Shark Dating Simulator XL+ - Catfood McFly
Senpai... you noticed me? Better give a progress report then.

First off, I'm hoping to upload the first update to SDSXL the end of this week. This will feature small fixes and a couple of new features. After that, I'll actually get going on the second sharky story.

One addition will be the ability to choose your gender which will mean gender-specific changes to the text such as the earth-shattering event detailed here.

You can of course choose to be male or female, and there might even be an exciting third option.

Secondly, there will some graphical polish. Here's the beach in progress.

I will especially be buffing up the naughty scenes. :3

I'm also looking at other ways of packing the game which might solve the problems some players were having with images not showing up. I do have Smart Packer Pro, which I was dubious about using as I have heard reports that it doesn't work too well with Windows 10. If anyone has any experience of that, I'd be interested to hear from you.

Finally, another request being put in place is that the game will recognise certain savepoints, so if you have to abandon your shark adventure mid-game you'll be able to carry on from the most recent checkpoint you passed.

A few players have asked about trading cards, etc. I have these all uploaded and ready. As soon as the game passes Steam's minimum criteria and I'm allowed to make these live, live they will be.

Thanks to everyone who has bought and supported this nonsense so far. I've been especially impressed with the amount of videos on Youtube that have sprung up. Stay aboard the ship champ, I have lots more in store!

- Catfood

Shark Dating Simulator XL+ - Catfood McFly
Senpai... you noticed me? Better give a progress report then.

First off, I'm hoping to upload the first update to SDSXL the end of this week. This will feature small fixes and a couple of new features. After that, I'll actually get going on the second sharky story.

One addition will be the ability to choose your gender which will mean gender-specific changes to the text such as the earth-shattering event detailed here.

You can of course choose to be male or female, and there might even be an exciting third option.

Secondly, there will some graphical polish. Here's the beach in progress.

I will especially be buffing up the naughty scenes. :3

I'm also looking at other ways of packing the game which might solve the problems some players were having with images not showing up. I do have Smart Packer Pro, which I was dubious about using as I have heard reports that it doesn't work too well with Windows 10. If anyone has any experience of that, I'd be interested to hear from you.

Finally, another request being put in place is that the game will recognise certain savepoints, so if you have to abandon your shark adventure mid-game you'll be able to carry on from the most recent checkpoint you passed.

A few players have asked about trading cards, etc. I have these all uploaded and ready. As soon as the game passes Steam's minimum criteria and I'm allowed to make these live, live they will be.

Thanks to everyone who has bought and supported this nonsense so far. I've been especially impressed with the amount of videos on Youtube that have sprung up. Stay aboard the ship champ, I have lots more in store!

- Catfood

Aug 17, 2017
Shark Dating Simulator XL+ - Catfood McFly
I have been asked about the mysterious other person involved in Shark Dating Simulator's credits, my very pink friend Kemokin. She helped me when I was first designing the game by coming up with some shark/girl suggestion drawings, one of which I adopted and turned into Shark Chan.

I have also threatened Kemo with having to help me brainstorm ideas for the other 3 stories, so she's not off the hook yet.

You can see more of Kemo's doings, including some early Shark Girl doodles at tumblr:

or Instagram!

Aug 17, 2017
Shark Dating Simulator XL+ - Catfood McFly
I have been asked about the mysterious other person involved in Shark Dating Simulator's credits, my very pink friend Kemokin. She helped me when I was first designing the game by coming up with some shark/girl suggestion drawings, one of which I adopted and turned into Shark Chan.

I have also threatened Kemo with having to help me brainstorm ideas for the other 3 stories, so she's not off the hook yet.

You can see more of Kemo's doings, including some early Shark Girl doodles at tumblr:

or Instagram!

Aug 16, 2017
Shark Dating Simulator XL+ - Catfood McFly
I was asked if I had a Patreon account for the game this morning (thanks Ryan), so I do now!

If you want to add further support to the game while it develops, thank you - I appreciate that. In return, I'll use Patreon to drop occasion blobs of concept art and other goodies. To kick off with, I'll post some uncensored art there from the original mobile version which Google made it clear in no uncertain terms I wasn't allowed to include.

There's no limit gate on this - if you're a patreon, whatever your pledge you'll have access to any of that stuff.

Don't forget - you'll need a bigger boat!

- Catfood

Aug 16, 2017
Shark Dating Simulator XL+ - Catfood McFly
I was asked if I had a Patreon account for the game this morning (thanks Ryan), so I do now!

If you want to add further support to the game while it develops, thank you - I appreciate that. In return, I'll use Patreon to drop occasion blobs of concept art and other goodies. To kick off with, I'll post some uncensored art there from the original mobile version which Google made it clear in no uncertain terms I wasn't allowed to include.

There's no limit gate on this - if you're a patreon, whatever your pledge you'll have access to any of that stuff.

Don't forget - you'll need a bigger boat!

- Catfood

Aug 15, 2017
Shark Dating Simulator XL+ - Catfood McFly
Hello, gill lovers! As you've probably noticed SDSXL has been released into the wild, along with a generous helping of the briny whitebait of amusement as well as plenty of the chewy chum of disdain.

So what comes next with the first update? There's a few rough edges that need smoothed off as well as some graphical improvements although in general I've been pleased (and relieved) that no significant problems have been reported so far. A save feature has been requested which I'll add in and will probably work as a checkpoint system - so if you didn't like the results of your choice, you can go back and try it again! I might also beef up the story of Shark Chan a little more as well as add in some more graphical touches.

If there are any features you would like to see or suggestions to put forward, why not post them in the game's forums? I check those daily.

After that, I'll start looking at beginning the second sharky tale of Nurse Chan. Looking forward to that!

- Catfood
Aug 15, 2017
Shark Dating Simulator XL+ - Catfood McFly
Hello, gill lovers! As you've probably noticed SDSXL has been released into the wild, along with a generous helping of the briny whitebait of amusement as well as plenty of the chewy chum of disdain.

So what comes next with the first update? There's a few rough edges that need smoothed off as well as some graphical improvements although in general I've been pleased (and relieved) that no significant problems have been reported so far. A save feature has been requested which I'll add in and will probably work as a checkpoint system - so if you didn't like the results of your choice, you can go back and try it again! I might also beef up the story of Shark Chan a little more as well as add in some more graphical touches.

If there are any features you would like to see or suggestions to put forward, why not post them in the game's forums? I check those daily.

After that, I'll start looking at beginning the second sharky tale of Nurse Chan. Looking forward to that!

- Catfood
Aug 11, 2017
Shark Dating Simulator XL+ - Catfood McFly
Hello fin-fans. If you've been following the release date, you've probably noticed it's been all over the place.

The final twist in this tale of tragedy is that I thought I'd be able to release the game tonight in time for the weekend - but Valve knock off work at 5pm sharp, so I missed the deadline (games can't be released while there's nobody in the Valve office to approve them).

However, after a whole bunch of tedious technical issues, the game is ready for its initial release and it will be available on Monday. No more delays!

Apologies again for the waiting, but I hope your sharky nonsense experience turns out to be worth it. I'm not sanguine about that last bit, but fingers crossed eh?

I guess I can use the weekend to add a bit more polish.

Best wishes,

Aug 11, 2017
Shark Dating Simulator XL+ - Catfood McFly
Hello fin-fans. If you've been following the release date, you've probably noticed it's been all over the place.

The final twist in this tale of tragedy is that I thought I'd be able to release the game tonight in time for the weekend - but Valve knock off work at 5pm sharp, so I missed the deadline (games can't be released while there's nobody in the Valve office to approve them).

However, after a whole bunch of tedious technical issues, the game is ready for its initial release and it will be available on Monday. No more delays!

Apologies again for the waiting, but I hope your sharky nonsense experience turns out to be worth it. I'm not sanguine about that last bit, but fingers crossed eh?

I guess I can use the weekend to add a bit more polish.

Best wishes,
