Company of Heroes - Legacy Edition - (Nathan Grayson)

Update: I got in touch with the Humble Bundle folks to find out more about how this out-of-nowhere partnership came about. See what they had to say after the break.

Original: I was incredibly tempted to begin this post with a joke about how the charity slider on this Humble Bundle is redundant, because THQ is already basically a charity. That would be mean, though, so I opted to– oops, I already did it. Hm. Shame backspace was never invented. Anyway, the latest bundle of densely packaged humility puts the spotlight on a decidedly non-indie THQ, but oh well. Indie’s a pretty terrible word when it’s used to write off great games because they weren’t coded by a half-person team in a garage-bedroom constantly beset by subarctic winds and ravenous wolverines. So, right then, let’s take a look inside.


Saints Row: The Third - (John Walker)

It's the phrase that's sweeping the nations.

As gamers, we do have a habit of accompanying our thrown bathwater with the baby, the taps, the bath itself, various bottles of shampoo, and all the shower fittings. And in the angered fuss about all manner of issues regarding our being “milked” by game releases, the phrase “DLC” seems to have become a dirty one. And that’s just plain silly. With rumours circulating that Ubisoft are planning a season pass for Assassin’s Creed III DLC, and even a new dedicated dev team to produce it, some are tending toward the negative. No, this is a >good thing.>


Saints Row: The Third - (John Walker)


Times are hard at THQ, despite their releasing a ton of good games of late. The publisher is strapped for cash, and it just keeps getting worse, most recently its shareholders launching a class action suit over the disaster of their U-Draw flop. Whether that’s a factor in today’s announcement, that Saints Row: The Third stand alone expansion ‘Enter The Dominatrix’ is now to be integrated into the fourth game, we’ve no idea. But that’s what’s happening, according to THQ boss, Jason Rubin.


Saints Row: The Third - (Jim Rossignol)

Hello, ladies.Open world comedy violence ‘em up, Saints Row The Third, is going to get a standalone expansion. A standalone expansion! Just like the old days. The expansion is called Enter The Dominatrix, and will apparently contain “freaking super powers”. It will tell the poignant story of an alien invasion of Earth. Only the Saints – now a global mega-corporation/slapstick paramilitary – stand between some weird alien dude, Zinyak, and conquest of the world. No other details at the moment, but all will apparently be revealed in the summer.

Saints Row: The Third - (Andrew Smee)

↓, ↘, →, punch

Saints Row The Third’s third DLC pack was just released, detailing the further exploits of the Third Street Saints, this time with the foul creations of unhinged Science. When will people learn? The Trouble With Clones is the latest in Volition’s short-form content packs for the silliest excuse to have fun there is, keeping with the scifi B-movie themeing following last month’s groovy Gangstas in Space. I’ve got some brief thoughts below about the way Volition are treating DLC, as well as the new Clones trailer. It features purple superpowers.

edit: As Maltose says in the comments, Saints Row 3 and all the DLC is currently 50% off on GamersGate.>


Saints Row: The Third - (Lewie Procter)

The third Saint’s row game was a tonne of fun, crammed with all sorts of over the top features and missions, but what of all the things that didn’t make it into the game? Lead designer Scott Phillips in his GDC post-mortem shared some of the elements of the game that got cut, including 6 months work on a game where you played an undercover cop, infiltrating the Third Street Saints, which got entirely canned. (more…)

Saints Row: The Third - (Jim Rossignol)

The RPS office, yesterday.Gosh, did we really miss this? New missions and stuff for the superbly horrible Saints Row The Third were freaking the site from orbit on the 21st. The new Gangstas In Space DLC apparently features “a big budget Hollywood blockbuster in which you must battle sexy alien invaders using new sci-fi weaponry”. Sexy alien invanders, eh? Hm. You can see that stuff happening in a new trailer, below, and the thing itself is on the Steams. (more…)

Saints Row: The Third - (John Walker)

Strap it on. Do you see? Like a sex toy. They mean a sex toy.

A mistake Saints Row: The Third didn’t make, but always seemed horribly likely to, was promise more than it could deliver. Those trailers, those terrifying spoof gameshows, the hype of such a scale of silliness and violence, was all delivered. Which is one of the many reasons why it was one of 2011′s best games. But how do you follow it up? With a weird cat-thing and his twisted competitive event, Genkibowl VII.


Team Fortress 2 - (Richard Cobbett)

You know, we remember playing Saints Row 3. It could have been such a good game if it hadn't been so straight-laced all the time...

Celebrated crazy-em-up Saints Row: The Third is handing out a freebie to all Steam players tomorrow, and going a teeny-tiny bit further than most. You know how Team Fortress 2 likes to gives you hats from other games? Saints Row 3 gives you the TF2 gang’s entire heads>, to wear and do with as you will. Fight, dance, love, laugh. The first and the last ones at least.

But you know what else can you expect from this TF2 intrusion?


Saints Row: The Third - (John Walker)

The saddest of the pandas.

Next Tuesday will see the release of the first DLC for last year’s fantastic Saints Row: The Third, Genki Bowl VII. What is it? According to the details we’ve received, it’s some sort of in-game event that will feature a number of games. And they are… Sexy Kitten Yarngasm, Sad Panda Skyblazing, Angry Tiger’s Apocalypse Genki, and Super Ethical PR Opportunity. Yes indeed. There’s a teaser trailer and some screenshots below.

