Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel
Things are heating up in the world of the Official Scenarios with vicious droughts, magical lamps and deadly outbreaks, can you prevail in these disastrous times?

The Airlift

Insurgents have cut off access to Mountain Pass! With no way to break through, aircraft around the world have been mobilised to fly in everything the Operation needs.

Await Airdrops, choose supplies carefully and defeat the blockade.

Orbital Uplink

The Satellite Commander, a woman of the future, dislikes traditional intelligence gathering, preferring to use a powerful (and expensive) network of spy satellites that provide permanent intel on scanned zones.

Gather intel zone-by-zone and upgrade the satellites to get the ultimate view of a region.

The Great Droughts

Extreme weather is causing the rivers to regularly dry up in Pistachio Forest.

During droughts, dry river beds can be crossed by Insurgents and Operation forces without restriction. The heat is on...

The Genie's Curse

Some say the desert harbours ancient and powerful relics, granting wishes at a terrible cost... Hunt for the magic lamps before they can be used by the Insurgency.

Can you become all-powerful? Or will you be cursed for eternity?

Before the Storm

Scientists are concerned about reports of seismic activity on a fault line which leads to a volcano. Geological survey teams have been dispatched to ascertain what's happening.

Gather geological data with science teams while fending off the Insurgents to discover what's coming..."

These 5 scenarios will be included in the Dollars & Disasters expansion, coming very soon!

Free Scenario!

But that's not all! As thanks for your support, we're also releasing a FREE scenario for all Rebel Inc: Escalation players.

Introducing a very familiar disaster...

The Plague

There has been a deadly outbreak of PAX-12 which is complicating efforts to secure the region.

Deploy medical Field Operatives to quarantine zones and bring the virus under control.

Beta for Dollars & Disasters

We're excited to get in your hands and the wait is almost over. But if you can't wait, be sure to join our Discord, where we'll be expanding our closed beta soon!

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest news.

The Ndemic Creations

Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel
As discussed, here are a few of the many new candidates who will be joining the Operation shortly. Please remember each of the 'Special Advisors' will require remuneration ahead of field deployment.

Kind Regards,

War Hero
"Coalition Soldiers gain additional deployment time after winning battles"

Experience & Expertise
  • 30 years of military service
  • Inspiration to the troops
There's nobody quite like the War Hero, 15 medals, a knighthood, veteran of five wars and twenty-two conflict zones.

Now retired from active duty, he spends his time inspiring Coalition Soldiers with his tales of heroism. He's been in more difficult situations than anyone, and he's always survived.

The very presence of the War Hero ensures that Coalition Soldiers will gladly extend their tours, only too happy to continue to serve.

Remote Specialist
"Start with a remote specialist attachment"

Experience & Expertise:
  • Remote Communities
  • Mountain Guide
Living in the remote mountains of Pistachio Forest, the Remote Specialist knows a thing or two about difficult terrain and isolated communities.

Making his living guiding foreign companies and tourists through the mountains and thick forests, he's now available to join military units and provide essential combat intel to boost Soldiers' effectiveness in remote zones.

Local Liaison
"Concerns grow at a reduced rate."

Experience and Expertise:
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Community Focus
The Local Liaison is a true pillar of the community. Utterly trustworthy, he cuts through jargon and misinformation.

His goal is to minimise misunderstandings between communities and the Operation. He brings the news of the Operation's work and it will appease people… for a while.

Friendly Robot
"Manually control drones."

Experience and Expertise:
  • Surveillance Drone Interfacing
  • Customer Service
Designed by Decker Hamilton to be the ultimate Mall greeter, this $4 Billion Dollar prototype was a failure until the war of 2002 when it was accidentally discovered it could easily interface with drone technology to directly control their movements.
Now installed in Drone Command, the robot relays instructions to drones around the country, always responding with a smile and a "Is there anything else I can help you with today?".

Intelligence Officer
"Soldiers scout intel in neighbouring zones."

Experience and Expertise:
  • Intelligence Gathering
  • 25 years as █████████ at ███
  • Section Chief of ████ involved in ██████████████████ - █████████ incident

As an international operative, the Intelligence Officer has seen █████ and knows how to find out what █████████ hasn't.

Coordinating with █████████ on the ground, █████████ will improve their intel gathering abilities on neighbouring zones.

"Start with an extra Garrison."

Experience and Expertise
  • Military defence
  • Requisition
Keeping everything shipshape and Bristol fashion, the Quartermaster's goal is order and preparedness.

Recruiting them will ensure an organised forward base at the start of your Operation, providing a strong foothold in the region.

Remaining Candidates

This is only a few of the new candidates, If you'd like to see all of them, please wishlist the Dollars & Disasters expansion pack coming soon for Rebel Inc: Escalation.
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel

[Surge Magazine, Issue 542, Page 35]
The Billionaire, a ubiquitous titan of industry, has truly earned the name we all know him by: The Billionaire. Not just a billionaire, The Billionaire.

From his success with pharmaceutical corporation PfiGlax, to rescuing the DrillZero corporation from ruin, there is no shortage of businesses or organisations that have benefited from his midas touch.

Many wondered where he might go next, and to great surprise, in a characteristically flashy press conference, he recently announced his plans to govern. "I looked at what was going on in regions like Pistachio Forest and Golden Sands, and I knew in my heart of my hearts… I could do better."

After lengthy discussions with Coalition military leaders, it was agreed that The Billionaire will join the controversial but promising Interim Governor Programme in the country, which has seen military leaders, bankers, warlords and even criminals all rise to prominent roles.

Governing With The Billionaire
Pictured: The Billionaire visiting Devil's Peak

We sat down to discuss his plans, in particular, how will The Billionaire, a man of exceptional business acumen, transfer his skills to governing? He has a simple answer.

"Money!" He laughs.

I ask him if he's serious.

"Absolutely! What problem can't be solved with money?"

He goes on to describe his elaborate Insurgency Disarmament Programme, where Coalition Facilitators will directly offer cash settlements to combatants to cease fighting, thereby hoping to disband the entire insurgent movement through payouts.

It's a bold plan, but many have criticised the programme, warning that his proposal is simply just bribes in all but name, I put this question to the Billionaire.

Pictured: Coalition Facilitators in the field.

"Absolutely not! This is an economic payout system designed to put money into communities through direct payments to those most affected by displacement and disappointment during the war, and they will, with immediate effect, change their lifestyle with the benefit of a personal financial stimulus package."

At this point, The Billionaire's publicist whispers in his ear and we are quickly moved onto a new topic.

What else will The Billionaire bring to the table?

"We all know this governing business can be unpredictable, and if there are any challenging decisions, I will endeavour to bring my personal resources in to resolve them favourably for everyone involved."

The Billionaire is no stranger to difficult situations and has in the past dealt with them in the exact same way; through liberal use of his personal resources and connections. On occasion, this has led to controversy, with people often citing his inability to approach situations with subtlety.

Experts have raised concerns that the Billionaire’s influx of payoffs may change the whole economic landscape, significantly increasing corruption with his actions.

We asked a local Economist

"If you're brib-, providing people with Disarmament Payments or throwing money at any situation until it goes away, this will more than likely just encourage people from economically deprived regions to take shortcuts. We saw it in Opium Trail when compensation payouts resulted in a poppy growing frenzy, what could happen if you enact this plan at a larger scale?"

There's no question in this Economist's mind that The Billionaire will have to keep a keen eye on corruption in whichever region he is appointed to.

Can the Billionaire successfully transfer his business expertise into a peaceful and efficient governing body? Only time will tell....

If you'd like to keep up to date on the Billionaire's foray into post-war stabilisation and other developments, be sure to wishlist the Dollars & Disasters expansion pack coming soon for Rebel Inc: Escalation.
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel

NOTICE: The Coalition Office of International Travel currently advises against all excursions to Devil's Peak. The region is both environmentally and politically unstable.

URGENT DANGER: Volcanic instability reported
Danger of death, natural disasters expected

The region of Devil's Peak (named after the volcano in the north), is primarily a farming community, with a large city to the west.

Recently seismic studies revealed an imminent danger to the population in the region, with seismologists concluding that the volcano is due to erupt.

Eruptions will require the evacuation of entire districts to prevent loss of life. The local Governor will be responsible for coordinating safety measures and it is unclear how prepared they are for these situations. Eruptions may cause districts to become inaccessible for months, significantly disrupting travel and day-to-day life.

While it may be tempting to visit Devil's Peak to witness these spectacular natural disasters, we strongly advise against any recreational travel.

HIGH THREAT: Insurgency
Insurgent groups: Armed, Extremely Dangerous. High Priority Military Target

Operation forces have been engaged in combat with insurgent groups across the country and Devil's Peak is no exception.

Foreigners’ activities are often viewed as hostile by the Insurgency. If you find yourself within an Insurgency occupied area, keep a low profile and wait for military intervention.

The Insurgency is capitalising on the environmental instability of the region to further their military and political goals. In the event that the government fails to ensure the safety of the local population during the predicted eruptions, it is expected that the Insurgents will use this as an opportunity exploit discontent and recruit.

Leaders unpredictable, advise caution

There are many Interim Governors commanding Operations across the region, several have very unorthodox methods of governing, and visitors are advised to be prepared for unexpected government proposals.

BREAKING UPDATE: A prominent business figure aligned with the Coalition has expressed interest in governing, which may bring additional stability to regions. Please follow news and media updates for developments on this topic.

Travel Advice Summary
If you still plan on travelling to Devil's Peak, we recommend that you prepare yourself by registering a wishlist with the Dollars & Disasters expansion pack for Rebel Inc: Escalation.

Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel
Rebel Inc.’s biggest expansion yet! Survive an erupting volcano in Devil's Peak, burn through money with The Billionaire, enhance your tactics with new Special Advisors and explore exciting new Official Scenarios.

Watch the latest trailer here:
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel
Oct 4, 2022
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel

Small patch today!

- Added Golden Sands to the Scenario Creator

That's right, Custom Scenarios with Golden Sands will be available! Make sure to pick up the free Sand & Secrets DLC before the 24th October!

The Ndemic Creations Team
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel
Vast riches are buried deep below the dunes. Control the oil. Control the Region.

Sand & Secrets is our first DLC, and is free for the first month of launch so pick it up now!

New Lands Await
A whole new region to stabilise, full of vast sand dunes and untapped potential… It must be kept from the Insurgents at any cost.

Oil is Money, Money is Power
Securing the Oil Fields is your top priority, they will provide you with additional funds.

Priority Targets
You're not the only one looking to secure the oil, the Insurgency will focus on capturing the fields with alarming aggression.

Coalition Lobbyists
Use new initiatives to make better use of the Coalition Soldiers deployed in the region; their tours will be extended if protecting something important…

More Money, More Problems
A whole new series of decisions and events - choose how to split the oil profits, keep shareholders happy and maybe even encounter a very special sandworm.

Secret Scenarios
But that's not all, there are also 4 new scenarios to take on!

Shadow War

The Insurgency has gone underground, using stealth tactics and intelligence blackouts in a despicable attempt to secure the oil derricks.

Can you defeat an insurgency that can't be seen?

Mad Tanx

The Tank Commander has lost his mind! He's stealing all the oil from Golden Sands to power his obscene war machines.

Obliterate the Insurgency in this fast and furious world of fuel-injected turbo-charged supertanks.

Oil and Thunder

Golden Sands has been seized by the Insurgency and they're threatening to set fire to the Oil if the Coalition attempts to take it back. The oil must be secured at all costs!

Real-Time Operation

There's no time to explain! Can you stabilise the region when time is always moving forwards?

We hope you enjoy this slick(!) new DLC, and there's more coming soon! You can find our update plans here.

If you'd like to keep up to date with us and our games, be sure to follow us on Twitter, and join our Discord for exclusive beta access!

The Ndemic Creations Team

  • Added Golden Sands region (Sand & Secrets required)
  • Added 4 New Scenarios: Shadow War, Oil & Thunder, Mad Tanx and Real-Time Operation (Sand & Secrets required)
  • Decreased the Insurgent Capability gained from insurgents controlling derricks per difficulty in Golden Sands
  • Added a slight cooldown between Insurgent raid missions starting on Golden Sands
  • Improved "Messy Desk" Cheat implementation
  • Fixed a rare issue where a duplicate prompt to rate a scenario appeared
  • Fixed an issue where some Custom Scenarios could not be downloaded
  • Fixed a variety of rare crashes

Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel

It’s been nearly a year since Rebel Inc: Escalation came out of early access and we're pleased to say that the game is still going strong.

Now let's look at how we plan to grow the game going forward.

Our immediate plan is to release a new DLC called Sand & Secrets. This will add a completely new region called Golden Sands and a number of new scenarios. Coming very soon, this DLC will be free at launch for all owners of Rebel Inc: Escalation.

After this will come the first major expansion for Rebel Inc: Escalation. Dollars & Disasters will add an extravagant new governor, an explosive new region as well as a number of fun, weird and challenging official scenarios.

Beyond this - we have a lot of ideas on what to work on next so watch this space and share your ideas with us :)

We really appreciate all your support to date and we can’t wait to see what happens next!

The Ndemic Creations Team

Will Sand & Secrets always be free?
After 1 month, it will become a paid DLC. If you've picked it up during the free period, you get to keep it!

Why will you charge for the DLCs?
We originally said we would raise the price of the game when it left Early Access and also charge for DLC. However, recently we decided that keeping the base price the same whilst still charging for DLCs will allow us to support the game for longer. Don’t worry - Sand & Secrets will be free at launch, so anyone who already owns the game can pick it up for free.

Will Dollars & Disasters be free at launch too?
No - unlike Sand & Secrets, it will be a paid DLC from the start. However, it will be added to the Mega Edition Bundle so existing owners can get it at a discount.

Will there be free updates as well?
Yes! We still plan to release free content (on top of the 3 years of content we have already released for free!). New regions that we add as paid DLC content will also be available for everyone to play in the Campaign mode.

Will the new expansions be added to the Rebel Inc: Escalation - Mega Edition?
Yes - new expansions will become part of the Mega Edition Bundle. If you have already bought the Mega Edition, you will get an additional discount on purchasing new DLCs.

Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel

Another collection of great scenarios for you to check out!

Chicken Governor by Dusk
"What better way to promote poultry & agriculture in a rural region than to BECOME the poultry?"

A Chicken. Governor. A Chicken. Governor. Yes, that's a challenge.

The Missing Heaven 4 by MisterCinnabar
"The Missing Heaven finally has plans to take over the opium abundance in Blooming Estates by inciting a civil war between the locals in the region."

The grand series continues!

The Revolutionary by nuthakorn1168
"Your country is governed by a constitional monarchy, there are venerable king and talented prime minister. Our country is thriving at its peak. But then there was a coup in 2014 with the king rear. In spite of that the royal family should not interfere in politic."

You've overthrown a royal family! But they aren't going down without a fight.

Varying Concerns by lostgamer1034
"The new region you've been tasked with seem to have some... interesting concerns and needs that you'll need to tackle."

A whole bunch of new concerns to deal with!

Coalition Government by TheRacoonFromArizona
"After an attack on a coalition embassy in 1998, the region was invaded to put an end to the terrorist threat. However, an unstable political situation at home and a stalemate in the mountains left an unstable truce between the newly formed republic supported by the coalition, and a plethora of different terrorist groups."

A difficult and intriguing scenario of PMCs and a powerful insurgency in the 90s.

Thanks to all the creators! Got a favourite scenario we missed? Leave it in the comments!

Be sure to join some of the creators on Discord to chat about scenario creation and we'll see you next time!

The Ndemic Creations Team