Sep 4, 2017
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Mellow greetings!

We just released an update for the game in order to fix some problems people have been reporting. Nothing major. Just small tweaks.

The biggest change is that I made the helmets work both ways. It's mostly a convenience tweak. Working out who should wear which helmet was a bit of a stumbling block for most people, so I just made them work interchangeably. That's how I roll, people!

UPDATE: I made a slight modification to my previous rule change. The player now has to solve the helmet puzzle correctly in Chapter 2. But from then on the helmets can be used interchangeably. You might see this as the game breaking its own logic, but I see it more as the game editing out content the player has already seen. Since the player has already proved he/she knows how to use the helmets twice, there's no reason for them to solve that puzzle again and again and again after that. The game presumes what they want to do, and gets on with it.

Anyway, here's the contents of the latest patch:

• Engine: Fixed bug in task manager
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Chapter 4, 5 & 6: Made the helmets work interchangeably
• Chapter 4: Added dialogue
• Chapter 1, 2, 4 & 6: Fixed typos

Don't be shy if you see something strange or buggy in the game.


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Sep 4, 2017
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Mellow greetings!

We just released an update for the game in order to fix some problems people have been reporting. Nothing major. Just small tweaks.

The biggest change is that I made the helmets work both ways. It's mostly a convenience tweak. Working out who should wear which helmet was a bit of a stumbling block for most people, so I just made them work interchangeably. That's how I roll, people!

UPDATE: I made a slight modification to my previous rule change. The player now has to solve the helmet puzzle correctly in Chapter 2. But from then on the helmets can be used interchangeably. You might see this as the game breaking its own logic, but I see it more as the game editing out content the player has already seen. Since the player has already proved he/she knows how to use the helmets twice, there's no reason for them to solve that puzzle again and again and again after that. The game presumes what they want to do, and gets on with it.

Anyway, here's the contents of the latest patch:

• Engine: Fixed bug in task manager
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Chapter 4, 5 & 6: Made the helmets work interchangeably
• Chapter 4: Added dialogue
• Chapter 1, 2, 4 & 6: Fixed typos

Don't be shy if you see something strange or buggy in the game.


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Aug 1, 2017
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Greetings and salutations!

To be honest, we haven't really worked a whole lot on the game this month, because we've been busy enjoying the summer. Summer in Sweden only lasts for about 15 days, so you'd better make the most of it...

We've also been working on a small game, that will be announced in more detail at a later date. It's a sort of palate cleanser, after the huge undertaking that was The Dream Machine. Stay tuned.

We're also running a sale right now, so if you haven't already picked up the game – now's the time!

Anyway, here's the contents of the latest patch:

• Engine: Improved load file accessing
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Chapter 1, 4, 5 & 6: Replaced toilet lid sounds
• Chapter 1 & 6: Split asset files
• Chapter 6: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 6: Tweaked crumb interactions
• Chapter 6: Fixed forked twig related bug
• Chapter 6: Added Victor icons to macro view
• Chapter 6: Made staff behavior consistent with Chapter 5

Don't be shy if you see something strange or buggy in the game.


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Aug 1, 2017
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Greetings and salutations!

To be honest, we haven't really worked a whole lot on the game this month, because we've been busy enjoying the summer. Summer in Sweden only lasts for about 15 days, so you'd better make the most of it...

We've also been working on a small game, that will be announced in more detail at a later date. It's a sort of palate cleanser, after the huge undertaking that was The Dream Machine. Stay tuned.

We're also running a sale right now, so if you haven't already picked up the game – now's the time!

Anyway, here's the contents of the latest patch:

• Engine: Improved load file accessing
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Chapter 1, 4, 5 & 6: Replaced toilet lid sounds
• Chapter 1 & 6: Split asset files
• Chapter 6: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 6: Tweaked crumb interactions
• Chapter 6: Fixed forked twig related bug
• Chapter 6: Added Victor icons to macro view
• Chapter 6: Made staff behavior consistent with Chapter 5

Don't be shy if you see something strange or buggy in the game.


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Jul 9, 2017
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Why hello there!

How's things? We hope you're busy enjoying the summer sun, if you're on the northern hemisphere. If you're on the bottom of the planet, why not pop over across the Equator and join the party with the rest of us? There's plenty of room up here.

If you're not in a party mood and would rather sit inside and play a game or two, then may I make a suggestion? Play The Dream Machine! It's a spectacular game with lots of stuff in it. It's got clay, cardboard, words, puzzles etc. Everything a growing boy/girl/other needs.

Oh, and it's also received a very recent update, which may or may not make the proposal sound more appealing to you. I don't know. Tastes vary.

Anyway, here's the contents:

• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Improved game start-up procedure
• Game: Increased minimum walking speed to 1.5
• Game: Changed how the game loads language files
• Game: Added 'View Credits' option to main menu
• Chapter 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 2 & 4: Tweaked background music
• Chapter 5: Improved performance in Martin's hallway
• Chapter 5: Improved performance in Selma's hallway
• Chapter 6: Improved graphics quality
• Chapter 6: Added interactions
• Chapter 6: Fixed typos

Don't be shy if you see something strange or buggy in the game.


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Jul 9, 2017
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Why hello there!

How's things? We hope you're busy enjoying the summer sun, if you're on the northern hemisphere. If you're on the bottom of the planet, why not pop over across the Equator and join the party with the rest of us? There's plenty of room up here.

If you're not in a party mood and would rather sit inside and play a game or two, then may I make a suggestion? Play The Dream Machine! It's a spectacular game with lots of stuff in it. It's got clay, cardboard, words, puzzles etc. Everything a growing boy/girl/other needs.

Oh, and it's also received a very recent update, which may or may not make the proposal sound more appealing to you. I don't know. Tastes vary.

Anyway, here's the contents:

• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Improved game start-up procedure
• Game: Increased minimum walking speed to 1.5
• Game: Changed how the game loads language files
• Game: Added 'View Credits' option to main menu
• Chapter 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 2 & 4: Tweaked background music
• Chapter 5: Improved performance in Martin's hallway
• Chapter 5: Improved performance in Selma's hallway
• Chapter 6: Improved graphics quality
• Chapter 6: Added interactions
• Chapter 6: Fixed typos

Don't be shy if you see something strange or buggy in the game.


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Jun 22, 2017
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach


It's now been about a month and a half since we released the last chapter of The Dream Machine. We hope you've had the chance to play it and we hope you enjoyed it!

Since the release, we've been busy fixing the reported bugs, making sure everyone has as smooth an experience as is possible. Things seemed to have calmed down a bit during these last few weeks, though, so we're moving back into our old groove of updating the game on a somewhat monthly basis. There's still a lot we'd like to add or tweak, so expect this to be an ongoing effort for some time to come.

Also, the Steam Summer Sale is upon us, so if you haven't yet picked up the game, now's the time!

Here's this month's patch contents:

• Chapter 1: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 1: Tweaked telephone outlet puzzle
• Chapter 1: Replaced sound stinger
• Chapter 3: Replaced legacy code
• Chapter 4: Rewrote crank handle puzzle
• Chapter 4: Added hints to crank handle puzzle
• Chapter 4 & 6: Replaced photo frame graphics
• Chapter 4 & 6: Improved photo wall functionality
• Chapter 5: Tweaked graveyard background
• Chapter 5: Moved void intro sound
• Chapter 5: Made squirrel door more visible
• Chapter 5 & 6: Improved graveyard performance
• Chapter 5 & 6: Improved witch hut performance
• Chapter 6: Added dialogue
• Chapter 6: Fixed stairwell bug
• Chapter 6: Fixed bed railing bug
• Chapter 6: Increased bed railing interaction area
• Chapter 6: Added interactions
• Chapter 6: Added various fixes & tweaks

Don't be shy if you see something strange or buggy in the game.


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Jun 22, 2017
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach


It's now been about a month and a half since we released the last chapter of The Dream Machine. We hope you've had the chance to play it and we hope you enjoyed it!

Since the release, we've been busy fixing the reported bugs, making sure everyone has as smooth an experience as is possible. Things seemed to have calmed down a bit during these last few weeks, though, so we're moving back into our old groove of updating the game on a somewhat monthly basis. There's still a lot we'd like to add or tweak, so expect this to be an ongoing effort for some time to come.

Also, the Steam Summer Sale is upon us, so if you haven't yet picked up the game, now's the time!

Here's this month's patch contents:

• Chapter 1: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 1: Tweaked telephone outlet puzzle
• Chapter 1: Replaced sound stinger
• Chapter 3: Replaced legacy code
• Chapter 4: Rewrote crank handle puzzle
• Chapter 4: Added hints to crank handle puzzle
• Chapter 4 & 6: Replaced photo frame graphics
• Chapter 4 & 6: Improved photo wall functionality
• Chapter 5: Tweaked graveyard background
• Chapter 5: Moved void intro sound
• Chapter 5: Made squirrel door more visible
• Chapter 5 & 6: Improved graveyard performance
• Chapter 5 & 6: Improved witch hut performance
• Chapter 6: Added dialogue
• Chapter 6: Fixed stairwell bug
• Chapter 6: Fixed bed railing bug
• Chapter 6: Increased bed railing interaction area
• Chapter 6: Added interactions
• Chapter 6: Added various fixes & tweaks

Don't be shy if you see something strange or buggy in the game.


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The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

UPDATE 3: If Chapter 6 is still locked for you, read this.

UPDATE 2: A solution has been found. You might need to restart Steam.

UPDATE 1: The issue were Chapters 6 hasn't unlocked to those who bought the bundle is being investigated. Hopefully we'll resolve it soon.

Dear Friends!

It is our extreme pleasure to announce that the final chapter in The Dream Machine series has gone live on Steam. We hope you'll enjoy it and don't be shy if you find anything wonky.

I hope you'll excuse me if I cut this message short. I have some sleep to catch up on.

The Machine loves you all!


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The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

UPDATE 3: If Chapter 6 is still locked for you, read this.

UPDATE 2: A solution has been found. You might need to restart Steam.

UPDATE 1: The issue were Chapters 6 hasn't unlocked to those who bought the bundle is being investigated. Hopefully we'll resolve it soon.

Dear Friends!

It is our extreme pleasure to announce that the final chapter in The Dream Machine series has gone live on Steam. We hope you'll enjoy it and don't be shy if you find anything wonky.

I hope you'll excuse me if I cut this message short. I have some sleep to catch up on.

The Machine loves you all!


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