Apr 16, 2018
Project Genom - Kagerott

Hello, friends! Our work on the Project Genom continues. Today we have good news for all the players. During the upcoming week, we plan to transfer the PTS version of the game to a separate branch of the main servers. We do this to ensure that the project’s PTS version will be smoothly moved to the main servers and the main branch. Everything will be set up exactly as the test servers before: all players with access to Project Genom will be able to enter a parallel branch in Steam using the following password: privatetestserver. No website registrations, additional marks to check, authorizations, phone calls and messages. Anyone who wants to see the PTS version in its current form will be able to give it a try in the coming days.

We will certainly notify you once the parallel server branch is open.

At the moment, our priority is to prepare the project and transfer it to the main servers. As part of this task, our team continues to expand all the quest-related features, adjust the in-game balance and fix all found bugs.

We also have good news for all players who’ve been waiting for the French localization: more than 71% of the game texts have been already translated into French. Our good friend and constant project supporter Yury Kirylka also known as Yukinochi, helps us with this strenuous task. We express our special gratitude for such help and contribution to the overall development. Thank you!

In addition, this week we've:
  • Fixed a bug with the character transportation system the open world.
  • Fixed a loading bug with the Digger Cave dungeon.
  • Added new NPCs into the Ark and the open world.
  • Fixed bugs with quest objects in the open world.
  • Fixed a bug with triggering the quest "Operation Scarab" in the cave.
  • Fixed a bug with the drone launch in the quest "Cartographic Probing".
  • Fixed a bug with missing NPCs in the open world.
  • Fixed a bug with missing Ammo Boxes in the open world.
  • Optimized the database queries.
  • Added new mobs and lairs.
  • Added different LOD layers in the open world.
  • Added additional passages leading in and out of the Digger Cave dungeon.
  • Fixed and balanced the chance of shells being dropped by Acid Diggers.
  • Fixed aiming on Digger eggs.
  • Added new Ammo Boxes in locations "Digger Cave" and "Camp by the Cave".
  • Fixed the marker of the stage "Go Deep Down into the Cave" in the quest "Operation Scarab".
  • Fixed a bug with the starting text in the quest "Operation Scarab".
  • Fixed dialogue with Diego in the quest "A Promenade" (ex. A Walk, will be renamed in future updates).
  • Fixed the tags in the quest "Cartographic Probing".
  • Fixed errors with the navigation mesh in the world.
  • Fixed the disappearance of signatures after a conversation with Violette related to the quest "A Favor".
  • Fixed text errors in the quest "A Favor".
  • Fixed a collision bug with the Trog mobs.
  • Digger Queen can fight in long-range combat now.
  • Fixed the AI bug with the Hound mobs.
  • Fixed a bug with enemies’ shooting.
  • Added quests: "Lost Hardware", "Rush Act", "Next", "Admin Assistant", "Festive Attire", "Vent Problems", "Promoter".
  • Added the beginning of the main story’s Second Chapter.
  • Fixed a bug when the player leaves the passage to the lower floors of the "Digger Cave" dungeon while doing the quest.
  • Fixed a bug with the player’s resurrection in the Digger Cave dungeon.
  • Fixed a bug with quests localization updates when switching languages.
  • Fixed a bug with player’s interaction with lairs.
  • Fixed a bug with the armor layering when a player removes it using the context menu.
  • Fixed a bug with the Credits being cloned when trading.
  • Fixed a bug with the armor models disappearing during transitions.
  • Fixed a bug with the light in the Ark.
  • Fixed a bug with the entrance to the Dump.
  • Fixed a bug with saving the researched objects’ data (Eyes) in the database.

Last week our team has successfully implemented the updated world map.

We’ve also set up the landscape LODs and added them into the game.

Last week we started working on the 3D maps for different dungeons. So far, our team has created maps for the Digger Cave, the Dump, and the Infected Hive.

All animations for the Slider mobs are now complete.

The past week was productive and the development progress has been positive so far. Finally, we came close to updating the main servers — an event we’ve been waiting for more than a year due to the complete and revision of the project. Further development of the game will be entirely aimed at expanding the gaming capabilities so that in the shortest time possible, Project Genom could enter the Beta phase and become a full-fledged MMORPG.

We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project to the main server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:

And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.

Apr 9, 2018
Project Genom - Kagerott

Hello, friends! Game development continues and starting this week we begin the last stage of preparations before we transfer the PTS version to the main servers. We still need to add some quests, refine balance aspects based on the new version's features, as well as conduct a number of important tests. We hope there will be no complications at the testing stage and all players will finally be able to update the game in the nearest future.

Last week we finished the stage of active network testing after fixing the critical error we had mentioned in our previous report. The database module has been rewritten, and to date, there have been no server or database crashes after many hours of continuous play and thousands of transfers between servers, so we can announce that this complex problem has been successfully resolved.

Another aspect of our current work is adding and configuring all major quests in the updated in-game world. Adding quests is a complex task, as we need to add all necessary NPCs, set up dialogs, adjust stages for all dialogues and quests, add tags on the map and in the world, add task areas and triggers, display all stages in the journal, set up rewards and balance, add opponents and loot and so on. It is also worth mentioning that the vast majority of quests have been revised, improved or completely rewritten, and it should make the PvE gaming component much more interesting.

Last week we took the first steps in transferring all additional locations (dungeons) to the in-game world. Our team should add and configure all locations and also create 3D maps of these areas, in addition to the optimization process. A certain amount of work is also done on adding vegetation to the landscape LODs, as well as integrating LODs into the game.

Almost all animations for the Slider mobs are complete.

We’ve almost finished creating the high-poly Slider Larvae models.

The project is approaching the final stage of the current PTS testing, and that is the main servers update. Once we do the update, the PTS servers will be used by a number of testers and for internal development processes, while the main game servers will be steadily updated, thus announcing that the early Alpha phase is completely over and bringing the project closer to the next stage.

We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project to the main server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:

And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.
Apr 9, 2018
Project Genom - Kagerott

Hello, friends! Game development continues and starting this week we begin the last stage of preparations before we transfer the PTS version to the main servers. We still need to add some quests, refine balance aspects based on the new version's features, as well as conduct a number of important tests. We hope there will be no complications at the testing stage and all players will finally be able to update the game in the nearest future.

Last week we finished the stage of active network testing after fixing the critical error we had mentioned in our previous report. The database module has been rewritten, and to date, there have been no server or database crashes after many hours of continuous play and thousands of transfers between servers, so we can announce that this complex problem has been successfully resolved.

Another aspect of our current work is adding and configuring all major quests in the updated in-game world. Adding quests is a complex task, as we need to add all necessary NPCs, set up dialogs, adjust stages for all dialogues and quests, add tags on the map and in the world, add task areas and triggers, display all stages in the journal, set up rewards and balance, add opponents and loot and so on. It is also worth mentioning that the vast majority of quests have been revised, improved or completely rewritten, and it should make the PvE gaming component much more interesting.

Last week we took the first steps in transferring all additional locations (dungeons) to the in-game world. Our team should add and configure all locations and also create 3D maps of these areas, in addition to the optimization process. A certain amount of work is also done on adding vegetation to the landscape LODs, as well as integrating LODs into the game.

Almost all animations for the Slider mobs are complete.

We’ve almost finished creating the high-poly Slider Larvae models.

The project is approaching the final stage of the current PTS testing, and that is the main servers update. Once we do the update, the PTS servers will be used by a number of testers and for internal development processes, while the main game servers will be steadily updated, thus announcing that the early Alpha phase is completely over and bringing the project closer to the next stage.

We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project to the main server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:

And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.
Apr 2, 2018
Project Genom - Kagerott

Hi friends! As we move towards our goals and are deeply engaged in developing Project Genom, here’s another traditional weekly report on the work done over the last week.

This week, testers found a critical bug that caused the servers to fall. It was found by accident, and it seemed there was no pattern at first. We released constant daily updates tormenting even our most stubborn testers, and we’re extremely grateful for their commitment. We even had to create and use simple bots to detect the problem without uploading the build every 10 minutes. Our team has identified the cause of this bug and majorly refined how the client's communication system connects to the database to eliminate it. We still need some time for testing, but let's hope that this unpleasant problem is eliminated for good and the connection speed has increased.

In addition to fighting against bugs and flaws, this week we’ve completed and set up the Brawler mobs. Soon we will add them to the in-game world, where they will hurl giant rocks, run at players head-straight and hammer them with their strong paws as a real brawler should.

Our team has the updated map and finished working on the LODs for the in-game world. There has been a little problem with the previous LODs as testers reported on holes visible under certain conditions. We have reworked all the areas and, in fact, created a new map and new LODs from scratch. While working on this task we’ve also modified the map’s material. There is still a lot of vegetation to be created for the final map and LODs but fortunately, this task is no longer a priority.

This week, our team engaged in creating animations for Slider mobs. Sliders will be a special new kind of flying mobs. Earlier mechanics included pivoting but now we’re working on a separate and more complex system for flying mobs. This system which will allow us to use higher quality and more elaborated animations without any restrictions. Thus, mobs will fly at any altitude, soar up, pivot down, etc.

This week, we’ve created all high-poly Slider Larvae models and started working on the low-polygon game models.

It has been a week of hard and rather stressful work for developers and testers, and we’d like to express our gratitude to everyone working for the project. Such critical errors as the one we described in the first paragraph of this report are rare but when they arise it’s always when they’re least expected.

We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project to the main server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:

And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.

Apr 2, 2018
Project Genom - Kagerott

Hi friends! As we move towards our goals and are deeply engaged in developing Project Genom, here’s another traditional weekly report on the work done over the last week.

This week, testers found a critical bug that caused the servers to fall. It was found by accident, and it seemed there was no pattern at first. We released constant daily updates tormenting even our most stubborn testers, and we’re extremely grateful for their commitment. We even had to create and use simple bots to detect the problem without uploading the build every 10 minutes. Our team has identified the cause of this bug and majorly refined how the client's communication system connects to the database to eliminate it. We still need some time for testing, but let's hope that this unpleasant problem is eliminated for good and the connection speed has increased.

In addition to fighting against bugs and flaws, this week we’ve completed and set up the Brawler mobs. Soon we will add them to the in-game world, where they will hurl giant rocks, run at players head-straight and hammer them with their strong paws as a real brawler should.

Our team has the updated map and finished working on the LODs for the in-game world. There has been a little problem with the previous LODs as testers reported on holes visible under certain conditions. We have reworked all the areas and, in fact, created a new map and new LODs from scratch. While working on this task we’ve also modified the map’s material. There is still a lot of vegetation to be created for the final map and LODs but fortunately, this task is no longer a priority.

This week, our team engaged in creating animations for Slider mobs. Sliders will be a special new kind of flying mobs. Earlier mechanics included pivoting but now we’re working on a separate and more complex system for flying mobs. This system which will allow us to use higher quality and more elaborated animations without any restrictions. Thus, mobs will fly at any altitude, soar up, pivot down, etc.

This week, we’ve created all high-poly Slider Larvae models and started working on the low-polygon game models.

It has been a week of hard and rather stressful work for developers and testers, and we’d like to express our gratitude to everyone working for the project. Such critical errors as the one we described in the first paragraph of this report are rare but when they arise it’s always when they’re least expected.

We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project to the main server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:

And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.

Mar 26, 2018
Project Genom - Kagerott

Greetings, friends! The Project Genom development goes on and here’s another traditional weekly report on the work done over the last week.

Our team had added the assault rifles and last week we spent some time fixing the flaws appeared in this regard. In addition to bugs with the assault rifle system, we fixed some errors with the pistols that were directly related to the major weapon system. We also found some flaws in the character system, ammo boxes, sounds and network because they were somehow connected to the assault rifles. Most of the errors, including minor visual defects, are already eliminated (about 30 bugs from minor to major).

This week, we’ve fixed a major bug with the level loading at transition points when the character was simply hanging in empty space.

We’ve fixed how physical materials function when they are hit by weapons.

In addition to some chat improvements, we’ve added the ban system as well as chat assistants and moderators.

Our team has added the fast travel function. You can quickly travel to certain areas using the services provided by special non-player characters. Such NPCs will get you to the desired travel destination and take you back for a small fee.

We’d like to remind our readers that Weekly Newsletter reports shouldn’t be treated as the official Patch Notes. All of the mentioned features may be added to the PTS server now, but more often they’re added with the update after we publish the news. You can find current Patch Notes in the game’s main menu.

The Ark entrance location is fully optimized. It will be uploaded to the PTS servers in the next updates which should significantly improve the performance of this area. It is important for this location is one of the most loaded in the game.

Due to some major changes in the open location, this week we’ll improve 3D map as well as the terrain LODs.

Our team decided to increase the number of Brawler mobs’ skills for the better balance and more diverse gameplay. In this regard, an additional large set of animations was created.

Last week we finished creating the low-poly models for the Sliders mobs.

We’ve started creating the high-poly Slider Larvae models.

The development goes on, and fortunately, we have no incidents to report on. There are almost no major flaws or bugs as well. We’re almost ready for the main server update when we’ll replace the old game version with the updated one on the public servers.

We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project to the main server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:

And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.

Mar 26, 2018
Project Genom - Kagerott

Greetings, friends! The Project Genom development goes on and here’s another traditional weekly report on the work done over the last week.

Our team had added the assault rifles and last week we spent some time fixing the flaws appeared in this regard. In addition to bugs with the assault rifle system, we fixed some errors with the pistols that were directly related to the major weapon system. We also found some flaws in the character system, ammo boxes, sounds and network because they were somehow connected to the assault rifles. Most of the errors, including minor visual defects, are already eliminated (about 30 bugs from minor to major).

This week, we’ve fixed a major bug with the level loading at transition points when the character was simply hanging in empty space.

We’ve fixed how physical materials function when they are hit by weapons.

In addition to some chat improvements, we’ve added the ban system as well as chat assistants and moderators.

Our team has added the fast travel function. You can quickly travel to certain areas using the services provided by special non-player characters. Such NPCs will get you to the desired travel destination and take you back for a small fee.

We’d like to remind our readers that Weekly Newsletter reports shouldn’t be treated as the official Patch Notes. All of the mentioned features may be added to the PTS server now, but more often they’re added with the update after we publish the news. You can find current Patch Notes in the game’s main menu.

The Ark entrance location is fully optimized. It will be uploaded to the PTS servers in the next updates which should significantly improve the performance of this area. It is important for this location is one of the most loaded in the game.

Due to some major changes in the open location, this week we’ll improve 3D map as well as the terrain LODs.

Our team decided to increase the number of Brawler mobs’ skills for the better balance and more diverse gameplay. In this regard, an additional large set of animations was created.

Last week we finished creating the low-poly models for the Sliders mobs.

We’ve started creating the high-poly Slider Larvae models.

The development goes on, and fortunately, we have no incidents to report on. There are almost no major flaws or bugs as well. We’re almost ready for the main server update when we’ll replace the old game version with the updated one on the public servers.

We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project to the main server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:

And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.

Mar 19, 2018
Project Genom - Kagerott

Hello friends! Our team is busy developing and improving Project Genom together with our testers. The past week of testing has shown great results. The servers, the network, and the database are stable. All critical bugs have been fixed and there are fewer substantial flaws. We continue to expand the gaming experience correcting bugs that occur and gradually prepare the game for the main servers’ update. And we continue sharing the information about the work we’ve done over the week.

We’d also like to inform all players that PTS servers will be disabled in the next few days in order to upload Preview 7, the newest PTS update.

This week we added the English localization which is important news for all our English-speaking players. The localization features all texts and a part of the voiceover. All players who wanted to test the updated PTS version but couldn’t do so because the game didn’t support English are most welcome on our servers after the next PTS update (Preview 7) is released.

Our team has added the assault rifles. We redesigned the old character controller that didn’t work with the updated network and adapted it. We ask all testers to test the assault rifles when the next update is out.

We’ve added the basic graphics settings that were one of the features most requested by our testers.

In addition, this week we've:
  • Fixed the item trading system.
  • Introduced the system of inventory slots being unlocked when spending different equipment points.
  • Implemented the system that allows throwing items away.
  • Fixed duplicate items in the database.
  • Implemented the context menu for items.
  • Fixed an error with the sale price in the tooltip being different from the actual one.
  • Fixed an error with the invalid tooltips for quest and items.
  • Added the item stacking system.
  • Fixed the system allowing the Diggers’ parts to be shot off.
  • Added the stack items splitting.
  • Fixed a bug with mobs spawning after the lair is restored on a timer.
  • Fixed a bug when the Spitter mobs attacked even after death.
  • Fixed a bug when actually stunned mobs were still moving.
  • Fixed a bug with the mob counter in the Lair.
  • Fixed a bug when the mob didn’t return to the Lair when its target was lost.
  • Fixed a bug with the idle animation being played even when the Digger mob was dead.
  • Fixed a bug with the final impulse being added to the mob’s body upon its death.
  • Fixed a bug with the shooting sound.
  • Restored the decals for various types of damage.

Our work on the optimization of the Ark entrance is in its finalization stage. This week almost all structures and objects of the initial zone were optimized. There are a few tasks left concerning LODs and some textures; once done we’ll upload the updated version of the in-game world to the PTS servers for testing.

Our team has completed the set of animations for the Brawler mobs. All idles, skills, attacks, and movements are having corresponding animations that we’ve already set up. The next step is to implement all the technical features and add the animations to the project.

We’ve almost finished creating the low-poly models for the Sliders mobs. Now we need to add and adjust the fur cover.

This week, we’ve created concepts for expanding the types of Slider Larvae. Larvae live together with the adult species and therefore have the same visual characteristics.

The project is gradually moving forward and the pace is most satisfactory. We hope that there won’t be any unforeseen complex bugs as we continue to expand the game mechanics and features and we’ll be able to update the main game servers. This event will finally please everyone who decided not to participate in the testing. And once again we want to express our sincere gratitude to the community of testers who scrutinized every Project Genom’s pixel finding bugs that simply cannot be.

We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project to the main server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:

And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.

Mar 19, 2018
Project Genom - Kagerott

Hello friends! Our team is busy developing and improving Project Genom together with our testers. The past week of testing has shown great results. The servers, the network, and the database are stable. All critical bugs have been fixed and there are fewer substantial flaws. We continue to expand the gaming experience correcting bugs that occur and gradually prepare the game for the main servers’ update. And we continue sharing the information about the work we’ve done over the week.

We’d also like to inform all players that PTS servers will be disabled in the next few days in order to upload Preview 7, the newest PTS update.

This week we added the English localization which is important news for all our English-speaking players. The localization features all texts and a part of the voiceover. All players who wanted to test the updated PTS version but couldn’t do so because the game didn’t support English are most welcome on our servers after the next PTS update (Preview 7) is released.

Our team has added the assault rifles. We redesigned the old character controller that didn’t work with the updated network and adapted it. We ask all testers to test the assault rifles when the next update is out.

We’ve added the basic graphics settings that were one of the features most requested by our testers.

In addition, this week we've:
  • Fixed the item trading system.
  • Introduced the system of inventory slots being unlocked when spending different equipment points.
  • Implemented the system that allows throwing items away.
  • Fixed duplicate items in the database.
  • Implemented the context menu for items.
  • Fixed an error with the sale price in the tooltip being different from the actual one.
  • Fixed an error with the invalid tooltips for quest and items.
  • Added the item stacking system.
  • Fixed the system allowing the Diggers’ parts to be shot off.
  • Added the stack items splitting.
  • Fixed a bug with mobs spawning after the lair is restored on a timer.
  • Fixed a bug when the Spitter mobs attacked even after death.
  • Fixed a bug when actually stunned mobs were still moving.
  • Fixed a bug with the mob counter in the Lair.
  • Fixed a bug when the mob didn’t return to the Lair when its target was lost.
  • Fixed a bug with the idle animation being played even when the Digger mob was dead.
  • Fixed a bug with the final impulse being added to the mob’s body upon its death.
  • Fixed a bug with the shooting sound.
  • Restored the decals for various types of damage.

Our work on the optimization of the Ark entrance is in its finalization stage. This week almost all structures and objects of the initial zone were optimized. There are a few tasks left concerning LODs and some textures; once done we’ll upload the updated version of the in-game world to the PTS servers for testing.

Our team has completed the set of animations for the Brawler mobs. All idles, skills, attacks, and movements are having corresponding animations that we’ve already set up. The next step is to implement all the technical features and add the animations to the project.

We’ve almost finished creating the low-poly models for the Sliders mobs. Now we need to add and adjust the fur cover.

This week, we’ve created concepts for expanding the types of Slider Larvae. Larvae live together with the adult species and therefore have the same visual characteristics.

The project is gradually moving forward and the pace is most satisfactory. We hope that there won’t be any unforeseen complex bugs as we continue to expand the game mechanics and features and we’ll be able to update the main game servers. This event will finally please everyone who decided not to participate in the testing. And once again we want to express our sincere gratitude to the community of testers who scrutinized every Project Genom’s pixel finding bugs that simply cannot be.

We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project to the main server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:

And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.

Mar 12, 2018
Project Genom - Kagerott

Hi, friends! Last week, the major update with all the game features changed and improved was uploaded to the PTS servers. Before we report on the work we’ve done over the week, we’d like to give you a brief summary of the first tests’ result.

Some of the most critical bugs were found on the very first testing day. These bugs were causing a few server crashes and led to information not being saved in the database on several occasions. All errors and issues were quickly fixed and dealt with, and at the moment we can say that the servers and the database are stable. This news is jolly good but the server load indication makes it even better as it has been reduced several times compared to the previous figures.

In addition to looking for critical bugs, our testers began bending and breaking the project in all possible directions and identified a number of less critical flaws that we’re gradually fixing. Despite this, the number of bugs and errors has significantly decreased. The pace at which the bugs are fixed has considerably increased thanks to a number of major code improvements. It allows us to start expanding the game's possibilities in the coming days without being distracted by permanent fixes.

In general, the updated PTS version launch may be considered a success. The project has advanced and we’re finally starting to expand the game, gradually preparing to transfer Project Genom to the main servers. Our near-term plans include fixing bugs, adding a number of quests, expanding available weapons, adding English localization and settings.

Our team focused on improving flaws and fixing bugs of the updated PTS version. This week we've:
  • Fixed server crashes.
  • Fixed database related errors.
  • Fixed the Node acquisition window (pop up menu appeared below the cursor).
  • Fixed the double reload.
  • Fixed the authorization service.
  • Fixed freezes when creating a character.
  • Fixed an issue with the merchant terminal freezing after pressing Esc button.
  • Fixed the level disappearing when getting past the intro.
  • Fixed an issue with ammo box disappearing during a seamless transition.
  • Fixed a bug when the ammo box progress bar fills up to 100% but doesn’t reset.
  • Fixed the chat formatting. A new text line now appears under the character’s name.
  • Fixed a bug with chat scrolling down automatically.
  • Fixed a bug with the equipment replacement if some item requirements aren’t reached.
  • Fixed a bug with the item icon disappearing if this item is dragged to be bought but there aren’t enough credits.
  • Implemented the Genom window opening by pressing C button.
  • Implemented the chat message limit — messages should be 300 characters long.
  • Fixed the Eyes being played twice if the interaction button is pressed quickly.
  • Fixed issues with the Missing Patients quest.
  • Fixed a bug with dialogue window freezing if a player speaks with an NPS and presses Esc button.
  • Fixed the level requirements for skills.
  • Fixed a bug with the Digger mob losing connection with a server when jumping.
  • Fixed a bug with the Digger Lairs functioning inappropriately.
  • Fixed how the mobs react upon receiving damage.

In addition to many fixes, we’ve also introduced the mechanics with experience points and credits that are now gained as rewards for completed quests.

Another addition is items being dropped by mobs.

Our team continues optimizing the entrance to the Ark. In particular, this week we've optimized different building located in this area.

We’ve started creating animations for the Brawler mobs.


This week, our team has finished creating high-poly models for the Slider mobs.

The past week turned out to be rather tense but at the same time successful and extremely important for the project. The launch of the updated PTS version has determined the further development course for our game. At the moment, we can happily say that the game has successfully passed the initial testing and now enters the phase of updating and expanding mechanics to update the main server version as quickly as possible. To do so, we need to fix most of the flaws, expand the quest line up to a certain stage, add most of the enemies, weapons, and armors as well as the character progression system, not to mention the localization and setting. Probably, we may also have time to quickly add crafting and collecting systems, groups, dungeons, and bosses.

We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project to the main server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:

And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.

UPD: At the moment, the game servers have been turned off for maintaince.