Aug 21, 2023
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Client Changes

User Interface
  • Corrected most of the UI so that it correctly handles different aspect ratios, in particular Ultrawide. This is a work in progress and some places were probably missed. Please point out any additional issues in the Community Discord under #client-update-issues
  • Sped up the speed of the banner that appears for server events (restarting or shutting down)
  • Fixed the Credits screen not appearing correctly
  • Added some missing members of the original Pox Nora team to the special thanks section of the credits

  • Handled a particular error case in which logging in and having the game server reject the client's login token would not be caught and would take 2-3 minutes to time out before reporting an error. An appropriate error is now immediately caught and an error message is shown to the user. If you are running into this issue, please post about it in the Community Discord under #client-update-issues or #bugs

Server Fixes

  • Corrected an issue in which Slowed could stack multiple times when applied by certain sources (Kill Sense, etc)
  • Fixed an issue on the equipment St. Semmir's Brew in which it would not Cleanse the champion on equip
  • Fixed an issue in which the Heroic Quest Demi-God's Training would never advance since it would only do so when using Public Decks (which no longer exist)

Balance Changes


Vengeant Templar
  • DMG changed from 10 to 9
  • SPD changed from 6 to 7
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Inquisition*, Sunder 2, Counter Attack: Melee
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Throw Shield*, Provision: Offense, Block 1
  • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 73 (73-78)
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Happy poxiversary!

Pox Nora launched on August 1st, 2006. It's hard to believe it's been 17 years but the drums of war keep on pounding away. Here's to many more years of battles in Pox Nora!

New Faction Decks!

New themed faction starter decks are available in the marketplace. Additionally, the older themed decks have been reduced in price.

Salaman Ingenuity (FS):
Ambassador Berkchani, Fire Salaman, Salaman Apraiser x2, Salaman Commando, Salaman Dervish, Salaman Elite x2, Salaman Hunter x2, Salaman Negamage, Salaman Privateer, Salaman Soldier, Salaman Trapper, Slick and Buzz, Contaminated Wreckage, Flash Bang, Font of Restoration, Nora Pearls, Poison Trap, Rejuvenating Fountain, Sacred Temple, Spirit Altar, Tortun Land Cannon, Boglight Crystal, Deadeye Symbiote, Gold Sand x2, Horn of Order, Twisted Emerald

Boneyard Bash (FW):
Blackblade Baron x2, Bone Circle Archmage, Bone Elemental x2, Boneshredder, Broken Bones, Crossbone x2, Skeletal Excavator, Skeletal Raider, Skeletal Reaper x2, Toll Taker, Tomb Lord x2, Xulos, Black Ops, Despoil, Essence Drain, Mobilization, Soulbane, Soulreave, Elsari Vex, Graveyard, Tome of Hate, Unholy Tomb, Bone Circle Staff, Cloak of Skulls, Soul Reaver

Northern Cross Crusade (IS):
Angel of Protection, Archangel of Al'Mara x2, Crusader, x2, Euan Ironfist, Inquisitor Magnus, Ironfist Inquisitor, Northern Cross Fanatic x2, Northern Cross Priestess x2, Pontiff of Al'mara, Priest of Valdac, Talgar Ironfist, Veilwalker, Blessing of Al'Mara, Divinity's Touch, Earthquake, Gravity Flux, Hammer Strike, Instill Panic, Macadamize, Mark of Redemption, Unobstructed View, Hahndor Memorial, Ironfist Standard, Secluded Shrine, Holy Blade of Valdac, Soul Reaver

Bear With Me (KF):
Dugon, Garu Stalwart, Garu Chosen x2, Garu Den Mother, Garu Hunter x2, Garu Hurler x2, Garu Kodiak x2, Garu Medium x2, Garu Shaman, Garu Whisperer x2, Mountain Garu, Warcaller Fiorn, Ancestral Anger, Escpae Magic, Inhibit Power, Mend, Naturalize, Swiftwind, Thorn Collection, Cleansing Emerald, Pride of K'thir, Unassuming Tree, Burning Oak Seed, Honor Coin, Rejuvenation Ring

Cold as Ice (ST):
Crystal Phoenix, Elven Ancestor x2, Frostfall Icewisp, Frostfall Vanguard x2, Jakei Extinguisher x2, Jakei Frostseer x2, Jakei Shardmaster x2, Jakei Starseer, K'ento, First Disciple, Lonx Adept x2, Shardseer K'aeyun, Arctic Wail, Blinding Reflection, Breath of L'usara, Deep Freeze x2, Frigid Barrier, Gale Force, Rebound, Cleansing Emerald, Ice Statue, Provincial Marker, Cloak of Ice, Crystal Spike

Voil Empire (SP):
Lance Admiral Sceian, Voil Conqueror, Voil Courier x2, Voil Infernal x2, Voil Jester, Voil Queen x2, Voil Skyhowler, Voil Sourcerer x2, Voil Stalker x2, Voil Stormspear, Voil Windstriker, Alacrity, Avalanche, Defend the Roost, Distract, For the Empire, Peak Tactics, Vertical Push, Wings of Steel, Zealotry, Echo Chamber, Tribal Post, Voil King's Crypt, Sacred Peaks Amulet, Vicious Harpoon

Draksar Field Reinforcements (SL):
Blackscale Centurion, Draksar Archer x2, Draksar Berserker, Draksar Bookburner, Draksar Broodqueen, Draksar Charger, Draksar Flashblade, Draksar High Marshal, Draksar High Priest, Draksar Lord, Draksar Morph, Draksar Psion, Draksar Ravenspeaker, Draksar Spellsword, Temple Guard, Blister, Channeled Violence, Draconic Benediction, Enslave, Magnetize, Planar Dissonance, Purge, Quickening, Reforge, Tornado, Hive, Phalanx Marker, Sundered Warbanner, Dragon God's Staff

Blood for Blood (UD):
Blood abhorrent, Bloodbow Infantry x2, Bloodgoyle, Bloodletter x2, Bok Mistress x2, Demonologist, Grimlic, Hekatian Arbiter, Hekatian Bloodguard, Hekatian Voidraker, Korona, Bok Huntress, Nefari Griefbearer, Nefari Messenger, Sheoul Magus, Animosity, Fading Recollection, Fire Blast, Maddening Echoes x2, Mandate from Sheoul, Mindslicer Boomerang, Price of Victory, Purefire, Retribution, Head of Osarius, Mark of Sheoul, Shredding Bracelet

A tribute for a fallen friend

We are introducing a LE version of Epochal Sage in memory of our departed community member Badbraz. This will be given away at various times and will also be available in the store shortly. Please note that due to restrictions from the PS4 version not being updated, the art on the website (as well as the PS4 client) will show the original Epochal Sage.

Pox Nora - Cutedge
Due to a fix for the ability Zombie Plague, Timothy the Vile has gotten a rework. In addition, a new item has been added to the store that allows you to purchase Shards for Gold. Have a happy plagued Fourth of July!

Store Updates
  • A new item has been added to purchase Shards. In the game client, this will show up on the Packs page. On the website, this shows up in the "Extras" tab.

Server & Balance Updates

Timothy the Vile
  • Removed base ability Attack: Disease
  • Removed base ability Swarm: Festering Corpse
  • Added base ability Attack: Magical
  • Added base ability Zombie Plague
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Ritual of Power, Drain 2*, Ritual of Healing
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Soul Vitality, Pawn*, Soultap
  • Nora Cost changed from 78 to 85 (82-85)
Pox Nora - Cutedge
This is a small patch to correct an issue that was preventing the rune manager from correctly loading when editing decks.
Jun 19, 2023
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Client Changes

  • Added the ability to cancel the login process if it takes longer than 30 seconds
  • Corrected an issue where you could click the login buttons during the loading screen for logging in

In-Game Text
  • Updated various text to reflect changes made in recent updates
  • Fixed a number of incorrect descriptions based on reports. Please continue to report these in the community discord and we will continue to fix these.

  • Increased the time before the client determines that a login attempt has failed from 25 seconds to 60 seconds. The login will still fail quicker if a wrong password or username has been entered, this is specifically for if the game server socket is taking longer than expected to be established.
  • Changed the game from an arbitrary wait time of 10 seconds rather than 30 seconds for a response from the server before determining that the connection to the server has been severed. This check may be tuned further if need be, but this is an extra check in the case that the socket is reading as connected when it is not connected, for some reason.

Server Fixes

  • Corrected an issue in which the campaigns Abating Nora and Nefari Resurrection were not properly giving their legendary rewards
  • Fixed an issue in which Echo Chamber was not correctly hitting stealthed units
  • Fixed an issue in which Putrid Bile Zombie [LIM] did not have the same class as Bile Zombie

Balance Changes


Angel of Nourishment
  • HP changed from 50 to 46
  • Removed base ability Hunter: Walker
  • Removed base ability Regeneration
  • Added base ability Cleansing Aura
  • Added base ability Command: Heal
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Invigorate 2*, Soften , Hydrate
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Enchant: Magic*, Fascinate, Resurrect 2
  • Nora Cost changed from 84 to 86 (81-86)

Boghopper Spitter
  • HP changed from 40 to 42
  • Removed base ability Leap
  • Added base ability Poison 1
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Leap 3*, Hit and Run, Mobility
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Poison Eater, Immunity: Poison, Weary*
  • Nora Cost changed from 71 to 70 (69-74)

Boghopper Shaman
  • Nora Cost changed from 66 to 73 (69-75)

  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Water Veil, Hydrate, Water Front*
  • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 73 (72-79)

Snaptooth Chilan
  • DMG changed from 10 to 11
  • RNG changed from 4-5 to 2-4
  • HP changed from 46 to 47
  • Added base ability Ritual of Healing
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Stall, Divert*, Swamp Exploit
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Distracting Blows*, Confuse, Dread Field
  • Nora Cost changed from 72 to 79 (76-82)

Corrupted Guardian
  • Nora Cost changed from 77 to 81 (76-84)

Rip Witch
  • DMG changed from 9 to 10
  • RNG changed from 4-6 to 2-4
  • DEF changed from 0 to 1
  • HP changed from 44 to 48
  • Removed base ability Deep Wounds
  • Removed base ability Elsari Coven
  • Added base ability Impaling Strike
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Blood Bond 1, Sunder 1*, Cripple
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Domain: Dead Magic Zone, Hunter: Crippled*, Combo Attack: Rend
  • Nora Cost changed from 78 to 74 (72-76)

  • DMG changed from 9 to 11
  • RNG changed from 5-6 to 3-5
  • Removed base ability Precision
  • Added base ability Piercing Shot 2
  • Added base ability Vulnerability: Magical
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Inhibiting Touch, Strike*, Weary
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Forsaken Exploit*, Banditry, Lay Trap: Boulder 3
  • Nora Cost changed from 66 to 69 (68-70)

  • DMG changed from 10 to 11
  • RNG changed from 4-5 to 1-3
  • Removed base ability Death Pact
  • Removed base ability Drain
  • Removed base ability Eternal
  • Added base ability Death Charged 2
  • Added base ability Lightning Amped
  • Added base ability Vulnerability: Fire
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Lifedrinker*, Souldrinker, Life Siphon
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Blood Frenzy 2*, Tormented, Death Pact
  • Nora Cost changed from 74 to 79 (75-83)

Dead Fairy
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Forsaken Exploit*, Frightful Blows, Rabid 1
  • Nora Cost changed from 76 to 78 (72-79)

Fury of the Storm
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Lightning Skewer, Slam*, Jolt 1

Animated Armor
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Spellswallower, Restrict, Hunter: Brawler*
  • Nora Cost changed from 69 to 67 (67-72)

Barbarian Bolt
  • Nora Cost changed from 70 to 76 (76-83)

Barbarian Skybreaker
  • Nora Cost changed from 70 to 76 (76-83)

Dwarven Engineer
  • Nora Cost changed from 63 to 67 (67-67)

Priest of Valdac
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Anthomancy, Gift of Scrying*
  • Nora Cost changed from 62 to 67 (63-72)

Silverclan Tinkerer
  • Nora Cost changed from 56 to 61 (58-65)

Favored Nomad
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Logistics: Force Barrier*, Favor, Council: Spells

Fiora, Favored Nomad
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Logistics: Force Barrier*, Favor, Council: Spells

Light of the Circle
  • Removed base ability Burn
  • Added base ability Burn 1

Garu Shaman
  • Nora Cost changed from 64 to 68 (68-77)

M'tan, Garu Shaman
  • Nora Cost changed from 64 to 68 (68-77)

Ash the Bandit Prince
  • Removed base ability Escape
  • Removed base ability Warding
  • Added base ability Banditry
  • Added base ability Pariah
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Provision: Offense*, Charged Attack, Feint
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Tariff*, Rain of Arrows 2, Logistics: Speed
  • Nora Cost changed from 120 to 126 (118-130)

Angel of Perseverance
  • DMG changed from 10 to 11
  • RNG changed from 2-4 to 1
  • DEF changed from 2 to 0
  • Removed base ability Dispelling Blows
  • Added base ability Perseverance
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Crystallize, Freeze*, Cold Snap
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Dodge 2*, Majestic 1, Prestige
  • Nora Cost changed from 83 to 86 (83-86)

Jakei Shardmaster
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Chill 1*, Surge: Elemental, Savage Exploit
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Frost Nova 3, Barrage 2, Arctic Bolt*
  • Nora Cost changed from 68 to 70 (67-74)

Ice Caster
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Ice Eater, Frost Acolyte*, Chill 1

Angel of Chaos
  • RNG changed from 1-3 to 1
  • DEF changed from 0 to 2
  • Removed base ability Dragging Attack
  • Removed base ability Hunter: Walker
  • Added base ability Pull
  • Added base ability Ignorance
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Shrink, Wail of Grief*, Sonic Roar
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Absorb*, Void Shield, Restraining Aura
  • Nora Cost changed from 79 to 87 (84-89)

Skywing Imperator
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Burning Sandspout, Acid Bomb 3*, Chain Lightning

  • Nora Cost changed from 70 to 74 (74-80)

Myx Sandsnipe
  • Removed base ability Precision
  • Added base ability Piercing Shot 3
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Strike*, Precision, Distracting Blows
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Scour 1*, Domain: Sand, Hidden: Sand

Myx Sandlion
  • Removed base ability Precision
  • Added base ability Piercing Shot 3
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Strike*, Precision, Distracting Blows
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Scour 1*, Domain: Sand, Hidden: Sand

Valdaci Shieldwarden
  • HP changed from 56 to 52
  • Removed base ability Combat Awareness
  • Removed base ability Resistance: Fire
  • Added base ability Combat Awareness 2
  • Added base ability Throw Shield
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Bold*, Hold the Line, Empowered: Defense
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Weaken Spells*, Crushing Charge, Charge 3
  • Nora Cost changed from 73 to 84 (77-84)

Commander Nisk
  • HP changed from 56 to 52
  • Removed base ability Combat Awareness
  • Removed base ability Resistance: Fire
  • Removed base ability Taunt: Nisk
  • Added base ability Combat Awareness 2
  • Added base ability Throw Shield
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Bold*, Hold the Line, Empowered: Defense
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Weaken Spells*, Crushing Charge, Charge 3
  • Nora Cost changed from 73 to 84 (77-84)

Hekatian Arbiter
  • Nora Cost changed from 73 to 76 (76-80)

Hekatian Voidraker
  • Nora Cost changed from 76 to 78 (78-82)

Hekatian Bloodguard
  • Removed base ability Blood Dispersal
  • Added base ability Pet: Bloody Imp
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Blood Magic, Blood Dispersal*, Bloodseeker
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Drive*, Dictate, Entangle

Tortun Groundpounder
  • SPD changed from 5 to 6
  • Nora Cost changed from 65 to 75 (73-84)

Tortun Hawker
  • DMG changed from 10 to 12
  • HP changed from 45 to 46
  • Added base ability Detection 3
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Assimilate, Banditry, Pilfer
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Declare Target, Declare Hunted*, Camaraderie
  • Nora Cost changed from 57 to 63 (67-79)

Stitched First
  • Removed base ability Attack: Magical
  • Removed base ability Reconstruct: Dreameater
  • Added base ability Attack: Psychic
  • Added base ability Reconstruct: Blackguard
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Relocate: Relic*, Relocate: Ally, Mindwipe Aura 2
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Augment Creation, Deflect, Majestic 1
  • Nora Cost changed from 78 to 69 (78-85)

Stitched Warlock
  • DMG changed from 10 to 11
  • HP changed from 43 to 46
  • Removed base ability Charged Blast
  • Added base ability Twisted Essence
  • Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Hex 2*, Soultap, Magic Blast
  • Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Dark Favor 1*, Life Siphon, Drain 2
  • Nora Cost changed from 69 to 77 (72-77)


  • Reverberating Blast now has effect: Target champion takes 15 Sonic damage. If target champion takes damage and the next closest champion within 4 squares takes 5 Sonic damage. If the closest champion takes damage, that champion is Paralyzed for 2 turns. Nora cost: 50
  • Bad Blood now has a Nora cost of 45
  • Shattered Nerves now has a Nora cost of 35
  • Blizzard now has the effect: Area Effect 4: Affected area becomes Ice for the next 8 turns. For 4 turns, at the end of your opponent's turns, champions without Arctic in the area become Chilled 3. Nora cost: 35
  • Deep Freeze now has a Nora cost of 45
  • Rebound now has the effect: Area Effect 3: All equipment on champions in the area is destroyed. Enemy champions affected by this gain Ponderous for 2 turns. Nora cost: 35

  • Firebeard Brew: Equipped Champion is intoxicated. If the equipped champion is a dwarf it heals 3 hp on your turn and gains burn rank 1. If not, it is inhibited. Cost: 25
  • Flamethrower Engine: Equipped champion gains Flamestrike and Flamethrower. If it has Race: Construct, it also gains Fire Acolyte. Nora cost 35
  • Wildeye Bracers: Pummel Rank 3 changed to Pummel Rank 1.
  • Flag of Unification: Evasive rank 3 changed to to Evasive rank 1. Cost: 35 nora
  • Dunewalker’s Mantle: Cost to 40 nora from 35
  • Bloodthirsty Blade: Target Champion gains Multiattack rank 1, Impervious, Skirmisher, and Short Lived 2. Cost: 40 nora.
  • Akakios’s Blade: Equipped Champion gains Flamestrike. If it is race: Draksar it gains rend 3. Cost: 40 nora.

  • Slipstream Fulcrum: Cost to 40 nora from 35 nora.
  • Echo Chamber: Nora Cost to 40 from 35.
  • Mangled Totem: Punishing Aura replaced with Punishing Aura rank 1(At the end of its turn, opposing champions within 5 spaces lose 1 HP for each AP they have.). Cost: 30 nora (Make sure to also do this for the summon that Cyclops Rockshaper's summon)

  • Voices in their Head now has a range of 3 (was 4)

Pox Nora - Cutedge
Client Changes

In-Game Text
  • Updated various text to reflect changes made in recent updates

Balance Changes and Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Bastion of Mobility

Snaptooth Dusk Shaman
  • Base stats changed to 8 dmg, 6 spd, range 3-5, def 0, HP 45.
  • Base abilities changed to: Attack: Magical, Snaptooth Solemnity, Escalation, Weary.
  • Upgrade Path 2 set to: Impair Vision, Blind, Suppression.
  • Nora cost 76-81
  • This champion is now playable in ranked matches

Snaptooth Deadeye
  • Base stats changed to 13 dmg, 6 spd, range 1-2, def 0, HP 48.
  • Base abilities changed to Attack: Physical, Murkwater Frenzy, Hunter: Fighter.
  • Upgrade Path 1 set to: Ambush, Combo Attack: Drain, Declare Target.
  • Upgrade Path 2 set to: Tunnel Trap, Phantom Dash, Counter Attack: Melee.
  • Nora cost 73-79
  • This champion is now playable in ranked matches

Snaptooth Crypt
  • This relic no longer has Relocate: Self
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Our apologies for resetting the Drums of War again. It should no longer end prematurely this time, or there will be a moga somewhere that will be punished for it.

Client Changes

Art & Effects
  • Added a few more pieces of high quality rune art

In-Game Text
  • Fixed some cases of missing tooltips or descriptions
  • Updated various text to reflect changes made in recent updates

Balance Changes and Fixes


  • Bastion of Mobility now only affects units within 5 spaces of the unit with Bastion of Mobility
  • Reverted a change Defensive Stance that made it a toggle ability that did not change DEF by a different amount per rank (This change was not intended to go live and snuck into the server patches beginning in January)
  • Tailwind now only affects units within 5 spaces of the unit when it triggers
  • Fixed an issue where Scythe Whirl was not being reduced by the Sundered Lands faction bonus (as well as other things potentially)

  • Magnetize now only destroys enemy relics and summoned champions rather than all relics and summoned champions
  • Sea Song now has a deck limit of 2

  • Fixed an issue with Sheoul Firebow that caused it to give +2 RNG instead of +1 RNG. Changed equipment to trigger on 2+ RNG instead of 3+ RNG.
  • Fixed an issue in which Skeezick Blade was triggering its bonus effect on non-Skeezick units rather than on Skeezick units

  • Removed base ability Eternal Life

Magma Bunny
  • Added base ability Lavawalker

Strig Windrider
  • This unit is now available in ranked play
Pox Nora - Cutedge
This is just a minor hotfix to correct the display of the Drums of War in the game client when one side has one the war.

A new Drums of War and pvp season will start shortly
Apr 15, 2023
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Ever wish you could tell your opponent that it was a good game and ask for a draw, because you both did so well? In today's patch, now you can. That's right, we're bringing back functionality that was in the client for more than a decade.

Client Changes

Friendly Quit
  • Added the ability to ask your opponent for a draw in multiplayer games. This is done via the in game menu (escape, options button, menu button) and by using the Quit button, which will now bring up a sub menu.

  • Increased the time before the client determines that a login attempt has failed from 25 seconds to 60 seconds. The login will still fail quicker if a wrong password or username has been entered, this is specifically for if the game server socket is taking longer than expected to be established.
  • Changed the game from an arbitrary wait time of 10 seconds rather than 30 seconds for a response from the server before determining that the connection to the server has been severed. This check may be tuned further if need be, but this is an extra check in the case that the socket is reading as connected when it is not connected, for some reason.
Apr 10, 2023
Pox Nora - Cutedge
Client Changes

Art & Effects
  • Added unique icons for Obisidian Flight and Cleave
  • Optimized the spell visuals for Blood of the Dragon
  • Fixed the spell visuals for Superiority not appearing

In-Game Text
  • Updated various text to reflect changes made in recent updates

  • Added additional information during login process to help diagnose login issues that a few users are having

Balance Changes and Fixes

  • Corrected an issue in which Superiority was not updated with its updated game logic

  • Fixed Sheoul Firebow triggering its additional effect on 3 or greater range rather than 3 or less

  • Portal Walker now lasts 4 turns rather than 6 turns