Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - melaine.brou

We’ve got two new civs coming soon for Civilization VI! The first is Persia, led by Cyrus, and you can check it out here. Persia is a civ perfect for the player who wants to build a rich empire, but isn’t afraid to launch a sudden, unexpected military strike. This DLC pack will be unlocked automatically for everyone who purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition of Civilization VI.

In addition, the Spring 2017 update to Civilization VI will come with balance changes, multiplayer changes, and bug fixes for everyone who owns the game!

Stay tuned as we share more details on the upcoming Double Civilization & Scenario Pack and the upcoming update!
Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - melaine.brou

We’ve got two new civs coming soon for Civilization VI! The first is Persia, led by Cyrus, and you can check it out here. Persia is a civ perfect for the player who wants to build a rich empire, but isn’t afraid to launch a sudden, unexpected military strike. This DLC pack will be unlocked automatically for everyone who purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition of Civilization VI.

In addition, the Spring 2017 update to Civilization VI will come with balance changes, multiplayer changes, and bug fixes for everyone who owns the game!

Stay tuned as we share more details on the upcoming Double Civilization & Scenario Pack and the upcoming update!
Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

We’ve released a free demo today for Civilization VI, available to download for all PC Steam users. To download the demo, simply head on over to the Civilization VI Steam page and click the “Download PC Demo” button on the right.

Watch the First Look video for China:
SUBSCRIBE to us on YouTube ➜

You’ll have the option to play as Qin Shi Huang on a fixed map with America, Egypt and Sumeria. You will also have the option to play the Civilization VI tutorial, which features Sumeria and Egypt. Both options are locked at 60 turns, and once you’ve reached the conclusion of the demo you will have the option to purchase Civilization VI or you can play the demo or the tutorial again. There is no limit to how many times you can play the demo.

For newcomers to Civilization VI and the Civilization franchise, we have put together a list of our top 10 tips that will help you build your empire and face early challenges like barbarians. You can access our Beginner’s Guide right here.

Today also marks the beginning of the 2K Publisher Sale on Steam. Should you enjoy your time with the free Civilization VI demo, you can purchase the full base game or Digital Deluxe version at a discounted price. This offer is valid through 10am PT on March 20, 2017.
Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - 2kasia*****01

We’ve released a free demo today for Civilization VI, available to download for all PC Steam users. To download the demo, simply head on over to the Civilization VI Steam page and click the “Download PC Demo” button on the right.

Watch the First Look video for China:
SUBSCRIBE to us on YouTube ➜

You’ll have the option to play as Qin Shi Huang on a fixed map with America, Egypt and Sumeria. You will also have the option to play the Civilization VI tutorial, which features Sumeria and Egypt. Both options are locked at 60 turns, and once you’ve reached the conclusion of the demo you will have the option to purchase Civilization VI or you can play the demo or the tutorial again. There is no limit to how many times you can play the demo.

For newcomers to Civilization VI and the Civilization franchise, we have put together a list of our top 10 tips that will help you build your empire and face early challenges like barbarians. You can access our Beginner’s Guide right here.

Today also marks the beginning of the 2K Publisher Sale on Steam. Should you enjoy your time with the free Civilization VI demo, you can purchase the full base game or Digital Deluxe version at a discounted price. This offer is valid through 10am PT on March 20, 2017.
Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - melaine.brou

With the Civilization VI demo now available, newcomers have the perfect opportunity to try out the latest entry in the Civilization series and start the expansion of their empire.
To help new players in their path to victory, we have compiled 10 basic tips on how to start a game of Civilization VI in the best way possible.

1. The first turn
You will start your game of Civilization VI with a Settler and a Warrior. The Settler will be the unit to found your first city so it is important that you find a suitable spot for it: source of water for the city’s growth, resources for food and production as well as landscapes (mountains, desert, rainforest) for bonuses. Send your Warrior out to explore but keep it close to your city in case of a Barbarian attack.

2. Take care of the Barbarian problem
Early on in a game of Civilization VI, Barbarians will be your main source of trouble. They will tend to send out Scouts to look for cities, so attack them when you see them because, if they report back to their camp, they will send more powerful units to attack your city. Build some Warriors and Slingers early to defend your city, and clear Barbarians camps so you can focus on the growth of your empire.

3. Know the map
The map is one of the most important features of Civilization VI and it is crucial that you understand and explore your surroundings. Look for Resources or sources of water, ideal city spots; find Mountains or Rainforest tiles for district bonuses; explore the seas for new settlements. Send Scouts around your empire and let them initiate first contact with City-States and Leaders so you can be aware of potential allies or enemies.

4. Plan your cities
Civilization VI allows you to organize your cities the way you want. Unlike previous games in the franchise, you now have the possibility to build districts around the city centre and placement will play a very important part in your strategy. For example, placing the Science district near mountains will grant you extra Science points every turns while placing the Commercial district next to rivers will bring more revenues. Plan your cities and specialize them to get the most out of your empire.

5. Make friends
You are not alone in this wide world. As you explore the map around you, you will encounter City-States that can be turned into powerful allies. Send Envoys to a City-State to get extra Gold, Science or Culture for example. You will also have the opportunity to become the Suzerain of a City-State and earn unique rewards that can greatly change the outcome of your game.

6. Learn about the Eureka moments
Science and Culture will allow you to unlock new Techs and Civics in order to grow your empire, all leading to new units, districts and Wonders for your empire. Specific in-game actions will trigger Eurekas, reducing the time needed to research some Techs and Civics. Settling a city on a coast will give you a boost for the Sailing technology, while defeating a unit with a Slinger will trigger the Eureka for Archery. If you want to know more about all Eureka moments, simply check the Tech and Civics tree.

7. Choose a leader that fits your play style
In the Civilization VI demo you can play as China, led by Qin Shi Huang. In the full game of Civilization VI there are 19 civilizations available to play, offering different bonuses, unique units, and buildings, districts, or tile improvements. Each of them play very differently and will fit into different types of playstyles. China, for example, can complete Wonders faster thanks to its unique bonuses and the ability of its Builders, while Rome will favour territorial expansion and trade to accumulate Gold. Spain will tend to play an aggressive Religious game with various military bonuses linked to fighting civilizations with different religions.

8. Know which victory to go for
There are different ways to win in Civilization VI and it is important to understand the requirements for the four types of victories: Domination, Culture, Science and Religious. The easiest one to start with would be the Domination victory that requires you to create a strong army and occupy all capital cities on the map. Be the first empire to start a space program and colonize Mars for the Science victory; have all civilizations adopt your religion for the Religious victory or attract the highest number of tourists for a Culture win. It is all up to you and your playstyle.

9. Adjust the difficulty
If it is your first time playing a Civilization game, a great way to start is to play on “Settler” difficulty. For beginners, it is a great way to learn the basics of Civilization gameplay without worrying too much about the AI controlled civs and Barbarians attacking you.

10. Check the Civilopedia
Here’s an important one: the Civilopedia is your best friend. Simply click on the “?” tab at the top right of the screen to get access to it. From leader abilities, to units, district bonuses, and details of each resource, you will find everything you need to understand the different aspect of the game and what is needed for you to build a strong empire through the ages.
You are now prepared to get started in Civilization VI. Don’t hesitate to share your experience and tips with us on social media with the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - 2kasia*****01

With the Civilization VI demo now available, newcomers have the perfect opportunity to try out the latest entry in the Civilization series and start the expansion of their empire.
To help new players in their path to victory, we have compiled 10 basic tips on how to start a game of Civilization VI in the best way possible.

1. The first turn
You will start your game of Civilization VI with a Settler and a Warrior. The Settler will be the unit to found your first city so it is important that you find a suitable spot for it: source of water for the city’s growth, resources for food and production as well as landscapes (mountains, desert, rainforest) for bonuses. Send your Warrior out to explore but keep it close to your city in case of a Barbarian attack.

2. Take care of the Barbarian problem
Early on in a game of Civilization VI, Barbarians will be your main source of trouble. They will tend to send out Scouts to look for cities, so attack them when you see them because, if they report back to their camp, they will send more powerful units to attack your city. Build some Warriors and Slingers early to defend your city, and clear Barbarians camps so you can focus on the growth of your empire.

3. Know the map
The map is one of the most important features of Civilization VI and it is crucial that you understand and explore your surroundings. Look for Resources or sources of water, ideal city spots; find Mountains or Rainforest tiles for district bonuses; explore the seas for new settlements. Send Scouts around your empire and let them initiate first contact with City-States and Leaders so you can be aware of potential allies or enemies.

4. Plan your cities
Civilization VI allows you to organize your cities the way you want. Unlike previous games in the franchise, you now have the possibility to build districts around the city centre and placement will play a very important part in your strategy. For example, placing the Science district near mountains will grant you extra Science points every turns while placing the Commercial district next to rivers will bring more revenues. Plan your cities and specialize them to get the most out of your empire.

5. Make friends
You are not alone in this wide world. As you explore the map around you, you will encounter City-States that can be turned into powerful allies. Send Envoys to a City-State to get extra Gold, Science or Culture for example. You will also have the opportunity to become the Suzerain of a City-State and earn unique rewards that can greatly change the outcome of your game.

6. Learn about the Eureka moments
Science and Culture will allow you to unlock new Techs and Civics in order to grow your empire, all leading to new units, districts and Wonders for your empire. Specific in-game actions will trigger Eurekas, reducing the time needed to research some Techs and Civics. Settling a city on a coast will give you a boost for the Sailing technology, while defeating a unit with a Slinger will trigger the Eureka for Archery. If you want to know more about all Eureka moments, simply check the Tech and Civics tree.

7. Choose a leader that fits your play style
In the Civilization VI demo you can play as China, led by Qin Shi Huang. In the full game of Civilization VI there are 19 civilizations available to play, offering different bonuses, unique units, and buildings, districts, or tile improvements. Each of them play very differently and will fit into different types of playstyles. China, for example, can complete Wonders faster thanks to its unique bonuses and the ability of its Builders, while Rome will favour territorial expansion and trade to accumulate Gold. Spain will tend to play an aggressive Religious game with various military bonuses linked to fighting civilizations with different religions.

8. Know which victory to go for
There are different ways to win in Civilization VI and it is important to understand the requirements for the four types of victories: Domination, Culture, Science and Religious. The easiest one to start with would be the Domination victory that requires you to create a strong army and occupy all capital cities on the map. Be the first empire to start a space program and colonize Mars for the Science victory; have all civilizations adopt your religion for the Religious victory or attract the highest number of tourists for a Culture win. It is all up to you and your playstyle.

9. Adjust the difficulty
If it is your first time playing a Civilization game, a great way to start is to play on “Settler” difficulty. For beginners, it is a great way to learn the basics of Civilization gameplay without worrying too much about the AI controlled civs and Barbarians attacking you.

10. Check the Civilopedia
Here’s an important one: the Civilopedia is your best friend. Simply click on the “?” tab at the top right of the screen to get access to it. From leader abilities, to units, district bonuses, and details of each resource, you will find everything you need to understand the different aspect of the game and what is needed for you to build a strong empire through the ages.
You are now prepared to get started in Civilization VI. Don’t hesitate to share your experience and tips with us on social media with the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

John Curtin was the 14th Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 1941 to 1945. He held office while the country was under direct threat of Japanese attack during World War II. He proved more than capable for the job through his landmark legislations, which greater unified the many states of Australia and assisted in its reconstruction following the war.  

Curtin, leader of the Labor Party, sadly passed away while in office on July 5, 1945. He left behind a legacy of progressive social reform and civic responsibility that ensured he will forever be remembered as one of Australia’s most influential citizens.

Unique Unit: The Digger

Nicknamed “Diggers,” Australian troops served the Commonwealth with honor and distinction in both World War I and II, on multiple continents, and often at considerable sacrifice. Their slouch hat pinned up on one side became a distinctive part of their uniform.

Unique Improvement: The Outback Station

Australian cattle ranches are called Outback Stations and are synonymous with life in the Australian Outback. The largest, Anna Creek Station, is 6,000,000 acres (24,000 km squared; 9,400 sq mi) which makes it slightly larger than Israel and seven times larger than the biggest ranch in the US – King Ranch, in Texas. Many Stations still serve their original purpose as cattle ranches, while others have been converted into Outback experiences for tourists keen to sample the country life.

We've also announced details on the next update, coming soon. You can read about it here:
Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - 2kasia*****01

John Curtin was the 14th Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 1941 to 1945. He held office while the country was under direct threat of Japanese attack during World War II. He proved more than capable for the job through his landmark legislations, which greater unified the many states of Australia and assisted in its reconstruction following the war.  

Curtin, leader of the Labor Party, sadly passed away while in office on July 5, 1945. He left behind a legacy of progressive social reform and civic responsibility that ensured he will forever be remembered as one of Australia’s most influential citizens.

Unique Unit: The Digger

Nicknamed “Diggers,” Australian troops served the Commonwealth with honor and distinction in both World War I and II, on multiple continents, and often at considerable sacrifice. Their slouch hat pinned up on one side became a distinctive part of their uniform.

Unique Improvement: The Outback Station

Australian cattle ranches are called Outback Stations and are synonymous with life in the Australian Outback. The largest, Anna Creek Station, is 6,000,000 acres (24,000 km squared; 9,400 sq mi) which makes it slightly larger than Israel and seven times larger than the biggest ranch in the US – King Ranch, in Texas. Many Stations still serve their original purpose as cattle ranches, while others have been converted into Outback experiences for tourists keen to sample the country life.

We've also announced details on the next update, coming soon. You can read about it here:
Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

This update for Civilization VI, available now for PC players and coming soon for Mac and Linux, includes some great new features, including premium DLC for the Australia civ (led by Prime Minister John Curtin) as well as free features for all PC players such as Steam Workshop and modding tools, as well as multiplayer team functionality.

Multiplayer teams and mod tools have been two of the community’s most-requested features, and we’re happy to bring them to Civilization VI. Steam Workshop will allow you to browse, add, and subscribe to mods more easily, and the other tools will make it easier for artists and modders to change the game. And in multiplayer you can team up with your friends to conquer the world together against AI or human opponents.

There are also balance changes and bug fixes in this update, ranging from trade routes to ice caps, obsolete units to AI upgrades. Please check out the complete list of changes below:

  • TEAMS:
  • Multiplayer Teams have been added to Civilization VI and this feature builds on updates to the Alliance agreement. Players on teams gain additional benefits (beyond those of an alliance), as follows:
    • When one teammate finishes research on a tech or civic, their teammate(s) receive a boost for that tech or civic.
    • Teammates share war status against opponents not on their team.
    • Teammates share allied status with opponents not on their team.
    • Teammates work together to win or lose the game as a single entity.  The Religion and Culture Victories have been reworked so they are more cooperative.
      • The Religion Victory requires you to convert all civs to ONE of the religions started by your team.
      • The Culture Victory requires ONE member of your team to be culturally dominant over all players NOT on your team.
      • Updated lobby and in-game UI to better show Additional Content details.
      • Added Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Development Tools, which includes ModBuddy, Tools, FireTuner, and the Steam Workshop Uploader.
        • ModBuddy: A packaging and development tool.
        • Art/Asset Tools: Import FBX files into a format usable by the game, as well as customize existing art.
        • FireTuner: In-game debugging and editing tool.
      • Added Sid Meier’s Civiliation VI Development Assets, which includes the game art assets. This is a large download (approximately 7GB compressed download and 27GB on disk) which contains game assets, including models, textures, and interface elements.
        • Access mods created by the Steam community via Steam Workshop
        • Share your mods with the Steam community with the Steam Workshop uploader.

ModBuddy will also receive additional updates in the future, as part of a modding SDK update later. These tools do not include DLL source for Civilization VI at this time.

  • Added True Start Location feature, where civs start on the world map at their geographic origin.
  • Added a City-State slider to game setup.

  • Start position and map generation has been tuned.
  • Updated ice generation to allow more for circumnavigation.
  • Commercial Hub and Harbor both provide +1 Trade Route capacity, but only the first one applies (used to stack for +2 capacity total).
  • Units that are embarked now use an era-based strength value instead of their base combat value.
  • Many of the techs that reveal strategic resources have been changed to reveal the resource before it is needed to build a resource-dependent unit.
  • Players can now build obsoleted units if they do not have access to the strategic resource required by the upgrade unit.
  • Tech Tree balance. Adding several prerequisites to address paths through the tree that were too quick and led to era transitions too early.
    • Horseback Riding now requires Archery. Archery is no longer a leaf tech.
    • Stirrups is now in the late Medieval era and costs 390 (was early Medieval and cost 300).
    • Industrialization now requires Square Rigging.
    • Scientific Theory now requires Banking.
    • Steel now requires Rifling.
    • Computers now requires Radio.
  • Updated the cost and strength of some Air units.
  • Change movement rules after disembarkation.  Cannot land on shore with more movement than your Land Movement allowance.
  • Updated Vikings Scenario to 60 turns.

  • Increased desire and ability to use nukes and aircraft, and maintain a standing military. General AI attack improvements.
  • Increased desire to declare friendship.
  • Reduced frequency of “your troops are on my border“ warning.
  • Updated settlement preferences.
  • Barbarians now rampage when their camp is destroyed.
  • Will now liberate minor civs and cities of current allies.
  • Tuned strategic and luxury resource trading.
  • Will now be more aware of gold income, and work to bring in more.
  • Support units will recognize that they are not under threat if they share a hex with a friendly unit.
  • Added a grace period of 2 turns after the end of open borders before the AI starts complaining you're too close to their territory.
  • Barbarians may now pillage tiles to heal.
  • AI will now continue to research repeatable techs and civics.

  • Kongo relics no longer get multiplied Faith yields if more than one is in the same building
  • Fixed some bugs with Great People not interacting correctly with Vikings natural wonders.
  • Sumeria will no longer share joint war experience with a player when killing barbarians.
  • Corrected tourism calculation from National Parks to ensure correct awarding.
  • Fixed an issue where you could sometimes not offer Joint War.
  • Spies will not have the Steal Tech mission available when you have already completed all techs.
  • City States gain territory for influence even if they get the influence before founding their city.
  • When a player is destroyed, his captured spies die with him.
  • All of your active spy missions stop in a city that you or an ally has just captured.
  • Fixed problem in tactical combat that was preventing units from capturing builders
  • You are no longer allowed to declare war on declared friends (or in an enforced peace period) from the "troops near me" warning.
  • Increased Jet Fighter and Jet Bomber sight range (up from 2 to 5).
  • Additional bug fixes.

  • Added snow environmental VFX.
  • Added sand environmental VFX.

  • Added “Turn Unready” button.

  • Added more bindable keys (Toggle Resource Icons, Toggle Tourism Lens, Alert action).
  • Added a notification for when a player loses territory to a culture bomb.

  • Adding some missing UI sounds.
    • Added VO, and updated quotes, for three Natural Wonders.
    • Added VO to Natural Wonders while in the scenario.

  • Credits updated.
  • Fixed some missing ARX images.
  • Updating game concepts for City-States, Trade Routes, and Great People. Explained some things that were not there before (ex. Patronage, gold income for foreign routes passing through city), as well as some clarifications.

Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack

The team is often asked how they get their ideas for the civilizations in the game. The answer is: they listen to the community! Kongo was added to Civilization VI, as it was the most-requested civ by the community at the end of Civilization V. Australia has been a consistent top pick by our fans, and now appears in a Civilization game for the first time as premium DLC for Civilization VI.  

John Curtin was Australia’s Prime Minister during World War II, and is credited with providing both strong leadership of the country at that time, as well as establishing the country to take its place in the post-war international order. In Civilization VI, his ability “Citadel of Civilization” gives Australia bonus production when they are targeted for war.

Australia is a civ that gets bonus housing for coastal cities, bonuses for building Districts on attractive terrain, and additional production if targeted for war. Australia’s unique unit is the Digger (which replaces Infantry), and their unique improvement is the Outback Station. Australia can grow and thrive in places where other civs would struggle. The Outback Tycoon scenario is a unique, non-combat scenario where you will try to enrich your new territory in a randomly-generated Australian interior. And Uluru comes to Civilization VI, bringing religion and culture to the territory that surrounds it.
    • Australia
      • Civ Unique Ability: Australian coastal cities always receive extra Housing. Pastures also trigger the Culture Bomb effect, grabbing adjacent tiles from other civs and City-States.  Yields from Campuses, Commercial Hubs, Holy Sites and Theater Squares are enhanced in attractive terrain.
      • John Curtin Unique Ability: John Curtin’s unique ability is called “Citadel of Civilization.” Australia gets bonus production at the start of a Defensive War, and when it liberates a city.
      • Digger: Australia’s unique unit is the Digger, which gets bonuses to combat on land tiles adjacent to water and when fighting outside their territory.
      • Outback Station: Unique tile improvement that unlocks with the Guilds civic, and can be upgraded with Steam Power and Rapid Deployment. It provides food and production, with bonus food for adjacent Pastures.
    • ‘Outback Tycoon’ Scenario
      • In this 60 turn non-combat scenario, you race to explore Australia, find its natural resources, and use them to enrich your colony. This competitive economic scenario has no combat. It emphasizes exploration and territorial expansion to increase your Gold per Turn net income, which is your score.
    • Uluru Natural Wonder: This desert Wonder provides bonus Faith and Culture to Adjacent tiles.
WATCH: Civilization VI - First Look: Australia
Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

This update for Civilization VI, available now for PC players and coming soon for Mac and Linux, includes some great new features, including premium DLC for the Australia civ (led by Prime Minister John Curtin) as well as free features for all PC players such as Steam Workshop and modding tools, as well as multiplayer team functionality.

Multiplayer teams and mod tools have been two of the community’s most-requested features, and we’re happy to bring them to Civilization VI. Steam Workshop will allow you to browse, add, and subscribe to mods more easily, and the other tools will make it easier for artists and modders to change the game. And in multiplayer you can team up with your friends to conquer the world together against AI or human opponents.

There are also balance changes and bug fixes in this update, ranging from trade routes to ice caps, obsolete units to AI upgrades. Please check out the complete list of changes below:

  • TEAMS:
  • Multiplayer Teams have been added to Civilization VI and this feature builds on updates to the Alliance agreement. Players on teams gain additional benefits (beyond those of an alliance), as follows:
    • When one teammate finishes research on a tech or civic, their teammate(s) receive a boost for that tech or civic.
    • Teammates share war status against opponents not on their team.
    • Teammates share allied status with opponents not on their team.
    • Teammates work together to win or lose the game as a single entity.  The Religion and Culture Victories have been reworked so they are more cooperative.
      • The Religion Victory requires you to convert all civs to ONE of the religions started by your team.
      • The Culture Victory requires ONE member of your team to be culturally dominant over all players NOT on your team.
      • Updated lobby and in-game UI to better show Additional Content details.
      • Added Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Development Tools, which includes ModBuddy, Tools, FireTuner, and the Steam Workshop Uploader.
        • ModBuddy: A packaging and development tool.
        • Art/Asset Tools: Import FBX files into a format usable by the game, as well as customize existing art.
        • FireTuner: In-game debugging and editing tool.
      • Added Sid Meier’s Civiliation VI Development Assets, which includes the game art assets. This is a large download (approximately 7GB compressed download and 27GB on disk) which contains game assets, including models, textures, and interface elements.
        • Access mods created by the Steam community via Steam Workshop
        • Share your mods with the Steam community with the Steam Workshop uploader.

ModBuddy will also receive additional updates in the future, as part of a modding SDK update later. These tools do not include DLL source for Civilization VI at this time.

  • Added True Start Location feature, where civs start on the world map at their geographic origin.
  • Added a City-State slider to game setup.

  • Start position and map generation has been tuned.
  • Updated ice generation to allow more for circumnavigation.
  • Commercial Hub and Harbor both provide +1 Trade Route capacity, but only the first one applies (used to stack for +2 capacity total).
  • Units that are embarked now use an era-based strength value instead of their base combat value.
  • Many of the techs that reveal strategic resources have been changed to reveal the resource before it is needed to build a resource-dependent unit.
  • Players can now build obsoleted units if they do not have access to the strategic resource required by the upgrade unit.
  • Tech Tree balance. Adding several prerequisites to address paths through the tree that were too quick and led to era transitions too early.
    • Horseback Riding now requires Archery. Archery is no longer a leaf tech.
    • Stirrups is now in the late Medieval era and costs 390 (was early Medieval and cost 300).
    • Industrialization now requires Square Rigging.
    • Scientific Theory now requires Banking.
    • Steel now requires Rifling.
    • Computers now requires Radio.
  • Updated the cost and strength of some Air units.
  • Change movement rules after disembarkation.  Cannot land on shore with more movement than your Land Movement allowance.
  • Updated Vikings Scenario to 60 turns.

  • Increased desire and ability to use nukes and aircraft, and maintain a standing military. General AI attack improvements.
  • Increased desire to declare friendship.
  • Reduced frequency of “your troops are on my border“ warning.
  • Updated settlement preferences.
  • Barbarians now rampage when their camp is destroyed.
  • Will now liberate minor civs and cities of current allies.
  • Tuned strategic and luxury resource trading.
  • Will now be more aware of gold income, and work to bring in more.
  • Support units will recognize that they are not under threat if they share a hex with a friendly unit.
  • Added a grace period of 2 turns after the end of open borders before the AI starts complaining you're too close to their territory.
  • Barbarians may now pillage tiles to heal.
  • AI will now continue to research repeatable techs and civics.

  • Kongo relics no longer get multiplied Faith yields if more than one is in the same building
  • Fixed some bugs with Great People not interacting correctly with Vikings natural wonders.
  • Sumeria will no longer share joint war experience with a player when killing barbarians.
  • Corrected tourism calculation from National Parks to ensure correct awarding.
  • Fixed an issue where you could sometimes not offer Joint War.
  • Spies will not have the Steal Tech mission available when you have already completed all techs.
  • City States gain territory for influence even if they get the influence before founding their city.
  • When a player is destroyed, his captured spies die with him.
  • All of your active spy missions stop in a city that you or an ally has just captured.
  • Fixed problem in tactical combat that was preventing units from capturing builders
  • You are no longer allowed to declare war on declared friends (or in an enforced peace period) from the "troops near me" warning.
  • Increased Jet Fighter and Jet Bomber sight range (up from 2 to 5).
  • Additional bug fixes.

  • Added snow environmental VFX.
  • Added sand environmental VFX.

  • Added “Turn Unready” button.

  • Added more bindable keys (Toggle Resource Icons, Toggle Tourism Lens, Alert action).
  • Added a notification for when a player loses territory to a culture bomb.

  • Adding some missing UI sounds.
    • Added VO, and updated quotes, for three Natural Wonders.
    • Added VO to Natural Wonders while in the scenario.

  • Credits updated.
  • Fixed some missing ARX images.
  • Updating game concepts for City-States, Trade Routes, and Great People. Explained some things that were not there before (ex. Patronage, gold income for foreign routes passing through city), as well as some clarifications.

Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack

The team is often asked how they get their ideas for the civilizations in the game. The answer is: they listen to the community! Kongo was added to Civilization VI, as it was the most-requested civ by the community at the end of Civilization V. Australia has been a consistent top pick by our fans, and now appears in a Civilization game for the first time as premium DLC for Civilization VI.  

John Curtin was Australia’s Prime Minister during World War II, and is credited with providing both strong leadership of the country at that time, as well as establishing the country to take its place in the post-war international order. In Civilization VI, his ability “Citadel of Civilization” gives Australia bonus production when they are targeted for war.

Australia is a civ that gets bonus housing for coastal cities, bonuses for building Districts on attractive terrain, and additional production if targeted for war. Australia’s unique unit is the Digger (which replaces Infantry), and their unique improvement is the Outback Station. Australia can grow and thrive in places where other civs would struggle. The Outback Tycoon scenario is a unique, non-combat scenario where you will try to enrich your new territory in a randomly-generated Australian interior. And Uluru comes to Civilization VI, bringing religion and culture to the territory that surrounds it.
    • Australia
      • Civ Unique Ability: Australian coastal cities always receive extra Housing. Pastures also trigger the Culture Bomb effect, grabbing adjacent tiles from other civs and City-States.  Yields from Campuses, Commercial Hubs, Holy Sites and Theater Squares are enhanced in attractive terrain.
      • John Curtin Unique Ability: John Curtin’s unique ability is called “Citadel of Civilization.” Australia gets bonus production at the start of a Defensive War, and when it liberates a city.
      • Digger: Australia’s unique unit is the Digger, which gets bonuses to combat on land tiles adjacent to water and when fighting outside their territory.
      • Outback Station: Unique tile improvement that unlocks with the Guilds civic, and can be upgraded with Steam Power and Rapid Deployment. It provides food and production, with bonus food for adjacent Pastures.
    • ‘Outback Tycoon’ Scenario
      • In this 60 turn non-combat scenario, you race to explore Australia, find its natural resources, and use them to enrich your colony. This competitive economic scenario has no combat. It emphasizes exploration and territorial expansion to increase your Gold per Turn net income, which is your score.
    • Uluru Natural Wonder: This desert Wonder provides bonus Faith and Culture to Adjacent tiles.
WATCH: Civilization VI - First Look: Australia
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