Apr 4, 2019
ThunderWheels - dukkenuken1
Hi everyone !
We've been developing a new offline mode called "campain", but it isn't ready yet !! But since we had a bug related to championships and how the ghosts are uploaded we're releasing this version. Anyway, championship scores weren't compromised by this bug, only the ghosts.

This is the changelog:
- Bugfix: Upload wrong ghost to LB
- More retries in server requests
- Lowered waiting time in end session GUIs
- Escape key (and corresponding joystick button) now goes back in the menu

We'll be releasing new cars, tracks and the new offline mode ASAP :)
ThunderWheels - Pierre Nodoyuna

This are the results of Round 04!!

And what a Round!! for the first time ever RETROALEX won 3 competitions in a Round and take the lead of the championship with only one Round remaining!! Congrats!!
xaagon is very close behind and we know he can strike back in the last Round!!

Pierre Nodoyuna increase the gap to PsymoN by 2 point in the fight for the 4th place!!

A solid cRouliii overtake Chiquata and close the gap to 6 points to dukkenuken in the fight for the 7th place of the Championship!! congrats!

Round 05 started Fri 29 mar
who will by the next champion!!?? :D
See you all on track ;)

Full results here:
ThunderWheels - Pierre Nodoyuna

This are the results of Round 03!!

And what a Round!! one of the most close battles in the Series with a hard battle between xaagon, RETROALEX, Pierre Nodoyuna and PsymoN for the top places all the weekend!!

At the end RETROALEX take 2 wins xaagon 1 win and for the first time in our Championship newcomer PsymoN take 1 win!! congrats!!

Very solid performance for Chiquata overtaking cRouliii and closing the gap to Susiquiu and dukkenuken in the fight for the 6th place of the Championship

Round 04 start Fri 22 mar
We'll have only the Cobra and the Pickup 84 for the whole serie!! :D
See you all on track ;)

Full results here:
ThunderWheels - Pierre Nodoyuna

This are the results of Round 02!!

Epic battle between xaagon and RETROALEX for the top places all the weekend!! both wining 2 competitions at the end and 4 podiums!! congrats!!

Very solid performance for Pierre Nodoyuna and javimod with 3 and 1 podiums respectively!! congrats!!

Newcomers PsymoN and Chiquata joined with a very strong results also!! they show good potential and are fighting in the middle group right now vs Susiquiu, dukkenuken, SteelMan3000 and the new master track builder cRouliii :D

Round 03 started Fri 15 mar
We'll have only the Cobra and the Pickup 84 for the whole serie!! :D
See you all on track ;)

Full results here:
ThunderWheels - Pierre Nodoyuna

This are the results of Round 01!!
Sorry for the delay!! :D

xaagon and RETROALEX did a great fight all the weekend with xaagon wining 3 competitions at the end and 1 for RETROALEX!! congrats!!

Also very solid performance for javimod with 3 podiums!! congrats!!

The big surprise was Pierre Nodoyuna and dukkenuken missing the Round!!
They will have a difficult time trying to catch up.

Newcomers Bokouli and cRouliii only raced the Hot-lap Competition thats why they missed a lots of points and are so behind but have the potential to fight with Susiquiu for sure.

Round 02 started Fri 8 mar
We'll have only the Cobra and the Pickup 84 for the whole serie!! :D
See you all on track ;)

Full results here:
ThunderWheels - dukkenuken1

This are the results of Round 04:

Pierre Nodoyuna and RETROALEX did a very well competition by having 4 podiums and one first place respectively !!

xaagon and javimod solid in the 3rd and 4th place with Susiquiu only 16 points behind.

In the next Series we'll have a new monster car for the whole series!! :D
See you all on track ;)

Full results here:
ThunderWheels - Pierre Nodoyuna

This are the results of Round 03!!
Sorry for the delay!! :D

Great fight all the weekend in this 3rd Round!!
Pierre Nodoyuna clinch 2 wins and 4 podiums to take the lead again of the championship!! congrats!!
lordNEON clinch 1 win and 3 podiums!! very fast as usual but missed to race the multi-track hurting a lot his chances to the championship.
xaagon with a strong weekend clinch 1 win and 2 podiums!! wining again for the first time this Series!! congrats!!
RETROALEX with his best performance of this Feb Series take 2 podiums!! congrats!!
javimod did a solid weekend also with his first podium in in a wile almost securing the 5th place in the championship over Susiquiu and dukkenuken

Also was great to have back in this Series former Champ FatZomby and a new driver former top-down racing games fan Bokouli joining our series!! was a blast racing with you guys! :)

Round 04 started Fri 22 Feb
who will be our next champion? Who will finish in 2nd place?? very tight finish!!
See you all on track ;)

Full results here:
ThunderWheels - Pierre Nodoyuna

This are the results of Round 02!!

RETROALEX and Pierre Nodoyuna where nose to tail for the top places the first days of this round... then xaagon and lordNEON joined the fight!!

At the end was 3 wins for lordNEON and 1 for Pierre Nodoyuna.
2 podiums for xaagon and 1 for RETROALEX Congrats!!

Susiquiu take advantage of dukkenuken missing the Multi-track competition jumping to the 6th place!! congrats!!
javimod did a solid weekend in the fight por the 4th place with 9 point of advantage!! congrats!!

Round 03 started Fri 15 Feb
We'll have only the new Monster Pickupwood and the Supertruck for the whole serie!! :D
See you all on track ;)

Full results here:
ThunderWheels - Pierre Nodoyuna

This are the results of Round 01!!

First Round with the tuning option enabled!!

The first couple of days was a close fight between xaagon, RETROALEX and Pierre Nodoyuna for the top places with javimod, dukkenuken and Susiquiu fighting for the 4th place.
Then former champion lordNEON did an awesome comeback with very fast times in all the competitions... the last day Pierre Nodoyuna started to fine-tune his cars finding some tents to close the gap to lordNEON and win 2 competitions finishing tied in points!!

Round 02 started Fri 8 Feb
We'll have only the new Monster Pickupwood and the Supertruck for the whole serie!! :D
See you all on track ;)

Full results here:
Feb 7, 2019
ThunderWheels - dukkenuken1
Hi everybody :)

A new version is ready! most changes are related to usability.
  • Cancel in GUI screen is now activated with ESC key, triangle in PS3 and Y in XBox. By cancelling the pointer will travel to "previous button".
  • Users can now edit car properties using their own joystick in the "edit player" screen
  • Improved collision test with checkpoints
  • Bugfix: wrong ghost upload in some cases where Steam service/network is slow
  • Current keys/buttons are now hidden until user wants to change them, freeing space in the screen

Second feature was asked in the forums by people that play with 8 friend in the party mode ;)