Sep 20, 2022
Stationeers - Not Simon
  • Fixed Combustion Centrifuge still processing when not in final build state.
  • Fixed Exiting a ladder can sometimes damage suit or Helmet.
  • Fixed Centrifuge still operating when not in final buildState.
  • Improved error message for when start ConditionData is invalid.
  • Fixed Modifying a pipe network connected to a Medium Radiator could cause gas in the network to get deleted.
  • Fixed DeepMiner does not return item kit when deconstructed.
Stationeers - Not Simon
The main focus this week is adding new mining mechanics which allows you to automate parts of late game mining. Along with the new miner we've reworked the centrifuge mechanic and added chute devices to give player chute networks far more utility.

This is the biggest update we've done in a while both in terms of new content as well as bug fixes and we're excited to be back in a place where we are able to push out updates like these!

Deep Miner

The Deep Miner is a device that you construct on the terrain surface and will drill to bedrock and start producing Dirty Ore. The Deep Miner will take some time to reach bedrock, depending on how deep it is, and will then produce approximately a stack of 10 Dirty Ore every 90 seconds.

Dirty Ore

Dirty Ores simply represent unprocessed pieces of unsorted ore. During processing it will be transformed into a normal ore, using the same distribution of ores form your world(not including ices). Attempting to smelt a Dirty Ore before processing it will result in it being destroyed without producing anything, you must first use a centrifuge to extract the pure ore from it.


Existing Centrifuge
The Centrifuge now processes one item off a stack at a time. It stores the processed ores inside itself until the export lever is pulled. Centrifuge processing speed is based on RPM, it takes 100 seconds for the centrifuge to spin up to its maximum speed of 100RPM.

Combustion Centrifuge
This new centrifuge is powered by a small internal combustion engine fed by a fuel mix to the input pipe. It is capable of much higher RPMs than the Electric centrifuge, but sudden changes in Rpm or exporting while running will add stress to the machine. If max stress is reached it will grind to a halt and processing will stop. The amount of fuel used each tick can be controlled with the throttle lever. The Combustion Limiter lever will increase the amount of fuel that can burn each tick to supercharge the speed of the engine.

We've added a range of new chutes that provide vital missing functionality. We've implemented both basic and digital versions that can be controlled via logic.

Flip Flop
This new chute has one input and two outputs that it switches between every time an item passes through. There is an indicator on the side to inform you where the next item will go.

Digital Flip Flop
The digital version is similar except you can control the ratio of items for each output via logic. There's also a manual knob to set the ratio.

The valve is a simple directional chute that acts as a gate. When set to open items will flow through and when it is closed they will stop.

Digital Valve
The digital valve is similar except it will automatically close after a specified number of items have passed through. This threshold can be set using the dial. It can also be manually opened and closed using the button on the device

The overflow chute has a single input and two outputs and will behave as a normal chute until it can no longer output straight at which point it will overflow incoming items to the other output.

Reversed Variants Coming Soon: we had to make last minute changes to the reversed variants of the digital chute devices and will be included in the next patch.

Save and Character Day Tracker

Displayed by your character's face cam is now a day count for how old the current save is. When a new day starts you’ll see a message with this information as well as the number of days you’ve gone without respawning. This character age is also visible on the player list screen(tab).

Thank you to Jixxed for creating the original mod that prompted us to add this to the base game. Right now we've not added time as we'd want to rework some of the UI to achieve this which was a bit out of scope.

The work that we did at the beginning of the year to decouple Stationeers from Unity’s High Level Multiplayer API was a mammoth task. While the benefits of replacing it with our own bespoke system improved multiplayer stability and reduced desync, we’re still partly relying on Unity’s deprecated Low Level API. The result of this is that many people have trouble connecting and playing with their friends. Art of the Rail is currently testing a new solution for this that will mean we no longer rely on any of Unity’s deprecated APIs. Once this has been proven to work and implemented we will also re-enable Steam’s P2P networking.

Your support makes this possible

The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can see the tremendous impact that it has had. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord make a big difference.
If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game has substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those who like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.

Change Log v0.2.3619.17630
  • Updated digital chute flip flop manual toggle collider position.
  • Tweaked digital chute valve. You can now set the 'Quantity' with logic. (This is the number of items that have passed through already). Also made the minimum setting 0 instead of 1. If set to 0 the valve will never auto close.
  • Added another setting to the digital chute flip flop. Will appear in logic as 'SettingOutput'. This will set the number of items send to the upwards output before flipping. Using this, you can make more useful ratios (Setting:SettingOutput). Also made the minimum setting 0 which, if used, will cause the device to not flip/flop automatically.
  • Fixed Station contacts were in the wrong part of the Loading sequence, this would cause loading them to throw "Couldn't register x with id" errors.
  • Fixed BareBones Start condition throws error and returns to main menu when playing as robot or Zrillian.
  • Added cancellation token and thread abort when editor application is quitting. A possible fix to auto save issue in editor
  • Fixed NRE syncing Client.DaysLived causing dedicated server to become unresponsive
  • Fixed DeepMiner not syncing minded terrain on dedicated server
  • Added Deep Miner crafting recipe to use steel and invar on the MKII autolathe.
  • Modified Deep Miner and Combustion Centrifuge recipes to also use constantan, take longer, have increased printing times, and have stack sizes of 1.
  • Fixed Centrifuge animations and sounds to reflect new RPM behaviour.
  • Added "atmos count" command. returns number of atmosphere cells and number of rooms.
  • Changed DeepMiner drill bedrock position.
  • Fixed Digital Chute Devices returning incorrect kit when deconstructed.
  • Fixed "floating invisible colliders". When mining out an entire chunk the last calculated collider would remain when the chunk had 0 vertices. Now the collider is correctly disabled when the chunk has 0 vertices remaining
  • Removed unused Logic vars from CombustionCentrifuge: Mode, Setting, Ratio, Maximum.
  • Changed increased the stress added to CombustionCentrifuge when exporting ores while running at high Rpms.
  • Updated Stationpedia entries for both centrifuges, dirty ore, and deep miner.
  • Increased centrifuge and deep miner power requirements. Decreased Combustion centrifuge power requirements.
  • Fixed Typo in DaysPassedPlayerMessage.
  • Changed DeepMining ore generation weight table to take into account World-settings for ore vein size, drop amount and and ore vein attempts.
  • Fixed storms passing through face structures (e.g. windows and walls) at certain orientations when cladding is placed on them
  • Fixed Cogs and Drill Head offset incorrectly when building a new Deep miner.
  • Added Sounds to Deep miner.
  • Fixed Powered and operating sounds not playing on some devices when loading a game (the sounds would come back when the devices power was cycled)
  • Added total days passed for save to hud
  • Added days lived to score board for each players current character(existing characters will start at day 0)
  • Added a "day passed" message
  • Fixed Colliders for IC slot and screws on CombustionCentrifuge were not being enabled when opening slider.
  • Fixed CombustionCentrifuge not exhausting its internal atmosphere when turned off.
  • Reduced base rattling sound of combustion Centrifuge when machine is not stressed.
  • Fixed digital flip flop and digital value chutes. Can now set the setting knob value with logic
  • Tweaked digital valve shutter position as it was not on the correct side for left variant
  • Fixed missing material on basic chute kit
  • Tweaked collider size on standard chute kit
  • Fixed Build error.
  • Fixed motor revving sound when turning on centrifuge.
  • Improved motor stress audio behaviour.
  • Fixed DeepMiner shaft offset issues. Created a more reliable way of scaling shaft as it drills down
  • Fixed BioMass was having its smelting gases incorrectly removed when created in a centrifuge. biomass centrifuge behaviour restored to previous state.
  • Added Sounds to CombustionCentrifuge.
  • Added new kit for powered chutes and chute devices. Moved chute bin into this kit.
  • Completed initial balance pass of deep miner and Centrifuge rates.
  • Added spin to the DeepMiner shaft animation
  • Fixed combustion centrifuge import and export ports facing the wrong direction
  • Added updated DeepMiner model
  • Added wobble animation to DeepMiner shaft.
  • Fixed NRE when player dies from explosion.
  • Localization pass on cryo tubes and new chute devices
  • Added digital flip flop chute. Will flip after a specified number of items have passed through.
  • Fixed centrifuge lever/onoff switch selection bounding box sizes
  • Fixed DeepMiner exporting when chute is full
  • Fixed DeepMiner drill and gears spinning when on but not powered
  • Added new Centrifuge model mesh
  • Added new lever interactable for Centrifuge
  • Added custom animation files for Centrifuge due to hierarchy change
  • Added left variant of chute digital valve
  • Updated thumbnail image for right variant of the chute digital valve
  • Added IChute interface to make dealing with chute devices easier
  • Added the digital chute valve. This will automatically close after a specified number of items have passed through. This threshold can be set using the dial. Can also be manually opened and closed using the button on the device
  • Added ChuteDevice class which can be used to create more complex powered chutes
  • rewrote gas generators thermodynamic scaling, to better scale with the amount of combustion which has occurred.
  • Generally decreased gas generator convection by 3x, and undid the recent 25% power increase to become an overall 15% decrease.
  • Fixed error on Combustion Centrifuge when output pipe removed.
  • Fixed issue with gas fuel generator throwing errors when not connected to pipes
  • Fixed issue where combustion energy from the previous tick was subtracted after thermodynamic convection occurred, resulting in low exhaust temperatures.
  • Added ability to the gas fuel generator to scale its convection based on how much fuel its processing.
  • Decreased Gas Fuel Generator combustion chamber volume, lowering its overall throughput, and max output power. Efficiency should be the same, and multiple gas fuel generators should be used instead of just one. Existing generators should be fully deconstructed and rebuilt to enter a good state.
  • Increased Gas Fuel Generator heat to power conversion by 25%.
  • Fixed Setting Throttle/Combustion on CombustionCentrifuge via logic throws error.
  • Fixed exception on deep miner if it is running when it is destroyed
  • Added Kit (CombustionCentrifuge) to Tier2 Autolathe recipes.
  • Changed Centrifuge can now export when turned off.
  • Changed Stress Behaviour on Combustion Centrifuge. Exporting at High Rpms adds stress. When max stress is reached machine rapidly spins down. When Stress is high drum will wobble.
  • Fixed Localization error with Throttle and Combustion Levers on CombustionCentrifuge.
  • Adjusted deep miner drill speed to be much longer. On mars you will have to wait close to 5 minutes for the drill to reach bedrock and start production
  • Added drill head animation for deep miner
  • Added Entry/ExitTime to ChuteFlipSlopSplitter build states
  • Fixed NREs spamming when first creating a new Structure in editor.
  • Added overflow chute which will direct materials to an overflow output when the default output chute is full
  • Animation fixes for CombustionCentrifuge
  • Added WIP CombustionCentrifuge device to DebugKit.
  • Fixed combustion very small amounts of high energy gas could cause atmospherics thread exceptions.
  • Changed centrifuge placeholder speeds to significantly slower speeds
  • Changed ServerTick/ClientTick to UniTask
  • Fixed bug where thing could input through a ChuteFlipFlopSplitter and ChuteJunction output. Reject items moving through non-input connections.
  • Fixed NRE in DeepMiner due to class type change for DirtyOre
  • Changed SurfaceAreaScale clamp to allow scales smaller than 1.
  • Moved switching chute outputs to OnServerTick()
  • Cleaned up gravity handling when entering/exiting ladders
  • Added processing time to ICentrifugable.
  • Fixed error spam when closing Discord while game is running
  • Updated Centrifuge processing behaviour. The Centrifuge will now slowly increase its rpm when turned on. It will process one item off the stack in its import slot (similar to the arc furnace) processing time is based on the rpm of the machine. The processed materials will be stored in the machine until the open variable is set to true. When the machine is opened it will export its stored materials. Open lever will be added to the model soon (in the mean-time beta-branch players will need to use logic).
  • Fixed Centrifuge will now de-gas any ores it processes.
  • Fixed DirtyOre not spawn-able.
  • Added Centrifuge will now process DirtyOre. DirtyOre will be converted into one random ore in a 1:1 ratio. the ore-type produced is randomised based on the planets ore weighting settings.
  • Added CombustionCentrifuge script and WIP prefab.
  • Fixed a number of tooltip generations creating new strings unnecessarily.
  • Added Dial script.
  • Changed default behaviour of newly added assets to not burn.
  • Actually Fixed missing reagent mix blueprint
  • Fixed missing reagent mix blueprint
  • Added chute valve. Will stop the flow of materials in chutes when closed and act like a straight chute when open.
  • Lowered the thermodynamic scale for cryo tubes. Will now convect 10x slower which should make it easier to keep cool in a pressurised room
  • Removed old ChuteSplitter Thumbnails
  • Removed Collider from Mode interactable ChuteFlipFlipSplitter.
  • Changed ChuteFlipFlipSplitter thumbnail name to be consistent
  • Updated mesh, materials, thumbnail, and blueprint for reagent mix
  • Updated charcoal blueprint
  • Updated charcoal thumbnails
  • Fixed incorrect textures on new charcoal model
  • Change the texture size for reagent mix from 2k to 512.
  • Create a new reagent mix model and textures.
  • Changed name ChuteSplitter to ChuteFlipFlopSplitter
  • Removed custom output index in favour of Mode property for better network sync
  • Removed Animator on ChuteSplitter
  • Added DoTween animation for ChuteSplitter needle
  • Removed unused material (DirtyRock)
  • Fixed wrong material on DirtyOre
  • Change the dirty rock material name
  • Added ChuteSplitter to project. A chute that toggles between two outputs
  • Fixed cryo tube default light strip texture
  • Made light strips on cryo tubes off when the tube is unpowered
  • Tweaked the size of colliders on cryo tubes
  • Added new Chute FBXs
  • Improved DeepMiner voxel drilling area
  • Added a range randomisation for spawn ore on DeepMiner
  • Slowed drilling speed animation down by half
  • Tweaked cryo and sleepers - robot batteries will now no longer drain when the robot is inside a powered sleeper or cryo tube
  • Fixed vertical cryo tube prefab accidentally removed from prefab registry
  • Updated ItemCharcoal prefab with new mesh, material, textures
  • Fixed ladder end hurting player(in some situations)
  • Fixed ragdoll issue when human dies in a slot
  • Updated charcoal with new model and textures.
  • Increased DirtyOre freq from DeepMiner to 90s
  • Added descriptions for StructureDeepMiner, ItemKitDeepMiner, ItemDirtyOre in Stationpedia
  • Fixed issue with players being draggable after exiting slot
  • Fixed missing ItemDirtyOre blue print
  • Adding Combustion Centrifuge placeholder code
  • Changed name DirtyRock to DirtyOre
  • Removed unnecessary network message for auto miner
  • Added auto miner drill bit position data to byte array
  • Added DeepMiner which will infinitely mine DirtyRock at 60s interval.
  • Fixed AutoMiner not syncing across network.
  • Added NRE checks for Export/Import classes so that a single one could be used.
  • Fixed CryotubeVertical used drill instead of screwdriver to deconstruct final build-state.
  • Fixed Old cryotube does not return kit.
  • Added ItemDirtyRock to project
Stationeers - Not Simon
In this week's update, we've added two new sensors, iterated on the cryotube, made some adjustments to the sleepers, further simplification of settings, and updated Stationpedia Articles.


There are two new sensors to track the presence of players. you can use this information in your logic setups to trigger different events. You can filter which players trigger the sensors by configuring their access variables using the access controller cartridge. The sensors will then only be triggered by a player who holds the correct Access Card.

The Occupancy Sensor is triggered when 1 or more players are in the same room as the sensor.

The Proximity Sensor is triggered when 1 or more players are within the range of the sensor. The range is configurable using the knob or via the ‘Setting’ logic variable.


The old shadow settings could be a bit convoluted to use and it was easy to make bad-looking shadows that would also negatively impact performance. We've consolidated these settings into a single dropdown with a clear selection of presets(Disabled, Low, Medium, and High).

Low and Medium settings provide significant performance uplift over the previous default settings (High) while still maintaining decent visual fidelity. If you have resorted to turning shadows off when playing on large bases to maintain a playable frame rate we recommend trying the new low setting which looks much better than Disabled and has minimal CPU overhead.

Cryotubes and Sleepers

Over the last few updates, there have been several changes to the cryotube and this work is being wrapped up in this update. The functionality remains mostly the same from the previous updates but we want to highlight these combined changes.

Specifically, we've replaced the old Cryotube model and added two new variants; a standing vertical version as well as a separate horizontal model. It now has an on-off switch, a display panel to better communicate information about the internal state, and a few tweaks to the internal workings and requirements. Most importantly, in addition to healing players inside, it can now resurrect dead players, if given enough chilled NOS.

While we were at it we updated the sleeper as well. The existing sleeper is replaced and a new one has been added that has a dedicated area for players to exit onto. This prevents damaging yourself while exiting it. There are now 3 variants; left and right-hand horizontal versions and a new vertical bed.


We're showing the Stationpedia some love this week with the addition of some missing entries of the new devices that we've recently added and fixing a load of formatting errors and a few other issues.

You'll see the addition of Max Pressure Delta to things like doors, walls, as well as anything else with a valid value.

We've also changed some internal processes and standards that should ensure that entries get filled out as we add new content or modify existing items.

Your support makes this possible

The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can already see tremendous success. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord make a tremendous difference.
If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game is substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those who like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.

Chang Log v0.2.3600.17504

  • Added Tooltip message: "Failed: Helmet Closed" when trying it eat or drink with helmet closed on Normal or Stationeer Difficulty.
  • Tweaked colliders on horizontal sleepers
  • Updated cryro tube models - slight fix to the UVs
  • Fixed Re-joining a server after logging out would cause client positions to not be updated correctly on the server.
  • Fixed furnace fires having a purple tint.
  • Fixed null ref with specific edge case when saving and loading in a seat
  • Added powered sound to new sleepers.
  • Added Stationpedia descriptions for new radiators.
  • Updated stationpedia descriptions for cryo tubes
  • Added Nitrolyzer information to the stationpedia, and updated kit Atmospherics entry.
  • Added new Air Conditioner behaviour information to stationpedia.
  • Fixed confusing language in the active vent stationpedia entry.
  • Changed sleeper internal atmosphere warning light to be off when unpowered as it was causing confusion about the actual powered state
  • Fixed sleeper variants sounds not playing. Tweaked animation play speed to better match sounds.
  • Fixed sleeper colliders appearing when doors are closed
  • Tweaked cryo revive - it will now heal a portion of body and organ damage to stop the case where you have so much organ damage you instantly die again
  • Added Occupancy Sensor to Kit (Sensor). The OccupancySensor is triggered when 1 or more players are in the same room as the sensor. You can filter which players trigger the sensor by configuring its access variables using the access controller cartridge. The sensor will only be triggered by a player who holds the correct AccessCard.
  • Added ProximitySensor to Kit (Sensors). The ProximitySensor is triggered when 1 or more players are within the range of the sensor. The range is configurable using the knob or can be set using the Setting logic variable. You can filter which players trigger the sensor by configuring its access variables using the access controller cartridge. The sensor will only be triggered by a player who holds the correct AccessCard.
  • Fixed Mining Belt MKII missing "how to manufacture". The recipe had the name incorrect in the recipe.
  • Added oxygen warning functionality to new sleepers. Will flash orange when oxygen is below safe limits for breathing.
  • Corrected a lot of wrongly formatted Stationpedia links
  • Corrected some spelling and grammar on Filtration Stationpedia entry
  • Added Max Pressure Delta to Stationpedia for structures with a valid value
  • Changed Applied a scaling multiplier to solar radiation based on the absolute value of the internal Atmosphere being radiated to Y = 1 / (1 + Pow((X / 450), 3.2) (where X is TemperatureKelvin of internal atmosphere)
  • Added new sleeper variants. Old sleeper can no longer be built from sleeper kit but should continue to work for existing saves.
  • Fixed cryotube healing while open. Will now only heal when closed
  • Added DeepMiner FBXs
  • Fixed IC-Chip not showing error message when exporting to chip failed.
  • Added difficulty confirmation panel strings to game strings
  • Fixed null reference error when a character decays with a leaking suit
  • Fixed issue where new cryotubes were not connecting to pipe networks correctly
  • Fixed bug where saving inside a seat/sleeper/cryotube would cause the camera to spawn at the lander on loading the world
  • Changed onoffswitch to use a unitask instead of a coroutine
  • Consolidated Shadow Settings into: Disabled. Low, Medium, High. Low and Medium settings provide significant performance uplift over the previous default settings (High) while still maintaining decent visual fidelity. If you have resorted to turning shadows off when playing on large bases to maintain a playable frame-rate we recommend trying the new low setting which looks much better than Disabled and has minimal cpu overhead.
  • Old shadow settings are no longer exposed to the Advanced Settings panel, power users can still tweak these by manually editing their settings.xml
  • Fixed Some shadow and lighting settings not updating until game is restarted.
  • Fixed difficulty popup appearing in tutorials
  • Adjusted convection rate for cryotube. Cut it in half since calculated surface area of cryotube is so large it was difficult to get very cold. Made the temperature requirement for revival in cryotube < -150C rather than < -160C
  • Added new horizontal cryotube model
  • Added new vertical cryotube model and updated cryotube kit model
Sep 1, 2022
Stationeers - Not Simon
  • Changed Reduced the amount of heat tank structures radiate by 50x. A tank now radiates heat in the same order of magnitude as a pipe network of the same volume.
  • Changed Reduced the amount of heat tanks convect by 2x.
  • Fixed Atmospherics Threads race condition that caused Thermal Radiation calculation to return incorrect results in certain scenarios. This caused a bug where Pipe atmospheres would sometimes rapidly radiate down to absolute zero (-273.1C) on the moon OR thermal radiation would stop working altogether. Thanks @Windsinger & @zkxs for helping us reproduce and solve this quickly.
  • Changed Atmospheres in vacuums can no longer radiate to 0DegreesK.
  • Fixed Hunger and Hydration not decreasing in single-player when not hosting.
  • Fixed CleanUpPlayers Command deleting yourself if not hosting.
  • Fixed LocalPlayer not showing up in scoreboard when in single-player.
Stationeers - Not Simon
The general speed of thermal transfer of atmospherics has been decreased, to allow players more time to experience the effects of heat moving throughout their stations. The internal atmospheres of devices and items now radiate energy down toward the planet's global atmosphere temperature. This effect is most pronounced in vacuum and is dampened when in a pressurized environment. Structures built into frames are also no longer fully insulated and will radiate heat down to the global atmosphere temperature.

We’ve listened to feedback and increased the Air Conditioner's operational temperature efficiency by roughly 20%(nearly doubling) around 600K-800K to allow it to work significantly better during the first stages of cooling the hot planets' atmospheres.

We’ve branched the radiator tech tree into Flat Panel Radiators and Convection Radiators. Convection radiators exchange heat energy with the surrounding atmosphere. The new flat panel variants of the pipe radiator and medium radiator utilize black body radiation to radiate energy in vacuums and low pressure environments.

The Heat energy convected and radiated by internal atmospheres has been added to the atmosAnalyser Cartridge so you can see how your radiators are performing in their current environment. Negative convection values imply the internal atmosphere is being heated by the surrounding cell atmosphere and negative radiation values imply it is being heated by sunlight.

These changes come with a lot of implications but make thermodynamics more intuitive, allowing players to address the challenges of heating and cooling in multiple ways. With the main changes also come a range of balancing and tweaking other parts of the game to make them work nicely together.

Difficulty Settings
We’ve improved not only how you select what difficulty you want to play on but we’ve also made a load of changes to make that choice more meaningful.

You used to select your difficulty level from the settings menu from a dropdown that gave no explanation as to what each setting meant. You’re now presented with this choice when you start a new world, there’s a description of what each option means, and this choice is serialized into the save instead of being a global setting.

Note: When loading an old save that does not have a difficulty setting serialized into it you will be asked to select one before you can play.

While using Stationeers difficulty has been left mostly untouched, Easy and Normal have been tweaked a little to give you more chance of recovering from sticky situations. Likewise, when a player is offline their requirements such as nutrition and oxygen usage are decreased on Easy and Normal.

Finally, over the last few weeks, we’ve made some changes to the Cryotube. We’ve fixed a few issues with it but have also added functionality to allow you to revive deceased Stationeers(as long as they haven’t already respawned). These changes are still a work in progress, next week you’ll see a replacement Cryotube that offers more information about what’s going on inside the tank, as well as a few other nice to haves.

With a focus on the Cryotube we had to address the awful state of the ragdoll. The ragdoll had always been a bit weird, resulting in some strange behavior. However after the network refactor it had almost completely broken. We’ve redone how unconscious characters behave, especially when you’re dragging them. Now they behave much more like a dynamic create or draggable gas canister. The end result means that you should have much more confidence to drag your fellow Stationeers to safety and revive them if need be.

Your support makes this possible

The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can already see the tremendous success. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord makes a tremendous difference.
If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game is substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those whole like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.

Change Log v0.2.3587.17447

  • Added Solar heating data to Thermal Radiation value on Atmos Analyser. Solar heating will show as negative thermal radiation as the sun is heating the internal Atmosphere.
  • Changed Greatly Increased the amount of solar heating received by LargeExtendableRadiator. In direct sunlight the radiator will be able to quickly heat its internal Atmosphere to around 300degress above the global temperature before thermal radiation/convection brings it into a state of equilibrium.
  • Changed Doubled the ThermalRadiation and halved the thermal convection of LargeExtendableRadiator.
  • Restrict difficulty setting command to host only
  • Adding picking up human from torso instead of just limbs
  • Cryo tube will now only revive dead players when filled with an atmosphere of super cold N2O (~80kPa at < -160C).
  • Fixed Some edge cases where internal atmospheres of items could thermally radiate to below the Temperature of the room they are in.
  • Fixed Internal atmospheres not using the centre position of the bounds for atmospheric calculations.
  • Fixed Atmos analyser not showing negative values for convection (i.e. when an internal atmosphere is being heated by its surrounding atmosphere).
  • Changed improved performance of panel small and medium panel radiators in vacuums.
  • Changed MediumRadiator mix function: order is now Mix with Input, Radiate heat, mix with output.
  • Changed increased large gas canister insulation value x4.
  • Changed increase small gas canister insulation value x2.
  • Fixed dropping human crazy offset
  • Fixed backpack not showing on controlled human after death
  • Fixed not being able to pick up ragdolls
  • Fixed player popping up after dying from an unconscious state
  • Fixed Helmet not visible when controlled player dies and you respawn with new character
  • Fixed ragdolls slightly jittering for clients caused by interpolation fighting network position
  • Fixed ragdolls only working in multiplayer
  • Fixed player sliding off in random direction when unconscious
  • Fixed error when sending messages. Message factory needed to be regenerated after last change
  • Added popup on load world to select difficulty if the difficulty settings are not loaded correctly or non existent
  • Increased sleeper internal volume from 20 to 800
  • Fixed dropping error being thrown while trying to drop draggable things
  • Fixed not being able to pick up draggables
  • Fixed drop position of draggables
  • Fixed small pressure atmospheres radiating too much.
  • Clamped max radiation possible in a single tick to ensure more consistent thermal radiation.
  • Adjusted Radiation target energy to zero out at 10 degrees.
  • Fixed camera does not lock when you enter cryotube
  • Removed HumanMessage (not used)
  • Code clean up in DynamicThing.cs and Entity.cs
  • Deprecated PipeRadiator, ItemPipeRadiator & LargePassiveRadiator.
  • Added Kit(PipeRadiator) to Pipe Bender. This constructs the new pipe radiators.
  • Added Pipe Radiator and Pipe Convection Radiator & liquid variants. Pipe Radiators are optimised for vacuum environments. Pipe Convection Radiators are optimised for pressurised environments.
  • Added Kit(MediumRadiator) to PipeBender MK2. This constructs the new medium stand alone radiators.
  • Added MediumRadiator and Medium ConvectionFactor & Liquid variants. These larger stand-alone radiator units radiate heat at the equivalent level of 10 pipe radiators. Medium Radiators are optimised for vacuum environments. Medium Convection Radiators are optimised for pressurised environments.
  • Fixed ragdoll not being draggable
  • Fixed entity breathing tick not being called inside sleeper or cryotube (sleeper/cryo occupants were not breathing the internal atmosphere)
  • Fixed player damage indicator not showing if your organs are damaged but your body is not
  • Sleeper will now mix with world atmos when opened
  • Added new behaviour to logged out/offline players(based on difficulty) on servers that are still running. Players life functions are now 1%/10%/100% on easy/normal/stationeers respectively. This includes amount of breathing, nutrition, hydration, as well as the robots battery usage.
  • Increased the Air Conditioner's operational temperature efficiency by roughly 20%(nearly doubling) around 600-800K to allow it to work significantly better during the first stages of cooling the hot planets' atmospheres.
  • Fixed Potential /0 error in pipe radiation logic.
  • Fixed Error when building new pipe-networks with tablet in hand.
  • Added boxcollider to human when in ragdoll and removed rotation constraints
  • Removed a a few overriding methods that weren't needed in entity to help with ragdoll issues
  • Changed to only grabbing pelvis when any ragdoll limb is moved to slot
  • Changed human network positions update ragdolled humans
  • Added AddGas console Command. "AddGas [GasType] [Thing or Atmosphere ID] [QuantityMoles] [TemperatureKelvin]".
  • Changed Renamed H2 to VOL and N2O to NOS in Atmospherics Cartridge screen.
  • Removed Shatter Temperature Values from Stationpedia.
  • Added Thermal Convection and Radiation Values to stationpedia for items/structures that can exchange heat with world atmospheres.
  • Added Heat transfer information to the atmospherics tablet. It will now show the amount of energy convected and/or radiated by the device or pipe-network.
  • Added Networking hooks to sync thermal values to clients.
  • Ad IThermal interface for things that exchange/radiate heat.
  • Removed OnAssignedReference Networking flag as it was being used to sync unnecessary data.
  • Omptimized Some stationpedia string generation.
  • Removed logging of adapter count
  • Cleaned up game info window code after solving dedicated server issue
  • Wrapped entire game info window class in def symbol to stop it from being compiled for dedicated server
  • Fixed game info window causing errors on dedicated server build by removing all calls to it from dedicated server
  • Increased Air Conditioner temperature target limits to be from -270C to 999C. Operational Temperature Limter curve still applies, and functionality has not changed.
  • Changed Air Conditioner to activate when temperature target delta from input is greater or equal to 1. AC doesnt shoot for an exact temperature goal, to prevent flip flopping between heating and cooling in normal use cases and AC still will not pass gas unless it is pumping heat.
  • Fixed issue with unconcious player pinging between two positions
  • Fixed spaghetti man when ragdoll is interacted with
  • Removed stack trace from console window print error
  • Fixed difficulty settings not initialized correctly when starting dedicated server
  • Added console command to change difficulty settings. If you are experiencing any strange behaviour around difficulty you can run this then save your world and it should clear up any issues
  • Fixed issue with custom setting.xml throwing exception on first load (dedicated)
  • Added stacktrace to error logs in console window
  • Fix out of range exception on dedicated server in game info window
  • Remove difficulty settings from custom world panel as they no longer have any effect
  • Fixed respawn conditions not working correctly for custom worlds
  • Added suit AC to waste relationship. Suits now proportionally move gas into waste, when moving energy out of the suit and into waste. Suits no longer needlessly move gas into waste when not cooling. Suit heating is still done via a heater, and will not require extra gas movement, just the standard increased power usage. IC10 Chips which try to prevent the suit from moving gas, may now prevent proper suit cooling.
  • Clamped max possible lung damage per tick based on difficulty settings. On easy, your lungs wont die so fast opening your helmet on worlds such as venus. On stationeer there should be no noticeable difference.
  • Reduced the amount of N2O exhaled by Zrilians. (The changes to difficulty meant that the increased N2O present when playing Zrilian was causing things to explode.
  • Fixed H2Combustor being able to run without a valid gas output network.
  • Added first pass of network debug window. You can access this window via the "networkdebug" command. It displays information about incoming and outgoing traffic. It is not yet complete and the data may not yet be reliable.
  • Commented out timestamp for message send
  • Lengthened AC temperature delta curve to cool down up to 200 degrees difference now. Increased the efficiency point at -100 from 5% to 10%, so overall efficiency of many setups is higher.
  • Fixed plants can be eaten through the helmet when other foods can not
  • Added ability to set difficulty button images in streaming assets
  • Increased the base amount of gas consumed when taking a breath. This amount is scaled by the difficulty setting. Overall it should feel like your air tank is consumed more quickly. Zrilian resistance to N2O stun has been increased to compensate for the increased breathing rate
  • Removed FragmentHandler logging
  • Added Operation Mode state data to green info panel tooltip for all atmospherics devices.
  • Fixed Stacker Lever not showing correct quantity of ingots in stacker.
  • Increased fragment size
  • Changed to better epoch time method
  • Change to only send owner message when gamestate running
  • Added Thermal Conductivity values to Stationpedia.
  • Fixed Error thrown by fire tick when items are destroyed by fire.
  • Changed Increased GasFuelGenerator ConvectionFactor from 0.01 to 0.2.
  • Added New thermodynamics logic to pipe radiator.
  • Commented out message timestamp ping as not to flood server log
  • Removed timestamp from fragment handler
  • Added better timestamp logging for messages
  • Removed unused difficulty settings in settings menu.
  • Difficulty tweaks - tutorials will now default to a much easier difficulty. Custom worlds will default to 'Normal' difficulty
  • Changed Structures built into frames will now no longer be fully insulated. They will instead radiate heat to the global atmosphere temperature. This energy transfer is uni-directional (i.e cold pipes in frames will not heat up towards the global atmosphere).
  • Fixed Pipes radiating heat inversely proportionally to the number of pipes in the network. This resulted in a PipeNetwork with 100 pipes radiating the same amount of heat as a pipe network with one pipe. Pipes will now radiate heat without regard to pipe length. The thermal radiation values of standard pipes have been reduced significantly to moderate the impact of this change on existing bases.
  • Added timestamp to client/server messages
  • Changed epoch time to int seconds
  • Added temp epoch time stamp to network message
  • Fixed difficulty button text alignment and updated descriptions
  • Fixed hydration and nutrition rates being too fast after difficulty changes
  • updated furnace radiationCurve.
  • Fixed difficulty setting null ref exception on join game
  • Added Radiation Scale curve to furnace.
  • Added new way to select difficulty (first pass). Old saves will default to 'Normal' but can be changed in the worldsettings.xml once a new save is created.
  • Changed Hard-suit to be more insulated. The time on Venus for the hardSuit to fill its waste-tank vent on default suit settings increases from 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Fixed Math error in earlier commit that was preventing cold things in hot environments from convecting correctly.
  • reverted suit radiation scale to default.
  • Added Work in Progress Thermodynamics Rebalance.
  • Fixed Very small amounts of very hot gas would heat up suit very fast causing instant damage/death to player.
  • Changed Convection now takes into account the pressure of the surrounding atmosphere as well as the pressure of the internal Atmosphere.
  • Changed Vacuum rooms are no longer fully insulating.
  • Changed Internal atmospheres will now radiate down to the global atmosphere temperature. This effect will dampened in pressurised rooms.
  • Changed Heat transfer rate at high Temperatures to be less aggressive.
Aug 22, 2022
Stationeers - Not Simon
Fixed On bases with more than 1024 atmospheres servers could stop sending atmospherics updates to clients.
Stationeers - Not Simon
As we adapt to our new weekly content cadence, you'll see that some new features get spread over multiple updates. This change in pace has some big benefits. It allows us to make smaller iterations, get feedback faster, spread out balancing, and end up with a more refined final outcome. At the same time we're still chipping away at a lot of bugs, but you'll see updates containing more content again soon.

You may have noticed that we didn't release a patch last week. It was getting too close to the weekend and we wouldn't have been available to publish any hotfixes. Therefore, this patch includes all those changes and has given us extra time to spend on some rather large work for the next patch.

While our target is weekly updates, we're keeping it flexible for moments like this.

Upgraded Atmospheric Machines
Continuing with the theme of recent updates, this week we’ve focused on more atmospherics changes.
Firstly we’ve upgraded the Air Conditioner, Electrolyzer, Filtration, and H2 Combustor with IC slots to bring them in line with the new Nitrolyzer. We’ve also added the ability to read information about the input and output networks directly from the internal IC without the need to hook up additional analyzers.

Air Conditioner Changes
Air Conditioners now start by wanting to move a fixed amount of energy to-or-from their input gas, with the equal and opposite transferring to the waste network.

The Air Conditioner speed is dependent on two main relationships. The first speed modifier is if the waste temperature is in the temperature direction the gas wants to be, with a slight increase in speed for greater deltas. If the waste temperature is counterproductive to the energy transfer process(i.e hot waste while cooling), then the machine will lose efficiency, going roughly at only 5% speed when the waste temperature is 150 degrees in the counter-productive direction. The second speed modifier is when the input or waste gas temperature is out of preferred ranges, with 100 K being a cold limit, -50 C to 100 C being optimal gas working temperatures, 400 C being about 33%, 600 C being 10%, and 1000 C bottoming out at 0%.

Other Changes
Along the way we’ve fixed a bunch of other bugs, many of them related to atmospherics. You might notice in the change logs that we’ve been playing with the ragdoll a lot and have added new reviving functionality to the Cryotube. This is ongoing work to bring more importance to the different difficulty settings and provide more ways to deal with problems. Again, this is still a work in progress!

Coming Soon
Next weeks patch sees work started on more changes to atmospherics that we’ve been thinking about for a long time. A lot of these changes will be available on the beta branch soon. We’re also revisiting the difficulty settings, and while there won’t be any big changes right away, we’re simplifying these settings, making them more robust, and clarifying what each of the options means.

Your support makes this possible

The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can already see the tremendous success. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord makes a tremendous difference.
If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game is substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those whole like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.

Changelog v0.2.3566.17335
  • * Fixed ragdolls getting stuck and positions not being synced to clients
  • - Reverted some changes to ragdolls
  • * Cryo tubes can now resurrect dead players - as long as they haven't respawned already
  • * Cryo tubes will mix their internal atmosphere with the world atmosphere when open
  • + Added support to read Air Conditioner efficiency values using logic i/o.
  • * Fixed client player positions not updating on the server
  • * Fixed Error thrown by stacker on load.
  • * Fixed Render distance on basic packaging machine.
  • * Fixed Error Spam from Autolathe "This recipe doesn't exist! Defaulting to Unknown".
  • * Reduced Air Conditioner power usage by 30%, to match previously reduced throughput and energy movement amounts.
  • * Fixed Gas Ratio readings from inputs and outputs on new atmospherics devices incorrectly read -1.
  • + Fixed Clients don't get updated efficiency ratios on tooltip new Air Conditioner.
  • * Fixed Clients not updating the status of input and output connections of atmos devices.
  • * Fixed ragdoll position not updating correctly
  • * Fixed Air Conditioner input and output tooltips.
  • * Changed Air Conditioner to use curves to map its efficiency.
  • * Expanded negative temperature delta, to allow for slightly longer inefficient air conditioning.
  • * Decreased base Air Conditioner throughput by 25%, and energy transfer by 30%.
  • * Changed entities decay behaviour while being carried to prevent decaying while being dragged. Their decay will now pause while being carried and reset to 60 seconds if within 60 seconds of decaying.
  • * Changed drag ragdoll body to force grabbing pelvis
  • * Optimized MixInWorld bucketing system for threaded atmospherics calculations. Mixing large clumps of world atmospheres is now 3-4x faster.
  • * Fixed Catastrophic atmospheric events creating excessive numbers of new world atmosphere grids (20,000+) causing the game thread to lag and creating periodic frame hitches on clients and 100% Cpu usage on servers.
  • * Changed Values that determine world atmosphere mixing speed and new world atmosphere creation during mix to be dynamic. As the number of atmospheres increase atmospheres not in rooms will mix more quickly and creation of new world atmospheres will require a higher threshold.
  • * Optimised World atmospheres only calculate has-sunlight if they are in a room. This means that plants in Hydroponics trays will require a room to grow. Has-sunlight calculation is expensive and does not scale well enough to run it on 1000s of atmospheres.
  • * Fixed Can't build cables on rear side of new Filtration Machine.
  • * Fixed mining drill not working when loading game if in hand slot
  • * Changed player body decay time to 10 mins
  • + Added the cleanupplayers console command to remove player bodies
  • * An attempt at improving dragging a ragdoll human
  • * Improved IsKinematic property setting
  • * Fixed New AirConditioner model now defaults to off and idle when first built.
  • * added Missing prefab change from previous commit, which increases the AC throughput.
  • + Complete rework of Air Conditioner logic. Air conditioners start by wanting to move a fixed amount of energy to or from their input gas, with the equal and opposite transfer happening to the waste network.
  • + The Air Conditioner speed is dependent on two main relationships. The first speed modifier is if the waste temperature is in the temperature direction the gas wants to be. With a slight increase in speed for greater deltas. If the waste temperature is in the opposite direction of where the input gas wants to go, then then machine will loose efficiency, going roughly at only 5% speed when waste temperature is 100 degrees in the counter productive direction. The second speed modifier is when the input gas temperature is out of preferred ranges, with 100 K being a cold limit, -50 C to 100 C being optimal gas working temperatures, 400 C being about 33%, 600 C being 10%, and 1000 C bottoming out at 0%.
  • + The Air Conditioner now works less efficiently if waste or input air networks are low in pressure.
  • + Added tool tips to the Air Conditioner info panel.
  • * Air Conditioners no longer auto fills its waste network from its input gas.
  • * Fixed pressure regulators inappropriately using static data.
  • * Fixed Servers throw error spam when a large base explosion and decompression happens.
  • + Added Servers now rate limit the amount of atmosphere data sent to clients. This will result in clients having less up-to-date values during extreme events but will prevent the server from erroring out while trying to send too much data.
  • * Changed window mode dropdown to be populated using GameStrings
  • + Added World atmosphere clean-up command (server only) "atmos cleanup". This will clean up all world atmospheres that are not in a room.
  • + Added all loading screen text to GameStrings to allow for localization
  • * Fixed A number of items not showing destroyed model when destroyed.
  • + Added Destroyed buildState for updated atmospheric devices.
  • * Fixed Can't deconstruct a Destroyed elevator level.
  • * Fixed missing localization on custom world panel
  • * Fixed missing localization on in game menu
  • * Changed 'enter game name' prompt to use a static game string for localization
  • + converted credits page and welcome screen to prefab instead of being serialized with the main scene
  • * Fixed missing localization on in-game save menu
  • * Fixed missing localization on password input popup
  • * Fixed some workshop mod menu text not being localized
  • * Fixed all join server menu text not being localized
  • * Fixed all load world menu text not being localized
  • * Fixed all tutorial menu text not being localized
  • * Fixed all main menu text not being localized. All the localized text components had been set up in the scene instead of the prefab and the data had been wiped at some point.
  • * Fixed New H2Combustor model not replacing old model when loading saves made on previous versions.
  • * Fixed Active sound not playing on new H2Combustor.
  • * Fixed New Air Conditioner not consuming power when IC slot cover is closed.
  • * Fixed Filters rotated incorrectly on new Filtration Machine.
  • * Fixed Cant interact with FilterSlot1 when IC slot cover is closed on FiltrationMachine.
  • + Added Filtration thumbnails.
  • + Added New FiltrationMachine prefab with IC slot. Mode 0 can be used to Set machine state to idle.
  • * Reparented FiltrationMachine class to DeviceInputOutputCircuit.
  • * Fixed small cell devices doubling up on same grid
  • * Fixed adding pipe radiator step in gas mixture tutorial
  • * Fixed New mining backpacks are hidden when placed in lockers.
  • * Fixed GasFuel Generator continues to make power after its run out of fuel.
  • * Fixed some authoring issues with new Electrolyzer prefab (Sound, animation and pipe connection settings)
  • - Removed deprecated Electrolyzer prefab
  • * Added new electrolyzer with IC slot to replace old version
  • * Fixed Dis-allowed rotations on Nitrolyzer and AirConditioner.
  • * Fixed plant decay time showing as ten times as long on tooltip
  • * Fixed Parenting of Save data to reflect reparenting of devices that were children of machine.
  • + Added IC slot to Air Conditioner.
  • * Changed Air Conditioner now uses Mode variable to run or stop. Idle: 0, Active: 1.
  • * Changed Air Conditioner now uses Setting variable for target temperature. While the setting is in degrees Kelvin the machine will continue to show the target Temperature in Celsius on the button screen.
  • - Removed a number of deprecated scripts that were children of now defunct machine class.

Stationeers - Rocket
It's been a hectic few months for us since our major refactor as we feel like we have finally been able to hit our old stride in the project. If you look back through our weekly updates you can see how spending that period to time to redo the project has paid huge dividends. We are now able to more robustly focus on the future of the game as well as add new content.

We've been a little slow at getting new content in over the last weeks, as we have been laser focused on fixing bugs - especially some very serious ones introduced (or highlighted) by our refactoring work. What really spurs us on is seeing all those amazing youtube videos of your content, the twitch streams, and the thoughts you share here and on discord.

Important fix for multiplayer
Fixed not being able to join servers unless they were being advertised. We don't normally highlight bug fixes but this was affecting a significant number of people over the last few days. Thanks to the community and game server providers for alerting this to us, and helping us work towards a solution quickly.
Balance: Tool Speed Buffs

The welding torch now is 20% faster than the arc welder. Increasing the welder's burn atmosphere to be above 3000C (by using a N2O combustion mix) will increase this speed bonus to 50%.
Players now get additive tool speed increases of 20%, and a structure placement speed increase of 20% when not wearing a spacesuit. A friendly reminder that gas welding without a suit has been known to cause respiratory issues. Lastly, all MkII tools now have a 10% speed bonus over the regular tools.

New Content: Mining Backpacks

We've added a new type of backpack to help with some of the awkwardness of long mining trips. There are two variants, the Mining Backpack and the Hard Mining Backpack. These have a large number of ore slots (24 and 28, respectively), and are available in the tools manufacturing machine alongside the existing mining belts.

Atmospherics Changes

Balanced atmospheric mixing rates no longer depend on room state, with room mixing being raised slightly, and roomless mixing being lowered more significantly. Atmospheric movement now has a greater effect on player movement.

Future Price Change

As noted when we started the project we would slowly increase the price as the project matured, but in doing so would be as transparent as possible with the community. We will be adjusting the price slightly in the coming weeks. Obviously this will only be affecting new players, not those who already purchased the game. The exact amount will vary depending on the currency, and it is possible the game may become cheaper in some territories as it has been some time since we revisited the price to ensure it was fair in different currencies.

Experiments Under way for Future Updates

We are still experimenting with some pretty big changes, some of which could have some really profoundly positive impacts on the project. These areas cover everything from new content (such as the much requested Nuclear Reactors), changes to how multiplayer connections are made (to improve connectivity with those with network troubles), new approaches to terrain (to make the game feel more visually appealing like Space Engineers or Astroneer), and more.

Your support makes this possible

The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can already see the tremendous success. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord makes a tremendous difference.
If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game is substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those who like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.

Changelog v0.2.3545.17252
  • Tool speed multipliers are now correctly used during deconstruction.
  • Changed mining backpacks column count to 4
  • MKII tools now have 10% speed bonuses
  • Fixed storms appearing inside
  • Changed the number of slots on the mining backpacks. Basic is now 24 and hard is now 28
  • Changed the recipes for the mining backpacks to reflect the difference in slot numbers
  • Added mining backpack recipes
  • Changed number of slots for mining backpack
  • removed tool slots on mining backpack
  • Fixed checking game version throwing exception on join when not advertising server
  • Fixed Error spam on server when using FireExtinguisher.
  • Fix for fire effects spawning an world origin.
  • Fixed not being able to join hosted games unless they were advertised due to a game session(only created when advertised) being required to do the password check
  • Updated prefabs with missing serialized property
  • Fixed inventory windows don't remember their positions when reloading world
  • Fixed inventory windows can sometimes be positioned half or fully off the screen when loading world
  • Fixed a few issues around starting tutorials with a non-human character selected. Disallowed character customisation in tutorials
  • Fixed main menu stack items not being cleared after exiting world
  • Fixed emote command throwing exception in single player
  • Added windowheight command to set the console window height
  • Fixed An edge case that could cause fires to spawn at world origin.
  • Fixed Hotspots or cold spots building up on Venus around devices. This could happen on other planets but the effect was less noticeable.
  • Fixed Items in slots of structures sometimes interacting with the incorrect atmosphere.
  • Fixed WorldAtmospheres Close to global pressure not mixing with neighbours.
  • Fixed exception being thrown when using 'help' command if command not found
  • Added first pass of mining backpack and hard mining backpack
  • Fixed scenarios button was throwing an error so have disabled it for the time being
  • Fixed issue where changing save folder name would cause autosaves to save to the old folder. New saves will now update the world_meta with the correct WorldFileName. Old saves which already have the old WorldFileName will not be changed
  • Balanced IsCloseToGlobal atmospheric checks in large and small air leaks on multiple planets. This allows for small air leaks, like an open door or burst pipe, to still be noticeable in world, while preventing large pressure bursts from spreading too far.
  • Tied atmosphere IsAlive to depend on a constant ratio of the new atmosphere creation threshold.
  • With a unified IsCloseToGlobal standard, made atmospheric mixing rates to no longer depend on room state, with room mixing being raised slightly, and roomless mixing being lowered more significantly.
  • Increased lower pressure clamp on IsCloseToGlobal, to give very low pressure environments a higher pressure to consider irrelevant.
  • Fixed dynamic scrubber throwing invalid grid exception
  • Fixed bug where navigating back with esc on main menu would lock up certain buttons
  • Removed Thing.CurrentGrid. (old and deprecated way of keeping track of grid-position)
  • Refactored a number of Grid3 localGrids to use WorldGrid.
  • Changed Pipe.CurrentGrids to use WorldGrids rather than vector3.
  • Refactored UpdateAirState() to take in a worldGrid instead of a Vector3.
  • Fixed exception when cleaning up chunks on exiting world
  • Added Atmosphere logic types for input and output pipe atmospheres. Devices that have an IC slot will be able to read atmosphere values from their input and/or output networks.
  • Added "debugthreads terrain" command. This will display the number of currently queued Terrain Tasks and the total number of tasks created in the current play session.
  • Added ability for tools to decrease structure build times.
  • The welding torch now is 20% faster than the arc welder. Increasing the welder's burn atmosphere to be above 3000C (by using a N2O combustion mix) will increase this speed bonus to 50%.
  • Players now get additive tool speed increases of 20%, and a structure placement speed increase of 20% when not wearing a spacesuit. A friendly reminder that gas welding without a suit has been known to cause respiratory issues.
Stationeers - Not Simon
We had to make a change to the data structure for the server list so your servers will no longer be visible in the server browser until you update to the latest stable version.

This hot fix resolves the duplicate entries in the server list as well as the error spam happening for some players.

* Fixed Error Spam from furnace audio caused by incorrectly clamped values when furnace got very hot during a NoS burn.
* Fixed "time parameter is not a valid number" Error caused by a NaN value in the CleanBurnRate of inflamed atmospheres.
* H2Combustor can now empty, if turned on, without an input atmosphere.
* Fixed master server ping not always respecting ServerVisible
* Added 'suntime' command to change time of day
* Fixed sessionID not updating with provided sessionID from the master server
* Fixed bug where plants would never decay unless they are planted and in their final growth stage
* removed unused INetTransport interface
* Changed network manager to work with new master server
* Fixed Splitting stacks of cables that are inside a toolbelt inside a backpack causes the split-item-stack to spawn at the position where the toolbelt was 1st put in the backpack.
* Fixed Clients unable to join game when their stationeer was in a cryo-tube.
* Fixed saves with signs could cause an editor crash on load.
* Fixed race condition in ReferenceID assignment when atmospheres were being registered on atmos thread while new things were being created on game thread.
* Changed game session CheckSum to follow project constants like prefabs, not session constants.
* Fixed a few issues with the 'regeneraterooms' command. Should now remove rooms if they are invalid and more accurately regenerate existing ones
* Fixed an issue where registered structures were not being cleared between world loads
* Fixed vending machine dial rotating the wrong way
Stationeers - Rocket
As we head towards the atmospheric changes that we discussed previously there is new content we want that lays the groundwork. This week is an example of that. The Nitrolizer extends the ability to get nitrogen oxide, which you can be used to make even hotter fires.

We've also continued to work very closely with the community, both here in steam and on discord, to identify and fix serious issues both with the base game and particularly with dedicated servers. As always you will see these efforts continue front and center with each of our updates. Please do reach out to us via these channels. While we are not always able to get issues fixed immediately, we can always use your experiences to frame out how to fix them in future.

New Content: The Nitrolizer

To continue to expand the atmospheric engineering challenges in the game, we're adding the Nitrolyzer. It takes in equal parts oxygen and nitrogen, and a lot of power, to create a dirty mix of N2O. Players will have to decide how they want use this mixed output gas. They can recycle it through the Nitrolyzer at lower production efficiencies, refilter it into pure gases, or just use the mixed output directly. This allows players to more easily access the high temperature combustion provided by N2O, increasing furnace temperatures, and gas generator power amounts.

This Nitrolyzer also comes equipped with an integrated IC10 slot. Players wanting to program their way around (or into) problems will be able to slot in a chip, and easily access the Nitrolyzer and two other devices, without out having to clutter their piping with extra housings and wires. Over the coming weeks, we'll be revisiting more beloved atmospheric devices, giving them IC10 slots, updating their models, and balancing some of their behaviours.

Dedicated Server Fixes

Many fixes and improvements have been made to the dedicated server most notable are constant master server advertising while server is paused. The server now saves before pausing to ensure no data loss. You can now run server command from any connected client. This makes it much easier to access the server without using a CLI. It also helps Linux servers as the input buffer is still quite buggy in the terminal. Click for instructions on how to set it up.

Russian Language Suit Warning Voice

Following on from our work to add the German Language voice pack, we have added a Russian voice pack. Currently this will only be played while the language is set to Russian, but as noted last update we intend to add a separate setting for this in future. Our Stationeers community is an amazing global community of players, and we will continue to develop voice packs working on order of the largest users of the game.

Your support makes this possible

The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can already see the tremendous success. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord makes a tremendous difference.
If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game is substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those whole like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.

Changelog v0.2.3525.17189
  • Fixed Sounds not working on H2Combustor.
  • Fixed Small collider on H2Combustor switch.
  • Fixed issue where H2 Combuster could operate on a bad atmosphere.
  • Fixed Electrolysis Machine producing twice as much Oxygen and Hydrogen as expected, and cut its power usage in half.
  • Increased H2 Combustor water conversion rate to 66% from 33%.
  • Normalized heat generated when producing water, to create temperature ranges similar to gas fires.
  • Fixed issue with the incorrect amount of water being created when combusting for water.
  • H2Combuster now produces a fixed 33% of water from its reaction, with the remaining amount creating traditional combustion products.
  • Fixed Clients can't turn on Nitrolyzer.
  • Fixed Clients can't set Integrated Circuit holder device assignments (beta only)
  • Fixed Nitrolyzer not saving device Ids.
  • Fixed Nitrolyzer activating when minimum conditions for processing not met.
  • Fixed Unable to assign devices on some logic chips when the current device was set to none.
  • Changes to nitrolyzer balance: pulls more gas per tick but maximum efficiency is reduced.
  • Added Nitrolyzer tooltip.
  • Fixed Invalid WorldGrid error when newly created items played impact sound. WorldGrid is now assigned when the item is registered.
  • Fixed converted usage of local grid to world grid in a few places for dynamic things
  • Fixed Logic Units show incorrect values when setting variable targets on a device (beta only).
  • Fixed Error spam when Nitrolyzer input2 is not connected.
  • Added checks around loading bad room data in saves which could cause rooms to contain the same grid multiple times
  • Fixed batch mode framerate limit being overridden
  • Added client protection to `save` command
  • Removed extra logMessageReceived callback append in ConsoleWindow
  • Fixed the frame rate being unlimited in the main menu when launching the game or returning to the main menu from a game
  • Added frame limit while game is paused
  • Added `serverrun` command for client authorised server commands
  • Made `save` command with no args save current world save
  • Added Nitrolyzer, a device which will convert oxygen and nitrogen into NO2. It has a power consumption of 20KW. The nitrolyzer is most efficient when operating on a 1:1 mix of oxygen to nitrogen. It will pull equally from its two inputs. An improper mix will result in less efficient operation and some of the power being lost as heat into the internal gas mix.
  • Added IC slot to the Nitrolyzer with 2 device assignments. Db is the Nitrolyzer and d0 and d1 can be assigned to any device on the Nitrolyzer's logic network. The internal mode can be set to "idle" (0) to pause production. The unit will consume 50W of power in idle mode.
  • Removed NetManager class double up with NetworkManager
  • Refactored a number of logic functions to Logicable static class.
  • Fixed master server ping stopping when server has paused
  • Added potential fix for slotted objects being offset from their slot on clients
  • Fixed Wireless Power Transmitters prevent clients joining game. (beta only)
  • Fixed New Large Radiators had default flash point and autoignition temps. Changed values to match pipe radiator.
  • Fixed Atmospheres with an invalid world grid will now be deregistered immediately.
  • Changed Definition of Invalid World Grid to (0,0,0).
  • Fixed Collection modified errors and energy set to NaN Atmospherics errors caused by bad room data in old saves causing atmospheres to be registered to more than one room.
  • Fixed Chunk de-serialisation not handling bad minable data.
  • Fixed weather effects/sound not persisting when active after loading game
  • Added non paintable color swatches.
  • Fixed slotted items in fridge not scaling or rotating correctly
  • Fixed shelf not being able to be placed
  • Fixed issue with -settingspath and custom savepath issues with dedicated server
  • Added Nitrolyser script.
  • Added auto save just before server auto pause
  • Fixed World atmospheres not cleaning up fast enough when close to global atmosphere.
  • Changed IsCloseToGlobal check to be relative based on GlobalAtmosphere pressure.
  • Changed Mix in world function to no longer flag atmospheres that have mixed as being active, it was preventing large clumps of world atmospheres from being cleaned up.
  • Removed debug print when moles Quantity was set to denormal or negative value.
  • Improved atmos analyser tablet text alignment and overlapping
  • Fixed build error caused by shader property id clashes
  • Fixed atmospheric system was not gracefully handling invalid value detection. Now invalid values are reported but handled and atmospherics continues. Sometimes very large (or very small) values can result from extremely energetic explosions or fires, so they need to be noted but gracefully cleaned up and execution continues.
  • Fixed client sync animators could be causing position issues.
  • Fixed signs not being able to be placed
  • Fixed join serialize and deserialize was not ordered, so objects had to wait for their parents. Now join thing data is sent ordered, so objects know their parents will exist. This optimizes, especially for large worlds, as things had to wait for their parent to exist. Additionally, it cuts down significantly on the data sent as physics data is stripped from objects that are not being physics updated. Possibly fixes desync on join where objects are at weird offsets.
  • Fixed StationContents were being sync'd with index of int type, unnecessary, so now being sync with byte (max is 17)