Feb 29, 2016
Mysterious Space - Ben
I realize you're all probably playing Stardew Valley - it's taken an ENORMOUS amount of effort of my part to not just play it non-stop every day since it's release - but if you could just... over here... it'll only take a couple minutes... I won't be long...

Mysterious Space 0.9.0 has finally been released! :P

thanks for waiting an extra month; I hope you'll find the changes were worth the wait :)

the full changelog can be found here: https://mysteriousspace.com/changelog/0-9-x/ but here are the highlights:

* a ton of bug fixes, including fixing buttons which were being placed in inaccessible places, and a potential fix for a crash some players were having when quitting the game
* the sector map is completely different now... it'll be better if you just try it and see :)
* killing enemies is worth less points than before, but there are now point pickups placed in various places around each planet, particuarly at the ends of many tunnels, and near spiky walls.
* a new ship!
* tweaks to existing ships, including a fairly significant rehaul of the Heavy Head of Hydrus (I hope it's a better ship now!)
* some tutorial changes

I've spent the last couple days primarily playtesting it (instead of playing Stardew Valley! urgh! :P), so I hope this will be a relatively bug-free release, but I'll of course be keeping a careful eye on the forums and crash reports these first few days, and fix up any particularly-nasty bugs as quickly as possible.

FINALLY: an update on donations! I'm still catching up with the Mysterious Space sales made at the end of last year! I've donated to three more non-profits, am ready to donate to a fourth, and am still looking for two more!

the three donations were made to:
* Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics
* National Society of Black Engineers
* Games for Change (which I may have mentioned before)

as always, information about donations are available here: https://mysteriousspace.com/donations/

thank you guys, as always, for playing, providing feedback, and sticking with me!
Feb 29, 2016
Mysterious Space - Ben
I realize you're all probably playing Stardew Valley - it's taken an ENORMOUS amount of effort of my part to not just play it non-stop every day since it's release - but if you could just... over here... it'll only take a couple minutes... I won't be long...

Mysterious Space 0.9.0 has finally been released! :P

thanks for waiting an extra month; I hope you'll find the changes were worth the wait :)

the full changelog can be found here: https://mysteriousspace.com/changelog/0-9-x/ but here are the highlights:

* a ton of bug fixes, including fixing buttons which were being placed in inaccessible places, and a potential fix for a crash some players were having when quitting the game
* the sector map is completely different now... it'll be better if you just try it and see :)
* killing enemies is worth less points than before, but there are now point pickups placed in various places around each planet, particuarly at the ends of many tunnels, and near spiky walls.
* a new ship!
* tweaks to existing ships, including a fairly significant rehaul of the Heavy Head of Hydrus (I hope it's a better ship now!)
* some tutorial changes

I've spent the last couple days primarily playtesting it (instead of playing Stardew Valley! urgh! :P), so I hope this will be a relatively bug-free release, but I'll of course be keeping a careful eye on the forums and crash reports these first few days, and fix up any particularly-nasty bugs as quickly as possible.

FINALLY: an update on donations! I'm still catching up with the Mysterious Space sales made at the end of last year! I've donated to three more non-profits, am ready to donate to a fourth, and am still looking for two more!

the three donations were made to:
* Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics
* National Society of Black Engineers
* Games for Change (which I may have mentioned before)

as always, information about donations are available here: https://mysteriousspace.com/donations/

thank you guys, as always, for playing, providing feedback, and sticking with me!
Path of Exile - Bex_GGG
Launching alongside Path of Exile: Ascendancy on March 4, the Perandus Challenge Leagues offer the wealth of the Eternal Empire. Discover caches of Perandus family treasure, slay their guardians, and claim the coins contained within. Trade these coins to Cadiro Perandus himself to receive vital equipment and ancient artefacts
Path of Exile - Bex_GGG
Launching alongside Path of Exile: Ascendancy on March 4, the Perandus Challenge Leagues offer the wealth of the Eternal Empire. Discover caches of Perandus family treasure, slay their guardians, and claim the coins contained within. Trade these coins to Cadiro Perandus himself to receive vital equipment and ancient artefacts
Feb 29, 2016
Heroes Never Lose: Professor Puzzler's Perplexing Ploy - El Wolverino
- Improved the flexibility of the gem pair movements so it is a lot easier to make them fit in tight spots. (be warned, the AI can now do this too)
- Online ranking scores are now a bit more forgiving. Losing a match shouldn't give you such a big penalty.
- Optimized the net code. Now it uses much less bandwidth (not that the bandwidth was ever high)
- Fixed a bug that caused online players to have different background stages
Feb 29, 2016
Heroes Never Lose: Professor Puzzler's Perplexing Ploy - Unstopablo
- Improved the flexibility of the gem pair movements so it is a lot easier to make them fit in tight spots. (be warned, the AI can now do this too)
- Online ranking scores are now a bit more forgiving. Losing a match shouldn't give you such a big penalty.
- Optimized the net code. Now it uses much less bandwidth (not that the bandwidth was ever high)
- Fixed a bug that caused online players to have different background stages
1943 Megami Strike - GameUS Inc

Hello Pilots!
We inform that 1943 Megami Strike
maintenance as belows

▶GMT: 2016.3.1 / 04:00
▶PST: 2016.2.29 / 20:00

▶Patch list
▷Add three new girl character
- Ara
- Lauren Kate

▷Add dating with 'Ara'
▷March package sales

Thank you.
1943 Megami Strike - iron

Hello Pilots!
We inform that 1943 Megami Strike
maintenance as belows

▶GMT: 2016.3.1 / 04:00
▶PST: 2016.2.29 / 20:00

▶Patch list
▷Add three new girl character
- Ara
- Lauren Kate

▷Add dating with 'Ara'
▷March package sales

Thank you.
Bierzerkers - Skytram

- Block volume has been increased
- Shield Throw stun duration has been increased from 0.5s to 1s
- Super Stab height distance has been reduced slightly


- The sheep spawns after 10 seconds
- Time after a score has been reduced
- Sheep now spawns a little lower
- Throw distance has been reduced for all classes
- Better art for Extra Time
- Auto grab has been enabled by default
- Fix for disappearing sheep bug
- Spawn areas now block sheep and players from entering


- Sensitivity Slider
- Force feedback improvements
- Tutorial now shows gamepad buttons
Bierzerkers - Wavefarer

- Block volume has been increased
- Shield Throw stun duration has been increased from 0.5s to 1s
- Super Stab height distance has been reduced slightly


- The sheep spawns after 10 seconds
- Time after a score has been reduced
- Sheep now spawns a little lower
- Throw distance has been reduced for all classes
- Better art for Extra Time
- Auto grab has been enabled by default
- Fix for disappearing sheep bug
- Spawn areas now block sheep and players from entering


- Sensitivity Slider
- Force feedback improvements
- Tutorial now shows gamepad buttons