Shallow Space - Mawhrin-Skel
Vote for us in the IndieDB Indie of the Year Awards 2016!

Hopefully you've all enjoyed the rapid pace of progress over the last couple of months as we mature the Shallow Space Open-world Overhaul.

Help us get into the Top 100 for the 3rd year running! You don't need an account, no requirement to log in at all, just a few clicks required to vote to help us secure a little bit of additional exposure.

As an added incentive to exercise that itchy click-finger, head over to the games IndieDB page to see more angles of the latest MFC fixed weapon attack Cruiser due to be added to the alpha imminently! Dubbed simply the 'MFC Marauder' we need to give it a more exciting name - any suggestions?

Head over to IndieDB to cast your vote!
Shallow Space - Mawhrin-Skel
Vote for us in the IndieDB Indie of the Year Awards 2016!

Hopefully you've all enjoyed the rapid pace of progress over the last couple of months as we mature the Shallow Space Open-world Overhaul.

Help us get into the Top 100 for the 3rd year running! You don't need an account, no requirement to log in at all, just a few clicks required to vote to help us secure a little bit of additional exposure.

As an added incentive to exercise that itchy click-finger, head over to the games IndieDB page to see more angles of the latest MFC fixed weapon attack Cruiser due to be added to the alpha imminently! Dubbed simply the 'MFC Marauder' we need to give it a more exciting name - any suggestions?

Head over to IndieDB to cast your vote!
Shallow Space - Mawhrin-Skel
Added height lines to the movement waypoints to better aid perspective (click image for fullscreen.)

Another BETA patch yielding additional work on unit veterancy and experience with the proceeds of a battle now distributed amongst the ships. Experience is dealt as a ratio, so if a single ship did 75% of the damage they'll receive 75% of the XP.

Interesting to note that with this system, experience is split between all ships that caused damage to the target, so swarming the enemy with a huge overpowering fleet will result in minimal XP rewards.

We've also removed the clutter of the attack lines and will shortly replace them with another style of visual confirmation. Otherwise, a couple more fixes and tweaks - another minor patch to come before we merge with the public build.

Some nice feedback on the Official Forums - keep it coming!

Update 5.3.2 Change log
  • Added experience given on ship destruction
  • Added experience notification message
  • Added height lines to movement lines

  • Fixed bug where negative status' aren't applied
  • Fixed crash retrieving tooltip for destroyed ship

  • Update reduced default sensitivity of controls
  • Update height lines now shown for all ships
  • Update attack lines flattened to grid
  • Update attack lines shown only on mouseover
Note this patch is currently in BETA, but you can access it if you own the game:
  1. Right click on the game in your Steam library
  2. Select 'Properties'
  3. Select 'BETAS' tab
  4. Select 'testing - Overhaul Beta' from the list
The BETA is only available on Windows and Linux.
Shallow Space - Mawhrin-Skel
Added height lines to the movement waypoints to better aid perspective (click image for fullscreen.)

Another BETA patch yielding additional work on unit veterancy and experience with the proceeds of a battle now distributed amongst the ships. Experience is dealt as a ratio, so if a single ship did 75% of the damage they'll receive 75% of the XP.

Interesting to note that with this system, experience is split between all ships that caused damage to the target, so swarming the enemy with a huge overpowering fleet will result in minimal XP rewards.

We've also removed the clutter of the attack lines and will shortly replace them with another style of visual confirmation. Otherwise, a couple more fixes and tweaks - another minor patch to come before we merge with the public build.

Some nice feedback on the Official Forums - keep it coming!

Update 5.3.2 Change log
  • Added experience given on ship destruction
  • Added experience notification message
  • Added height lines to movement lines

  • Fixed bug where negative status' aren't applied
  • Fixed crash retrieving tooltip for destroyed ship

  • Update reduced default sensitivity of controls
  • Update height lines now shown for all ships
  • Update attack lines flattened to grid
  • Update attack lines shown only on mouseover
Note this patch is currently in BETA, but you can access it if you own the game:
  1. Right click on the game in your Steam library
  2. Select 'Properties'
  3. Select 'BETAS' tab
  4. Select 'testing - Overhaul Beta' from the list
The BETA is only available on Windows and Linux.
Shallow Space - Mawhrin-Skel
In this BETA patch we see a continuation of the saving and loading mechanics introduced in 5.3, one handy item is the 'emergency save' feature which will automatically save your game if there is a crash.

Otherwise we continue the combat mechanics focus of Update 5 in general preparing to switch on unit veterancy and experience, and adding in idle shield recharge when not in combat.

In addition there are a bunch of fixes and tweaks as suggested by the community - keep them coming!

Update 5.3.1 Change Log
  • Added emergency save-game on crash
  • Added Officer/experience framework
  • Added ranks to sample ships
  • Added shield recharge when ship out of combat for 45 seconds
  • Added shield recharge rolling HUD text
  • Added ship tooltip to targetbox, and tactical and fleet icons
  • Added save message to notification panel

  • Fixed crash on ship UI animation
  • Fixed issue with fleet icons not appearing for sighted enemy
  • Fixed Space Object text no longer affected by time scaling
  • Fixed issues clearing down refinery dialog options
  • Fixed crash switching zones if mouseover Space Object
  • Fixed correct behavior on ESC press when save/load window shown

  • Updated Space Object tooltips
Note this patch is currently in BETA, but you can access it if you own the game:
  1. Right click on the game in your Steam library
  2. Select 'Properties'
  3. Select 'BETAS' tab
  4. Select 'testing - Overhaul Beta' from the list
BETA patches are only available on Windows and Linux.
Shallow Space - Mawhrin-Skel
In this BETA patch we see a continuation of the saving and loading mechanics introduced in 5.3, one handy item is the 'emergency save' feature which will automatically save your game if there is a crash.

Otherwise we continue the combat mechanics focus of Update 5 in general preparing to switch on unit veterancy and experience, and adding in idle shield recharge when not in combat.

In addition there are a bunch of fixes and tweaks as suggested by the community - keep them coming!

Update 5.3.1 Change Log
  • Added emergency save-game on crash
  • Added Officer/experience framework
  • Added ranks to sample ships
  • Added shield recharge when ship out of combat for 45 seconds
  • Added shield recharge rolling HUD text
  • Added ship tooltip to targetbox, and tactical and fleet icons
  • Added save message to notification panel

  • Fixed crash on ship UI animation
  • Fixed issue with fleet icons not appearing for sighted enemy
  • Fixed Space Object text no longer affected by time scaling
  • Fixed issues clearing down refinery dialog options
  • Fixed crash switching zones if mouseover Space Object
  • Fixed correct behavior on ESC press when save/load window shown

  • Updated Space Object tooltips
Note this patch is currently in BETA, but you can access it if you own the game:
  1. Right click on the game in your Steam library
  2. Select 'Properties'
  3. Select 'BETAS' tab
  4. Select 'testing - Overhaul Beta' from the list
BETA patches are only available on Windows and Linux.
Shallow Space - Mawhrin-Skel
As mentioned, a new beta branch has been opened up. The purpose of the BETA is to ensure that updates are more thoroughly testing before they hit the public domain, more information about this here.

To get to the BETA:
  1. Right click on the game in your Steam library
  2. Select 'Properties'
  3. Select 'BETAS' tab
  4. Select 'testing - Overhaul Beta' from the list
Note that the BETA is only available on Windows and Linux.

Saved games will be transferable but you'll need to fish them out of the 'SavedGames' folder in the main game folder in your Steam library (soon we'll enable Steams 'Cloud Save' which will hopefully do this for us.)

Update 5.3 Change Log

- Added save/load buttons to menu
- Added save game window (New, Replace, Delete)
- Added load game window (Load, Delete)
- Added most recent save selected ready to go
- Added F5 quick save game
- Fixed crash closing petty trade window after cancelled trade
- Fixed crash using ability if context target is destroyed
Shallow Space - Mawhrin-Skel
As mentioned, a new beta branch has been opened up. The purpose of the BETA is to ensure that updates are more thoroughly testing before they hit the public domain, more information about this here.

To get to the BETA:
  1. Right click on the game in your Steam library
  2. Select 'Properties'
  3. Select 'BETAS' tab
  4. Select 'testing - Overhaul Beta' from the list
Note that the BETA is only available on Windows and Linux.

Saved games will be transferable but you'll need to fish them out of the 'SavedGames' folder in the main game folder in your Steam library (soon we'll enable Steams 'Cloud Save' which will hopefully do this for us.)

Update 5.3 Change Log

- Added save/load buttons to menu
- Added save game window (New, Replace, Delete)
- Added load game window (Load, Delete)
- Added most recent save selected ready to go
- Added F5 quick save game
- Fixed crash closing petty trade window after cancelled trade
- Fixed crash using ability if context target is destroyed
Shallow Space - Mawhrin-Skel
It’s that time again folks, but this time, rather than the mindless utterances of a dedicated developer – we’re going to directly discuss some of the feedback that’s coming in.

Where's the damned tutorial?

We do have in-game help listing controls with a basic explanation of some of the games mechanics (top-centre left, question mark button,) but it’s becoming increasingly apparent that there needs to be some degree of ‘show me’ style instruction to the game.

It’s been suggested that a video tutorial would suffice but experience tells us that these are too quickly rendered obsolete, so the tutorial needs to be in-game.

The problem is, as more mechanics are introduced, the tutorial will have to be continually rewritten to accommodate them leading to a duplication of effort.

Looking at the feedback now coming in, we now accept that we will have to concede to the request of the Players for a tutorial and have plans to include a modular tutorial that will grow as the games mechanics grow. To start with, the basic module might encompass fleet manoeuvres and management later including an intermediate module of resource collecting and trade.

In any case, you have spoken and we are listening – the tutorial is now a top priority.

What's with the bugs?

I’d like to start off by saying that actually we have quite a slick bug reporting and resolving process here!

When the game crashes it tells you exactly what has happened and copies it to your clipboard. When we receive the crash report, either on the Steam forums or the Official game forums we are able to directly patch the issue and have a hotfix uploaded to all three platforms often within a day.

Let’s break down our rough 4 week development and release cycle:
  • Week 1: Major update; new features – new bugs introduced
  • Week 2 & 3: Incremental updates; Hotfixes and additional supporting features introduced – bugs get addressed
  • Week 4: Update freeze – game is relatively stable
This really works from an internal development point of view; the project moves quickly, features are introduced and tested and from the feedback the bugs are squashed. To some degree this is an ideal reality of ‘bleeding edge’ alpha software.

The problem is, people are paying money for this and content aside - people rightly expect the alpha to be playable and with this current system sometimes it’s only stable for 50% of a cycle which is simply not good enough (though it should be considered that we are adding stuff during that 50%!)

So what’s the problem? Well to a degree we are pushing forward at a pace that doesn’t really allow for sufficient testing to be completed before the updates are released. Often, only the new stuff that is coded is tested but the new stuff is breaking the old stuff. Problems of this type are known as regression issues which is the price of our rapid progress.

We can’t slow the project down, there is too much to do. But the issues are annoying some Players and getting us out of bed at 2am to fix them isn’t much fun.

So how can we have our cake and eat it?

Well we need to ‘airlock’ the newest updates in another BETA branch in Steam.

Similar to how we managed the Open-world Overhaul when it was being updated in parallel with the old alpha, we’ll continue the fast pace and put it out of the way but still accessible to anyone that comes looking with instructions on the update articles. Once we’re sure the new stuff isn’t causing any problems we’ll then make it live.

This way the game is stable 100% of the time and we get to keep the rapid rate of progress. Ideal.

We’ll be opening up the BETA of Update 5.3 early next week and will post some instructions on gaining access.

Why can't I save my game?

A number of you have expressed strong desires to be able to save and load.

The reason why so far this has been omitted is because really the sandbox was only a small cross-section of what is to come. So far we have been focused on injecting mechanics into the alpha. But with the mechanics already in-game and those due to be added shortly, we are now far enough along to consider this a priority.

Saving/Loading will be part of Update 5.3 which will be in BETA early next week.

We really appreciate the positivity and support of the comments in previous posts, there is simply nothing more motivating than that.

Once again let me take the opportunity to thank-you for your patience, the bug reports you’re sending in are massively helpful please keep them coming and brace yourselves because great things are inbound!

Shallow Space - Mawhrin-Skel
It’s that time again folks, but this time, rather than the mindless utterances of a dedicated developer – we’re going to directly discuss some of the feedback that’s coming in.

Where's the damned tutorial?

We do have in-game help listing controls with a basic explanation of some of the games mechanics (top-centre left, question mark button,) but it’s becoming increasingly apparent that there needs to be some degree of ‘show me’ style instruction to the game.

It’s been suggested that a video tutorial would suffice but experience tells us that these are too quickly rendered obsolete, so the tutorial needs to be in-game.

The problem is, as more mechanics are introduced, the tutorial will have to be continually rewritten to accommodate them leading to a duplication of effort.

Looking at the feedback now coming in, we now accept that we will have to concede to the request of the Players for a tutorial and have plans to include a modular tutorial that will grow as the games mechanics grow. To start with, the basic module might encompass fleet manoeuvres and management later including an intermediate module of resource collecting and trade.

In any case, you have spoken and we are listening – the tutorial is now a top priority.

What's with the bugs?

I’d like to start off by saying that actually we have quite a slick bug reporting and resolving process here!

When the game crashes it tells you exactly what has happened and copies it to your clipboard. When we receive the crash report, either on the Steam forums or the Official game forums we are able to directly patch the issue and have a hotfix uploaded to all three platforms often within a day.

Let’s break down our rough 4 week development and release cycle:
  • Week 1: Major update; new features – new bugs introduced
  • Week 2 & 3: Incremental updates; Hotfixes and additional supporting features introduced – bugs get addressed
  • Week 4: Update freeze – game is relatively stable
This really works from an internal development point of view; the project moves quickly, features are introduced and tested and from the feedback the bugs are squashed. To some degree this is an ideal reality of ‘bleeding edge’ alpha software.

The problem is, people are paying money for this and content aside - people rightly expect the alpha to be playable and with this current system sometimes it’s only stable for 50% of a cycle which is simply not good enough (though it should be considered that we are adding stuff during that 50%!)

So what’s the problem? Well to a degree we are pushing forward at a pace that doesn’t really allow for sufficient testing to be completed before the updates are released. Often, only the new stuff that is coded is tested but the new stuff is breaking the old stuff. Problems of this type are known as regression issues which is the price of our rapid progress.

We can’t slow the project down, there is too much to do. But the issues are annoying some Players and getting us out of bed at 2am to fix them isn’t much fun.

So how can we have our cake and eat it?

Well we need to ‘airlock’ the newest updates in another BETA branch in Steam.

Similar to how we managed the Open-world Overhaul when it was being updated in parallel with the old alpha, we’ll continue the fast pace and put it out of the way but still accessible to anyone that comes looking with instructions on the update articles. Once we’re sure the new stuff isn’t causing any problems we’ll then make it live.

This way the game is stable 100% of the time and we get to keep the rapid rate of progress. Ideal.

We’ll be opening up the BETA of Update 5.3 early next week and will post some instructions on gaining access.

Why can't I save my game?

A number of you have expressed strong desires to be able to save and load.

The reason why so far this has been omitted is because really the sandbox was only a small cross-section of what is to come. So far we have been focused on injecting mechanics into the alpha. But with the mechanics already in-game and those due to be added shortly, we are now far enough along to consider this a priority.

Saving/Loading will be part of Update 5.3 which will be in BETA early next week.

We really appreciate the positivity and support of the comments in previous posts, there is simply nothing more motivating than that.

Once again let me take the opportunity to thank-you for your patience, the bug reports you’re sending in are massively helpful please keep them coming and brace yourselves because great things are inbound!
