They just keep coming don’t they? A lot of games were announced at E3 2019, things that we didn’t know about, as well as stuff that’s previously announced, or expansions to already released games. Now, to the casual outsider, what we’re doing might seem absolutely nuts, but we thought we’d put together an alphabetical list of all the PC games that have been confirmed to appear at this year’s E3 show. With well over a hundred of them now in the books, the next year or so looks packed.


Terraria - (Dominic Tarason)

Enduringly popular 2D mine-and-crafter Terraria‘s next big patch has been teased for a while, and at E3’s PC Gaming Show yesterday, developers Re-Logic announced it will be its last. Formerly known as version 1.3.6, Journey’s End will be adding one last big round of features and content. There’ll be a variety of quality-of-life features, another 800 items to discover (or build), and the usual new bunch of bosses and monsters to hunt. There’s an expanded weather system, a golf mini-game, a brutal new difficulty level and an overhaul to how the game generates worlds. Below, the trailer.



They just keep coming don’t they? A lot of games were announced at E3 2019, things that we didn’t know about, as well as stuff that’s previously announced, or expansions to already released games. Now, to the casual outsider, what we’re doing might seem absolutely nuts, but we thought we’d put together an alphabetical list of all the PC games that have been confirmed to appear at this year’s E3 show. With well over a hundred of them now in the books, the next year or so looks packed.


Terraria - (Dominic Tarason)

Terraria may not be dominating headlines like it used to, but the mining and crafting action RPG is still popular, with tens of thousands of players at any given time, according to Steam’s numbers. While there are rumblings of a major update coming soon, a shortage of official patches has allowed an easy-to-use (if unofficial) modding framework to flourish, spawning some enormous mods. Getting it all set up and downloading mods is a walk in the alien park. Here’s a handful of the biggest and best to get you started.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Fraser Brown)

We ve been battered by wave after wave of survival romps since Minecraft popularised the genre, with its deadly nights and groaning zombies, almost a decade ago. In its wake, we’ve been introduced to a cavalcade of punishing, persistent environments intent on putting us in an early grave.

The masochistic impulse to put ourselves through the wringer for entertainment has spread to RPGs, management games, cosmic sandboxes and more than a few horror games, so even if you don t fancy punching rocks and trees while wandering around in the wilderness, you might still find a survival game to tickle your fancy. (more…)

Dota 2 - (Alec Meer)


We’ve just passed the half-way point of 2018, so Ian Gatekeeper and all his fabulously wealthy chums over at Valve have revealed which hundred games have sold best on Steam over the past six months. It’s a list dominated by pre-2018 names, to be frank, a great many of which you’ll be expected, but there are a few surprises in there.

2018 releases Jurassic World Evolution, Far Cry 5 Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Warhammer: Vermintide II are wearing some spectacular money-hats, for example, while the relatively lesser-known likes of Raft, Eco and Deep Rock Galactic have made themselves heard above the din of triple-A marketing budgets. (more…)

Terraria - (Dominic Tarason)


Today, Terraria developers Re-Logic have announced that they’re pulling the plug on Terraria: Otherworld. First unveiled three years ago, it promised a more adventure-focused spin on the platforming/building sandbox mega-hit Terraria, with more of a focus on fighting, defending your bases, and navigating complex environments. The project has looked a bit wonky for some time now, and last year development duties changed hands, but it’s still sad to see it canned.


Left 4 Dead 2 - (Alec Meer)

Another year over, a new one just begun, which means, impossibly, even more games.> But what about last year? Which were the games that most people were buying and, more importantly, playing? As is now something of a tradition, Valve have let slip a big ol’ breakdown of the most successful titles released on Steam over the past twelve months.

Below is the full, hundred-strong roster, complete with links to our coverage if you want to find out more about any of the games, or simply to marvel at how much seemed to happen in the space of 52 short weeks.


Terraria - (Alice O'Connor)

Terraria: Otherworld [official site], the Terraria spin-off due to add “role-playing and strategy elements” to the from crafty-o-fighty sandbox, has switched developers. Terraria creators Re-Logic were unhappy with Otherworld’s pace and direction of development, so they’ve taken it off Engine Software and given it to Pipeworks Studios. Engine made most of the original Terraria’s console releases, while Pipeworks are the gang working on mobile and Switch versions. Otherworld is obviously delayed further by this, but Re-Logic say that’s better than releasing a shoddy game. … [visit site to read more]

Terraria - (Brittany Vincent)

Terraria [official site] has plenty to do already. Have you ever sat and just fiddled with it for a few hours? Interestingly enough, it also utilizes the same font I used in every report I turned in to my Language Arts teacher in middle school (it used to be called Mead Bold back then, but now it’s called Andy). So you’re forgiven if you feel a bit overwhelmed when you look over the Super Terraria World mod, which converts vanilla Terraria into an RPG with quests, NPCs and more.

… [visit site to read more]
