Oct 12, 2018
Unending Dusk - dwayne
General Fixes

- Fixed an issue where Dark Mods were cost at 1 for testing purposes
- Added missing waves to Apex of the Mega City

Oct 11, 2018
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Content Update!

Apex of the Mega City is now available in Nightmare and Hell Modes.
Six Sisters Boss
Orbital Trap
Warlock Minion
Mage Minion
Succubus Minion
Torturer Minion

- Darkness element type: Stuns enemies and players for longer periods
- Hell Mode is now unlocked for all available maps (if player has access)
- Added remaining 14 Hell Tier Mods
- Added Level 30-40 Techs

Corpse Lore Feature: Dead enemies sometimes provide some story or details about their resistances. This provides a Lore Bonus at the end of a mission.

General Fixes

- Added the option to turn off damage numbers in Gameplay options
- Increased most Holy Mods purchase and upgrade prices as they become really powerful in Hell Mode
- Loot now drops in a smaller radius around dead enemies
- Added some text on death to explain how users can return to hideout
- Fixed stacking of food items when there are multiple Engineers
- Fixed an issue with mission timeouts when entering the next area
- Fixed a crash that occurs when the host terminates the session
- Fixed ambient rain sounds from playing when quitting to main menu

Balance Changes

- Rebalanced walk speeds as Engineer/Brawler felt a bit too slow at level 1
- Jump Heavy attacks have all been buffed approximately 10%
- Block mod effects reduced to 20 seconds

Rebalanced some earlier enemies as there's more content now.
- Reduced damage of Highway enemies (Normal)
- Reduced health of Warmachine (Normal)
- Reduced food drops from some Nightmare Mode enemies
- Manager special chance and explode chance reduced to 25%

Many techs have been changed to allow better scaling for higher level techs.

- One with Energy reduced to 50%
- Assassin's Zenith damage increase reduced to 20%

- Mod effects should spawn earlier in the dash animation
- Jump heavy attack hitbox occurs earlier
- Feel the Power reduced to 50%
- Chain Mail penalties reduced by half
- Commando special charge reduced to 50%
- Avoidance projectile damage reduction reduced to 10%

- Ultimate Penetration now bypasses 20% of Physical Resistance
- Berserker increases damage dealt by 30% and taken by 10%
- Focused Might increases special damage by 350
- Improved processing reduced to 5%
- Extra Health reduced to 10%
- One on One reduced to 10%
- Aggression unblockable damage reduction reduced to 10%

- Buffed light attack finisher slightly
- Projectile surge special charge reduced to 50%
- Electrical Mastery now deals 35 damage and reduces 10% damage
- Plasma Break now bypasses 20% Plasma Resistance

Next we'll be looking at added more moves/functionality for existing characters and polishing the game more.


Issues: Apex of the Mega City is missing some enemy waves but should be fine to play until we patch it.
Sep 19, 2018
Unending Dusk - dwayne
We are working on our first content update which will include:

Apex of the Mega City
4 New Enemies
1 New Boss
Hell Difficulty (for all maps up to the final map)
More tiles and possibly secret areas
Random corpse lore feature (provides more story and random exp)
Finishing and polishing the 5 new Hell Mode Tier items.
Level 30-40 Techs

Boss drops will provide easier access to all of the Hell Mode Tier items.

Expect this to go live sometime in the middle of October.

Sep 14, 2018
Unending Dusk - dwayne
-Added opengl support

That's it! Thanks.
Sep 13, 2018
Unending Dusk - dwayne
General Fixes/Additions
- Bug: Kill Keystone: Hunger now upgrades properly
- Bug: Kill Keystone: Frenzy now upgrades properly
- Art: Energy Wings now displays the correct icon
- Added some text to explain to users that they can find more mods in the store if they scroll left/right
- Bug: Avoidance was providing too much damage reduction
- Added text on Bonus Selected Maps to explain what it does
- Removed the mod damage numbers
- SFX: Added a sound to Acolyte teleport
- Changed voucher text to explain it can be used for Bounties
- Fixed upgrade costs for Block: Defense and Block: Attack
- Fixed cost for Dragon+

Balance Changes

Power progression in the early parts of the game is too extreme and only fostered one kind of playstyle. As a result, we increased the cost of the early game attack mods.

Also after much reflection, we decided that attack mods are indeed scaling too rapidly and made some techs more powerful than others. To fix this, we adjusted some techs and reduced damage/scaling of attack mods across the board. We compensated by reducing Boss HP on maps that took too long to finish.

- Decreased scaling and damage of all attack mods
- Reduced damage of Heavy Missile Meteor
- Reduced damage of Heavy Strike Lightning Bolt
- Reduced damage of Heavy Strike Flash Fire
- Reduced damage of Heavy Missile Energy Prism
- Increased cost of Light Strike Kinetic Force
- Increased cost of Light Missile Pulse Dart
- Increased cost of Light Missile Fire Bolt
- Increased cost of Energy Plane
- Increased cost of Meteor
- Increased cost of Lightning Bolt
- Increased cost of Flash Fire
- Increased cost of Energy Prism
- Master Swordsman health lowered (normal and nightmare)
- Warmachine health increased (nightmare)
- Captain's projectile now has a longer hitbox
- High Priest health slightly reduced for lower damage (normal)

- Avoidance reduced to 15%

- Leg Day reduced slightly for playability
- One Two reduced to 17% ability cooldown
- Ultimate Penetration reduced to 40%
- Berserker reduced to 60%

- Plasma Break reduced to 40%

This should be the last big balance patch before the next map and hell mode!

Another mini patch: Fixed Avoidance text and Ability Missile Keystone: Holy Cross now upgrades properly.
Sep 10, 2018
Unending Dusk - dwayne
General Fixes
- Added some damage numbers on the mods available in the store (trying this out)
- Fixed the secret store background
- Fixed a bug where dialog would be duplicated
- Added some dialog that explains upgrading mods to new users

New Feature:
- Show Equipped: Shows an equipped mod when selecting a mod in an occupied slot

New items
- Added Kill Keystone: Epiphany
- Added Kill Keystone: Frenzy
- Added Kill Keystone: Hunger
- Added Heavy Missile Keystone: Holy Spike
- Added Ability Missile Keystone: Holy Fall
- Added Ability Nova Keystone: Power Explosion
- Added Ability Nova Keystone: Energy Discharge

Balance Changes
- Incinerators now have more health in Normal and Nightmare
- Incinerators now spawn more often in the Junkyard
- Stunners now spawn more often Downtown
- Added a sound to War Machine homing drones
- Master Swordsman now has more health
- Manager weakness while clones active reduced
Unending Dusk - dwayne
General Fixes
- Added Power Aura to the Nightmare Merchant
- Art: Assassin's Heavy attack shoulderpad now looks consistent
- Art: Ninja art altered slightly to reflect unblockable status (teal color)
- Art: Executive art altered to more obviously show the attack is unblockable
- Art: Apex of the Mega City Boss now has a better Portrait in the Map
- Dialog now takes longer to auto-dismiss
- Made the Boss health bar larger to encompass the text
- Bug: Fixed Boss health bar appearing on map select for some resolutions

Game/Balance Changes

Fixing some inconsistencies and added some quality of life stuff.

- Removed another area from temple to shorten the alternative path length
- New players now start equipped with a Wave attack mod
- Ninjas now have unblockable attacks similar to the Executive
- Increased coin hitboxes to make collecting coins less tedious

- Assassin's Zenith now reduces Ability charge time by 25%

- Commando now reduces Ability charge time by 25%
Unending Dusk - dwayne
General Fixes
- Text: Added some flavor text for mods which already show stats.
- Text: Fixed bounty text displaying 50,000 credits when players only receive 20,000.
- Art: Added a new animation for Pulsing Cross mod.
- Art: Fixed the Captain's shadow sync for remote clients.
- Art: Fixed issue with one of the Downtown foreground ads being cut off.
- Bug: Fixed a rare occurance of players sliding when they stun resist in the air while running.

Character Balance

Mainly discouraging some of the Special charge builds because of screen clutter and gameplay. Reduced values for physical resistance and energy resistance techs because they are too valuable and the other characters do not have it.

- Balance: Omni-Blade now charges 50% of the next special.
- Balance: Assassin's Zenith no-longer increases movement speed but increases overall damage by 30%.
- Balance: Resilience now increases physical resistance cap by 10% and physical resistance by 25% .
- Balance: Physical Affinity now increases physical resistance by 25%

- Balance: Focused Might now charges Specials 100% faster and increases damage by 750.

- Balance: Barrage now charges Special attacks 50% faster. Increases damage of standing Light attacks by 25.
- Balance: Commando now charges special attacks 200% faster.

- Balance: Projectile Surge now charges Special attacks 100% faster.
- Balance: Fortified armor now increases plasma resistance cap by 10% and plasma resistance by 25%.
- Balance: Plasma Affinity now increases plasma resistance by 25%.
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Second quick patch!

- Art: Mines now have a quick teleport animation when they are spawned by the War Machine.
- Art: All foreground elements in the game now have some degree of transparency.
- HUD: Fixed player HUD appearing above UI for certain resolutions.
- Balance: Removed the damage over time from Temple boss.
- Balance: Spike traps are now only triggered once.
- Balance: Laser traps now appear over corpses.
- Balance: Mines now appear over corpses.
- Balance: Removed 3rd/4th waves from many rooms in the game.
- Balance: Zombies now have a 50% chance to spawn in certain rooms.
- Balance: Slightly decreased the amount of spike traps in the dungeon areas.

Aug 31, 2018
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Small patch!

- Bug: Fixed an issue when dismissing dialog and accessing objects.
- Balance: Adjusted base Brawler health to 1200.
- Balance: Removed two recovery frames from Engineer's third attack.
- Art: Added a new tile to High Rise.
- Art: Added a new tile to Temple.
- HUD: Player names should now fit into the interface.
- Options: Added a button to run instead of double tapping. It should still have the same rules as running with double tap.