Oct 14, 2022
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
22.10.6 [editor-alpha branch]

New features:
  • Added Ctrl + R key combo to refresh current object seed (to check randomization)
  • Changed look of dropdowns
  • Reduced tooltip hover time
  • Cleaned up auto kill UI
  • Events timeline now has more color to make knowing the keyframes you're selecting more obvious
  • Events / Object timeline have more clear line labels
  • Added mega tutorial button
  • Optimized theme panel opening (much faster after initial open)
  • Optimized event keyframe dragging (went from 10 fps while dragging to over 200fps)
  • Warning given to user on use of parent selection dropper (to help with learning curve)
  • Updated default theme tail colors
  • Fix for old themes without gui accent defaulting tail color to red (it now falls back to theme GUI color)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed folders no longer working in UI (they properly open a folder now when clicked)
  • Drag selection now works in 6th layer
  • "Go to Child Selector" automatically goes to child if only 1 child exists
  • Fixed checkpoint selection color not working
  • Last shapes in row can now properly be selected
  • Randomization now finally works again as it should (far more random and no longer static between game sessions)
  • Object keyframes can now be copied / cut / pasted as expected
  • Fixed Parent search not working in some cases
  • Fixed color picker dot being offset in some cases
  • Tail color now changes according to theme
  • Fix for random values not being able to be edited properly in editor
  • Minor stability improvements

PLEASE NOTE: Since this is a preview build of the new editor there will be some things that are missing or broken. It is not recommended to use this build for serious level making just yet it's more a proof of concept to allow people to start planning how to use some of the new features coming up!

Known issues/not in this preview:
  • Crashing still happens on loading a new level after loading an initial one
  • Parallax objects are missing copy / cut / paste / delete functionality
  • Text objects made in previous versions are still not rendered correctly
  • Sometimes drag select can stop working till an object is selected (will be patched next update)

If you understand all that please feel free to try out the new editor preview on the [editor-alpha] branch of the game!
Oct 6, 2022
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
22.10.5 [editor-alpha branch]

New features:
  • Added camera parenting: you can now parent directly to the camera, but can also still use parents inside the camera parents how neat~
  • Checkpoint events look better now
  • Trying new keyframe designs (easier to tell when they actually trigger)
  • Parent offsets UI has been updated to be a bit more clear
Bug fixes:
  • Some icons were blurry due to improper settings
  • Parent offsets now work again
  • You can no longer parent things to themselves using the parent picker
  • "Ghost Checkpoints" are now properly showing up on non event layers
  • Object timeline now show when the actual object ends (dotted line)
  • Checkpoints are now better aligned on timeline to when they actually trigger
  • TEMP FIX: When creating objects on events layer now it doesn't automatically swap to the layer the object is placed on (to avoid hard crash)

PLEASE NOTE: Since this is a preview build of the new editor there will be some things that are missing or broken. It is not recommended to use this build for serious level making just yet it's more a proof of concept to allow people to start planning how to use some of the new features coming up!

Known issues/not in this preview:
  • There are still some issues with undo / redo in a few specific cases it works most of the time but yeah still a few things to iron out.
  • The game can crash if you load a level in the editor then try to open another.
  • Prefabs still do not work in this version of the editor (they will load first time when loading lsb but vgb doesn't support it so after saving and reloading they will not be in the level)
If you understand all that please feel free to try out the new editor preview on the [editor-alpha] branch of the game!
Oct 5, 2022
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games
22.10.4 [editor-alpha branch]

  • Add Ctrl + Mouse Scroll on all number input fields to change values quickly
  • FPS limit for lower-end machines is now an option in video settings
Bug fixes:
  • Objects selected in editor preview always properly get selected (side panel would sometimes not show)
  • Fix object type not updating when changed in editor (specifically normal to helper and such)
  • Fix parallax objects being selected over normal objects that are in front of them
  • Fix for parallax objects being selected through UI
  • Dragging timeline scrubber now properly updates shown time
  • Events timeline now has same beat snapping grid as object timeline (events still need work on snapping)
  • Fixed all folder buttons (e.g open themes folder / open level folder) not working...they all should work now

PLEASE NOTE: Since this is a preview build of the new editor there will be some things that are missing or broken. It is not recommended to use this build for serious level making just yet it's more a proof of concept to allow people to start planning how to use some of the new features coming up!

Known issues / not in this preview:
  • There are still some issues with undo / redo in a few specific cases it works most of the time but yeah still a few things to iron out.
  • The game can crash if you load a level in the editor then try to open another.
  • Prefabs still do not work in this version of the editor (they will load first time when loading lsb but vgb doesn't support it so after saving and reloading they will not be in the level)
If you understand all that please feel free to try out the new editor preview on the [editor-alpha] branch of the game!
Oct 3, 2022
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
22.10.3 [editor-alpha branch]

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed issue with Play / Pause not working in some cases
  • Greatly updated / fixed timeline scrubbing it's FAR BETTER then it has been up till now
  • Object timeline scrubbing now works as it should
  • Fix for timeline scrubber breaking in some cases (should be very reliable now)
  • Fix for text object text box being funky (shouldn't weirdly get pushed down now)
  • Fix for custom themes carrying over between levels
  • Fix for rain / thunder not being tied to selected SFX volume (basically they shouldn't kill your ears now)

PLEASE NOTE: Since this is a preview build of the new editor there will be some things that are missing or broken. It is not recommended to use this build for serious level making just yet it's more a proof of concept to allow people to start planning how to use some of the new features coming up!

Known issues/not in this preview:
  • There's still some issues with undo / redo in a few specific cases it works most of the time but yeah still a few things to iron out.
  • The game can crash if you load a level in the editor then try to open another.
  • Prefabs still do not work in this version of the editor (they will load first time when loading lsb but vgb doesn't support it so after saving and reload they will not be in the level)

If you understand all that please feel free to try out the new editor preview on the [editor-alpha] branch of the game!
Oct 2, 2022
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games

22.10.1 [editor-alpha branch]

Bug fixes:
  • Story mode properly allows you to play all levels now
  • UI Themes actually select the correct UI colors now (less saturated / more saturated)
  • All effect editor panels now have retooled sliders and inputs to actually represent them better
  • Metadata files are now properly generating with new editor
  • Overall stability and code improvements game hopefully will crash a bit less now
  • Editor specific stability improvements
  • Hugely improved color editor / picker
  • Fix for huge lag spikes during black and white themes
  • Fixed checkpoint look in editor
  • First checkpoint being super hard to click
  • Definitely some things I forgot
New stuff:
  • New default editor themes
  • New editor theme creator / selector
  • New theme editor preview window
  • New way of storing / loading themes into a level
  • New spooky UI theme (just in time for spooky month)
  • New selection preview outline in editor preview
  • Definitely some things I forgot
Known issues/not in this preview:
  • There's still some issues with undo / redo in a few specific cases it works most of the time but yeah still a few things to iron out.
  • The game can crash if you load a level in the editor then try to open another.
  • Prefabs still do not work in this version of the editor (they will load first time when loading lsb but vgb doesn't support it so after saving and reload they will not be in the level)
  • Some screen sizes mess with the game causing the player to see outside of the intended level this will hopefully be patched soon

22.10.2 [editor-alpha branch]

Bug fixes:
  • Theme Editor doesn't act like it runs the world anymore
  • Levels aren't slightly wonky anymore (off to one side)
  • Fixed issues with str keyframe values not getting properly init'd
  • Fixed issue with theme ids not being generated properly (causing all sorts of issues)
  • Fixed issue with parent search not working (remember the eyedropper also now allows you to select parents directly from the timeline)
  • Fixed issue with older levels (prior to vignettes and bloom having color) not properly having default values for vignette and bloom colors

Prefabs will be added to this version of the editor by end of the month!

PLEASE NOTE: Since this is a preview build of the new editor there will be some things that are missing or broken. It is not recommended to use this build for serious level making just yet it's more a proof of concept to allow people to start planning how to use some of the new features coming up!

If you understand all that please feel free to try out the new editor preview on the [editor-alpha] branch of the game!
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games
Hello, it's been a while! I think some of you have concerns and questions regarding Project Arrhythmia that need answering.

Where's Story Mode?
I've been working on PA for several years now. It feels like it's been dragging on. I am sorry about this. Some of it has been my fault, and some of it is not but know the story mode is still one of my top priorities for the game. I didn't work on a game for years only to abandon it a mile before the finish line! Story mode is coming, and it's actively being developed. No exact date but It has to be done by around April of next year to give you an idea.

What's going on with the editor?
The PA editor has been to be honest a MESS. It has 3 different main versions now all with their own user bases. I have royally underestimated the amount of work it would take to redo the editor from scratch. That's right you heard me! I think many misunderstood the newest version of the editor to be a waste of time skin upgrade rather than a full retooling. Fundamentally editor 2.0 is almost entirely new assets and code compared to the legacy editor. You're probably still wondering... why? Well to be blunt the old editor's code was such a disaster I genuinely hit a wall in developing for it. Updating anything in the legacy editor was like playing with a house of cards. The new editor? It's a joy to add new stuff and iterate on things like fixing bugs. I promise I know the wait has been painful and annoying but it will be worth it! Expect a proper update soon.

Will there be a mobile / console port of PA?!
Yes a mobile port (and later console ports) of the game are being actively worked on. It won't feature everything the PC version does, but I'm working on trying to get as much of PA squeezed in there as possible!

Okay but how will custom levels work on mobile / console?
I'm currently trying to sort out a way to allow for cross-platform custom levels. I might not launch these versions with that functionality, but it's planned if I'm able to. More on this to come.

How will cross-platform levels work?
I'm currently working on adding epic game's online services to the game. It will be where you upload levels if you want them available on all platforms. The Steam version of the game will always support steam workshop but moving forward in an update soon it will support epic online services too.

Okay what the hell is Kawa Entertainment?!
Kawa Entertainment is a Vtuber Agency I started as a side project! For those that worry it's now my focus I'll be straight with you. It is not. Kawa Entertainment doesn't even exist as a company it's all under the Vitamin Games LLC. It's always been Vitamin Games and always will be.

Why haven't we heard from you as often lately?
To be honest I've just been too dang busy. It pains me greatly I can't interact with yall as often as I like. But know I do still regularly check the discord and sometimes tweet updates on my twitter!

Have any more questions? Please ask them in the comments I want to address as many concerns as possible yall might have!
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games
Get ready!

Join us July 14 - 18 right here on Steam for one of the largest digital expos about audio and music in games. Featuring concerts, deep-dives, and mashups from 70+ developers from around the world, prepare your eyes & ears for a unique event!

Starting at 10am PDT / 7pm CEST, a 4-day live show from July 14 to 17 will stream showcasing all the wonderful content made just for Save & Sound.

I created something just for the event so make sure to drop by ⚡️🤘🎶📺
The segment goes over a brief history of Project Arrhythmia and how I came up with the core idea. I also showcase some of my favorite levels!

Don’t miss out on updates!

Set a reminder to be notified when Save & Sound will go live!

The show will be streamed on the Save & Sound website. Check out all the games part of the event on http://saveandsound.io

Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games

No better time than the holidays! Especially if you're a Project Arrhythmia fan! Continuing on with the advent calendar we have Question and Answer with the Developer!

Where: Project Arrhythmia Discord (in #pa-calendar voice chat)
When: Dec 21st 4pm (CST)
What: 2 hour long session to ask any question you want the dev to answer!

Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games

No better time than the holidays! Especially if you're a Project Arrhythmia fan! Continuing on with the advent calendar we have new merch! Still don't have that perfect gift for your loved one? Well we don't have that but we do have stickers galore for you to slap on anything this year!

New Merch
  • Stickers (Themes / A-tan / Hal)
  • Hoodie (A-tan + Hal)
  • Poster (Official game art)
  • Mugs (Themes / A-tan + Hal)

The theme based stickers / mugs are my personal favorite this time around! I hope y'all enjoy them as much as I do!

Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games

No better time than the holidays! Especially if you're a Project Arrhythmia fan! Continuing on with the advent calendar we have a game key giveaway! No better way to celebrate the holidays after all!

How will this work exactly!?
[h5]All you have to do is comment below what your favorite level is! That's it! After 48hrs I'll be picking 5 winners from the comments. I'll contact you via Steam to award you your key asap after the end of the giveaway.

What's in the patch?! Version: 21.12.2

Fixes / Changes
  • Reduced chance of song info screen not generating before clicking level in arcade
  • Slightly modified particle spawn / despawn rate in new holiday theme to work better with button collision
  • Checkpoints can no longer be outside of the level time (negative or positive) this was causing some levels to not be able to be finished
  • Fixed issue with text parsing for arcade song info screen causing {{colon}} to be visible to end user
  • Fixed issue with usernames not being sanitized
  • Fixed issue with levels not being playable without an internet connection
  • Changed level rating to a bar instead of specific percentage
  • Small menu content tweaks
  • Added volume controls in arcade

What's happening with the betas?! For those that missed it!

PREVIOUS (default / beta setup)
  • Default (what you get when you buy the game): 20.4.4
  • Development (for fast tracked updates): 20.10.5
  • 21.8.1 (to test the absolute latest): 21.10.1
NEW (default / beta setup)
  • Default (what you get when you buy the game): 21.12.2 (this update)
  • Development (for fast tracked updates): 20.10.5
  • Legacy (for more stable but outdated editor): 20.4.4

Have no idea how to switch your game to the betas? Check this link out for help!