Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition - Will CA
If you were just watching our live stream over on the Official Total War Twitch channel, you’d have seen some exclusive info. We’ve revealed more new free content and the Black Sea Colonies Culture Pack for Total War: ROME II.

You’ll find your game updated via Steam on 20th November with the latest in a long line of free content releases - the new, playable faction of Massilia. A wealthy trading-state of Greek colonists situated on the north-western coast of the Mediterranean, Massilia has come to embrace Gaulish culture, military units and battle tactics.

Also available for purchase from 20th November, the Black Sea Colonies Culture Pack brings three further factions to ROME II’s Grand Campaign, custom battles and multiplayer. Cimmeria, Colchis and Pergamom all claim Greek heritage, but their settlement away from their homelands has wrought subtle changes to their cultures. Each faction enjoys unique traits, strengths and hybrid unit Rosters that reflect their culturally diverse civic and military aspects.

To make sure you’re in the loop on any future live announcements, follow us on Twitch at
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition - Will CA
If you were just watching our live stream over on the Official Total War Twitch channel, you’d have seen some exclusive info. We’ve revealed more new free content and the Black Sea Colonies Culture Pack for Total War: ROME II.

You’ll find your game updated via Steam on 20th November with the latest in a long line of free content releases - the new, playable faction of Massilia. A wealthy trading-state of Greek colonists situated on the north-western coast of the Mediterranean, Massilia has come to embrace Gaulish culture, military units and battle tactics.

Also available for purchase from 20th November, the Black Sea Colonies Culture Pack brings three further factions to ROME II’s Grand Campaign, custom battles and multiplayer. Cimmeria, Colchis and Pergamom all claim Greek heritage, but their settlement away from their homelands has wrought subtle changes to their cultures. Each faction enjoys unique traits, strengths and hybrid unit Rosters that reflect their culturally diverse civic and military aspects.

To make sure you’re in the loop on any future live announcements, follow us on Twitch at
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition - Will CA

The latest free update for ROME II adds the festival of Lemuria to the game and a new seasonal challenge, Nightmare Mode!

Lemuria was an ancient feast during which restless spirits were exorcised from the home with the alternate offering of beans and then clashing of cooking pots. Perhaps an early Roman version of Trick or Treat?

Nightmare Mode can be toggled on from the game options menu, causing your troops to suffer horrifying visions in battle. Harpies descend from the skies as a terrifying atmosphere envelopes your forces. Assailed by such apparitions it is no surprise that your soldiers will find the enemy extremely frightening!

Any generals skilled enough to complete a Campaign battle in Nightmare Mode will earn a new Steam achievement and the adoration of their peers. May the gods help you if you try to complete a whole campaign…

More details on this update can be found in this month’s Rally point:
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition - Will CA

The latest free update for ROME II adds the festival of Lemuria to the game and a new seasonal challenge, Nightmare Mode!

Lemuria was an ancient feast during which restless spirits were exorcised from the home with the alternate offering of beans and then clashing of cooking pots. Perhaps an early Roman version of Trick or Treat?

Nightmare Mode can be toggled on from the game options menu, causing your troops to suffer horrifying visions in battle. Harpies descend from the skies as a terrifying atmosphere envelopes your forces. Assailed by such apparitions it is no surprise that your soldiers will find the enemy extremely frightening!

Any generals skilled enough to complete a Campaign battle in Nightmare Mode will earn a new Steam achievement and the adoration of their peers. May the gods help you if you try to complete a whole campaign…

More details on this update can be found in this month’s Rally point:
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition - CraigTW
Hello all,

The Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition is upon us. The definitive version of ROME II is now available for PC and Mac via SteamPlay at your trusted retailer. If you’re an existing owner of ROME II and have automatic updates enabled, Steam will update the game to the Emperor Edition for free.

Alongside all previously released updates and free content it comes with significant improvements to the politics system and civil war mechanic, an overhaul of the building chains, extensive rebalancing of the campaign as well as land and naval battles, an improved UI, tweaked and improved graphics and more. Full patch notes can be found on the wiki:

Finally the Emperor Edition includes Armenia as a new playable faction in the Grand Campaign as well as in the Imperator August campaign, our largest campaign pack for ROME II to date, which throws you in the chaos of the Roman Civil War that saw the Roman Republic fall and the Roman Empire rise, with Augustus as its sole leader. Which side will you take?
You can find more information about the Campaign on the official Total War Wiki.

Get your copy:

Please Note- If you have trouble seeing the upload make sure you're opted out of the beta please re-start Steam.
- Mod may cause unforseen issues to your game. Please disable them until you know they have been updated to the current version by the mod creator.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition - CraigTW
Hello all,

The Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition is upon us. The definitive version of ROME II is now available for PC and Mac via SteamPlay at your trusted retailer. If you’re an existing owner of ROME II and have automatic updates enabled, Steam will update the game to the Emperor Edition for free.

Alongside all previously released updates and free content it comes with significant improvements to the politics system and civil war mechanic, an overhaul of the building chains, extensive rebalancing of the campaign as well as land and naval battles, an improved UI, tweaked and improved graphics and more. Full patch notes can be found on the wiki:

Finally the Emperor Edition includes Armenia as a new playable faction in the Grand Campaign as well as in the Imperator August campaign, our largest campaign pack for ROME II to date, which throws you in the chaos of the Roman Civil War that saw the Roman Republic fall and the Roman Empire rise, with Augustus as its sole leader. Which side will you take?
You can find more information about the Campaign on the official Total War Wiki.

Get your copy:

Please Note- If you have trouble seeing the upload make sure you're opted out of the beta please re-start Steam.
- Mod may cause unforseen issues to your game. Please disable them until you know they have been updated to the current version by the mod creator.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition - Will CA
We’ve announced the definitive version of ROME II – the Total War: ROME II Emperor Edition.

Emperor Edition collects together all free content to date, which includes wide-ranging revisions, additions to game features and adds a brand new Campaign Pack expansion, ‘Imperator Augustus’.

Most importantly, existing ROME II players will receive all of the above content via automatic update on the day of launch, upgrading them to Emperor Edition at no cost.

We go into a lot of detail about what’s included in this month’s episode of Rally Point, so join Craig and Matty in this episode to find out more.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition - Will CA
We’ve announced the definitive version of ROME II – the Total War: ROME II Emperor Edition.

Emperor Edition collects together all free content to date, which includes wide-ranging revisions, additions to game features and adds a brand new Campaign Pack expansion, ‘Imperator Augustus’.

Most importantly, existing ROME II players will receive all of the above content via automatic update on the day of launch, upgrading them to Emperor Edition at no cost.

We go into a lot of detail about what’s included in this month’s episode of Rally Point, so join Craig and Matty in this episode to find out more.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition - Joey CA
ROME II players will find their game updated with a new, free content pack (which may explain our tweets yesterday). The August Warriors Update adds unique units such as the Hex-Bearers, Amazonian Riders and Scythian Noblewomen to several playable factions, and includes a significant upgrade to the Suebi roster.

Also available for purchase today, the Daughters of Mars Unit Pack brings fearsome new warriors to ROME II. Whether in defence of their homelands or called upon to fulfil their part in glorious conquest, female combatants featured throughout the ancient world. Adding a swift and deadly mix of fighting styles and abilities to the fray, generals will wisely place value on those who aspire to be the avatars of the war gods themselves!

Daughters of Mars expands the faction rosters of Rome, the Lusitani, Suebi and Sparta. These new units can also be hired as mercenaries from specific provinces, whichever faction you play as.

Full details below:

Free August Warriors Update Pack

To complement the Daughters of Mars unit pack, we’ve also updated ROME II to add several new units, including female warriors for the first time, and a small yet significant roster-update for the Suebi.

Free female warrior units:

· Hex-Bearers (infantry, sword and shield): new Suebi garrison unit.
Ambushing from hidden woodland positions, the sword-armed Hex Bearers strike terror into the hearts of the enemy.

· Amazonian Riders (cavalry, bow): can be recruited by Royal Scythia, or as mercenaries in Sarmatia, Ponto-Caspia and Scythia.
With excellent bow-range and able to form Cantabrian Circle, Amazonian Riders are adept at keeping the enemy at arm’s length.

· Scythian Noblewomen (cavalry, bow): can be recruited by Royal Scythia
Trained to resist fatigue, and with superior morale born of their station, Scythian Noblewomen can outlast most combatants in a long fight.

Free Suebi roster-update units:

· Horse Runners (infantry, javelin skirmishers):
These fleet-of-foot warriors can strike hard and fast from cover, making them the elite of the Suebi skirmishers.

· Spear Wall (infantry, spear and shield):
The most defensive spear unit in the Suebi roster, Spear Wall is a bulwark against even
the most powerful cavalry.

· Round Shield Swordsmen (infantry, sword and shield):
Their high weapon damage makes the Round Shield Swordsmen fearsome combatants who punch above their weight.

· Riders of the Hunt (cavalry, spear):
Few warriors have faced a charge from these terrifying, frenzied horsemen and lived to tell the tale.

Daughters of Mars Unit Pack

Athena, Bellona, Andraste, Mars: whichever war deity these soldiers pledged their lives to receiv1ed a solemn promise of victory in the face of even the most formidable enemies. Whether in defence of their homelands, or called upon to fulfil their part in glorious conquest, female combat units featured throughout the ancient world. Adding a swift and deadly mix of fighting styles and abilities to the fray, generals will wisely place value on those who aspire to be the avatar of the war goddess herself.


Can be recruited by Rome, or as mercenaries in Italia.

Honed to a razor-edge through countless drills and contests in the arena, Gladiators and Gladiatrices are ruthless and skilled brawlers. Their sledgehammer approach to melee brooks no compromise, and in the right circumstances, they can inflict heavy losses on traditional soldiery. Heavily armoured and disciplined, Gladiatrices are more formidable defenders than their arena-trained male counterparts, and every bit their equals in their lust for battle.

Mercenary Ku♥♥♥♥e shieldwomen

Can be recruited as mercenaries in Aethiopia.

The fiercely independent Ku♥♥♥♥e Nubians are a geopolitical force to be reckoned with. Their mounted archers and skilled infantry have repelled Roman advances on multiple occasions, ably demonstrating their proficiency in large-scale battle. The zealous, spear-armed warriors of the Ku♥♥♥♥e Shieldwomen are agile and deadly; able to strike swiftly from woodlands and trained to form up effectively in defence, cavalry commanders would be wise to fear them.

Lusitani Swordswomen

Can be recruited by The Lusitani, or as mercenaries in Lusitania.

Honed by generations of conflict and rightly feared for their lightning ambush tactics, The Lusitani have built a reputation as excellent guerrilla warriors. Trained to advance under the whittling fire provided by the Cantabrian Circle, their swift and hard-hitting Swordswomen are adept at exploiting woodlands to remain hidden while they move. When the charge comes, it is sudden, frenzied and terrifying; though used carefully, Lusitani Swordswomen can also mount a formidable defence.

Cimbri Bow-Women

Can be recruited by The Suebi.

Like many Germanic tribes, the dense woodlands of northern Europe have impelled the Suebi to develop superior guerrilla warfare techniques. Adept at making the most of cover and striking from a hidden position, the Cimbri Bow-Women are amongst the finest archers the Suebi can field. With superior weapon range and damage, they can wreak havoc before they are even detected. If attacked directly however, they can give a better account of themselves in melee than their principal role suggests.

Spear Gladiatrices

Can be recruited by Rome, or as mercenaries in Italia.

Bringing the bloodthirsty and brutal melee techniques of the arena to the battlefield, Gladiatrices make excellent shock-troops. When armed with spears, these warriors gain a defensive edge over their sword-wielding battle-sisters, making them better prepared in the face of an assault. Arranged effectively, they can stop the hammer-blow of a cavalry charge in its tracks, and their frenzied riposte can inflict horrific casualties.

Gorgo’s Skirmishers

Can be recruited by Sparta, or as mercenaries in Hellas.

The citizens of Sparta were among the finest infantry in the ancient world. With the Helots performing the ‘lesser’ functions of society such as agriculture, Spartan warriors were free to engage in the all-encompassing pursuit of excellence in combat. Athletics and weapon-drills were not the sole preserve of men, however. Faster-firing and heavier-hitting than standard sling-wielding units, Gorgo’s Skirmishers make a valuable addition to any Spartan force.


Can be recruited by The Suebi, or as mercenaries in Suebia, Silesia, and Magna Germania.

Independent, proud, and with powerful gods watching over them, The Germanic peoples are famed for their ferocious warriors. The women of the Suebi are no exception, and carry the will of the tribe into battle as ably as the men. Standing side-by-side with their Suebian Spear-Brothers, Spearwomen are exquisite defenders, capable of blunting a charge and instilling fear in the enemies of the tribe. Their training lends them versatility however, and they can quickly switch to an offensive role as the situation demands.

Happy Gaming,

Joey CA
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition - Joey CA
ROME II players will find their game updated with a new, free content pack (which may explain our tweets yesterday). The August Warriors Update adds unique units such as the Hex-Bearers, Amazonian Riders and Scythian Noblewomen to several playable factions, and includes a significant upgrade to the Suebi roster.

Also available for purchase today, the Daughters of Mars Unit Pack brings fearsome new warriors to ROME II. Whether in defence of their homelands or called upon to fulfil their part in glorious conquest, female combatants featured throughout the ancient world. Adding a swift and deadly mix of fighting styles and abilities to the fray, generals will wisely place value on those who aspire to be the avatars of the war gods themselves!

Daughters of Mars expands the faction rosters of Rome, the Lusitani, Suebi and Sparta. These new units can also be hired as mercenaries from specific provinces, whichever faction you play as.

Full details below:

Free August Warriors Update Pack

To complement the Daughters of Mars unit pack, we’ve also updated ROME II to add several new units, including female warriors for the first time, and a small yet significant roster-update for the Suebi.

Free female warrior units:

· Hex-Bearers (infantry, sword and shield): new Suebi garrison unit.
Ambushing from hidden woodland positions, the sword-armed Hex Bearers strike terror into the hearts of the enemy.

· Amazonian Riders (cavalry, bow): can be recruited by Royal Scythia, or as mercenaries in Sarmatia, Ponto-Caspia and Scythia.
With excellent bow-range and able to form Cantabrian Circle, Amazonian Riders are adept at keeping the enemy at arm’s length.

· Scythian Noblewomen (cavalry, bow): can be recruited by Royal Scythia
Trained to resist fatigue, and with superior morale born of their station, Scythian Noblewomen can outlast most combatants in a long fight.

Free Suebi roster-update units:

· Horse Runners (infantry, javelin skirmishers):
These fleet-of-foot warriors can strike hard and fast from cover, making them the elite of the Suebi skirmishers.

· Spear Wall (infantry, spear and shield):
The most defensive spear unit in the Suebi roster, Spear Wall is a bulwark against even
the most powerful cavalry.

· Round Shield Swordsmen (infantry, sword and shield):
Their high weapon damage makes the Round Shield Swordsmen fearsome combatants who punch above their weight.

· Riders of the Hunt (cavalry, spear):
Few warriors have faced a charge from these terrifying, frenzied horsemen and lived to tell the tale.

Daughters of Mars Unit Pack

Athena, Bellona, Andraste, Mars: whichever war deity these soldiers pledged their lives to receiv1ed a solemn promise of victory in the face of even the most formidable enemies. Whether in defence of their homelands, or called upon to fulfil their part in glorious conquest, female combat units featured throughout the ancient world. Adding a swift and deadly mix of fighting styles and abilities to the fray, generals will wisely place value on those who aspire to be the avatar of the war goddess herself.


Can be recruited by Rome, or as mercenaries in Italia.

Honed to a razor-edge through countless drills and contests in the arena, Gladiators and Gladiatrices are ruthless and skilled brawlers. Their sledgehammer approach to melee brooks no compromise, and in the right circumstances, they can inflict heavy losses on traditional soldiery. Heavily armoured and disciplined, Gladiatrices are more formidable defenders than their arena-trained male counterparts, and every bit their equals in their lust for battle.

Mercenary Ku♥♥♥♥e shieldwomen

Can be recruited as mercenaries in Aethiopia.

The fiercely independent Ku♥♥♥♥e Nubians are a geopolitical force to be reckoned with. Their mounted archers and skilled infantry have repelled Roman advances on multiple occasions, ably demonstrating their proficiency in large-scale battle. The zealous, spear-armed warriors of the Ku♥♥♥♥e Shieldwomen are agile and deadly; able to strike swiftly from woodlands and trained to form up effectively in defence, cavalry commanders would be wise to fear them.

Lusitani Swordswomen

Can be recruited by The Lusitani, or as mercenaries in Lusitania.

Honed by generations of conflict and rightly feared for their lightning ambush tactics, The Lusitani have built a reputation as excellent guerrilla warriors. Trained to advance under the whittling fire provided by the Cantabrian Circle, their swift and hard-hitting Swordswomen are adept at exploiting woodlands to remain hidden while they move. When the charge comes, it is sudden, frenzied and terrifying; though used carefully, Lusitani Swordswomen can also mount a formidable defence.

Cimbri Bow-Women

Can be recruited by The Suebi.

Like many Germanic tribes, the dense woodlands of northern Europe have impelled the Suebi to develop superior guerrilla warfare techniques. Adept at making the most of cover and striking from a hidden position, the Cimbri Bow-Women are amongst the finest archers the Suebi can field. With superior weapon range and damage, they can wreak havoc before they are even detected. If attacked directly however, they can give a better account of themselves in melee than their principal role suggests.

Spear Gladiatrices

Can be recruited by Rome, or as mercenaries in Italia.

Bringing the bloodthirsty and brutal melee techniques of the arena to the battlefield, Gladiatrices make excellent shock-troops. When armed with spears, these warriors gain a defensive edge over their sword-wielding battle-sisters, making them better prepared in the face of an assault. Arranged effectively, they can stop the hammer-blow of a cavalry charge in its tracks, and their frenzied riposte can inflict horrific casualties.

Gorgo’s Skirmishers

Can be recruited by Sparta, or as mercenaries in Hellas.

The citizens of Sparta were among the finest infantry in the ancient world. With the Helots performing the ‘lesser’ functions of society such as agriculture, Spartan warriors were free to engage in the all-encompassing pursuit of excellence in combat. Athletics and weapon-drills were not the sole preserve of men, however. Faster-firing and heavier-hitting than standard sling-wielding units, Gorgo’s Skirmishers make a valuable addition to any Spartan force.


Can be recruited by The Suebi, or as mercenaries in Suebia, Silesia, and Magna Germania.

Independent, proud, and with powerful gods watching over them, The Germanic peoples are famed for their ferocious warriors. The women of the Suebi are no exception, and carry the will of the tribe into battle as ably as the men. Standing side-by-side with their Suebian Spear-Brothers, Spearwomen are exquisite defenders, capable of blunting a charge and instilling fear in the enemies of the tribe. Their training lends them versatility however, and they can quickly switch to an offensive role as the situation demands.

Happy Gaming,

Joey CA