Subsistence - ColdGames

Hi all! This new update aims to expand on the later-game subsistence mechanics, bringing greater depth to player self sufficiency, while adding a progression mechanic to the overall health system.

New collectable plants:
There are now 3 new types of collectable plants that spawn in the world; wild carrots, potatoes and onions.

While these plants can be found from day one, they are fairly rare and not meant as a reliable source of early-game veggies (although they are a fair supplement). In fact much of the time they will only yield a seed for the given plant type, requiring the player to plant and grow their own crops.

The new seeds can all be used in the plantbed to grow an abundance of vegetables in your base.

Each seed will yield 3 veggies of its type, and each vegetable can be used to yield a single seed. Meaning, technically, players only need a single seed to mass-produce vegetables of its type.

I slightly decreased the amount of water and fertilizer each plant uses while growing in the plantbed. However be aware that overloading plantbeds puts heavier demands on water and fertilizer, so try to only grow what you can afford.

Players can now craft an oven in the BCU. This is a powered device that provides an assortment of new food recipes for players to cook.

The oven is designed as a later-game item, and requires the workbench as well as expanded power/mass storage capability to craft.

Cooking Equipment:
In order to use the oven. Several types of pans are required, which can be crafted at the workbench.

Each pan unlocks its own tier of recipes. There are 3 tiers: Fried, Boiled and Baked. Some recipes even require pre-cooked ingredients from other tiers. The pans increase in cost across the 3 tiers.

The oven requires power to use. It can queue recipes (much like crafting in the workbench or BCU) and deducts the power required for each recipe when the player queues the item. Queued recipes can be cancelled, which refunds the ingredients and power.

The oven will visibly show heated hobs, steaming pans, etc to indicate which recipe types are cooking at any given time.

Oven Upgrades:
The oven can be upgraded to increase its power efficiency. There are two separate upgrades, each reducing the power cost of each recipe by 15%.

New Cooked Meals:
There are a total of 10 new cooked food items. Many of which required reared animal produce and home grown vegetables.

Makes use of the new vegetables while pairing with the base-grade meats and chicken eggs.

All of the boiled recipes require a canteen of clean water. I’ve added a mechanic to empty only the contents, leaving the empty canteen in the player’s inventory. If the player cancels the recipe, the clean water will be administered back into the empty canteen (if the player is still holding it).

Considered the more elaborate cooked recipe items, which offer the greatest benefits to the new health system (explained below). These recipes take the longest to cook, and the required baking pan is the most expensive of the three pans.

Whole Chickens:
Once a chicken levels up to level 10, they will now yield a whole raw chicken when butchered, which can be roasted in the oven (currently the highest tier cooked meal).

New Health System:
All of the new cookable recipes are in place to support an overhauled player health system.

Players start with a specific max health and max strength (which differs across difficulty modes). These values can be viewed in the updated health hud:

Under both the health and strength meters, you will notice a small sub-meter indicating the progress of boosting another level to the max value.

Different cooked food items will boost these meters. Some basic cooked items will offer very little boost, while other more elaborate cooked meals will add substantial boosts.

Each time you fill the sub-meter of health or strength, it will boost the max value. There is currently a max cap of 125.

The intention behind this system is to put greater emphasis on raising animals, farming crops and producing higher quality foods. Also a sense of your character slowly growing stronger and more agile if you are living well.

It makes sense that there should greater reward to eating a hot homemade tomato soup, over eating 10 raw kelp straight out of the lakes.

Finding the correct balance to this new system will take time, so I strongly welcome opinions and suggestions once you’ve had a chance to try it out. It is intended as a subtle progression system to tie-in with later-game progression, not a race to hit max levels.

Dying will deduct progress on max health and strength (easy/normal == -5, hardcore == -10). Untreated/prolonged illness or cold exposure will also have a gradual negative impact on these levels.

Eating when full:
Many of the cooked meals can only be eaten if the player is hungry enough. The player’s hunger bar needs to accommodate ⅓ of the total provided by the meal. I thought it was necessary to put some restraints on the new system to avoid it being spammed. Lets see how it plays out.

Updated item hover tips:
I needed to update the old item hover tips to better display the new stats. They now show larger/higher-detail item images, and layout the stats in a cleaner format. They are also responsive to screen location (so they won’t display partially off-screen, like previously with the clothing hud slots).

Food items that offer a health/strength boost will display these stats in green (see image above).

Mining Drill (Wellhead repurposing):
The Wellhead was added as a means of acquiring water prior to lakes/rivers being added to the game - which some of you may remember. It soon became redundant when the first Lakes update dropped, which was a shame as it was a cool device and I put in a lot of care when implementing it.

I decided to repurpose it into the Mining Drill. While mostly operating the same, players can now select a specific ore-type to target and slowly mine that one ore-type.This should be handy for when players are running low on a specific ore-type.

Other notable changes:
  • Eating low-grade raw chicken and rabbit now causes illness.
  • Antidotes now require raw liver (not cooked/burnt/rotten).
  • Fixed bug that could cause hunters and animals to spawn outside the fence (at the 90° fence corner by the new expansion).
  • Jumping and landing in shallow river water now triggers appropriate splashing sound.
  • Players can now mouse-hover + use-key on the canteen to fill it with water.
  • Fixed splashing footsteps not playing at the lower section of the new wide stream.
  • Increase max stack counts of many items (too many to list), to accommodate for growing number of item types.
  • Fixed rare bug that would cause clients of network games to not lose stamina and health stats.

I think I’ve detailed all the key points of the new changes. I’ve touched many of the core systems, so I fully expect to make required balancing tweaks moving forward.

I welcome all feedback on the update. If you haven’t yet, please join myself and other players on the official Discord (invite below). You can also follow the game on Twitter and Facebook.

Thanks to all the community for the support, it means a lot. Hope everyone has an awesome week!

Discord invite:

Subsistence - ColdGames

Hi guys! Today’s update brings a vast expansion to the west side of the map. A new forest type hugs the mountain slopes and stretches out around the large central lake. Waterfalls, streams, lagoons and cliffs offer new points of navigation and locations for interesting base designs.

I’ve implemented new tree and foliage types to give the new areas a distinct aesthetic from the previous regions of the world. The increased foliage density may affect the difficulty in finding resources. Let me know what you think once you’ve tried it out.

The large central lake is now fully accessible from all sides. It always bothered me to have to fence off the central section of the lake, so I’m pleased to have this opened up.

The expanded lake area also means there are much greater areas of deep water. These depths aren’t currently accessible due to oxygen capacity. I definitely want to explore some ideas so that there are reasons and means for players to explore these depths in a future update.

Configurable hunter attack settings:
Players can now choose the hunter attack setting that best suits their taste. There are 3 settings:
  1. Normal attack patterns:
    Hunters will launch periodic attacks on player bases and revenge attacks.
  2. Only revenge attacks:
    Hunters will only attack player bases if they are avenging a player attack against them.
  3. Never attack:
    Hunters will still guard their territory, but will not launch attacks on player bases.

These new settings should give players better freedom to customize their own games. This setting can be changed whenever when launching a profile.

Reduced predator count in easy mode:
Many players have mentioned that the predators are too overbearing (no pun intended) in easy mode, and I have to agree. It’s not very welcoming to new players looking to get a feel for the mechanics to be bombarded by attacks. The reduction is close to 20%, so not a total nerf, but should make a positive impact for players of this mode. Note: This does not affect cougar spawns.

Given the much larger space for players to explore, I’ve implemented a basic compass as an additional tool of navigation. This has been notably requested by co-op players, new to the game, to help locate one another.

This isn’t currently a craftable item, and simply displays as default in top-left of the hud. It didn’t seem worth making it craftable until there is a map implemented.

Base lights optimization:
Up until now interior base lights have been quite expensive on fps. This is due to their expensive dynamic shadow casting. It looks really cool, but could get needlessly taxing on system resources when there are many lights on at the time. I’ve implemented a system to dynamically toggle their individual shadow casting based on the current fps, so it should scale appropriately while maintaining a stable fps.

Increased Rogue Squads:
Due to the expanded map size, there are now slightly more rogue squads on the map at any given time. I’ll be keeping a close eye on how this balances out. I appreciate any feedback on this in the forums or discord.

Other notable changes:
  • Fixed bug that caused predator to group-up at one particular spot on the map (details for those interested:
  • Fixed bug/exploit where clients of co-op games could build overly close to hunter bases (thanks GameEdged, Ohno, Emma, Selebear, Dread for finding this one ;) ).
  • Added splashing particle effect for players running through water.
  • Sinew removed from grenade recipe.
  • Updated sound for upgrading structures to armor-plated.
  • Glass roofs now require glass to repair (was previously wood).
  • 9mm ammo now stacks to 50 and 7.62 stacks to 25 (included in prior hotfix).
  • Added system to ensure more even spread of deer in the world.
  • More pronounced hairs on wolves and bears.

Some players may feel that focus should have been on balance and expanding on gameplay mechanics. It’s important the map continues to grow incrementally to accommodate for future mechanics (there will certainly be more expansions in the future). I want travel and exploration to start to play a greater role as the game continues to grow. This month I had family visiting, so it made sense for me to take the opportunity and commit to a large map expansion for this particular sprint.

After such an art-heavy sprint, I’m really looking forward to moving onto many other pressing tasks. All with a much larger world to work within.

Thanks for everyone’s patience on this one. It means a lot to see support from players on the forums and discord. Please come and join the discord if you haven’t already (link below).

Hope you have a great weekend.

Discord invite:
Subsistence - ColdGames

New wildlife (Deer):
It’s been a while since any new animals have been introduced. You will now find wild deer roaming the landscape. The idea being to add greater diversity to the wildlife population, while adding a non-aggressive, elusive and agile animal to hunt.

New behavior system:
Unlike the other animals that stay somewhat localized to their territory, deer will traverse the entire world while grazing and dodging predators. They are stealthy and spook easily, so players should be careful while hunting.

They are coded to understand where they’ve previously been and to explore new areas, so you may find one wandering into your backyard or into unexpected areas (so keep an eye out). Their hearing and sight sensitivity differs across easy/medium/hardcore.

Animal-on-animal attacks:
Predators will now chase and kill deer. It has been tricky to balance the predator/prey life-cycle, so i’ll be keeping a close eye on how this balance plays out and will make adjustments as necessary.

Because of how quick deer can flee, focus on landing a headshot to ensure a kill. The vanilla 9mm won’t kill on a single hit, but all other weapons (including the bow) will.

Antlers and craftable Adhesive:
Harvesting deer will yield antlers (as well as meat and cloth). Antlers can crafted down with biofuel and ash to create a strong adhesive.

Adhesive is now used in several of the advanced crafting recipes (especially glass structures which now require less scrap).

Mechanical Ladder Hatch:
A new ladder hatch can now be found in the default crafting menu (under wood ceilings). Placed like any normal ceiling, it can be opened and closed to gain access to floors in your base without the need for stairs.

The ladder hatch can also be upgraded to armor-plated using the hammer.

Claymore mines:
Players can now craft claymores at the workbench. These can be placed around your base perimeter to help deal lots of damage during hunter attacks.

Here are their rules:
  • Players that place them will be safe from triggering them.
  • Teammates of a player who placed them will not trigger them (so don’t forget to add your teammates to the player list in the BCU).
  • Animals will not trigger them, so there are primarily intended to defend against hunter attacks.

They can be moved and/or disassembled, much like buildables. They can also be shot to trigger a detonation, which may come in handy during a fight.

Hunter-placed traps:
Hunters can also now use claymores. Once their base becomes large enough, they will start placing them to ward off raids (so watch your footing).

New Glass Roofs:

I’ve added three new glass roof buildables (compact, slanted and curved). These can be found in the default player crafting menu.

My hope is this will give players a bit more freedom with their base layouts, and lead to some interesting and cool looking designs.

Inverted Stairs and Armor Plating:
I’ve finally gotten around to adding an inverted variant of the corner stairs, which many players have politely asked for for a long time. While I was at it, I also added armor plated variants for each.

Hunter AI:
There have been a lot of small improvements to the hunter AI.
  • They now use a deeper tree of pathing decisions while travelling large distances across the landscape.
  • I’ve reworked their swimming behavior. They no longer flip and spin on their back while crossing water. They now smoothly swim across bodies of water. This also means they reach their destination quicker, making them less vulnerable to fire while swimming.
  • I’ve fixed many of their odd quirks while in combat. Such as; they no longer aim away from their target and spin at the last moment to take shots, instead taking time to aim at their target, allowing players time to react. I’ve slightly reduced their firing frequency to balance these changes.
  • They now use new pathing to find dry land while in deep water (this is also applied to animal AI).

Please note: The hunter AI is very much a work in progress, and I know they still need a lot of work. I have a lot planned for them to make them capable and believable adversaries who are fun to fight. It will take time.

Netcode optimizations:
I’ve spent some time trimming out a lot of unnecessary network calls during co-op play. Digging through various systems I managed to find a great deal that were needlessly using up bandwidth. Netcode is something I’ll be continuing to improve as the game evolves. The plan is to soon support dedicated servers for greater stability.

Disable Autosave:
Some players have reported lag spikes during auto-saves. While I investigate the cause of this issue I’ve added the ability to disable auto-save from the options menu (under the gameplay tab). Please note that this does not disable the auto-save on death (in normal and hardcore). If you choose to disable auto-save, please don’t forget to save manually (using F8) and the “Save and Exit” when leaving the game.

Other notable changes:
  • Fixed bug that prevented players from picking up items or harvesting animals in shallow water.
  • Inflicting a headshot now gives the player obvious audio feedback, regardless of distance to the target.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the camera to get stuck if using co-op text chat while butchering animals.
  • Added in-game option to toggle windowed mode (found in the graphics option menu).
  • Animal AI now will now choose to cross bodies of water if they cannot find a dry route to their destination.
  • Scrap metal now stacks up to 50 (previously 40).
  • Cougars now do slightly more damage to base structures.
  • Added some of the new items to the loot tables for hunter bases and locked crates.
  • Increased the color saturation of grass in the green meadows.
  • Prevented animals playing out suspicious animations while swimming.
  • Staggered the workload of the save system to reduce system demand during saves.
  • Fixed bug where hunters would build their campfires on river surfaces.
  • Fixed issue of hunters sometimes spawning on the wrong side of the fence. If you currently have hunters outside the fence, you can either reset them, or destroy their base with a BCU cracker.
  • Placing a second BCU now lights up the BCU build sphere on the original, so it is easier to know when you are linking them.
  • Fixed audio feedback not playing when upgrading base buildables.

Thanks as always to everyone that’s been supporting the project. It’s great to have you joining the discussion, making suggestions and reporting issues. It feels pretty amazing to be working on the project full-time now. I’m excited for the future and to truly start shaping and expanding the game.

If you haven’t already, please join myself and other players on the Discord server, and on the Steam forums. Please let me know if you experience any issues with the update. I’m sure there will be balancing tweaks needed.

Have an awesome weekend.

Discord invite:

Subsistence - ColdGames

New wildlife (Deer):
It’s been a while since any new animals have been introduced. You will now find wild deer roaming the landscape. The idea being to add greater diversity to the wildlife population, while adding a non-aggressive, elusive and agile animal to hunt.

New behavior system:
Unlike the other animals that stay somewhat localized to their territory, deer will traverse the entire world while grazing and dodging predators. They are stealthy and spook easily, so players should be careful while hunting.

They are coded to understand where they’ve previously been and to explore new areas, so you may find one wandering into your backyard or into unexpected areas (so keep an eye out). Their hearing and sight sensitivity differs across easy/medium/hardcore.

Animal-on-animal attacks:
Predators will now chase and kill deer. It has been tricky to balance the predator/prey life-cycle, so i’ll be keeping a close eye on how this balance plays out and will make adjustments as necessary.

Because of how quick deer can flee, focus on landing a headshot to ensure a kill. The vanilla 9mm won’t kill on a single hit, but all other weapons (including the bow) will.

Antlers and craftable Adhesive:
Harvesting deer will yield antlers (as well as meat and cloth). Antlers can crafted down with biofuel and ash to create a strong adhesive.

Adhesive is now used in several of the advanced crafting recipes (especially glass structures which now require less scrap).

Mechanical Ladder Hatch:
A new ladder hatch can now be found in the default crafting menu (under wood ceilings). Placed like any normal ceiling, it can be opened and closed to gain access to floors in your base without the need for stairs.

The ladder hatch can also be upgraded to armor-plated using the hammer.

Claymore mines:
Players can now craft claymores at the workbench. These can be placed around your base perimeter to help deal lots of damage during hunter attacks.

Here are their rules:
  • Players that place them will be safe from triggering them.
  • Teammates of a player who placed them will not trigger them (so don’t forget to add your teammates to the player list in the BCU).
  • Animals will not trigger them, so there are primarily intended to defend against hunter attacks.

They can be moved and/or disassembled, much like buildables. They can also be shot to trigger a detonation, which may come in handy during a fight.

Hunter-placed traps:
Hunters can also now use claymores. Once their base becomes large enough, they will start placing them to ward off raids (so watch your footing).

New Glass Roofs:

I’ve added three new glass roof buildables (compact, slanted and curved). These can be found in the default player crafting menu.

My hope is this will give players a bit more freedom with their base layouts, and lead to some interesting and cool looking designs.

Inverted Stairs and Armor Plating:
I’ve finally gotten around to adding an inverted variant of the corner stairs, which many players have politely asked for for a long time. While I was at it, I also added armor plated variants for each.

Hunter AI:
There have been a lot of small improvements to the hunter AI.
  • They now use a deeper tree of pathing decisions while travelling large distances across the landscape.
  • I’ve reworked their swimming behavior. They no longer flip and spin on their back while crossing water. They now smoothly swim across bodies of water. This also means they reach their destination quicker, making them less vulnerable to fire while swimming.
  • I’ve fixed many of their odd quirks while in combat. Such as; they no longer aim away from their target and spin at the last moment to take shots, instead taking time to aim at their target, allowing players time to react. I’ve slightly reduced their firing frequency to balance these changes.
  • They now use new pathing to find dry land while in deep water (this is also applied to animal AI).

Please note: The hunter AI is very much a work in progress, and I know they still need a lot of work. I have a lot planned for them to make them capable and believable adversaries who are fun to fight. It will take time.

Netcode optimizations:
I’ve spent some time trimming out a lot of unnecessary network calls during co-op play. Digging through various systems I managed to find a great deal that were needlessly using up bandwidth. Netcode is something I’ll be continuing to improve as the game evolves. The plan is to soon support dedicated servers for greater stability.

Disable Autosave:
Some players have reported lag spikes during auto-saves. While I investigate the cause of this issue I’ve added the ability to disable auto-save from the options menu (under the gameplay tab). Please note that this does not disable the auto-save on death (in normal and hardcore). If you choose to disable auto-save, please don’t forget to save manually (using F8) and the “Save and Exit” when leaving the game.

Other notable changes:
  • Fixed bug that prevented players from picking up items or harvesting animals in shallow water.
  • Inflicting a headshot now gives the player obvious audio feedback, regardless of distance to the target.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the camera to get stuck if using co-op text chat while butchering animals.
  • Added in-game option to toggle windowed mode (found in the graphics option menu).
  • Animal AI now will now choose to cross bodies of water if they cannot find a dry route to their destination.
  • Scrap metal now stacks up to 50 (previously 40).
  • Cougars now do slightly more damage to base structures.
  • Added some of the new items to the loot tables for hunter bases and locked crates.
  • Increased the color saturation of grass in the green meadows.
  • Prevented animals playing out suspicious animations while swimming.
  • Staggered the workload of the save system to reduce system demand during saves.
  • Fixed bug where hunters would build their campfires on river surfaces.
  • Fixed issue of hunters sometimes spawning on the wrong side of the fence. If you currently have hunters outside the fence, you can either reset them, or destroy their base with a BCU cracker.
  • Placing a second BCU now lights up the BCU build sphere on the original, so it is easier to know when you are linking them.
  • Fixed audio feedback not playing when upgrading base buildables.

Thanks as always to everyone that’s been supporting the project. It’s great to have you joining the discussion, making suggestions and reporting issues. It feels pretty amazing to be working on the project full-time now. I’m excited for the future and to truly start shaping and expanding the game.

If you haven’t already, please join myself and other players on the Discord server, and on the Steam forums. Please let me know if you experience any issues with the update. I’m sure there will be balancing tweaks needed.

Have an awesome weekend.

Discord invite:

Edit (hotfix): I needed to release a hotfix (at 6pm PST 10th April) to fix a reported bug that could lead to animals not tiring when giving chase.
Subsistence - ColdGames

New system for hosting/joining co-op games:
Ever since the release of co-op, players wishing to host were forced to forward ports to allow their friends to join. This was always a huge pain and resulted in many players not being able to play with their friends.

I’ve implemented a new system that will detect when your Steam friends are playing, and allow you to join them (without the host needing to forward any ports). It’s still early, so I expect there may be some issues. However this should hopefully allow many players who were previously unable to play co-op to now play with their friends.

Who can see who?
Players need to be Steam friends to see each others games in the new menu. Players also need to be visible in Steam (so not appearing offline).

Hosts should use the same in-game host menu as before. Once launched, their friends should see them popup in the “Join/Friends” menu, and can join from there.

Tips for hosts:
I’m still yet to implement proper error reporting for when joins fail. As such it’s not always clear why a client would fail to join. Please ensure you set the required amount of open slots when launching the game. There’s also an issue where sometimes it will report that it failed to join, but then go in after anyway. I’ll be working to improve this and add better error messaging.

Dedicated servers?
The existing server list is still in. Players that wish for their games to be publicly listed (so non friends can join) will still need to forward their Steam port (27015). Eventually I plan to add dedicated server support.

Player count increased to 8 (in testing):
Several players mentioned they were unable to play with their core group of friends due to the player cap. I’ve increased the cap to 8.

We should treat this as an experiment to see how the netcode scales with more players, so let me know if you experience issues in games with higher player counts.

Official Subsistence Discord created:

I've created an official Discord server for Subsistence players to meet, play and discuss. If you are looking for players to team-up with, please come and join us in the Discord. I haven’t yet set up moderators etc, so will get that ironed out over the coming days. I’ll be on the server fairly often to help troubleshoot and discuss development.

Discord invite:

Few other small things:
  • I’ve updated the placeholder wood log image:

  • I’ve added a glass doorway after a few players mentioned they needed one for the their builds. No glass door yet, but that will come.

  • Dismantling upgraded walls now returns half the upgrade cost back.

  • Fixed hammer not functioning correctly for clients of co-op games (previously only the hosts could use it to upgrade walls).

The goal of this update is to attempt to make it much easier for friends to play together. This is just an iteration and still needs more work (and I imagine there will still be players experiencing networking issues). If you do, please post on the forum or discord so that myself and other players can help troubleshoot any issues.

Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!

Subsistence - ColdGames

New system for hosting/joining co-op games:
Ever since the release of co-op, players wishing to host were forced to forward ports to allow their friends to join. This was always a huge pain and resulted in many players not being able to play with their friends.

I’ve implemented a new system that will detect when your Steam friends are playing, and allow you to join them (without the host needing to forward any ports). It’s still early, so I expect there may be some issues. However this should hopefully allow many players who were previously unable to play co-op to now play with their friends.

Who can see who?
Players need to be Steam friends to see each others games in the new menu. Players also need to be visible in Steam (so not appearing offline).

Hosts should use the same in-game host menu as before. Once launched, their friends should see them popup in the “Join/Friends” menu, and can join from there.

Tips for hosts:
I’m still yet to implement proper error reporting for when joins fail. As such it’s not always clear why a client would fail to join. Please ensure you set the required amount of open slots when launching the game. There’s also an issue where sometimes it will report that it failed to join, but then go in after anyway. I’ll be working to improve this and add better error messaging.

Dedicated servers?
The existing server list is still in. Players that wish for their games to be publicly listed (so non friends can join) will still need to forward their Steam port (27015). Eventually I plan to add dedicated server support.

Player count increased to 8 (in testing):
Several players mentioned they were unable to play with their core group of friends due to the player cap. I’ve increased the cap to 8.

We should treat this as an experiment to see how the netcode scales with more players, so let me know if you experience issues in games with higher player counts.

Official Subsistence Discord created:

I've created an official Discord server for Subsistence players to meet, play and discuss. If you are looking for players to team-up with, please come and join us in the Discord. I haven’t yet set up moderators etc, so will get that ironed out over the coming days. I’ll be on the server fairly often to help troubleshoot and discuss development.

Discord invite:

Few other small things:
  • I’ve updated the placeholder wood log image:

  • I’ve added a glass doorway after a few players mentioned they needed one for the their builds. No glass door yet, but that will come.

  • Dismantling upgraded walls now returns half the upgrade cost back.

  • Fixed hammer not functioning correctly for clients of co-op games (previously only the hosts could use it to upgrade walls).

The goal of this update is to attempt to make it much easier for friends to play together. This is just an iteration and still needs more work (and I imagine there will still be players experiencing networking issues). If you do, please post on the forum or discord so that myself and other players can help troubleshoot any issues.

Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!

Subsistence - ColdGames

New glass building pieces:
Hi guys. It’s been a while since any new base construction options were added. Today’s update introduces an assortment of new glass building pieces, which are now crafted from the default player crafting menu. These pieces will snap onto other wood and metal building pieces.

The glass is fairly tough and will withstand a fair amount of damage. However, just as with all structures, will require repairs to maintain. I’ve added damage skins (cracks) to indicate the health of any piece. The strength sits between that of wood and armor-plated.

I’ve added a subtle distortion to the glass material and a very slight tint. This is to give the sense of enclosure when inside your base looking out. Let me know if you think the effect is too much.

My hope is these new building pieces will open up a ton of possibilities for creative base designs, as well as adding further depth to later-game building. Looking forward to seeing some creations.

The game is configured to understand light passing through the new panels, meaning that glass rooms can be constructed to act as protective greenhouses for plantbeds.

Sandstone ore nodes and glass fragments:
It’s now possible to find sandstone ore nodes beneath the water in the various lakes. They can be harvested with the pickaxe (or axe for less yield) and refined down into glass fragments in the refinery.

The glass fragments can then be crafted down in the workbench to glass panels, which in turn can be used to craft building pieces. Note: Raw glass fragments are required for repairing glass structures.

Animated glass windows and door:
It’s always bothered me that windows were just empty holes. This lead to otherwise cosy and secure bases to feel cold and exposed.

Players can now craft glass windows for both the flat and curved windowed-wall variants. The new windows are fully animated, allowing for player to quickly open/close them while defending against attacks.

While working on the window animations, I also finally added a animation for the door (which was long overdue).

New underwater graphics:
I’ve never been overly happy with the underwater visuals. The water surface would become opaque once submerged (meaning players were unable to spot potential dangers when surfacing) and the image was fairly static.

I’ve added a ripple/distortion post-process effect and updated the water surface material to handle translucency when submerged. I think it looks way better and more immersive when swimming, but let me know what you think.

Getting started tasks/tips:
New players starting out are offered little guidance on how to make progress, often leading to frustration and repeated deaths. I’ve added some basic ‘getting-started’ tasks to better inform new players during the early game.

For experienced players (or those that want to figure things out on their own), these task lists can be disabled in the options under gameplay.

While building this feature, I implemented a substantial system to track detailed stats on player activities (stats are only stored locally in profile saves). I plan to expose these stats for players to view in a future update.

Quick item use:
Having to always right-click on an item to open it’s actions, and then click on the use action can be annoying (especially when in combat or in a hurry). I’ve added a quick-use function that allows players to simply hover the mouse over an item and click their ‘use’ key.

It will attempt to perform the primary ‘use’ action for said item (if the item has one). This will improve and quicken player inventory management.

Hunter base update and loot drops:
I’ve updated the hunter bases to incorporate the new glass buildables. I’ve also updated the loot drops in their bases to include many of the new items that were added in the last few updates.

Hunter loot drops, and locked crates have also been updated to include the new items (including a chance of fish oil on hunters).

Potassium used as fertilizer:
Finally potassium can be used as a rich fertilizer for plantbeds. This should ease the fertilizer demands for players that choose to refine the ore down.

Few notable misc changes:
  • Fixed exploit that allowed empty canteens to be pre-heated and then sterilize water when filled.

  • Fixed exploit that allowed players to build in hunter bases.
  • Fixed delay on items disappearing from inventory when dropped for clients of co-op games.
  • Added sound and blood-spurts effect for hitting dead animals/humans with melee weapons.

A personal note:
As many of you know, Subsistence has always been a passion project I work on by myself in my spare time, alongside my full-time job. I’ve finally made the decision to leave my employment to focus on the game full-time. I’ve never worked on such a challenging, creative and enjoyable project, and i’m so excited to dedicate myself to its continued development.

It’s been a tough journey to reach this point, and I wouldn’t have got this far without the support and encouragement from such an awesome community, of which I’m deeply grateful. There’s still a long road ahead and tons of work needed, and I’m looking forward to it!

Have a great weekend, and please let me know about any issues with the update.
Subsistence - ColdGames

New glass building pieces:
Hi guys. It’s been a while since any new base construction options were added. Today’s update introduces an assortment of new glass building pieces, which are now crafted from the default player crafting menu. These pieces will snap onto other wood and metal building pieces.

The glass is fairly tough and will withstand a fair amount of damage. However, just as with all structures, will require repairs to maintain. I’ve added damage skins (cracks) to indicate the health of any piece. The strength sits between that of wood and armor-plated.

I’ve added a subtle distortion to the glass material and a very slight tint. This is to give the sense of enclosure when inside your base looking out. Let me know if you think the effect is too much.

My hope is these new building pieces will open up a ton of possibilities for creative base designs, as well as adding further depth to later-game building. Looking forward to seeing some creations.

The game is configured to understand light passing through the new panels, meaning that glass rooms can be constructed to act as protective greenhouses for plantbeds.

Sandstone ore nodes and glass fragments:
It’s now possible to find sandstone ore nodes beneath the water in the various lakes. They can be harvested with the pickaxe (or axe for less yield) and refined down into glass fragments in the refinery.

The glass fragments can then be crafted down in the workbench to glass panels, which in turn can be used to craft building pieces. Note: Raw glass fragments are required for repairing glass structures.

Animated glass windows and door:
It’s always bothered me that windows were just empty holes. This lead to otherwise cosy and secure bases to feel cold and exposed.

Players can now craft glass windows for both the flat and curved windowed-wall variants. The new windows are fully animated, allowing for player to quickly open/close them while defending against attacks.

While working on the window animations, I also finally added a animation for the door (which was long overdue).

New underwater graphics:
I’ve never been overly happy with the underwater visuals. The water surface would become opaque once submerged (meaning players were unable to spot potential dangers when surfacing) and the image was fairly static.

I’ve added a ripple/distortion post-process effect and updated the water surface material to handle translucency when submerged. I think it looks way better and more immersive when swimming, but let me know what you think.

Getting started tasks/tips:
New players starting out are offered little guidance on how to make progress, often leading to frustration and repeated deaths. I’ve added some basic ‘getting-started’ tasks to better inform new players during the early game.

For experienced players (or those that want to figure things out on their own), these task lists can be disabled in the options under gameplay.

While building this feature, I implemented a substantial system to track detailed stats on player activities (stats are only stored locally in profile saves). I plan to expose these stats for players to view in a future update.

Quick item use:
Having to always right-click on an item to open it’s actions, and then click on the use action can be annoying (especially when in combat or in a hurry). I’ve added a quick-use function that allows players to simply hover the mouse over an item and click their ‘use’ key.

It will attempt to perform the primary ‘use’ action for said item (if the item has one). This will improve and quicken player inventory management.

Hunter base update and loot drops:
I’ve updated the hunter bases to incorporate the new glass buildables. I’ve also updated the loot drops in their bases to include many of the new items that were added in the last few updates.

Hunter loot drops, and locked crates have also been updated to include the new items (including a chance of fish oil on hunters).

Potassium used as fertilizer:
Finally potassium can be used as a rich fertilizer for plantbeds. This should ease the fertilizer demands for players that choose to refine the ore down.

Few notable misc changes:
  • Fixed exploit that allowed empty canteens to be pre-heated and then sterilize water when filled.

  • Fixed exploit that allowed players to build in hunter bases.
  • Fixed delay on items disappearing from inventory when dropped for clients of co-op games.
  • Added sound and blood-spurts effect for hitting dead animals/humans with melee weapons.

A personal note:
As many of you know, Subsistence has always been a passion project I work on by myself in my spare time, alongside my full-time job. I’ve finally made the decision to leave my employment to focus on the game full-time. I’ve never worked on such a challenging, creative and enjoyable project, and i’m so excited to dedicate myself to its continued development.

It’s been a tough journey to reach this point, and I wouldn’t have got this far without the support and encouragement from such an awesome community, of which I’m deeply grateful. There’s still a long road ahead and tons of work needed, and I’m looking forward to it!

Have a great weekend, and please let me know about any issues with the update.
Subsistence - ColdGames

Hi guys. Today's update introduces a new fishing mechanic into the game. A highly requested feature since the introduction of water into the world, players are now able to craft fishing rods and float-fish in the ponds and lakes (it is not currently possible to fish in running rivers). The rod can be crafted from the default player crafting menu.

Once the fishing rod is crafted, players must craft fishing tackle. Fishing tackle requires a tree grub (a new item), which can be harvested from the large fat-trunked trees dotted around the map. Tree grubs can be eaten by themselves in desperate situations, but provide very little nutrition.

Fish Types:
There are currently two types of fish that can be caught in the lakes and ponds; Salmon and (a generically named) small fish. Salmon can be eaten raw, or can be filleted to produce fillets of meat, and fish-oil (which can be used in medicinal crafting).

Small fish can also be eaten raw, or cooked whole (providing better nutritional value). Being small, they take much less time to cook than other proteins. Instead of being used for meat, players can choose to instead harvest them for oil.

I intend for the variety of fish (and their purpose) to expand over time as things continue to progress.

Medicinal tonic
Medical items now require Medicinal Tonic to craft. The tonic can be crafted using fish oil and medicinal herbs.

Stackable meats:
Meats have always used up way too much inventory space. I had kept them as single items due to complications with handling the various cooked states and perish timers.

Here are the new rules:
  • Meats can be stacked providing they are at the same cooked state.
  • Only single pieces can be cooked at a time (per cooking slot).
  • Perish timers are maintained for each individual piece even when stacked.

I’ve also removed the individual rotten states for each food type, and have simplified it into a single (stackable) “rotten meat” item. This should lead to cleaner inventory management. A greater purpose for this item will be added at a later date (currently you can only recycle it).

Small dead animals now perish:
For a long time, players have been able to store small dead animals without risk of them perishing. This exploit devalued efforts to keep food fresh and presented issues with storage space. This has now been patched. Rotted animals can still be butchered but yield less resources (and no meat).

Smoothed models UV normals:
Various models for base items had some fairly janky UV mapping, so I spent a bit of time cleaning these up. It’s a subtle change, but one that has been bugging me for a while, and i feel looks much cleaner now. Examples:

Capped “Eat All” action:
Many players reported frustration of accidentally clicking “eat all” when extracting tomato seeds etc. I’ve now put limits on all consumable items to avoid this:

Base repairs:
Many players have reported that it takes too much wood to make repairs after hunter attacks. I’ve increased the amount of hit-points per repair. However each standard repair now takes 1 nail. This should help balance the dwindling need for nails during the later game.

Hunters not attacking?:
Thanks to the help of a few community members, I was able to trace down certain conditions that would prevent specific hunter teams from attacking player bases. It was based on the combined locations of the bases, and intersecting bodies of water. The issue is now patched, so if you weren’t experiencing attacks before this patch then you may want to keep and eye out for incoming attacks. This issue was affecting normal and revenge attacks.

Other misc changes:
  • A splint now takes two sticks to craft.
  • Fixed bug that was allowing small dead animals held in player inventories to become alive again after reloading a save.
  • Increased hit-points of floodlights and and solar panels. This will make them more resilient to base attacks.

  • Fixed bug that was preventing the bleeding icon from showing for hosts of co-op games.
  • Fixed bullet/water impact fx to play correctly in deep water:

  • Fixed issue whereby transparent buildable mesh would become invisible when viewed in front of water.
  • Updated bow so that you can now hold down “aim” while the player is equipping the weapon, then it will transition into the aim state without having to re-click key.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the profiles launching if there were special characters in the profile name or password.
  • It now takes less time to cook rabbit and chicken.
  • Added rocks and other visual tweaks to rivers/waterfall.

Please note that the new fishing system is intended to be iterated and improved on, so I welcome feedback once players have given it a try. I’m excited about the new possibilities this opens up for future updates. Thanks for everyone’s support and patience as the game continues to evolve. I’ll be on the forums as always, so please let me know your thoughts on the new changes.

Have a great week!
Subsistence - ColdGames

Hi guys. Today's update introduces a new fishing mechanic into the game. A highly requested feature since the introduction of water into the world, players are now able to craft fishing rods and float-fish in the ponds and lakes (it is not currently possible to fish in running rivers). The rod can be crafted from the default player crafting menu.

Once the fishing rod is crafted, players must craft fishing tackle. Fishing tackle requires a tree grub (a new item), which can be harvested from the large fat-trunked trees dotted around the map. Tree grubs can be eaten by themselves in desperate situations, but provide very little nutrition.

Fish Types:
There are currently two types of fish that can be caught in the lakes and ponds; Salmon and (a generically named) small fish. Salmon can be eaten raw, or can be filleted to produce fillets of meat, and fish-oil (which can be used in medicinal crafting).

Small fish can also be eaten raw, or cooked whole (providing better nutritional value). Being small, they take much less time to cook than other proteins. Instead of being used for meat, players can choose to instead harvest them for oil.

I intend for the variety of fish (and their purpose) to expand over time as things continue to progress.

Medicinal tonic
Medical items now require Medicinal Tonic to craft. The tonic can be crafted using fish oil and medicinal herbs.

Stackable meats:
Meats have always used up way too much inventory space. I had kept them as single items due to complications with handling the various cooked states and perish timers.

Here are the new rules:
  • Meats can be stacked providing they are at the same cooked state.
  • Only single pieces can be cooked at a time (per cooking slot).
  • Perish timers are maintained for each individual piece even when stacked.

I’ve also removed the individual rotten states for each food type, and have simplified it into a single (stackable) “rotten meat” item. This should lead to cleaner inventory management. A greater purpose for this item will be added at a later date (currently you can only recycle it).

Small dead animals now perish:
For a long time, players have been able to store small dead animals without risk of them perishing. This exploit devalued efforts to keep food fresh and presented issues with storage space. This has now been patched. Rotted animals can still be butchered but yield less resources (and no meat).

Smoothed models UV normals:
Various models for base items had some fairly janky UV mapping, so I spent a bit of time cleaning these up. It’s a subtle change, but one that has been bugging me for a while, and i feel looks much cleaner now. Examples:

Capped “Eat All” action:
Many players reported frustration of accidentally clicking “eat all” when extracting tomato seeds etc. I’ve now put limits on all consumable items to avoid this:

Base repairs:
Many players have reported that it takes too much wood to make repairs after hunter attacks. I’ve increased the amount of hit-points per repair. However each standard repair now takes 1 nail. This should help balance the dwindling need for nails during the later game.

Hunters not attacking?:
Thanks to the help of a few community members, I was able to trace down certain conditions that would prevent specific hunter teams from attacking player bases. It was based on the combined locations of the bases, and intersecting bodies of water. The issue is now patched, so if you weren’t experiencing attacks before this patch then you may want to keep and eye out for incoming attacks. This issue was affecting normal and revenge attacks.

Other misc changes:
  • A splint now takes two sticks to craft.
  • Fixed bug that was allowing small dead animals held in player inventories to become alive again after reloading a save.
  • Increased hit-points of floodlights and and solar panels. This will make them more resilient to base attacks.

  • Fixed bug that was preventing the bleeding icon from showing for hosts of co-op games.
  • Fixed bullet/water impact fx to play correctly in deep water:

  • Fixed issue whereby transparent buildable mesh would become invisible when viewed in front of water.
  • Updated bow so that you can now hold down “aim” while the player is equipping the weapon, then it will transition into the aim state without having to re-click key.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the profiles launching if there were special characters in the profile name or password.
  • It now takes less time to cook rabbit and chicken.
  • Added rocks and other visual tweaks to rivers/waterfall.

Please note that the new fishing system is intended to be iterated and improved on, so I welcome feedback once players have given it a try. I’m excited about the new possibilities this opens up for future updates. Thanks for everyone’s support and patience as the game continues to evolve. I’ll be on the forums as always, so please let me know your thoughts on the new changes.

Have a great week!