Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alex Wiltshire)

This is the second part of my diary about making my first-ever game, using PICO-8. Yesterday, I grappled with ideas and fiddled around with code enough to realise that most of them are beyond me. But now I have a concept I think I can make: a game in which you push frogs into boxes. It s called No Frog Left Behind.

And yet… I have no idea whatsoever how to start. Other than to hit escape, which brings up PICO-8 s suite of tools, and typing out its fundamental structure in an attempt to feel constructive and full of direction. … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

***** The RPS team now are in their winter hibernation state and will return on 4th January. In the meantime we didn’t want you to think we’d forgotten about you or the supporter program so we have hand-crafted a selection of the Bestest Best RPS Cracker Jokes. It’s also our way of giving you the “reveal” moment we no longer have in the advent calendar. We’ve made these posts open to all. Whether you celebrate or not we hope they raise a smile. Love, RPS xxx *****>

Q: What does the Coca Cola Company use to stir their drinks in VR?

… [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alex Wiltshire)

Welcome to the first part of a FESTIVE SERIES in which over the course of a week I will smash my head against something I ve never done before. Specifically, making a game. And I m terrified. … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

***** The RPS team now are in their winter hibernation state and will return on 4th January. In the meantime we didn’t want you to think we’d forgotten about you or the supporter program so we have hand-crafted a selection of the Bestest Best RPS Cracker Jokes. It’s also our way of giving you the “reveal” moment we no longer have in the advent calendar. We’ve made these posts open to all. Whether you celebrate or not we hope they raise a smile. Love, RPS xxx *****>

Q: What is Solid Snake’s favourite part of Christmas?

… [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

***** The RPS team now are in their winter hibernation state and will return on 4th January. In the meantime we didn’t want you to think we’d forgotten about you or the supporter program so we have hand-crafted a selection of the Bestest Best RPS Cracker Jokes. It’s also our way of giving you the “reveal” moment we no longer have in the advent calendar. We’ve made these posts open to all. Whether you celebrate or not we hope they raise a smile. Love, RPS xxx *****>

Q: Why did the Overwatch team see snow in spring?

… [visit site to read more]

Dec 25, 2016
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Graham Smith)

Sundays are for… Christmas. It’s Christmas day. I guess that doesn’t mean we can’t link to just a few articles about videogames from across the week.

Simo Parko is at the Guardian this past week with a long feature about FIFA and how it changed football.

… [visit site to read more]

Devil Daggers - (RPS)

Here we are at last. What was the best game of 2016? What was the best hell of 2016? It’s the same game. It’s behind the final door of the RPS Advent Calendar, which lists our favourite games from across the year…

It’s Devil Daggers!

… [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

***** The RPS team now are in their winter hibernation state and will return on 4th January. In the meantime we didn’t want you to think we’d forgotten about you or the supporter program so we have hand-crafted a selection of the Bestest Best RPS Cracker Jokes. It’s also our way of giving you the “reveal” moment we no longer have in the advent calendar. We’ve made these posts open to all. Whether you celebrate or not we hope they raise a smile. Love, RPS xxx *****>

Q: What’s Christmas like every year at Ken Levine’s house?

… [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

Ho ho hooooo that’s us done for another year. As you’ll have seen, we’re turning on the automated broadcasting system until January 4th in the year THE FUTURE. Do enjoy what we’ve got lined up – except for the Horacemas cracker jokes, please don’t encourage them – but do also tell us what you’re playing over the holiday. … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

So long, farewell. Auf Wiedersehen, adieu. Adieu, adieu, to you and you and… No, not you.

RPS is entering its great winter slumber, in which we nuzzle under the furry folds of Horace for four days and then awake, jaws slack and ready for the great slaughter. The slaughter then continues till we return in the new year, bellies full and ready for another 12 months of videogames. Fear not – there will be things to read while we sleep and feast.

… [visit site to read more]
