Stronghold 3 Gold - Roar624
A patch will be released tomorrow to address the following:

- ‘failed to initialize’
- troops occasionally starting in a “T-pose”
- load save issue
Stronghold 3 Gold - Roar624
As part of our ongoing improvements for Stronghold 3, we plan to make the next patch live tomorrow. Along with resolving various stability and gameplay affecting bugs, the patch will add/address the following: Game speed controls, cursor offset and responsiveness issues, ability to place buildings on top of workers/animals (game will move them out of the way) and wolves will no longer climb onto towers. A full list of fixes will be published when the patch goes live.
Stronghold 3 Gold - easonfaced
As part of our ongoing improvements for Stronghold 3, we plan to make the next patch live tomorrow. Along with resolving various stability and gameplay affecting bugs, the patch will add/address the following: Game speed controls, cursor offset and responsiveness issues, ability to place buildings on top of workers/animals (game will move them out of the way) and wolves will no longer climb onto towers. A full list of fixes will be published when the patch goes live.
Stronghold 3 Gold - Roar624
Stronghold 3 will be live in just a few hours! This is your last chance to preorder to receive the original Stronghold game for FREE and the exclusive "Tower of London" map.
Stronghold 3 Gold - Roar624
To celebrate the fact that Stronghold 3 has 'gone gold' as they say in the games industry, we've got a new trailer to share with you. Enjoy!
<iframe width="452" height="260" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Stronghold 3 Gold - easonfaced
To celebrate the fact that Stronghold 3 has 'gone gold' as they say in the games industry, we've got a new trailer to share with you. Enjoy!
<iframe width="452" height="260" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Stronghold 3 Gold - Roar624
Are you ready to rock? Of course you are!
7sixty and Firefly Studios have launched the Minstrel King Facebook contest! Each applicant will submit a short video of themselves playing the ‘air lute’ to Stronghold 3’s most popular tune: Castle Jam.
Head over to the Stronghold 3 Facebook page and check out the Minstrel King app. Next, download the Castle Jam track and then get creative by filming yourself playing air lute to the song. Once you have captured the spirit of a medieval minstrel, upload your video to YouTube and then follow the instructions on Facebook to enter your masterpiece.
Then it is time to encourage your friends and family to vote for your video. When the competition ends on November 1st, the 10 best Minstrel Kings will receive a copy of Stronghold 3, a miniature replica trebuchet, an exclusive T-shirt and, of course, the respect of everyone around you.
Stronghold 3 Gold - easonfaced
Are you ready to rock? Of course you are!
7sixty and Firefly Studios have launched the Minstrel King Facebook contest! Each applicant will submit a short video of themselves playing the ‘air lute’ to Stronghold 3’s most popular tune: Castle Jam.
Head over to the Stronghold 3 Facebook page and check out the Minstrel King app. Next, download the Castle Jam track and then get creative by filming yourself playing air lute to the song. Once you have captured the spirit of a medieval minstrel, upload your video to YouTube and then follow the instructions on Facebook to enter your masterpiece.
Then it is time to encourage your friends and family to vote for your video. When the competition ends on November 1st, the 10 best Minstrel Kings will receive a copy of Stronghold 3, a miniature replica trebuchet, an exclusive T-shirt and, of course, the respect of everyone around you.
Sep 15, 2011
Stronghold 3 Gold - Roar624
Matt de Villiers, lead programmer on Stronghold 3, introduces Stronghold 3's new physics engine and its capabilities.

<iframe width="452" height="260" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Sep 15, 2011
Stronghold 3 Gold - easonfaced
Matt de Villiers, lead programmer on Stronghold 3, introduces Stronghold 3's new physics engine and its capabilities.

<iframe width="452" height="260" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>