Jan 15, 2021
Prime World - maria.abramovich

Lords and Ladies!

The maintenance is over, and Heroes are there to salute to their Lords and Ladies!

Winter Holidays End

All winter holidays, the Christmas Tree in the Castle gave Prime Crystals to its Lords and Ladies, and the lair of Kitton and Fire Drake was decorated with snow and gifts.

However, the magic of the New Year is coming to an end, and it is time to clear the battlefields of snow and remove the Christmas Tree.

See you on the battlefields!

Always yours,
Prime World Team

Prime World - LoaGuedhe

Lords and Ladies!

Sometimes there was too much heat in the forges on the winter holidays. Blacksmiths managed to take advantage of it, and now their warehouses are filled with powerful artifacts!

Great Deals at the Fair!

For the whole week, till 12:00 p.m. (UTC +3) January 18, buy talents upgraded to 8 Stars at bargain prices!

Talents upgraded to 8 Stars are on the Fair shelves already!
Besides, talent prices have been reduced and now you can buy talents for 100-250 Prime Crystals.

Expand your talent inventory!

Always yours,
Prime World Team

Dec 28, 2020
Prime World - maria.abramovich

Lords and Ladies!

Merchants, inspired by the upcoming holiday, decided to bring joy to the Castle dwellers with a grand sale at the Fair!
70% discounts, valuable chests, and incredibly powerful artifacts can be found on the shelves decorated for the upcoming holiday. Also, there are talents upgraded to 9 and even 10 Stars!

Holiday Fair!

For the whole ten days, till 12:00 p.m. (UTC +3) January 6, the Holiday Fair will be here!

Only the most valuable goods are left on the shelves — abrasives and catalysts, legendary talents, valuable chests, and crystals!

Here is the most important part!

For the first time ever! All legendary talents on the Fair shelves are already upgraded to 9 or even 10 Stars!
Besides, among the talents you may find collectible talents from the latest Horseshoe of Speed and Riddles of the Pyramids subsets, and Clan talents.

The price of the talents has been increased according to their value: the price for an upgraded talent will be 550–750 Prime Crystals.

Valuable chests with a 70% discount!

Old Price
New Price
Blessed Chest
200-250 Prime Crystals
60-75 Prime Crystals
Black Friday Chest
250-300 Prime Crystals
75-90 Prime Crystals
Season Chest
180-230 Prime Crystals
55-70 Prime Crystals
Абразивы и катализаторы со скидками 70%!

Abrasives / Catalysts
Old Price
New Price
Medium-quality abrasive for upgrading a talent to 6 Stars
70-130 Prime Crystals
20-40 Prime Crystals
High-quality abrasive for upgrading a talent to 7 Stars
170-230 Prime Crystals
50-70 Prime Crystals

Top-quality abrasive for upgrading a talent to 8 Stars
290-350 Prime Crystals
85-105 Prime Crystals
Enchanted abrasive for upgrading a talent to 9 Stars
410-500 Prime Crystals
120-150 Prime Crystals
Unique abrasive for upgrading a talent to 10 Stars
550-650 Prime Crystals
165-195 Prime Crystals
Weak catalyst for increasing the upgrade chance by 5%
30-60 Prime Crystals
9-18 Prime Crystals
Basic catalyst for increasing the upgrade chance by 10%
50-80 Prime Crystals
15-24 Prime Crystals
Powerful catalyst for increasing the upgrade chance by 15%
70-100 Prime Crystals
21-30 Prime Crystals
Universal catalyst for increasing the upgrade chance by 20%
100-150 Prime Crystals
30-45 Prime Crystals
And, of course, assortment renewal costs 2,000 Silver, and the slots you have already purchased something from do not burn out!

Have a pleasant New Year!

Always yours,
Prime World Team
Prime World - maria.abramovich

Lords and Ladies!

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

We wish you many victories, both on the battlefields with the Touched and in real life, positive changes, and everything to be soft and nice, just like Night Queen’s cat 😃

🎁 And to make the holiday even more joyful we would like to give you some nice presents ːsteamhappyː
Log in to the game till 12:00 (UTC +3) January 2 and get your presents:

  • a day of Golden Age;
  • an Enchanted Abrasive for upgrading the talent to 9 Stars;
  • two 20% catalysts!
For your convenience we made a usual quest out of it.

Merry Winter Holidays to y’all!

Always yours,
Prime World Team
Dec 25, 2020
Prime World - maria.abramovich

Lords and Ladies!

There are so many things hidden in the Prime Zone! Some things have changed beyond recognition, other things turned out to be long-lost secrets of ancient civilizations...

Bomber is a work of the legendary Imperium pyrotechnician. His robot-like assistant has changed significantly under the influence of Prime. And now she is ready to show the whole world what she has learned about blasting compounds!

As with the previous Heroes, you have three options to hire Bomber:

  • By completing a seven-day chain of quests. After you finish it, you may hire the Hero for 750,000 Silver. The first quest will become available today, at 12:00 p.m. (UTC +3) and the last one will open on January 1. Upon completing the last task you will get a new quest where you will be able to hire the Hero for Silver.

  • You may use the standard recruitment method (buying for Silver without having to complete the quest). It will be available to all players whose Castle has Level 25 or above, starting January 8.

  • You may also hire Bomber now, for 299 Gold.
With the release of the new Hero, the price of Shaman has been reduced to 500,000 Silver and 199 Gold.

Please note:

The victories you achieve with help of the new Hero will not be recognized in the quests taken from the Talent Collection before the Update.
Bomber’s Talents


Passive talent that lets her deal damage not only upon the target but to all enemies around it.

Explosive Ammunition Belt

Also a passive talent. It lets the Heroine store up bombs for later use.
Each bomb in the Heroine’s inventory increases the damage dealt by her attacks.

Plunging Bomb
This is an active upgrade that lets Bomber use stored-up bombs for a point-blank shot that deals exploding damage to all enemies in the selected area.

Tracking Missile

The second active talent lets Bomber shoot a special missile at the chosen enemy’s Hero. Even fog of war will not stop it. You can choose a target for the missile by clicking on the enemy’s portrait!
Upon reaching the target the missile explodes and deals damage to the chosen Hero.

Stunning Blast
This upgrade lets the missile not only deal damage but also stun the enemy. Duration of the stunning depends on the distance of the missile’s flight.


This skill allows the Heroine to escape from a sudden attack or catch up with a fleeing enemy.
Bomber heats the air around her, damaging all nearby enemies, and increases her Speed for some time.

Napalm Can
This talent upgrade also lets the Heroine leave the fire trail behind her that slows down the enemies and deals damage.

War Chest

Bomber's first ultimate skill allows her to use bombs for some time with virtually no restrictions!
When the ulti is active, Bomber always has at least one bomb in her inventory. Using the Plunging Bomb talent requires less Energy and its cooldown is much shorter.

Tireless Work
The ultimate upgrade that lets the Heroine restore Health with every use of the Plunging Bomb talent.

Cargo Mortar Bombs

The second ultimate skill of the Heroine allows her to make enemies in the selected area explosive by placing bombs with a timer on them.
After a while — or in case of death — mined enemies explode and deal damage to everyone around them.

Heavy Blast
The talent upgrade slows down the mined enemies and the explosion additionally stuns them.

Bomber is ready… to throw a Hell of a party!
Dec 25, 2020
Prime World - maria.abramovich

Lords and Ladies!

The maintenance is over and once again the Heroes are ready to fight!

Following the 11.20 Update, the new Season of Progress comes to Praya!

Learn more about the season here.

Meet Bomber!

As with the previous Heroes, you have three options to hire Bomber:

  • By completing a seven-day chain of quests. After you finish it, you may hire the Hero for 750,000 Silver. The first quest will become available today, at 12:00 p.m. (UTC +3) and the last one will open on January 1. Upon completing the last task you will get a new quest where you will be able to hire the Hero for Silver.

  • You may use the standard recruitment method (buying for Silver without having to complete the quest). It will be available to all players whose Castle has Level 25 or above, starting January 8.

  • You may also hire Bomber now, for 299 Gold.

    With the release of the new Hero, the price of Shaman has been reduced to 500,000 Silver and 199 Gold.

    ❗️ Please note:

    The victories you achieve with help of the new Hero will not be recognized in the quests taken from the Talent Collection before the Update.

    Learn more about the Hero here.

    New Year comes to Praya!

    The lairs of Fire Drake and Kitton are covered with snow and gifts and some funny snowmen have appeared around the forest ːsteamhappyː

    The Castles were decorated with the famous attribute of winter holidays — festive Christmas trees!

    Every 8 hours you may find a gift under the Christmas Tree — 20 (and if your Golden Age is active even 40) Prime Crystals!

    ❗️ Please note❕

    If you want your Christmas Tree to start giving you the crystals you must find it in the building inventory (click on ‘Construction’ tab, then ‘Production’) and build it.

    Today you can already see the Heroes in festive costumes in your Castles. Some of them you know but others you will encounter for the first time! Celebrate the holiday with your favourite Heroes!

    All holiday skins will be available till 12:00 p.m. (UTC +3) January 11.

    Small fixes for the notorious forest warrioress.

    Destructive Whisper
  • Now the firefly summoned by the Destructive Whisper talent deals damage based on 3% of the enemy’s maximum Health (instead of 5%)

    Now the talents received by Hero are upgraded to 7 Stars (instead of 4 Stars). Become more powerful in the New Year!

    See you on the battlefields!
Dec 25, 2020
Prime World - maria.abramovich


Season of Sorcery is over and Season of Progress now takes its place! We’d like to remind you of the season mechanics as well as tell you what rewards you may get by actively battling with other players and filling out the Season progress bar.

Season Glory points still reflect your activity during the Season.

You can get from 1 to 4 points of Season Glory for every battle. The Golden Age doubles their number as well as the number of other resources you receive as a battle reward.

The received Season Glory is gradually filling up the progress scale. To see the scale, open the Season tab in your Castle in the full-screen UI.

When you acquire a certain number of Season Glory points, you will immediately receive a corresponding Season reward: Prime Crystals, legendary chests, Season chests (read on to find out what’s inside), a flag and a Season skin.

Besides, even when the scale is full, Season Glory will continue to accumulate and move you up and up — right to the list of top players.

Here are the rewards you can get for reaching a certain place:

🏆 Top 50 (places 1−50 inclusive) — 15 Season Chests
🏆 Top 500 (places 51−500 inclusive) — 7 Season Chests
🏆 Top 1500 (places 501−1500 inclusive) — 5 Season Chests

The more you fight, the greater rewards you’ll get!

You can exchange Season Trophies for rewards of your own choice in the Season Shop. They won’t be considered in the progress scale.

For each battle played you can also receive from 1 to 4 Season Trophies, and the active Golden Age doubles this number.

This is the shop assortment we’ve prepared for you in the Season of Progress:

  • The Ruthless skin;
  • The Prince of Darkness skin;
  • Season chests;
  • Golden Age;
  • Medium-quality, High-quality and Top-quality abrasives;
  • Weak, Basic and Powerful catalysts.
  • Universal catalyst that increases your chance to improve talent by 20%;
  • Blessed chests with 3 legendary talents, upgraded to 6-10 stars!

    When the Season ends, your Glory points will get reset, while unused Trophies will turn into exclusive talents effective for upgrades (but no more than 1000).

    The frames will be awarded to Heroes in the same way as before — for the best result achieved during the Season (except players in the Legend league). Please note that we’ve introduced a new common type of frames during the last Season, and it will still apply to all following Seasons including this one.

    Here is a reminder with the rating required for getting a certain frame:

  • All leagues except the Legend league are determined by the maximum achieved rating during the Season. This means if you achieved 1800 rating but later your Hero’s rating lowered to, for example, 1749, your Hero will receive a Silver league frame.

  • To receive a Legend league frame, in addition to 2000+ rating, you need to make it to TOP 10 players at the end of the Season.

  • If you made it to TOP 10 with a certain Hero but by the end of the Season you dropped to, let’s say, TOP 15, you will receive a Golden league frame for this Hero.

Season of Progress will treat active players with a collectible skin for Blade Master.

Introducing Cyborg!

To obtain the skin, brave Lords and Ladies will have to collect 610 Season Glory points.

Best of luck in the new Season!

Always yours
Prime World Team

Dec 22, 2020
Prime World - maria.abramovich

Dear Friends!

Winter Holidays are the best time for epic battles, glorious victories, and, of course, nice gifts ːsteamhappyː

To make your holidays even more eventful and interesting, we decided to change the Season a bit sooner than we had originally planned, so the new year would start with a new Season!

The current Season will end on December, 25. If you want to get the prizes from the Season Shop or progress bar, you should hurry!

Always yours,
Prime World Team
Dec 18, 2020
Prime World - maria.abramovich

Lords and Ladies!

Fueled by the pre-holiday excitement, the Heroes began to take their favorite costumes out of their closets. They do want to dress up for the New Year ːsteamhappyː
And as if by magic, a new room was discovered in the Castle, filled to the brim with outfits to everyone’s taste!

Only for three days, till 12:00 p.m. (UTC +3) December 21, hire Heroes with a 50% discount in Gold!

Besides, this weekend there is a 50% discount on new skins for your favourite Heroes!
*Apart from the newest ones, Inquisitor and Cursed Countess.

Make your Heroes ready for the holiday!

Always yours,
Prime World Team
Prime World - maria.abramovich

Lords and Ladies!

Soon the merriest winter holidays will come to every house, Christmas and New Year! 🎄
Heroes are sharing their plans for the holidays, the Castle is decorated with garlands, and Snowmaiden, of course, is getting ready for the festivities 🎉

However, taking advantage of the pre-holiday bustle, the Touched stole the prepared food!

From 12:00 p.m. (UTC +3) December 11 to 12:00 p.m. (UTC +3) December 28 participate in the new full-screen UI event Getting Ready for the Holidays! and get lots of valuable prizes!

During this event you may get:

🔹 Abrasives for upgrading talents to 6, 7, 8, 9, or even 10 Stars.
🔹 Catalysts for increasing the upgrade chance by 5, 10, and 15%.
🔹 Blessed Chests each of which contains three talents upgraded to 6–10 Stars.
And Prime Crystals, Legendary Crystals, and crystal shards!

To participate, you will need ice cream🍦 that will begin appearing among battle rewards starting from today. As with previous events, the number of trophies depends on the Valor shown in battle. The more Achievement Points you get, the higher is the probability of getting the trophies.

An active Golden Age doubles both the amount of ice cream and the chance of getting it.

Also, today you may find ice cream on the Fair shelves.

Help the Snowmaiden return the ice cream and get Holiday gifts!

Always yours,
Prime World Team
