Metro 2033 - (Jim Rossignol)

4A’s sequel to Metro 2033, Metro: Last Light, seems to have been slipping beneath our radar a bit. The post-apocalyptic original was so close to being proper good that it’s definitely worth keep an eye on what they’re up to next. With that in mind, we caught up with THQ’s Huw Beynon to find a bit more about what’s happening with the game, which is set for release in mid 2012.> (more…)

Saints Row: The Third - (John Walker)

This is my sort of gang.

Having completed Saints Row: The Third, I’m the Earth’s most qualified person to tell you all about it. Having already detailed a great many elements of the game in two recent previews, below I take on the task of explaining why such an excessively immature game is in fact quite so very mature. The game is out tomorrow in the Americas, before a team of dedicated THQ staff begin frantically rowing across the vast ocean of the internet to release it in the UK on Friday. Read on to see Wot I think.>


Metro 2033 - (Alec Meer)

THQ and 4A’s Metro 2033 sequel promises a ‘last light’. I would like to take issue with this, for I can see over ten different lights across the following five new screenshots of the forthcoming post-apocalyptic, subterranean beast’n'manshooter. Who wants to call trade descriptions? (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

Crate Entertainment, an indie development studio born out of the ashes of Titan Quest creators Iron Lore, have been working on their first major project for a while now. Grim Dawn, built using the tech behind Titan Quest, will hopefully be entering alpha at some point this year, and it’s a game we’re extremely excited to see. So we caught up with Crate’s core man, Arthur Bruno, to learn more. In a wonderful interview he tells us about the fall of Iron Lore, and the birth of Crate, explains where Titan Quest fell short, and how Grim Dawn is not attempting to appeal to casual players. In fact, it’s going to be actively hostile toward them. And he introduces us to the concept of rainbow farting machines.>


Darksiders™ - (Quintin Smith)

Jim posted this yesterday, assuming it was a leak and that it would be pulled down quickly. He was right on both counts, the smooth little genius, but now the same trailer’s been officially released and awaits you below. Seeing as this is a video of a video game you might possibly play down the line, in watching this trailer you are, essentially, gazing into your own future>. You ever think of it like that?

Darksiders™ - (Jim Rossignol)

First there was ultra-bombastic supernatural sword-swinger Darksiders, and now there is two of it. The sequel, which was announced earlier this week, will features a different horseman of the apocalypse as its main protagonist – Death instead of War – and you can see a little of him in action below. I’m afraid the linked trailer quality for this one is in Super(bad) Grain-o-vision, as if filmed from a TV set in the 1980s, but I’ll try and update it with something a bit better if I manage to dig it out. EDIT: New vid up. Presumably it’s a leak of some kind, so go take a look before it gets zapped.

Metro 2033 - (John Walker)

We knew that Metro: Last Light was happening back in April, after THQ registered the related URL. However, the official reveal of the Metro 2033 sequel has taken place today, along with a whole one screenshot (click on it to see it full size) and a teaser trailer. It’s off to post-apocalyptic Moscow once more.


Company of Heroes - Legacy Edition - (Alec Meer)

Oh, old man Company of Heroes, so good to see you again. Pull a comfy chair up to the fire and tell us another war story. It must hurt, having seen your younger, free to pay brother pass away so unexpectedly last year, but at least we’ve still got you. And what’s that? You’re not ready to go gently into that good night yourself yet? You have a healthy new patch laden with six extra maps and a bewildering array of balance changes? Excellent.

Metro 2033 - (Quintin Smith)

This story’s about as flimsy as a wet paper bag full of knives, but let’s soldier on. Joystiq note that THQ have registered a domain by the name of “Metro 2033 Last Light”, which could very well be the name of the forthcoming Metro 2033 sequel. …yeah. That’s all I’ve got. Who’s excited? I’m excited.

If Metro 2033 passed you by, it was an atmospheric FPS (a toxic, unbreathable atmoshpere, specifically) set in a post-apocalyptic rendering of Moscow’s subway system, full of shadows and mutants and terror and all that good stuff. Alec got along well with it, and you can watch the launch trailer after the jump. It’s more than a year old now but still every bit as impressive.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)


Ever since I visited the ill-fated Iron Lore in 2005, I’ve wanted to find the words to talk about a peculiar response I had to their level editor. It’s taken me this long to gain the vocabulary needed to even take a stab at it, primarily gained/cribbed from the essays and thoughts of film theorist André Bazin. (Whom I confess I first discovered through Linklater’s excellent Waking Life, rather than from the half a degree of film studies I slept through in ’98.) And so, smuggled onto the internet in a large wooden retrospective article on Titan Quest, my thoughts on the teleological nature of level editors. I don’t know how successful I’ve been, since I’m massively out of my depth without a useful background in either philosophy or semiotics. The EG commenters appear to have opted for pretending the article was only one page long, which is understandable. I’m nervous of what happens if someone who knows what they’re talking about responds. There’s a quote from it below, since I’ve waffled so much up here.

