The Walking Dead
Walking Dead

Is that a spoiler? I don't think that's a spoiler. One of the benefits of zombie fiction is that a returning character doesn't necessarily mean a living character. Even so, if you're yet to play the first season of The Walking Dead, its probably best to do so soon, before something revealing slips out in the lead up to the sequel's release. For the rest of you, join me below for some tantalising teases as to who might be making an appearance.

The announcements were made during San Diego Comic-Con, where a panel revealed that Clementine "will definitely be a part of" the story. How much involvement she'll have was left unanswered, but a teaser image showed what appeared to be Clem, sitting next to a child in the rain.

The panel also hinted that the ultimate fate of Kenny "will be explored". As of yet, we don't know whether these characters will be playable, regulars, or just cameo appearances. For that, we'll have to wait for this Autumn, when the release of the second season is planned.

Thanks, IGN.
The Walking Dead

Bonnie. Russell. Shel. Wyatt. Vince. Five survivors, five stories set in the ongoing zombie apocalypse. And, I suspect, a bit of a trap; a clever title so that if I say "400 Days isn't very long," Telltale's writers can instantly snap back "Are you kidding? It's a year and a bit!" and dance the winner dance all the way back to San Rafael.

Luckily, while it only works out as an hour or so of The Walking Dead goodness, it feels longer - five fifteen-ish minute vignettes that hit the ground running and waste little time from there. The disadvantage of this is exactly what you'd expect, that dipping so briefly into these lives doesn't allow for the same connection as hanging out with the same survivors for several months. By cutting right to the point though, Telltale gets to explore a much wider range of stories - and more importantly, characters - than Lee and friends, whose dilemmas had to be designed to last and ripple over a whole series.

Kill or spare? Remembering, of course, that this is The Walking Dead, where sentimentality rarely goes rewarded.

Of the five stories, I really enjoyed three, didn't like one, and was neutral about another - not a bad ratio, and even the duff one had a couple of atmospheric and interesting moments to call its own. All focus on suitably different characters and journeys, with the zombies even more pushed to the background than in the original series. They're there, they're a threat, and sometimes they jump out and yell "GARRRGH!" (which is zombie for "BOO!"), but the actual drama comes from the survivors and their growing realisation of just how screwed they are.

By far my favourite of the set was Shel's chapter, which explores a protector relationship from a different angle to Lee and Clementine's. She's a big sister trying to do the best she can, struggling with the fact that little sister Becca isn't so little any more. The two live with a group of other survivors in a small commune where things are actually going pretty well. Even so, Shel is painfully aware that there's only so much longer she can shield Becca from the harshest realities of their new lives, and that's only made tougher by the fact that Becca doesn't actually want to be treated with those kid gloves.

I'm being intentionally vague because these stories are short enough that any real details are a bit of a spoiler, but this one works so well because Becca is a much more realistic character than the honestly too-adult Clem and, being The Walking Dead, there are no good choices on the table. The Walking Dead is at its best not when simply cynically portraying humanity as the monsters, but when forcing its characters to make the choices that lead down that road despite their good intentions. This is easily the series' best attempt at that. It elegantly but quickly establishes everything it needs, serving up a satisfying, thematically complete, potentially moving (depending on your choices) story in less time than it takes most games to explain how to open doors. It's fine, fine work, and a great example of how much Telltale's storytelling skills have have improved since the face-full of gigantosaurus snot that was Jurassic Park: The Game.

Can't wait for Fables, especially if it can do the character moments without the constant risk of jump-scares.

The other two stories I really enjoyed, Wyatt's and Russell's, are simpler, and built on excellent character writing. Wyatt and a friend are fleeing some mysterious assailants in their car, but really their story is all about the bromance. It's fun to have a pair of TWD characters who genuinely like each other, rather than one simply feeling responsible or them having no choice but to stick together. Their mild bickering and obvious camaraderie is refreshing. Russell's section works in a similar way, except that it's a getting-to-know-you affair about him, a kid on his own, simply being given a lift by a creepy and mildly crazy driver who'd likely be found hanging out with Tallahassee at the Zombieland bar.

Of the remaining stories, I didn't care much for Vince's, purely because it felt more like a short movie that occasionally remembered to stop for button presses than an adventure with choices to make, not least because as a prisoner on a transport bus, he literally spends most of it chained up at the back. The final one, Bonnie, I didn't like at all. It's built around what for now at least is nothing but a MacGuffin, is mostly an extended chase sequence about someone we barely know running from someone we don't know at all, and with a really clumsy use of what I normally refer to as "Schrödinger's Cock-up" - actively changing something crucial in the world to screw the player over an action. That's a dangerous trick, because if a game gets caught pulling it, all player investment is instantly severed. It got caught. All player investment was severed. Even if it hadn't though, this was a seriously dull story.

But like I said, one dud out of five isn't bad, and the others more than made up for it.

Vince's story is okay in and of itself. It just doesn't seriously need a player.

The events of 400 Days will have some impact on the upcoming Series 2, but take place long before the present day, so these specific stories may or may not play a direct part in it. (There's at least one moment that briefly continues a thread from Series 1, so it's best to play from a save if you have one, but it's far from essential - you will need to own at least episode one of the first season to download 400 Days, however) There's also a hint about what might be next, albeit it's so vague as to just be a teaser, unless it relates to something sinister that I don't know about in the comics.

Preview or not though, this is DLC well worth picking up. The new stories are a great way to slip back into this world, and very entertaining in their own right too. My only big disappointment was that I wanted/expected them to combine more directly, rather than being linked primarily by geography. There are definite linking points, some overt, others hinted at, but this is firmly an anthology rather than a multiple perspective story where everyone keeps crossing paths to uncover one big thing.

For The Walking Dead, of course, that's absolutely fine. 400 Days fits what came before, while also feeling like its own thing - exactly as DLC should - with Telltale taking full advantage of being able to do five different stories instead of picking just one. At £4/$5, it's also surprisingly good value. True, it's over quickly, but there's lot of content here - even if it is compressed and occasionally shows the limits of its scope with a missing option or two. If anything, it's surprising how much pathing there actually is, with decisions managing to have an impressive amount of weight in even the short time we spend with these characters. Series 2 may return to their stories, it may just put these survivors in the background for the next set to have a quick chat with and never think about again. In the here and now though, they feel like they matter, and that's what counts - even in a world with nothing left to lose.

The Walking Dead
Walking Dead 400 Days thumb

Here's the launch trailer for The Walking Dead DLC episode 400 Days. From the clips provided, we get a pretty good idea of what to expect: a standalone collection of five linked vignettes starring people who, from the looks of things, are having a bad thirteen-and-a-bit months. The episode's launch is being spread through the week over the game's various platforms. The PC release planned for later today.

I'm looking forward to this. It'll be nice to see the zombie apocalypse play out away from the spiralling drama of Season 1's survivors. Obviously fans will want to see what happened to , but there are plenty of stories that can be told through the format Telltale have developed.

The Walking Dead: 400 Days will cost $4.99, or internationally comparable monies.
The Walking Dead

It hasn’t even been a month since Telltale Games teased The Walking Dead: 400 Days with a Vine post, but the fine maker of adventure games has already announced a release date for the single episode add-on—and it’s this week.

Today, Telltale confirmed to IGN that 400 Days will nibble its way onto Steam and the Telltale site on Wednesday for $5. Yes, this Wednesday. The DLC will act as a rotting link between seasons one and two of The Walking Dead and requires the first episode of The Walking Dead as it ties in your saves from season one. We’re not sure how the decisions you made in season one will impact 400 days’ all-new cast of ne’er-do-wells, but you won't be able to load the add-on without the first episode of season one nestled in your hard drive.

We covered Telltale’s new tale back at E3, though we tried to stay as vague as possible to avoid spoiling things. Turns out, it’s a pretty difficult task when the story’s the most interesting part about the game, but if you want an idea of what Telltale’s latest project is before dropping the five bucks, we’ve got you covered.
The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us aren’t Telltale Games’ only projects, we learned today at E3. Following a demo of The Walking Dead: 400 Days, Telltale Founder and President Kevin Bruner told me that more than one new license announcement will be coming from the studio later this year.

PCG: I’m curious if you can speak about Telltale’s growth right now. You guys moved into a new building recently...

Kevin Bruner, President: Yes, we have a massive new worldwide headquarters.

The old Autodesk building, is that right?

Bruner:. Yeah.

Are you at a stage where you’re aggressively pursuing new licenses? Are new licenses pursuing you?

Bruner: Both. One of the things we’ve always done in our history is licensed games. And we take a lot of pride in being what we think is the best licensed game company in the industry. Over the years we keep working on bigger and kind of more popular licenses, but we’ve always had the opportunity to work on things that we just love. We’ve got this long list of things that we love that might’ve been out of reach before, and certainly on the heels of the success of Walking Dead, people understand what we try to do a lot better, and people want to see if we can do a similar experience with other licenses.

So we’ve had both, we’ve had the opportunity to talk to some people we’ve wanted to talk to for a very long time, and we’ve also had some people approach us that were just, amazing, that we never would have imagined would’ve had wanted to talk to us eight years ago.

So I think we’re going to be making some more license announcements coming up this year, but I think there’s going to be some things that people are like, “Amazing, I can’t wait for Telltale to do it,” and definitely some things where they’ll be like “That’s awesome, I would never have thought of a Telltale game about that,” but it’s going to be crazy cool.

The ones I hear come up the most consistently in comment threads are Breaking Bad and Mad Men.

Bruner: Yeah, we consider ourselves, like, scripted drama of games, and that stuff comes up around us as well. We would love to do Mad Men, and basically all this high-class, scripted television that’s out there right now, we’re rabid consumers of all of it. It’s super inspirational to what we do, and the opportunity to make things like that are interactive would be awesome.

But we’re also gamers, right? And there’s gaming worlds that we know and love, there’s books that we know and love, so I think the scripted television is the things that people would think are more organic. We’re not doing Breaking Bad, but if we came out with a Breaking Bad game, everyone would be like “Hooray, Telltale’s doing Breaking Bad!” But I think there’s some outside-the-box stuff coming as well, worlds that people want more insight into and want to spend more time with or want to do something new in.
The Walking Dead
400 Days

The Walking Dead's first season may be over, but that doesn't stop Telltale from retroactively adding to it like more talented, and less crazy, George Lucases (or is it George Lucasi?) Teased over the past week, it turns out 400 Days is a DLC episode that will bridge the gap between the first and second season of Telltale's zombie epic, telltaleing the stories of five new characters, who will presumably show up in the next season in some manner or other. Teaser trailer below.

So - five stories, five characters, one dude that looks a bit like The Dude. According to the PlayStation blog (the game was announced during Sony's E3 presentation), "This special episode will allow you to choose a character and play through each of their stories in any order, which are all centered around a truck stop on a Georgia highway. Some decisions you may have made in Season One will affect moments of 400 Days, and while we don’t want to give away too much yet, we will say that your decisions in 400 Days will echo into future installments of the series."

I haven't played much of the series, so feel free to pore over the trailer for clues about the second season - I have a feeling they're lurking in there somewhere. There's no date yet, but 400 Days is "coming soon".

Thanks, Destructoid.

For our entire E3 coverage, make sure you shamble hungrily to this link.
The Walking Dead
Walking Dead thumb

Any time a game appears on the Steam Apps Database, it's a good idea to treat it with a healthy amount of scepticism. The same holds true of The Walking Dead: 400 Days, a DLC listing for Telltale's excellent zombie adventure. Blanket warning aside, though, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that there's some truth to this rumour.

It would, for instance, explain the mysterious Vine teasers that have been appearing on the Telltale Twitter account. Four have been released so far, each showing names and photographs being posted to a noticeboard. The titles are Day 2, Day 220, Day 184 and Day 236.

Telltale have previously mentioned that interim content would separate seasons one and two of The Walking Dead. Given that Telltale will be at E3, there's every chance we'll be hearing something official soon.

Here's the most recent teaser Vine:

Thanks, IGN.
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead thumb

Telltale are the latest developer to suffer a company-wide failure of all video recording software. It's a good thing we have the iOS app Vine: those few seconds of shaky-cam footage it enables are definitely a suitable replacement for proper gaming promotion. But what game are they promoting? The short teaser features an art style reminiscent of last year's The Walking Dead, and depicts a pinned photograph of a man named Vince.

The teaser was tweeted by Telltale with the message, "Day 2". Wait, what happened to Day 1?!

There are two main possibilities as to what it could refer to:

It's possibly a lead up to further information about The Wolf Among Us, Telltale's new adventure based on the Fables comic. It's the less likely explanation, but previously revealed screenshots do show a similar art style to that used by The Walking Dead:

The most likely explanation: we'll soon be hearing more about the follow up to Season 1 of The Walking Dead. We already know, via a slightly confused interview reveal, that Season 2 is set for later this year, and that Telltale were planning some extra content in the interim. In addition, at the start of the Vine, you can see what looks like an evacuation notice, which would fit with the zombie infection vibe.

Any guesses as to what Day 2 could be?
Back to the Future: The Game
Walking Dead thumb

The shambling Humble menace has claimed fresh victims. Not content with sucking the price out of assorted indie games for the excellently varied Humble Indie Bundle 8, they've also ambushed Telltale - creators of the brilliant The Walking Dead adaptation - in order to feed their Weekly Sale. Can they ever be stopped? Remember to aim for the wallet.

In addition to The Walking Dead - which is available to those who beat the average price - you can pay whatever you want to get:

Back to the Future: The Game
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
Poker Night at the Inventory
Hector: Badge of Carnage
Puzzle Agent 1 & 2
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventure

Which, combined, is a seriously large selection of adventure, both episodic and otherwise. Not all are great, admittedly, but there is fun to be had, even outside of the developer's masterful zombie tale.

The Humble Weekly Sale will run for the next six days.
Back to the Future: The Game

That's no moon. No, really, some of the games in the Indie Royale Lunar Bundle take place in space, but none of them appear to be set on - or are even about - the Moon. Still, nonsensical titles can be forgiven when the upshot is a four pack of pay-what-you-want indie games, including Back to the Future and the enjoyably tense zero gravity platformer Cargo Commander.

Here's a rundown of the bundle's lunacy:

Pid: A 2D puzzle-platformer in which you use gravity beams to explore a "peculiar planet". That's planet. Not moon. Review here.
Cargo Commander: A space-based roguelike-like about exploring randomly generated giant crates for weird loot. Still no moon. Review here.
Back to the Future: Telltale's five-part adventure update of the Back to the Future series. It's possible you can see the Moon during night scenes. Review here.
Dungeon Hearts: A fantasy match-three strategy game. Almost certainly no moon. No review either, I'm afraid.

A bit of a mixed bag in terms of quality, but I'd argue the inclusion of Cargo Commander more than justifies the cost. In addition, the three large question marks on the bundle page suggest some extra games will be announced at some point over the game's remaining few days.