The Journey Down: Chapter One - theowaern
Hey y'all!

We're preparing a Kickstarter campaign to finance the last stretch of production for The Journey Down - and we need some help to get the word out on launch day (1 October)!

As indie developers we don't have money for advertising and such. We rely on our backers and fans to help us spread the word, so if you want to donate a tweet or share, you can very effortlessly do so via Thunderclap. (you won't need to sign up or anything!) :D

Let's make some noise!

Huge Thanks and sorry for the spam.
The Journey Down: Chapter One - theowaern
Hey y'all!

We're preparing a Kickstarter campaign to finance the last stretch of production for The Journey Down - and we need some help to get the word out on launch day (1 October)!

As indie developers we don't have money for advertising and such. We rely on our backers and fans to help us spread the word, so if you want to donate a tweet or share, you can very effortlessly do so via Thunderclap. (you won't need to sign up or anything!) :D

Let's make some noise!

Huge Thanks and sorry for the spam.
The Journey Down: Chapter One - theowaern
Hey guys!

Just dropping a line here to say that production of Chapter Three of The Journey Down (the final chapter!) is well under way and that we'll be launching a kickstarter in October in order to fund the remaining development. If you're curious and want to check out some pics from the game, please head over to The development blog

There's also a spankin' new video interview about our current state available here:
TJD3 Video Interview

Thanks guys! TJD3 will not disappoint. :)

Your feedback is welcome! :D
The Journey Down: Chapter One - theowaern
Hey guys!

Just dropping a line here to say that production of Chapter Three of The Journey Down (the final chapter!) is well under way and that we'll be launching a kickstarter in October in order to fund the remaining development. If you're curious and want to check out some pics from the game, please head over to The development blog

There's also a spankin' new video interview about our current state available here:
TJD3 Video Interview

Thanks guys! TJD3 will not disappoint. :)

Your feedback is welcome! :D
The Journey Down: Chapter One - theowaern
Chapter Two of The Journey Down has won Best Music 2014 at the annual Aggies awards over on Adventuregamers. Go Simon, your music lives on! :D

TJD2 was also nominated for best traditional adventure game of the year, which is something that makes us very proud, considering how very, very awesome 2014 has been for point and click adventures. Check out the full list of awards and nominess here.
The Journey Down: Chapter One - theowaern
Chapter Two of The Journey Down has won Best Music 2014 at the annual Aggies awards over on Adventuregamers. Go Simon, your music lives on! :D

TJD2 was also nominated for best traditional adventure game of the year, which is something that makes us very proud, considering how very, very awesome 2014 has been for point and click adventures. Check out the full list of awards and nominess here.
Nov 23, 2014
The Journey Down: Chapter One - theowaern
There's another fresh new bunch of pics from the development of TJD3 up in the artwork section. Please check 'em out and give us your thoughts!

Also, in other news. We've finally got an office again! Check out my little writeup about how awesome that is, over here.

So how’s overall progress coming along? Well the TJD3 design (puzzle and story) is solidifying by the day and I’m totally in love with it. We’re still at the bloating-phase though so the game is ballooning daily. Some day now we’re gonna have to bring in the reality-hammer and distill it down into something doable, but right now we’re just focusing on making the design as bombastic as possible. We had a similar approach to TJD2 and we’re real happy with how that came out, so odds are it will work this time around as well. :)

Thanks for checking in!

Nov 23, 2014
The Journey Down: Chapter One - theowaern
There's another fresh new bunch of pics from the development of TJD3 up in the artwork section. Please check 'em out and give us your thoughts!

Also, in other news. We've finally got an office again! Check out my little writeup about how awesome that is, over here.

So how’s overall progress coming along? Well the TJD3 design (puzzle and story) is solidifying by the day and I’m totally in love with it. We’re still at the bloating-phase though so the game is ballooning daily. Some day now we’re gonna have to bring in the reality-hammer and distill it down into something doable, but right now we’re just focusing on making the design as bombastic as possible. We had a similar approach to TJD2 and we’re real happy with how that came out, so odds are it will work this time around as well. :)

Thanks for checking in!

The Journey Down: Chapter One - theowaern
Hey guys!

I just uploaded some location concept art for TJD3 here on Steam, in TJD1's artwork section. Please check it out and give us your thoughts! Remember that these are works in progress and that these locations may not even wind up being a part of the game.

Development of TJD3 is moving along real nicely, if you wanna follow our progress, check out and our twitters:


Stay rad! :)

The Journey Down: Chapter One - theowaern
Hey guys!

I just uploaded some location concept art for TJD3 here on Steam, in TJD1's artwork section. Please check it out and give us your thoughts! Remember that these are works in progress and that these locations may not even wind up being a part of the game.

Development of TJD3 is moving along real nicely, if you wanna follow our progress, check out and our twitters:


Stay rad! :)
