing them.

It parodies the look of rhythm games perfectly. Complete a line and stars erupt from the score bar, the background scene starts to build and the game spouts over the top exclamations like RAD! or WOW! But Typing Karaoke is anything but rhythm-based. The actual typing is frantic and messy, as the ridiculous speed of some of the songs renders them all but impossible to complete. Fortunately, the disconnect between the presentation and the act of playing it is hilarious.

Icarus Proudbottom s World of Typing Weekly
Play it online here.

The follow up to the sublime Icarus Proudbottom Teaches Typing is a five-part episodic murder mystery. Once again, you join Proudbottom and his owl sidekick Jerry for more instructional typing fun. Tragedy interrupts your merry tapping when Icarus is bludgeoned to death with a plastic keyboard.

Joined by Mark 22, the crime solving robot, you set out to find his killer. Your chief suspects are Apollo, Icarus's easy going cousin; Lucida, a member of the Typing Council; and Jerry, who won't stop saying "naught". That's the basic setup, at least. Over the course of the five episodes, things are further complicated by improperly removed USB keys, ancient magicks, and a scuffed up letter A.
Bullet Waltz
Play it online here.

Bullet Waltz is a fiendish score attack game about not being shot. Playing as a small pink square, you must avoid the small green squares being fired out of a rotating cannon in the centre of the map. The difficulty in this is that, rather than disappearing off screen, bullets ricochet off the walls and central cannon. This becomes problematic after around the 20th new projectile.

Helping you out are the small flashing squares. These pick-ups temporarily transform you into a spinning giant, able to destroy any bullets that you touch. If you're lucky with the timing, you can chain these for a satisfying, screen-clearing run of destruction.

Three Body Problem
Play it online here.

Three Body Problem is deceptively simple. It's a game about prolonging death and building your high-score by avoiding a game-ending collision with another block. What makes it difficult uncompromisingly, hair-tearingly difficult is the movement of the two other blocks. Eventually you will make a mistake, and the AI will immediately punish you for it. The instant restart ensures you'll try again.

10 More Bullets
Play it online here.

How many ships can you destroy with ten more bullets, asks flash game 10 More Bullets. The most, you'd assume, would be ten. Except, when these ones hit a ship, they'll split into more, and more, and more again. As your multiplier increases, so do the number of bullets each ship explodes into, until you've wiped hundreds from the skies. And then you try again, using the gold from your previous attempts to buy upgrades further increasing your potential for limited ammo destruction. It s wonderfully compulsive.

Hotline Trail
Play it online here.

Despite the Hotline Miami reference, endless runner Hotline Trail features no gore, violence or cod philosophy. It doesn't even have a phone. What it does have is screen-tilting ambience, an '80s inspired soundtrack, and a difficulty curve that makes for a compelling high-score chaser.

You're riding along a top-down, and constantly unfolding road. As you progress, a smooth, mellow voice warns of upcoming hazards. You'll have to navigate through chicanes, roundabouts and hairpins, all at a fixed speed that ensures your mistakes won't go unpunished.


Red Rogue
Play it online here.

This side-scrolling action roguelike posits that anyone who delves into a dungeon full of monsters is more than a little unhinged. Red Rogue s heroine feels like the most monstrous thing in the game s randomly generated levels. It s the way she and her minion calmly despatch imps: blood spurting across the otherwise monochrome rooms. That feeling can easily slip into overconfidence. Whether it s forgetting to scan for traps or making a poor deal with a chaos god, careless decisions are quickly punished.
Skrillex Quest
Play it online here.

I understand your inclination to skip this because of its title. It would be a mistake though, because Skrillex Quest is a well made Zelda homage with an eerily warped theme. The game is set inside a NES cartridge that has been corrupted by a piece of dust. A simple matter of blowing on it for those on the outside, but for the characters in the game it's a more involved quest to rescue the ghost of a princess for... reasons.

The game takes place across a series of distinct stages, each full of glitched cubes that infest their rooms and need defeating to progress. You're against the clock, so you'll have to be quick to fully explore every area before being plunged deeper into the broken world.

Kingdom of Loathing
Play it online here.

Scratch all the layers of polish and visual fluff away from your favourite RPG, and you ll find Kingdom of Loathing underneath. You create a stick-man hero and spend daily adventuring points to raid sketched-out dungeons, kill strange monsters and level up. Your actions resolve instantly, so this is a game about making decisions rather than honing twitch skills. An irreverent sense of humour keeps the grind from getting boring. Be a Disco Bandit! Fight Sinister Fudge Wizards with your Disco Ball! It s a winning formula.

The Nightmare Cooperative
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The Nightmare Cooperative doesn't involve a hellish encounter with an overzealous manager of a UK supermarket it's a turn-based roguelike, like even FIFA will probably be in a couple of years' time. The twist here is that it's a four-player roguelike where you control the entire quartet yourself. Every time you move once you've rescued your three chums, at least your three chums move along with you, attacking or avoiding or collecting stuff too, providing there's something adjacent to attack, avoid or pick up. TNC is as much a puzzle game as a roguelike, then, particularly when you take the characters' teensy number of hit points into consideration. Special attention must also be paid to the sound design, which manages to conjure a surprisingly evocative sense of place.
A Dark Room
Play it online here.

The Candy Box-inspired A Dark Room is another sorta-text-adventure that starts off small incredibly small and soon unfolds into something far greater. It begins in a dark room, and with a fire, but pretty soon you're taking care of a whole village. It's a game with a great sense of mystery and satisfying micromanagement, but on a technical level I particularly like the timed decision boxes, which make A Dark Room feel far less static than a lot of text-based titles.

Play it online here.

Wayward has all the traits of a roguelike randomly generated levels and permanently dying characters but instead of battling through a dungeon, you're fighting for survival. You're more likely to die from hunger than from monsters, although there are plenty of those as well.

It hides a lot of depth behind its top down 16-bit graphics. You begin washed up on a beach, carrying nothing. From there you must chop trees, mine rocks and use the assorted items they give to craft tools. So far, so Minecraft, but Wayward goes further in the amount of detail to its systems.

Play it online here.

Seedling is a top-down RPG adventure with plenty of nods to old Zelda games. You play as an unspecified creation of the Oracle, who charges you with the collection of a seed. That's about as far as the plot goes. The rest of the game has you exploring dungeons, killing enemies, collecting items, then using them to unlock the way to new dungeons, enemies and items.

Cookie Clicker
Play it online here.

This isn't so much a recommendation as it is a warning. As of writing, I have 432.3 million cookies, and I'm producing more at a rate of 3.01 million per second.

In the beginning, you follow Cookie Clicker's instructive title and click the giant cookie on the screen. Doing so bakes a single cookie. Click fourteen more times, and you'll have made enough to afford a Cursor, which automatically clicks every ten seconds. Get this far and you're already in trouble. If Cookie Clicker had microtransactions, it would be a weaponized strike against wallets. Instead, it's merely a worryingly addictive time waster.

I've now hit 20 billion enough cookies to genetically enhance my workforce of grannies and buy an antimatter condenser. Send help.

Candy Box 2
Play it online here.

The first Candy Box used the incremental waiting period enforced by the most exploitative free-to-play games, but hung something silly around it. Candies slowly ticked in, and new features were slowly unlocked, but then there were quests and riddles and as many jokes as you could fit into an HTML page full of ASCII.

This time, you're quickly given access to a full world map, and it's there that you'll spend the majority of the game. You can visit villages, slay camels, explore a 3D cavern, and talk to a squirrel, all in the name of candy collection.


Frog Fractions
Play it online here.

Frog Fractions is a difficult game to talk about, because ideally you should play it as fresh and free from spoilers as possible. Even pointing out that it can be spoilt is a spoiler, because it suggests there's more to the game than it would initially have you believe. It starts as a forgettable parody that's part Missile Command, part edutainment spoof. But the real Frog Fractions is a game that's frequently surprising, silly and hilarious. It would be wrong to give away any of what happens next, but I ll give you a hint to help find it: go down.
A Second Chance
Play it online here.

The great Flash conglomerate known as Major Bueno continues to win browser games with the briefly wonderful A Second Chance, which is basically a screen full of buttons that enable funny things. You're a guy at NASA mission control, or something like that, and all you have to do is help a team of astronauts plant and explode a bomb on an incoming asteroid. The 'right' path is quite simple and doesn't take very long, but there are a few minutes of fun to be had from getting things A Bit Wrong first as usual, this is mainly down to the fantastic artwork.

No, Birdie, No!
Play it online here.

There you are, happily clinging for life on the side of a cliff when, all of a sudden, along comes a bird. Birds, as everyone knows, are nature's biggest jerks. To prove the folly in not evolving wings, he decides to peck at your fingers. Seriously, birds! They're proper bastards.

In fairness, you've got a bigger problem to deal with when playing No, Birdie, No: the control scheme. The game is played by holding down A, S, D and F, with each key correlating to a finger on both hands. When the bird stops at a finger, you release that key to raise it, causing the bird to miss and allowing you to avoid a grip loosening injury.
Night Rider Turbo
Play it online here.

McPixel creator Sos Sosowski is back with the lightly Enviro-Bear 2000-ish Night Rider Turbo, which sees you operating an awesome car that gradually falls apart in your hands. To get the most out of this joyously silly game, make sure you pull, press, prod and poke everything in sight. I particularly like the soundtrack, which perfectly complements the thrill of hurtling down a motorway into oncoming traffic while driving a car held together by sticky tape.

Room of 1000 Snakes
Play it online here.

You probably shouldn't push a big red button in a game entitled 'Room of 1000 Snakes', but even after seeing this hilarious, brief game from Zineth developers Arcane Kids to its inevitable conclusion, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. Tremendous stuff, with the perfect choice of soundtrack.

Play it online here.

It s just as easy to fail at as QWOP, but I find GIRP gentler somehow. You climb a rockface (and avoid falling into the sea) by holding down various keys on your keyboard to indicate where to place your climber s flailing hands. Let go, and he lets go turning the game into a kind of small-scale Twister or full-scale Twister, if you re lucky enough to get to play it on a set of rejigged dance mats.

Play it online here.

QWOP is named after the keys you use to control it: QW to pump your sprinter s thighs, OP to arc his calves. The experience is what I imagine it s like to be an alien placed inside a robotic humansuit, pulling levers to manoeuvre the appendages. The result on screen is simultaneously tense and hilarious. One leg stretches out, the other hops pathetically, the runner s balance starts to slowly topple, keys are hammered in an attempt to try to return upright, and then it s over. Your score: 1.4 metres.

Robot Unicorn Attack
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A stylishly camp auto-running game about a robot unicorn leaping across gaps and listening to the Erasure song Always on repeat. If that doesn t make you want to play it, I definitely don t wanna be with you / or make believe with you / or live in harmony, harmony, oh love.

Arma 3

Every Friday the PC Gamer team scan their memory banks to identify the incontrovertibly best and worst moments of the last week. Then, when confronted with the sum total of human ecstasy and misery, they write about PC gaming instead...


Tyler Wilde: Not crying wolf
Episode four of The Wolf Among Us came out on Tuesday, and not only is it good, it arrived just a month and a half after episode three released. I hope Telltale sticks to this newly speedy schedule. Four months passed between the first and second episodes, which is way too much time for those of us who like keeping up with the series as it happens (and are as forgetful as I am). Waiting for the whole season and binging is nice, but playing episodes at release gives me the opportunity to discuss them with people who also just played, and that s part of the fun for me.

Evan Lahti: Arma marks a million
Arma 3 quietly crossed the 1 million mark this week. Not to cheerlead for a franchise I love, but it s a signal of PC gaming s health that a game with a reputation for being impenetrable and graphically demanding has done this well in less than a year. When I say health, I don t mean simply in terms of the number of PC gamers on the planet, but how open-minded and curious many of us are about new experiences. It certainly makes me want to write about Arma more. And try its silly new kart racing DLC.

Chris Thursten: Rising through the ranks
I've been playing Blade Symphony since it came out, but I've been having a great time with it this week. After an initial run of success I managed to totally tank my global ranking - down from 600 to about 22,000. In the last couple of days I've crawled back up, and I'm now sitting at 742. To get there I've had to totally rebuild how I play, how I respond to opponents, and how I make sure I'm in the right mindset to win my duels. As a fencing dork and someone who used to be obsessed with Jedi Knight, I'm in heaven. Providing that the community stays active, it's shaping up to be one of my games of the year.

Cory Banks: A welcome delay
It s not often that I m happy about a delay, but Valve pushing back the Steam Controller until 2015 is, honestly, a good thing. We have not been all that impressed by Valve s controller prototypes I thought the first one was okay, but Evan really disliked the second one. It s good that Valve s hearing that feedback (and the feedback of other users, too), because getting this right might be the single most important part of the company s SteamOS initiative.

It does, unfortunately, mean that we likely won t see the full launch of SteamOS this year, either. But I d rather wait than have to suffer a crappy controller.

Andy Kelly: A new home for horror
I played two hours of The Evil Within this week, and it s everything I hoped it would be. It s no secret that I love Resident Evil 4, and as you can read in my hands-on preview, it feels like its spiritual successor. A lot of horror games on PC these days are little more than elaborate games of hide and seek, but Mikami s game has systems to exploit and opportunities for creative play. Rather than go for cheap scares, the team at Tango Gameworks seem to be focusing on tension-building. Like the Resident Evil games did so well (the good ones, anyway), you always feel like you re right on the edge of running out of ammo. If they can keep this up throughout the whole game, and it doesn t do that thing where you suddenly become so powerful and overloaded with supplies that it s no longer scary, it could be great.

Tom Senior: When hackers play hide and seek...
If you're going to nab ideas for your open world adventure game, Dark Souls is a good place to go. So I keep thinking as I experiment with Watch Dog's 1 vs 1, hacker vs. hacker multiplayer mode, which lets players invade other games for a round of hide and seek. You jump from manipulating predictable AI enemies to facing a living, thinking human being with hopes, dreams, and infuriatingly good hiding skills.

I found one opponent by wrecking up a crossroad. I dispersed the NPC crowds with some warning shots, hacked the traffic lights to create a traffic jam and then started scanning from car to car. I was 91% hacked when a sports car launched into reverse just metres ahead of me, and sped off into the distance. I tried to shoot out their tyres, but they successfully fled the scene. I got points for stopping the hack, my opponent got points for escaping. We both walked away with a story to tell great stuff. This sort of encounter bodes well for games like The Division, with its strong multiplayer focus.


Tyler Wilde: Star Citizen stuck in the hanger
The Star Citizen dogfighting module has been delayed again, maybe briefly. The news isn t necessarily a sign of troubles at Cloud Imperium, but the missed deadlines are starting to tell a story I don t want to hear more of. It s the story of a famous game developer who accrued over $44 million dollars with one of the most ambitious game pitches ever...and way, way overpromised.

I don t think the Star Citizen story will be so tragic. They make me nervous, but delays are an established part of software development, and just because one piece is taking a while doesn t mean the complete package isn t coming together in the process. But if I had payed for Star Citizen, as much as I d want to encourage quality over deadlines, I d also kind of want something to play. The backers are owed it, and I hope they don t have much longer to wait.

Tom Senior: I m scared to go inside my own computer
My office graphics card keeps overheating, leading to sudden resets and strange glitches. Andy advised me to take it into the stairwell and give it a good seeing to with a vacuum cleaner. Could the GPU fan, choked by dust, be failing to cool my chips? Probably, but I haven t been inside this thing for months. As the Tutankhamun tomb discoverers were rumoured to have fallen to diseases trapped in the chamber s stagnant air, I fear a facefull of vile machine dust could be my end. An irrational fear, certainly, but I ve always been a tiny bit afraid of messing with machines since watching Superman 2 as a kid and having nightmares about that ending. Brrrr.

Chris Thursten: Struck by space envy
I'm pretty heartbroken by the closure of Mythic, but I believe Cory plans to go into more detail about this particular loss to the industry. The studio might not have had a good run lately, but Dark Age of Camelot will always be the game that defined my adolescence.

With that in mind, my low of the week is going to be that I'm not playing Elite Dangerous yet. Everytime I turn around I see Andy having some kind of spectacular space adventure and I think why isn't that me. I've started to regret the life decisions that have placed Andy and I on separate roads; him in a spaceship, me refreshing Twitter at my silly Earth-bound desk. I try to rationalise it, to argue to myself that I'd rather wait for the final game, but then Andy jumps into hyperspace and it's all like whoooooosh and I'm like fuck you, Andy, fuck you.

Cory Banks: Farewell to Mythic
I hate studio closures. I especially hate the closure of Mythic Entertainment, the developer of classic MMO Dark Age of Camelot. One of my most treasured memories in gaming involved the Realm vs. Realm combat that Camelot introduced, and I had plenty of nights spent defending the Albion relic from Hibernian invaders. It wasn t my first MMO, but it was one of my favorites, and an important stepping stone for the genre.

Unfortunately, Mythic s other game, Warhammer Online, didn t do as well. It shut down in December 2013, and the studio focused on free-to-play mobile games that honestly were far beneath what it deserved. My heart goes out to those affected by the studio s closure, and here s hoping they find new roles where they can get back to making great games.

Evan Lahti: No love for Uplay
Uplay, you goddamn monster. Ubisoft s cumbersome DRM layer has always felt as uncomfortable as the wool sweater grandma forces on you at Christmas, with its weird, proprietary achievements system and other features no one uses. This week, though, it got in the way of a lot of people playing Watch Dogs, seemingly cracking under the weight of many players verifying their legitimately-purchased copies of the game. Our buddy Will Smith had the worst experience I heard:

.@garywhitta after waiting on hold for 90 minutes, I was banned for attempting to log on too many times and they couldn't test fixes.— Will Smith (@willsmith) May 29, 2014

I can t imagine what it s like for gamers who have kids, or get home late, or anyone who has to carefully set aside time to game to have to deal with that. After Diablo III, after SimCity, it s unbelievable that big publishers aren t fully prepared for the scale of their own launchers. With pre-order stats as an indicator, they should be able to anticipate these issues. In cases like these it still feels like PC takes a backseat to multiplatform games launch on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Andy Kelly: An unwelcome delay
The delay of the Steam controller is a shame. I think it s time PC had its own bespoke official controller. Currently it s the Xbox 360 pad, which is fine, but I want something more suited to the format. I love the idea of using those weird trackpad things to both play twitchy shooters and strategy games, dragging the cursor around in lieu of a mouse. Civ on the sofa? Yes, please. But it s promising that Steam are delaying it, because it shows that they re not rushing the thing out and putting some serious thought into its design. After all, if you get hardware wrong, you can t just patch its problems away. I can t wait to get my hands on one in 2015.
PC Gamer

Hearthstone has won over the PC Gamer office in a big way: Tyler loves the game a little too much, and we ve devoted a lot of time to explaining the best decks, the best cards, and even celebrating a little fan art. We re eagerly awaiting the new singleplayer adventure mode, Curse of Naxxramas, in part because it s an opportunity to earn some awesome, brand-new cards.

Blizzard announced two of the new cards through its various social media tendrils. The first, Rebirth, is a spell that hits the reset button on a wounded minion. It s perfect for those big-hitting heavies that take a few turns to finally die. Let them take a few hits and then pop them back to life. It s a good thing Hearthstone has no in-game chat, because this would surely frustrate an opponent into some choice obscenities.

Duplicate is a new secret card for you mage deck, and it s also perfect when paired with a rare or powerful minion. Add it in secret, and when your opponent finally kills your damage-absorbing bruiser, you get two more copies of that minion delivered directly to your hand. Like a hydra, when you strike one down, two more grow in its place. Devastating.

The Curse of Naxxramas will be available for Hearthstone players this summer. While you wait, start brushing up on your deck strategies so you can head to BlizzCon and compete in the quarter-million-dollar grand prize tournament.
PC Gamer
Prison Architect

"What shall we add this time?" the members of Introversion Software asked themselves. At least, they did in this fictional dramatisation of the creation of Prison Architect's new update. "How about something nice for a change," said one developer, "like some attractive new flowers, or a really lovely baking minigame." Everyone pondered this bold new direction, and the possibility of a much-needed break from the misery of incarceration simulation. "Or," said another, "we could add heroin."

Can you guess which way they went?

"Prisoners can now take drugs," writes Chris Delay, this time in real life on the game's forum. "Addiction gets stronger with each use of a drug, and prisoners go into withdrawal if they do not get their drugs fix quick enough." If a prisoner does become addicted, two new reform programs offer them a chance to kick the habit.

Other new features include advanced regime control allowing you to independently set the schedule of different security groups and new language packs, downloadable through the Steam Workshop.

For the next Prison Architect update, Introversion will instead be honing in on the bugs. "This does mean that there will be no new features in alpha 22," writes Delay, "however the game should improve immeasurably as we tackle some of the biggest long standing issues in the game." As part of this, they want the community's help as explained in another video.

PC Gamer
Original image via Flickr user JD Hancock

GameSpy began in 1996 as a fan-hosted server for the original Quake. By the early 2000s, GameSpy was the online multiplayer platform, adding dozens of games every year. More than 800 games have used GameSpy to connect players and manage servers. GameSpy's ubiquity spawned dozens of offshoots such as Planet Half-Life and FilePlanet. Even in the age of Steam, the GameSpy catalog remains an extensive library of the great multiplayer games of the past 15 years. That all ends tomorrow when GameSpy shuts down.

More recent games, much-loved favorites, and games with even a modicum of popularity are being ported over to Steam-based servers to continue their lives. This is not a story about those kinds of games. This story is about the games that have become living museums to the Way Gaming Was from before Call of Duty became an annual franchise, before the rise and fall of Rock Band, and before anyone paid a single microtransaction for horse armor. Games from this era relied on GameSpy for their multiplayer servers, and many of them will die when those servers go offline on May 31.

I wanted to talk to the people who still play games that, for the rest of us, are nothing but fond memories. With my anti-virus on high alert, I dove into the seedier corners of the Internet to dredge up old install files, seek out the last guardians of a dying age of PC gaming, and ask them: Why this game? Why now? Why still?

Do they even know that the end is coming?

Scott Kevill has been working to set up multiplayer servers since 1997, which actually makes him a contemporary of GameSpy. While GameSpy peaked and crashed, it s only recently that Kevill s company, Australia-based GameRanger, has kicked into high gear. GameRanger now has over five million members and serves connections to over 120,000 players a day. The big hits pay his bills, but it s the older gems that drive Kevill.

In the past few months, GameRanger has been working overtime to add support for GameSpy games that would otherwise be forgotten to the annals of pixelated YouTube Let s Plays or a forlorn Wikipedia stub. Halo: Combat Evolved and Star Wars Battlefront 2 have been two recent high-profile additions. The service now hosts almost 700 games, 325 of which are set to have their GameSpy-based multiplayer modes go offline tomorrow. I ask him why people still care about old games.

Nostalgia is a big one, he says. The games had an impact on them at a certain point in their lives. Adding support for these games is a lot of work for little reward, and players don t always make it easy. Nostalgia has a double-edged sword in that people are upset that the online experience is not as big as it was at the game's peak. As if bringing back those original servers would magically bring back all the old players and the old experience, and it just doesn't work that way.

Image via 343 Industries forum user A H Spyker

I recently took a tour through the GameRanger servers for Halo: Combat Evolved. On an average weeknight, I saw three full servers and a half-dozen others with progressively smaller populations. All told, about 100 people were still playing the great-grandaddy of the Halo franchise, which came out on PC in September 2003. When half a million people log into Dota 2 every night, it puts two games of Capture the Flag and four pairs of friends into stark perspective.

People still play, though, because of nostalgia. Every player I talked to referenced nostalgia as their first reason for logging in. Two players in Rune, a hack-and-slash multiplayer melee game from 2001, stopped chopping heads off long enough to tell me explicitly: they still play because they still have fun with friends they met in-game. Friends and a sweet community, a player with the tag of Gamora told me over the in-game chat. If they left, I wouldn t be staying in this game for one more minute.

Gamora s friend Pan told me that the group does play other games, but they still like playing Rune because of the fond memories. They also play Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, but they have more fun with Rune s antiquated combat systems. While I spoke with Pan and Gamora, a total of six people were logged into Rune s servers.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 had a more active community over the Memorial Day weekend the last full weekend the game would be live on GameSpy. I found Lucas Verdugo and his friend fighting a battle on Hoth with around 20 other players. I joined a Skype call, which Lucas uses to chat with friends while they play, to ask him about it.

It was a nostalgia purchase, Verdugo told me. He d originally played it on his long-lost PlayStation 2, and had only recently bought a copy for PC. I love Battlefront so much because I m able to create my own storyline if I want to . Battlefront 2 was the first FPS game he ever purchased. Star Wars is my favorite franchise of all time. When I first started playing this game, I was ecstatic.

Verdugo had actually not heard that GameSpy was shutting down until I asked him how he felt about it, something I felt immediately terrible about. There was a silence as he did a web search for articles about the shutdown. His recent purchase and rekindled enthusiasm for a game from his youth were about to get cut short, and I d accidentally dropped the news. While Battlefront will live on thanks to GameRanger, the still-active community will most likely be fragmented and much smaller.
New games don t measure up
Players still think of these aging games like they did when they were new, with the fondness they felt for them when they were young and in love. I ll be blunt: a lot of these games have not aged well. To someone who hasn t played a Battlefront game since Episode 3: Return of the Sith was in theatres, the graphics are messy and the gameplay is floaty. To the fans, they re the hallmarks of a golden age.

It s the first multiplayer game I ever played, so nostalgia is part of it, Dylan Mason says about Battlefront 2. I met him and his friend while I shot at Ewoks rendered in 2005 graphics as waddling gray turds with spears on Endor s forest moon. Mason told me on a Skype call that he is disappointed that the servers are shutting down before the new game rumored to be shown at this year s E3 has a chance to come online. He jokes that when the servers go offline, he ll probably cry a bit and then play against bots for the next week. But he s also somewhat antagonistic about more modern games. None of them have the same feeling as Battlefront, he says. Battlefront is his main game for multiplayer.

His friend, Bill Bish, chimes in: I played it as a little kid growing up, and it s one of the best Star Wars games ever. He hopes that EA and DICE will make the next Battlefront game incredible, but he s skeptical. I really hope they can top it, he says, but you know...

I do know. I know exactly what he means because a fan of DICE s other multiplayer shooter franchise, perennial Call of Duty competitor Battlefield, told me almost the exact same thing a week earlier. The player, whose online tag is RIICKY, is part of a group of modders working to save Battlefield 2 from obsolescence. He still plays the second entry in the Battlefield series all the time with a large community of friends. He expressed the same nostalgia I saw in all of my interviews: For me, I was kinda raised with the game. RIICKY also longs for a time before Battlefield became dumbed down for the masses to appeal to a wider audience. Business is business and I understand, but it s sad to see the core values get pushed aside... I still can't find even recent Battlefield games to be a replacement to Battlefield 2.

I ask Kevill about this angle, and he agrees that he s heard it a lot from GameRanger members. Sometimes it's the gameplay hasn't been matched by newer offerings even if the graphics are not that new and shiny, he says.
Art history
Image via GameSpy.com, which shut down in early 2013.

The modern mega games industry is the biggest it s ever been. The games of the GameSpy heyday generation were created by smaller teams than the modern Call of Duty blockbusters, but they still represent the work of hundreds of artists, programmers, writers, and animators. If even the oldest, least-loved B-movies can find a home on Netflix, doesn t the artistic output of these developers deserve to be saved?

I asked RIICKY if he thinks he s saving a piece of gaming history. I definitely do. Even if it wasn't really that much of a popular game compared to other titles that were active at the time. It definitely shaped the way the new Battlefield games were made and I'm sure how the Call of Duty series and many others responded to them.

Half a world away in Australia, Kevill thinks so too. For me, that's actually a big part of it, he says. It's one thing to preserve the games themselves years later, but multiplayer was part of these games as well. As the trend shifted to have the online experience intertwined with the rest of the game, more and more the games have become unusable without those online services. They're a part of history that need to be preserved.

Kevill may have a soft spot for unloved technology. He collects old computer hardware, including a collection of TRS-80 computers that I would love to visit. He doesn t think of himself as a collector by trade, though: it s just that the more popular stuff already has someone looking out for it.

it kind of felt like, if I didn't, no one else was going to. And that would be a great pity to have history vanish.
Watch Dogs

It's a fun quirk of PC gaming that, going into a new game, you're never quite sure what will happen. Take Watch Dogs: I've had no issues with it, whereas, if Tom drives fast enough, this can happen. It can be hard to gauge exactly how prevalent a problem can be, but enough are experiencing lag and stuttering issues that Sebastien Viard, the game's graphics technical director, issued a series of tweets explaining the problem and committing to an upcoming performance patch.

Watch Dogs can use 3+ GB of RAM on NG consoles for graphics, your PC GPU needs enough VRAM for ultra options due to the lack of unified mem— Sebastien Viard (@SebViard) May 29, 2014

If you are having problems, Viard suggests reducing those settings that have a more dramatic effect on VRAM usage, including texture quality, anti-aliasing and resolution. It's not an ideal solution, but it should tide you over until a PC patch is deployed.

And finally, our PC progs are also currently working on a patch to improve your experience thanks to your reports, stay tuned :) #WatchDogs— Sebastien Viard (@SebViard) May 29, 2014

Of course, all that advice ignores the perverse excitement that veteran PC gamers may feel on encountering a game that doesn't work on their system. It's been a while since we've had a reason to upgrade our machines, and the call of a new, shiny graphics card is strong. What makes it somewhat disappointing is that, even on Ultra settings, Watch Dogs isn't the graphical tour-de-force you'd hope from the game upsetting your rig.

Thanks, PCGamesN.
PC Gamer
Dogfights are intense. With the Oculus Rift, it's like being IN Star Wars.

There are over 100 billion star systems, Elite creator David Braben tells me when I ask if that number could possibly be true. In fact, it s closer to 400 billion. It s a very silly number anyway. Elite: Dangerous is the modernised sequel to the classic freeform space sim, and there s no faulting developer Frontier s ambition. The game sees you, a rookie pilot, set loose in a vast celestial sandbox with 100 credits in your space-wallet and dreams of achieving the ultimate pilot rating: elite. How you do this is up to you, whether you become a trader, a pirate, a smuggler, and many more jobs besides.

Braben compares his vision of the Milky Way to the California gold rush of the 1800s. When there was a gold rush in San Francisco in 1849, many of the people who made money didn't mine a single piece of gold. What they did was take a cargo of spades and things like that, and sold them at stupidly inflated prices. Our galaxy will be continuously evolving. You might get the occasional gold rush, which changes the status of a particular place. Players will be running in to try and get some of the gold that s been discovered in some outlying system. But what else will happen is that a whole raft of other things will be in demand. The need for food and equipment will skyrocket.

If you look at our galactic map, all the human activity takes place in one pixel. So we re talking a hundred thousand systems or thereabouts where human space is occupied. But some players will head out into the unknown, but there won t be anything like the rate of things happening in it. If you think of a map of the UK, and you imagine something happening somewhere, you can get to it quite quickly because it s a much smaller area than the whole of the planet. Most of the action will take place in human space, with occasional events that take place just outside of it.

The end result will be that human space extends further into the galaxy. These are the worlds that we re calling the frontier worlds. There isn't much settlement or law, if any, or many people. A player will take their scanning devices and discover, say, gold, but will keep it secret. Then another player will say, how come this player has a cargo hold full of gold coming back from the unknown? Maybe I ll try following them. In the 1849 gold rush, when the first discoveries were made, it was a number of weeks before the information leaked out. Apparently, by contemporary reports, some guy got very drunk in a bar and spilled enough of the beans that people could work out what was going on.
Gold rush
There ll be players trying to be the one who finds a nugget of interest in the unknown. A lot of systems won t have anything of relevance. There might be a beautiful sunset, but fundamentally we can t have every system being full of gold. It would just destabilise the world. But occasionally we will destabilise it intentionally so players can pile in and take advantage of it. Players can be one of these explorers who goes out and discovers things for the first time and does well from it. This is where space is at its most interesting. Where there is no law and you can just be attacked without real recourse. We ll see a lot of player collaboration, where players will band together to protect each other.

Interestingly, missions won t just be picked up from NPCs at stations. As you explore space you ll find yourself stumbling into dangerous situations that you ll be able to exploit financially. There are different categories of missions. There are ones you actively get and accept. There are also things that can turn into missions. If you come across a shipwreck, there could be a lot of things behind it. You could search it and find something interesting, but it might also be a trap. Or it might be that there s something very bad indeed there, whether it s a disease that later gets spread, or something that s a threat to your ship. But you won t know which one of those it is without investigating.

Docking is fairly easy in small fighters, but try squeezing a big cargo ship in there.

But you won t be the stereotypical RPG jack of all trades, able to accept any mission type you desire without the proper experience. One of the things I was always uncomfortable about with Frontier was that you could get to do illegal stuff straight away. That doesn't feel right. If someone wants you to do something a bit shady, they would want to trust you first, so you d have to earn that trust. It s this idea of working your way up the different organisations and earning various rewards from it, which isn't always money. Some of the spaceship types, for example, you can only buy if you re with the faction that makes them. So you can only pilot the top-end Federal ships some of the biggest in the game by joining the Federation or the Empire. They re rewards for helping their military.

There s a huge range of ships. There are 25 you can pilot, ranging from very small ships smaller than the Sidewinder going up to bigger ones like the Anaconda. Big ships can carry other ships, so you d be able to launch a small fighter from it, which is more nimble. We've got ships that are glorified Transit vans. What I mean by that is they can t take much damage, and don t have many hardpoints, but they have cavernous cargo holds. The Sidewinder and Anaconda are multi-purpose ships. They re reasonable at everything. But we ll also have specialist ships. Military, trading, and so on.

Take damage and your cockpit spits sparks and spews smoke.

Factions are important in Elite: Dangerous, and choosing to fight for one side will alienate you from the others. If there s a situation where two huge cruisers are duking it out, you can accept what we re calling a combat bond from either side. They say, look, we need your help, you go in and fight on our side and we ll reward you for it. Some will give you a reward for every kill or every other metric that s important to them at the time. With that you sign up to it, you go along, and you help them, earning a reward which is variable depending on how well you do the task. In other missions you ll get a one-off reward for taking something dangerous to a place.

These may seem like traditional single-player missions, but they can quite easily involve other players. You can contact your friends and say that this is going to be really hard, can you help me with this? And you can share the spoils once it s done. So there are official missions, but you might also get a message from another player asking for help escorting a ship through dangerous territory. So there are these unofficial missions started when friends contact you.

We have news tickers in the game where you ll see the changing state of systems. If one enters into a civil war, there ll be a demand for weapons that you can take advantage of. Or you could be running guns through blockades if they become illegal. When you think about what a mission is, it s being paid to do something for some other character. The complexion of the mission depends on who you re doing it for. The emergent missions you stumble into while exploring are the most fun, when something comes up that you can take advantage of. That can be very exciting.

Any game with systems like this will inevitably be exploited by players, but Braben isn't just anticipating it, he s encouraging it: With a game like this, one thing players will want to do is break the system. It happens in real life. A load of players will get together and all buy food at the same time to drive the price up or down and manipulate the stock market. So we ll be putting in automated mission generation that will trigger when that happens. That feels natural. There will be advantages to co-operating with other players to break the system and mess with the stock markets.

Other events will be triggered by us. We ll make it so that in one system there s a natural disaster, which there ll be no warning of. If there s a part of the galaxy where very little is happening, suddenly there ll be an earthquake, or a virus, or a star will start flaring, causing real problems on the planet that orbits around it. These events will create opportunities, and players will flock to them. What we ll do is change it from an agricultural world to a world in a state of famine or revolution, and that immediately triggers appropriate automated missions.
Rank and file
As for the fabled elite rating, Braben thinks it s practically achievable, but will still be rare enough that any passing elite-ranked player will make you quake with fear and/or gaze in awe. The people who've managed to get the elite rating are quite few and far between. It is a very difficult thing to get, and it takes a long time. If you've got this unusual group of people who've managed to do this, they d also be extremely wealthy because they've been successfully playing the space lanes for a very long time.

If a president wants me to escort his daughter, he s going to want an elite pilot, because this is a world that s dangerous. But someone who s super rich might not want to take on such a mission, so we have this concept that, within the pilot s federation, elite pilots can bless other pilots with lower ratings, but who they feel are of the same quality and ability as one of the elite. They just haven t got the rank yet. So they re elite dangerous as in not actually elite, but they re allowed to use that rank. I think a large number of players will eventually get the elite rank, but it will take a long time. It ll be a very small percentage, so it ll still have a wow factor for other players.

The lighting especially the glow of other ships' engines is fantastic.

The big question is, how the hell do you navigate 400 billion star systems? People will spend most of their time looking at their local area. It s like comparing a trip down to the shops with walking from Paris to Moscow. You would walk from Paris, to a small town outside of it, through Munich you d look at a map and plan your route. People will see a mission come up on their ticker and say, well, I ll go via this point and this point, and on the way I can sell off this cargo, or pick up this other thing. So you ll probably come up with a less direct route that s more efficient for you. You can set a filter to say you only want to go through systems that have a reasonable level of law enforcement, so there s less chance of being attacked. But that might mean that your route ends up being longer.

This idea of a shifting, dynamic galaxy especially at this scale is incredibly compelling. Braben talks about these grand ideas with total conviction, and I really hope his vision is realised. The alpha is encouraging, with weighty, tactile ship handling, dramatic combat, and a brilliant update of the famous Elite docking sequence. Even though we've put a lot more money in than we raised, Kickstarter has shown us that there s a huge market for the game out there. Elite: Dangerous has just entered the beta phase of its development after a number of alpha builds, and although no official release date has been set, Frontier say the game will be released sometime this year.
Call of Duty®: Ghosts

You know, I've been genuinely inspired by the new Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC announcement. Invasion contains among other things a "refreshed" version of the Modern Warfare 2 map Favela. In that spirit, I'm going to similarly "refresh" an old Call of Duty news post...

Why do Call of Duty characters hate each other so much? Yes, they're at war that I can understand but the lengths they'll go to annihilate their enemy is almost sadistic. In , one of the four maps included in the DLC, somebody has gone through the time, danger and expense of . It's as if Infinity Ward have created an fiction in which every person is a .

Other deathtraps include the standard military issue , and some weird device called . Whatever will they think of next?

In addition to the four maps, players will also get the episode of "the Extinction saga" co-op campaign, and .

All this will be available sometime after 3rd, which is the date the Xbox lot start their exclusive access period. It's annoying, sure, but if they don't get first dibs, they'll spend the rest of the year saying mean things about your mum.
PC Gamer

Yes, we're all a little bit excited about this new Unreal Tournament game, but no one expected gameplay footage to pop up this soon. The video above shows the Epic team embarking on their first Unreal Tournament 2k14 deathmatch, and while the game is very clearly in its early stages (the environment is a bunch of grey cubes under a generic blue skybox) it's still nice to see it in action. One guy even manages to pioneer cheating in Unreal Tournament 2k14. Well done, guy.

Epic Games announced the new free-to-play Unreal Tournament earlier this month, along with news that development on the title was starting that same day. Unusual, yes, but it's in keeping with the spirit of the title, which Epic Games hopes will be a collaborate process. From the very first line of code, the very first art created and design decision made, development will happen in the open, as a collaboration between Epic, UT fans and UE4 developers, Epic said.
Bioshock Infinite 4k 12

When Irrational Games closed earlier this year many assumed it would mark the end of the BioShock series. While critically adored, 2013 s BioShock Infinite did not attract the astronomical sales figures video game publishers expect nowadays. But according to Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick, a future for the series has not been ruled out. In fact, during an address at the Cowen and Company analyst conference last week, attended by Gamespot, he explicitly stated that the future of the series lay in the hands of 2K Marin.
"We haven't given any colour on how you should think about yet except we do believe it's beloved. We think it's important certainly something that we're focused on; something 2K Marin will be responsible for shepherding going forward.
I think there's a lot of upside in that franchise," Zelnick continued. "It hasn't necessarily been realised yet. And the question for the future, assuming we decide to answer the question, would be 'How do you stay true to that creatively?'; 'How do you do something exciting?'; and 'How do you do expand the market?'. That would be the natural drill. We're starting from a good point on it. And certainly it's been a great piece of business for us; it's been a profitable piece of business."
Zelnick also commented on Take-Two s strongest performing IPs: Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto and Borderlands. While there s still no news on whether Rockstar will release PC editions of Red Dead Redemption or Grand Theft Auto 5, Zelnick did say that both were permanent franchises: evidence enough that a Red Dead Redemption sequel will appear one of these days.
He also took an opportunity to engage in one of the video game world s favourite pastimes: sledging Duke Nukem Forever. Noting that Take-Two s success rate is unusually high due to their careful approach to nurturing IPs, Zelnick admitted that Duke Nukem Forever was a mistake.
"We have a really high hit ratio. It's probably not realistic to believe it could be much higher than it is, he said.
We've had precious few flops. And at least, of the few I can think of - and I can think of a few, sadly - at least one of them was just a misguided decision on my part, which was Duke Nukem.