Konnichiwa Runners!

The Steam page for RUNNING WITH RIFLES: PACIFIC DLC is now up and open!

We have often been asked about the price tag; it will be around 66% of the price of RWR vanilla, which will be e.g. 9.99 USD for the US people.

In the two campaigns included in the DLC, you jump back in time to the Pacific theater of World War II,
to witness the epic clash between the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) and the United States Marine Corps (USMC).

The DLC features 7 brand new maps, tons of weapons and a number of unique vehicles all created based on actual WWII events and equipment.

The DLC will be released during September, safe to say we're on the finish line here with development now. The exact release date will be announced during the following weeks.

Today we also have a vanilla update coming out. The shadow rendering has been revamped for higher quality options, most other changes are various minor but nice tweaks here and there or added support for features required by Pacific which could also turn out useful for mods; see the changelog below.

Changelog v1.54:

  • maps: lowered RAM consumption in Moorland trenches
  • maps: the 2 radio jammers in the map "Misty Heights" (map14) have a significantly longer respawn time (60 instead of 6 minutes)
  • maps: some fixes here and there
  • menu: added Pacific link button in the lobby main menu
  • visuals: added shadow quality options
  • visuals: reduced character base voxel size a little bit
  • visuals: fixed destructible static object mesh material handling
  • visuals: fixed particle emitters starting emitting at an old position in certain case
  • visuals: added support to use particle emitter script position value as an offset
  • visuals: changed cord rendering to suit larger shadow texture sizes
  • visuals: fuel barrels are now destructible
  • vehicles: spawn point vehicles now show "spawn disabled" if spawning is disabled by movement, enemy proximity or theft
  • vehicles: fixed an issue with turret aiming when turret is not positioned at vehicle center
  • campaign: fixed an issue with map and campaign completion achievements for connected clients
  • campaign: added initial 50 RP to players
  • dominance: "islet of Eflen" map resources were missing, which caused server crash/restart when the script loaded the map
  • online: disabling Add to serverlist now also disables master server connection; useful especially for LAN
  • loading: map files are no longer parsed for header data when loading into a campaign, quickmatch or online, reducing some loading time
  • ai: a squad leader using a stationary weapon disbands the squad now
  • ai: fixed ai commander issue with organizing final attack when last base is uncapturable
  • character: character no longer dies when colliding with a moving vehicle he's entering into
  • character: character no longer goes prone if trying to shoot while reloading when carrying a weapon that requires prone to shoot
  • modding: changed how auto-spawning vehicles are removed before respawning to help with a case of having faction specific stationary weapons
  • modding: added show_target_marker option to calls
  • modding: added initiation_comment and radio_view_text to calls
  • modding: added support to tag a call to be used as reinforcements drop call by the bots, even if the call rounds do not spawn soldiers, with a tag named as reinforcements
  • modding: added support for vehicle health based particle effects with event_key="health" and value attributes
  • modding: added support to prevent vehicle driving based on health with min_health_to_steer in vehicle control tag
  • modding: added blast_damage modifier for vehicles, and blast_damage_threshold
  • modding: extended support for character-vehicle collision handling with vehicle attributes max_character_collision_speed and max_character_collision_speed_on_normal
  • modding: added ai parameters: force_as_leader, uses_vehicles, max_squad_size_to_pick_static_vehicles
  • modding: added support to reload particle scripts live with reload.txt method
  • modding: added make_vehicle_hit_sound keyword to projectile blast results
  • modding: match end view now adjusts table column size to fit faction names
  • modding: added support for dock platform walls to use can_go_around_start and can_go_around_end flags for ai navigation, useful when merging platform walls
  • modding: added projectile parameter can_be_detected_by_footmen
Konnichiwa Runners!

The Steam page for RUNNING WITH RIFLES: PACIFIC DLC is now up and open!

We have often been asked about the price tag; it will be around 66% of the price of RWR vanilla, which will be e.g. 9.99 USD for the US people.

In the two campaigns included in the DLC, you jump back in time to the Pacific theater of World War II,
to witness the epic clash between the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) and the United States Marine Corps (USMC).

The DLC features 7 brand new maps, tons of weapons and a number of unique vehicles all created based on actual WWII events and equipment.

The DLC will be released during September, safe to say we're on the finish line here with development now. The exact release date will be announced during the following weeks.

Today we also have a vanilla update coming out. The shadow rendering has been revamped for higher quality options, most other changes are various minor but nice tweaks here and there or added support for features required by Pacific which could also turn out useful for mods; see the changelog below.

Changelog v1.54:

  • maps: lowered RAM consumption in Moorland trenches
  • maps: the 2 radio jammers in the map "Misty Heights" (map14) have a significantly longer respawn time (60 instead of 6 minutes)
  • maps: some fixes here and there
  • menu: added Pacific link button in the lobby main menu
  • visuals: added shadow quality options
  • visuals: reduced character base voxel size a little bit
  • visuals: fixed destructible static object mesh material handling
  • visuals: fixed particle emitters starting emitting at an old position in certain case
  • visuals: added support to use particle emitter script position value as an offset
  • visuals: changed cord rendering to suit larger shadow texture sizes
  • visuals: fuel barrels are now destructible
  • vehicles: spawn point vehicles now show "spawn disabled" if spawning is disabled by movement, enemy proximity or theft
  • vehicles: fixed an issue with turret aiming when turret is not positioned at vehicle center
  • campaign: fixed an issue with map and campaign completion achievements for connected clients
  • campaign: added initial 50 RP to players
  • dominance: "islet of Eflen" map resources were missing, which caused server crash/restart when the script loaded the map
  • online: disabling Add to serverlist now also disables master server connection; useful especially for LAN
  • loading: map files are no longer parsed for header data when loading into a campaign, quickmatch or online, reducing some loading time
  • ai: a squad leader using a stationary weapon disbands the squad now
  • ai: fixed ai commander issue with organizing final attack when last base is uncapturable
  • character: character no longer dies when colliding with a moving vehicle he's entering into
  • character: character no longer goes prone if trying to shoot while reloading when carrying a weapon that requires prone to shoot
  • modding: changed how auto-spawning vehicles are removed before respawning to help with a case of having faction specific stationary weapons
  • modding: added show_target_marker option to calls
  • modding: added initiation_comment and radio_view_text to calls
  • modding: added support to tag a call to be used as reinforcements drop call by the bots, even if the call rounds do not spawn soldiers, with a tag named as reinforcements
  • modding: added support for vehicle health based particle effects with event_key="health" and value attributes
  • modding: added support to prevent vehicle driving based on health with min_health_to_steer in vehicle control tag
  • modding: added blast_damage modifier for vehicles, and blast_damage_threshold
  • modding: extended support for character-vehicle collision handling with vehicle attributes max_character_collision_speed and max_character_collision_speed_on_normal
  • modding: added ai parameters: force_as_leader, uses_vehicles, max_squad_size_to_pick_static_vehicles
  • modding: added support to reload particle scripts live with reload.txt method
  • modding: added make_vehicle_hit_sound keyword to projectile blast results
  • modding: match end view now adjusts table column size to fit faction names
  • modding: added support for dock platform walls to use can_go_around_start and can_go_around_end flags for ai navigation, useful when merging platform walls
  • modding: added projectile parameter can_be_detected_by_footmen
Jul 5, 2017
Hey fellow Runners!

Here's a quick bug splat update! The new FoV visualization introduced two weeks ago had some occasional but drastic performance issues and random white blinking happening from time to time, those should be in a better shape now.

During the Summer Sales, plenty of new faces appeared on Discord (more than 200!). We got some great feedback and community interactions, keep 'em coming!

To celebrate the growth of our Discord channel, we’re organizing a PVP event this Thursday evening European time. The game mode will be announced later!

Here’s the change log for 1.53’s tweaks and fixes:

Changelog v1.53:
  • maps: minor changes here and there
  • invasion: player faction swapped to Greenbelts
  • dominance: "Islet of Eflen" (known from team elimination) map added to the map rotator as capture and king of the hill mode
  • dominance: default PLAYER_AI_REDUCTION changed from 2 to 3.
  • dominance: added mobile armory to the "Copehill Down" map
  • dominance: fixed the deploy_gl resource to not deploy anything
  • dominance: adding TOW in armory
  • dominance: adapting the price of deploy_gl, deploy_minig and TOW resources
  • deathmatch: FoV enabled on default
  • deathmatch: minor resources tweaks
  • fix: vulcan and mortar tank now don't spawn on a reserved slot anymore
  • fix: fixed several item specific backwards crouch and walk animations
  • fov: adjusted claymore detection offset in FoV mode
  • fov: optimized FoV visualization some bit
  • fov: fixed FoV visualization causing white blinking occasionally
  • AI: fixed regression with boats travelling on ground occasionally when simulated i.e. far away from players
  • HUD: changed how vehicle hover-over info works: now shows "stolen" when operated by other faction than owner, and spawnpoint vehicles show "disabled" when spawnpoint not usable
  • modding: added USABLE_FOR_COVER for vehicles
  • modding: added VISIBLE_HEIGHT for items, goes to the main tag weapon, carry_item, etc.
  • modding: added PLAYER_AIM_TO_CROSSHAIR character parameter, 0 or 1
Jul 5, 2017
Hey fellow Runners!

Here's a quick bug splat update! The new FoV visualization introduced two weeks ago had some occasional but drastic performance issues and random white blinking happening from time to time, those should be in a better shape now.

During the Summer Sales, plenty of new faces appeared on Discord (more than 200!). We got some great feedback and community interactions, keep 'em coming!

To celebrate the growth of our Discord channel, we’re organizing a PVP event this Thursday evening European time. The game mode will be announced later!

Here’s the change log for 1.53’s tweaks and fixes:

Changelog v1.53:
  • maps: minor changes here and there
  • invasion: player faction swapped to Greenbelts
  • dominance: "Islet of Eflen" (known from team elimination) map added to the map rotator as capture and king of the hill mode
  • dominance: default PLAYER_AI_REDUCTION changed from 2 to 3.
  • dominance: added mobile armory to the "Copehill Down" map
  • dominance: fixed the deploy_gl resource to not deploy anything
  • dominance: adding TOW in armory
  • dominance: adapting the price of deploy_gl, deploy_minig and TOW resources
  • deathmatch: FoV enabled on default
  • deathmatch: minor resources tweaks
  • fix: vulcan and mortar tank now don't spawn on a reserved slot anymore
  • fix: fixed several item specific backwards crouch and walk animations
  • fov: adjusted claymore detection offset in FoV mode
  • fov: optimized FoV visualization some bit
  • fov: fixed FoV visualization causing white blinking occasionally
  • AI: fixed regression with boats travelling on ground occasionally when simulated i.e. far away from players
  • HUD: changed how vehicle hover-over info works: now shows "stolen" when operated by other faction than owner, and spawnpoint vehicles show "disabled" when spawnpoint not usable
  • modding: added USABLE_FOR_COVER for vehicles
  • modding: added VISIBLE_HEIGHT for items, goes to the main tag weapon, carry_item, etc.
  • modding: added PLAYER_AIM_TO_CROSSHAIR character parameter, 0 or 1
Jun 22, 2017
Hello everyone!

Good to see that you guys are still out there and running, and for those who aren't yet, make sure you grab the game while the price is hot. Right now, we indeed have the highest discount we've ever had on Steam!

Also right on time for the Summer Sale, we've got an exciting update for you guys.

First of all, we took another look at the field of view (FOV or line of sight, if you will) feature, and added a new field visualization aid for it as the PvP mode Dominance confused some players with its suddenly disappearing and reappearing enemies and items. It'll still do that, obviously, but now you'll have a much better idea where the seen and unseen regions are thanks to the visualization. You can enable/disable it in Options > Quality and performance options; by default it'll activate for Dominance only. The effect is rather taxing in terms of performance, so players with an older system might want to skip this one.

Speaking of Dominance PvP, we've updated the RWR Demo with the ability to play online by joining official Dominance servers! It's just like full version, apart from XP and RP limits.

With the FOV visualization in place, it made a lot of sense to also change the character behavior so that it'll turn to face the direction of aim and sight - previously you basically saw the character turn only when actively shooting or moving. It doesn't change gameplay too much in other modes but for Dominance it can help you understand where the enemy players are looking at and thus tell you if they see you or not - that's pretty important!

Hope you started well in the Summer,
Keep running,
Osumia Games

Changelog v1.52:

  • characters: added live aiming, changes character behavior in various ways
  • visuals: added optional FOV/LOS field visualization, by default on for gamemodes with fov rules, can also be useful in regular gameplay; not recommended for slower PC's
  • vehicles: mobile armory respawn time decreased from 5 to 3 minutes
  • weapons: ARES Shrike rate of fire increased by 6%
  • weapons: PAW-20 projectile blast radius increased by 20%
  • maps: minor fixes
  • dominance: modified version of Moorland Trenches added to the map rotator with 3 new sub-stages
  • dominance: some balancing tweaks
  • misc: social media buttons (Discord, Facebook, Twitter) added to the game menu
  • modding: fixed free cam in debugmode so that roll doesn't occur
  • modding: added a vehicle flag for non-destructible on collision with terrain (destroy_on_top_hit in physics tag, by default 1, destroy_on_top_hit_time in physics tag, by default -1.0 meaning insta, top_hit_tracking_time in physics tag, by default 2.0)
Jun 22, 2017
Hello everyone!

Good to see that you guys are still out there and running, and for those who aren't yet, make sure you grab the game while the price is hot. Right now, we indeed have the highest discount we've ever had on Steam!

Also right on time for the Summer Sale, we've got an exciting update for you guys.

First of all, we took another look at the field of view (FOV or line of sight, if you will) feature, and added a new field visualization aid for it as the PvP mode Dominance confused some players with its suddenly disappearing and reappearing enemies and items. It'll still do that, obviously, but now you'll have a much better idea where the seen and unseen regions are thanks to the visualization. You can enable/disable it in Options > Quality and performance options; by default it'll activate for Dominance only. The effect is rather taxing in terms of performance, so players with an older system might want to skip this one.

Speaking of Dominance PvP, we've updated the RWR Demo with the ability to play online by joining official Dominance servers! It's just like full version, apart from XP and RP limits.

With the FOV visualization in place, it made a lot of sense to also change the character behavior so that it'll turn to face the direction of aim and sight - previously you basically saw the character turn only when actively shooting or moving. It doesn't change gameplay too much in other modes but for Dominance it can help you understand where the enemy players are looking at and thus tell you if they see you or not - that's pretty important!

Hope you started well in the Summer,
Keep running,
Osumia Games

Changelog v1.52:

  • characters: added live aiming, changes character behavior in various ways
  • visuals: added optional FOV/LOS field visualization, by default on for gamemodes with fov rules, can also be useful in regular gameplay; not recommended for slower PC's
  • vehicles: mobile armory respawn time decreased from 5 to 3 minutes
  • weapons: ARES Shrike rate of fire increased by 6%
  • weapons: PAW-20 projectile blast radius increased by 20%
  • maps: minor fixes
  • dominance: modified version of Moorland Trenches added to the map rotator with 3 new sub-stages
  • dominance: some balancing tweaks
  • misc: social media buttons (Discord, Facebook, Twitter) added to the game menu
  • modding: fixed free cam in debugmode so that roll doesn't occur
  • modding: added a vehicle flag for non-destructible on collision with terrain (destroy_on_top_hit in physics tag, by default 1, destroy_on_top_hit_time in physics tag, by default -1.0 meaning insta, top_hit_tracking_time in physics tag, by default 2.0)
May 30, 2017
Hey Runners!

RWR version 1.51 is out! Along the bug fixes, we've made some re-balancing by raising the importance of the support player role by adding, besides the already existing repair wrench, a new wrench type into the supply quad resources. Also C4 has been added in the supply quad to further increase the impact of this fun vehicle.

Kill combo has gone through another look too. Recently it was decreased all too much after giving cosmic rewards for big artillery combos, so we came up with a formula to reach a new golden mean. Higher than ever rewards are given for smaller combos, but also big combos still give substantial rewards. This should hopefully make everyone happy and encourage vets once again to use those important strikes in Online Invasion!

As by popular request, two new rare weapons have also been added to the already huge collection of over 70 firearms!

An important note for the next version is an RP cap that will be implemented into vanilla when the Pacific DLC will be released. We decided to inform you properly several weeks prior so that you have time to burn your RP in case you have more than the cap of 600.000 RP. The RP limit is being added because some higher ranked players are collecting RP without spending them for cooperative purposes - just use the RP guys :)

And now to the part most of you were eagerly waiting for since the announcement of a DLC:

The WW2 Pacific war themed "RUNNING WITH RIFLES: PACIFIC" DLC will be available on AUGUST, 4 2017!

Even though we have been asked quite a few times already, we still didn't fix a price tag yet but it will most likely be around 10 USD.

Changelog v1.51:

  • maps: few tweaks here and there
  • weapons: rare ARES Shrike light machinegun with 6 burst-shots and 60 rounds added as giftbox reward - can only be operated prone or crouched
  • weapons: very rare PAW-20 semi-auto grenade launcher added - fires 20mm grenades which detonate on impact
  • weapons: Claymore trigger radius raised from 0.65m to 1.2m
  • weapons: lowered the sound volume of the MG-42 shot. No more ear bleeding
  • equipment: "wrench" is now called "small wrench"
  • equipment: "large wrench" added as a Supply quad resource only - repairs 50% more but more expensive
  • equipment: C4 now also added as a Supply quad resource
  • equipment: Vest-III's last layer puts the wearer into wounded state if hit by a bullet instead of being dead
  • vehicles: slightly lowered the speed limiter to match the avg running speed of the soldiers
  • campaign: adding the wrench to the armory
  • invasion: AI distribution in the map "Misty Heights" (map14) has been tweaked (most official servers have been tweaked since a few weeks already)
  • dominance: claymore not exploding but disappearing on enemy character collision fixed
  • dominance: wrench was missing
  • misc: kill combos reworked to allow better combo bonus on high multi-kills. Smaller combo bonuses are also more effective
  • misc: added an under repair flag for the AI to not drive/enter a vehicle while being repaired
  • misc: equipment hud images realignment
  • fix: crash fixed when inventory is open and the game resets itself, related to online
  • fix: fence/wall combo now use the penetration of the wall instead of the fence
  • fix: map attack and defense map target markers not being applied with zoom in all cases
  • fix: anti-air emplacement after map restart after getting defeated caused radio call drops to show up non-functional
  • fix: some trench walls weren't climbable
  • fix: fixed a bug with AI vehicle usage causing abandoning of the vehicle sometimes
  • fix: fixed building base top material issue
  • online: sync join connect at game init: if it fails for a valid reason (like server full), cancel reconnects
  • campaign: fixed a bug with campaign stats and continuation option not showing up after leaving the last map
  • modding: data*.pak files with various shader programs, materials and particle scripts have been extracted into vanilla for easier overriding
  • modding: added support for package specific loading screen visual: splash.png
May 30, 2017
Hey Runners!

RWR version 1.51 is out! Along the bug fixes, we've made some re-balancing by raising the importance of the support player role by adding, besides the already existing repair wrench, a new wrench type into the supply quad resources. Also C4 has been added in the supply quad to further increase the impact of this fun vehicle.

Kill combo has gone through another look too. Recently it was decreased all too much after giving cosmic rewards for big artillery combos, so we came up with a formula to reach a new golden mean. Higher than ever rewards are given for smaller combos, but also big combos still give substantial rewards. This should hopefully make everyone happy and encourage vets once again to use those important strikes in Online Invasion!

As by popular request, two new rare weapons have also been added to the already huge collection of over 70 firearms!

An important note for the next version is an RP cap that will be implemented into vanilla when the Pacific DLC will be released. We decided to inform you properly several weeks prior so that you have time to burn your RP in case you have more than the cap of 600.000 RP. The RP limit is being added because some higher ranked players are collecting RP without spending them for cooperative purposes - just use the RP guys :)

And now to the part most of you were eagerly waiting for since the announcement of a DLC:

The WW2 Pacific war themed "RUNNING WITH RIFLES: PACIFIC" DLC will be available on AUGUST, 4 2017!

Even though we have been asked quite a few times already, we still didn't fix a price tag yet but it will most likely be around 10 USD.

Changelog v1.51:

  • maps: few tweaks here and there
  • weapons: rare ARES Shrike light machinegun with 6 burst-shots and 60 rounds added as giftbox reward - can only be operated prone or crouched
  • weapons: very rare PAW-20 semi-auto grenade launcher added - fires 20mm grenades which detonate on impact
  • weapons: Claymore trigger radius raised from 0.65m to 1.2m
  • weapons: lowered the sound volume of the MG-42 shot. No more ear bleeding
  • equipment: "wrench" is now called "small wrench"
  • equipment: "large wrench" added as a Supply quad resource only - repairs 50% more but more expensive
  • equipment: C4 now also added as a Supply quad resource
  • equipment: Vest-III's last layer puts the wearer into wounded state if hit by a bullet instead of being dead
  • vehicles: slightly lowered the speed limiter to match the avg running speed of the soldiers
  • campaign: adding the wrench to the armory
  • invasion: AI distribution in the map "Misty Heights" (map14) has been tweaked (most official servers have been tweaked since a few weeks already)
  • dominance: claymore not exploding but disappearing on enemy character collision fixed
  • dominance: wrench was missing
  • misc: kill combos reworked to allow better combo bonus on high multi-kills. Smaller combo bonuses are also more effective
  • misc: added an under repair flag for the AI to not drive/enter a vehicle while being repaired
  • misc: equipment hud images realignment
  • fix: crash fixed when inventory is open and the game resets itself, related to online
  • fix: fence/wall combo now use the penetration of the wall instead of the fence
  • fix: map attack and defense map target markers not being applied with zoom in all cases
  • fix: anti-air emplacement after map restart after getting defeated caused radio call drops to show up non-functional
  • fix: some trench walls weren't climbable
  • fix: fixed a bug with AI vehicle usage causing abandoning of the vehicle sometimes
  • fix: fixed building base top material issue
  • online: sync join connect at game init: if it fails for a valid reason (like server full), cancel reconnects
  • campaign: fixed a bug with campaign stats and continuation option not showing up after leaving the last map
  • modding: data*.pak files with various shader programs, materials and particle scripts have been extracted into vanilla for easier overriding
  • modding: added support for package specific loading screen visual: splash.png
Mar 25, 2017
Hello Runners!

Today we have some tasty announcements for you guys!

We initially expected 1.47 to be a quick and small update but we ended up adding much much more in it and release this update as v1.50.

Besides the fixes, we added a new map in online Invasion where you assault a well defended beach fortification and village. Additionally we made some balancing efforts, added new weapons, added some new game mechanics, and a method for NAT punch-through which should allow most players to host a game without having to bother about port forwarding!

For a complete list of changes, check the changelog at the end of this news post.

In a news post earlier this year we talked about an exciting announcement related to RWR, so here we go then!

We are proud to introduce RUNNING WITH RIFLES: PACIFIC, which is an Expansion-DLC for Running with Rifles. Set in World War 2, players will be able to engage in an authentic campaign, choosing to play as either the United States Marine Corps, or the Imperial Japanese Army. Playing as either faction, you will conquer a series of real islands located in the Pacific, with maps based on the general outlines of the actual locations! The full-length campaign features two completely new factions, a huge assortment of historical weapons and items, loads of new maps, and several new vehicles.

RWR: Pacific has been developed in co-ordination between the RWR dev team and several big community modders, namely The Soldier, Tremozl, MasterBlaster, with additional contributions by ChippedChap, Remlly, and Sturmfuhrer. The Expansion-DLC will include loads of new content, and using a more historically-rooted setting, it is complete with realistic soldier uniforms and authentic map designs.

More information coming up in the future!

Don't forget the Dominance PvP meet up this evening! More infos here:

Changelog v1.50:

  • maps: new assault map "Misty Heights" (map14) added in invasion/quick match - based on the overlordDefense DDay map
  • maps: few tweaks here and there
  • weapons: UTS-15 pump-action shotgun added as default shotgun for EOD soldiers
  • weapons: rare automatic Jackhammer shotgun weapon added - low spread and high effective range
  • weapons: SMAW rocket launcher added as briefcase unlockable - fast projectile and high zoom, higher damage range damage
  • weapons: balancing out the AKS-74U and P90 basically to have a longer bullet decay frame. Overall slight nerf
  • weapons: Pecheneg Bullpup balancing, overall buff
  • weapons: AA-12 shotgun drum capacity increased from 12 to 20
  • weapons: Javelin commonness reduced by 50%
  • weapons: M202 Flash commonness doubled
  • equipment: added another 5% speed penalty to riot shields, will now be 10% in total
  • achievements: fixed missing achievement levels
  • invasion: removed elite soldiers from player faction
  • invasion: changing player faction to Brownpants in official invasion
  • invasion: map rotation order changed
  • invasion: disabling radio calls once the map is won to avoid unnecessary RP loss or teamkills from happening
  • invasion: radar towers in the map "Iron Enclave" respawns only after 1 hour (instead of 3 minutes) once being destroyed. Also has less protectors assigned
  • dominance: added the map "Misty Heights" (map14) in the map rotator
  • dominance: lowered the price of most radio calls
  • dominance: re-balanced the XP/RP rewards
  • man_vs_world: removed the elites and EOD soldiers from the enemy factions
  • vehicles: vehicle turrets can now aim without shooting - up, down or walk/crouch/prone/command modifier key make the turret point toward the crosshair
  • vehices: adding vehicle speed control key so that the vehicle has the same speed as running soldiers - uses the walk key
  • vehicles: Mortar tank has now the MG on the right side and has a small protection collision box
  • online: NAT punch thru support
  • online: possibility to kick players from menu on player hosted servers
  • ui: number of online people shown in the menu
  • misc: Shotgun types removed from elite soldiers resources, EOD soldiers get them instead
  • misc: item ownership added - when a player gets killed, only himself can pick up the dropped items for 30 seconds (invisibe for others), then it becomes neutral
  • misc: vehicle drops on soldiers won't make them drop their equipment anymore
  • misc: prevent ctrl key controls for character when in inventory view
  • misc: mounted weapons respawn time raised by 15s - affects only weapons loaded with the map
  • misc: added winter model+textures for the black ops vest
  • misc: rocket launchers have their own projectile models
  • misc: Vest Type-II soldier models for Greenbelts and Graycollars are now more distinctive
  • misc: Vest Type-III has now a proper custom hud
  • misc: some mapview/inventory textures have been reworked
  • misc: terrain/vehicles friction tweaked - except more slidings again
  • misc: cleaned the animation file from obsolete animations that aren't in use anymore
  • misc: casual difficulty tweaked to less steamrolly
  • misc: cleaned up noise in font
  • misc: tweaked various sound volumes
  • fix: spawning dead on a map won't make you drop your equipment anymore
  • fix: tank wasn't spawning a tank if the tank is not listed as a resource for the faction; still the tank call was callable and reduced RP
  • fix: item duplication exploit in simulated regions
  • fix: armory interaction with defined soldier group in online
  • fix: AA emplacement mapview marker now visible when spotted
  • fix: kill combo reward bug fixed
  • fix: visual bug with radio call availability meter when calls change
  • fix: character refused to shoot with LMB tap when aiming off motion direction while stopping
  • fix: fixed empty slots in inventory UI from several single item transfers

Thank you to DarkyPwnz and warbrand2 for their contribution!

Keep on running!
Your Osumia Games team
Mar 25, 2017
Hello Runners!

Today we have some tasty announcements for you guys!

We initially expected 1.47 to be a quick and small update but we ended up adding much much more in it and release this update as v1.50.

Besides the fixes, we added a new map in online Invasion where you assault a well defended beach fortification and village. Additionally we made some balancing efforts, added new weapons, added some new game mechanics, and a method for NAT punch-through which should allow most players to host a game without having to bother about port forwarding!

For a complete list of changes, check the changelog at the end of this news post.

In a news post earlier this year we talked about an exciting announcement related to RWR, so here we go then!

We are proud to introduce RUNNING WITH RIFLES: PACIFIC, which is an Expansion-DLC for Running with Rifles. Set in World War 2, players will be able to engage in an authentic campaign, choosing to play as either the United States Marine Corps, or the Imperial Japanese Army. Playing as either faction, you will conquer a series of real islands located in the Pacific, with maps based on the general outlines of the actual locations! The full-length campaign features two completely new factions, a huge assortment of historical weapons and items, loads of new maps, and several new vehicles.

RWR: Pacific has been developed in co-ordination between the RWR dev team and several big community modders, namely The Soldier, Tremozl, MasterBlaster, with additional contributions by ChippedChap, Remlly, and Sturmfuhrer. The Expansion-DLC will include loads of new content, and using a more historically-rooted setting, it is complete with realistic soldier uniforms and authentic map designs.

More information coming up in the future!

Don't forget the Dominance PvP meet up this evening! More infos here:

Changelog v1.50:

  • maps: new assault map "Misty Heights" (map14) added in invasion/quick match - based on the overlordDefense DDay map
  • maps: few tweaks here and there
  • weapons: UTS-15 pump-action shotgun added as default shotgun for EOD soldiers
  • weapons: rare automatic Jackhammer shotgun weapon added - low spread and high effective range
  • weapons: SMAW rocket launcher added as briefcase unlockable - fast projectile and high zoom, higher damage range damage
  • weapons: balancing out the AKS-74U and P90 basically to have a longer bullet decay frame. Overall slight nerf
  • weapons: Pecheneg Bullpup balancing, overall buff
  • weapons: AA-12 shotgun drum capacity increased from 12 to 20
  • weapons: Javelin commonness reduced by 50%
  • weapons: M202 Flash commonness doubled
  • equipment: added another 5% speed penalty to riot shields, will now be 10% in total
  • achievements: fixed missing achievement levels
  • invasion: removed elite soldiers from player faction
  • invasion: changing player faction to Brownpants in official invasion
  • invasion: map rotation order changed
  • invasion: disabling radio calls once the map is won to avoid unnecessary RP loss or teamkills from happening
  • invasion: radar towers in the map "Iron Enclave" respawns only after 1 hour (instead of 3 minutes) once being destroyed. Also has less protectors assigned
  • dominance: added the map "Misty Heights" (map14) in the map rotator
  • dominance: lowered the price of most radio calls
  • dominance: re-balanced the XP/RP rewards
  • man_vs_world: removed the elites and EOD soldiers from the enemy factions
  • vehicles: vehicle turrets can now aim without shooting - up, down or walk/crouch/prone/command modifier key make the turret point toward the crosshair
  • vehices: adding vehicle speed control key so that the vehicle has the same speed as running soldiers - uses the walk key
  • vehicles: Mortar tank has now the MG on the right side and has a small protection collision box
  • online: NAT punch thru support
  • online: possibility to kick players from menu on player hosted servers
  • ui: number of online people shown in the menu
  • misc: Shotgun types removed from elite soldiers resources, EOD soldiers get them instead
  • misc: item ownership added - when a player gets killed, only himself can pick up the dropped items for 30 seconds (invisibe for others), then it becomes neutral
  • misc: vehicle drops on soldiers won't make them drop their equipment anymore
  • misc: prevent ctrl key controls for character when in inventory view
  • misc: mounted weapons respawn time raised by 15s - affects only weapons loaded with the map
  • misc: added winter model+textures for the black ops vest
  • misc: rocket launchers have their own projectile models
  • misc: Vest Type-II soldier models for Greenbelts and Graycollars are now more distinctive
  • misc: Vest Type-III has now a proper custom hud
  • misc: some mapview/inventory textures have been reworked
  • misc: terrain/vehicles friction tweaked - except more slidings again
  • misc: cleaned the animation file from obsolete animations that aren't in use anymore
  • misc: casual difficulty tweaked to less steamrolly
  • misc: cleaned up noise in font
  • misc: tweaked various sound volumes
  • fix: spawning dead on a map won't make you drop your equipment anymore
  • fix: tank wasn't spawning a tank if the tank is not listed as a resource for the faction; still the tank call was callable and reduced RP
  • fix: item duplication exploit in simulated regions
  • fix: armory interaction with defined soldier group in online
  • fix: AA emplacement mapview marker now visible when spotted
  • fix: kill combo reward bug fixed
  • fix: visual bug with radio call availability meter when calls change
  • fix: character refused to shoot with LMB tap when aiming off motion direction while stopping
  • fix: fixed empty slots in inventory UI from several single item transfers

Thank you to DarkyPwnz and warbrand2 for their contribution!

Keep on running!
Your Osumia Games team