SCUM - Beda
Yeap, another patch! We got some things ready for you all so let's get to it! But first, as per usual, here is the new update video.

We know you like traps, so why not bring more traps? Yeah, we got traps for days!

Introducing 3 new non-lethal alarm trap systems:

  • Flare alarm trap
  • Firework alarm trap
  • Silent alarm trap

So how do they work?
Well, simple. You place one down and when a pesky intruder tries to cross into your property it notifies you to get ready.

Flare alarm trap and firework alarm trap work the same. They are activated and the projectile gets shot in the air. Imagine the panic on the poor guy's face!

But what if you don't want your enemy to know you know they are there? Well, first off Sun Tzu would be proud, secondly we have a solution for that. Presenting the new Silent alarm trap.

How does it work?

First off you will need a brand new item: the cellphone.

When the pesky trespasser crosses into your territory and sets the trap off, you will receive a notification.

You can also set name of each trap so you can know exactly which trap was set off.

Ever wanted to lock pick, maybe try out some bomb defusal without blowing your body parts away?

Good news! Now you can do that. We created 2 new items for you:
  • Practice bomb
  • Lockpicking board

You can craft these with no skill, and have at it!

After all practice makes perfect, so practice away.

Ever wake up on the island, maybe had a rough night sleep and feel a bit drained?
Like you are missing something, some sort of a ritual, that little pick me up to give you a kick to start off your day?
Something like... hmmm coffee!

Know those coffee machines around the island? Well now they actually work. Loot a couple and you might just find yourself a nice, maybe not so fresh, cup of coffee!

Not only will it bring you comfort but it will also give you just a bit of an energy boost.

We got some new admin commands for all of you private server owners, including one of the more requested features!

Introducing #showotherplayerinfo and #showotherplayerlocations!

What do they do?

#showotherplayerinfo true/false

This will show all online players and their names on the map. Not only that, but you can also simply just click on their little dot and it will teleport you straight to them. Neat!

#showotherplayerlocations true/false

This has more or less the same function but will only show the dots without player names.

We have also made some addition to the #spawnitem command. You can now set the number of usages and health of the item when you spawn it. For an example, the commands now look like this:
  • #spawnitem Watermelon 1 Uses 50% Health 20%
  • #spawnitem Watermelon 1 Uses 3 Health 20%
As you can see, you can use either percentage or the actual numeral to set the value of the item you want.

And last but not least we have added a new parameters regarding gas consumption in the server config files:

  • Multiplier applied to the initial amount of gas in a gas station. 1.0 is default parameter(25 liters).
  • Multiplier applied to the maximum amount of gas in a gas station. 1.0 is default(150 liters).
  • Multiplier applied to how long it takes for gas stations to be replenished. 1.0 is default(every 2 minutes)
  • Multiplier applied to an amount of gas in a gas station that is replenished every replenish interval. 1.0 is default(1 liter).

  • Fixed the bug where you couldn't use the Kitchen knife to destroy chests.
  • Fixed the bug when crafting cantonese sweet and sour, optional ingredients would not be used.
  • Fixed the car pushing physics.
  • Fixed the bug where it was possible to build foundations on top of cabins
  • Fixed the bug where stake pit traps were indestructible
  • Fixed the bug where cargo drops would not spawn in Single Player
  • Fixed the bug where carrying wooden logs would sometime make you a human cobra
  • Fixed the exploit where it was possible to search another player through walls
  • Fixed the bug where items would vanish if picked up too quickly
  • Fixed the bug where squad limit would be set to 0 till Squad leader came online
  • Fixed the bug where mine kills wont give you the "Claim Kill" option
  • Fixed the bug where achievements would not get updated
  • Fixed the bug where lighting fireworks would not use fire source usage
  • Fixed the bug where boombox would clip through floor when thrown

  • Added tutorial intro to the bomb defusal minigame
  • Adjusted lights on defusal minigame
  • Vehicle battery drain when starting engine, using horn, lights or radio is reduced by 50%
  • Sped up game time by 10%, allowing more diverse time of day during playtrough.
  • More optimizations

That is all for now, enjoy the update and we will see you all next time!

SCUM - Sippy
PATCH TIME! New features, new notes and a new video!

We are happy to announce that from today you are able to get your SCUM private servers from Nitrado! On our way to make SCUM available to everybody, the first step is to introduce more server providers and options to our players!

Removed on-screen info about the player you've just killed.

Now you need to approach the corpse and select claim kill that will reward you extra fame points and drop the player's BCU with their name on it.

Doesn't work for emotional pain

  • Painkillers now temporarily remove the limping effect.

  • Pills need some time to take effect.

  • Initial duration of the effect is determined by constitution attribute (1 minute x CON). Additional pills add a fixed amount of time (1 minute).

  • Repeated abuse of painkillers has a chance of causing forced defecation (20% chance per pill consumed above the limit set by CON attribute).

  • Clothes decay faster depending on if they're wet, on the stance you move in, your pace, your weight, the weight of the contained inventory items etc.

  • Clothes that reach 0% durability will now remain on the player instead of being dropped on the floor. However, they can't be repaired and they will get destroyed eventually when being dropped on the floor. Please leave us feedback regarding this feature so we can balance it correctly

  • Fixed the issue where high fire rate attack sound was being played after sentry switched to melee attack mode.

  • Sentries will now instantly fire on prisoners detected near critical locations.

  • Sentries no longer fire beyond the range of their line of sight.

  • Sentry positions are now saved in SP

  • Craft button will now execute upon releasing the LMB instead upon pressing it. Pressing the craft button will no longer randomly make the player throw a punch.

  • Items which reach below 20% of their health will now only be repairable to 50% of their full health

  • Implemented auto maintain for all items in flag area once a prisoner enters the area

  • You can now see if a door is locked from drone mode when hovering

  • Options menu text should be more visible on bright surfaces now

  • Updated interior visuals on SUV and Pickup vehicles.

  • Puppets can now climb over vehicles.

  • Ignited flare now attracts AI

  • Reduced urinated sodium

  • Fixed base building elements damage causing phase 0 injury (You couldn't recover from the phase 0 injury)

  • Fixed the bug where additional sounds would play when opening a chest (fixing being audible in drone mode)

  • Fixed the bug where arrows picked up from puppets would disappear from the inventory

  • Fixed the bug when you were close to water surface your picture would be distorted

  • Fixed the bug where prisoner would be snapped back at various map locations

  • Bird spawner no longer crashes the server if the player is out of island bounds.

  • Fixed wooden and metal palisade sometimes not damaging the player

  • Fixed the bug when moving items into a chest from the driver's seat

  • Fixed the bug where shadows wouldn't be drawn correctly

  • Admin drones can now see the owner of certain game objects, such as chests, doors, vehicles, and

  • Admins can now visualize player aiming direction using the #VisualizePlayerAiming command

  • Added time of day and killer immortality flag to kill log

  • Kills are now logged in JSON format for easier parsing

  • Updated kill log with more information
SCUM - Sippy
Hey guys, just a small hotfix to fix the missing localization and few other things!

  • Fixed missing localization

  • Fixed a bug where items could disappear when transferring them from chests to inventory in certain cases

  • Fixed traps sometimes getting triggered by cars when they shouldn't be

  • Fixed sentries idleing in A4 harbour.

  • Fixed the bug where knifes would be dropped to the floor, instead put back in boots inventory

  • Fixed sentry multiplying glitch

  • Fixed large log shed log meshes sometimes not matching the number of stored logs

  • Fixed being able to overlap improvised beds when placing

  • Possible fix for LOD material switch on some base building elements

  • The #setweather command should work much better now
SCUM - Sippy
New week, new patch, new video!

Before we go into the notes, we highly recommend that you check for the latest graphic drivers and verify your game files on steam after downloading the patch!

After a long battle, we finally converted SCUM to a new version of the engine. It was a long and difficult process as we skipped 4 engine versions at once.

For this reason, various problems can appear, but with your help, we will fix them. So please report any problems and issues as soon as you encounter them. The version has been extensively intensively tested, but bugs are possible because it is difficult to cover all the different hardware that players use.

The reason for the transition is due to the possibilities that the new engine brings us, as well as better performance of clients and servers that will grow from version to version.

Already with the first version, we achieved less CPU load on the client and server, as well as better GPU performance on the client.

The transition allows us to explore DirectX 12 support in the future because 4.24 has a stable DX12 implementation.

Many players felt that the squad respawn system we had was unfair, so we added a new revive system to replace it.

  • When a prisoner takes a large amount of damage in one hit or their health drops to zero they will now fall into a coma

  • While in a coma the familiar spawn screen will appear where they can choose to respawn if they wish, but as long as they are still alive they will now have an additional timer on screen

  • This timer depends on the prisoner's constitution and determines how long the coma will last

  • If the prisoner has no health once the timer expires, they will be dead and will have to respawn using the respawn menu, but if they still have some health left they will get a new button that allows them to wake up from the coma.

  • While a prisoner is in coma, other prisoners can check their pulse, search their inventory, patch them with bandages, and attempt to revive them

  • If the revive attempt is successful, the coma timer is skipped and the comatose prisoner gets to wake up

  • In any situation when you get out of the coma, your health will be at 10%

Vehicles now have visual damage on them as their health starts to drop!

Some more fixes and updates for sentries
  • Sentries will now properly forget a player after they've been out of sight for a certain period of time

  • Simplified the surrendering process after the initial sentry detection, now it resets properly after you obey his command

  • Sentry will now leave the alerted state and enter relaxed (patrolling) state after all players have been forgotten and minimum state time expires

  • Sentries now have a very brief pause before they start shooting

  • Fixed sentries rotation occasionally snapping to players position before starting the high fire rate attack

  • Sentries now properly face the noise location

  • Sentries now step on zombies instead of walking around them

  • Sentries high fire rate attack will no longer play its sound effect while not shooting

  • Sentries now properly rotate/turn in place

Some improvements some new shocking additions

Lock Protection
  • This new item is the first iteration of lock security, more of them of various qualities will be added later.

  • When someone tries to lockpick your door, and it has the lock protection on, each fail the person will be shocked and he will take 1.5% damage

  • You just drag and drop the lock protection on the door like locks, the order of lock protection and locks on the door doesn't matter

  • Lock protection will be destroyed if all locks are successfuly lockpicked

  • Lock protection can be only crafted with basic engineering skill and above

  • If there are more lock protections on 1 door, the damage will add up

QoL and balancing
  • Canceling the lockpicking minigame will now be instant

  • Lockpicking minigame can now be canceled even when lockpicking

  • Reverted lockpicking to the F key

  • Reduced the angles at which locks start turning while picking them

  • All locks have now a window of 2.75 seconds to lockpick them, and up to a bonus of 1.5 seconds on advanced thievery skill. (Less bonus time on lower skill levels)

  • Lockpick durability in the mini game now depends on the type of lock, type of the lockpick and skill. Improvised lockpick will break sooner while pressing the F key than a factory made lockpick

We adjusted some things regarding spike traps
  • Burying spike traps now looks better

  • You can't destroy spike traps if they are buried anymore

  • Placing spike traps on wall platforms is now easier

  • Fixed spike traps getting unburied after server restart

  • Adjusted bury mound on barbed spike traps

We added official servers with higher loot

The loot on them is x3
  • SCUM High Loot Server #1 US East

  • SCUM High Loot Server #1 Europe

  • Patching and unpacking the game after an update should be faster now

  • Improved streaming and loading bigger locations, that should result in less hitches

  • Flashlights should flicker less now when being looked at in proximity, overall blinding and intensity effects have been toned down

  • Flare projectile now illuminates better and lasts longer

  • Weapons in events now have attachments on them

  • Increased the amount of sodium urinated by 5 times

  • Base build element decay will start slower when repaired to full health

  • Repair base elements action can now be done when the elements drop to 99%, before you could repair them when it was above 99% (99.89% etc..)

  • Fixed the bug where locks weren't properly lit in the lockpicking minigame

  • Fixed log sheds being buriable

  • Fixed the bug where FPS would drop if someone would bleed beside you

  • Fixed not being able to put non empty backpacks in storage shelfs and improvised wardrobes

Today we have a special shoutout to the SCUM Italia private server. They made a pretty amazing tool for server owners to take their SCUM experience to the next level the SCUM Admin Helper.

Scum admin Helper is a tool that aims to provide a better game-experience between admin and their players.
SAH offers several features that make it flexible under several aspects:

  • Map always up-to-date (available in three colours)

  • Teleport (player towards player or simply by pointing at the map)

  • Multi-Teleport (teleport simultaneously an unlimited amount of players)

  • Point Of Interests (in map there are over 100 POI that can be used to teleport in some specific
    locations such police stations, inside bunkers or military bases and cities)

  • Set Fame Points system (adding or removing points)

  • Customizable Currency Converter (you can set the ratio and calculate the conversion[fame points]:[currency])

  • Conversion between fame points and currency and vice versa

  • Management and creation of player lists (in game name and steamID [optional])

  • Import of player names from loging logs of G-Portal

  • User Interface always at a click (can be minimized to a float icon)

  • Multilingual (at the moment only English and Italian)

  • List of over 1300 items with pictures and link to related items

  • Spawning Items system, easy and fast without amount limits

  • Fast search of the items and filtering by category or alphabetically

  • Automatic updates (contents always up to date to the game version)

You can download here:

And if you are interested check out SCUM Italia server here:

Disclaimer: The Gamepires team is not connected to the development of this tool

SCUM - Sippy
Hello everyone, and welcome to our latest patch! Here is a new video updated of some neat new features!

This is a big one, hope you are all ready for this! Lets dive in.

The key things in this vehicle update are that we added fuel and battery mechanics. There won't be any more infinite driving around the island. Here is how those features will work:

  • Cars now spawn with 30-50% health 0-30% fuel and 0-30% battery life

  • All cars that are on the island (cars in bases or cars that were already spawned somewhere on the island) before the patch, will have 10-30% fuel and battery life and the same health as before

  • Fuel is consumed while starting the car if the car is turned on and idle, and while driving.

  • If your car has no fuel, you won't be able to start it at all.

  • There are 2 new interactions Fill Fuel and Drain Fuel

  • You can fill fuel in your car in 2 ways, either go to a gas station or you have a gasoline canister

  • Drain fuel is used to remove gasoline from a car into a gasoline canister. You have to have the canister in hands, close vicinity or inventory

  • The car battery is drained by turning the car on, having lights turned on, radio and honking

  • If your battery is below 20% capacity turning the car on will take longer, the current time needed to turn on the car can get up to 8 seconds depending on how depleted your battery is and your driving skill

  • If your battery is empty there are 2 ways you can start your car.
    • 1. If your car is on a downhill slope, the acceleration key (W) will simulate the clutch. So when the car starts going downhill hold the W key until it turns on, pressing the break or releasing the W key will turn the car off again.

    • 2. If you are not on a downhill slope, you need to hold the acceleration key while another player needs to do the Push Start action on the car, this will push start the car.
  • We added a new interaction Charge Battery if your battery levels are drained

  • If your car battery is empty you need to have another car battery with at least 1 use in it to be able to charge the car battery

  • If your battery gets drained to 0% while driving lights, horn and the radio will stop working. Same applies if the battery gets drained while trying to start the car.

  • The battery will slowly empty itself during 7 days

  • The battery recharges while driving

Gas Station
  • Each gas station has a certain amount of fuel that is represented with small lights

  • The fuel at gas stations refills in time intervals

  • Gas stations have a certain amount of gas pumps that can be used to refill cars or gasoline canisters

  • Fill Fuel, Drain Fuel and Charge Battery action completion time depend on your engineering skill. Each completed action gives engineering skill experience

  • Car decay now resets after a successful engine start, so if you don't have fuel or battery charges to start the car it will keep decaying, this way we hope we will counter car hoarding

They are just doing their job
  • Sentries now display their major states with headlight color - relaxed/patrolling as white, alerted as orange and combat as red

  • Sentries no longer instantly detect the player

  • Players now have a chance to leave the guarded zone by complying to sentries instructions after the initial spotting

  • Sentries will now destroy a vehicle blocking their movement path

Few more ninja tricks up our sleeves
  • After a puppet detects you you have more time to hide before it starts chasing you

  • Foliage is now 100% cover regardless of the clothes you have on (works only for the AI)

  • If a puppet comes to a distance of 2m or less when you are hidden, it will detect you regardless and attack you

  • The time frame of a puppet noticing you depends now on few things: the distance between you and the puppet, clothing you have on yourself, time of day and weather conditions

  • The eye that represented your visibility now is an indicator that shows when it fills up means that puppets and sentries spotted you

Never enough FoV sliders

Some improvements, some swag...

  • The boombox is pretty much the same as a radio, just with more swag

  • New music for the radio

  • New sentry voice lines

  • Fireworks attracts sentries and puppets

We added new storage elements to base building

  • You have 2 new log storage buildings, small and big shed.

  • You can store big logs, small logs, planks and sticks into them

  • 2 new storage elements for your items to reduce the need for hoarding chests

  • The wardrobe has the horizontal size as a metal chest and the vertical size as 3 metal chests

  • The storage shelf has the horizontal size as a metal chest and the vertical size as 6 metal chests

We added some QoL to the minigame so its easier to use

  • The minigame will have an intro with instructions now

  • Space key starts the minigame

  • Left click is used for lock picking instead of the F key

  • ESC is used to exit the minigame while the info screen is active

  • After an unsuccessful lockpick try you will be returned to the info screen

  • Lock picking option will no longer be present when you have 0 fame points

  • Admin drone will be able to look inside chests and see its content

  • We did work on our streaming. So now you should encounter fewer hitches and fps drops while going into populated areas

  • Also foliage optimizations that should result in smoother gameplay in nature biomes

  • Damaged inventory cells will now start appearing at lower durability levels, depending on the item type

  • Added more usage to watermelon so it doesn't instantly fill up your stomach volume

  • Empty bag can now be crafted with rag stripes as well

  • Cooker bomb can now be crafted with basic demolition skill

  • Pipe bomb recipe adjusted, removed wire from it and added 3 rubber bands and 1 use of matches

  • Buried traps are now less visible and blend better with terrain

  • Chests now have 25% more inventory space vertical

  • All bows should now be fixable with a toolbox

  • Fixed bug where you could trigger your own traps with a vehicle

  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to stack items over the stack limit in some cases

  • Fixed stake pit traps not being defusable

  • Fixed a bug where the vicinity panel would be stretched over the entire screen after accessing a car or chest inventory

  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to add items to clothes over their weight limit

  • Fixed base element owner names sometimes not visible in drone mode

  • Fixed traps sometimes getting triggered by squadmates

  • Fixed barbed spike traps despawning too soon

  • Fixed water levels in some food items

  • Fixed a PvP crash connected to smoke and dead bodies

  • Fixed bug with M1 reload playing insert clip when there is one bullet in weapon and only ammo in inventory

Another round of private server shoutouts! Here are some that we found interesting!

IMPORTANT: In this day and age where everyone can be mad about anything, please refrain from bad mouthing mentioned servers or people who play on them. Also this is not the last private server showcase, if your favorite is not here it will be at one point.

Also there is no particular order besides alphabetical order, so let's see what the server owners had to say about their servers.


Discord Link

Take the red pill and enjoy in the best server of Brazil
The Server Matrix and our admins invite you to unite in an incredible community of players who search for a nice PVP / PVE in a Survival Game.
Matrix server was created in 6th December of 2019. We are the biggest community in Brazil with 1500 subscribers.

-Bot system with shop, coins, warzone, Weekly Kill Ranking with coins reward for 1st,2nd and 3rd place.

-Weekly wipe of cars to give a chance to new players find a car more easily.

-We protect our players from proved cheaters recorded in video and proof. We do not admit non-proof accusation. Drone admins monitor players to avoid buggers and cheaters.

-We help new players in discord and ingame with tips.

-THE MATRIX Community on Discord to keep players together and informed.

-No-admin abuser channel in Discord showing all admin used commands.

Penitentiary Island

Discord Link

Join penitentiaryisland which is community Orientated -No bs. Active UK/US admins and plenty of help for new players. We are 3 weeks old and growing. Admins actually communicate daily with players, in chat and voice.
We have an A1 A2 PVE sectors with a Jail System. (Effective moderating) We also do giveaways in Discord. We offer a car insurance option, which guarantees a car whenever(Join Discord for details). We are also open for ideas within the community.

Scum Paradise

Discord Link

Scum Paradise The Ultimate High Loot Server. Well, where do I start, the server was set up as a safe place for players to play where the admins don't play with admin accounts. We are a growing community and I would like to thank paradise players for being cool and the admin`s for helping keep Scum Paradise a safe place to play... oh yeah I almost forgot the advertisement. We are a UK server, with PVP & PVE zones. Whatever your play style, we welcome it... (stay cool like LJ)


Discord Link

SCUM TV" is one of the first big German roleplay projects, we pioneers of a new era.
We love SCUM and we are proud to contribute our part to further advance SCUM. The game itself is designed for PVP, but also PVE and roleplay find their place. We love PVP and PVE, but we love roleplay even more.

SCUM itself offers a wonderful potential to live out roleplay based on the Game-Lore.
At that time, SCUM TV was founded after leaving server due to creative differences.

Over the course of time, other RP projects servers have evolved from time, Scum-Tv and took their own paths in the world of roleplay (with different main focuses), this allowed the German roleplay community grow larger. We see ourselves in the Hardcore-RP area, but we do our best to make it easier for beginners to get acquainted with roleplay, we help wherever we can and offer our experience and knowledge.

We pay attention to solid and valid roleplay, fun, but also profound roleplay is welcomed. SCUM simply offers a new form of RolePlay using new settings. What GTA offers through mods, SCUM already does through EA automatically.

All the available lore contained, SCUM opens up so many avenues for roleplay, because it leads to neo apocalyptic end world like in DAY-Z, but it is a game show and this fact makes it so extremely interesting for roleplay.

Apr 18, 2020
SCUM - D1nosaur
Hello beautiful SCUMmunity!

D1nosaur and Kristian aka GamerBeast are back again to host the fourth episode with our new set of guests, featuring a few of our moderators:




And the podcast you can watch on our official Twitch channel: Podcast starts in 30 minutes!

Be sure to pop by and ask some questions in chat, other developers will be there to answer some of your questions since we will be focused on the podcast, till next time!

D1no out.
SCUM - Sippy
Hey guys, due to your recent feedback we did some changes on the patches and some more fixes!

Also join us this Saturday on a brand new SCUMcast episode, this week you will be able to talk to our steam, discord and reddit moderators!

Colour of patches has been reworked to be less colourful, also dirt is now more realistic

  • Reworked size and icons for big and small logs to better fit in containers

    This is inside a car inventory

  • Basic grinding stone can now be crafted

  • Added sounds and increased duration to 10 seconds for trap kill notifications

  • Night vision binding is now on N

  • Fix the bug where players would lose ownership of their flag

  • Fixed an item duplication bug

  • Fixed the bug that caused a crash when reloading M1 with an empty clip and one bullet

  • Fixed kill notifications not getting deleted after login (mine and trap kills)

  • Fixed an exploit through witch servers could be DDoS attacked (Don't make witch servers pls <3(yea it was a typo, but we own it))

So puppet spawning was a bit whacky to set up on private servers, we found the issue and resolved it. Now when you go set up puppet spawners you will have new parameters you can play with.

// Modifier that is applied to the number of exterior puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number

// Modifier that is applied to the number of interior puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number

// Modifier that is applied to the number of wild puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number

// Time that must pass to allow exterior puppets to spawn

// Time that must pass to allow interior puppets to spawn

// Time that must pass to allow wild puppets to spawn

// Determines the probability to spawn exterior puppet

// Determines the probability to spawn interior puppet

// Time that must pass after spawning to allow another spawning of exterior puppets in particular spawn location

// Time that must pass after spawning to allow another spawning of interior puppets in particular spawn location
Apr 10, 2020
SCUM - Sippy
Hey guys, we are aware of the current issue with flags some players are encountering, we are looking into it. So what's the issue?
  • Some people with old flags lost ownership over those flags.
We are looking into it as we speak, but for now, people who have that problem:
  • Remake the flag in your base, that should fix the problem
If you encounter any other issues with flags or anything else, let us know on our steam forum!
SCUM - Sippy
Hello guys! We are here with a new patch and new features, and guess what.

PATCHES ARE COOL AGAIN! Not updated patches, but those edgy things you put on your clothes to show that girl in high school that you also listen to her favourite band so she might talk to you? neither....f you Tina.

Jokes and bad memories aside, we really hope you will like our new patching feature as the art department did some amazing work with them. Also a big shoutout to all the grandmas who sent their patterns in!

Here is a rundown video of some of the features coming this week!

We improved our item decay system
  • From now the damage your clothing takes will be visually represented on clothing with tears and holes

  • As you patch up items, they will never look pitch new anymore but will have neat little patches on them

  • If the item continues to take damage at one point you won't be able to repair it anymore and it will be destroyed

  • Improved new clothing shader

We did some changes how taking an enemy flag works!
  • You are no longer able to destroy enemy flags but instead you need to overtake it.

  • You can still destroy a flag if you are the owner

  • If no one stops the overtake in 24 hours, the flag and the associated base will be yours.

  • The overtake can be stopped by anyone, including you, and doesn't require any additional items or skill.

  • If you were offline at the time, you will get the notifications when you log in.

You can now craft all locks and lock more things!
  • Medium and Advanced locks can be crafted now!

  • For medium you need 3 padlocks and for advanced you need 5

  • For medium lock you need medium engineering skill for advanced lock you need advanced engineering skill

  • You can remove locks from owned / friendly chests. Doing so will add the item to your inventory or drop it in vicinity

Now you can lock your chest and car as well!
  • As you see there is a small lock icon in the upper left part of the vicinity window

  • You can put 1 lock on chests and cars

  • You can just drag and drop locks on the vicinity window and its locked

  • Once locked only you and your squadmates have access to them

  • Added new sounds to urban ambience soundscapes

  • Added sound on grinding stone repair actions

  • Puppets no longer focus on bullet impacts rather then on shooter

  • Flare gun projectile now acts as decoy for puppets and sentries, when flare gun projectile hits the surface it will attract AI

  • Radios in vehicles will be muffled if camera is not inside vehicle cabin

  • We did level optimizations that should decrease the stutters and FPS drops in urban and rural areas

  • Increased item spawn chance at military locations by 10%

  • Increased inventory size of civil clothing

  • Clothes are now washable in oceans

  • We have also added notifications when you kill someone with traps

  • Crafting metal arrow tips now needs 6 usages of toolbox instead of 10

  • Advanced and medium base wall elements (only walls) now need more components to craft

  • Weapon magazines are now repairable with weapon repair kit

  • Fixed some cases where item decay wouldn't work as expected

  • Fixed some cases where items wouldn't appear visually in inventory

  • Fixed the bug with hair rendering issues

  • Fixed a bug where crafting with stacks of items would cause them to flicker in the crafting panel and make the Craft button unresponsive

  • Vehicle inventory will not be damaged by grenades any more

  • Fixed wall blueprints sometimes having holes after returning to them
Apr 4, 2020
SCUM - D1nosaur
Hello beautiful SCUMmunity!

D1nosaur and Kristian aka GamerBeast are back again to host the third episode with our new set of guests, featuring:

And the podcast you can watch on our official Twitch channel: Podcast starts in 30 minutes!

Be sure to pop by and ask some questions in chat, other developers will be there to answer some of your questions since we will be focused on the podcast, till next time!

D1no out.